[SC] Scales and Grease


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Feb 6, 2012
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I know they leap rather than walk, they have a rather naughty sticky long tongue, can produce toxins (poisonous substance) from their skin, they don't too well away from water, probably hate the sun for what it's worth.

In relation to the nature, they 're naruto signature summon animal, in the anime, they are of various sizes, from the regular size frog to one as big as one tail beast, the frogs seem to have a weapon or specialty for battle.

That's all for now


Dec 14, 2011
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Alrighty, *tosses scroll* sign here, and lemme get these summoning tats applied. *Pulls out ink*

Besides what you've mentioned, do you know of any RP specific traits and characteristics?
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Feb 6, 2012
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*completely misses the scroll by an inch*

"oops, I missed it" but just before the scroll could get to the ground, I form chakra threads from my finger to catch the item in mid air and return back to me

*Opens the scroll and sign while studying the details*

on special traits. Some of the toads were big in size that it's summoner can sit kn their head, others of dwarf height that they fit just by the shoulder. Most toads used senjutsu, the couple shima and fuka can combine to produce oil based technique, having access to the toad contract enable one to be able to attain toad sage mode, there was also a unique toad that it's stomach can contain more than you can believe base on it's size. Lastly each one seem to have a unique personality.


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Alrighty, let's kick things off with these 3. Tell me what you think and if you have any questions lmk

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gamariki) Summoning Technique: Gamariki
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Gamariki is one of the most unique toad summons from mount Myobokuzan. Although with a very feminine appearance and behavior, he's actually a male (this contrast has lead to many comedic scenes between him and naruto). Slightly bigger than a human, he is a capable toad warrior, with the ability to use Water techniques up to A-Rank, Genjutsu up to B-Rank as well as like most toads, he can use Oil techniques.

Note: can only be summoned once

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gamatatsu) Summoning Technique: Gamatatsu
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Gamatatsu is the younger son of Gamabunta and Gamakichi's younger brother. Contrasting with his brother and father, he has a somewhat aloof and awkward personality, general distracted from battle and his surroundings. Despite this, along with his brother, he has been training to become a Toad Warrior. Standing more or less with the same height as his brother (similar to a human), he can fight in hand to hand combat, albeit with a lower skill than his brother, but can also use Water techniques up to A-Rank. Similar to most toads, he can use Oil techniques.

Note: requires signing of the Toad Contract.
Note: can only be summoned once

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gamachu) Summoning Technique: Gamachu
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Is the first toad named in the series. Gamachu is a mid-level toad that first appears when Jiraiya is introduced. Gamachu is always seen wearing samurai armor in battle. When he first appeared in the manga, Gamachu seems to strike the same type of pose as Jiraiya, as he would also seem to have become the personal summon of Jiraiya. This toad seems to be the keeper of the Toad Summoning contract scroll and unlike every other toad ever seen, Gamachu has not yet been seen talking, only quaking once or twice and mainly in the anime. In terms of appearance, the kanji on the necklace around his neck means "friendship," perhaps alluding to the fact that Jiraiya summons him in more relaxed situations. Only slightly smaller than a human, Gamachu is a very capable warrior specializing in Kenjutsu techniques. He can use both skills up to S-Rank as well as Strong Fist taijutsu (non EIG). Like most toads, he can use Oil techniques.

Note: can only be summoned once


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Feb 6, 2012
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So Gamachu is a pro at sword and fist, Gamatatsu is good at fist and water and Gamariki is awesome at fist, water and illusion.

My questions are does Gamachu use oil technique too? And what's a toad warriors


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Yes he can use oil techniques, and a toad warrior is a warrior toad? Not sure what you're asking. Also please a bit more effort.

