US Ambassador to Libya killed over religion


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Jun 9, 2012
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The American-Israeli filmmaker living in California whose film parodying the Prophet Muhammad sparked attacks on U.S. diplomats in Libya has taken shelter in an undisclosed location. "" This is a political film. The United States has lost a lot of money and men in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we fight for ideas, "said the 56 year old man from an undisclosed location. Sam Bacile is a California-based real estate developer who describes himself as a "Jewish Israel." His film "innocence of Muslims" cost five million dollars, part funded by a hundred Jewish donors, he said.
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Nov 19, 2011
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Or people could grow some balls and stop getting their panties in a wad every time someone does something that no one else can control and they have the right to do...just sayin'. ;)
Before Gaddafi, literacy in Libya was only 10%. Since Gaddafi’s leadership, literacy has risen to 90%.

Undernourishment in Libya is at 2% – a figure lower than that of the world center of “democracy,” the United States of America.

Education from grade school through to college is free in Libya.

Healthcare is free and Libyan pharmacies and hospitals are comparable to high-quality European facilities.

Libya gives free land and seeds to anyone who wants to farm that land.

Under Gaddafi’s oil-revenue-sharing program, each Libyan gets $500 (Dollars) deposited into his bank account each month.

For any medical care, operations, or health treatments that are unavailable in Libya, the citizen is given full expenses for travel, treatment and accommodation abroad to wherever is required for the treatment to be given.

No other country in the world does this. Yet they say no democracy in Libya.

On marriage, each couple is gifted $60,000 to do with as they please; furnish their home, take a holiday, honeymoon, buy car, etc

Any loan someone takes from the bank he returns with 0% interest.

---- Now tell me which western government does this?

Before Gaddafis revolutionary re-making, Libya was a large US military base used for bombing trainings. Libya was home to the largest US military base in North Africa.

This is what they mean by peace: let your country be used by a nuclear-armed state (that previously used them on civilians and which justifies this horrendous act to this very day) to practice bombing targets while you spent your time partying.

And i forgot to say that in libya everyone has a right to a home. So if someone has no home government gives him one.

So please tell me why rebel? I will tell you why. Because americans want their oil.

Americans are the only dictators in the world. Spoiled americans must get whatever they set theirs eyes on.

Shinobi Train

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Jun 5, 2012
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and what did gaddafi do that only american could fix. what crime did gaddafi do?
Before Gaddafi, literacy in Libya was only 10%. Since Gaddafi’s leadership, literacy has risen to 90%.

Undernourishment in Libya is at 2% – a figure lower than that of the world center of “democracy,” the United States of America.

Education from grade school through to college is free in Libya.

Healthcare is free and Libyan pharmacies and hospitals are comparable to high-quality European facilities.

Libya gives free land and seeds to anyone who wants to farm that land.

Under Gaddafi’s oil-revenue-sharing program, each Libyan gets $500 (Dollars) deposited into his bank account each month.

For any medical care, operations, or health treatments that are unavailable in Libya, the citizen is given full expenses for travel, treatment and accommodation abroad to wherever is required for the treatment to be given.

No other country in the world does this. Yet they say no democracy in Libya.

On marriage, each couple is gifted $60,000 to do with as they please; furnish their home, take a holiday, honeymoon, buy car, etc

Any loan someone takes from the bank he returns with 0% interest.

---- Now tell me which western government does this?

Before Gaddafis revolutionary re-making, Libya was a large US military base used for bombing trainings. Libya was home to the largest US military base in North Africa.

This is what they mean by peace: let your country be used by a nuclear-armed state (that previously used them on civilians and which justifies this horrendous act to this very day) to practice bombing targets while you spent your time partying.

And i forgot to say that in libya everyone has a right to a home. So if someone has no home government gives him one.

So please tell me why rebel? I will tell you why. Because americans want their oil.

Americans are the only dictators in the world. Spoiled americans must get whatever they set theirs eyes on.
I fail to see how any of this has to do with a someone posting a YouTube video bashing Muhammad and having that cause a riot...or am I just missing something entirely...:confused:


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Jan 27, 2012
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ppl mock everything its no different for Islam, whats different here is that if you insult Islam ppl go on a irrational riots all over
That's true man, when I hear "this he or she did this or that or said Islam this or that" they overreact to it and go way out of their way to punish that person to the point of killing people :sy:
Those who go insane cant go doing that because then it means that when some ignorant @sshole wants to say something against Islam, they will go kill that person? It would be better to ignore that person and let him/her talk. Like I always say, if a person want to talk and say BS all day that's fine, but if they put their hands on me then that's when you can hit back and defend yourself.
There just proving to that person and to everyone that Muslims are violent people. Which I'm pretty sure not all Muslims are.
then again, we have idiots and uneducated people in every religion/country/culture.

