Transgendered Woman not allowed in a Girls Bathroom

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Active member
Dec 18, 2012
Trait Points
I'm sorry, but I disagree with pretty much your entire post besides the whole "identifying female but actually a male thing" because it's just stupid as the person in question here sounds more like a Crossdresser rather than a transgender.
No, he claims to identify as a girl and has taken on a girl's name while the news reporters suck his **** and refer to him as a her.

Who are you to questions someone's mental state? It's not a damn mental illness and I hate seeing this being thrown out there all the damn time.
More properly, it is a neurological disorder.

Is being gay a mental illness?
It is a neurological condition in which the physiological responses tied to attraction are triggered by individuals of the same ***. At the very least, it would be considered a "condition" in medical terminology. Whether or not it is a disorder is whether or not it interferes with the way in which an individual wishes to live his or her life.

Is being straight a mental illness?
It is a neurological condition. Since few people take issue with that condition, it is not considered undesired or a disorder. Since it is also conducive to reproducing and survival as a species, it is generally considered 'the way things should be.'

Is like one team in a sport a mental illness over liking another?
Again, this is a neurological condition. An adaptive one, at that.

For example, when I was much younger, I was quite the fan of the petite female figure. However, as I got older and after being smitten with a girl who had a more full figure - I realized I was drawn more toward hips and thighs. While there is a natural tendency to prefer the 'hourglass' - the fact that I placed emphasis on it was purely a result of my relationship with that girl at the time.

This is perfectly within the realm of scientific research into the function of neural networks and how various preferences are formed.

Similarly, preference for a sports team or another is usually a product of both environmental factors that are beyond individual control, as well as various cognitive functions that feed back into our subconscious routines.

An easy example of this at play is how people can go years without seeing "the arrow in the FedEx logo" and then, after it is mentioned to them, they see it on instinct every time afterward.

Similarly, sexual preference develops from the self-evolution of a neurological network. Most people who are homosexual, transgender, etc, have a history of sexual abuse, and thus the circumstances of their neurological development is considerably atypical and results in atypical development of that neurological system.

People have been killed over the outcome of sports games. Particularly in the sport Americans call "Soccer." Again, for most people, it isn't what we would classify as a disorder. However, there are some who take it to the level of some disorder or another.

There's several factors that go into determining any of these things, but not one of them is illness related.
Spare for the fact that it's almost a guarantee that people of the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ1234569 crowd were victims of abuse at some point in their life. The rate of incidence among those of 'queer' identifications is orders of magnitude greater than the rest of the population.

As are rates of depression and suicide, as well as numerous other psychological conditions - OCD, Bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, etc.

It's all about how a person thinks. If they don't feel comfortable as a man and identify more with female constructs? Then yes, if they decide to go under the knife and become a female, then they are a female!
No, they have a Y chromosome. They are by objective measure of biology, male.

They now have female genitals,
No, they do not. The vaginal muscles cannot be constructed in surgery, much less the neurological systems that tie into the woman's organs. Women differ, further, in how their anatomy is neurologically linked. Without getting into details - touching certain places on men produces a radically different response than it does when a woman is touched in the corresponding area (usually a lack of response in the case of men by compared to women).

Surgery is also incapable of recreating the womb or the ovaries that would be necessary to facilitate a proper estrogen cycle and the menstruation that progressives seem so fascinated about, lately (you know - the whole desire to wipe period blood on people, the treatment of the runner who bled all over herself as some kind of international heroine and the whole thing where women are wearing white pants while on their periods to let it all bleed down their legs while talking about what it means to be a woman... I'm sure they're going to be all-aboard with the droves of men chopping off their dicks and claiming to be women with that limp flesh pocket they call a vagina).

And let's not even get into the horrors that would occur if somehow all of the above could be reproduced in some kind of battery of surgical procedures and eggs could be produced by the individual. Some amount of genetic engineering would be required just to produce eggs that could produce living offspring - and then it's hit or miss as to whether or not those would, themselves, be 'viable' offspring (the character, Miranda, in Mass Effect suffers from a condition where she cannot reproduce because her DNA is essentially a copy of her father's DNA made without a Y-chromosome - while not necessarily a known condition, it is an interesting hypothetical scenario that borrows from what little experience we do have in genetic manipulation).

think like a female,
How is it that women think differently from men?