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gamabunta) Summoning Technique: Gamabunta
Type: Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short (summoned beneath the user)
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Gamabunta, literally meaning "Toad Boss", is the boss of the toads of mount Myobokuzan. An enormous summon (about 100 meters high), he carries a large Tanto (simple, square katana) on his back that he wields with great proficiency. He is very found of his smoking pipe and tends to be somewhat harsher than most toads, specially when he's summoned to "troublesome" situations. His sons are Gamakichi and Gamatatsu. Besides his enormous size and his immense strength and proficiency with a tanto, he is also a master of Water release, capable of using water techniques up to S-Rank. His large size and strength renders him immune to all B-Rank and below ninjutsu. A trait he shares with most Toads is the ability to use Oil Techniques, like spitting large amounts of flammable oil to combo with his summoners techniques.

Note: Requires signing the Toad Contract
Note: can only be summoned once

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Nidaisengama ) Summoning Technique: The Two Great Sage Toads
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (X2 if summoning both)
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the elder leaders of the Toads of Myobokuzan, Fukasaku (also known as Pa) is a small toad (somewhat in contrast with the fact that he's older and more powerful than the gigantic Gamabunta) who serves as the main teacher of Sage techniques to Naruto and Jiraya. Possessing a keen intellect, he is a master strategist and an experienced fighter. Shima (also known as Ma) is his wife and acts as his battle partner but also one of the elder leaders in the clan as well. Capable and powerful, Shima matches Fukasaku's battle prowess and share most of his abilities. Both are capable of using Frog Katas and gathering natural energy to temporarily boost their physical strength (if they aren't merged with the user). Both can perform ninjutsu and use Senjutsu Techniques and while Fukasaku can use up to S-Rank Water and Wind techniques, Shima can use up to S-Rank Fire and Wind techniques. Both can use oil techniques, a trait shared amongst most Toads, and some unique techniques known only to toads. Ma and Pa are the only toads that can merge with the user to gather natural energy and transfer it to him, enabling the user to keep sage mode active as long as the Amphibian Mode is kept. The user can summon one or the other, once per battle for each. However, if the user wants to summon both in the same battle, he needs to gather chakra for one turn before they are summoned (the user does the summoning technique and waits one turn for the summoning to be complete, keeping his hands together as he gathers enough chakra to perform the summon). They seem to be constantly infused with natural energy or their sage mode is incredibly durable though they haven't shown the same type of sensory awareness as ninja sage mode users.
Note: Requires signing the Toad Contract
Note: The user may still use other techniques while summoning the elder toads, but cannot perform any handseals
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Feb 6, 2012
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noted, more effort.

1. Gamabunta is looking like the boss of the bosses, his large size blade is an interest to me and it is nice he can use it well, his body size and strength is an added advantage as most B-rank ninjutsu don't have effect on him, he also use water and oil technique well even in collaboration with his summoner

2. Shima and Fukasaku aka ma and pa. They are a unique pair that can be summoned together or individually. I noticed it takes up more time to summon both at the same time. Shima is good at fire and wind while Fukasaku is good at water and wind. They useful in helping gather chakra to maintain one's toad sage mode. Fukasaku also double as a sensei of the sage training.

My question, in the anime, we got to see gamabunta leap over long distance, can this be applied in battle as a mode of evading/dodging?


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
You can utilise the free dodge mechanic to achieve that, but I would recommend making it a CJ instead for a more versatile usage.

Alright, next up is the elemental toads, we'll do all together since it's just the same but for different elements.

(Kuchiyose: Hogama) - Summoning: Great Fire Toad
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: After permorming the handseals and biting there thumb, the user will slam there hand to the ground and summon the Great Fire Toad. This toad was once seen in the anime when jiraiya summoned the mouth to trap kisame and itachi saying its fire proof, though amerterasu was able to burn the mouth. This toad is the greatest fire user of all the toads at Myobokuzan and can use all fire techniques up to A rank. Being the greatest fire user means that Kogamahi has great knowledge of fire jutsu and is unafected by B ranks and below.

Note: Can only be summoned once
Note: Must hold toad contract
Note: Only one Great toad can be summoned at a time
Note: Stays on the feild for 4 turns
Note: No other summonings for 2 turns

(Kuchiyose: Mizugama) - Summoning: Great Water Toad
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: After permorming the handseals and biting there thumb, the user will slam there hand to the ground and summon the Great Water Toad. This toad is the brother of the Great Fire toad that was once seen in the anime when jiraiya summoned the mouth to trap kisame and itachi saying its fire proof, though amerterasu was able to burn the mouth. This toad is the greatest water user of all the toads at Myobokuzan and can use all water techniques up to A rank. Being the greatest water user means that Kogamahi has great knowledge of water jutsu and is unafected by B ranks and below.

