[Rift] Echoes of the Moon: Atrahasis vs Susabi, Madara, and Isabella


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Atrahasis, Divine Construct
Jounin | 300 Health Points | 5,000 Chakra​

Stepping into the Rift would lead the party onto the lunar surface, delicately suspended by the force of the planet's gravitational hold on it. Though it's condition would be idyllic; Enkidu's Chains of Heaven had not yet been redirected yet, but their battle surely raged below as the clocks were effectively turned back two years. In the distance, a series of ivory white temples stood resolute; these were Eanna. Around them Igigi and other Arali diligently patrolled the area, on high alert no doubt after the crisis of Abzu's emergence. But before the trio could proceed in their mission to understand the nature of the Rift they had stepped through....

"You will go no further." A firm, yet robotic, voice echoed over the near-barren Moon. It was followed by a titanic crash 15 meters before them, causing a plume of lunar debris and dust to scatter throughout the battlefield. In the crater left behind was a massive humanoid statue, though its movement was fluid as if a human in itself. At roughly twice the height of Madara, the statue was ornate in appearance. Throughout it inscriptions and carvings of ancient battles, the first humans, and Tiamat herself were inscribed on its surface. "While the nature of your arrival leaves much to inquire, my prime directive is to protect Eanna in the face of the coming Cataclysm, for I am Atrahasis." As it spoke a titanic barrier was erected around the trio and Atrahasis. The barrier, completely indestructible and impregnable, sealed the group in a spherical spacetime pocket that would force them to destroy Atrahasis before they could proceed.

Once erected, Atrahasis outstretched both of his hands to each side of his body. Mists of Suen and Water manifested on his palms, forming two perfect spheres that suddenly blasted water. It occurred so quickly and with such immense volume that the water appeared to slam into the barrier and rush around it as it collapsed inward from all directions. The water was imbued with a string of curses intended to destroy their existences.

(Chie no Kodai Otachi) – Wisdom of Ancient Kings (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A technique that provides its user with advanced awareness. It is activated passively at the beginning of battle and increases the user’s tracking capability by 4x, grants awareness to Chakra and Siris, and reduces all critical damage taken by 30%.
(Shinseina Kōchiku) – Divine Construct (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Created by the gods themselves, Divine Constructs are similar to automatons. While they are able to wield resources like Chakra, they lack typical Chakra networks that would otherwise make them vulnerable to Genjutsu or Yin Release. Divine Construct is activated passively at the beginning of the battle.
(Enlil no Kankin) – Enlil’s Confinement (Passive)
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Enki’s Confinement is a technique passively activated at the beginning of battle when Atrahasis is engaged. The technique is a massive translucent barrier erected around the battlefield, spanning 100 meters in any direction from its center point. The barrier is tied to Atrahasis’s status and is completely impregnable; thus, the only way to escape it is to destroy the Divine Construct. The barrier also limits spacetime techniques in that one cannot escape the barrier by using a spacetime technique inside or outside of it, though spacetime techniques can still be used while inside the barrier. The barrier can contain five applications of Divine Waters of the Flood, upon which it will fill to capacity and submerge all opponents.
(Kōzui no Jinzui) – Divine Waters of the Flood
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A – S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60
Description: When activated by Atrahasis, Divine Waters of the Flood causes a gust of Water infused with Suen to crash through the battlefield. The wave manifests initially as a tornado of water around Atrahasis, launching itself outward in all directions at a base 35 speed. The wave’s damage cannot be prevented or blocked but it can be mitigated. Those struck by Divine Waters of the Flood are afflicted with Enlil’s Doom. Each use of Divine Waters of the Flood grants Atrahasis Strength of Ancient Myths, stacking indefinitely. A single use of this technique causes Enlil’s Confinement to fill by 20%. Divine Waters of the Flood cannot be removed from the battlefield by any means unless Atrahasis has been defeated.
(Suen: Enlil no Unmei) – Wisdom: Enlil’s Doom (Reference)
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: N/A
Description: Enlil’s Doom is afflicted by Divine Waters of the Flood, lasting for two turns until it expires. The curse cannot be removed, prevented, or subverted by any means unless the victim has their Health Point pool healed back to 100% of its maximum capacity. Should the curse expire before their Health Points are restored then the victim will be instantly incapacitated.
(Kodai Shinwa no Chikara) – Strength of Ancient Myths (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Strength of Ancient Myths is a stacking buff applied to Atrahasis after each use of Divine Waters of the Flood. This technique causes the next Divine Waters of the Flood to deal 30 additional damage each time it is cast.
(Seidenki Suiiki) – Electrostatic Waters (Reference)
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 10 per turn
Description: Electrostatic Waters is a passive detrimental effect caused by contact with the Divine Waters of the Flood. While standing in water left behind by the Flood, the victim will suffer 10 damage per turn. This damage cannot be mitigated by any means and will circumvent layered defenses, such as wearing armor that prevents direct contact with the Waters. While in contact with the Electrostatic Waters the victim will receive 50% reduced healing. Electrostatic Waters lingers for a full turn after leaving direct contact with the Divine Waters.


-Enkidu's Impact: 1/40
-Strength of Ancient Myths: 1x

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points

Isabella’s PoV
Isabella was the last to step on lunar soil, and she sure as well was pissed about it. You could hear her hurrying her steps to catch up to the duo, almost at arm's length to slap the both of them, when the metallic voice stopped the trio in their tracks.

The statue was not that big, twice the size of a guy who was built like a malnourished incel, but it sure acted otherwise. And the absurdity of the barrier he erected was the final straw that broke the camel's back.

One of them Akatsuki, Mandy? You sure know how to pick them.

But it was clear from Madara's reaction that this thing was an enemy. Confined to the barrier and having no one to rely on but these two completely unreliable guys, Isabella's Shinkaigan shone. The galaxy within her eyes shimmered, as purple miasma catapulted from her eyesight. A massive spear emerged, it's light lowering the sanity of everyone present by 10, minus sanity resistances, before aiming to impale through the machine's head straight on as soon as it spread out its arms.

(Dōjutsu: Shōgai Genjitsu) - Eye Technique: Reality Rift
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: 120 (+Chaos) (-20 Health Points) ( 120; +0 Chaos)
Description: This technique is the Cosmic variant of Shimmering Depth, the basic application of the Shinkaigan’s Spatial powers. It is cast by the right eye, able to call energy directly from the Void to weaponize it. The energy manifests from the user’s eye with a long-range reach. Reality Rift is a honed version of Shimmering Depths, affording the user significantly greater control over the Void and Chaos. While it is manifested at the user’s eye the yare able to shape the energy with far greater versatility, using it as a sword, stream, projectile, or other shapes the user might require in a specific instance. Because of its unpredictable nature, Reality Rift inherits random elemental weaknesses and strengths. It also gains a 50% chance to randomly increase its damage by 30 or 50. Experiencing Reality Rift directly, meaning sensing it through either one of the primary senses, or through extrasensory means, causes one to suffer from a 10 Sanity reduction. Spatial specialists are able to apply an advanced use of Reality Rift whereby they make an additional roll that grants the technique a 33% chance to adopt neutral strengths and weaknesses, regardless of the original Chaos roll, cause the opponent’s next technique to adopt random basic strengths and weaknesses (if applicable), or heal the user for forty Health Points. Advanced applications cost the user 20 Health Points.
Note: Rift in Reality can be used three times per battle, with three turns between usage.
Note: After use the user is unable to use Spatial Shinkaigan techniques for a single turn.

Chaos Roll: +0
Elemental Roll: Wind

It became clear, despite the water infused suen moving slower than Isabella could track, that it was unblockable, for the massive spear of cosmical miasma pierced through it without so much as a ripple. Isabella would take 55 damage ( -5 damage shaving ) but would still aim her spear through as intended.

Isabella Stats:
Health: 200 - 55 = 145 + 80 = 200
Sanity: 100 - 5 = 95
Sanity Drawbacks: 1.8 The character suddenly believes they have changed genders. Lasts for seven turns. ( 1/7 )

Susabi's PoV
Susabi entered the rift following Madara. There greeted them a large statue which threatened to protect Eanna. So the reports were right. Susabi thought to himself. Suddenly, a massive tornado of water approached the trio. Susabi focused chakra into his feet to pin him to the ground to brace for impact, taking damage from the wave. However, he held steady.

Thinking quickly Susabi, slammed his hands on the ground causing the ground underneath the three to raise up to a height of 50 meters with the total area of the amount of ground raised being 20m x 20m x 50m to keep them above the massive volume of water.

(Doton: Daichidōkaku) - Earth Release: Great Moving Earth Core
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique grants the user the ability to freely lower or raise the terrain within a specific area surrounding them, in a similar manner to its parent technique, albeit on a much larger scale. The user will slam his hands on the ground which he can then lower or raise the ground up to 100 meters in a large section. The rise will be fast enough to pin enemies to the ground, restricting their movements as they struggle to get up and the drop will be fast enough to leave almost all enemies without a footing (albeit not airborne). Because of the large chakra needed to alter such a large area of the terrain, the user will be able to use it only a limited number of times.
Note: Can only be used twice.

He reached to his side and placed his hand on Isabella's shoulder passively causing sealing tags to spread from his body to hers due to his mastery of Mutagenesis. The "virus" sharply spikes the positive energy within her body, healing her for 80 HP all at once.

You are going to have to work a bit more for me to help you, Madara.

Totsuzenhen'i Yūhatsu: 3-Banme no bakuteriofāji: Tōgō | Mutagenesis: The Third Bacteriophage: Integration (Passive)
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short (Self)
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A
Description: The Third Bacteriophage: Integration is a Mutagenesis technique that takes advantage of Mutagenesis' ability to apply the "virus" to ones own body through the spreading of the "virus" sealing tag. The user begins by striking a part of their body or the body part of a sentient ally. The "virus" sealing tag begins to spread over the targets body, duplicating itself and travelling to most corners of the body. As the "virus" spreads, it injects Yang chakra into the target's body, burning away their Yin chakra causing an imbalance. This influx of Yang chakra serves as beneficial to the targets it is applied to, healing them for a specific amount. This healing, while it heals less than Touch of the Sun, is capable of performing the similar feats such as repairing a damaged chakra system, or regenerating a limb, purging poisons, etc albeit it at a slower rate. The health recovered can be delivered in two ways depending on the situation needed. In the first case, health can be distributed all at once, delivering a total of 80 health at once. In the second scenario, the 80 health can be distributed to the target at a steady rate over the course of four turns, healing 20 damage per turn, for a total of 80. As per the nature of Mutagensis, the imbalance in Yang and Yin chakras within the target's chakra system triggers the sealing effects of the "virus". A golden, spherical barrier is erected from the "virus" sealing tags that encompass the user's immediate area up until short range. This barrier is solid and serves as a defensive scheme for the target to incoming attacks. The strength and duration of the barrier are dependent on how the healing is distributed to the target. If all 80 health is delivered to the target in one go, the golden barrier will only last for that one turn and be able to defend against techniques with equivalent chakra cost or higher. If the 80 health is distributed over the course of four turns, the golden barrier will also last a max of four turns but can be destroyed by techniques with equivalent rank or higher (A or higher) .
Note: The Third Bacteriophage: Integration can only be used three times per battle with three turns of cooldown in between usages. Note: Due to the inherent ability of Mutagenesis, these sealing tags share a telepathic link with the user and can thus communicate with them mentally. This is perfect for alerting the user or keeping tabs on targets affected by this technique.

Health - 200 - 60 = 140
Chakra - 4000 - 90 = 3910
Sanity: 90 - The character suddenly believes they have changed genders. Lasts for seven turns. ( 1/7 )
Tracking: 35

Madara’s PoV
Madara had barely entered the Rift, annoyed by the two that arrived as well. It seemed no matter the realm, he would always be vexed by one of the two. Before he could express his annoyances at the two, he came fast to fast with a large figure. Having spoke to them before crashing down on the moon, the figure caused dust and sand to blow around as he began to speak. As the figure speaks, Madara looks at the two beside him and shook his head as she made a jab at him.