Either way, I did study the Islamic religion for a bit and the whole Mohammed deal and other traditions Muslims have isn't my thing. I don't care what religion you have, respect me and I'll respect you. As long as you're not trying to convert me and saying that my style of life or religion is wrong, we wont have a problem. Once you do, then we'll bump fists.

Americans are the only dictators in the world. Spoiled americans must get whatever they set theirs eyes on.
Well, I rather be a 'spoiled american than a muslim living over there.​
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Apr 29, 2011
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well if you americans didn't stick your nose into everyones buisness this guy would be alive and happy with his family now
So, something allegedly happens in the United States, the people of Libya & Egypt find it offensive, said people start rioting, and the Libyans murder a man who merely represented the country where the video allegedly came from; and you say the people of the United States stuck their nose into your business? Please, regale me with the logic of your statement as it's not making sense to me.

Trust me, I'm all for defending against sacrilegious acts, but murdering 4 people who are not responsible for the crime does not equate to being "right;" morally, ethically, religiously, or logically. I could understand executing the perpetrator, but not 4 unrelated persons who happen to come from the same country. Pretty much why I don't hate all Muslims because of the World Trade Center attacks, only the men & women responsible who happened to be Muslim.

My point? Your comment had no place in this discussion. You are entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't make it correct.

Shinobi Train

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Jun 5, 2012
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So, something allegedly happens in the United States, the people of Libya & Egypt find it offensive, said people start rioting, and the Libyans murder a man who merely represented the country where the video allegedly came from; and you say the people of the United States stuck their nose into your business? Please, regale me with the logic of your statement as it's not making sense to me.

Trust me, I'm all for defending against sacrilegious acts, but murdering 4 people who are not responsible for the crime does not equate to being "right;" morally, ethically, religiously, or logically. I could understand executing the perpetrator, but not 4 unrelated persons who happen to come from the same country. Pretty much why I don't hate all Muslims because of the World Trade Center attacks, only the men & women responsible who happened to be Muslim.

My point? Your comment had no place in this discussion. You are entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't make it correct.
I've been giving this gif out more often lately, maybe there is hope for the world. xd

You must be registered for see images

I didn't know what to say to that, but you figured it out. I just wasn't going to reply to it, I just asked what it had to do with anything. xd

Personally, and I'm not profiling, judging or being racist, this is just my opinion on what the world is seeing(not necessarily what I see). When people in arabic muslim countries start doing stuff like this, they're sending a message to the rest of the world that they're just as crazy as others think they are. It's detrimental, and it only fuels those against Islam and the entire area as a whole. They should seriously stop this nonsense before another war breaks out due to fear. It doesn't matter that riots happen all over the place and people get killed, no, the focus is on these individuals; their location and/or race and/or religion. I think it's understood what I'm trying to say. :ice:

North Kai

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May 23, 2012
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So, something allegedly happens in the United States, the people of Libya & Egypt find it offensive, said people start rioting, and the Libyans murder a man who merely represented the country where the video allegedly came from; and you say the people of the United States stuck their nose into your business? Please, regale me with the logic of your statement as it's not making sense to me.

Trust me, I'm all for defending against sacrilegious acts, but murdering 4 people who are not responsible for the crime does not equate to being "right;" morally, ethically, religiously, or logically. I could understand executing the perpetrator, but not 4 unrelated persons who happen to come from the same country. Pretty much why I don't hate all Muslims because of the World Trade Center attacks, only the men & women responsible who happened to be Muslim.

My point? Your comment had no place in this discussion. You are entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't make it correct.
why in the hell would one kill the filmmaker, everyone has the right to film or say whatever they damn well wan to in the west
freedom of speech! I can go protest and write on a board whatever I want and the state cant do anything until I brake some other law, they got to protect me if some nutter who finds it offensive wants to stop me in the wrong way

thats how it should be, only dictatorships punish because someone said what they dont like


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Jan 27, 2012
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No Freedom Speech in Islam unless you won't Make Fun or God or the Prophet. The Film maker Did.
Did you Even see the Prophet's Role in the Movie.They made him act like a fool (astagfir allah) i can say that they Were Making fun of Islam, Poeple know nothing From Islam or the Quran , everyone Just Think Muslimans are Killers and Terrorist , that's a Whole wrong.

Yes they don't know anything and what are those Muslims proving to the people who are ignorant? that there exactly as they see them when they do this kind of things. You have to understand that if you react a certain way, people will see it as the truth even when it's not. It's confirmation bias. They see them and say "see, see I told you they were killers" but when they see good Muslims, they don't even take it for consideration and it's not that those people who say Muslims are this and that are bad, they just have that image when thinking of Muslims, their ignorance overwhelms their capacity to think or accept other truths.
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May 13, 2008
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Personally I believe religion is just a bunch of shit in the long run, Those who are so into their religion believe others will go to hell if they are not with your religion, or you will go to heaven if you believe in so and so's religion. Look at all the deaths catholic's caused in the past with their Templar Knights killed all who didn't believe in the christian/catholic faith. Hell they even enslaved those who weren't part of their religion.