Note: Can only be summoned once
Note: Must hold toad contract
Note: Only one Great toad can be summoned at a time
Note: Stays on the feild for 4 turns
Note: No other summonings for 2 turns

(Kuchiyose: kazegama) - Summoning: Great Wind Toad
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: After permorming the handseals and biting there thumb, the user will slam there hand to the ground and summon the Great Wind Toad. This toad is the brother of the Great Fire toad that was once seen in the anime when jiraiya summoned the mouth to trap kisame and itachi saying its fire proof, though amerterasu was able to burn the mouth. This toad is the greatest wind user of all the toads at Myobokuzan and can use all wind techniques up to A rank. Being the greatest wind user means that Kogamahi has great knowledge of wind jutsu and is unafected by B ranks and below.

Note: Can only be summoned once
Note: Must hold toad contract
Note: Only one Great toad can be summoned at a time
Note: Stays on the feild for 4 turns
Note: No other summonings for 2 turns

(Kuchiyose: Tsuchigama) - Summoning: Great Earth Toad
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: After permorming the handseals and biting there thumb, the user will slam there hand to the ground and summon the Great Earth Toad. This toad is the brother of the Great Fire toad that was once seen in the anime when jiraiya summoned the mouth to trap kisame and itachi saying its fire proof, though amerterasu was able to burn the mouth. This toad is the greatest Earth user of all the toads at Myobokuzan and can use all Earth techniques up to A rank. Being the greatest Earth user means that Kogamahi has great knowledge of Earth jutsu and is unafected by B ranks and below.

Note: Can only be summoned once
Note: Must hold toad contract
Note: Only one Great toad can be summoned at a time
Note: Stays on the feild for 4 turns
Note: No other summonings for 2 turns

(Kuchiyose: Raigama) - Summoning: Great lightning Toad
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: After permorming the handseals and biting there thumb, the user will slam there hand to the ground and summon the Great Lightning Toad. This toad is the brother of the Great Fire toad that was once seen in the anime when jiraiya summoned the mouth to trap kisame and itachi saying its fire proof, though amerterasu was able to burn the mouth. This toad is the greatest Lightning user of all the toads at Myobokuzan and can use all lightning techniques up to A rank. Being the greatest Lightning user means that Kogamahi has great knowledge of Lightning jutsu and is unafected by B-ranks and below.

Note: Can only be summoned once
Note: Must hold toad contract
Note: Only one Great toad can be summoned at a time
Note: Stays on the feild for 4 turns
Note: No other summonings for 2 turns
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Feb 6, 2012
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A cj? Not a bad idea

I just noticed all of the toads are refer to as kogamahi in their descriptions.

Alright, so these elemental toads have some features in common, each has an element they are tied to, each can use their assigned element to an impressive level, each is immune to B rank and below effect of their element technique when used against them and each can clearly swallow up their target and trap it. They are also related, siblings. Too bad the great fire toad don't have a sister mentioned, they are all brothers.

So my question, does advanced element have the same effect on them, that is them been immune to the attack to a certain rank, I was just thinking advanced element are gotten from the basic 5, so if each toad has an element they are strong to, should it not apply in AE too?


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Lmao yeah I'm guessing Kogamahi was what the name of one was meant to be. It would not apply to AE unfortunately.

Next up is the last 3 summons before we get into the jutsu themselves.

