Right, so the style despite being listed as Kenjutsu, is actually Bukijutsu, revolving around bladed weapons specifically. The users create indentations in their weapons to increase drag, which collects the air and wraps the weapon in said air, similarly to LDG, and is also neutral to elements like it as well.
Right, so the style despite being listed as Kenjutsu, is actually Bukijutsu, revolving around bladed weapons specifically. The users create indentations in their weapons to increase drag, which collects the air and wraps the weapon in said air, similarly to LDG, and is also neutral to elements like it as well.
Correct. The indentations inside the weapons increase the surface area in contact with the air, and thus increasing the air drag experienced when swinging. By overcoming and harnessing this increased drag, you are capable of harnessing the air around and imbuing it within your attacks.
With that being said, all practitioners of the style are capable of manipulating the carved weapons, and carrying these carved weapons. They are trained and are used to the added weight and expert dexterity required to maneuver them. As a basis of the style, you'd hold up your weapon, let's say a spear, with your right hand, and would conduct the weapon across the air, in such a way where it can either cut through the air or drag through it, by dexterous movements of your articulations and limbs, in order to achieve any of the attacks of the style.
Essentially you can swing and twirl the spear in such a way that your spear feels weightless, and then you puncture someone merely with the metal, like a normal Bukijutsu, or you can feel the air go throw the indentations, get trapped, and then unleashed at the end of your motion, giving more speed, weight or even increase the range of your attack, unleashing the air as a projectile.
Understand? Any questions? Also analyze the effects of mastering/specializing in this style, please
Yep, I understand. No questions regarding any of that, and thanks for the detailed explanation.
Practitioners of this style possess blades that went through the ancient honing ritual. Any default bladed weapon, from katana to kunai, scythe to dagger, can go through with the ritual. This can't be applied to indestructible CW, like the 7 swords of the Mist, both NB and Canon, nor can they be applied to CW that are not owned by the user, but merely lent. Though it means that untrained users will be unable to wield honed swords, as they will be much heavier and will not slash efficiently. As a practitioner, though, every kenjutsu technique is available and will behave as normal, due to intense training in countering the drag and air accumulation, while still being able to perform this style's technique when one wishes to.
This doesn't need too much explanation, all the practitioners weapons, minus the stuff mentioned, have gone through the honing ritual so pretty much all of them can be used to initiate a technique from the style. It also means opponents can't use the weapons due to being untrained in wielding weapons with the indentations.
This style has a relationship of neutrality against elemental ninjutsu, similar to Leaf Dragon God, though only when this style is used. Normal Kenjutsu techniques used through this style will behave as normal.
This is pretty clear as well, all techniques of the style are neutral like the LDG, fighting equally against Elemental Ninjutsu. This doesn't mean all our Kenjutsu/Bukijutsu works like that though, just the CFSJ.
As a Master of this style, one is capable of, once per turn at max, execute a known Kenjutsu technique, canon or custom, while applying the necessary grace as to activate the drag and air accumulation, essentially turning a normal Kenjutsu technique into this particular form of Kenjutsu.
This is pretty lit tbh. If you choose to specialize in the style, once per turn you can choose to make a regular Kenjutsu technique into one that has the same properties as the style. Now for this I have a few questions:
Would this be possible with Kenjutsu that utilizes Chakra or does it only apply to chakraless Kenjutsu? The other question is, would this be possible with Bukijutsu as well? As I mentioned earlier, even though this says Kenjutsu, it's actually Bukijutsu so would like some clarification on that.
Yep, I understand. No questions regarding any of that, and thanks for the detailed explanation.
This doesn't need too much explanation, all the practitioners weapons, minus the stuff mentioned, have gone through the honing ritual so pretty much all of them can be used to initiate a technique from the style. It also means opponents can't use the weapons due to being untrained in wielding weapons with the indentations.
