Tanishi (131)


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard Mission Element(s):

  • Save a large community from danger
  • Survive a near-death situation
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After a few days of traveling from the north east the three had reach the Land of Fire. The land of Tanishi who's location was in close proximity to the Iron Peninsula made for territorial disputes and there were always skirmishes here fought with the coin of blood. Arriving on a massive golem made a sure impression as most of the land here was flat making the golem hard to miss for most people. If there were any terrorist organizations anywhere in the Land of Fire they sure had to have an enclave here. At the top of the golems head, Alucard and Lilith sat - overlooking the landmark from a Birdseye perspective. In his field of scope, Alucard could see villages and small bands of mercenaries surrounding them. Some were on a march towards the west for insurrections or proxy wars.

Shucks, ain't nobody going to sleep here temporarily it would seem.

Lilith readied herself for a dive.

Let's go.
The two of them flew down from the golems head and dove through the air. Alucard used his Kekkei Genkai to unfold a pair of wings made from his own bones in order to sustain flight while Lilith had her own wings. Their descent hadn't gone unnoticed and they were targeted from the ground by the mercenaries that was about to infiltrate a small town with a force unmatched let alone no fortifications to repel it either. Chakra-cannons were aimed towards the two of them releasing a volley of projectiles of high yield. Alucard clapped his hands together and retracted them a sheer second later to expand a spherical black dot of void behaving chakra that acted as a shield, siphoning in the chakra coming her way whilst also fueling his own dark marks for later use if needed. Lilith used her two swords held in a horizontal grip to form a shield strong enough to withstand the attack and they both made it to the ground, rolling over in a flourish, unharmed. Alucard's black and crimson robes swayed in the winds. The mixture of yellow tint in his glasses and his Dojutsu who shined in a deep cyan color made for a green tone. Facing the iron clad mercenaries armed to the teeth and with some sort of metallic alloy in their armor they looked far more intimidating than they possibly could be. They were disciplined enough to not engage in conversation but instead focused on their goal which was to overrun the village that Alucard and Lilith was blocking their way from.
The front line raised their weapons and engaged. Lilith powered through it and used her two swords with deception and devotion prioritizing her balance in a way that made it look like a dance. Darkiscie and Nightmare were both swords of tremendous power on their own, a feat that the mercenaries learned when their steel blades crossed paths with them.


She was able to cut through their swords as if they were made out of butter yet she would never target vital areas on the enemy as her persona was merciful. Keen to instead knock them out or do enough damage to their weapons and armor to force them out of combat was her goal. After being able to repel the front line enough on her own, she plunged down her Nightmare sword into the ground forming a large tentacle-like burst of liquid metal to pop up from the ground infront of her to form a defensive line between her and the mercenaries. While it was lethal it was not large enough to encircle the entire village behind her but it would make the attackers hesitate enough to retreat back behind the hills. Standing there proudly for a second, Lilith then went into the village while Alucard remained outside. He knew already that their retreat was for tactical purposes as more men were filling the roads on their way towards them from the south-east. Heaven then suddenly opened closed and multiple thunderclouds formed all across the lands. Rain started falling and the loud cracks of thunder gave Alucard an opportunity. He cloaked himself in chakra and turned invisible to the naked eye and those not possessing Dojutsu or other higher forms of sensory methods by reflecting the light that hit him like a mirror. This not only made him invisible but his clothes as well. With this Ninjutsu technique made his way towards the mercenaries whom just had retreated and started setting up a camp in preparations of a new attempt of their siege with higher numbers and some rest. His plan was not to take them all out but rather to spy on them for information about the current status of the war in the region. He treaded quietly through the rain and reached their campsite while tapping into Lilith's consciousness to check the status within the village itself that they were protecting. She had already made herself a savior within the walls and they all had taken shelter as well due to the relentless weather. Alucard tapped out from their connection and turned his full attention towards the enemy. He was now about 20 meters away and still had remained completely unnoticed. The morale in the enemy camp was rather mixed ever since they had just moments ago suffered a retreat at the hands of two neutral parties flunking their way through their parade. The three mercenaries who were closest to him laid back from the main unit and started yapping.

Reckon the boss will be satisfied taking down those two flock of seagulls? What they got to stick their nose into our business is just damn rude. We were this [THIS] close to take them tonight! Eh, whatever, same outcome will be tomorrow plus two more dead wankers. Cheers to that.

Merc, you don't understand who that man in the black robes was do you? His presence means the end times, no one who's fought him has won.

The hell did your balls not drop yet? I don't care who's in between me and my treasure. They goin down. Especially now that the Dark Brotherhood is coming for our aide.

*Sigh* - Means we're all failures in the boss's eyes regardless if we win or not. We're doomed and the fact that that piss you're drinking is making you think that we're somehow not angers me terribly. Matter of fact, hand me some will'ya? Mind as well be drunk when i die.

Suddenly another invisible person seemed to have faded into their conversation, jabbing a sword into the gloomy one - killing them quickly. This moment came as a shock to Alucard, neither had he been able to sense or see the person in the black robes who were now cleaning their blade from blood after the assassination. There was an immediate silence bar the thunder in the background. An insignia on his robe probably painted with blood marked a hand. The man was cloaked and his face was completely hidden. He took a bottle from the ground and uncorked it with his thumb before drinking it in its entirety after which he then tossed it towards Alucard who grabbed it in his hand. Did he know about his whereabouts this whole time?

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The Dark Brotherhood has decided to act on your.. Generosity. You may not rest tonight as you have the enemy among you.
The cloaked man pointed right towards Alucard who at this point shed his invisiblity technique like it was last years Victoria secret. The entire group of mercenaries pointed their weapons towards him with the cloaked figure in the front.

