Strongest Non-eye clan?


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Oct 13, 2016
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Wow, hold your horses though. We're going by Canon info here, and Databook gives us a pretty good description of what the Hozuki can do with their liquidation. Gengetsu here is still the exception and should be treated as such, like Hashirama amongst the Senju.

Anyhow, while this is true, there is still the fact that, coinciding with what you presented on the Hozuki, they are still very, very much reliant on their Liquidation for their fighting style, so while they might not be vulnerable to lightning 24/7, it shouldn't be that hard to catch them on their liquidated states either, so it is still a very big disadvantage.
Yes, yes we are going off of canon, and everything I stated is canon. The databook further reinstates such in regards to the Hydrification technique. Gengetsu is no exception, he's simply another mere reference of what the Hōzuki Clan are capable of.

I appreciate you conceding when facts, are fact, but you speculating that the Hōzuki Clan are reliant on their full body Hydrification technique is very much incorrect. What do you think the Hōzuki Clansmen will do when they realize their opponent uses lightning-based ninjutsu? Definitely not liquefy their entirety, that's for absolutely sure.

What's unique about the Hydrification technique is that it allows its user to liquify any part of the body be it the skin, muscle, hair etc. Anything on the Hōzuki's body is susceptible to be liquefied at will. What's this mean advantageously? Simple: The Hōzuki are only weak to lightning-based ninjutsu when the lightning comes in contact with the specific liquefied area (i.e. if the Hōzuki liquefies their hand in order to use the clan's famous water gun technique, than the lightning chakra must make specific contact with that area for the Hōzuki member to be affected, and even then, that area will only be weak because it's the only liquefied area on the Hōzuki's composition).

Catching the Hōzuki in their liquefied state will be extremely, extremely, extremely rare/difficult. Especially on the pretense that they've specifically created this technique with the innate weakness in mind. If a known weakness is present, don't you think precautions would be made?

Those precautions were made (i.e. the lightning chakra only affects the liquefied areas; the Hōzuki are capable of liquefying any area they choose). This makes them not only unpredictable, but in a similar sense, just like Obito when using his intangibility. He can choose to make a certain segment of his composition physically immune (though against lightning they'd have to be either faster than the user manipulating such, or evade sacrificially (e.g. liquefy a less useful area/limb on their body, allowing that area to take the brunt of the lightning's effect); the Hōzuki Clan can make a certain segment of their body physically immune.

The Hōzuki are in no way, shape, or form at a distinct disadvantage to lightning. At least no more than the ordinary shinobi. With that "weakness" refuted, this only leaves us with the fact that they are inherently the strongest non-doujutsu clan to ever have existed.

The Aburame are another very, very powerful clan with a ceiling unbearably high.

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baul 24

Active member
Apr 8, 2013
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Actually no clan is unique cause they all are represented by only a special few i think no clan is superior every clan has it's pros and cons


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Jun 4, 2012
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The Hōzuki Clan, and there's no competition whatsoever. I've touched up on this by making multiple threads within the past month, a truly prodigious clan simply based off of their offspring production (e.g. Gengetsu, Mangetsu, and Suigetsu); a kage, a master of all seven legendary swords, and a younger brother with the potential to accomplish even further tributes.

Take your pick, be it innate water sensory, heat resistant enough to survive a Bijūdama (i.e. making them resistant to any fire-based techniques we've ever seen in the manga), the fact that they can make themselves immune to Genjutsu, or how about the fact that their self-created technique: Mizudeppō no Jutsu, is faster than sound itself?

Or better yet, their immunity to any physical attacks that aren't lightning-based?

The Hōzuki Clan, by far will always be the #1 non-Doujutsu clan in the manga. Ever. If you are truly interested in what the Hōzuki Clan has produced/can accomplish I highly suggest you delve into these spoilers harboring previous threads I've made to make an inference on this extremely powerful, and versatile clan.

Hōzuki Clan Feats

Fact | Genjutsu Immunity; The Hōzuki Clan

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The Hōzuki Clan aren't susceptible to Genjutsu; Genjutsu Immunity.


Hōzuki Clan affiliates, through their Hiden (Literally meaning: Secret Tradition) are capable of liquefying themselves wholly; transmuting both external and internal obstruction (i.e. organs - The brain).

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Genjutsu is induced by taking control of the victim's cerebral nerves; sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Changing the properties of human structure (e.g. a liquefied brain), rejects the basis of Genjutsu stipulation; the brain

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Our 5 senses have their respective organs with specific and special cellular structures that are receptors of respective stimuli. These cells are linked to the nervous system and further with the brain. Cells sense at the initial level and this sensing is consolidated in the nervous system to create sensations.