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gamaken) Summoning Technique: Gamaken
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Gamaken is a gigantic toad warrior, similar in size to Gamabunta and Gamahiro. He acts as one of the usual companions of Jiraya and is considered one of the top warriors amongst the toads of Myobokuzan. Possessing a shy and modest personality, he defines himself as slow and ungraceful. However, that contrasts severely with his battle abilities and physical prowess. Wielding a sasumata and a shield (resembling a sakasuki), he is a very capable and dangerous close combat warrior. His size is accompanied by a proportionate physical strength and an unusual agility and speed, being immune to any ninjutsu B-Rank and below. He is capable of using Taijutsu moves (mainly variations of Strong Fist) but, if given a proportional sword, also Kenjutsu. Like most toads, he can use Oil techniques.
Note: Requires signing of Toad Contract
Note: can only be summoned once

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gamahiro) Summoning Technique: Gamahiro
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Gamahiro is a gigantic toad warrior, rivaling the size of Gamaken and Gamabunta. Although little is known of his personality, as he isn't too keen to speaking, he embodies the true essence of a warrior. Sometimes summoned above an enemy to crush it to death, his main abilities are his prowess in close combat and his mastery in wielding his twin katanas (strapped on his back). A master of Taijutsu (mainly variations of Strong Fist) and Kenjutsu (mainly dual wielding Kenjutsu), he is a very dangerous close combat warrior. With strength and agility that rivals Gamaken's, he's generally dispicted as one of the top warriors amongst the toads of Myobokuzan, a fitting condition that is further proven by his immunity to all B-Rank and below ninjutsu. Like most toads, he can use Oil techniques. A trait unique to him is that from the large toads, Gamahiro is the only one so far seen summoned using the (Kuchiyose: Yatai Kuzushi no Jutsu) Summoning Technique: Food Cart Destroyer to crush an enemy.

Note: Requires signing of Toad Contract
Note: can only be summoned once

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gamakichi) Summoning Technique: Gamakichi
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Gamakichi is the personal summon of Naruto and Jiraiya and one of Gamabunta's children. He was first summoned by Naruto Uzumaki because Naruto couldn't focus his chakra during the beginning of the battle with Gaara, but has grown since then into a fully adult toad. Very similar to his dad in both mentality and appearance, he stands at the same size as his dad. Like his father he also uses a giant Katana in combat. Capable of using Fire and Water up to S-Rank, he is also a good user of Taijutsu (mainly strong fist variations) and has a strength well above most boss summons. Similar to most toads, he can use Oil techniques. He apparently learned Senjutsu and is able to use Senjutsu attacks, much like The Two Great Sage Toads. If he is able to passively do it or if he is constantly in sage mode is not clear. However, his speed, power and the ability to infuse natural energy into his elemental ninjutsu techniques (effectively turning them into senjutsu techniques) makes him a formidable summon.

Note: requires signing of Toad Contract
Note: can only be summoned once
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Feb 6, 2012
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Tuh bad, some more cj ideas I guess.

Gamaken is a big guy that hold a weapon and a shield, he is goo at close combat taijutsu and kenjutsu, he is able to withdraw B rank and below ninjutsu. His personality is contrast of his strength, speed and agility.

Gamahiro reminds me of a character in TMNT especially with his twin katana, he is good at close combat and dual blades techniques, he can be summoned above his target to crush it/them. He is fast and strong as Gamaken, able to withstand B rank and below ninjutsu attack.

Gamakichi is the favoured toad of all as naruto and jiraiya rely on him mostly. He is a senjutsu user, holds a big blade in battle, good at close combat and blade techniques, able to use fire and water tech up to S-rank. He is a boss on his own level, also a big guy in size and like most toads, he uses oil techniques too.


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Alrighty, onto the techniques

( Katon: Endan ) – Fire Release: Flame Bullet
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: This technique is performed by performing the Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger hand seals and gathering oil in one's mouth, which is created by their chakra. As the oil is exhaled, its ignited, creating a large bullet of burning oil. One can also shoot multiple smaller bullets which can be shot in a widespread. The advantage of this technique is that due to the oil present in it, it will explode if it comes in contact with water. Not only that but due to the oil, the burning effect is more lasting (spreading across surfaces or enemies where it might hit) as the oil burns for a longer period of time, even without the users chakra.
Note: Must know Toad summoning contract to use.