This is pretty clear as well, all techniques of the style are neutral like the LDG, fighting equally against Elemental Ninjutsu. This doesn't mean all our Kenjutsu/Bukijutsu works like that though, just the CFSJ.
This is pretty lit tbh. If you choose to specialize in the style, once per turn you can choose to make a regular Kenjutsu technique into one that has the same properties as the style. Now for this I have a few questions:
Would this be possible with Kenjutsu that utilizes Chakra or does it only apply to chakraless Kenjutsu? The other question is, would this be possible with Bukijutsu as well? As I mentioned earlier, even though this says Kenjutsu, it's actually Bukijutsu so would like some clarification on that.
You can use non-Serengeti techniques with your honed weapons regardless of being Specialized in it or not.
If you are specialized, then any suitable Bukijutsu or Kenjutsu technique can be converted in a Serengeti Spear technique ( Thus acquiring the air displacement properties and the elemental neutrality ). Serengeti Spears technique are inherently chakraless, so there is no problem introducing a chakra kenjutsu and converting it into an elementally neutral technique. When you go for elemental chakra techniques, then it would be a bit harder to say, but mostly I'd say the elemental neutrality would take hold, so any elemental advantages ( or disadvantages ) would be lost. But I'm not sure.
Possibly ME material would be the elemental neutrality when used with elemental techniques, and they might argue against using it with Bukijutsu technique ( despite the fact that the Bukijutsu category only came afterwards, and this is already Bukijutsu through and through despite being under the Kenjutsu umbrella ). But I'd say go for it
Yeah, I can definitely see them saying that, I'll ask about that just to be sure, lol. I don't have more questions regarding the style. Anything else I needa explain?
Yeah, I can definitely see them saying that, I'll ask about that just to be sure, lol. I don't have more questions regarding the style. Anything else I needa explain?
I'll just do them all at once to save you some time.
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 20
Descritpion: Ivory Mambele is a form of projectile throwing that allows one to throw honed projectiles such as spears, kunai and shuriken. The user will pick up the projectiles and, with a flick of their wrist, they will throw the projectile at a slightly spiral rotation, which will pick up wind drag and strengthen the sharpness and steadiness of the projectile with a sheen of wind that will give the projectile a slightly white ivory hue as it flies towards the target.
Note: This also allows the practitioner to passively throw carved kunai without allowing them to pick up wind. This is a passive technique when used in that way, but also has none of the bonus that come with the style.
Note: Can throw up to 4 projectiles per usage.
Note: Can only be used once per turn.
A pretty simple technique, as explained this is a technique that's projectile based, that while moving through the air will accumulate air currents and wrap the weapon in it. Alternatively it can be used passively without the styles usual benefits, but it's still cool because it's lowkey freeform damage at 20 instead of the usual 5. Huehuehue.
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 30
Descritpion: Benin Bronzes is a form of blade wielding that allows the user to slash at an opponent while gracefully infusing the blade with wind by allowing it to pick up drag. The form consists of up to 5 cutting or parrying motions, allowing the wind to hone the blade for wider and wilder wounds, or for the wind to cushion an attack for a more efficient parry.
Note: This also allows the practitioner to passively wield a honed blade without allowing them to pick up wind. This is a passive technique when used in that way, but also has none of the bonus that come with the style.
Note: Can only be used once per turn.
Unlike the previous jutsu which is ranged, this relies on handheld weapons that you can use in short range. Naturally you can use this with the styles usual benefits, or choose to use it passively without any of that.
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Netela is a form of enhanced movement, where the user will direct the weapon's motions towards the ground, creating localized burst of wind from the entrapped air drag which will propel them towards a target at great speed. The user can also use this technique to immediately halt their own moment, creating a safe wind cushion for them to land on or stop mid-air, or even propel themselves a different direction mid-air. This works on themselves or others, as the burst is essentially non damaging.