“Honestly, he reminded me of you, Bella. Dusty, manly and ashy. And probably mus-“

Madara didn’t get a chance to finish quipping at her as a sudden burst of Water and blue sand approached them, causing Madara to suddenly remember a conversation he had with Solomon as well as what the creature just said about Eanna. Solomon told him about a powerful ability known as Suen which was a blue sand strong to Yin-Yang. Could this be it?

As the water and sand burst forth, Madara simply grabbed his gunbai as he released chakra into the air around Isabella’s father or what looked like him at the least. As the chakra pooled, it created two massive spheres of flames that collide with the figure aiming to deal intense damage to him, causing lingering damage as well.

(Katon: Tsuinassai Ryūsē) – Fire Release: Twin Crushing Meteors
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Mid
Chakra Cost: 50 (+10 effective chakra = 60 )
Damage Points: 90 ( +60 Godai +5 MIND = 155 )
Description: After performing a set of 4 handseals, the user gathers a huge amount of fire chakra and releases it into the air, causing a portal similar to the "Sticky Earth Drop" technique to open to either of two opposite sides of the intended target, each portal is released 15 meters away from the opponent basically a Mid range to both of his sides, summoning two identical meteor sized fireballs which are extremely compressed towards the opponent, approaching him from the two opposite sides, when the Fireballs each are 10 meters away from the opponent they resonate with each other, causing a "link" of fire to spread out connecting the two fireballs resulting in a ring of fire that's made around the opponent, entrapping him in the area he's in, however the opponent can escape vertically upwards since the ring of fire doesn't cover above him it only covers around him, the heat released from these two fireballs are enough to cause sweat to drip down the opponent's body when it's summoned out of the portals, letting him know the danger he's in, each Meteor sized fireball is considered an S-rank Fire technique, since it's an Forbidden-rank divided in two, when hit by either fireballs, anything caught in between the two fireballs will be crushed and burned severely.
Note: Can only be used once.
Note: No S-rank Fire Release or above techniques in the next turn.
Note: -15 Damage to the user due to the sudden chakra exhaustion

Turning towards Susabi as he healed Isabella, Madara spoke coolly.

“Don’t worry, you can play back up like you're used to. Just stay back and out of my way.”

Madara Stats
Health: 270 - 65 = 205
Chakra: 3000 - 73 = 2927
Sanity: 100 - 8 + 3 = 95 ( The afflicted is convinced that everyone around them is flirting with them, including their opponents. Lasts for seven turns. )
Tracking: 126

Isabella’s and Madara’s actions occur at the same time as Susabi’s Earth jutsu, followed by Susabi’s use of the seal.

Edit: Removed the boost to Isabella’s technique, invalidly gained.
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Seeing the trio move up, the divine construct would do the same, manipulating the water and forming a massive dragon that surges upwards with him on it's back, all without the need of handseals. Atrahasis' manipulation of the water would be supplemented by Suen, increasing it's speed and potency. The upwards movement of the dragon is done in a manner to avoid both the spear and fire attacks, arcing upwards before being directed to crash down on the trio from above. Numerically, the dragon would rise to 10 meters above the manipulated earth, most likely reaching it's point before the earth itself due to the difference in speed.

In regards to the dragon crashing down, it would dive bomb towards the trio with intensity, with Atrahasis himself jumping from the dragon as it begins it's descent, aiming to land just outside of short range behind them. As he leaps, Atrahasis would form two spheres that blast water once more, this time even stronger than before, filling up more of the barrier's volume. Similar to before, the water used carried a plethora of curses.

(Suen: Tabi no Nippuru) – Wisdom: Journey to Nippur
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A (+50 chakra cost to applied technique)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user manipulates a technique with their Suen, performing an infusion of Chakra that occurs within the same timeframe as the infused technique. The infused Suen causes the technique to gain limited Divinity. The infused technique has its speed increased by twice its base speed. Its damage is increased by an additional thirty points while also gaining intrinsic volatility. This is caused by the trace Suen intermixed into the technique it is infused into. When it interacts with a source of heat, like Lava or Fire Release, the technique will erupt into a violent and uncontrollable explosion. The size of the explosion is always proportional to the original technique’s size. When infused into a familiar, be it elemental or not, it will reduce all physical damage taken by 20.
Note: Usable three times per battle.
(Suiton: Suiryuudan no Jutsu) - Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: A - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30 - 40
Damage Points: 60 - 80 +40(Passive) +30 = 150
Description: After performing a long series of handseals: Ox → Monkey → Hare → Rat → Boar → Bird → Ox → Horse → Bird → Rat → Tiger → Dog → Tiger → Snake → Ox → Ram → Snake → Boar → Ram → Rat → Yang Water → Monkey → Bird → Dragon → Bird → Ox → Horse → Ram → Tiger → Snake → Rat → Monkey → Hare → Boar → Dragon → Ram → Rat → Ox → Monkey → Bird → Yang Water → Rat → Boar → Bird, the user then shapes a large amount of water into a giant, powerful dragon, which hits the opponent with formidable might, dealing physical damage. The ideal place to use it is near a body of water, but if the user's skill allows it, it is possible to use it even in a place where there is none. The amount of water used will be in proportion with the user's skill as well as its power which can vary. Ninjas with a water specialty will be able to produce up to an S-Rank technique; normal ninja will produce the basic A-Rank technique. Tobirama was able to use this technique with a single hand seal showing testiment to his skill in water ninjutsu.

Note: Requires a nearby water source.

(Kōzui no Jinzui) – Divine Waters of the Flood
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A – S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 90
Description: When activated by Atrahasis, Divine Waters of the Flood causes a gust of Water infused with Suen to crash through the battlefield. The wave manifests initially as a tornado of water around Atrahasis, launching itself outward in all directions at a base 35 speed. The wave’s damage cannot be prevented or blocked but it can be mitigated. Those struck by Divine Waters of the Flood are afflicted with Enlil’s Doom. Each use of Divine Waters of the Flood grants Atrahasis Strength of Ancient Myths, stacking indefinitely. A single use of this technique causes Enlil’s Confinement to fill by 20%. Divine Waters of the Flood cannot be removed from the battlefield by any means unless Atrahasis has been defeated.
(Suen: Enlil no Unmei) – Wisdom: Enlil’s Doom (Reference)
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: N/A
Description: Enlil’s Doom is afflicted by Divine Waters of the Flood, lasting for two turns until it expires. The curse cannot be removed, prevented, or subverted by any means unless the victim has their Health Point pool healed back to 100% of its maximum capacity. Should the curse expire before their Health Points are restored then the victim will be instantly incapacitated.
(Kodai Shinwa no Chikara) – Strength of Ancient Myths (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Strength of Ancient Myths is a stacking buff applied to Atrahasis after each use of Divine Waters of the Flood. This technique causes the next Divine Waters of the Flood to deal 30 additional damage each time it is cast.
(Seidenki Suiiki) – Electrostatic Waters (Reference)
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 10 per turn
Description: Electrostatic Waters is a passive detrimental effect caused by contact with the Divine Waters of the Flood. While standing in water left behind by the Flood, the victim will suffer 10 damage per turn. This damage cannot be mitigated by any means and will circumvent layered defenses, such as wearing armor that prevents direct contact with the Waters. While in contact with the Electrostatic Waters the victim will receive 50% reduced healing. Electrostatic Waters lingers for a full turn after leaving direct contact with the Divine Waters.
Enkidu's Impact 2/40
Strength of Ancient Myths: 2x
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points

Hyugier's POV​

Susabi touched Madara lightly on the shoulder filling him with Yang Chakra to heal his wounds from the previous wave of water at the same time the Uchiha dealt with the rising dragon and foe.

(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release Specialists and Yin-Yang users are able to use on themselves.

While healing Madara, Susabi's pale irises began to glow white signifying the activation of his Byakugan doing so passively. If their counter attack were to fail, Susabi would be ready.

(Dōjutsu: Byakugan) Eye Technique: The All Seeing White Eye (passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (+5 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The kekkei genkai intrinsic to both the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans—descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Those who possess this dōjutsu have it manifested as eyes with featureless white irides and no visible pupils. And when activated, the pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge. To activate the dōjutsu, Hyuga but not Ōtsutsuki clan members are initially obliged to use a rather long and specific sequence of handseals: Horse → Tiger → Boar → Hare → Rat → Dog → Horse → Dog → Hare → Rat → Boar → Snake. But once activated, the dōjutsu user is endowed with a range of skills.

To start, an activated Byakugan gives the user a near 360º diameter field of vision bar one blind spot at the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. Its vision can penetrate through any solid objects or obstructions, and likewise remains unaffected by blinding interferences. But that being said, certain barriers and the like may distort its perception. In addition, it is able to follow high-speed movements, which enables those with this dōjutsu to analyze their foes' actions and better react to them. The Byakugan is also able to see chakra to a higher degree than the Sharingan and ergo, identify where a person's chakra signature originates from. Beyond that, it can discern certain types of clones from the real person. And its ability to see chakra is in fact so acute that those who possess this dōjutsu are even able to see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that comprise it. The Hyūga clan has gone so far as to develop their unique Gentle Fist style in order to capitalize on this particular ability.

Note: Hyuga clan bios of at least Jonin rank become able to passively activate their dōjutsu upon one month having passed since Gentle Fist training concluded. Ōtsutsuki bios never need to expend a move in order to activate it.
Note: While traversing the NW, bios with activated Byakugan are able to see up to two 2 adjacent landmarks away while those of sage rank can see as far as three away, but this doesn't extend beyond an ocean landmark.

Here, don't say I didn't give you anything and that's no way to talk to a lady.

Simultaneously, Susabi would be healed by Isabella.
HP: 140 + 150 = 200
Chakra: 3910 - 15 - 70 = 3825
Sanity: 90 (The character suddenly believes they have changed genders. Lasts for seven turns.) 2/7
Tracking: 60

Mandy's POV​

As Madara turns towards the other two to retort, the pillar man in front of them suddenly spawned a water dragon beneath itself as the two fire balls crash into one another. Sighing, Madara shakes his head as he turns back towards him.

“This MID ass counter….,” the Uchiha said, his eyes narrowing as he watched the dragon ascend. “I’m tired of this already.”

As his eyes followed the rising water dragon quickly, Madara channeled chakra to his eyes. The unknown stone man, who resembled Isabella before she put lotion on, was rising on the back of the dragon - a truly unfavorable placement. Madara’s eyes were trained on the pair and he knew exactly where to time his assault. As the dragon’s arc continued, he noticed it’s trajectory and with his EMS, he was able to plan and attack appropriately. Closing his eyes briefly and relying on his chakra sensory Madara quickly opens both eyes to spawn a massive amount of Blaze flames atop the man’s head (2 meters above them) as they approach the height of their ascension. With their increased speed and the sudden appearance of the flames, the stone man will not find himself able to evade the flames in time. Slamming into the flames, the stone man would also find the Water jutsu detonating on him to deal even more damage to him ( It’s debatable and highly likely that both of these attacks would be considered Critical as the man would not know these were happening until he deals with them ).

Meanwhile, as Madara does this, Susabi heals him. Madara was slightly off put by the sudden niceties the Hyuger was displaying, though Madara knew it was likely due to the crush Susabi harbored. As long as Susabi suppressed those feelings like he knew Isabella was doing, he couldn’t care less about him. Isabella, on the other hand, was different. The Uchiha knew she had a major crush on him, to the point she followed timelines to find him. It was annoying, he thought, but he enjoyed having an army of devoted fans.

“Support roles suit you two, you carry it well.”

