[Serious] On Mental Illnesses


Feb 1, 2013
Trait Points
Please listen to all the lyrics, because what I have to say is something I can't really describe on my own words. I would also appreciate honest responses and if you have nothing nice to say, just don't say anything. I would appreciate it.
or do you?
Hello NB!

*sigh* This is a topic that I have been planning on posting for quite a while, but it is just so hard to bring it into words that I just haven't had the guts to do it. But today is the day. NB, do you understand mental illnesses?

I was diagnosed with depression at a very young age, I didn't take meds at the time because I was just so young. Though, I went to therapy for quite a while. A few months after stopping the visits with the therapist depression kicked in again. But I was tired. I hated therapy so much that I just pretended to be happy. I really was miserable inside though, and because of destiny...I began painting... well...

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After my mom found out that I was doing that I was sent to the hospital where I had to stay for a few weeks. I was going back to therapy and everything seemed to be doing great. I stopped cutting and I was getting my confidence back.

At the age of 16 I met this really nice guy and we soon started dating, everything was sweet and roses at first but then... if you don't know spanish just watch the video; you'll still get my point.

After that incident I was diagnosed with Anxiety and EDNOS. The doctors decided I was old enough to start taking medication, so there I was. Taking anti-depressants at the age of 17. They worked for me, and soon again I was feeling better.

Fast forward 2 years now to 2012. I had been working as a waitress for a few months at a catering center and by March(iirc) of 2012 I was "promoted" to Bridal Attendant. The pay is good but dealing with bitchy brides can only stress you so much. So there I was, going to school and working. I was losing it. So it happened again...

This time I was more careful about my cuts and would only do it in places where no one would find out. I started cutting again in May I believe, and kept everything to myself.

Everyone started to notice I wasn't the same anymore, how could I? I was no longer the person I was before; I was hiding a huge secret. I stopped taking my meds and the visits with my therapist were all cancelled. Cutting became my medicine.
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I reached bottom by the end of the year and in an effort to stop my cutting I decided to enroll in an Stress Management class. The problem was that I broke before classes even began and I told my parents about it. I was terrified about how they would react but they were really supportive. I was taken yet again to the hospital where I stood for about 3 weeks.

I just got out of the hospital 1 day before school started!! Anyways, things were supposed to change. But they didn't. I kept cutting until one of my professors saw my scars by accident and called me out to talk to me. I was sent to see a counselor and that same day I ended up again in the ER. This was a few weeks into the semester btw.

Anyways, I had to do inpatient again for another 3 weeks and have to go to therapy twice a week, but that's okay. I really feel much, much better now.

Anyways, because of the cutting and the suicide attempts-which I won't talk about because...- I was diagnosed with BPD.

I have been clean for a few weeks now and have to say I really don't want to go back to that life. So Smogon;
What are your thoughts on mental illnesses?
Do you or anyone that you know suffer from one?
How do you deal with? if you have one
What do you tell a friend who suffers from one or any other of these conditions?

We're all old enough to talk about this topic, but please, lets be civilized! :)
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Jan 20, 2011
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i doubt thi base is a place to talk about topics this serious since half the poeple here are either to young or to ignorant...i understand your feelings exactely..i myself had a huge problem in the past which took me like 6 years to move on it wasnt a mentall ilness(at least it wasnd diagnosed as such) neverthe less also i cut myself or did other terrible things(which i wont tell u cause i might end up giving u new ideass). all i have to tell you is that only u can change it.. you have a problem and an ilness thats for sure..but neither therapist nor the family can really cure you or help u, but yourself. its all in your own hand. you must want it... well it was like that in my case..its not about acting as if there isnt anything..but accepting the situation and learning to handle it. since u came this far im pretty sure that u are able to keep on going and to be succesfull.. if u have any problems feel free to pm me..ive been told to be a very nice person who is able to build up ones motivation :)


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Dec 9, 2010
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I know some girls in person who used to cut themselves. I never quite understood the ''relieve'' of cutting yourself..coming from a person who suffers/suffered depression or w/e too. All I can say is, this is something so personal, only you can convince yourself to make a positive change in your life, or atleast a positive state of mind. It's pretty futile to give ppl like us peptalks, too. Atleast, for me it was hopeless. Though my case isn't that serious. Just passiveness and such.