Do I need to reconsider my staffing guidelines at work to make sure I am not placing women or men in jobs where their thought processes are unsuited to the job demands?

Do you want to have your cake to look at, or do you want to eat it? You can't do both.

and for the most part, look like a female.
The individual in question is not female.

I am a male. I have one set of X chromosomes and one set of chromosomes with the Y chromosome appended. The scientific definition of *** is any group within a species that is biologically incapable of producing offspring when mated together. I cannot produce offspring with the individual in question, and is allegedly of the same species. Therefor, the individual is of the same *** as I am - which is male.

In order for this individual to be female, my cells would need to be able to do the prehistoric tango and merge together to form a viable offspring that can, itself, reproduce within the population.

It is theoretically possible for a third *** to develop, and in some species (particularly among plants), there exist several dozen sexes (there is a moss that has over a hundred known sexes). Animals have just usually sided on having two sexes and this has diverged to form two separate anatomies. ***, from a biological standpoint, is far more fundamental than whether or not you have an innie or an outie.

Nobody on this forum nor in this world has any right to take away the way someone thinks.

So I think they have a disorder.

With the way you type your post, it makes it sound like thinking the way this guy does is on the same level on the sociopaths who rape and are pedophiles by nature. That's not right.
From the progressive hell-hole that is The Atlantic:

" Sitting in a small restaurant near Madison Square Garden, Chris mulled over his past. "I know gay couples in the Bronx who beat the shit out of each other," he said. "The weird thing is, it's like fighting with your brother. You're going at each other, and you're not taking it seriously, and you don't think of it as a problem, it's just the fabric of your relationship. But you don't realize it's a piece of fabric you can cut out."

Raised in a conservative, military family, with a history of sexual abuse running on both sides, Chris said he always felt like the odd one out growing up. "I was raised to tolerate what was dished out," he remembered. "It was just dysfunctional. I grew up with a closeted uncle who died of AIDS and a mother who hit my father, who would then turn around and hit us."


In 2013, the CDC released the results of a 2010 study on victimization by sexual orientation, and admitted that “little is known about the national prevalence of intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and stalking among lesbian, gay, and bisexual women and men in the United States.” The report found that bisexual women had an overwhelming prevalence of violent partners in their lives: 75 percent had been with a violent partner, as opposed to 46 percent of lesbian women and 43 percent of straight women. For bisexual men, that number was 47 percent. For gay men, it was 40 percent, and 21 percent for straight men.

The most recent statistics available on same-*** intimate partner violence from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, which focuses on LGBT relationships, reported 21 incidents of intimate partner homicides in the LGBT community, the highest ever. Nearly half of them were gay men and, for the second year in a row, the majority of survivors were people of color—62 percent. "

Rates of abuse are very high among the homosexual community.

A girl I know is also in an abusive relationship with another girl. She was raped as a girl and finds it almost impossible to be comfortable with a guy, and has taken comfort in a long-time friend and room mate. The thing is that the two are really not compatible as domestic partners. Neither of them are bad people, per se, but the girl I was closer to being friends with is not especially assertive and is treated as being property (even prey) by the other girl. My presence in the area was enough to trigger a display of dominance from this girl to assert that my friend was, indeed, her property.

The two would, normally, be able to be good friends, so long as their lives are separate. But the two break down into screaming fits and into emotionally manipulative nonsense that is just not healthy.

Of course - it seems easier to deal with than learning to see men in a romantic light, as well.

Her and I got along just fine and she was notably more relaxed around me than when she was around this other girl. She trusted me as a person - but couldn't actually see men in a sexual way. In many cases - I don't think she can really see people in a sexual way, though our conversations never really drifted into that territory.