Unfortunately there's no tangible speed boost for this so that's just fluff, but regarding the rest of the technique, this is pretty useful as it allows the user to alter their direction by performing motions towards the ground. This can be pretty handy in a situation where you suddenly need to stop and perform another jutsu simultaneously as it's chakraless.
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Descritpion: Nok Terracotta is a form of parry that creates a strong and steady sheen of wind across a honed blade by spiraling it across oneself, before inverting it into a close-body parry, which will explode the wind outwards, like a human-size oval shield, cushioning a blow and pushing any short-range target outwards damagelessly.
Note: Can only be used once every 2 turns.
This is a neat shield that gathers the air currents around one's body and then expands outwards, pushing anyone/thing in short range away. This doesn't damage them in any way, but it can be useful against low level techniques or jus to create some separation between you and your opponent.
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 60
Description: Assegai is a form of blade wielding that has the practitioner slowly rotate the blade while pushing it forward, dragging the blade through the air. As it carries the wind, the blade will darken, and the heaviness of the sword will increase tenfold, making it very slow as it goes forth for a second. Suddenly, the practitioner will flick their wrist and the carried drag will shift, allowing the blade to cut through the air easily. The sudden shift in muscle effort required to move the blade will push the blade forward at super-human speed, piercing draw arrow speed onto an unsuspecting target, before the tip of the blade releases a spear of wind that widens the puncture dealing great damage.
Note: While fast in it's delivery, the preparatory push will open the practitioner to a counter before being able to unleash the strike.
Note: Can only be used once every three turns.
One that unfortunately suffered over time since it'll follow normal jutsu speeds now. You basically perform a forward thrust of the weapon, that while initially slow will then burst forward while gathering air currents and release a spear of wind that causes a deeper puncture.
Type: Defensive/Ofensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 60
Description: Imishokobezi is a form of parry that produces a ringlet of wind around a blade through clock and counterclock wise rotation of the wrist. The user will brandish the weapon and create dense and sharp ring vortexes around the blade, which burst from the edge of the blade mid-counter or mid-strike. These can be quite devastating against an opposing blade, pushing and breaking the weapon away from a strike, or even serve to augment a wound when striking an opponent directly, as the user can produce the ringlet near the opponent's body, creating a burst-like shredding wound at the point of impact, around the puncture wound. The ringlets' sizes can vary from a fist to adult-size, depending on the initial momentum and rotation speed. A single motion can only create 1 ringlet across the blade, though the whole form can produce up to 3 ringlets, through 3 different motions.
Note: Can only be used 4 times.
Note: No Serengeti Spear techniques above B rank in the next turn.
Through parrying motions and rotations of the wrist, you're able to produce rings of wind around the weapon that you can use to directly attack an opponent or interrupt them mid-strike/counter. Each motion produces one ring, with a max of three rings per use, through three motions. The size of the rings vary as well which is helpful. A question for this, can this be used from a few meters away ( still in short range though )? I'm assuming yes considering the possible sizes of the rings.
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 80
Description: The Nigerian Kapsigi King is a form of gyroscopic vibrating wrist movement, as the user draws a blade parallel to the ground. The compressed air currents, trapped within the intricate carving of the blade, will start to release, creating a visible serrated blade in the empty space left by the slowly drawing blade, increasing the length of the apparent weapon. At any point, the user stops the blade and immediately rotates it 45º degrees, which will explode the condensed air currents into a mutilating vortex of wind, roughly resembling a burst of king crabs's pincers, directed towards the target. The vortex is wide enough to deal damage and push back an elephant sized summoning at it's max potential ( drawing the blade for 10 full seconds ) and enough to create powerful but short-ranged and localized burst of shredding wind if drawn for fractions of a second.
Note: Can only be used twice full range, or 4 times short-range.
This one might need a small update for the petty people, lol. You hold the weapon parallel to the ground and when drawing it, the air currents trapped within it will release and form a serrated blade in place of where the blade was, extending the length of the weapon essentially. The user can then rotate the blade 45° to release a vortex of wind towards the opponent. If drawn back swiftly and released, you can still create a short range blast of wind.