..Oops i did it again?
Before he knew it, the cloaked figure had seemingly vanished. He could not be sensed or seen, indicating he had gone for the village or maybe even Lilith specifically and using the mercenaries as a diversion. Clearly, Alucard's plan had not gone in the way he had hoped, neither had he gained any information about the insurrection nor had he managed to interrogate anyone. While he probably still could do the latter there was now no time for it anymore. The mercenaries rushed towards Alucard who had no time to fight them for now. He created a clone using his Chakra and used it to fend off the attackers while he himself rushed towards his daughter and the village a few hundred meters away. On his way he realized the masked mans presence coming from above but without an active mode his body was too slow to react, resulting in him almost having his entire goddamn head taken off. With a precise cut from an ornate dagger the cloaked man had slashed Alucard's neck from the back leaving a large gaping wound where his main artery went through. Without feeling the pain of the slash he still realized this was grave news as he fell to the ground while black robes disappeared once again not doubting his strike would kill Alucard off. Due to the strike also had severed nerves, Alucard had found himself paralyzed as well. The rain mixed in with the blood that spurt from his artery and while he wanted to heal himself with his Yang release he was unable to as the cut had been so precise that it had also severed his chakra network just enough to hinder him from using high levels of chakra. For now he could only wait for his body to heal by itself and gamble on that it would heal faster than he would run out of blood and die.


On the other side of the battle, the clone was making short work of the mercenaries and had it not been for the fact that the clone technique was self sustained the clone would've vanished as well due to Alucard's injury. The opposition had anti-jutsu devices that they used in a similar fashion to that of the dark marks in Alucard's palms. Passively siphoning the clones chakra and hindering it from using high levels of jutsu which dragged out their fight substantially. The Clone had managed to push the mercenaries further away from the village and shorten their overall numbers. Numbers that would eventually rise again due to the reinforcements that flocked towards the heart of the battle from the south-east. Eventually it was a force large enough to push back Alucard's clone, who had to retreat but in the battle being able to have retrieved one piece of tech that had been used against it. On the slopes it rushed towards it's maker who was lying on the ground with a body that did not respond to his will as he was bleeding out and had a severed chakra system. Out of range from the chakra blockers, the clone would use it's last remaining chakra to heal Alucard himself using it's Yang energy. It placed its hands on Alucard's throat which put him back at peak physical strength with the result being that half of his chakra reserves were now gone as the clone had dispersed. On the ground next to his feet lied the chakra blocker tech that the clone had retrieved. He placed it on his back and headed up towards the village walls. As he closed in on them he jumped over and took a look over the carnage being dealt by the Dark Brotherhood assassin. Lilith was backed up by the shred of defenders that the village had but they could not match the robed man. She was in her Power of the Sun state which allowed her to take otherwise mortal blows dealt by him but it didn't let her be reactive enough to catch up to his movements and even though her healing factor was great she still was taking so much damage that she was half dead. Thanks to her sacrifice the villagers had so far remained unscathed but it was time for Alucard to take down the threat before something serious happened to his daughter as well. The assassin was not just fast but had the ability to simply vanish from existence, a feat that was not too dissimilar to Alucard's own developed fighting style even though it was only one technique spurred from it that allowed him to do so yet. He had realized the opponent's speed was all thanks to chakra output and with the chakra blocker device he had with him he decided on a plan. He tossed the tech over to Lilith as a backup while he himself was set to end this thing. The assassin stopped in the middle of the street and looked up towards his prey who had seemingly returned from the dead.

The speaker told us you would be heard to kill but that it was possible.
He vanished once again and at the blink of an eye he had stabbed Alucard underneath his jaw with the ornate dagger piercing through his chin.

I do not grant you any last words.
Without being able to reply, Alucard placed a unique tag on the person with a large amount of chakra it burned into his skin. An action that was returned by a severed ear as the cloaked figure had been taken by surprise not knowing that his foe was not stunned by pain.

Hehehe, cry all you want, you're looking at your new daddy.

Uncertain with what action to take next, the cloaked man first tried to undo the cursed seal that had been placed on him but to no avail. Realizing this, he went for Alucard again who at this point had raised a Gravitational shield around himself which could not be penetrated by any means at all. The cries from the cloaked figure on the outside of his shell made Alucard laugh. He loved desperation. His shield lasted long enough for the seal that he had just placed on the opponent to take effect. Realizing he had lost, the cloaked man burst out in a maniacal laughter. Alucard had ceased control over the mans body using the Puppet Curse Seal's ability. A pair of red eyes could be seen now under the hood and through a few hand gestures, Alucard would have the man reveal his face. To his surprise it looked like a teenaged boy not much older than 15 or 16. His body was now puppeteered by Alucard who was uncertain what to do with him. On the other side of the wall, the number of mercenaries had grown substantially. However, the Otsutsuki Golem had also caught up to their location by now. It could take down several men with a simple motion such as a sweep with its hands or stomping the ground to crush them beneath it's massive weight. Controlling the boy and the golem at the same time was immensely taxing for an already severed chakra reserve that Alucard had at his disposal. While victory had now been assured he was not able to fully appreciate it while his stamina was as low as it was. Assuring the security of the village and its residents were safe they would hop on the Otsutsuki golem once again and let it stomp out any fools who dared tried to reach it. Ontop of the statue, Alucard would meditate and gather up his chakra reserves in order to sustain control over the golem and the boy whilst also restoring his lost chakra due to the fight. This boy was surely sitting on the information they needed which was why they kept him with them as they travelled further into the Iron Peninsula.