However, the smallest of sensations requires a billion nerve cells to fire prompt messages through the linked pathways to the brain, which then shoots out the corresponding response.

To understand how all our 5 sense organs work, you need to understand the role the brain plays as the control which coordinates them and makes them compliment each other.


The Eye enables and facilitates vision. In structure, it has a transparent lens to focus light on the retina. The retina is covered with two types of cells − rods and cones. The cone cells are color- sensitive and are located in a part of retina called the fovea.

The rod cells are light-sensitive and are located around the fovea − these are responsible for peripheral and night vision. The optic nerve connects the eye to the brain. This connection is called the ‘blind spot’ because it is insensitive to light.

When the input is received by the brain, from both eyes, it combines them into a single, three-dimensional image. The retina creates an inverted image because of the focusing action of the lens but the brain does a further job by providing the right-side-up perception.

Eyes have an exceptional range of perception. In darkness, the rod cells increase the eyes’ sensitivity to such a level that it becomes capable of detecting even a faint dim light. Conversely, in strong light the iris contracts, to reduce the size of the aperture in order to allow a reduced amount of light into the eye, to protect the light sensitive cells. VIBGYOR is the spectrum of light to which our eyes are sensitive.


Our ears enable us to hear. The outer part of the ear is a cup shaped structure, which stands out from the sides of the head. This routes the sounds to the tympanic membrane, commonly known as the ‘ear drum’. The sound vibrations are then further transmnitted, through a chain of small bones in the mid ear − namely the malleus, incus and stapes − to the inner ear.

The inner ear or cochlea is a a spiral-shaped chamber, covered internally with the nerve fibers. These fibers react to the sound vibrations and send the impulses to the brain via the auditory nerve. The brain consolidates the inputs received from both the ears and determines the direction and distance of the sound.

A human ear is sufficiently sensitive to perceive sound from 16 cycles of frequencies per second to 28,000 cycles per second. This is a huge range comprising of a very high pitch to a very deep bass. A pitch change as small as one 300th of 1% of the original frequency can be read by a human ear. It has been found that, after the age of 7, we do not demonstrate a great deal of improvement in the ability to recognize notes. This is why it is said that note and pitch recognition lessons should be taught to children before they reach 4 years of age.


The taste sensors are called ‘taste buds’. The majority of these are located in the tongue, but they are also found in the upper part of the mouth and near the pharynx. They can detect the 4 basic tastes − salt, sweet, bitter, and sour. The sensitivity of the taste buds to particular tastes is divided into specific areas on the tongue: the tip of the tongue is sensitive to sweet tastes, taste buds at the back of the tongue are sensitive to bitter tastes, those on the top are sensitive to salt and those on the side of the tongue are sensitive to sour tastes.

Every taste bud has a nerve beneath it, which sends sensations to the brain. The sense of taste and smell work in coordination. The number of taste buds and their distribution varies from individual to individual − the higher the number greater the sensitivity. Women, typically, have a higher number of taste buds.


The nose facilitates the sense of smell. The cavity of the nose has an inner layer of mucous membranes consisting of smell receptors which are connected to the olfactory nerve. A smell is comprised of vapors emanating from different substances.

When these vapors strike the smell receptors, they interact with these molecules and transmit sensations to the brain. There are 7 main types of odors to which the smell receptors are sensitive; these can be segregated into camphor, musk, flower, mint, ether, acrid, or putrid. Whilst suffering from a cold, the sense of smell is commonly lost, temporarily.


Nerve endings are scattered throughout the surface of the skin and transmit sensations to the brain, thus allowing contact to be felt anywhere throughout the body. However, some areas of the body have a larger number of nerve endings, making them more sensitive than others – for instance there is a very high concentration of nerve endings on the lips, making them extremely sensitive to contact.

We can identify 4 kinds of touch sensations: cold, warmth, contact, and pain. Hair on the skin magnifies sensitivity and acts as a warning system for the body. The fingertips and the sexual organs possess the highest concentration of nerve endings.​

Further: Extrospect

We interact with the external world, through our senses. The brain has separate, dedicated areas to receive, interpret and respond to the input received from the sense organs:

Smell− Multiple brain areas are involved:

Smelling is not done by the nose alone, its perception and interpretation involves multiple areas of the brain. After receiving the smell sensation, the nose sends the signals to the olfactory bulb, thalamus and amygdale; this area is called the limbic system.

From here, the signals travel to the temporal and frontal lobes. These areas perform the task of odour memory and discrimination. So much functioning and involvement of brain parts makes us understand, the difference between an odour and a fragrance.

Taste & Odor− Their perception is interrelated:

Taste sensations, received by the taste buds in the tongue, roof of the mouth and throat, reach the brain via the brain stem. Just like smell sensations, taste signals also travel to the limbic system From there the information goes to the frontal and temporal lobes, similar to the smell signals. The similarity and proximity of the brain pathways processing the taste and smell signals, demonstrate the connection between the two senses.

Vision − The Occipital Lobe is significant and critical:

Visual inputs are processed by the occipital lobe, situated at the back of the brain, via the optic nerves from the eyes. The occipital lobe coordinates with various parts of the brain to assist in vision related functions such as remembering people, places or objects previously seen, as well as emotional association with visual input received.

Hearing − The Temporal Lobe Receive Input:

The auditory cortex in the temporal lobe receives the sound input from the ear and interprets it. This communication between the auditory cortex, the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain, result in the recollection of sounds and their association with particular circumstances, as well as identifying the direction from which the a sound is being received.

Sensations − The Parietal Lobe receives all Physical Sensations:

It's the responsibility of the parietal lobe in the brain to perceive, identify and interpret all physical sensations, such as touch, temperature, texture, pain, pleasure, pressure, etc. The touch discrimination capability of different body parts is also different.

Parietal Lobe

The parietal lobe carries out some very specific functions. As a part of the cortex, it has a lot of responsibilities and has to be able to process sensory information within seconds. The parietal lobe is where information such as taste, temperature and touch are integrated, or processed. Humans would not be able to to feel sensations of touch, if the parietal lobe was damaged.


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Due to the Hōzuki Clan's Hiden, Genjutsu is rendered ineffective on the premise: Sensory disruption cannot be attained (e.i. liquidized brain; water, does not contain cerebral nerves) - Lack of disruption within the five senses disables illusionary scenarios to be experienced; Suigetsu, and his clansmen are immune to Genjutsu.

Overlooked | Footspeed; Suigetsu Hōzuki

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Suigetsu Hōzuki is an overlooked character, in regards to his natural talent. Undervalue often being pertained to: Footspeed

Case I
Suigetsu x Kirābī

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Panel One
- Panel Two - Panel Three

  • The first panel signifies the distance Suigetsu, Jūgo, and Karin were from Sasuke, and Kirābī.
  • The second panel rectifies the reader on both: Taka's distance, and the initiation of action from Jūgo.
  • The third panel further shows the reader how close Kirābī was in his initial assault to hitting Sasuke.

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Though Jūgo was the first to take action, Suigetsu was the first to arrive; appearing instantly from: Start (original distance/Karin's position) - Finish (Sasuke & Kirābī's location), saving Sasuke on the brink of death/fatal injury. This is a testament of great speed on the pretense of Kirābī's reaction feat against one of the fastest characters in the Naruto world; Minato.

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Suigetsu was capable of bypassing Kirābī's reaction by sheer footspeed; be it because Kirābī didn't expect such a feat from Suigetsu, or because Suigetsu covered the portrayed distance at such an amazing speed Kirābī wasn't able to register correctly until their swords clashed.​

Case II
Suigetsu x Ei​

Suigetsu, and Karin can be seen on an elevated structure nearly rivaling pillar height in the Kage Summit; the blue circles highlight the summit's entrance roof.

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Panel One - Panel Two - Panel Three

  • Panel one highlights the entrance roof, showing Ei & co, as well Sasuke, and Jūgo within viewpoint.
  • Panel two shows Suigetsu, and Karin on the elevated floor above Sasuke, Jūgo, Ei etc. The rooftop can be seen again, directly opposite of Suigetsu's location.
  • Panel three further insights the rooftop, but this time highlighting Ei's position; back facing opposite to the roof entrance, having a direct visual of anything ahead (Sasuke, Jūgo, and the floor Suigetsu, and Karin are hiding on).
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Suigetsu instantly covered said distance, intercepting a V1 Ei not an instant away from striking Sasuke. Twice now, Suigetsu has done this: First, against Kirābī, and now Ei - Both of which possess incredible reaction speed, as Ei in V1 was stated to be on par with Minato's own reaction speed.

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Suigetsu's footspeed is nothing short of impressive if we factor in who he's went up against, and how fast he's intercepted them.​

Case III
Suigetsu x Spiral Zetsu

Spiral Zetsu was shown to have not only the Gokage, but Hiruzen and a few other noteworthy shinobi at a stalemate (favoring him greatly however), intercepting their every move with ease. Ei, the fastest man in that particular situation couldn't even make it anywhere near the opposition.

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Yet, a duo of Karin, and Suigetsu easily intercepted Spiral Zetsu. Karin foolishly rampaging forward, high on emotion for a near dead Sasuke, while Suigetsu out of no where, instantly blitzed forward surprising Spiral Zetsu at his sheer speed (the exclamation mark signifies surprise); even giving him a compliment on both his speed, and jutsu's power.

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Here I've put together several scans to assimilate that: Taka's position stayed the same, to further signify that Suigetsu's speed feat was in fact impressive.

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Photo One - Panel One - Panel Two - Panel Three - Panel Four

  • Panel one & two highlight Taka's position, in comparison to Spiral Zetsu.
  • Panel three highlights Taka's position again (after Karin attacked Spiral Zetsu), showing they are in the same spot.
  • Panel four highlights Karin's position after she used the Uzumaki ability in comparison to Taka's own positioning, and Spiral Zetsu's.
Photo Two - Panel One - Panel Two​

  • Panel one highlights Orochimaru's position; still in the same position as the above panels.
  • Panel two shows Taka evaluating the scene, still true to their position (left of Spiral Zetsu's construct).
The conclusion as I said before: Suigetsu blitzed Spiral Zetsu, from the same position they started - This proves Suigetsu's footspeed is top tier; far greater than what the majority depicted his natural speed as.​

Case IV

Through the usage of the Hōzuki Clan's Hydrification Technique, Suigetsu is capable of not only liquefying his entirety, but compressing the water, and distributing it into any limb(s), giving the subjected a significant enhancement to their physical ability.

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Performing this technique within the leg area would vastly increase the strength in his legs, granting him faster Shunshin (Bodyflicker) speed than that of what he previously possesses.​

By manga portrayal, Suigetsu's footspeed is top tier, far greater than what people tend to give him credit for/acknowledge; speed that of which enabled him to intercept opponents such as: Kirābī, Ei, and Spiral Zetsu.

Overlooked | Heat Resistance; Suigetsu Hōzuki

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Suigetsu's (and possibly other Hōzuki clan members) resistance to heat is severely overlooked/underrated, being the target of fallacious statements such as: "Katon jutsu would evaporate Suigetsu." This is in fact false; Suigetsu has been shown to be highly resistant to thermal energy (i.e. heat).

Suigetsu while utilizing the technique: Tate Eboshi, against Kirābī displayed a unique feat that physically shouldn't have been possible. Whilst in his aquatic avatar state battling Kirābī, Suigetsu adamantly went toe, to toe with one of the strongest attacks we've seen yet; the Bijūdama.

It's been shown multiple times, that the Bijūdama is the byproduct of releasing highly compressed energy. The actively compressed energy is transitioned into thermal energy due to the atoms being in constant motion; the manga has portrayed this consistently.​

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It's common knowledge that compressed energy is more lethal on the pretense of being focused in a secluded area/range, while energy that simply explodes expansively is less potent in regards to its formerly compressed properties (i.e. heat); as the energy spreads out over wider ranges, the thermal energy is carried further, producing less focused heat, than its counterpart. Example:​

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To further backup this fact, Gyūki's Bijūdama was explicitly shown to have rose the heat temperature of the surrounding water, causing the liquid to evaporate into steam (gas). This shouldn't be argued/disagreed with seeing as how the Bijūdama's energy was shown to rupture solid constructs.​

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With that being brought to the surface, Suigetsu was shown to have been completely in tact, even when Gyūki's Bijūdama severely dwarfed his water construct, and was shown to evaporate the surrounding water. You can clearly see Jūgo carrying Suigetsu after the initial confrontation between Tate Eboshi x Bijūdama.​

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We've canonically not seen any katon jutsu rival the power/thermal energy a Bijūdama possesses, thereby fortifying the fact, that Suigetsu is innately heat resistant to any, and all present fire-based techniques portrayed in the manga. Along with suiton being the superior element between the two on the element weakness chart.​

A Bijūdama from the lesser-tailed Bijū were capable of destroying mountains as Kakashi himself stated; Kurama himself in previous chapters had stated the more tails one had, the stronger/more chakra one would possess, which by manga portrayal has been precisely true.​

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Bijūdama from the lesser-tailed Bijū were mountain busters; Gyūki, along with Kurama are undoubtedly stronger than all of the other Bijū by manga portrayal. Which can lead us to the inference that both of their respective Bijūdama are more potent than that of the others.​


Suigetsu's resistance to heat-based techniques shouldn't be overlooked any further; capable of withstanding, and not evaporating from the sheer thermal energy radiated from Gyūki's Bijūdama which was explicitly shown to evaporate water several pages later.

As well, the lesser-tailed Bijū were shown to be mountain busters with their own Bijūdama, while both Kurama's statement, and manga portrayal highlight the 8th, and 9th tailed-beast are superior to their lesser-tailed kin. In short, Suigetsu cannot be evaporated by anything on, or below the level of Gyūki's Bijūdama.

Expansion | Mizudeppō no Jutsu; The Hōzuki Clan

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Mizudeppō no Jutsu's (Water Gun Technique) value isn't fully appreciated/understood. The Hōzuki Clan's jutsu can be utilized in an expansive way capable of increasing the number of water bullets fired substantially.


Mizudeppō no Jutsu's mechanics are simple, even if we didn't have the databook for its inner-workings, how its executed would still be a facile question to answer; focusing compressed water throughout their finger tips, the Hōzuki Clansmen are able to fire compressed water at augmented speeds.

The fourth databook's translation:

Marvelous water droplets that steal away a person's life. With a flick they move faster than the speed of sound. Water droplets like the sharp bullet of an assassin pierce the enemy. The actual mechanics are simple, the body of the person liquifies. One takes aim with their finger tips and the water drop is shot like a bullet.

Take heed of the bold/underlined context in both descriptions. Compressed water bullets shot out of the finger tips; similar to Kimimaro's own technique.​

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Clarified; the usage of Mizudeppō no Jutsu through every limb located on the Hōzuki's hand is undeniably plausible.​

Overlooked through the foolish mindset: "Small-scale techniques are weak/If it isn't flashy it's fodder." That isn't the case with this technique; Mizudeppō no Jutsu favors minimal over maximal (i.e. small, but deadly over large, and deadly).

The fourth databook states:

Marvelous water droplets that steal away a person's life. With a flick they move faster than the speed of sound. Water droplets like the sharp bullet of an assassin pierce the enemy.

Faster than the speed of sound, which we've canonically seen in the manga (i.e. Sandaime Kazekage's Iron Sand).

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Canonically, evading attacks faster than sound itself is impossible, and attempting to make a counter argument against that is difficult on the pretense: physically moving faster than sound (i.e. 332 meters per second) is nigh impossible, and hasn't been seen canonically in the manga.

We've also never seen attacks faster than sound be evaded, as Chiyo had to implicate a stationary defense against the Sandaime Kazekage's Iron Sand technique:

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Further proving that attacks capable of moving faster than sound are capable of production, and the Hōzuki Clan's Mizudeppō no Jutsu can do such, making it a nigh impossible to evade technique, only through stationary defense can it be defended against (i.e. the similar way Chiyo defended), or being durable enough to tank the technique (i.e. Spiral Zetsu's Mokuton face mask).​

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Obito's mask was obviously composed of Senju DNA, as we've seen Senju DNA strengthens its target (i.e. character, or object), as seen when a Tobi encased Obito siphoning chakra from the tether (Hashirama's chakra), and the statue (outer path) to punch through the wall in Madara's hideout.

Well as being able to hold together Obito's body, and in the end restoring it past his previous prime.

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Mizudeppō no Jutsu being able to accomplish the same feat (breaking through the mask) as a Bijuu Mode Naruto's Rasengan, is a huge strength feat that shouldn't be overlooked. Undoubtedly it'd be able to pierce through a large margin of individuals/chakra constructs except things such as; Susano'o, 3rd Raikage, etc. Anything of less durability than Obito's Mask/Susano'o/Sandaime Raikage's body is being pierced through. This is fact.

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The Hōzuki Clan's Hiden (Secret Technique): Mizudeppō no Jutsu, is capable of not only being utilized by a single fingertip, but by all five fingertips present; increasing the lethality significantly. In addition, Mizudeppō no Jutsu is faster than the speed of sound (similar to Sandaime Kazekage's Iron Sand technique), further establishing its lethal properties in battle.

Overlooked | Suigetsu's Sensory Feat; The Hōzuki Clan

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Suigetsu has performed an overlooked feat, that no other ninja except Nagato (through application) has been shown to do. Rain Sensing; Suigetsu is capable of acquiring information through rain/water passively.


Firstly. Suigetsu, and Jūgo were both imprisoned in Tetsu no Kuni (Land of Iron), while the Fourth Shinobi World War took place in the locations: Sangaku no Hakaba (Mountain's Graveyard) the Akatsuki's hideout, Shimo no Kuni (Land of Frost), Yu no Kuni (Land of Hot Water), and of course Kaminari no Kuni (Land of Lightning). The entire war, was fought in the lands close to Kumogakure's own; the Land of Lightning.​

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Suigetsu was present in the Land of Iron at the time of his break out. The Land of Iron is among Sanrō (Three Wolves), three very large mountains. Remnants of the world war took place in Mountain's Graveyard; the connection between the two is prominent.

Later, it was seen Suigetsu, and co. had made their way to Orochimaru's hideout, located in Otogakure (Hidden Sound Village). The range between the Land of Iron, and the Hidden Sound Village and any of the locations the war took place is vast as can be seen on the map.​

Suigetsu was blatantly seen performing a sensing ability, be it due to his Hōzuki bloodline (most likely), or through his own self-proficiency; either way, Suigetsu is a sensory type, and one of the more powerful ones we've seen by manga portrayal.

Chapters later, Suigetsu, and Jūgo were seen directly outside of Orochimaru's hideout within Otogakure; Jūgo through his ability to communicate telepathically with animals had attained information about war, right after Jūgo attempted to voice what the birds had relayed to him. However, Jūgo was cut off by Suigetsu, who'd finished his sentence accurately. How was this possible if they had no prior knowledge to anything currently happening? (Reinforced by Jūgo needing to ask the wildlife for ongoing circumstances).​

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It's due to Suigetsu's innate ability to sense/acquire information through water, similar to how Nagato had done so. Except, Suigetsu's is passively active due to his genetic makeup/ancestral origins. This is further strongly reinforced by the next page which he states: "Before we get mixed up in this conflict." This additionally proved Suigetsu perceived a war was ongoing.

Stated previously, this sensing ability is similar to Nagato's very own; acquiring chakra signatures/information of those touched by the rain, relaying it back to the user of the technique. Suigetsu instead is simply relayed the information skipping the former's application method.​

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This proves that Suigetsu is capable of sensing anyone in contact with water, as long as he himself is as well; though it must be the same form of water (i.e. if rain he must be in contact with rain - if a body of water, then he must be in contact with a body of water etc).​

Suigetsu is not only capable of sensing/acquiring information through water, he's able to do so at expansive ranges, as he was capable of sensing warring conflict from a nation/nations away from his location (Orochimaru's hideout within the Sound Village). It's plausible that all Hōzuki Clan members are capable of this due to their clans Hiden (Secret Technique); allowing them to liquidate their entire body composition.

Analysis | Suigetsu's Water Control

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Suigetsu's prowess in the affinity of water regarding control, has never been deeply explored/explained, though from the subtle hints littered throughout the manga, we can easily infer that Suigetsu is quite prominent in suiton usage/control; surpassed only by users such as: Tobirama, and Kisame; while being equal to Gengetsu, and Mei. Though this is only on the premise of power.


Suigetsu's mastery of suiton is highly underrated/overlooked; Suigetsu has been shown to manipulate the water from inside of his body, as well out. The former in such a way, that he was capable of balancing the water levels within his body, while manipulating an amassed amount into a single limb; substantially increasing his strength. Another testament to Suigetsu's mastery over the liquid element, is that he's capable of not only liquefying his bodies composition, but hardening it as well.​

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Focusing on the hardening portion that's been underlined in the databook scan. Suigetsu, is capable of hardening water in his manipulation, this is further proven by his ability to compress the water molecules within his body to enlarge/strengthen his limbs. Why is this important? Because it shows us that Suigetsu is capable of increasing the density of water substantially; which explains why he was capable of pushing back Gyūki, pressuring him to use a point-blank Bijūdama.​

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In addition, Suigetsu has also been shown to control water he's previously had contact with, as seen when Jūgo violently rushed him, dispersing his water composition, but Suigetsu nigh instantly reformed. During reformation, Suigetsu manipulated the parting water to engulf Jūgo, asphyxiating him nigh instantly/shy of a few seconds.​

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So far its been shown, that Suigetsu is capable of hardening water's properties through compressing the liquid's molecules, and being able to manipulate any water he's in contact with. The final tribute regarding his mastery over water is the capability to amass a large construct against Kirābī again nigh instantly, as the exclamation marks indicate: Kirābī didn't expect/couldn't react to Suigetsu's initial assault, and Suigetsu's execution speed pertaining to the amassing of the abundance of water is incredibly fast.​

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Suigetsu was capable of manipulating a construct of water slightly less than half the size of Gyūki instantly (or close to instant, as neither Gyūki, or Taka could perceive Suigetsu's presence). This signifies that not only can Suigetsu manipulate water into any shape/form he wishes (i.e. if he wanted to make a water dragon/hydra/etc. he'd be able to) without needing to fuse with it. But that he can do it at an amazing pace as well.

The one, and only reason Suigetsu fused with his amassed construct, was to protect Sasuke & co. from Gyūki killing them. If that weren't the case, Suigetsu very well, could've used the water terrain to create sole constructs, and will them to assault his target.

What even further makes this an incredible feat, is the fact it took no hand seals to perform. Suigetsu is capable of amassing nearly-half the size of Bijū constructs nigh instantly, without performing any hand seals; clearly signifying mastery of the respective element.​

Suigetsu's mastery of control regarding the suiton element allows Suigetsu to amass constructs of water hard/large enough to push back even Bijū. As well, not needing to directly fuse with the construct, merely initiating contact once, to be able to control, and manipulate the body of water; hand seals not being a requirement for execution.


Think about the possibilities the Hōzuki Clan had at their disposal. Has anyone seen TLA/LOK? Blood Bending.. But in this case, the Hōzuki Clan members could submerge themselves in their victims.

Or how about when they enter the person's body, they physically materalize into their full body composition, and cause their host's body to explode.

I'm not taking anything from the other clans, especially not the Uzumaki, but when it comes down to things, the Hōzuki Clan were the most versatile, and one of the most powerful clans in existence; not simple one trick ponies, no, they possessed multiple talents, name one clan that isn't mainstream that could do the follow:

  • Sensory
  • Immunity to Genjutsu
  • Immunity to Physicality
  • Asphyxiation
  • OHKO Water Jutsu if aimed @ the head
  • Capable of combating a Tailed Beast with a water construct
  • Capable of controlling water's density
  • Being water based, and being able to be resistance to TBB heat, making them immune to all fire techniques seen in canon

The list goes on..

Beat me to 'em but probably better you posted it.


Active member
Feb 20, 2013
Trait Points
Yes, yes we are going off of canon, and everything I stated is canon. The databook further reinstates such in regards to the Hydrification technique. Gengetsu is no exception, he's simply another mere reference of what the Hōzuki Clan are capable of.

I appreciate you conceding when facts, are fact, but you speculating that the Hōzuki Clan are reliant on their full body Hydrification technique is very much incorrect. What do you think the Hōzuki Clansmen will do when they realize their opponent uses lightning-based ninjutsu? Definitely not liquefy their entirety, that's for absolutely sure.

What's unique about the Hydrification technique is that it allows its user to liquify any part of the body be it the skin, muscle, hair etc. Anything on the Hōzuki's body is susceptible to be liquefied at will. What's this mean advantageously? Simple: The Hōzuki are only weak to lightning-based ninjutsu when the lightning comes in contact with the specific liquefied area (i.e. if the Hōzuki liquefies their hand in order to use the clan's famous water gun technique, than the lightning chakra must make specific contact with that area for the Hōzuki member to be affected, and even then, that area will only be weak because it's the only liquefied area on the Hōzuki's composition).

Catching the Hōzuki in their liquefied state will be extremely, extremely, extremely rare/difficult. Especially on the pretense that they've specifically created this technique with the innate weakness in mind. If a known weakness is present, don't you think precautions would be made?

Those precautions were made (i.e. the lightning chakra only affects the liquefied areas; the Hōzuki are capable of liquefying any area they choose). This makes them not only unpredictable, but in a similar sense, just like Obito when using his intangibility. He can choose to make a certain segment of his composition physically immune (though against lightning they'd have to be either faster than the user manipulating such, or evade sacrificially (e.g. liquefy a less useful area/limb on their body, allowing that area to take the brunt of the lightning's effect); the Hōzuki Clan can make a certain segment of their body physically immune.

The Hōzuki are in no way, shape, or form at a distinct disadvantage to lightning. At least no more than the ordinary shinobi. With that "weakness" refuted, this only leaves us with the fact that they are inherently the strongest non-doujutsu clan to ever have existed.

Well, no. Not everything you're saying here is Canon. This side of the discussion is, but not everything you stated A lot of what you presented is theorizing on what the Hozuki are able to do granted what we know of them, such as the Genjutsu and the idea that Gengetsu's ability is something common, but its in no way Canon. It makes sense, but it still can't fully be presented as such. With that said, I won't go much towards that direction because that doesn't concern the discussion.

Now, we also don't really know as a fact that the Hozuki can control what part they liquefy and what part they don't. We know they can control it enough to use it as a weapon like with the water gun, but that doesn't mean they can keep half of their body solid while half of their body are in a liquid state. For all we know there is normal and there is Hydrification (I'll refer to it as that from now on, since its easier), no big in-between. So if someone was forming a water gun and were caught by surprise, their body would liquefy automatically because of the water gun. However, if they were hit with a lightning attack, they would still suffer a lot of damage from it because their entire body is in liquid form, not just their hands. That going from all we know, of course.

