Strengths & Weaknesses


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Aug 25, 2010
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☞ HOW TO RP: Strengths & Weaknesses

Strengths and Weaknesses are measured in one rank (or in the case of B-rank and above 20 damage point) difference between ability interactions. Depending on the ability used, it can either be strong or weak to another ability. This thread is a guide to know and understand the proper use of some abilities and how they all interact with others. If an ability is not listed in their strengths or weaknesses then they are treated as being neutral, having no advantage over each other following the standard damage interactions. For more information about damage Interactions [Click Here].

Lets say that "Element X" is strong against "Element Z" and neutral against "Element W" while being weak to "Element Y". This means that an A-Rank Element X technique can be stopped by a S-Rank Element Z technique, a A-Rank Element W Technique or a B-Rank Element Y technique. In this same scenario if A-rank Element X clashes with A-rank Element Z, then Element X will continue but be weakened by a one rank (or 20 damage point) decrease, now continuing as a B-rank Element X technique. If A-Rank Element X clashes with A-Rank Element W then they will both be stopped since they are of equal power.

Example 1: A-ranked Water (60 damage) vs A-ranked Fire (60 damage) = B-ranked Water (40 damage)
Example 2: A-ranked Water (60 damage) vs A-ranked Wind (60 damage) = Cancel each other out​
Example 3: A-ranked Water (60 damage) vs A-ranked Earth (60 damage) = B-ranked Earth (40 damage)

Below are lists of all abilities in the Roleplay that have interactions with other techniques that can be measured using this system. They are categorized alphabetically by type.

Quick links:
-Chakra, Energy & Unique:
-Basic Elements:
-Advanced Elements:
-Advanced Ninjutsu:

[TD][B]Strengths:[/B] ???
[B]Weaknesses:[/B] ???[/TD]
Strengths: ???
Weaknesses: ???
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Active member
Aug 25, 2010
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Chakra, Energy & Unique:
The following are subject to change:
Raw Chakra
Notes: Raw chakra is weak to everything that uses shape manipulation or chakra natures. The only exceptions are when raw chakra is molded and worked out with advanced shape manipulation (Eg: Rasengan) or when it has another source mixed into it (Eg: Senjutsu) in which case it becomes neutral. Raw Chakra is still weak to they absorption method of Dark Release and twice as weak to Anutu Release and it's components (Suen Release & Utu Release) regardless of advanced shape manipulation.
Bijuu Chakra
Notes: Bijuu chakra has been described as being one of the strongest chakra's in Narutoverse. Being destructive in nature Bijuu techniques are neutral to all techniques with the exception of Wood Release which has the ability to suppress or negate the raw Bijuu Chakra. (Note: This does not apply to techniques enhanced with Bijuu chakra, or the Bijuu's individual skills like ink, blue fire, coral, etc.) and the absorption method of Dark Release.

Strengths: Mysterious Peacock Method
Weaknesses: Wood
Mysterious Peacock Method
Notes: Star Chakra is the signature ability of the shinobi from Hoshigakure and is a potent and destructive chakra neutral to all techniques with the exception of Bijuu Chakra, which has a unique interaction that counteracts Star Chakra. The absorption method of Dark Release is also effective against it.

Weaknesses: Bijuu Chakra | Dark Release
Nature Energy / Senjutsu
Notes: Nature Energy is a form of natural energy that exists in the Narutoverse. In it's raw form the energy is treated as being neutral to everything. When using Nature Energy blend with your own chakra and form Senjutsu to enter Sage Mode. All subsequent techniques fueled by Senjutsu, (Excluding: Six Paths Senjutsu), lose their strengths and weaknesses becoming neutral to everything. Senjutsu has unique interactions with Yin-Yang Release but is not have a strength against it.
Anutu Release
Notes: Also known as Divine energy, Anutu Release and it's components (Suen Release & Utu Release) are neutral to everything. However, they have a unique double strength to Raw Chakra, Yin, Yang and Yin-Yang techniques. Including any technique enhanced or altered by Yin, Yang or Yin-Yang techniques.