(Ai no Uchi) – Smack of Love
Type: Offensive
Rank: C/A
Range: Short/Long
Chakra: 10/30
Damage: 20/60
Description: Gamariki and Gama stretches his tongue out of his mouth, and then delivers a single, powerful blow that makes the target hit the ground and stop their movement

Note: Can only be performed by Gamariki or Gamabunta. When used by the former, the ability is A-Rank

(Gamagakure no Jutsu) - Hiding in a Toad technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user summons a special diving toad (moguri gama) from mount Myōboku and then the user will hide in its stomache. The frog is capable of diving very deep in fresh water. The frog's stomach has a special barrier which obstructs chakra, protecting the user from sensory-type ninja.

Note: Must know Toad summoning contract.


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Feb 6, 2012
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The tech begin
This brings back memory of learning the basic 5. We really have come a long way as a RPG.

1. I have to do six hand seals, gather chakra in my mouth and mood it into oil then shoot it out either as one big sized ball or multiple small sized ball. This particular ball of burning oil is strong against water and able to keep burning without further chakra supplied. The ball of burning oil can only travel upti mid range

2. Funny tech name xD
So the summons gamariki and gama can either at directive of the summoner or their will, use their tongue to strike their target with a single powerful blow with the aim to strike the target down or halt their advance. The tech is ranked A for Gamariki and C for Gama

3. This is a unique summon, moguri sama has a unique stomach property that can hide one's presence from sensory type ninjas, making it a good hiding place, the toad is also a good diver as it can go real deep in freshwater.

no questions on these


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Cool cool, next set

(Gamayudan) - Toad Oil Projectile
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A (30 if ignited)
Description: After gathering oil in their mouth, the user can spit the oil at their opponent. The consistency of the oil can then hinder the movement of the opponent until removed but is main danger is that its very easily flammable.

Note: Can only be used by Toads and signers of the Toad Contract

(Shukushō no Jutsu) - Shrinking Technique
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: Toads can use this technique to shrink to the size of a small toad. This can be used for a number of useful things such as sneaking and being carried if too tired to go somewhere on their own. This could be used to effectively escape some techniques that have an small area of attack range.

Note: Can only be used by Toad summons

(Kuchiyose: Bodīsuramu no Jutsu) - Summoning: Body Slam Technique
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will quickly summon a generic, human sized, warrior toad that slams into the target dealing heavy damage. The toad is human sized and brings with him a katana. Upon being summoned the toad already carries momentum towards the target, making this a very fast technique. Once it hits the target or is countered, he disperses.

Note: Can only be summoned by signers of the Toad Contract


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Feb 6, 2012
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1. This tech is simply me gathering oil in my mouth and spitting it at my target to disturb their movement though the main damage of the tech is the oil is flammable. Another application I can see here is spitting the oil to the ground to make it slippery for those speedster

2. It is a utility tech that allow the summoned toads reduce in size to a regular toad size hence allowing it's summoner to carry them with ease, this reminds me of antman ability.

3. This tech enable me to summon a big size toad just above my target so to smother them, the toad summoned would disperse once the tech is either completed or blocked

No questions on these


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Alright, next set

(Kuchiyose: Yatai Kuzushi no Jutsu) – Summoning: Food Cart Destroyer Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user summons Gamahiro above the target, crushing whatever is beneath him when he falls to the ground.

Note: Must know Toad Summoning contract and counts as summoning Gamahiro into the field.

(Futon: Gamayudan) – Wind Release: Toad Oil Bullet
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Wind Release: Toad Oil Bullet is a synchronized elemental combination technique with the user and Gamatatsu. It is a wind natured upgrade to Toad Oil Bullet technique. To set up for this technique the user must stand behind or atop Gamatatsu and focus their wind chakra whilst Gamatatsu focuses his chakra with oil in his mouth and then releases the oil combined with the user channelling the wind chakra through Gamatatsu, creating a powerful and fast stream of toad oil, which then spreads to cover a larger area but maintaining a powerful striking force due to the wind chakra.

Note: Can only be used with Gamatatsu and know toad-summoning contract.