In that way they are indeed similar to Obito using intangibility, because they can only activate and deactivate the technique, without controlling what will be turned and what isn't when they're hit. Unlike Obito, they can chose to have a specific part of their body go full liquid form if they want to while keeping the rest of their body are in their Hydrification form, but that's beside the point.

And from that we come back to the idea that, if they are using Hydrification, they are vulnerable to lightning jutsu while, if they're not, they are stripped of the majority of their arsenal of jutsu, such as the ones you presented them to be capable of using. Either way it outs them in a disadvantage in a bigger battle.


Active member
Oct 13, 2016
Trait Points
Well, no. Not everything you're saying here is Canon. This side of the discussion is, but not everything you stated A lot of what you presented is theorizing on what the Hozuki are able to do granted what we know of them, such as the Genjutsu and the idea that Gengetsu's ability is something common, but its in no way Canon. It makes sense, but it still can't fully be presented as such. With that said, I won't go much towards that direction because that doesn't concern the discussion.

Now, we also don't really know as a fact that the Hozuki can control what part they liquefy and what part they don't. We know they can control it enough to use it as a weapon like with the water gun, but that doesn't mean they can keep half of their body solid while half of their body are in a liquid state. For all we know there is normal and there is Hydrification (I'll refer to it as that from now on, since its easier), no big in-between. So if someone was forming a water gun and were caught by surprise, their body would liquefy automatically because of the water gun. However, if they were hit with a lightning attack, they would still suffer a lot of damage from it because their entire body is in liquid form, not just their hands. That going from all we know, of course.

In that way they are indeed similar to Obito using intangibility, because they can only activate and deactivate the technique, without controlling what will be turned and what isn't when they're hit. Unlike Obito, they can chose to have a specific part of their body go full liquid form if they want to while keeping the rest of their body are in their Hydrification form, but that's beside the point.

And from that we come back to the idea that, if they are using Hydrification, they are vulnerable to lightning jutsu while, if they're not, they are stripped of the majority of their arsenal of jutsu, such as the ones you presented them to be capable of using. Either way it outs them in a disadvantage in a bigger battle.

Guntah said:
Not everything you're saying here is Canon. This side of the discussion is, but not everything you stated A lot of what you presented is theorizing on what the Hozuki are able to do granted what we know of them, such as the Genjutsu and the idea that Gengetsu's ability is something common, but its in no way Canon. It makes sense, but it still can't fully be presented as such.
It is canon, because in canon if one lacks a physical sensory system Genjutsu cannot be executed. Jiraiya states this, as well several other ninja... It is canon, because canon states such. You can't argue against that, or for better words you shouldn't as you'd be denying fact.

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Guntah said:
Now, we also don't really know as a fact that the Hozuki can control what part they liquefy and what part they don't.
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Category: Ninjutsu, Hiden

User(s): Suigetsu Hozuki, Mangetsu Hozuki, Gengetsu Hozuki

Difficulty level: B
Role: offense
Range: close - far

Shot with the speed of a flash/thunderbolt, a drop becomes a deadly bullet!

This technique turns water into a terrifying weapon. One drop is all it takes to terminate a human life. It's fired under high pressure, surpassing the speed of sound – and transforms into a knife-sharp blade, which pierces the body of the enemy without mercy.

[Images] ↑↓ The concept is very simple, however, you can use this jutsu only if you're able to transform yourself into water. The caster aims at his victim and shoots from his index finger a bullet out of water drops…!

Both the DB, and manga rectify this. The Hōzuki are able to transform anything on their body into water (i.e. their fingers to use the Water Gun technique, their entire upper body to immunize themselves from physical damage (i.e. Suigetsu vs Jugo), anything. You're arguing against canon here.

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There are no disadvantages here. Everything I've said is canon. The Hōzuki Clan is the strongest of the non-doujutsu clans. Runner-ups:

Aburame Clan
Kaguya Clan
Uzumaki Clan
Nara Clan


Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
I'll tackle this thread soon. :) I'll issue reason for why I gave the champions of the debate their premiums, stay tuned.

Being lazy at heart, I'll try to simply conclude asap :3 come at me if ya need more reasons...

Guntah, Kijin and VVolfVVarrior. You guys were amazing with your replies, I think all three deserve awards/prize for that. I choose Uzumaki-clan, given the odds and logic for why their clan was indeed a corner stone for war. The water clan is powerful, however, its not immune to genjutsu fam. lol In matter of fact, Uzumaki have a tendency with sensory on in other words (those chakra chains) lol. They'd be able to tell right away or fight genjutsu better than the water clan :3

Don't agree? Ask yourself, what is genjutsu? If you can answer that, then you'd know who has a better chance.

Thank you all, with this in mind. I'll craft my future clan a similar matter :3 bye-bye
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