What I am getting at is, killing over a religion just idiotic, and proves those who did it are not any better than the nest person. No faith, nor religion will decide what becomes of you once you die. Simple as that. For those of you who will say oh you just don't believe or some shit along those lines, I was born a christian/catholic but I am more along the lines of atheist and pagan than anything. I am just saying what I stated above, killing over religion is idiots at their finest.

Regardless of your reason, outside of war, and self defense, murder is murder and should be dealt with all the same.

My step mother made a comment that I still believe in today, those who murder innocent people, should be killed in the same manor

North Kai

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May 23, 2012
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No Freedom Speech in Islam unless you won't Make Fun or God or the Prophet. The Film maker Did.
Did you Even see the Prophet's Role in the Movie.They made him act like a fool
(astagfir allah) i can say that they Were Making fun of Islam, Poeple know nothing From Islam or the Quran , everyone Just Think Muslimans are Killers and Terrorist , that's a Whole wrong.
no reason to kill someone, punish him in anyway for that matter, at least not if youre rational and not indoctrinated to the point where you would kill over a book


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Apr 29, 2011
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why in the hell would one kill the filmmaker, everyone has the right to film or say whatever they damn well wan to in the west
freedom of speech! I can go protest and write on a board whatever I want and the state cant do anything until I brake some other law, they got to protect me if some nutter who finds it offensive wants to stop me in the wrong way

thats how it should be, only dictatorships punish because someone said what they dont like
I don't think you got my point, but that's fine, this is the internet.

It's actually an interesting cultural issue because where the video was allegedly produced, it is not illegal, but in some of the countries where it is being accessed, it is illegal. Illegal to the point of death; which is why I could understand executing the maker of the video. However, I never said that was right. It would make more sense (religiously)than killing 4 uninvolved persons, but since it was allegedly made in a country where death isn't the punishment (In fact, there may not be a punishment unless it meets hate crime prosecution criteria/inciting a riot/vague federal laws that most citizens don't know about), it would be ethically wrong and possibly morally wrong.

My point? There are different ways of defining "wrong" and different individuals and groups enforce different types of wrong; (Moral, ethical, religious, culture, etc...) so it may be right in one respect, and wrong in others. This just doesn't seem right in any context.


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Feb 14, 2011
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That's what he gets... not.

According to some theorists, Oh'bummer might declare war on Egypt and Libya soon... himself.
You Know what I hate about O'dumbo is that he has the nerves to say sorry. Saying sorry while those people that died had nothing to do with the film and were unarmed to protect themselves from those nutheads.
Obama won't declare war and if he does people would turn their head the other way. Obama need to pull our troops out like he said in the past and stop giving our enemy money.

Uzamki Seerar

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Aug 1, 2011
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honestly the media is given religoun especailly islam a bad name there was mainly peaceful protests around the world but the media only show the minority of rioters in every protests there is always the mad person or mionorty they do bad things but the good manority always overshadows them but the media makes it such a big hype ofcourse i condem what they burning of embassy etc but i also condem that video ofcourse i dont hate the west i hate the governments never the people cause the ppl dont rule the country lol they think they do
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North Kai

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May 23, 2012
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honestly the media is given religoun especailly islam a bad name there was mainly peaceful protests around the world but the media only show the minority of rioters in every protests there is always the mad person or mionorty they do bad things but the good manority always overshadows them but the media makes it such a big hype ofcourse i condem what they burning of embassy etc but i also condem that video ofcourse i dont hate the west i hate the governments never the people cause the ppl dont rule the country lol they think they do
actually in a democracy people do run (noone rules it) the country indirectly, no matter how much much you disagree with this fact, every person gets one vote and thats exactly what that is
officials elected by the people run the country, money and media dont run the country, their influence on ppl themselves however is an issue

but even with all the external influences a democracy is still a democracy

Uzamki Seerar

Active member
Aug 1, 2011
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actually in a democracy people do run (noone rules it) the country indirectly, no matter how much much you disagree with this fact, every person gets one vote and thats exactly what that is
officials elected by the people run the country, money and media dont run the country, their influence on ppl themselves however is an issue

but even with all the external influences a democracy is still a democracy
I love debating with you
OT: This is what i mean by "think they rule it" they dont their votes are pointless it is just given them an idea they have a choice they do not have a choice thee people on top of the food chain do they dont care thats why they can tax you on stuff you yourself own for example think about cars you need so much stuff for it insurance is the big acutally i really cannot simple put this in words lol its too long so i advise you an intellgent person to watch this video its amazing honestly it will make you understand they what i am trying to say: