The Adventures of the Weaponsmith Chapter 11


May 17, 2012
Trait Points
Chapter 11: Interrogation of the Demon

As Momura Rouzuke was captured by Gaara, Saito Hibiki was still intent on watching over the scene, as he already knew that the criminal will always have methods of escape. He aimed his naginata towards the lump of sand that contained Rouzuke, ready to lunge and impale the criminal. But Gaara held out a hand to signal a halt.

“I have captured him,” Gaara said, while maintaining pressure and hold on to Rouzuke. “He will be held for questioning regarding this event.”

“You don’t know what he’s capable of,” Hibiki replied, still eyeing the lump of sand. “Besides, you’re still weak from your fight to hold on to him for long. I can bring reinforcements quickly to bring this man to custody.”

Temari and Kankuro have already rushed towards the lump of sand, clutching seals which they put around the surface of the sand. The two made a few hand seals and the paper tags emitted black lines that surrounded the sand.

“That’ll keep the bastard from running,” Kankuro mentioned, beads of sweat still lining his face. He faced Hibiki. “Who are you? A shinobi from the Leaf?”

“No,” Temari interrupted, just before Hibiki could speak. “He doesn’t wear their village’s forehead protector. He isn’t masked either to be part of the ANBU.”

“I’m here because I knew that this would happen,” Hibiki said. “Thanks to my master’s teachings, I was able to use a similar technique that rivals his Flying Thunder God Technique.”

“Flying Thunder God,” Rouzuke murmured from within the sand, taking the four aback. “The technique used by Namikaze Minato, the Fourth Hokage. I see it now. So you were one of the Yellow Flash’s student?”

“You seem to know a lot about my master,” Hibiki declared proudly. “Yes, I was one of his earliest students yet I don’t know how to use his technique that earned him his moniker.”

“Is that so?” Rouzuke retorted, apparently surprised at the information. “Then how could you have known that I’ll be here?”

“The Flying Thunder God Technique,” Hibiki replied, his naginata still pointed towards the sand lump. “It’s a technique that involves space and time. My Swift Release and a similar seal used the same pattern of chakra manipulation in order to transport myself to a marked place.”

“If you marked my clone during that time,” Rouzuke said, remembering their first encounter. “Then how come I got marked as well?”

Gaara, Temari and Kankuro looked at Hibiki with the same interest. Hibiki looked at Gaara in the eye, and the latter understood that he and the other two should be giving their wounded shinobi the pills that Hibiki gave in a leather pouch earlier. The three left Hibiki with Rouzuke and proceeded to tend to their soldiers.

“It seems that you don’t know much about me,” Hibiki began, his voice sounding amused despite his posture being defensive. “When I mark something, it becomes permanent even to the original body, even if those I’ve marked would be clones or whatnot. The funny thing is, I’ve already pinpointed about a hundred of your clones scattered around this world.”

“Hmph,” Rouzuke replied, apparently amused and mad at the same time. “So you’ve already found several others of me. What are you going to do, kill them all?”

“Not if you tell me your real purpose,” Hibiki pressed on, definitely trying to squeeze information from the criminal. “Tell me, to whom does your alliance lie? Is it the Akatsuki? Or perhaps one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist?”

“You guys have too much time in your hands,” Rouzuke replied, not moved or pressured by the questions. “I’d ask the same thing to you, you bastard. To be able to take me on single-handedly for the first time and until now, I’ll say you’re not a part of any faction either. Your purpose is misleading, you meddling fool.”

“For one thing,” Hibiki retorted, now angered by the insolence of the captive criminal. “You’ve got a dirty mouth. I’m the one asking questions here, punk. Now, to whom does your loyalty belong?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Rouzuke taunted. “I won’t be answering questions to a person who masquerades Sharingan and talks bullshit about loyalty.”

“Are you ****ing with me?” Hibiki asked fiercely while barely able to contain his annoyance. “You’ve got a lot of nerve to say that, when you haven’t even shown your face to anyone. How about I rip your face off, huh?”

“You know,” Rouzuke said with a tone of calmness that took Hibiki aback. “For a kid who has stolen Uchiha eyes, you’ve got a lot of chakra to compliment it as well. Also, your knowledge of complex seals makes me want to think that your blood comes from the Uzumaki clan. Am I right?”

“I’m born from a nameless society,” Hibiki snapped, apparently trying to focus with his interrogation. “You can’t be part of Akatsuki since you don’t wear those black robes patterned with red clouds, and you can’t be with the Seven Swordsmen either as I’ve never heard of your weapons before.”

“You seem to have been a victim like me,” Rouzuke interrupted, his voice sounding thoughtful. “A victim of ruthless and countless experimentations, many bodies were sacrificed too. I presume you are like me, indeed.”

“I will never be someone like you,” Hibiki retorted, then found another question to ask. “You did say that you’ve encountered others with the Sharingan aside from me.”

“Ah, yes, those bastards,” Rouzuke sounded thoughtful still. “I can remember them and their ****ing hideous faces. Uchiha Madara was my first encounter.”

“What?” Hibiki exclaimed, apparently disturbed by the information. “You encountered that man before?”

“Hmph,” Rouzuke snorted. “He looked strong, yet was still defeated by Senju Hashirama. I was there when they fought in that place you people now call the Valley of the End.”

Hibiki sweated and trembled as he listened to the man. His mind was racing with the overwhelming and ridiculous information. Just how old is this man?

“So, you’ve faced Uchiha Madara,” Hibiki tried to sound calm. “Who else did you see?”

“Hmmm, it took a long time,” Rouzuke said after a few moments of thinking. “But I’ve fought against a certain Uchiha Shisui during some of my travels and the last would be Uchiha Itachi whom I’ve heard already passed away in the hands of his little brat of a brother.”

“It seems that you’ve lived in this world longer that I have had,” Hibiki started after a few minutes of letting the interrogation sink in. “Am I right to assume that you already know that we shinobi are about to be plunged into a war?”

Rouzuke laughed again. It surprised Hibiki, not expecting this kind of reaction. He was about to ask when the three appeared to have organized the chaos caused in the village earlier.

“You’ve got a lot to learn in this world kid,”Rouzuke shouted from within the sand. “In this world, it’s either you kill or be killed!”

The earth underneath the sealed sand lump shook. The sand started to crack, alerting the four of a possible escape. Kankuro and Temari were ready to fight along with Gaara and Hibiki. Black smoke hissed through the cracks, burning the sealing tags into crisps.

Gaara tried to contain the smoke with another wave of thick sand, but it was too late. The sand lump burst like a clay pot, sending the pieces flying everywhere and clouds of dust and smoke spread like wildfire as well. The four were shielded from the debris by Gaara’s sand. The smoke was still there, and they saw a silhouette of a man standing proudly, not moving an inch.

The clouds of dust lightened, and Rouzuke was revealed to be smirking, the clothing on his upper body ripped out clean and revealed the stunning build of an able man, even though the linen wraps still clung onto his torso along with his two weapons. Hibiki noticed that Rouzuke’s chakra pattern was similar as before, with chakra from the surroundings going inside of the body simultaneous with expending of chakra that leaked throughout the body. His mechanical gauntlet weapons were nowhere to be found.

Rouzuke’s skin seemed to have black pigments shaped like commas that glowed violet and was rushing on his skin like mad ants, with the pigments coming from his back. Soon enough, his skin was surrounded by numerous black pigments. His jet black hair slowly became silver; with the red orbs gleaming from his shades changing into an orange tinge.He faced them with an air of malice.

“I didn’t expect you ****ers to be this stupid,” he said hoarsely as the pigments gradually covered up every part of his body. “But you leave me no choice but to use another power of mine.”

Black and red lightning started to crackle from his body to the ground, each bolt lashing out menacingly. Veins from his body pulsated and throbbed unpleasantly. The power seemed to affect his shades as well, hinting damage as Hibiki saw the chakra levels rise with intensity.

“This power,” Rouzuke yelled as the lightning bolts shrieked shrilly. “I have tamed it, and now I shall let it rise from within me. This time, young Kazekage, I shall obliterate you without remorse!”

To be continued...
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Shinobi Train

Active member
Jun 5, 2012
Trait Points
I knew it! This guy just doesn't stay down...

I like how there wasn't any fighting at all in this one, well done. Most just want a battle to continue on, but that just keeps it from being as good. However, if you give it a break, then when they do start fighting again it seems more serious. A storytelling strategy basically. ;)


May 17, 2012
Trait Points
I knew it! This guy just doesn't stay down...

I like how there wasn't any fighting at all in this one, well done. Most just want a battle to continue on, but that just keeps it from being as good. However, if you give it a break, then when they do start fighting again it seems more serious. A storytelling strategy basically. ;)
Thanks! :D It's just that I feel that some parts of a story can be explained better by "talking" in an entire chapter/scene (which goes the same for movies) rather than put all the "spices" in one sitting. :)

Shinobi Train

Active member
Jun 5, 2012
Trait Points
Thanks! :D It's just that I feel that some parts of a story can be explained better by "talking" in an entire chapter/scene (which goes the same for movies) rather than put all the "spices" in one sitting. :)
You and me both, so few people actually tell stories's just one long battle, and that's not a story. ;)

Keep it up, awesome as always!


May 17, 2012
Trait Points
You and me both, so few people actually tell stories's just one long battle, and that's not a story. ;)

Keep it up, awesome as always!
You should be making more of that fanfic series of yours as well! :)) Of course, in comparison, yours have richer content of vocabulary and wider variety of plot twists, unlike mine. :)