(Spoilers) Underworld meets Avatar: The Last Airbender??


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Sep 15, 2010
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This thread is about one large observation made in the new Underworld movie that got me thinking. Here is a detailed explanation of the Northern coven seen in this new movie, skip it if you've seen the movie and don't want to read it. Know there are big spoilers here.

In the new movie, Selene and David travel to a yet unvisited coven of Vampires in the north. Its a winter climate and most of the denizens are white-haired and blue-eyed. They have a relative feel of being cut-off or isolated in addition to being eccentric. At least one of the residents (I don't recall her name in the movie) shows the ability to use a kind of teleport/ phasing out ability.

This woman is seen performing a ritual of odd nature and basically implies that her patient had died and she was guiding her back to the real world. She refers to the other realm that her patient is in as the spirit world and admits she had been there multiple times herself. Its implied that you have to actually die to go there and coming back seems to grant some kind of the power to the individual. Its also revealed that water is one of multiple pathways to the spirit world.

Later in the movie, Selene fights Marius, the Lycan top dog, and his counterpart and is defeated. Close to a death scenario, with a battle set on a frozen lake, Selene lets her body slip between ice sheets into the freezing water. She does this as a rouse, hoping the Marius would take her actions as a conscious decision to die in the freezing water as opposed to being killed by them. Marius leaves her for dead, not knowing Selene was attempting to visit the spirit world with this method.

Selene appears at the climax of the movie, able to use the same teleportation ability from before and her hair has partially turned white. At this point in time, its obvious that visiting the spirit world turns a person's hair white but it seems to take multiple visits to do this, implying all residents of the Norther coven have died and been brought back multiple times.
SO WHAT DOES THIS ALL COMPARE TO?? Well as seen in the title, this whole ritual of the Northern coven and the look of the Denizens are directly comparable to Yue and the Northern Water Tribe in Avatar the Last Airbender. Here is a short video describing her character, albeit a very bland video:

As you can see, the northern water tribe is comparable to the northern coven. In addition, Yue is very close in appearance to the average denizen of the northern coven, white hair and blue eyes. Yue was also dark haired at first, which turned white when the gods of the spirit world granted her life in a sacred pool of water. She was born weak and frail but was rescued by the spirits who granted her strength and renewed life, resulting in her hair turning white. The ritual of rebirth is clearly identical in these two situations via a pool of sacred water granting renewed life and resulting in hair turning white

Are the connections too strong? Now Yue was not granted special powers but the spirit realm itself is also directly comparable to the new Underworld movie. Its all quite conveniently similar. So did this new movie borrow the idea from Avatar the Last Airbender or was it coincidental??
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