There's more stuff there worthy of this conversation than I can properly or reasonably quote, it deserves a visit:

" The authors in Unequal Opportunity are reluctant to say that childhood sexual abuse is one of the factors that leads to or contributes to the development of homosexuality, but they do speculate,

The fact that most childhood abusers of MSM were males suggests either an etiological link between CSA and adult sexual orientation, or the existence of childhood characteristics that are related to adult sexual orientation in men that increase vulnerability, or both.” (23)

And later, they say that these early sexual experiences “can be considered a form of sexual learning, even if that learning is involuntary and the results dysfunctional.” (24) They continue, “Sexual orientation and gender identity can be particularly confusing for men who experienced arousal during the abuse, and MSM who experienced abuse may continue to be aroused by circumstances that mirror the abusive situation. (25)

Dr. Byrd is adamant that there is no “one thing” that “causes” homosexuality. Humans are never as simple as “cause and effect” – we interact with the environment and are impacted by it, but we also make choices and decisions. He instead employs a model in which humans are born male or female, ready to grow into healthy masculinity or femininity, and ready to grow into healthy heterosexual relating.

Different events – and the individual’s responses to those events – might be contributing factors that “derail” the normal developmental process toward heterosexuality:

Sexual abuse contributes to the derailing of biological priming which is the process definition for homosexuality. Boys who are targeted for sexual abuse are NOT targeted because they are gay. They are targeted because they are vulnerable. Gender non-conformity – which is the only characteristic that is predictive for later homosexuality – is often characteristic of these vulnerable boys. (26) "

" But with 17-24 percent of boys being abused by age 18, nearly as many as the 25 percent of girls, there is cause for concern, she said.

Since heterosexuals outnumber the homosexual population about 44 to 1, as a group the incidence of homosexuals molesting children is up to 40 times greater than heterosexuals, she said.

"You're looking at a much higher rate of abuse," said Reisman, a former university research professor who recently completed a study titled, "Crafting Gay Children." "The Department of Justice just released data and the rate of abuse are off the charts."


But Reisman points to figures from a 1991 population study by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

It showed that 8 million girls were abused by age 18 by heterosexual men, a ratio of 1 victim to 11 adult men. However, 6-8 million boys were abused by age 18 by 1-2 million adult homosexuals, a ratio of 3-5 victims for every gay adult.


However, Reisman also cites a past study by Able to bolster her contention that BSA has reason to fear admitting homosexuals to the scoutmaster ranks. It found that 150 boys are abused by one male homosexual offender, compared to 19.8 girls by heterosexual offenders.

In a study published in 1987 in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Able said homosexuals sexually molest young boys with an incidence five times greater than the molestation of girls. (Calls to Able seeking further comment were not returned.)

"We looked at the leading gay travel guide," Reisman said of her research. "Forty-seven percent of the 139 nations they talked about identified places to find boys. The average heterosexual travel guide is not concerned with finding children."

Crime statistics also pose concerns. Figures released last summer by the Justice Department reveal that adults are not the primary victims of sexual assault, she said.

They showed that 67 percent of all reported *** abuse victims are children and 64 percent of forcible sodomy victims are boys under 12. "

Emphasis, my own.

I would argue that there is substantial evidence for the claim that homosexuality and 'gender non-conforming' represent disorders pertaining to neurology and mentality that can produce significant pathology in affected individuals that can, also, result in an increased risk of participating in abusive and even criminal behavior.

This is not the politically correct line, but this is what is actually supported by scientific medical research.


Active member
Sep 15, 2010
Trait Points
I'm sorry, but I disagree with pretty much your entire post besides the whole "identifying female but actually a male thing" because it's just stupid as the person in question here sounds more like a Crossdresser rather than a transgender.

Who are you to questions someone's mental state? It's not a damn mental illness and I hate seeing this being thrown out there all the damn time. Is being gay a mental illness? Is being straight a mental illness? Is like one team in a sport a mental illness over liking another? No. There's several factors that go into determining any of these things, but not one of them is illness related. It's all about how a person thinks. If they don't feel comfortable as a man and identify more with female constructs? Then yes, if they decide to go under the knife and become a female, then they are a female! They now have female genitals, think like a female, and for the most part, look like a female. Nobody on this forum nor in this world has any right to take away the way someone thinks. With the way you type your post, it makes it sound like thinking the way this guy does is on the same level on the sociopaths who rape and are pedophiles by nature. That's not right.
I understand your points, but certainly there are pedophiles out there that are not mentally ill. Unless I understood you last statement incorrectly? Either way, I think we can all agree pedophilia is wrong, but where do we draw the line on minorities? If we purposely engage in supporting all transgenders, than what is next on the list of acceptable sexual preferences? I hope my points are understandable, but I personally draw the line here.