Strengths: Yin-Yang Release
Yin-Yang Release
Notes: Yin-Yang Release and it's components (Yin Release & Yang Release) are neutral to everything. However, they have a unique double weakness to Anutu Release and it's components. (Suen Release & Utu Release) Including any technique enhanced or altered by Yin, Yang or Yin-Yang techniques.

Weaknesses: Anutu Release
Aburama Clan (Bug Ninjutsu)
Notes: The Aburama Clan uses bugs to drain chakra. Anything that could logically kill these bugs can be used against them. For example you can squash them with Earth, drown them with Water, burn them with Fire, fry them with Lightning or blow them away/slice them with Wind. Bugs however not not weak to any of these and instead maintain neutrality to them. To fight a bug user is mostly about getting your timing right and not letting yourself get surround to avoid having your chakra drained. Raw chakra techniques can be absorbed at a faster rate making them weak to the Aburama's bugs. While Wood can also fall prey to bug techniques.

Strengths: Raw Chakra | Wood
Chinoike Clan (Blood Ninjutsu)
Notes: Through their Ketsuryūgan, Chinoike clan members are able to manipulate the blood within themselves and others on direct contact. This method is highly dangerous and best combated at a distance. Techniques that use blood at a range are considered neutral to other techniques.
Nara Clan (Shadow Ninjutsu)
Notes: The Nara clan manipulate shadows to a variety of uses, even able to control and manipulate a target though them. These shadows themselves have no strengths and instead relay on the user's control and tactics to be effective in battle. Techniques that produce light can be effective in both aiding or disrupting shadows. Solid constructs and creations of shadows are easily combated by chakra natures that product light, such as Lightning or Fire techniques.

Weaknesses: Lightning | Fire | Techniques that produce lights.
Sage Transformation
Notes: Sage Transformation techniques are physical augmentations to the users body. Typically used to aid them in battle and Taijutsu. The chakra released by these techniques will fall under the "Raw Chakra" S/W and depend on if the technique uses advanced shape manipulation or not. Physical alterations can be used to form defenses and weapons for attack that are considered neutral to other techniques. For example, you can create a shield out of your arm and block a technique of equal strength and not take damage, or you can form a weapon out of your arm and break through a defense of lesser power without causing harm to yourself.
Shikotsumyaku (Bone Ninjutsu)
Notes: Also know as "Dead Bone Pulse" and/or "Bone Ninjutsu" these techniques are used by the Kaguya Clan. Typically used in close quarters combat for augmented taijutsu they can also be used at range to combat opponents. techniques that can heat up the bone are effective against them, while their strong and dense structure are effective and penetrating solid defenses that are less dense.