( Doujutsu: Hinokami ) - Eye Technique: Rising Sun
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 70
Damage: 140 ( -20 to the user [140+10 ( SPRT AP)] =150 x2 = 300 )
Description: Using the principle behind Amaterasu, the user closes both eyes and then opens them one at a time, each time burning an area near the target with black fire. When both eyes are open the target is burned in a large circle of black fire that only leaves a crater behind. The scale of the technique is enormous but the cost is also severe. The user will drain most of his stamina into this one attack and, like all Amaterasu based attacks, this attacks also lacks physical momentum and impact as well as kinetic energy. While the flames aren't capable of being extinguished, they also lack the ability to do kinetic damage, increasing the defensive counters that the enemy may produce. These flames also only burn for a single turn, fading away afterwards.
Note: Requires Mangekyo Sharingan active and can only be used once.
Note: Reduces MS duration by 4 turns and leaves the user's stamina drained.
Madara Stats
Health: 205 + 95 = 300
Chakra: 2927 - 95 = 2832
Sanity: 95 + 3 = 98 ( The afflicted is convinced that everyone around them is flirting with them, including their opponents. Lasts for seven Six turns. )
Tracking: 126

Perfect One's POV​

That's right Susabi, Mandy is rude, why would you heal him? Just let him die. Wait, did you just call me a lady?

She said, touching Susabi's shoulder in turn, healing him at the same time as he heals Mandy. Isabella couldn't help but wonder how the Hyuga was capable of putting his hand so near that man's hair, but she figured the people from the Valley just don't really care about lice, like two damn Aburame.

(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release Specialists and Yin-Yang users are able to use on themselves.

Isabella Stats:
Health: 200
Sanity: 95
Sanity Drawbacks: 1.8 The character suddenly believes they have changed genders. Lasts for seven turns. ( 2/7 )

Note: Due to the Water jutsu detonating due to short range proximity, Vayne would take 150 damage from the water’s explosion as well as the Amaterasu damage, which would be critical in nature.
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Through Wisdom of Ancient Kings, Atrahasis could sense the massive build up of chakra in the Uchiha, as well as the flames manifested subsequently above him. Reacting on instinct, the divine construct would act to mitigate the damage of the attack, activating Loam of Possibilities. The divine construct would clash with the flames and be subjected to the subsequent explosion of the infused water, sustaining 90 damage in total. None of these attacks would be critical as he was aware of them whilst also being aware of the nature of his own techniques interaction with flames. Atrahasis would naturally be blown back by the explosion, sending him further away from the group and into long range. As he is flying in the air, Atrahasis would release the Divine Water of the Flood, manifesting two tornadoes back to back. The tornadoes would spread the waters swiftly and effectively, whilst also serving to temporarily block conventional means of vision whilst the divine construct descends towards the ground below.

(Suen: Kanōsei no Rōmu) - Wisdom: Loam of Possibilities
Type: Mode
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: 200 (-40 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Loam of Possibilities represents humanity’s closest attempt at achieving true Divinity. When entering this mode the user applies their Suen to convert their physical form into Divinity, gaining a Divine Core within them. Visually their skin turns into a gentle blue, while anatomically their entire body is converted into a manifestation of Suen similar to the Hydrification technique. Body seals and techniques that are embedded on the user’s body are included in this conversion, still being usable while in this state. Loam of Possibilities enhances its users physical abilities as close to godhood as possible. Like Yang State, they gain their own type of perception which is called Enzu. Enzu, literally Lord of Wisdom, is the capability to perceive everything with physical presence. Their capability to track and react becomes limitless, because their body has become Divine within the scope of their physical presence. But this is not the limit of Enzu, which allows awareness of all physicality. This awareness also manifests as a type of spatial awareness, making techniques like Flying Thunder God ineffective against a user within the Loam of Possibilities state. The user’s physical durability reaches peak Divinity, translating to 100 physical damage reduction. The exception to this is other Divine sources of physical damage, which are reduced by 60 damage. The user also becomes immune to physically debilitating effects, like paralysis, fatigue, etc, while within the Loam of Possibilities unless they are caused by other Divine abilities. The user's Suen is enhanced in this state, increasing all damage done by 40 points. When the user enters Loam of Possibilities the technique Domain of Desire activates concurrently with it, acting to neutralize the effects of Onibi and other forms of artificial life. The drawback to Loam of Possibilities is that, due to the massive shift toward Divinity, the user cannot access Utu, Anutu, or other physically elevating techniques while in this state.
Note: This technique only lasts 6 turns and can be used once per battle.
Note: The user must have completed Suen in order to use this technique.
Note: Once the technique ends the user experiences significant fatigue, making them incapable of using Anutu, Utu, or Suen for 10 turns and incapable of Taijutsu for 5 turns (this includes releasing leg weights or other physically augmenting techniques).
Note: Likewise, the user is unable to use techniques above A-Rank for 4 turns.

(Suen: Domein no Yokubō) - Wisdom: Domain of Desire (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40 (-20 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Domain of Desire is designed to counteract the effects of Onibi and other techniques that produce or maintain artificial life. Domain of Desire is activated simultaneously as Loam of Possibilities, maintained concurrently without costing a move. Domain of Desire forms an indiscriminate area around the user’s position where trace amounts of Suen permeate the area, targeting forms of artificial or modified life. Removing Suen from the area is impossible, as it would be like removing particles of oxygen from the air itself. Forms of artificial life that are vulnerable to the Domain of Desire include Bijuu when released from their vessel, Creations of All Things, Yang Release familiars, elemental Yang Release familiars, and Children of Tiamat controlled life. Artificial life suffers 40 physical damage per turn that cannot be mitigated or blocked until the life is either dispersed or dies. Additionally, the Domain of Desire can also negate modified anatomy that form extensions of naturally occurring life. These extensions include anatomical modifications made by Ring of Hell, Asura Path, and Children of Tiamat. The users of these modifications do not suffer damage from their destruction, but they are destroyed within moments of Domain of Desire activating.
Note: This technique deactivates when the Loam of Possibilities is deactivated or expires.
(Kōzui no Jinzui) – Divine Waters of the Flood x2
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A – S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 90 then 120
Description: When activated by Atrahasis, Divine Waters of the Flood causes a gust of Water infused with Suen to crash through the battlefield. The wave manifests initially as a tornado of water around Atrahasis, launching itself outward in all directions at a base 35 speed. The wave’s damage cannot be prevented or blocked but it can be mitigated. Those struck by Divine Waters of the Flood are afflicted with Enlil’s Doom. Each use of Divine Waters of the Flood grants Atrahasis Strength of Ancient Myths, stacking indefinitely. A single use of this technique causes Enlil’s Confinement to fill by 20%. Divine Waters of the Flood cannot be removed from the battlefield by any means unless Atrahasis has been defeated.
(Suen: Enlil no Unmei) – Wisdom: Enlil’s Doom (Reference)
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: N/A
Description: Enlil’s Doom is afflicted by Divine Waters of the Flood, lasting for two turns until it expires. The curse cannot be removed, prevented, or subverted by any means unless the victim has their Health Point pool healed back to 100% of its maximum capacity. Should the curse expire before their Health Points are restored then the victim will be instantly incapacitated.
(Kodai Shinwa no Chikara) – Strength of Ancient Myths (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Strength of Ancient Myths is a stacking buff applied to Atrahasis after each use of Divine Waters of the Flood. This technique causes the next Divine Waters of the Flood to deal 30 additional damage each time it is cast.
(Seidenki Suiiki) – Electrostatic Waters (Reference)
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 10 per turn
Description: Electrostatic Waters is a passive detrimental effect caused by contact with the Divine Waters of the Flood. While standing in water left behind by the Flood, the victim will suffer 10 damage per turn. This damage cannot be mitigated by any means and will circumvent layered defenses, such as wearing armor that prevents direct contact with the Waters. While in contact with the Electrostatic Waters the victim will receive 50% reduced healing. Electrostatic Waters lingers for a full turn after leaving direct contact with the Divine Waters.
300 - 90 = 210
Enkidu's Impact 3/40
Strength of Ancient Myths: 3x
  • Haha
Reactions: Lord of Kaos

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Through Wisdom of Ancient Kings, Atrahasis could sense the massive build up of chakra in the Uchiha, as well as the flames manifested subsequently above him. Reacting on instinct, the divine construct would act to mitigate the damage of the attack, activating Loam of Possibilities. The divine construct would clash with the flames and be subjected to the subsequent explosion of the infused water, sustaining 90 damage in total. None of these attacks would be critical as he was aware of them whilst also being aware of the nature of his own techniques interaction with flames. Atrahasis would naturally be blown back by the explosion, sending him further away from the group and into long range. As he is flying in the air, Atrahasis would release the Divine Water of the Flood, manifesting two tornadoes back to back. The tornadoes would spread the waters swiftly and effectively, whilst also serving to temporarily block conventional means of vision whilst the divine construct descends towards the ground below.

(Suen: Kanōsei no Rōmu) - Wisdom: Loam of Possibilities
Type: Mode
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: 200 (-40 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Loam of Possibilities represents humanity’s closest attempt at achieving true Divinity. When entering this mode the user applies their Suen to convert their physical form into Divinity, gaining a Divine Core within them. Visually their skin turns into a gentle blue, while anatomically their entire body is converted into a manifestation of Suen similar to the Hydrification technique. Body seals and techniques that are embedded on the user’s body are included in this conversion, still being usable while in this state. Loam of Possibilities enhances its users physical abilities as close to godhood as possible. Like Yang State, they gain their own type of perception which is called Enzu. Enzu, literally Lord of Wisdom, is the capability to perceive everything with physical presence. Their capability to track and react becomes limitless, because their body has become Divine within the scope of their physical presence. But this is not the limit of Enzu, which allows awareness of all physicality. This awareness also manifests as a type of spatial awareness, making techniques like Flying Thunder God ineffective against a user within the Loam of Possibilities state. The user’s physical durability reaches peak Divinity, translating to 100 physical damage reduction. The exception to this is other Divine sources of physical damage, which are reduced by 60 damage. The user also becomes immune to physically debilitating effects, like paralysis, fatigue, etc, while within the Loam of Possibilities unless they are caused by other Divine abilities. The user's Suen is enhanced in this state, increasing all damage done by 40 points. When the user enters Loam of Possibilities the technique Domain of Desire activates concurrently with it, acting to neutralize the effects of Onibi and other forms of artificial life. The drawback to Loam of Possibilities is that, due to the massive shift toward Divinity, the user cannot access Utu, Anutu, or other physically elevating techniques while in this state.
Note: This technique only lasts 6 turns and can be used once per battle.
Note: The user must have completed Suen in order to use this technique.
Note: Once the technique ends the user experiences significant fatigue, making them incapable of using Anutu, Utu, or Suen for 10 turns and incapable of Taijutsu for 5 turns (this includes releasing leg weights or other physically augmenting techniques).
Note: Likewise, the user is unable to use techniques above A-Rank for 4 turns.