Certainly I'd argue that some of these individuals are mentally stable while others are not. But just because they are mentally sane and functioning does not mean what they are doing is right, comparable to pedophilia. I could go on and on.... but my morality draws the line here. I can honestly say that I feel changing one's *** to make them feel more at home in their own body is not right, and if they plan to deceive others about what procedures they underwent in the past, then its extremely immoral.
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May 3, 2015
Trait Points
There is no such thing as "girls with a penis". We are talking about man with mental illness.

“The girls have rights, and they shouldn’t have to share a bathroom with a boy,” said Tammy Sorden, who has a son at Hillsboro High. It is fine to be different, she said, but it is not right to give Lila special treatment “while the girls just have to suck it up.”
Thats completely right.


Active member
Sep 16, 2012
Trait Points
No, he claims to identify as a girl and has taken on a girl's name while the news reporters suck his **** and refer to him as a her.

More properly, it is a neurological disorder.

It is a neurological condition in which the physiological responses tied to attraction are triggered by individuals of the same ***. At the very least, it would be considered a "condition" in medical terminology. Whether or not it is a disorder is whether or not it interferes with the way in which an individual wishes to live his or her life.

It is a neurological condition. Since few people take issue with that condition, it is not considered undesired or a disorder. Since it is also conducive to reproducing and survival as a species, it is generally considered 'the way things should be.'

Again, this is a neurological condition. An adaptive one, at that.

For example, when I was much younger, I was quite the fan of the petite female figure. However, as I got older and after being smitten with a girl who had a more full figure - I realized I was drawn more toward hips and thighs. While there is a natural tendency to prefer the 'hourglass' - the fact that I placed emphasis on it was purely a result of my relationship with that girl at the time.

This is perfectly within the realm of scientific research into the function of neural networks and how various preferences are formed.

Similarly, preference for a sports team or another is usually a product of both environmental factors that are beyond individual control, as well as various cognitive functions that feed back into our subconscious routines.

An easy example of this at play is how people can go years without seeing "the arrow in the FedEx logo" and then, after it is mentioned to them, they see it on instinct every time afterward.

Similarly, sexual preference develops from the self-evolution of a neurological network. Most people who are homosexual, transgender, etc, have a history of sexual abuse, and thus the circumstances of their neurological development is considerably atypical and results in atypical development of that neurological system.

People have been killed over the outcome of sports games. Particularly in the sport Americans call "Soccer." Again, for most people, it isn't what we would classify as a disorder. However, there are some who take it to the level of some disorder or another.

Spare for the fact that it's almost a guarantee that people of the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ1234569 crowd were victims of abuse at some point in their life. The rate of incidence among those of 'queer' identifications is orders of magnitude greater than the rest of the population.

As are rates of depression and suicide, as well as numerous other psychological conditions - OCD, Bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, etc.

No, they have a Y chromosome. They are by objective measure of biology, male.

No, they do not. The vaginal muscles cannot be constructed in surgery, much less the neurological systems that tie into the woman's organs. Women differ, further, in how their anatomy is neurologically linked. Without getting into details - touching certain places on men produces a radically different response than it does when a woman is touched in the corresponding area (usually a lack of response in the case of men by compared to women).

Surgery is also incapable of recreating the womb or the ovaries that would be necessary to facilitate a proper estrogen cycle and the menstruation that progressives seem so fascinated about, lately (you know - the whole desire to wipe period blood on people, the treatment of the runner who bled all over herself as some kind of international heroine and the whole thing where women are wearing white pants while on their periods to let it all bleed down their legs while talking about what it means to be a woman... I'm sure they're going to be all-aboard with the droves of men chopping off their dicks and claiming to be women with that limp flesh pocket they call a vagina).

And let's not even get into the horrors that would occur if somehow all of the above could be reproduced in some kind of battery of surgical procedures and eggs could be produced by the individual. Some amount of genetic engineering would be required just to produce eggs that could produce living offspring - and then it's hit or miss as to whether or not those would, themselves, be 'viable' offspring (the character, Miranda, in Mass Effect suffers from a condition where she cannot reproduce because her DNA is essentially a copy of her father's DNA made without a Y-chromosome - while not necessarily a known condition, it is an interesting hypothetical scenario that borrows from what little experience we do have in genetic manipulation).

How is it that women think differently from men?