Strengths: Earth | Water
Weaknesses: Fire | Lightning
Uchiha Clan (Blaze Release)
Notes: Through their Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha clan members are able to create Blaze Release. Often created at a focal point, these flames can burn and damage anything but are neutral to most things. Evading the flames if possible is one of the most effective ways to combat them. Solid physical obstructions are also useful to block these black flames as they lack tangibility. Being an advanced form of Fire Release, the black flames of Blaze Release are also strong against abilities weak to fire and/or hot temperatures. It's important to note that since these flames often lack impact, they are not always suited as a form of offense or defense against tangible techniques.
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Active member
Aug 25, 2010
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Basic Elements:
The following are subject to change:
Strengths: Water | Dark(Absorb) | Dark(Release) | Ice | Liquid Fire | Scorch | Poison(Liquid) | Rain
Weaknesses: Lightning | Black Lightning | Blast | Blast(Clay) | Boil | Crystal | Dust | Heaven's Earth | Lava | Storm | Wood | Sand
Strengths: Wind | Blast(Clay) | Heaven's Earth | Shadows
Weaknesses: Water | Dark(Absorb) | Dark(Release) | Dust | Lava | Liquid Fire | Storm | Poison(Liquid) | Rain | Smoke | Sand
Strengths: Earth | Blast | Blast(Clay) | Crystal | Heaven's Earth | Ice | Lava | Scorch | Wood | Sand | Shadows
Weaknesses: Wind | Liquid Fire | Dark(Absorb) | Typhoon | Paper | Poison(Gas)
Strengths: Fire | Blast | Dark(Absorb) | Dark(Release) | Storm | Water | Poison(Liquid) | Sand
Weaknesses: Earth | Black Lightning | Boil | Crystal | Dust | Heaven's Earth | Ice | Liquid Fire | Scorch | Wood | Bubblegum | Sound
Strengths: Lightning | Boil | Storm | Bubblegum | Paper | Poison(Gas) | Rain | Smoke | Sound
Weaknesses: Fire | Blast | Blast (Clay) | Dark(Absorb) | Dark(Release) | Dust | Ice | Scorch
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Aug 25, 2010
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Advanced Elements:
The following are subject to change:
Black Lightning Release
Strengths: Earth | Water | Blast | Blast(Clay) | Crystal | Ice | Lava | Scorch | Steel | Wood | Sand
Weaknesses: N/A
Blast Release
Notes: Blast has two methods of use. The standard ability commonly uses close ranged taijutsu enhanced with explosions. The clay variant is used by Deidara bio's to cause explosions at range.
(Standard variant)
Strengths: Earth | Wind
Weaknesses: Water | Lightning | Black Lightning
(Clay variant)
Strengths: Earth | Wind
Weaknesses: Fire | Lightning | Black Lightning
Boil Release
Strengths: Earth | Water
Weaknesses: Wind | Typhoon | Dark(Absorb) | Dark(Release) | Scorch
Crystal Release
Strengths: Earth | Water| Dark(Absorb) | Dark(Release)
Weaknesses: Lightning | Black Lightning | Sound
Dark Release
Notes: Dark has two methods of use. The Absorption method is typically strong to energy and less tangible techniques while being weak to more solid/tangible techniques. The Release method is typically strong also strong to less tangible technique while being weak to more more solid/tangible techniques. Since Dark doesn't work exactly like a Fuuinjutsu technique. It's strength and weaknesses are unique and as such are a case by case basis. Revolving around the tangibility of what it absorbs/clashes with greatly dictates what it is or isn't strong or weak to. For example, Ice release can both be weak and strong to Dark, depending on if the technique is solid ice, or snow. Below are some, but not all of Darks S/W but it's important to know that individual techniques may or may not be different then what's listed; being more of a general guide to use. Training in Dark will give you an in depth insight into how the ability works but if you are unsure on it's S/W against another technique you can ask for clarification in the QnA.
(Absorption variant)
Strengths: Raw chakra | Fire | Lightning | Wind | Boil | Storm | Dust | Scorch | Raw Sage Jutsu | etc.
Weaknesses: Earth | Water | Crystal | Steel | Wood | etc.
(Release variant)
Strengths: Wind | Fire | Sand | Rain | Boil | etc.
Weaknesses: Earth | Water | Crystal | Steel | Wood | Lava | etc.
Dust Release
Strengths: Earth | Fire | Water | Wind
Weaknesses: Dark(Absorb)
Heaven's Earth Release
Strengths: Earth | Lightning | Water
Weaknesses: Fire
Ice Release
Strengths: Water | Wind
Weaknesses: Earth | Lightning | Black Lightning | Sound
Lava Release
Notes: Lava has three methods of use being molten earth, quicklime and rubber. Sharing the same strengths and weaknesses across all variants

