The Legendary Sage of Konoha 8


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
The Green Beast Explodes

~ Gai: Kakashi!

Kakashi: Yeah I've noticed.

Narrator: Gai and Kakashi halted for a sec as they saw a group of ninjas on the road before them.

Kakashi: You think it's our group? I can't sense anyone from our village...

Gai: Maybe it's Akatsuki!

Kakashi: Better be sure...

Narrator: The group was getting closer and closer towards them as Gai and Kakashi was ready to ambush them.

?: Brother, do you see them?

?: Yeah...

Narrator: The group halted right before they were in position for Kakashi and Gai to come forth.

?: We know you're there, come forth!

Kakashi: That voice?!...

?: Wha... It's you guys!

Gai: Kazekage sama..

Kakashi: And Kankuro...

Gaara: Why did you hide in the trees?

Kakashi: Three hours after our convoy left Konoha, we got urgent reports from one of our Anbu border control squad that they had spotted six members of Akatsuki headed straight for the Hokage and his squad.

Kankuro: What?!

Gai: They shouldn't be far away. You're going the same way to, right?

Gaara: Right!..

Tsunade: We got you surrounded! You're only two while we're six. Surrender now and you might live!

Keiji: ... She's serious isn't she. I'll give her one to remember with my Iron fist jutsu... Sakito!

Sakito: ...

Narrator: Keiji and Sakito went straight for Tsunade which were in front of Yamato, Temari and Sakura in an arrow formation with two anbus beside herself, three surrounding Sakura and the rest, while the five last anbus where still holding up the barrier to protect Jiraiya, Hiruzen and Mito.

Yamato: This is bad!

Narrator: He quickly preformed his wood element and stretched his arms past Tsunade to counter Keiji's iron fist jutsu while Sakito got past with his Golden Sledge Hammer and was just about to hit Tsunade.

Yamato: Damn!

Sakura: I won't let you!

Narrator: She quickly managed to stop his hammer, blocked with a kunai.

Sakura: *In thoughts* He's strong...

Narrator: Sweat drops started showing on her face as Sakito's hammer got closer and closer to her.
Tsunade quickly moved around Sakura to attack him from behind. But as she was about to strike at him, he let go of the hammer with his left hand and blocked Tsunade’s punch at the same time as pressing the hammer towards Sakura with his right.

Temari: He manages to hold them both back?!

Narrator: She raised her fan as she yelled out:

Temari: "Get away from him as I'll blow him away!"

Narrator: both of them quickly jumped away from him leaving him totally open.

Temari: Daikamaitachi no Jutsu (Great Sickle Weasel Technique!)!

Narrator: She swung her fan as an intense force of waves were flung towards Sakito.

Keiji: Don't take a direct hit you moron!

Narrator: Keiji was still in a deadlock with Yamato as Temari's attack hit Sakito with full force.
But Instead of sending him flying, it only gave him some small cuts.

Temari: ?!

Sakito: Weak attacks like that won't work on me!

Narrator: He went straight for her as three anbus tried to attack him, but he dodged them all and was just about to hit Temari.

Rock Lee: Shikamaru, we need to get past this gap. As we stand now, we're trapped in the middle of nowhere.

Shikamaru: I got an idea. I should be able to throw you to the other side with my shadow techniques.

Rock Lee: Good idea!

Narrator: Shikamaru's Shadow grabbed a hold onto Rock lee and swung him around three times before he let go and launched him towards Sakito.

Rock Lee: Here I come!

Sakito: You're mine now!

Temari: Shit!

Sakura: Watch out!

Narrator: Temari had no time to dodge as Sakito was just about to hit her.

Rock Lee: Dynamic Flame Entry!

Narrator: Rock Lee came at him as an rocket and hit him straight to the face with a direct hit like never before. Because of the speed made by Shikamaru's throw, his foot was surrounded by flames and the kick got ten times stronger than normal, sending Sakito flying into a tree 10 meters away.

Rock Lee: Alright!!

Hiruzen: Way to go dad!

Narrator: Hiruzen was cheering from within the barrier.

Shikamaru: That's what you get for trying to beat a lady!

Narrator: Shikamaru had lifted himself over the gap with his shadow techniques.

Keiji: Huh...