Do I need to reconsider my staffing guidelines at work to make sure I am not placing women or men in jobs where their thought processes are unsuited to the job demands?

Do you want to have your cake to look at, or do you want to eat it? You can't do both.

The individual in question is not female.

I am a male. I have one set of X chromosomes and one set of chromosomes with the Y chromosome appended. The scientific definition of *** is any group within a species that is biologically incapable of producing offspring when mated together. I cannot produce offspring with the individual in question, and is allegedly of the same species. Therefor, the individual is of the same *** as I am - which is male.

In order for this individual to be female, my cells would need to be able to do the prehistoric tango and merge together to form a viable offspring that can, itself, reproduce within the population.

It is theoretically possible for a third *** to develop, and in some species (particularly among plants), there exist several dozen sexes (there is a moss that has over a hundred known sexes). Animals have just usually sided on having two sexes and this has diverged to form two separate anatomies. ***, from a biological standpoint, is far more fundamental than whether or not you have an innie or an outie.


So I think they have a disorder.

From the progressive hell-hole that is The Atlantic:

" Sitting in a small restaurant near Madison Square Garden, Chris mulled over his past. "I know gay couples in the Bronx who beat the shit out of each other," he said. "The weird thing is, it's like fighting with your brother. You're going at each other, and you're not taking it seriously, and you don't think of it as a problem, it's just the fabric of your relationship. But you don't realize it's a piece of fabric you can cut out."

Raised in a conservative, military family, with a history of sexual abuse running on both sides, Chris said he always felt like the odd one out growing up. "I was raised to tolerate what was dished out," he remembered. "It was just dysfunctional. I grew up with a closeted uncle who died of AIDS and a mother who hit my father, who would then turn around and hit us."


In 2013, the CDC released the results of a 2010 study on victimization by sexual orientation, and admitted that “little is known about the national prevalence of intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and stalking among lesbian, gay, and bisexual women and men in the United States.” The report found that bisexual women had an overwhelming prevalence of violent partners in their lives: 75 percent had been with a violent partner, as opposed to 46 percent of lesbian women and 43 percent of straight women. For bisexual men, that number was 47 percent. For gay men, it was 40 percent, and 21 percent for straight men.

The most recent statistics available on same-*** intimate partner violence from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, which focuses on LGBT relationships, reported 21 incidents of intimate partner homicides in the LGBT community, the highest ever. Nearly half of them were gay men and, for the second year in a row, the majority of survivors were people of color—62 percent. "

Rates of abuse are very high among the homosexual community.

A girl I know is also in an abusive relationship with another girl. She was raped as a girl and finds it almost impossible to be comfortable with a guy, and has taken comfort in a long-time friend and room mate. The thing is that the two are really not compatible as domestic partners. Neither of them are bad people, per se, but the girl I was closer to being friends with is not especially assertive and is treated as being property (even prey) by the other girl. My presence in the area was enough to trigger a display of dominance from this girl to assert that my friend was, indeed, her property.

The two would, normally, be able to be good friends, so long as their lives are separate. But the two break down into screaming fits and into emotionally manipulative nonsense that is just not healthy.

Of course - it seems easier to deal with than learning to see men in a romantic light, as well.

Her and I got along just fine and she was notably more relaxed around me than when she was around this other girl. She trusted me as a person - but couldn't actually see men in a sexual way. In many cases - I don't think she can really see people in a sexual way, though our conversations never really drifted into that territory.

There's more stuff there worthy of this conversation than I can properly or reasonably quote, it deserves a visit:

" The authors in Unequal Opportunity are reluctant to say that childhood sexual abuse is one of the factors that leads to or contributes to the development of homosexuality, but they do speculate,

The fact that most childhood abusers of MSM were males suggests either an etiological link between CSA and adult sexual orientation, or the existence of childhood characteristics that are related to adult sexual orientation in men that increase vulnerability, or both.” (23)

And later, they say that these early sexual experiences “can be considered a form of sexual learning, even if that learning is involuntary and the results dysfunctional.” (24) They continue, “Sexual orientation and gender identity can be particularly confusing for men who experienced arousal during the abuse, and MSM who experienced abuse may continue to be aroused by circumstances that mirror the abusive situation. (25)

Dr. Byrd is adamant that there is no “one thing” that “causes” homosexuality. Humans are never as simple as “cause and effect” – we interact with the environment and are impacted by it, but we also make choices and decisions. He instead employs a model in which humans are born male or female, ready to grow into healthy masculinity or femininity, and ready to grow into healthy heterosexual relating.

