The Adventures of the Weaponsmith Chapter 4 Part 2


May 17, 2012
Trait Points
Chapter 4: The Firecracker Meets the Demon Part 2

It wasn’t long before the duo saw another suspicious person on the road. A man wrapped with a dirty, grey cloak swaying with the passing wind, with his jet black hair dancing with the trees. The linen-wrapped objects on his back seemed heavy. His hair covered most of his facial features yet a smirk is visible underneath. The man’s presence made Hibiki’s neck hairs stand, yet they continued to walk until they passed by each other.

“Hey, Hitomi,” Hibiki began, not wanting to look back. “Did you notice someone we passed by earlier?”

“Huh?” Hitomi appeared to be surprised with the sudden question. “Oh, you meant the weird guy in a cloak? Why, do you know him?”

Hibiki tried to reply, but was cut off short by a deafening blast, which they both avoided. He looked at their attacker. It was the cloaked man punching the ground they previously were standing on, and jumped towards Hibiki.

“I see something on you that pique my interest,” the man started, his shades gazing at Hibiki’s naginata. “Your weapon, did you create it yourself?”

“What the hell?” Hitomi interrupted, and punched the man hard in the face, sending him back to the roadside with a crash. “You bastard, why’d you attack us?”

The man, even though he was stuck on the crack, merely laughed. Hitomi’s attack appeared to amuse him. He started to weave seals, seeing Hitomi and Hibiki still in mid-air. The latter sensed danger and pulled from his back the scroll and unrolled it in the air.

“Summoning Technique: Ninja Tool Barrage!”

The ninja tools popped out of the scroll and fell on the man’s general direction, creating large clouds of dust. The two landed feet first on some of the surrounding tree branches, poised for another strike. The dust clouds haven’t cleared yet when something flew from the man’s position towards Hibiki with outrageous speed.

“Swift Release: Hellthrasher!”

It was the man, with his suddenly glowing fist colliding with Hibiki’s left cheek, sending the latter smashing against the trees. Hitomi seemed too shocked to react from the man’s counter, her eyes expressing fear as she witnessed her partner’s body being pummelled against the forest.

“Damn, that kid’s got balls,” the man muttered, staring at his curled fist. “He managed to avoid my attack with a clone. Now, where would the real one be? I guess it can’t be helped to use it, huh? BYARINGAN!”

At that moment, his eyes shone from the shades, the patterns of his pupils undecipherable. Hitomi felt a surge of power, a tingling sensation, as soon as the man yelled the last word. She observed the man’s face, trying to see within the darkness of the shades.

“W-who are you? What do you want from us?” Hitomi stuttered, trying to regain composure. “Why are you doing this?”

“Hmph. So many questions,” the man said, irritated. “But I will introduce myself. I’m Momura Rouzuke, a travelling weaponsmith. I go around the world in search of the best place to make my next masterpiece. I just wanted to see your boyfriend’s weapon, and should I come to like its composition, I shall take it by force.”

“You’re a crazy old man,” Hitomi replied, still trembling from the coldness of the voice of their adversary. “He’s not my boyfriend. Why would you do this, just for a spear?”

“Hush now, woman,” Rouzuke interjected, still searching for the naginata’s owner. “I might have to slit your throat after I finish with your guy.”

“Swift Release: Yondaime’s Legacy, Spiralling Lightning!”

Hibiki was instantly behind Hitomi, free of the blindfold thus revealing his Mangekyo Sharingan eyes, and his hand starting to produce lightning sparks. He dashed towards Rouzuke with unbelievable speed as his hand formed his lightning into a spherical shape. Rouzuke anticipated the attack, as he was already weaving seals just before Hibiki appeared.

“Dark Release: Inhaling Maw!” Rouzuke yelled as he held out his palm. A tattoo of some sort appeared and absorbed Hibiki’s lightning attack, and kicked back the latter with unparalleled force. Rouzuke prepared another seal. “I will get your weapon, kid! Swift Release: Demon Wind Shuriken Formation!”

Hibiki managed to block the kick with his naginata. He pulled out his scroll and summoned kunai with paper bomb tags attached. He did a seal, and these disappeared. The kunai reappeared, shooting from Hitomi’s general direction to Rouzuke himself. Simultaneously, Rouzuke produced clones that instantly went towards Hibiki’s position, armed with the large shuriken. Once they surrounded their opponent, they threw all the shuriken at the latter at the same time, but Hibiki seemed to have teleported back to Hitomi, thus avoiding the attack, and grabbed her as they jumped back from the impending explosion, which Rouzuke contained with a rubber ball that came from his mouth. The tension heightened as the duo and Rouzuke were ten feet apart, with the clones disappearing with another explosion.

They eyed each other for a few moments. A twig fell from one of the trees, and chaos ensued. This time, Hibiki weaved the first seals, strangely the same as what Rouzuke used earlier, much to the surprise of the latter, who countered with yet another strategy.

“Swift Release: Demon Wind Shuriken Formation!”

This time, it was Hibiki’s clones that held large shuriken. But even before the clones could complete the formation, Rouzuke unleashed his next technique. ”Dark Release: Judgment!”

The lightning chakra Rouzuke absorbed earlier hit all of the clones, making them disappear in a cloud of smoke. Hibiki still had a few tricks left, and prepared for his counterattack. He unsheathed his naginata, with his eyes following his foe’s movements, ready to strike.

“It would seem that you have the eyes of a fallen clan. Am I to assume that you are of the Uchiha bloodline?” Rouzuke asked, the tone of his voice suddenly changing into something conversational. “If that is the case, then show me the extent of your ocular powers! Swift Release: Flicker of Six Hundred and Sixty-Six Demons!”

The familiar black orb started to surround Rouzuke, with a gleaming and rotating six-pointed seal emanating underneath. Hibiki wouldn’t let the man’s technique go any further.

“Eat this, old man! TSUKUYOMI!”

Hibiki’s eyes met the gaze of Rouzuke’s shades. The Swift Release technique was discontinued, the orb and seal both disappearing like smoke. Rouzuke was caught in the genjutsu.

“Damn, he did put up a fight,” Hibiki said, while gasping for breath. Rouzuke fell from the branch to the ground beneath headfirst. Hibiki wore his blindfold again. “But I guess we won.”

But he was wrong. He immediately sensed Rouzuke’s presence behind their backs, and noticed that the body that fell earlier was just a Replacement Clone. Hitomi tried to scream but to no avail, as her lips were shut by Rouzuke’s finger. Neither of the three except Rouzuke moved. The latter inspected Hibiki’s naginata, but in the end disapproved of the quality of the blade. The tension eased. He looked at Hibiki.

“It was a good clash,” he finally said. “But I guess even your weapon wasn’t special as it appears. I do apologize for this commotion, yet I’m sure we will meet again someday.”

Without warning, his body spread into thin air, his presence vanishing completely.

To be continued...