Rock Lee: One left!

Narrator: Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Tsunade, Temari, Sakura and the five anbus had gathered and were facing Keiji's direction as he jumped away from the deadlock with Yamato.

Random Anbu: We can't hold this barrier much longer, we need your help!

Tsunade: Roger, go support the barrier!

Narrator: The five anbus went inside the barrier to help the five others maintaining it.

Keiji: Well... This turned out interesting... Hmm

Rock Lee: You're next. This time I'll make sure you will stay down for good!..

Sakito: I will not go down that easily!!!

Narrator: Suddenly he appeared behind Rock Lee, just about to give him a blow in the back.

Rock Lee: !!

Mito: Watch out!

Keiji: *Thinking* Now he's done it. Once Sakito gets mad, he won't stop until his target lays dead.


Jiraiya: Not so fast!

Narrator: Jiraiya had leaped out of the barrier and blocked Sakito's blow with his kunai in the last minute.
Rock Lee turned around shocked, as he saw how close Sakito was. He jumped away to get some space.
The group was now halfway surrounded with Sakito in a deadlock with Jiraiya and Keiji on the other side watching.

Tsunade: You're not suppose to go out of the barrier!

Sakito: Out of my way brat!

Narrator: He broke through Jiraiya's guard and sent him flying on his back.

Jiraiya: My arm!...

Narrator: The blow had struck his left arm, hurting it really bad.

Sakura: Jiraiya!

Yamato: *Thinking* Not good!

Narrator: Sakura went for Jiraiya to heal him.

Keiji: Where do you think you're going?!

Narrator: He went straight for her to prevent her from reaching him.

Shikamaru: Yamato!

Narrator: Yamato blocked his way as Shikamaru jumped over him and sent shadows toward Keiji in mid-air, forcing him to back off.

Yamato: We will take care of this guy!

Narrator: Keiji was forced back as Shikamaru and Yamato were facing him. Sakura had reached Jiraiya and were healing his arm as Temari and Tsunade went for Sakito.

Tsunade: You won't get away with that you bastard!

Narrator: Tsunade sent a power punch towards him as he back flipped to dodge it. The ground crumbled as her punch hit it. But as soon as he landed, Temari appeared behind him, sending him up into the air with a mighty wave of wind created from her fan.

Sakito: Ugh!

Narrator: Sakito was lifted from the ground and up into the air. He was just about to turn around and prepare for the fall as a shadow appeared behind him kicking him even further up.

Sakito: Nani?! (What?!).

Rock Lee: Attacking us is bad enough, but i won't allow you to hurt our children!!!

Narrator: Rock Lee had opened the 6th gate!

Rock Lee: Asa Kujaku! (Mourning Peacock!)

Sakito: Argh!!

Keiji: That looks dangerous...

Yamato: You should pay attention to us instead!

Narrator: His wood stretched towards him as he evaded it, but as soon as he landed, his body froze.

Keiji: Huff...

Shikamaru: Got you now!

Narrator: Shikamaru had immobilized him once again.

Rock Lee: Not done yet!

Narrator: Rock Lee had punched Sakito upwards with the peacock instead of down towards the ground.

Sakito: Hu...

Rock Lee: I will end it with this! Hirudora! (Afternoon Tiger!)

Narrator: As Sakito was falling down again, Rock Lee had opened the 7th gate and sent the tiger straight for him. Unable to dodge from the damage from the peacock, Sakito suffered a direct hit.

Rock Lee: Huff... Huff.

Narrator: Rock Lee was exhausted as he landed on the ground again. Tsunade rushed to heal him.

Keiji: No way, did he?!

Yamato: Heh, and you're next if you don't surrender now!

Narrator: Sakito dropped to the ground.

Temari: ...

Narrator: She went to him to check on his status.

Temari: You did it!

Keiji: *Thinking* No way! Makito won't be glad to hear this... Had no idea this kid had that much power inside himself.

Rock Lee: Pant.. Pant..

Tsunade: Easy now..

Hiruzen: Dad are you okay?

Tsunade: He'll manage.

Shikamaru: So what should we do with this guy? There is no point in taking him captive is it?

Tsunade: You know what to do.

Shikamaru: Right.