Different events – and the individual’s responses to those events – might be contributing factors that “derail” the normal developmental process toward heterosexuality:

Sexual abuse contributes to the derailing of biological priming which is the process definition for homosexuality. Boys who are targeted for sexual abuse are NOT targeted because they are gay. They are targeted because they are vulnerable. Gender non-conformity – which is the only characteristic that is predictive for later homosexuality – is often characteristic of these vulnerable boys. (26) "

" But with 17-24 percent of boys being abused by age 18, nearly as many as the 25 percent of girls, there is cause for concern, she said.

Since heterosexuals outnumber the homosexual population about 44 to 1, as a group the incidence of homosexuals molesting children is up to 40 times greater than heterosexuals, she said.

"You're looking at a much higher rate of abuse," said Reisman, a former university research professor who recently completed a study titled, "Crafting Gay Children." "The Department of Justice just released data and the rate of abuse are off the charts."


But Reisman points to figures from a 1991 population study by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

It showed that 8 million girls were abused by age 18 by heterosexual men, a ratio of 1 victim to 11 adult men. However, 6-8 million boys were abused by age 18 by 1-2 million adult homosexuals, a ratio of 3-5 victims for every gay adult.


However, Reisman also cites a past study by Able to bolster her contention that BSA has reason to fear admitting homosexuals to the scoutmaster ranks. It found that 150 boys are abused by one male homosexual offender, compared to 19.8 girls by heterosexual offenders.

In a study published in 1987 in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Able said homosexuals sexually molest young boys with an incidence five times greater than the molestation of girls. (Calls to Able seeking further comment were not returned.)

"We looked at the leading gay travel guide," Reisman said of her research. "Forty-seven percent of the 139 nations they talked about identified places to find boys. The average heterosexual travel guide is not concerned with finding children."

Crime statistics also pose concerns. Figures released last summer by the Justice Department reveal that adults are not the primary victims of sexual assault, she said.

They showed that 67 percent of all reported *** abuse victims are children and 64 percent of forcible sodomy victims are boys under 12. "

Emphasis, my own.

I would argue that there is substantial evidence for the claim that homosexuality and 'gender non-conforming' represent disorders pertaining to neurology and mentality that can produce significant pathology in affected individuals that can, also, result in an increased risk of participating in abusive and even criminal behavior.

This is not the politically correct line, but this is what is actually supported by scientific medical research.
This is an excellent post! People need to realize that Gender and *** are two different constructs; the former a social and the latter a biological construct. Contrary to the popular belief, men and women are not biologically equal. Yes, you heard it. The term 'Equal' would mean that the biological framework of both the sexes is set on equal grounds, when it isn't the case.

Men and women have different skeletal structures (I am not even going to touch upon the bone mass here) and even different brains (there are some stark structural differences), that are wired quite differently and let's not tread down the path of sexual organs' (and the entire hormonal set up) dichotomy. Therefore, to assume that a man with a penis is simply abiding by a social construct and turns into a woman on 'just because basis' is borderline preposterous.

Gender constructs are prone to constant change. What was considered manly in the dark ages and amongst Spartans, is not applicable in the modern civilizations. But a biological construct? This individual is a male. Period. Any surgery on his genitals would only create a superficial sham of a genitalia, as he cannot alter his chromosomes and his genetic make up or the entire neurological set up associated with the above mentioned factors. Not with the current technology anyway.

Anyhow, to come to the topic at hand; he's a male. So he shouldn't be allowed to enter.


Aug 22, 2012
Trait Points
"She" is biologically and genetically a male.
Just create a separate bathroom for transgenders, so everyone can shut the f*ck up and talk about something else.


Jun 8, 2013
Trait Points
Just because he feels that he is a woman doesn't mean that he is one. He was born a male, and undergoing a surgical operation will not change the reality. Someone should have killed him and saved him from his mental illness.
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Active member
Oct 30, 2014
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0⚔️'re in a stall. Unless women's bathrooms for some reason are wide open, any female in there could have a ****. How would you or your kid know unless you're doing some "weird" shit yourselves and looking at them while they handle business? I've personally taken many pisses in many public restrooms. Never seen another guy's ****.