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Dec 24, 2010
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You are depressed because you make yourself depressed. You were diagnosed with depression so you make yourself depressed because you think you are depressed. You made all of your problems and only you can fix them. Don't blame mental illness or anything, only blame yourself. Either something is causing your depression and you need to fix THAT or you are creating your own depression.

I have ADHD and have had it since birth. I got pissed off I was taking toxic medicine so I stopped taking the medicine and managed my ADHD myself. Now I can turn ADHD on and off at will.


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Dec 9, 2010
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You are depressed because you make yourself depressed. You were diagnosed with depression so you make yourself depressed because you think you are depressed. You made all of your problems and only you can fix them. Don't blame mental illness or anything, only blame yourself. Either something is causing your depression and you need to fix THAT or you are creating your own depression.

I have ADHD and have had it since birth. I got pissed off I was taking toxic medicine so I stopped taking the medicine and managed my ADHD myself. Now I can turn ADHD on and off at will.
Well said. asdasdasd I should tell my 2 mates who both have adhd that. They're both annoying as fuck at times.


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Dec 9, 2010
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The ADHD drugs work the same way as some illegal drugs, speed i thought it was. Causes strange tics and nervous habits.
Yeah :/ it's chemical garbage. In fact, I find people labeled with adhd quite excentric on certain accounts. They're just not suited to be an obedient, calm civilian at times, hard to control, and that's where the meds come into the picture.


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Dec 24, 2010
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Yeah :/ it's chemical garbage. In fact, I find people labeled with adhd quite excentric on certain accounts. They're just not suited to be an obedient, calm civilian at times, hard to control, and that's where the meds come into the picture.
Very true. Very rebellious and full of energy. Must do stuff 24/7 or else we get jittery and start randomly disassembling anything around us. As long as we are busy we are fine, when there is nothing to do that is when we have problems because we HAVE to do SOMETHING.


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May 25, 2012
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I have a belief that not all is always what it seems. A doctor can hand you a slip of paper reading 'depressed and BPD' and you can think oh what a terrible problem.. I'm doomed. I need meds, it's the only way out. It ain't. Yes I admit some can have it hard, and it needs sensitivity for a person to reach out. But a good amount of the time it's how and what the person surrounds themselves with on the outside and the inside.
Explain your diet. Do you eat healthy? Are you regulating physical activity?
Your mental state a good portion of the time derives from your negative habits, never shrug off the possibility. I can go through a week where I'll snack on sweets and leave out my veggies and fruits and feel like shit throughout the week - to the extent where I imagine no one cares and I want to live by myself for the rest of my life. To days where I'll eat healthy, be organised and active and get so much done that I feel so good and try to make others positive.
Music can be a good getaway sometimes, but when you use it to reference your life, you know your not getting out of the box. Go explore the countryside with someone close, observe the world, explore things you could be good at, take up some spiritual classes, read! Don't read dark fiction or other people's stories, but read what's happening in the world around you. Push yourself to fall out of your dark box. Relying on meds is a handicap on its own, its the easy way out.
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Dec 9, 2010
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I have a belief that not all is always what it seems. A doctor can hand you a slip of paper reading 'depressed and BPD' and you can think oh what a terrible problem.. I'm doomed. I need meds, it's the only way out. It ain't. Yes I admit some can have it hard, and it needs sensitivity for a person to reach out. But a good amount of the time it's how and what the person surrounds themselves with on the outside and the inside.
Explain your diet. Do you eat healthy? Are you regulating physical activity?
Your mental state a good portion of the time derives from your negative habits, never shrug off the possibility. I can go through a week where I'll snack on sweets and leave out my veggies and fruits and feel like shit throughout the week - to the extent where I imagine no one cares and I want to live by myself for the rest of my life. To days where I'll eat healthy, be organised and active and get so much done that I feel so good and try to make others positive.
Music can be a good getaway sometimes, but when you use it to reference your life, you know your not getting out of the box. Go explore the countryside with someone close, observe the world, explore things you could be good at, take up some spiritual classes, read! Don't read dark fiction or other people's stories, but read what's happening in the world around you. Push yourself to fall out of your dark box. Relying on meds is a handicap on its own, its the easy way out.
Well said. asdasd


Jun 17, 2012
Trait Points
You are depressed because you make yourself depressed. You were diagnosed with depression so you make yourself depressed because you think you are depressed. You made all of your problems and only you can fix them. Don't blame mental illness or anything, only blame yourself. Either something is causing your depression and you need to fix THAT or you are creating your own depression.