I'll just do them all at once to save you some time.
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 20
Descritpion: Ivory Mambele is a form of projectile throwing that allows one to throw honed projectiles such as spears, kunai and shuriken. The user will pick up the projectiles and, with a flick of their wrist, they will throw the projectile at a slightly spiral rotation, which will pick up wind drag and strengthen the sharpness and steadiness of the projectile with a sheen of wind that will give the projectile a slightly white ivory hue as it flies towards the target.
Note: This also allows the practitioner to passively throw carved kunai without allowing them to pick up wind. This is a passive technique when used in that way, but also has none of the bonus that come with the style.
Note: Can throw up to 4 projectiles per usage.
Note: Can only be used once per turn.
A pretty simple technique, as explained this is a technique that's projectile based, that while moving through the air will accumulate air currents and wrap the weapon in it. Alternatively it can be used passively without the styles usual benefits, but it's still cool because it's lowkey freeform damage at 20 instead of the usual 5. Huehuehue.
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 30
Descritpion: Benin Bronzes is a form of blade wielding that allows the user to slash at an opponent while gracefully infusing the blade with wind by allowing it to pick up drag. The form consists of up to 5 cutting or parrying motions, allowing the wind to hone the blade for wider and wilder wounds, or for the wind to cushion an attack for a more efficient parry.
Note: This also allows the practitioner to passively wield a honed blade without allowing them to pick up wind. This is a passive technique when used in that way, but also has none of the bonus that come with the style.
Note: Can only be used once per turn.
Unlike the previous jutsu which is ranged, this relies on handheld weapons that you can use in short range. Naturally you can use this with the styles usual benefits, or choose to use it passively without any of that.
Both of these techniques, and technically all of them, work amazingly with the new Bukijutsu techniques, especially the ones that grant a speed boost after parrying.
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Netela is a form of enhanced movement, where the user will direct the weapon's motions towards the ground, creating localized burst of wind from the entrapped air drag which will propel them towards a target at great speed. The user can also use this technique to immediately halt their own moment, creating a safe wind cushion for them to land on or stop mid-air, or even propel themselves a different direction mid-air. This works on themselves or others, as the burst is essentially non damaging.
Unfortunately there's no tangible speed boost for this so that's just fluff, but regarding the rest of the technique, this is pretty useful as it allows the user to alter their direction by performing motions towards the ground. This can be pretty handy in a situation where you suddenly need to stop and perform another jutsu simultaneously as it's chakraless.
It did suffer quite a bit. But then again, it's a body technique, meaning its speed will be tied to the user's speed, and that can be increased tremendously. It's also a chakra less dodge technique.
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Descritpion: Nok Terracotta is a form of parry that creates a strong and steady sheen of wind across a honed blade by spiraling it across oneself, before inverting it into a close-body parry, which will explode the wind outwards, like a human-size oval shield, cushioning a blow and pushing any short-range target outwards damagelessly.
Note: Can only be used once every 2 turns.
This is a neat shield that gathers the air currents around one's body and then expands outwards, pushing anyone/thing in short range away. This doesn't damage them in any way, but it can be useful against low level techniques or jus to create some separation between you and your opponent.
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 60
Description: Assegai is a form of blade wielding that has the practitioner slowly rotate the blade while pushing it forward, dragging the blade through the air. As it carries the wind, the blade will darken, and the heaviness of the sword will increase tenfold, making it very slow as it goes forth for a second. Suddenly, the practitioner will flick their wrist and the carried drag will shift, allowing the blade to cut through the air easily. The sudden shift in muscle effort required to move the blade will push the blade forward at super-human speed, piercing draw arrow speed onto an unsuspecting target, before the tip of the blade releases a spear of wind that widens the puncture dealing great damage.
Note: While fast in it's delivery, the preparatory push will open the practitioner to a counter before being able to unleash the strike.