Just don't go looking for dicks or vagina in the restroom

When a trans-woman already looks like a girl/woman (because of hormones or even operations), then she should be allowed to use the girls bathroom. Why not?
Or do People look into her Pants to check if there is a penis or a vagina? Dafuq.

of course this counts for trans-men too.

Just because he feels that he is a woman doesn't mean that he is one. He was born a male, and undergoing a surgical operation will not change the reality. Someone should have killed him and saved him from his mental illness.
Someone should've killed you to save you from your stupidy and ignorance.
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Active member
Oct 26, 2011
Trait Points
So we have some wanting her to use the women's, and some saying no. I asked a lot of people at work today about this situation, and literally every one of them said she shouldn't use the women's (with varying degrees of anger and laughter). I like seeing these different answers.

Guys, it's changing rooms as well as bathrooms. Where you change clothes for gym. As in, take off all your clothes bar your britches surrounded by your same *** peers.
The thing is that there are prost and cons on both sides. Sure making her go use the men's washroom can cause violent behavior from some of the males, that is true. On the other hand, if transgender females are allowed to use women's washroom, some creeps can always disguise themselfs as transgender females so they could peep on the changing women. Honestly the best option would probably be to create a separate washroom for transgenders. Then no one will be uncomfortable with who they are in the restroom. But in this situation, transgenders would have a higher feeling of alienation.


Active member
Dec 18, 2012
Trait Points
The thing is that there are prost and cons on both sides. Sure making her go use the men's washroom can cause violent behavior from some of the males, that is true. On the other hand, if transgender females are allowed to use women's washroom, some creeps can always disguise themselfs as transgender females so they could peep on the changing women. Honestly the best option would probably be to create a separate washroom for transgenders. Then no one will be uncomfortable with who they are in the restroom. But in this situation, transgenders would have a higher feeling of alienation.
The problem with the "best option" is that you have 'trans' who try to become men and others who try to become women. Then, you have even more complexity in that some of them are transgender cross-dressers. So it's a girl who feels like a guy who wants to dress like a girl.

So you end up with every public space needing more individually labeled restrooms than actual rooms since there's an ever-expanding list of 'identities' who are 'uncomfortable' with each other and need to have their own protected class status.

Which is why I said the best option is to not have segregated restrooms. You just have rows of pedestals down one side, rows of sinks/mirrors down the other, and the far end has some shower heads sticking out of the wall with some floor drains. Done. Everyone uses the same restroom. No one gets any privacy to use as privilege or abuse.

That's the best option. Tell everyone to either figure out how to get along while taking a crap, or to get really good at holding it.


Aug 1, 2012
Trait Points
Well, yes, if you want funding from the political machine, then you need to put on a smile and suck the **** of the homosexual mafia.
Aim64C, if anyone disagreed with you, it therefore meant, those responsible for a different answer are given favors by institute you go against. "Homosexual Mafia", "Political Machine".

When you live in the real world, however, the above are neurological disorders.

Now, the cause of these types of disorders are varied and often case-specific. Neurology responds to chemical biasing in various growth phases as well as to its own feedback loops. Your neurology, contrary to popular dogma, is only a minor product of genetics. Neurons are what we call "adaptive networks" that use feedback loops and other such things to self-program and self-adjust to the scenario around them. This is what is called "neural plasticity" and is a concept that has been mirrored, very primitively, in computer software and even some hardware programming. There is a lot of interest in self-learning programs and circuits that self-program for a task more intuitively.

These aren't just "theories" about how the brain works. These are known, reproducible processes.
Now, generally, neurological disorders come with broad-spectrum pathological indicators. Those affecting such things as identity tend to lead to self-destructive tendencies. Depression, suicide, drug use/abuse, as well as becoming victims of human/*** trafficking - those are all common among those with gender and sexual identity/preference issues, as well as those with more general identity issues. People who struggle with fears of becoming like one parent or another often fall into this category, as well.
It is called "Gender Dysphoria". Dysphoria meaning a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life.
"The term "Gender Dysphoria" itself applies only to the discontent experienced by some persons resulting from gender identity issues." from: [ULR][/URL]

Those affecting such things as identity tend to lead to self-destructive tendencies.
And of course you wonder why people affected have self-destructive tendencies? Dysphoria.