(Suen: Domein no Yokubō) - Wisdom: Domain of Desire (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40 (-20 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Domain of Desire is designed to counteract the effects of Onibi and other techniques that produce or maintain artificial life. Domain of Desire is activated simultaneously as Loam of Possibilities, maintained concurrently without costing a move. Domain of Desire forms an indiscriminate area around the user’s position where trace amounts of Suen permeate the area, targeting forms of artificial or modified life. Removing Suen from the area is impossible, as it would be like removing particles of oxygen from the air itself. Forms of artificial life that are vulnerable to the Domain of Desire include Bijuu when released from their vessel, Creations of All Things, Yang Release familiars, elemental Yang Release familiars, and Children of Tiamat controlled life. Artificial life suffers 40 physical damage per turn that cannot be mitigated or blocked until the life is either dispersed or dies. Additionally, the Domain of Desire can also negate modified anatomy that form extensions of naturally occurring life. These extensions include anatomical modifications made by Ring of Hell, Asura Path, and Children of Tiamat. The users of these modifications do not suffer damage from their destruction, but they are destroyed within moments of Domain of Desire activating.
Note: This technique deactivates when the Loam of Possibilities is deactivated or expires.
(Kōzui no Jinzui) – Divine Waters of the Flood x2
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A – S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 90 then 120
Description: When activated by Atrahasis, Divine Waters of the Flood causes a gust of Water infused with Suen to crash through the battlefield. The wave manifests initially as a tornado of water around Atrahasis, launching itself outward in all directions at a base 35 speed. The wave’s damage cannot be prevented or blocked but it can be mitigated. Those struck by Divine Waters of the Flood are afflicted with Enlil’s Doom. Each use of Divine Waters of the Flood grants Atrahasis Strength of Ancient Myths, stacking indefinitely. A single use of this technique causes Enlil’s Confinement to fill by 20%. Divine Waters of the Flood cannot be removed from the battlefield by any means unless Atrahasis has been defeated.
(Suen: Enlil no Unmei) – Wisdom: Enlil’s Doom (Reference)
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: N/A
Description: Enlil’s Doom is afflicted by Divine Waters of the Flood, lasting for two turns until it expires. The curse cannot be removed, prevented, or subverted by any means unless the victim has their Health Point pool healed back to 100% of its maximum capacity. Should the curse expire before their Health Points are restored then the victim will be instantly incapacitated.
(Kodai Shinwa no Chikara) – Strength of Ancient Myths (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Strength of Ancient Myths is a stacking buff applied to Atrahasis after each use of Divine Waters of the Flood. This technique causes the next Divine Waters of the Flood to deal 30 additional damage each time it is cast.
(Seidenki Suiiki) – Electrostatic Waters (Reference)
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 10 per turn
Description: Electrostatic Waters is a passive detrimental effect caused by contact with the Divine Waters of the Flood. While standing in water left behind by the Flood, the victim will suffer 10 damage per turn. This damage cannot be mitigated by any means and will circumvent layered defenses, such as wearing armor that prevents direct contact with the Waters. While in contact with the Electrostatic Waters the victim will receive 50% reduced healing. Electrostatic Waters lingers for a full turn after leaving direct contact with the Divine Waters.
300 - 90 = 210
Enkidu's Impact 3/40
Strength of Ancient Myths: 3x
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Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
I've been asked to check this by Drackos and discussed the points I'm about to make at length with him. With this in mind, should disagreements arise we can form a chat on discord to build on this but I'd hope it didn't come to that.

To my understanding, LoK originally quoted Vayne's move due to the use of the mode etc. But after speaking with Drackos, another issue arose. In the team's previous move, Lok used a fire technique with the restriction of "Note: No S-rank Fire Release or above techniques in the next turn . " I highlight this because I believed Blaze was an advanced from of fire. In the Blaze Release thread it states:

"It is unknown what element(s) this nature entails aside from Fire Release and its possible that its solely a much more advance use of Fire Release instead of a conjunction of 2 or more elements. "

Even though blaze isn't a traditional AE, it is stated definitely have fire, you'd also be restricted on the fields that combines that elements with others. With this in mind Lok would not be capable of performing the Blaze technique in his move in the first place. This would also mean that Vayne wouldn't actually activate his mode in response as that would never happen. This would also mean the water dragon infused with Suen wouldn't be destroyed and crash on the trio as the only counter to the attack was the Blaze Release.

With this in mind, the team would take the full force of the Suen infused Water Dragon, with Lok's move failing there.

If there is a prior ruling that removes Blaze Release techniques from the restrictions of fire then the ruling based on the quote would be as follows:

The Suen infused water is moving at twice the speed of water, though the construct is capable of sensing the build up of chakra above and having x4 tracking. This would be almost double it's current moving speed. With this in mind, Vayne would have time to sense and get the mode off in reaction to the Blaze as it wasn't formed directly on him. Now I've asked and the 100 mitigation would stack with the 30% damage reduction from the construct.

One other note is, Blaze Release burns, it's physically burning even though it is derived from a spiritual nature.

The Blaze would have hit Vayne's head and caused a critical hit, doubling the damage to 240 as he did not protect from this. With the mode active this would be reduced by 100, down to 140, then reduced by 30% to 98 damage taken by the construct.

Though, with the Blaze not possible, this point becomes null. I just wanted to outline it for the sake of clearing up conceptions.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Spoke to Drackos regarding the previous move as it wasn’t fully addressed and I needed to know before replying. Since the Dragon’s damage already happened, it’s not present and the flood is the only thing to counter in this turn.

Madara cursed silently under his breath after the dragon had collided with them. He had been healed by Susabi and didn’t attack their enemy, instead staring at him strangely and it cost them. They took damage from the water dragon and now his background characters were knocked out. Both Susabi and Isabella, who had chose to heal him, trusted him to deal with the dragon and somehow, he faltered and did nothing. Madara’s face frowned in anger, but not because they were knocked unconscious. No, he could care less about the two. He was angry he had failed to act, he couldn’t recall a time that had happened. Not even as a child.

As the entity landed near them and used the massive tornados once more, Madara knew his failure would spell disaster for them all. Had he acted, this reject of a creature would be dead and he’d be walking away but now, he had to rely on some of his greatest tricks. He knew his Transciption seal would trigger as it had been placed prior and he could revive himself and end this fight once and for all if he were at his full power, but the fight against Abzu robbed him of his strength and as much as he hated to acknowledge it, perhaps the other two might be needed. Realizing what he needed to do with his Sharingan, Madara decided to focus his energy and chakra on his EMS, his memory tuned onto that blasted water dragon that wiped his team. He couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of Isabella and Susabi falling to it as he braced himself for the impact.

“Idiots,” he said to himself as the tornado blasted him and defeated him, blasting him and his team backwards as the damage proves too much for the Uchiha to handle. As his body is ravaged, Madara’s Transcription seal triggers upon his defeat, causing Izanagi to activate.

The reality altering technique passively activates to the detriment of the enemy they faced, focused upon the Water Dragon’s creation, causing a myriad of changes to the reality on the Moon. The most significant change is the focus of Izanagi, the dragon’s creation itself. With Madara’s Izanagi rewriting reality, it causes the dragon to have never been created to move their enemy away from their techniques. With the dragon’s conjuring altered and the subsequent relocation of the enemy never happens, this causes the attack to never be used to strike Madara and by extension, his allies and as such, the damage originally placed on them is negated and the trio now conscious though aware of what originally happened.

More importantly, because the dragon never is created, this prevents the target from actually escaping the previous techniques and pits him back in the midst of them, suffering significant damage from them, though not critical as they weren’t critical originally. Because the other usages of the Floods are dependent on the enemy having moved first above them and then behind them, it would also prevent these usages from happening, further preventing the damage done to them. Because of this, the last two turns are essentially negated with the enemy suffering a combined 270 damage.

With the trio back beside one another as their reality rewrites, Madara’s eye turns a pale opaque color as the vision fades and they watch their injured foe in front of them, in his original place after his first attack.

“Sorry about that,” Madara muttered. “Got a little caught up.”

( Doujutsu: Tensha Fūin ) - Eye Technique: Transcription Seal
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 70 ( + chakra of jutsu )
Damage: N/A ( Jutsu dependent )
Description: Transcription Seal is a technique that has the ability to seal a technique of the user's Mangekyō Sharingan within a designated host. Upon being sealed, the technique is typically, involuntarily activated whenever the host when a condition is met; which is predetermined by the user at the moment of sealing. While often being used involuntarily, a skilled user is able to activate it a will when placed upon himself. There are several methods to perform this technique, the most common being channeling chakra to one's fingers and then placing his fingers upon the target's forehead, transferring it to him.
Note: The user is only able to seal Amaterasu based attacks, Tsukiyomi, and other Sharingan attacks barring Susano'o within another eye. He is able to trigger Izanagi within his own eye, however with specific triggers to activate it.
Note: Only one technique can be sealed at any time, and must be stated either in the user's bio or before battle.
Note: Can only be used twice per event.
Note: If Mangekyo Sharingan is needed to activate said sealed techniques, then the Mangekyo will be auto activated when used, taking place of an activation. This counts towards the user's usage count even if the Transcription Seal was created by someone else.

( Doujutsu: Izanagi ) – Eye Technique: Izanagi
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: 100
Damage points: N/A ( loss of a Sharingan eye )
Description: Izanagi is a Genjutsu that is intended to be cast upon oneself and not the enemy though it actually seems to imbue reality with the users will and alter it according to his own needs. When activated the user removes the boundaries between reality and illusion and bends it to achieve the best outcome to his situation. In a certain degree this allows the user to control their own state of existence as well as that of those around him. However, this is only maintained for the briefest of moments. When activated it is capable of turning an injury or even death into an illusion allowing the user to escape harm, but not without a grave cost. The use of this technique results in the loss of a Sharingan eye. The technique essentially allows the user to alter reality and negate any event that might have happened in the last moments of battle (negates anything that has happened to either the user or the enemy in the last 2 turns), the only exception being his own chakra levels.
Note: This version can only be used by Uchiha Bios with access to MS/EMS
Note: Can only be used twice per battle, once per eye, rendering the used eye blind for the rest of the match, even if the user has EMS
Note: Those around the user as well as the user are well aware of the altered reality though they cannot do anything to change it

Susabi and Isabella’s PoV

Susabi was taken aback by the sudden change in position. What just happened? She thought. They were sent back to just before the formation of the dragon. Were they gifted a second chance?
At this point, the Hyuga moved purely on instinct. Susabi drew Tengoku no chōkoku-ka, and began to spread sealing tags across its blade. These sealing tags seamlessly blended into the blade as Susabi performed a horizontal slash. The tags began injecting Yang Energy into the blade, as they proliferated, triggering their effect. From the blade, a wave of sealing tags was unleashed. Triggered by the imbalance of Yang Energy within the blade, the tags detonated outward in the construct's direction in a chakraless based explosion that covered a wide range in front of the Hyuga similar in strength and magnitude to Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags. However as a powerful blast in front of Susabi, Madara and Isabella. The sheer magnitude of the blast made it difficult to dodge. As he did this, he passively activated his Byakugan and the Lysogenic Cycle which would empower the blast he just sent towards Anthrasis.

Next time, Don't just stand there. But hopefully there won't be a next time.

Totsuzenhen'i Yūhatsu: 8-Banme no bakuteriofāji: | Mutagenesis: The Eighth Bacteriophage: Virulence
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: 120 + 20 = 140
Description: The Eighth Bacteriophage: Virulence is a Mutagenesis technique based around the styles offensive capabilities. The user begins by releasing a "virus" sealing tags from their body either from their palm, foot etc or if possible commanding an already present sealing tag to replicate/duplicate from that origin tag. This replication is similar to the Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags technique. The replication and duplication is so fast that the "virus" can be visualized as an on coming wave or blast of sealing tags. Once the tags engulf their target, the "virus" sealing tag begins to rapidly grow , replicate and multiply as it infects the object it spreads over injecting pure Yang Energy into that person/object/technique. This influx of Yang Chakra causes an imbalance of Yin and Yang within the target burning away their Yin chakra until there is very little left. This imbalance in Yang to Yin ratio causes the "virus" kanji seal to activate. Activation of this virus results in a powerful powerful explosion capable of pulverizing in coming techniques and enemies alike. This explosion similar to the technique it's passed off of, produces non-chakra based explosions but the sheer volume and power of the explosion is enough to neutrally interact with most attacks. However, this explosion doesn't last nearly as long as Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags, only manifesting as a quick and powerful explosion. The detonation of the tags is controlled in such a way that the explosion excludes the user, keeping them safe from harm. If an opponent is caught within these tags and their Yang to Yin ratio is thrown off, adverse effects would be as follows: The opponent becomes unable to use any spiritual based techniques above B rank for the following 3 turns. Like all most Mutagenesis techniques, The Eighth Bacteriophage: Virulence can be concealed as it travels if in contact with a medium until it reaches the intended target.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle with a two turn cooldown in between usages.
Note: As an Inherent Trait of Mutagenesis, The "virus" can telepathically communicate with the user.
Note: No Mutagenesis Techniques above A rank the turn after this is used.