I have ADHD and have had it since birth. I got pissed off I was taking toxic medicine so I stopped taking the medicine and managed my ADHD myself. Now I can turn ADHD on and off at will.
Dude, I also had ADHD, and I have also been depressed (and now recovered, thank god). Trust me, they are absolutely nothing alike. Also, If she is depressed she has probably already blamed herself even though it isn't her fault, Depression tends to come in with a heavy dose of self hatred. The last thing she needs to be told she isn't trying hard enough, because she is and I've been there.

I'm glad you found a way to manage your ADHD without medication. Pretty Awesome :cool:


Jun 17, 2012
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I just want to so say I'm so sorry you have to deal with that and I wish with all my might that I could make it better.

I developed an eating disorder when I was 14 and dealt with depression throughout high school. It was the closest thing to hell I could ever imagine, and I wish that you didn't have to suffer through that hell. From the sounds of it you have had to deal with this longer than I have.
Please for your own sake, get whatever help you need. It's hard to make people who have never been depressed just how you can't be happy, or the morons that decided that if I wan't eating I must want to be anorexic. Don't listen to those people because they are ignorant and idiots, and hopefully they will never have to learn how wrong they are. Don't listen to the people saying that medication is a handicap or that this is something you need to push through by yourself. I know they work and they definitely made a difference for me because that is when I started to eat again.
I don't think that these sort of topics are smart for an internet forum. This sort of stuff is Troll bait waiting to happen. Heck, most of the posters don't seem to realize what they're talking about.
I just want to say that you are strong and a survivor and that even in your darkest moments there are still people who will always care about you. I've been completely recovered for about two years now, and I can promise that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, even if everything seems hopeless now. You'll be in my prayers tonight.
*all the internet hugs*
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Jan 8, 2013
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I'm sorry to hear about what you've had to go through. As for myself I suffered from pannick disorder for over 2 years, and currently it sometimes kicks in again, but I've learnt how to deal with it. One of the things thing that helped curing it was a medicine called St. John's Worth which I had to take for a period of 3 months. But not only that, I myself had to rise above all of it. I made myself have the will and strength to push myself out of the darkness and into the light. And if I could do it, anybody else can too. Because it's not a hopeless case as long as you have the will. Here's a nice image that I hope will give you a little boost up.

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Feb 12, 2013
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You are depressed because you make yourself depressed. You were diagnosed with depression so you make yourself depressed because you think you are depressed. You made all of your problems and only you can fix them. Don't blame mental illness or anything, only blame yourself. Either something is causing your depression and you need to fix THAT or you are creating your own depression.

I have ADHD and have had it since birth. I got pissed off I was taking toxic medicine so I stopped taking the medicine and managed my ADHD myself. Now I can turn ADHD on and off at will.
really big difference between ADHD and depression. if the depression is serious enough u basically have a warped brain chemistry, and ur mind is in a constant state of sadness as a result. it is much more difficult to control then ADHD, and those that can probably had years and years of expensive therapy. controlling ADHD? you grow up and learn some self control (as i and probably you did), pretty easy in comparison


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Apr 1, 2013
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I have a degree in psychology and obviously going to have to deal with this type of mental illnesses. However, because I am not qualified (Have to do a 2 year internship to become a certified Psychologist) nor is anyone else here, there is only so much we can do.

You heart may be in the right place, looking for help from your fellow "NB" friends, but Depression is a very serious issue and from reading your experience, there isn't anything anyone can say to make it go away just like that. They can make you feel temporarily better, however there are always "trolls".

You just gotta remember the good things in life, I mean you have a lot of people that care about you. I'm sure you have a loving family and many friends.

Either way, it's good to get help - Therapy and also talking to your friends and/or family about what you're feeling. It's not good to keep everything inside. Its easier to open up to complete strangers than to the people you know, but sometimes its better to pour your heart out to someone that's close to you.