What has this to do with a Trans-gendered Woman's rights? Depression, suicide and drug use/abuse ARE NOT EXCLUSIVE TO those "affected by such things as identity.

This underlying pathology feeds into other neurological cycles and affects numerous issues of perspective.
Where are your sources claiming "self-destructive tendencies" affect issues of "perspective" In this case, trans gendered people? As I stated, depression, suicide and drug use/abuse ARE NOT EXCLUSIVE TO those "affected by such things as identity.

Adaptive networks are still logical networks. Every insane person is completely and totally logical once you understand what factors are at play beneath the behavior. For example, many of these people are incapable of disassociating action and identity. "Gay" people "act a certain way" and "girls act a certain way.
The idea that one's actions and cumulative behavior form the core of one's identity is a classic example of where many people will form their entire perspective of the world around a false idea.
Your understanding, "factors" as you claim, your very own anecdotal evidence. You think gay people act a "certain way" because they saw a person, of the gender they need to be, act differently?

Amusing your statement, how would a straight man act? They saw another "straight man" act a "certain way"?

Please, do not confuse anecdotal evidence with real evidence

They believe they must act a certain way in order to be of a certain identity. Case in point - this individual believes he is a girl and that in order to be a girl, he must be allowed access to a woman's restroom.
A straight man must act a certain way in order to be of a certain identity? A straight man must act a certain way for him to believe he is straight? Because this straight male "believes" he is a man, he must be allowed to access the man's restroom?

Using "anecdotal evidence" as though they have been peer reviewed and true. Your anecdotal evidence is disgusting.

He can't simply be a male with a varied set of interests or be interested in finding a woman who will be a good partner for him. He's -got- to not just act like a girl, but become one.

It's a neurological disorder through and through. By 'accepting' it as 'normal' and even going out of our way to make it into a heroic status, we are only making the problem worse for these people. This does not mean that they should be shunned and ostracized from the community - but it does mean that it isn't normal, that it is a sign of considerable problems (usually a history of sexual abuse - every homosexual person I know was sexually abused), and that it is something that can be treated.
Being a person of LGBT is a neurological disorder? Homosexuality has been observed many times in the wild. How does a person being transsexual affect your life, Aim64C, enough so that you would deny them their rights? Who are you to say it isn't normal?

Going by your logic, because domestic abuse happens to LGBT people it therefore means that LGBT is terrible? What happens when domestic abuse is prevalent with straight couples? Is being straight also bad?

Domestic abuse is bad. It doesn't matter if you're an LGBT person or a straight person. Domestic Abuse is also NOT EXCLUSIVE to LGBT couples. It happens to straight couples as well.

The only reason they get away with this is because it's a public school where people with guns show up to your house to take your kids away if you can't afford to send them to some other bin of political sperm dumps in which to indoctrinate your children.
What are you on? Where are your sources? You propagate plenty of ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE. What are you even talking about?

If you had freedom in education, I can guarantee you that the schools that pull this kind of stuff would go bankrupt pretty quick.
Where are your sources? With what you have been stating, I cannot guarantee what you say is even plausible.

He has a Y-chromosome. He belongs in the men's restroom. If he feels uncomfortable with it, then he needs to learn to suck it the hell up or get really good at holding it. He doesn't get to make a school of a few hundred girls as equally uncomfortable because he's a special little snowflake.
So what he has a Y-chromosome? What has that to do with being an LGBT persons rights? Because he makes "a few hundred girls uncomfortable" it means taking away his rights? What business do those "few hundred girls" have with a transsexual person?

It is not functionally practical for society to make a habit of forcing everyone to pull out the knee pads and suck on the ego of every special little snowflake who can't figure out how to integrate with every other special snowflake who already has.
It is not functionally practical for society to take the rights of a person because you think they "mentally ill".

They are not forcing you to obey, they do not care about you. What they do care about is their rights. How it is taken away, and how ignoramuses like you spew self proclaimed evidence.
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Active member
Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
good job, keep this tranny pervert out of there

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btw this just looks like a guy wearing a shitty wig
probably didnt even have the OP
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