Keiji: Hah! You think you got me now do you? I'm not as uncontrolled as Sakito. Unlike him I always have a second plan in mind!

Shikamaru: Dead man's talk!

Narrator: Shikamaru was just about to break his neck with his shadow technique when Keiji's body withered and turned into ash.

Shikamaru: ?!

Tsunade: Not again?

Yamato: What happened?

Shikamaru: Like last time we fought him, he escaped with his body turning into ash.

Yamato: I see.

Narrator: They all paused for a second as Jiraiya stood up holding his arm.

Sakura: You're arm is not healed yet.

Jiraiya: ahh.. No time to care about that. We have to help my father!

Everyone: !!

Tsunade: Right! Anbus, put down the barrier and let's move!

Anbus: Right!

Narrator: They all rushed towards where Naruto and the Akatsuki members vanished into the woods.

Kankuro: How far is it?

Kakashi: It shouldn't be long. Pakkun?

Pakkun: I can sense Naruto's smell, it shouldn't be long now.

Gai: How long?!

Pakkun: About half an hour.

Gaara: Then let's move.

Pakkun: Hang on...

Kakashi: What is it?

Pakkun: He's not alone.

Kakashi: What do you mean?

Pakkun: I can sense four other persons as well, and they’re not friendly.

Gaara: Not good...

Narrator: In a dark cave somewhere, two mysterious men were meeting.

?: Long time no see...

Madara: I didn't think I would meet you here. So you're still alive?

?: Ha! You know me... I can't let our master down now could I?

Madara: Humph! You're too close to him for your own good.

?: So how are the new members doing? Why would you bother to get new ones anyway? I mean with the force of Zetsu and Kabuto, and at the same time the beasts you shouldn't need anyone else. Besides, they're not nearly as powerful as the previous ones.

Madara: It takes time to make Zetsus... We lost many in the war twelve years ago remember? And the same goes for Kabuto. He lost many of his summonings during that time too. You might be right as they won't be able to match up with the likes of Itachi, Nagato, Kisame, Deidara, Sasori, Kakuzu and Hidan. However... There is one among them who has a potential like none else.

?: Who?

Madara: One named Akashi...

?: Hmm... I hope you're right. So how many Zetsus do you have now, and why doesn't Kabuto just summons new ones or the same ones?

Madara: We had 100 000 when the war begun and we lost 95 000 of them during it. Right now we've been able to make 20 000 new ones, making it a total of 25 000.

?: I see...

Madara: I take it that you don't know the secret behind Edo Tensei? Once a person has been summoned through it and beaten, he or she can never been summoned again. That's the downside of it.

?: Hmm... So why haven't he summoned new ones?

Madara: Edo Tensei isn't something that can be done whenever you want. There are two conditions to it. You'll have to sacrifice as many as needed for creating it, and two... You...

Akashi: Shadow clones huh? You're not the only one that can do that!

Narrator: Akashi countered Naruto as thousands of clones between them clashed.

Naruto: *Thinking* What's up with this man. First he knows how to create the Rasengan, then Shikamaru's Shadow techniques, and now shadow clones? He's not an ordinary ninja.

Akashi: This should keep him in check. Makito, Sonia, Kazuki!

Makito: We know!

Naruto: *Thinking* He even knew how my Flying Thunder God works.. Something is way off. Luckily there is one thing about it that he doesn't know... But I won't do that unless I really need to!

Naruto: I must say that you're impressive. But you won't beat me with simply jutsus like that!

Narrator: The whole area was surrounded by smoke from Naruto and Akashi's clones.

Akashi: Then I might get serious myself..

Narrator: Naruto could barely see him through the smoke as his left eye suddenly formed into a byakugan and his right into a sharingan.

Naruto: ?! I knew there was something strange with your left eye as it was totally blank, but how could you get a hand on both a byakugan and a sharingan to begin with?!

Akashi: Maybe I'll tell you or maybe I won't!

Narrator: Suddenly the smoke cleared completely and Makito came charging in from Naruto's right with his blade ready to strike. Naruto turned towards him ready to guard himself as he noticed Kazuki heading straight for him from his left.

Naruto: Hmm!...