Totsuzenhen'i Yūhatsu: 6-Banme no bakuteriofāji: Yōgen-sei saikuru | Mutagenesis: The Sixth Bacteriophage: Lysogenic Cycle (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short (Self)
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A (+1 rank to Fuuinjutsu/Mutagenesis Techniques)
Description: The Sixth Bacteriophage: Lysogenic Cycle is a Mutagenesis technique based around the styles supplementary capabilities. The user begins by either striking his body or through the usage of sealing tags already on his body. The "virus" sealing tag begins to rapidly grow , replicate and multiply as it infects the object it spreads over injecting pure Yang Energy into himself. This influx of Yang Chakra causes an imbalance of Yin and Yang within the target burning away their Yin chakra until there is very little left. This imbalance in Yang to Yin ratio causes the "virus" kanji seal to activate. Upon activation, these seals will be programmed with a function to incorporate themselves into the user's other fuuinjutsu techniques. When the user uses a fuuinjutsu or mutagenesis technique, these tags will begin to replicate and incorporate themselves into either the sealing kanji for a Fuuinjutsu technique or in the case of barriers, incorporate themselves within the walls of the barrier itself. Once it does this, the sealing tags begin to unseal vast amounts of Yang energy into the fuuinjutsu kanji or if a barrier unseals vasts amount of Yang energy into the barrier itself giving it a golden-whitish color. This can increase the power of Fuuinjutsu by one rank or if offensive by +20 damage. Naturally, this applies to Mutagenesis techniques too as they are also Fuuinjutsu. The Lysogenic Cycle can be applied/activated in the same time frame as another Fuuinjutsu based technique. Due to the properties of Mutagenesis, the seals are capable of travelling over and blending into inorganic sources such as their surroundings to go undetected (until their target has been reached). The user is able to use sealing tags that are currently present on their body as a medium for this technique allowing this to be placed on the user's biography or before a battle and can be activated at a separate time. Due to their sentience ( a property of all Mutagenesis techniques), The Sixth Bacteriophage is self sustaining and lasts until it runs out of chakra, having a chakra pool of 200 chakra and draining -40 per turn to keep active. This property is exclusive to the Lysogenic Cycle. . Despite having its own chakra pool, The Sixth Bacteriophage is unable to perform techniques on its own like other Yang creations.
Note: This technique can be used three times per battle with a four turn cool down in between usages.
Note: As an Inherent Trait of Mutagenesis, The "virus" can telepathically communicate with the user.

(Dōjutsu: Byakugan) Eye Technique: The All Seeing White Eye (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (+5 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The kekkei genkai intrinsic to both the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans—descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Those who possess this dōjutsu have it manifested as eyes with featureless white irides and no visible pupils. And when activated, the pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge. To activate the dōjutsu, Hyuga but not Ōtsutsuki clan members are initially obliged to use a rather long and specific sequence of handseals: Horse → Tiger → Boar → Hare → Rat → Dog → Horse → Dog → Hare → Rat → Boar → Snake. But once activated, the dōjutsu user is endowed with a range of skills.

To start, an activated Byakugan gives the user a near 360º diameter field of vision bar one blind spot at the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. Its vision can penetrate through any solid objects or obstructions, and likewise remains unaffected by blinding interferences. But that being said, certain barriers and the like may distort its perception. In addition, it is able to follow high-speed movements, which enables those with this dōjutsu to analyze their foes' actions and better react to them. The Byakugan is also able to see chakra to a higher degree than the Sharingan and ergo, identify where a person's chakra signature originates from. Beyond that, it can discern certain types of clones from the real person. And its ability to see chakra is in fact so acute that those who possess this dōjutsu are even able to see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that comprise it. The Hyūga clan has gone so far as to develop their unique Gentle Fist style in order to capitalize on this particular ability.

Note: Hyuga clan bios of at least Jonin rank become able to passively activate their dōjutsu upon one month having passed since Gentle Fist training concluded. Ōtsutsuki bios never need to expend a move in order to activate it.
Note: While traversing the NW, bios with activated Byakugan are able to see up to two 2 adjacent landmarks away while those of sage rank can see as far as three away, but this doesn't extend beyond an ocean landmark.

Isabella moved in tandem with Susabi quickly moving to heal off the brunt of the impact from the original wave. She focused Mushroom chakra into her hands and placed one hand on the Uchiha and one on the Hyuga healing them both simultaneously.

( Iryō Ninjutsu: Shōsen Jutsu ) - Medical Technique: Mystic Palm Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (2x the amount of damage healed, 200 max)
Damage: N/A (100 HP + 20 HP Healed - 120 HP)
Description: This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by focusing chakra onto their hands, forming an aura of greenish chakra which he then sends into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it very useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique. The limitation of the technique is that it cannot regrow missing body parts or remove with poisons or toxins, though it can heal damage by them. Additionally, perhaps its more severe drawback is the chakra cost, which is much higher than any other medical technique. For each damage point the user of the technique wishes to heal, he needs to spend twice as much chakra. Basically, for x amount of damage the user needs to spend 2x amount of chakra to repair/heal. The user can also use this technique on himself and it can be used with one hand or two and even in two targets at a time or while using another technique with the other hand. The speed of the healing is fast but not instant.
Note: Can be used on up to 2 targets.
Note: Can only be used by Medical Ninja.

( Iryō/Masshuru-muton: Kaji Zenkai ) Medical/Mushroom Release: Brewing of Fosse Grim (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A ( +10 to infused Technique )
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Brewing of Fosse Grim is a passive technique that supplements and enhances the usage of Medical Techniques through the organic properties of mushroom release. It allows one to focus their mushroom chakra through their whole body or through other Mushroom techniques and give it the medical properties of the chosen Medical Technique. Thus the mushroom chakra acts as a vessel or a conduit through which the applied Medical Technique can be focused through, similar to Katsuyu: Immense Network Healing , where Tsunade focuses her Medical techniques through the slug's body.

The organic matter produced by Fosse Grim will be able to regenerate loss limbs by creating a fine mesh of organic material that will recreate skin, flesh and bone. This will be able to augment the healing of oneself or a patient and give basis for the body's immune and regenerative system to follow the guidelines of the organic mesh until fully healed, like a skin or muscle graft, which is then expedited by techniques such as Mystical Palm, which increase the healing factor of the body. Likewise, the parasitic and metabolic nature of the element will allow for medical techniques to get rid or purify actual toxins, bacteria, virus or other fungal systemic or primary infections, by using selective and aggressive strands of mycelia, such as Poison Resistance or the Poison Extraction Technique. This effectively boosts the rank and chakra cost of a Medical technique by 1, 10 chakra, which translates in a health boost of up to 20 damage healed, when applicable, or allow it to combat higher ranked pathogenies and effects. But the effects are always limited by the Medical technique that is being chanelled, such as Mystical Palm being unable to healing lost limbs or some antidotes being able to heal Venom/Organic Toxins but being useless to Metalic Poison. Fosse Grim will enhance what the Medical technique could already do, and not add new feats to it.

Using the Fosse Grim infusion through a Mushroom technique will revoke the damage of the technique, and make it supplementary/defensive in nature. If an enemy is wrapped around a technique such as Fingers of Pan, the user will then be able to infuse it with a healing factor of a Medical technique, thus the user will have have performed 1. Fingers of Pan and 2. Medical Technique ( Infused with Fosse Grim ), and spends two jutsu slots. If the Mushroom technique pertains to healing directly, such as Bless of Lengba, the user can bypass the usage of the Medical Technique and apply the chakra boost directly to the Mushroom technique, thus spending 1 move slot.

Unless otherwise defined by the Medical Technique, Fosse Grim is capable of healing Pathological/Poisonous/Venomous/Toxin techniques at a chakra tier level. Non-Organic pathologies are healed at a same tier level, while Organical pathologies are healed at an elemental advantage ( heals up to 1 rank, or +10 chakra than Fosse Grim ). If these effects are cleary stated in the Medical Technique, it is considered an elemental boost of 1 rank ( +10 chakra ), when the medical technique is used through Fosse Grim.

Note: Can only be used with non-Damaging Medical techniques ( thus excluding Strong Beam or Chakra Scalpel ) and non-Elemental Medical techniques ( thus excluding Water Mosquitoes or Chaotic Mental Collision ).
Note: Brewing of Fosse Grim can only be used on techniques bellow Forbidden ranked. It can only boost 1 technique every two turns. It can only boost A rank techniques 4 times and S rank techniques 2 times.
Note: Requires one to be a Medical Ninja.
Last edited:
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Spoke to Drackos regarding the previous move as it wasn’t fully addressed and I needed to know before replying. Since the Dragon’s damage already happened, it’s not present and the flood is the only thing to counter in this turn.

Madara cursed silently under his breath after the dragon had collided with them. He had been healed by Susabi and didn’t attack their enemy, instead staring at him strangely and it cost them. They took damage from the water dragon and now his background characters were knocked out. Both Susabi and Isabella, who had chose to heal him, trusted him to deal with the dragon and somehow, he faltered and did nothing. Madara’s face frowned in anger, but not because they were knocked unconscious. No, he could care less about the two. He was angry he had failed to act, he couldn’t recall a time that had happened. Not even as a child.

As the entity landed near them and used the massive tornados once more, Madara knew his failure would spell disaster for them all. Had he acted, this reject of a creature would be dead and he’d be walking away but now, he had to rely on some of his greatest tricks. He knew his Transciption seal would trigger as it had been placed prior and he could revive himself and end this fight once and for all if he were at his full power, but the fight against Abzu robbed him of his strength and as much as he hated to acknowledge it, perhaps the other two might be needed. Realizing what he needed to do with his Sharingan, Madara decided to focus his energy and chakra on his EMS, his memory tuned onto that blasted water dragon that wiped his team. He couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of Isabella and Susabi falling to it as he braced himself for the impact.

“Idiots,” he said to himself as the tornado blasted him and defeated him, blasting him and his team backwards as the damage proves too much for the Uchiha to handle. As his body is ravaged, Madara’s Transcription seal triggers upon his defeat, causing Izanagi to activate.

The reality altering technique passively activates to the detriment of the enemy they faced, focused upon the Water Dragon’s creation, causing a myriad of changes to the reality on the Moon. The most significant change is the focus of Izanagi, the dragon’s creation itself. With Madara’s Izanagi rewriting reality, it causes the dragon to have never been created to move their enemy away from their techniques. With the dragon’s conjuring altered and the subsequent relocation of the enemy never happens, this causes the attack to never be used to strike Madara and by extension, his allies and as such, the damage originally placed on them is negated and the trio now conscious though aware of what originally happened.

More importantly, because the dragon never is created, this prevents the target from actually escaping the previous techniques and pits him back in the midst of them, suffering significant damage from them, though not critical as they weren’t critical originally. Because the other usages of the Floods are dependent on the enemy having moved first above them and then behind them, it would also prevent these usages from happening, further preventing the damage done to them. Because of this, the last two turns are essentially negated with the enemy suffering a combined 270 damage.

With the trio back beside one another as their reality rewrites, Madara’s eye turns a pale opaque color as the vision fades and they watch their injured foe in front of them, in his original place after his first attack.

“Sorry about that,” Madara muttered. “Got a little caught up.”

