[Fantasy] Trapped World: [Chapter: 05] "Correlation: Part 1."


Active member
Nov 23, 2012
Trait Points
Hey guys, sorry for not posting for a month. Been busy with alot of things, got a new computer and lost alot of my notes that I was going to add for future chapters, so I had to get them back. Hope you all are enjoying the story so far, and hope you can keep reading, I've been working very hard this last weeks to find some new ideas and time to put in the new chapters. Enjoy. ^^


Masaru (In thoughts): And now, if I can...

Before he could finish taking out the Cell and the Mechs nearby him, the Chun Brothers interrupt and interfere with the mission by taking out the Cell and several Mechs within the area.

Masaru: Who....are they...

Masaru: And...

Masaru: MY MISSION!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Chun-Tai looks around with his hand made as a cap on his forehead, he checks to see who was speaking, he notices Masaru but looks away.

Chun-Tai: Who said that?..


Chun-Tai looks at Masaru, but instantly stares at his white VTCG uniform with the "VCF" emblem on it, he stares back and turns his body and head around in the other direction.

Chun-Tai: Ah, it's a VCF scum, stay away...you might make me become sick

Masaru becomes angered by the words of the braided-hair man, he clenches his fists with all his anger but doesn't make any physical contact, he cools himself down and makes a sigh.

Masaru: I know we just met, but you piss me off already...

Just then, Chun-Kai ran as he called his brothers name, he was holding a white sharp object with a red core that took the shape of a ball. Masaru turned to Chun-Kai to see the object in his hand, He was shocked, he knew what it was, he continues to stare at it...

Chun-Kai: Oi, brother!...look what I found!

Chun-Tai: Great job brother, you get a pat on the head.

Chun-Tai pats Chun-Kai's head a little forcefully, Chun-Kai scratches his head, seemingly trying to rub it off.

Chun-Kai: I'm older than you, you know...

Masaru: You...

Chun-Kai: Huh?

Chun-Kai turned his head around to look at Masaru, Masaru's face brightened with anger.

Masaru: Where did you get that?...

Chun-Kai: This?, I found this in that robot I destroyed.

Masaru: Please, hand it over to me...

Chun-Kai: No way, I found it!

Masaru: I see...

Masaru draws the two pistols from his pouch from his VCF, he spins the guns around 2 times and aims both of them at Chun-Kai, he had a very serious look...

Masaru: Then I'll have to forcefully take it from you!

Chun-Kai: Hmph...

Chun-Kai: I don't know what's going on, but if it's a fight, I accept!


While Makoto jumps off the building that he was on to destroy the Mech, he notices Chun-Kai holding a white object and why Masaru was furious with him, he begins to fill with curiosity.

Makoto:A Trap Core? why does he have it?

Makoto: And why is Masaru mad?...

Makoto begins to watch them fight, but then the answer came to him.

Makoto: Dammit, that's exactly why he's mad!

Just before any fatal damage can be done to Chun-Kai and Masaru, Makoto jumps down to stop both attacks by using his Upgraded Katana to block both attacks from both sides. Chun-Tai becomes impressed by Makoto's action.

Makoto: Stop it, both of you.

Masaru: Makoto!?

Chun-Kai: !?

The two fighters jump back and begin to slide from eachother, leaving Makoto in the middle, Makoto turns his head to Chun-Kai and begins to speak with a serious tone.

Chun-Tai: Hmph, seems their is a sane member of the VCF.

Makoto: Do you know what a Trap Core does?...

Chun-Kai: Umm...

Makoto: A Trap Core is used to take a some of of the VWT off, there are 20 different Trap Core's and each have a different amount of the VWT it can take off.

Makoto: The one you have takes off a tenth of the VWT, it's still worth alot.

Chun-Kai: Then, What do we do?...

Makoto smiles and reaches his hand forward.

Makoto: The Trap Core needs to respond to a Trap Receiver in order to activate.

Makoto: The nearest one is North East of here.

Makoto: Let's go, together!

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