Strengths: Earth | Fire
Weaknesses: Lightning | Black Lightning | Dark(Release) | Storm
Liquid Fire Release
Strengths: Fire | Lightning | Water | Wood
Weaknesses: Earth | Sand
Magnet Release
Notes: Magnet Release generally won't affect you directly. The user of this element, in most cases, needs to attack you with Gold/Iron or ninja tools. So use any tangible defense you can. Earth walls, Water, solid defenses, etc. You could also use the fact that Lightning can be channeled in Iron/Gold to hit your opponent if he's in direct contact with Gold/Iron. While neutral, Lightning will also disrupt the magnetic fields, neutralizing the control of said substances and negating the techniques progression. In the few techniques that affect you directly, channeling lightning chakra disrupts the effects of them in equal ranks.
Scorch Release
Strengths: Water | Wind | Boil | Storm | Wood
Weaknesses: Earth | Lightning | Black Lightning | Dark(Absorb)
Steel Release
Strengths: Earth | Water | Dark(Absorb) | Dark(Release)
Weaknesses: Lightning | Black Lightning
Storm Release
Strengths: Earth | Fire
Weaknesses: Wind | Typhoon | Water | Dark(Absorb) | Scorch
Swift Release
Notes: Swift itself has no elemental weakness but it does have limitations on its use. While Swift Release enables the ninja to move quite fast, he can only move linear fashion with simple movements gaining a +15 speed during that movement. As the ninja comes into close combat to use Taijutsu itself the speed boost stops. This means anyone with a high enough tracking stat can combat Swift. Swift cannot be used to increase handseal speed and must follow the speed stacking rules. When facing a Swift user, altering the ground is always a good defense. The only known cannon technique of swift release can be used mid-air but to a lesser extent than when its used on the ground. It has been hinted that in the Narutoverse Swift allows you to infuse objects to make them travel faster. While this has never seen it has been decided that it. Swift only enhances the users movement speed for a brief moment. Unlike abilities like EIG which allows the user to do everything fast, a Swift user can only "run fast" (in a matter of speaking).
Typhoon Release
Strengths: Lightning | Boil | Storm | Bubblegum | Poison(Gas) | Rain | Smoke | Sound
Weaknesses: N/A
Wood Release
Notes: Wood release has unique interactions with Bijuu chakra, allowing it to suppress or negate the raw Bijuu Chakra. (Note: This does not apply to techniques enhanced with Bijuu chakra, or the Bijuu's individual skills like ink, blue fire, coral, etc.)

Strengths: Earth | Water | Bijuu Chakra | Dark(Absorb) | Dark(Release)
Weaknesses: Lightning | Black Lightning | Liquid Fire | Scorch | Bugs
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Aug 25, 2010
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Advanced Ninjutsu:
The following are subject to change:
Bubblegum Ninjutsu
Strengths: Water
Weaknesses: Wind | Typhoon
Ink Ninjutsu
Strengths: N/A
Weaknesses: N/A
Oil Ninjutsu
Strengths: Paper
Weaknesses: N/A
Puppet Ninjutsu
Notes: Puppets are individually unique, some having specific strengths and weaknesses within their descriptions and as such are a case by case bases. The base way to combat puppets are to target the user controlling them. In the case of Autonomous Puppets like those used by the Otsutsuki Clan, the puppet will need to be targeted directly.
Paper Ninjutsu
Strengths: Lightning
Weaknesses: Water | Wind | Typhoon | Oil
Poison Ninjutsu
Notes: Poison has two methods of use, being distributed with Liquid or Gas variants.
(Liquid variant)
Strengths: Fire
Weaknesses: Earth | Water
(Gas variant)
Strengths: Lightning
Weaknesses: Wind | Typhoon
Rain Ninjutsu
Strengths: Fire
Weaknesses: Earth | Wind | Typhoon | Dark(Release)
Sensory Ninjutsu
Notes: Sensory Ninjutsu is a means to sense chakra. It is unable to detect/track objects or attacks that do not carry chakra within them. Example: If a kunai was heading your direction to stab you in your back without your knowledge, you would not be able to know the kunai was coming at you via Sensory unless it had chakra infused within it.
Smoke Ninjutsu
Strengths: Fire
Weaknesses: Wind | Typhoon
Sand Ninjutsu
Strengths: Fire | Earth
Weaknesses: Water | Lightning | Black Lightning | Dark(Release)
Sound Ninjutsu
Strengths: Water | Crystalline elements
Weaknesses: Wind | Typhoon
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