( Doujutsu: Tensha Fūin ) - Eye Technique: Transcription Seal
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 70 ( + chakra of jutsu )
Damage: N/A ( Jutsu dependent )
Description: Transcription Seal is a technique that has the ability to seal a technique of the user's Mangekyō Sharingan within a designated host. Upon being sealed, the technique is typically, involuntarily activated whenever the host when a condition is met; which is predetermined by the user at the moment of sealing. While often being used involuntarily, a skilled user is able to activate it a will when placed upon himself. There are several methods to perform this technique, the most common being channeling chakra to one's fingers and then placing his fingers upon the target's forehead, transferring it to him.
Note: The user is only able to seal Amaterasu based attacks, Tsukiyomi, and other Sharingan attacks barring Susano'o within another eye. He is able to trigger Izanagi within his own eye, however with specific triggers to activate it.
Note: Only one technique can be sealed at any time, and must be stated either in the user's bio or before battle.
Note: Can only be used twice per event.
Note: If Mangekyo Sharingan is needed to activate said sealed techniques, then the Mangekyo will be auto activated when used, taking place of an activation. This counts towards the user's usage count even if the Transcription Seal was created by someone else.

( Doujutsu: Izanagi ) – Eye Technique: Izanagi
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: 100
Damage points: N/A ( loss of a Sharingan eye )
Description: Izanagi is a Genjutsu that is intended to be cast upon oneself and not the enemy though it actually seems to imbue reality with the users will and alter it according to his own needs. When activated the user removes the boundaries between reality and illusion and bends it to achieve the best outcome to his situation. In a certain degree this allows the user to control their own state of existence as well as that of those around him. However, this is only maintained for the briefest of moments. When activated it is capable of turning an injury or even death into an illusion allowing the user to escape harm, but not without a grave cost. The use of this technique results in the loss of a Sharingan eye. The technique essentially allows the user to alter reality and negate any event that might have happened in the last moments of battle (negates anything that has happened to either the user or the enemy in the last 2 turns), the only exception being his own chakra levels.
Note: This version can only be used by Uchiha Bios with access to MS/EMS
Note: Can only be used twice per battle, once per eye, rendering the used eye blind for the rest of the match, even if the user has EMS
Note: Those around the user as well as the user are well aware of the altered reality though they cannot do anything to change it

Susabi and Isabella’s PoV

Susabi was taken aback by the sudden change in position. What just happened? She thought. They were sent back to just before the formation of the dragon. Were they gifted a second chance?
At this point, the Hyuga moved purely on instinct. Susabi drew Tengoku no chōkoku-ka, and began to spread sealing tags across its blade. These sealing tags seamlessly blended into the blade as Susabi performed a horizontal slash. The tags began injecting Yang Energy into the blade, as they proliferated, triggering their effect. From the blade, a wave of sealing tags was unleashed. Triggered by the imbalance of Yang Energy within the blade, the tags detonated outward in the construct's direction in a chakraless based explosion that covered a wide range in front of the Hyuga similar in strength and magnitude to Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags. However as a powerful blast in front of Susabi, Madara and Isabella. The sheer magnitude of the blast made it difficult to dodge. As he did this, he passively activated his Byakugan and the Lysogenic Cycle which would empower the blast he just sent towards Anthrasis.

Next time, Don't just stand there. But hopefully there won't be a next time.

Totsuzenhen'i Yūhatsu: 8-Banme no bakuteriofāji: | Mutagenesis: The Eighth Bacteriophage: Virulence
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: 120 + 20 = 140
Description: The Eighth Bacteriophage: Virulence is a Mutagenesis technique based around the styles offensive capabilities. The user begins by releasing a "virus" sealing tags from their body either from their palm, foot etc or if possible commanding an already present sealing tag to replicate/duplicate from that origin tag. This replication is similar to the Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags technique. The replication and duplication is so fast that the "virus" can be visualized as an on coming wave or blast of sealing tags. Once the tags engulf their target, the "virus" sealing tag begins to rapidly grow , replicate and multiply as it infects the object it spreads over injecting pure Yang Energy into that person/object/technique. This influx of Yang Chakra causes an imbalance of Yin and Yang within the target burning away their Yin chakra until there is very little left. This imbalance in Yang to Yin ratio causes the "virus" kanji seal to activate. Activation of this virus results in a powerful powerful explosion capable of pulverizing in coming techniques and enemies alike. This explosion similar to the technique it's passed off of, produces non-chakra based explosions but the sheer volume and power of the explosion is enough to neutrally interact with most attacks. However, this explosion doesn't last nearly as long as Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags, only manifesting as a quick and powerful explosion. The detonation of the tags is controlled in such a way that the explosion excludes the user, keeping them safe from harm. If an opponent is caught within these tags and their Yang to Yin ratio is thrown off, adverse effects would be as follows: The opponent becomes unable to use any spiritual based techniques above B rank for the following 3 turns. Like all most Mutagenesis techniques, The Eighth Bacteriophage: Virulence can be concealed as it travels if in contact with a medium until it reaches the intended target.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle with a two turn cooldown in between usages.
Note: As an Inherent Trait of Mutagenesis, The "virus" can telepathically communicate with the user.
Note: No Mutagenesis Techniques above A rank the turn after this is used.

Totsuzenhen'i Yūhatsu: 6-Banme no bakuteriofāji: Yōgen-sei saikuru | Mutagenesis: The Sixth Bacteriophage: Lysogenic Cycle (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short (Self)
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A (+1 rank to Fuuinjutsu/Mutagenesis Techniques)
Description: The Sixth Bacteriophage: Lysogenic Cycle is a Mutagenesis technique based around the styles supplementary capabilities. The user begins by either striking his body or through the usage of sealing tags already on his body. The "virus" sealing tag begins to rapidly grow , replicate and multiply as it infects the object it spreads over injecting pure Yang Energy into himself. This influx of Yang Chakra causes an imbalance of Yin and Yang within the target burning away their Yin chakra until there is very little left. This imbalance in Yang to Yin ratio causes the "virus" kanji seal to activate. Upon activation, these seals will be programmed with a function to incorporate themselves into the user's other fuuinjutsu techniques. When the user uses a fuuinjutsu or mutagenesis technique, these tags will begin to replicate and incorporate themselves into either the sealing kanji for a Fuuinjutsu technique or in the case of barriers, incorporate themselves within the walls of the barrier itself. Once it does this, the sealing tags begin to unseal vast amounts of Yang energy into the fuuinjutsu kanji or if a barrier unseals vasts amount of Yang energy into the barrier itself giving it a golden-whitish color. This can increase the power of Fuuinjutsu by one rank or if offensive by +20 damage. Naturally, this applies to Mutagenesis techniques too as they are also Fuuinjutsu. The Lysogenic Cycle can be applied/activated in the same time frame as another Fuuinjutsu based technique. Due to the properties of Mutagenesis, the seals are capable of travelling over and blending into inorganic sources such as their surroundings to go undetected (until their target has been reached). The user is able to use sealing tags that are currently present on their body as a medium for this technique allowing this to be placed on the user's biography or before a battle and can be activated at a separate time. Due to their sentience ( a property of all Mutagenesis techniques), The Sixth Bacteriophage is self sustaining and lasts until it runs out of chakra, having a chakra pool of 200 chakra and draining -40 per turn to keep active. This property is exclusive to the Lysogenic Cycle. . Despite having its own chakra pool, The Sixth Bacteriophage is unable to perform techniques on its own like other Yang creations.
Note: This technique can be used three times per battle with a four turn cool down in between usages.
Note: As an Inherent Trait of Mutagenesis, The "virus" can telepathically communicate with the user.

(Dōjutsu: Byakugan) Eye Technique: The All Seeing White Eye (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (+5 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The kekkei genkai intrinsic to both the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans—descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Those who possess this dōjutsu have it manifested as eyes with featureless white irides and no visible pupils. And when activated, the pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge. To activate the dōjutsu, Hyuga but not Ōtsutsuki clan members are initially obliged to use a rather long and specific sequence of handseals: Horse → Tiger → Boar → Hare → Rat → Dog → Horse → Dog → Hare → Rat → Boar → Snake. But once activated, the dōjutsu user is endowed with a range of skills.

To start, an activated Byakugan gives the user a near 360º diameter field of vision bar one blind spot at the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. Its vision can penetrate through any solid objects or obstructions, and likewise remains unaffected by blinding interferences. But that being said, certain barriers and the like may distort its perception. In addition, it is able to follow high-speed movements, which enables those with this dōjutsu to analyze their foes' actions and better react to them. The Byakugan is also able to see chakra to a higher degree than the Sharingan and ergo, identify where a person's chakra signature originates from. Beyond that, it can discern certain types of clones from the real person. And its ability to see chakra is in fact so acute that those who possess this dōjutsu are even able to see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that comprise it. The Hyūga clan has gone so far as to develop their unique Gentle Fist style in order to capitalize on this particular ability.

Note: Hyuga clan bios of at least Jonin rank become able to passively activate their dōjutsu upon one month having passed since Gentle Fist training concluded. Ōtsutsuki bios never need to expend a move in order to activate it.
Note: While traversing the NW, bios with activated Byakugan are able to see up to two 2 adjacent landmarks away while those of sage rank can see as far as three away, but this doesn't extend beyond an ocean landmark.

Isabella moved in tandem with Susabi quickly moving to heal off the brunt of the impact from the original wave. She focused Mushroom chakra into her hands and placed one hand on the Uchiha and one on the Hyuga healing them both simultaneously.

( Iryō Ninjutsu: Shōsen Jutsu ) - Medical Technique: Mystic Palm Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (2x the amount of damage healed, 200 max)
Damage: N/A (100 HP + 20 HP Healed - 120 HP)
Description: This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by focusing chakra onto their hands, forming an aura of greenish chakra which he then sends into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it very useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique. The limitation of the technique is that it cannot regrow missing body parts or remove with poisons or toxins, though it can heal damage by them. Additionally, perhaps its more severe drawback is the chakra cost, which is much higher than any other medical technique. For each damage point the user of the technique wishes to heal, he needs to spend twice as much chakra. Basically, for x amount of damage the user needs to spend 2x amount of chakra to repair/heal. The user can also use this technique on himself and it can be used with one hand or two and even in two targets at a time or while using another technique with the other hand. The speed of the healing is fast but not instant.
Note: Can be used on up to 2 targets.
Note: Can only be used by Medical Ninja.

( Iryō/Masshuru-muton: Kaji Zenkai ) Medical/Mushroom Release: Brewing of Fosse Grim (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A ( +10 to infused Technique )
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Brewing of Fosse Grim is a passive technique that supplements and enhances the usage of Medical Techniques through the organic properties of mushroom release. It allows one to focus their mushroom chakra through their whole body or through other Mushroom techniques and give it the medical properties of the chosen Medical Technique. Thus the mushroom chakra acts as a vessel or a conduit through which the applied Medical Technique can be focused through, similar to Katsuyu: Immense Network Healing , where Tsunade focuses her Medical techniques through the slug's body.

The organic matter produced by Fosse Grim will be able to regenerate loss limbs by creating a fine mesh of organic material that will recreate skin, flesh and bone. This will be able to augment the healing of oneself or a patient and give basis for the body's immune and regenerative system to follow the guidelines of the organic mesh until fully healed, like a skin or muscle graft, which is then expedited by techniques such as Mystical Palm, which increase the healing factor of the body. Likewise, the parasitic and metabolic nature of the element will allow for medical techniques to get rid or purify actual toxins, bacteria, virus or other fungal systemic or primary infections, by using selective and aggressive strands of mycelia, such as Poison Resistance or the Poison Extraction Technique. This effectively boosts the rank and chakra cost of a Medical technique by 1, 10 chakra, which translates in a health boost of up to 20 damage healed, when applicable, or allow it to combat higher ranked pathogenies and effects. But the effects are always limited by the Medical technique that is being chanelled, such as Mystical Palm being unable to healing lost limbs or some antidotes being able to heal Venom/Organic Toxins but being useless to Metalic Poison. Fosse Grim will enhance what the Medical technique could already do, and not add new feats to it.