(Suiton: Teppoudama) - Water Release: Gunshot
Type: Offensive
Rank: B/A
Range: Short/Long
Chakra: 20/30
Damage: 40/60
Description: The user will do the Tiger handseal and will gather water in his mouth and then spits out either a single very large sphere of rotating water that can blast a huge area leaving it soaked or a series of up to 5 smaller yet faster bullets. The power of the technique depends on how much chakra the user inputs into it.

Note: Can only be used by Toad Summons or Signers of the Toad Contract.

(Gamaguchi Shibari) - Toad Mouth Binding
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user summons the belly of a huge fire breathing toad that traps the opponent in its belly. The user can have the toad digest the enemy or capture him/her with the toads stomach wall, spill oil on the opponent and lastly blow out fire all while the opponent in inside the toad.

Note: If the opponent doesn't escape this jutsu before the toad digests him/her the match is automatically over since they are no longer alive. The opponent can escape only if their hands are free to make seals or they havent been caught by the toads stomach walls yet.

Note: Can only be summoned by signers of the Toad Contract.
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Feb 6, 2012
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apologies for late reply.

1. it a simple technique. i have Gamahiro appear directly above my target with the intent to have him crash on target, i can have him summoned up-to long range and it counts as summoning him unlike the previous similar technique where the toad disperse afterwards
2. this is collaborate move from me and Gamatatsu, where just before he release his oil technique, i mold and produce wind chakra, the combine effect of both technique produce a fast moving and destructive stream of toad oil that can hit a target far away. the combined tech also cover a large area.
3. it require me to form the tiger hand-seal while molding up water chakra then releasing it from my mouth, now i can release it in one long stream blast that produce a single huge sphere of rotating water or five short burst to produce five smaller and faster sphere of rotating water.
4. this is a finishing move, where i summon a fire breathing toad that swallows up the target in his belly and proceed to digest my target in his stomach before soaking the target with its oil and finally blow out fire from his mouth for final blow which for me feels like an overkill

no questions :]


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Alright and for the final set

(Futon: Gamayu Endan) – Wind Release: Toad Oil Flame Bullet
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Wind Release: Toad oil Flame Bullet is a three-way synchronized collaboration jutsu between the user, Gamatatsu and Gamakichi. It is an expansion of the Wind Release: Toad Oil Bullet technique. After the user enhances the Gamatatsu Toad oil bullet with their wind chakra, Gamakichi adds Fire Style: Flame Bullet technique to ignite the oil. The wind chakra not only increases the coverage and distance of the oil but also adds power to the flame and was strong enough to even push back the 3 tailed beast.

Note: Can only be used with Gamatatsu and Gamakichi and know toad-summoning contract.

(Futon: Gama Teppo) – Wind Release: Toad Gun
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Wind Release: Toad Gun is a two-way collaboration jutsu with Gamatatsu. It is a wind upgrade version of water style: water gun technique. To set up this technique the user has to be standing on top or behind Gamatatsu moulding their wind chakra and Gamatatsu concentrates his water chakra in his mouth and then by releasing both chakra at the same time by channelling the wind chakra through Gamatatsu it creates a powerful and fast stream of water, which eventually spreads out to cover a much larger area but maintaining a powerful striking force due to the wind chakra.

Note: Can only be used with Gamatatsu and Know toad summoning contract.

(Kuchiyose: Assai Gama Ibukuru) – Summoning: Crushing Toad Stomach
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique bears resemblance to the Summoning: Toad mouth bind technique. However instead of warping the battlefield into the digestive tracks of a giant toad, the user reverse summons themselves and their opponents into the stomach of a giant toad and captures and isolates the target/s inside the stomach, cutting them off from allies and immobilizing their movements while the stomache starts crushing the opponent/s to death.

Seikiyu Jirai | Oil Landmines
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user slams their hands on the ground and directs some of their chakra toward predetermined locations. Upon reach the destination, the chakra is converted into oil and packs itself into landmines of sorts. The landmine reacts to increased weight or a redistribution of weight overhead due to movement. The user can make up to four landmines per usage.

Note: Can only be used by Toad Summons or Signers of the Toad Contract.
Note: Courtesy of King of All.