Narrator: He created two clones to face them, charged with Rasengan in both hands. As the clones went towards them, Naruto noticed Sonia from above and he grabbed her arm as she was just about to strike him with an extended silver sai. He threw her to the ground and raised his special kunai to strike at her.

Akashi: Like I would let you...

Narrator: Charged with a Rasengan, Akashi was just about to hit Naruto as he quickly made up one himself and clashed with him.

Naruto: Looks like I'm stuck with you guys for now!

Narrator: He overcharged Akashi making him back off and jumped over him, landing on the other side. Akashi stood up facing him, as Sonia, Makito and Kazuki backed him up.

Naruto: No more playing around... I will end this in a flash!
~End Chapter 8


I know It's been awhile since the last chapter was posted, and for that I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.
But as I explained in the update on chapter 7, I have had a lot of things to do since I came home.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I promise it won't be that long until next time:p If you liked it, then don't forget to "Thank You" me:p

Note: And one more thing. One of my other readers insisted that I told everyone about this, so here goes:
I decided to edit my first chapter of Sasuke chronicles and I added some stuff here and there. Nothing too important, but If you're interested, feel free to re-read it:p;)
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Previous Chapters:

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

Chapter 7:

Sasuke Chronicles:

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Next Chapter:

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Nikkou Arashi

Active member
Mar 11, 2010
Trait Points
Weeeh! Reinforcements!!!

What's with Akashi?! How could he have a Byakugan and a sharingan?:mad:
Is he some experiment, too? Or probably a summoning?
And who is that guy with Madara? And he even said "our master"? Oh so Madara ain't the mastermind here, after all?
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Reactions: Michael92


May 2, 2008
Trait Points
10x 4 the notice :D i haven't read the hole text yet ... i'm at school ... they finally let me in , i'l read it when i get home :D , now i have to clean the school =)) =))
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Reactions: Michael92


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
thanks for another awesome chapter. Keep up the good work
Thanks, I will:);)

Nice work man.

Loved the fight sequences in this one and the dialogue.

No criticisms ^^

Haha, about friking time!xd Nah just kiding:p
So you really liked this one then:D

it's good

Awsome!! :3 really cool!!! god i love this serie x3
Thank you so much for keeping up:) Thought you had fallen off:p

Great job bro :D
Thanks mate:D

Damn I like this one xD. I really can't wait for next chapter.
Haha, yeah I thought I would have to cut the episode without making it bland, so it just came in to me that Naruto would say that:p:D

Pay also extra attention to this sentence as you somewhat criticised Naruto last chapter:pxd;):

Naruto: *Thinking* He even knew how my Flying Thunder God works.. Something is way off. Luckily there is one thing about it that he doesn't know... But I won't do that unless I really need to!

*fan girl scream* Omg it has been so long and it was wonderful. I wonder what the jutsu Naruto is going to use.
Thanks, somewhat a comeback perhaps:p:D You will see;)

Awesome!!!! ^_^

As usual awesome:D
Thanks you my friend:)

Weeeh! Reinforcements!!!

What's with Akashi?! How could he have a Byakugan and a sharingan?:mad:
Is he some experiment, too? Or probably a summoning?
And who is that guy with Madara? And he even said "our master"? Oh so Madara ain't the mastermind here, after all?
Hmm... Maybe:p Something big will come out about him next time;)
Yeah it's like instead of saying Sensei. But more than that I can't say for now:p Well.... Who knows;):rolleyes:

Great chapter once again;)Very excited to know what will happen next:)Hope you make the next chapter quickly coz you have a lot of fans waiting for you next release.:y
Yeah I will;) Thanks for reading:)

awesome yet again i only wish i couldve had the first post one on but now i cant wait for the next one
Better luck next time then:pxd Thanks for reading:)

It was an awesome chapter!!!!!!
It took you a while though why????
If you read the notes I wrote on the last chapter as well as my update on it (posted recently to update you about this chapter. One of the last posts in the comment field;)), then you would know:p
Anyway, thanks for reading:)

awesome gonna be waiting for it so i can get the first post
Hehe:p Thanks mate.

Nice piece.

10x 4 the notice :D i haven't read the hole text yet ... i'm at school ... they finally let me in , i'l read it when i get home :D , now i have to clean the school =)) =))
You do that, looking forward to it;)