Using the Fosse Grim infusion through a Mushroom technique will revoke the damage of the technique, and make it supplementary/defensive in nature. If an enemy is wrapped around a technique such as Fingers of Pan, the user will then be able to infuse it with a healing factor of a Medical technique, thus the user will have have performed 1. Fingers of Pan and 2. Medical Technique ( Infused with Fosse Grim ), and spends two jutsu slots. If the Mushroom technique pertains to healing directly, such as Bless of Lengba, the user can bypass the usage of the Medical Technique and apply the chakra boost directly to the Mushroom technique, thus spending 1 move slot.

Unless otherwise defined by the Medical Technique, Fosse Grim is capable of healing Pathological/Poisonous/Venomous/Toxin techniques at a chakra tier level. Non-Organic pathologies are healed at a same tier level, while Organical pathologies are healed at an elemental advantage ( heals up to 1 rank, or +10 chakra than Fosse Grim ). If these effects are cleary stated in the Medical Technique, it is considered an elemental boost of 1 rank ( +10 chakra ), when the medical technique is used through Fosse Grim.

Note: Can only be used with non-Damaging Medical techniques ( thus excluding Strong Beam or Chakra Scalpel ) and non-Elemental Medical techniques ( thus excluding Water Mosquitoes or Chaotic Mental Collision ).
Note: Brewing of Fosse Grim can only be used on techniques bellow Forbidden ranked. It can only boost 1 technique every two turns. It can only boost A rank techniques 4 times and S rank techniques 2 times.
Note: Requires one to be a Medical Ninja.
An edit and still a bad move. You hate to see it
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Reactions: Skorm and Never


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
If I'm not mistaken, returning to the point of the dragon would put Madara and Susabi at the health levels of 205 & 140 respectively. Post the updated stats with Lili's heal which I'm assuming is split evenly, alongside your other stats of chakra and tracking. @Daemon

Finding himself in quite the predicament, Atrahasis would be left with limited options. Having sustained damage and the attack looming from above, the divine construct would be forced to defend prior to attempting his recovery. With a wave of a hand, the Bull of Heaven would be formed in front of him, creating a massive autonomous cover that both blocks the explosions and goes to attack the trio. The bull would use it's front left side to attempt a swipe at the trio, aiming to send them flying sideways from atop their platform. Following the bulls creation, Atrahasis would move backwards, utilzing the bull as a cover to heal himself, replenishing 100 HP worth of damage in one go before reinforcing it with Theonymic Odyssey.

(Suen: Koyūmeishi Uranai) - Wisdom: Onomastic Divination
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 60 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 120 +30 = 150
Description: A significantly more devastating version of Wisdom: Winged Bull of the Moon God. Performed after forming three hand seals, the user manifests Suen in the form of a titanic bull, called the Bull of Heaven. The Bull is comparable in size to the Great Stone Golem technique, formed entirely of Suen. The Bull of Heaven is sustained from the user’s chakra, passively consuming it per turn after creation to operate independently of their will. Its strength is devastating, inflicting damage physically through the abrasive and volatile Suen that it is formed of. The Suen that forms the Bull of Heaven affords it a thirty damage reduction to all physical damage it takes, a property of Suen’s physical Divinity. The Bull of Heaven lasts until destroyed.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle.
(Suen: Kodachi no Nyūsatsu) - Wisdom: Grove of the Tenders
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Contact
Chakra: N/A (2x the amount of physical damage healed, 200 max)
Damage: N/A
Description: Grove of the Tenders allows the user to directly heal the user’s body by focusing Suen into their hands, forming a layer of cyan sand along their hands. The user carefully control the sand such that it does not lacerate the target they are healing. The healing is applied to the body or Divine Core; it is potent but not necessarily the most chakra efficient. The healing effect is so potent that it is able to reverse the damage inflicted by devastating physical damage. Burns inflicted by Amaterasu, non-fatal but lost anatomy like arms and legs, and even shattered bones from techniques like Shinra Tensei. Grove of the Tenders is able to be applied to other Divine targets, focusing strictly on physical Divinity.
(Suen: Tokumei Kōkai) - Wisdom: Theonymic Odyssey
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 100 (-15 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user reinforces their own body with Suen, granting their body Divinity to empower their physical abilities. The user is endowed with significant physical damage resistance, reducing incoming damage of all physical abilities, including Suen, by 60. The user gains a minor passive physical regeneration, restoring 20 Health Points per turn for any physical damage taken. The user’s Suen and physical abilities are empowered. This confers a 20 damage boost to Taijutsu, Bukijutsu, and Suen; though these techniques, with the exception of Suen, do not gain Divinity. The user also gains a four times increase to their base speed while active. While active, the user is unable to use Fūinjutsu, with the exception of body seals, Utu, or Anutu.
Note: Usable twice per battle, lasts for four turns.
300 - 270 + 100 + 20 = 150
Enkidu's Impact 4/40 (Unaffected by Izanagi)
Strength of Ancient Myths: 1x


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points

Isabella's POV

Isabella would witness the creation of the Suen Bull as it tanked her unlikely comrade's explosion. Without hestiation, she focused her Uchuu Shinkaigan on the Bull upon its inception to visualize it's entire lifecycle. Suddenly, the Bull's form was enshrouded by a purple miasma that consumed it and reduced it to nothingness. This would easily and quickly expose the heavenly robot's location.

I'll handle the bull, will you freeze again this time?

(Dōjutsu: Genshi Shoki) – Eye Technique: Primordial Incipience
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60 (70)
Damage: N/A (-20 Health Points)
Description: Primordial Incipience is the evolved version of Reed Marsh. It is cast by the left eye and is classified as a Temporal Shinkaigan technique. Based on the same principle as its weaker variant, Primordial Incipience allows the user to target the lifecycle of anything in existence. Requiring direct eye contact, the user can cause a technique up to 70 Chakra to revert back to the Void. Visually this appears as if the technique is enveloped in purple energy, consuming it before reducing it to nothingness. Experiencing Primordial Incipience directly, meaning through the primary senses or extrasensory means, causes one to suffer a loss of 15 Sanity. Temporal Shinkaigan Masters are able to cast an advanced version of Primordial Incipience once they gain the Frigid Depths of Engur. This allows the user to cast a higher Chakra variant with a slight health penalty. This advanced version, unique to specialists, can be used to target living people directly instead of simply their techniques. By gazing upon their lifecycle the user gains a keen understand of the innumerable mechanisms that operate within them simultaneously; this complexity prevents the target from being immediately returned to the Void. Instead, it saps 60 Health Points and removes all spiritually or physically elevating states and modes from them. Those with Chakra Enhanced Strength are subjected to similar effects, having their strength weakened by reversion to the Void; this dispels their enhanced state and prevents its activation for six turns.
Note: Primordial Incipience can be used twice per battle with a five turn cooldown between usage.

HP: 200 - 20 (Primordial Incipience) = 180
Chakra: 2000 - 390 = 1610
Sanity: 95 + 3 = 98 - 7.5 (50% reduction) = 91.5
Effects: 1 )The character suddenly believes they have changed genders. Lasts for seven turns. ( 3/7 )

Madara's POV

As the massive Bull spawns in front of the trio, Madara’s sensory abilities allow him to keep the man’s location tracked with pinpoint precision. He sensed the man standing behind its back left leg. With the massive behemoth in front of them towering around 30 meters tall, Madara takes note of it’s proportionately much smaller legs as he devises a plan. WIth Isabella stating she would handle the bull, Madara knew he could focus the worst of his ire towards the man. She was likely attempting to impress him, proving she wasn’t as talentless as he thought. It was cute, he thought, her attempts to gain his attention because of her crush on him. As he watches the bull’s left leg, he pushes off his right leg, leaping 4 meters towards his right as he channels copious chakra, closing his remaining good eye and waiting. Sensing Isabella’s nightmare of a technique erupting and striking the striking Bull in front of them, Madara opens his eye as the humanoid statue left is now in his line of sight, unleashing a swift blast of dark flames on his face.

Due to their positioning and the size of the Bull, Madara knew he had to move to ensure the man remained in his sights and with Isabella’s attack going off and his precise timing, it allowed him to ensure his attack lands for the above reason as well as her accursed technique vanishing the Bull to the Void. Because of his push, he makes sure that even if her attack fails, he can still hit the man at the same time as her attack.

“Is that… piece of shit dead yet?” he asked, pausing for reasons he couldn’t explain before finishing the sentence. He felt an ominous presence around them, one he couldn’t single out. Even with his Doujutsu and sensing, he couldn’t figure out where they were, but he knew the opps were somewhere, hiding.

( Doujutsu: Amaterasu ) - Eye Technique: Shining Heaven
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 70
Damage Points: 80 per turn ( -10 to the user ) [80 +10 (SPRT AP)] = 90 x2 (critical damage) = 180 damage - 54 (30% Crit Reduction ) = 126 Final Damage
Description: One of the basic techniques awoken with MS, Amaterasu is the ability to ignite the undying black flames. The jet-black flames of the Amaterasu, said to be the fires from hell that are as hot as the sun, ignite at the focus of the user's vision. This depiction is somewhat linked to the fact that, because of the damage produced in ones eyes, as the user closes his eyes and prepares to use Amaterasu, tears of blood flow through his face. The black flames lack momentum and impact (being unable to break through strong solid inert defenses) but have a very high parasitic ability, spreading through anything that comes in contact with them and consuming with enormous ease, any type of fire. Though the flames have been stated to be unavoidable (since they are not a projectile but "happen" on focal point), this has been proven as false. While quite hard to avoid, its been proven that ninjas capable of moving at least 50 Speed can move out of the focal point before the flames actually ignite. While they burn for an incredibly long time, these flames cannot be doused nor extinguished by Water, burning it within a turn regardless of size or power. While these flames are hard to avoid, they spread and burn through the target slowly, spreading at the speed of a Forbidden Fire Ranked Jutsu. Also, its been noticed that Chakra sensors can sense the increase in chakra pressure in the eye, right before Amaterasu is used, but that in itself is not enough to dodge or block it. Another thing that has been shown capable of blocking Amaterasu are "sentient" automated defenses, like Gaara's Shield of Sand. By coming between the user and his target, a fast enough defense can block the intended focal point (the enemy) and defend him from the black flames, as long as its tangible and completely blocks the users line of sight.
Note: Requires the user to have his MS or EMS active
Note: Can only be used 4 times and reduces MS duration by 2 turns each use
Note: Cannot be dodged unless the user has an ability that fits the ones described
Note: If hit, enemies will experience 80 damage per turn until the flames are either sealed or removed in some form.

Madara Stats
Health: 310 ( health originally 310 - 50 damage [10 Physical damage shaving] + 50 healing last turn = 310 )
Chakra: 2832 - 195 - 2637
Sanity: 95 + 3 = 98 - 12 = 86
1. The afflicted is convinced that everyone around them is flirting with them, including their opponents. Lasts for seven turns. ( 6 turns left )
2. The afflicted begins to believe someone is watching them from the shadows constantly. Lasts for seven turns. When below 80 Sanity this grows considerably worse, forcing the character to lash out and attack random targets on the battlefield every turn.
Tracking: 126

Susabi's POV

Susabi watched on while Isabella and Madara worked together in tandem. These freaks truly do deserve each other. She thought to herself.
Susabi closed her eyes and reopened them revealing them to have transitioned into the Tendogan. The greatest Dojutsu out of the trio. Simultaneously, he sprouted a fleshy mass of arms which shot out a blast of heightened chakra that not only caused damage to the robot's chakra system but also induced a paralysis effect due to Gokiri.