Note: Can only be used once every three turns.
One that unfortunately suffered over time since it'll follow normal jutsu speeds now. You basically perform a forward thrust of the weapon, that while initially slow will then burst forward while gathering air currents and release a spear of wind that causes a deeper puncture.
Type: Defensive/Ofensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 60
Description: Imishokobezi is a form of parry that produces a ringlet of wind around a blade through clock and counterclock wise rotation of the wrist. The user will brandish the weapon and create dense and sharp ring vortexes around the blade, which burst from the edge of the blade mid-counter or mid-strike. These can be quite devastating against an opposing blade, pushing and breaking the weapon away from a strike, or even serve to augment a wound when striking an opponent directly, as the user can produce the ringlet near the opponent's body, creating a burst-like shredding wound at the point of impact, around the puncture wound. The ringlets' sizes can vary from a fist to adult-size, depending on the initial momentum and rotation speed. A single motion can only create 1 ringlet across the blade, though the whole form can produce up to 3 ringlets, through 3 different motions.
Note: Can only be used 4 times.
Note: No Serengeti Spear techniques above B rank in the next turn.
Through parrying motions and rotations of the wrist, you're able to produce rings of wind around the weapon that you can use to directly attack an opponent or interrupt them mid-strike/counter. Each motion produces one ring, with a max of three rings per use, through three motions. The size of the rings vary as well which is helpful. A question for this, can this be used from a few meters away ( still in short range though )? I'm assuming yes considering the possible sizes of the rings.
As long as you understand that these ringlets are directly produced from the blade that you're dragging across the air, I have no problems with you describing the expansion of the ringlet to up to a few meters away to the edge of short range, as essentially you'd only need to exert more strength to do so.
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 80
Description: The Nigerian Kapsigi King is a form of gyroscopic vibrating wrist movement, as the user draws a blade parallel to the ground. The compressed air currents, trapped within the intricate carving of the blade, will start to release, creating a visible serrated blade in the empty space left by the slowly drawing blade, increasing the length of the apparent weapon. At any point, the user stops the blade and immediately rotates it 45º degrees, which will explode the condensed air currents into a mutilating vortex of wind, roughly resembling a burst of king crabs's pincers, directed towards the target. The vortex is wide enough to deal damage and push back an elephant sized summoning at it's max potential ( drawing the blade for 10 full seconds ) and enough to create powerful but short-ranged and localized burst of shredding wind if drawn for fractions of a second.
Note: Can only be used twice full range, or 4 times short-range.
This one might need a small update for the petty people, lol. You hold the weapon parallel to the ground and when drawing it, the air currents trapped within it will release and form a serrated blade in place of where the blade was, extending the length of the weapon essentially. The user can then rotate the blade 45° to release a vortex of wind towards the opponent. If drawn back swiftly and released, you can still create a short range blast of wind.
I don't know what you mean about petty people, but the amount of time you spend in the dragging pose increases the range of the technique. If left to your own devices, you can perform the whole pose of the technique and create a burst up to the full range of the technique ( Mid more or less 20 meters ) or you can do short poses for a quicker counter and do the burst only up to short range ( 5 meters )
It did suffer quite a bit. But then again, it's a body technique, meaning its speed will be tied to the user's speed, and that can be increased tremendously. It's also a chakra less dodge technique.
As long as you understand that these ringlets are directly produced from the blade that you're dragging across the air, I have no problems with you describing the expansion of the ringlet to up to a few meters away to the edge of short range, as essentially you'd only need to exert more strength to do so.
Oh yeah, I'm fully aware of that. I just wanted some clarification on if that was possible.
I don't know what you mean about petty people, but the amount of time you spend in the dragging pose increases the range of the technique. If left to your own devices, you can perform the whole pose of the technique and create a burst up to the full range of the technique ( Mid more or less 20 meters ) or you can do short poses for a quicker counter and do the burst only up to short range ( 5 meters )