( Doujutsu: Tendōgan ) - Eye Technique: Destined Eye (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( -10 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: The Tendōgan ( Literally meaning: Destined Eye or Eye of Destiny ) is a powerful dōjutsu utilized by the Hyuga clan. After gaining access to the Tendōgan,, Hyuga Clan members are able to retain their 360 degree vision to a higher degree, removing the blind spot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra, allowing them to attain true 360 degree vision. The telescopic visual abilities of the Byakugan are also vastly enhanced through the formation of Tendōgan, allowing the user to be able to see entire countries away at length and at its most powerful state, able to precisely and clearly perceive the souls of opponents as well as other spiritual entities. This unparalleled telescopic vision extends to the Tendōgan’s ability to peer or see into any other Dimension, as the ultimate form of the All Seeing White Eye. This allows the user to even gaze into world realms such as the Limbo and Pure World with relative ease. This visual clarity makes the gaze of these eyes inescapable by any means, thus granting the Hyuga Clan user tracking abilities on par with the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. When activated, the user is able to sharply increase the amount of chakra injected into the opponent on each of their Jyuken strikes, flooding the specific tenketsu points with chakra effectively destroying them. As a result, the side effects from Jyuken techniques and variants become indefinite. The user also gains access to the Divine Step Twin God Fists technique which increases the power of the user's Jyuken techniques.
Note: Requires activation (spending move) for Hyuga bios but remains active indefinitely afterwards if the user chooses to.
Note: After having a complete Hyuga bio with Tendōgan for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move.
Note: User needs to have activated Byakugan before and had it active for 1 full turn.

(Jihei Endonka: Gokiri ) - Self-Embodiment of Perfection: The Five Strengths (Passive)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40 (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Gokiri or The Five Strengths serves as one of the base techniques of Self-Embodiment of Perfection. This technique is a passive one and is simple in nature, allowing the user to generate multiple limbs from their back, similar to that of the 1000 armed Kannon. These limbs can be used to perform functions such as Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Bukijutsu attacks, as well as used as a conduit to perform handseals on the user's behalf. Gokiri can be utilized in two ways, at the start of a match or in conjunction with a chosen technique within the same time frame. When utilizing Gokiri to perform a non-Self Embodiment of Perfection taijutsu technique, the taijutsu technique gains the innate ability of Self-Embodiment of Perfection to cause paralysis to the opponent on contact. However, this paralysis is short lived, only lasting a turn. Gokiri lasts until deactivated and can be activated up to 4 times per battle. If deactivated, Gokiri cannot be activated again for another two turns.

(Jyuken: Suzaku no hi) - Gentle Fist: Fires of Suzaku
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: C - S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 15-40
Damage: 30-80 (+20 From Trikaya) + (15 from AP) = 115
Description: Based on the concepts found in Divine Fire, The Fires of Suzaku is a Jyuken Technique in which the user releases a burst of chakra from their body that targets the opponent. Similarly through the mechanisms of it's defensive or supplementary usage, the user uses their Byakugan or Tenseigan to access the weak points in the opponent's chakra system. This allows the burst of chakra produced from the user's body to target the opponent's weak points within their chakra system leading to devastating effects, damaging their chakra system. By compromising the target's chakra system, their chakra begins to "leak" from their body over time causing progressively and transient loss of chakra. C ranked application of this causes a loss of 5% of their chakra total chakra value per turn for a total of two turns, with each increase in rank adding on 5% (capping out at 20% for S ranked usage). Naturally, this loss in chakra over time also affects the senjutsu of those within Sage Mode (the chakra will be deducted from their Senjutsu pool instead. However, if their senjutsu pool were to runout, the effects will carry on to their normal chakra pool). The Fires of Suzaku can be coupled with another Jyuken technique within the same time frame, but if used this way the Fires of Suzaku loses it's base damage value and only causes the detrimental effects to the chakra system.
Note: Can only be used if Byakugan or Tenseigan is active.
Note: The A ranked variant of this technique can be used 4 times per battle with a 1 turn cooldown in between usages. The S ranked variant can be used three times per battle with a two turn cool down in between usages.

HP: 140 + 60 = 200 (From last turn)
Chakra: 3910 - 170 = 3740
Sanity: 90 + 3 = 93 - 15 = 78
Effects: 1) (The character suddenly believes they have changed genders. Lasts for seven turns.) 3/7
2) The afflicted begins to believe they hold the power of a god in their hands. For two turns they are convinced that they might easily destroy the planet. They are unable to use techniques above 160 damage for this duration.


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points

Isabella's POV

Isabella would witness the creation of the Suen Bull as it tanked her unlikely comrade's explosion. Without hestiation, she focused her Uchuu Shinkaigan on the Bull upon its inception to visualize it's entire lifecycle. Suddenly, the Bull's form was enshrouded by a purple miasma that consumed it and reduced it to nothingness. This would easily and quickly expose the heavenly robot's location.

I'll handle the bull, will you freeze again this time?

(Dōjutsu: Genshi Shoki) – Eye Technique: Primordial Incipience
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60 (70)
Damage: N/A (-20 Health Points)
Description: Primordial Incipience is the evolved version of Reed Marsh. It is cast by the left eye and is classified as a Temporal Shinkaigan technique. Based on the same principle as its weaker variant, Primordial Incipience allows the user to target the lifecycle of anything in existence. Requiring direct eye contact, the user can cause a technique up to 70 Chakra to revert back to the Void. Visually this appears as if the technique is enveloped in purple energy, consuming it before reducing it to nothingness. Experiencing Primordial Incipience directly, meaning through the primary senses or extrasensory means, causes one to suffer a loss of 15 Sanity. Temporal Shinkaigan Masters are able to cast an advanced version of Primordial Incipience once they gain the Frigid Depths of Engur. This allows the user to cast a higher Chakra variant with a slight health penalty. This advanced version, unique to specialists, can be used to target living people directly instead of simply their techniques. By gazing upon their lifecycle the user gains a keen understand of the innumerable mechanisms that operate within them simultaneously; this complexity prevents the target from being immediately returned to the Void. Instead, it saps 60 Health Points and removes all spiritually or physically elevating states and modes from them. Those with Chakra Enhanced Strength are subjected to similar effects, having their strength weakened by reversion to the Void; this dispels their enhanced state and prevents its activation for six turns.
Note: Primordial Incipience can be used twice per battle with a five turn cooldown between usage.

HP: 200 - 20 (Primordial Incipience) = 180
Chakra: 2000 - 390 = 1610
Sanity: 95 + 3 = 98 - 7.5 (50% reduction) = 91.5
Effects: 1 )The character suddenly believes they have changed genders. Lasts for seven turns. ( 3/7 )

Madara's POV

As the massive Bull spawns in front of the trio, Madara’s sensory abilities allow him to keep the man’s location tracked with pinpoint precision. He sensed the man standing behind its back left leg. With the massive behemoth in front of them towering around 30 meters tall, Madara takes note of it’s proportionately much smaller legs as he devises a plan. WIth Isabella stating she would handle the bull, Madara knew he could focus the worst of his ire towards the man. She was likely attempting to impress him, proving she wasn’t as talentless as he thought. It was cute, he thought, her attempts to gain his attention because of her crush on him. As he watches the bull’s left leg, he pushes off his right leg, leaping 4 meters towards his right as he channels copious chakra, closing his remaining good eye and waiting. Sensing Isabella’s nightmare of a technique erupting and striking the striking Bull in front of them, Madara opens his eye as the humanoid statue left is now in his line of sight, unleashing a swift blast of dark flames on his face.

Due to their positioning and the size of the Bull, Madara knew he had to move to ensure the man remained in his sights and with Isabella’s attack going off and his precise timing, it allowed him to ensure his attack lands for the above reason as well as her accursed technique vanishing the Bull to the Void. Because of his push, he makes sure that even if her attack fails, he can still hit the man at the same time as her attack.

“Is that… piece of shit dead yet?” he asked, pausing for reasons he couldn’t explain before finishing the sentence. He felt an ominous presence around them, one he couldn’t single out. Even with his Doujutsu and sensing, he couldn’t figure out where they were, but he knew the opps were somewhere, hiding.

( Doujutsu: Amaterasu ) - Eye Technique: Shining Heaven
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 70
Damage Points: 80 per turn ( -10 to the user ) [80 +10 (SPRT AP)] = 90 x2 (critical damage) = 180 damage - 54 (30% Crit Reduction ) = 126 Final Damage
Description: One of the basic techniques awoken with MS, Amaterasu is the ability to ignite the undying black flames. The jet-black flames of the Amaterasu, said to be the fires from hell that are as hot as the sun, ignite at the focus of the user's vision. This depiction is somewhat linked to the fact that, because of the damage produced in ones eyes, as the user closes his eyes and prepares to use Amaterasu, tears of blood flow through his face. The black flames lack momentum and impact (being unable to break through strong solid inert defenses) but have a very high parasitic ability, spreading through anything that comes in contact with them and consuming with enormous ease, any type of fire. Though the flames have been stated to be unavoidable (since they are not a projectile but "happen" on focal point), this has been proven as false. While quite hard to avoid, its been proven that ninjas capable of moving at least 50 Speed can move out of the focal point before the flames actually ignite. While they burn for an incredibly long time, these flames cannot be doused nor extinguished by Water, burning it within a turn regardless of size or power. While these flames are hard to avoid, they spread and burn through the target slowly, spreading at the speed of a Forbidden Fire Ranked Jutsu. Also, its been noticed that Chakra sensors can sense the increase in chakra pressure in the eye, right before Amaterasu is used, but that in itself is not enough to dodge or block it. Another thing that has been shown capable of blocking Amaterasu are "sentient" automated defenses, like Gaara's Shield of Sand. By coming between the user and his target, a fast enough defense can block the intended focal point (the enemy) and defend him from the black flames, as long as its tangible and completely blocks the users line of sight.
Note: Requires the user to have his MS or EMS active
Note: Can only be used 4 times and reduces MS duration by 2 turns each use
Note: Cannot be dodged unless the user has an ability that fits the ones described
Note: If hit, enemies will experience 80 damage per turn until the flames are either sealed or removed in some form.

Madara Stats
Health: 310 ( health originally 310 - 50 damage [10 Physical damage shaving] + 50 healing last turn = 310 )
Chakra: 2832 - 195 - 2637
Sanity: 95 + 3 = 98 - 12 = 86
1. The afflicted is convinced that everyone around them is flirting with them, including their opponents. Lasts for seven turns. ( 6 turns left )
2. The afflicted begins to believe someone is watching them from the shadows constantly. Lasts for seven turns. When below 80 Sanity this grows considerably worse, forcing the character to lash out and attack random targets on the battlefield every turn.
Tracking: 126

Susabi's POV

Susabi watched on while Isabella and Madara worked together in tandem. These freaks truly do deserve each other. She thought to herself.
Susabi closed her eyes and reopened them revealing them to have transitioned into the Tendogan. The greatest Dojutsu out of the trio. Simultaneously, he sprouted a fleshy mass of arms which shot out a blast of heightened chakra that not only caused damage to the robot's chakra system but also induced a paralysis effect due to Gokiri.

( Doujutsu: Tendōgan ) - Eye Technique: Destined Eye (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( -10 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: The Tendōgan ( Literally meaning: Destined Eye or Eye of Destiny ) is a powerful dōjutsu utilized by the Hyuga clan. After gaining access to the Tendōgan,, Hyuga Clan members are able to retain their 360 degree vision to a higher degree, removing the blind spot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra, allowing them to attain true 360 degree vision. The telescopic visual abilities of the Byakugan are also vastly enhanced through the formation of Tendōgan, allowing the user to be able to see entire countries away at length and at its most powerful state, able to precisely and clearly perceive the souls of opponents as well as other spiritual entities. This unparalleled telescopic vision extends to the Tendōgan’s ability to peer or see into any other Dimension, as the ultimate form of the All Seeing White Eye. This allows the user to even gaze into world realms such as the Limbo and Pure World with relative ease. This visual clarity makes the gaze of these eyes inescapable by any means, thus granting the Hyuga Clan user tracking abilities on par with the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. When activated, the user is able to sharply increase the amount of chakra injected into the opponent on each of their Jyuken strikes, flooding the specific tenketsu points with chakra effectively destroying them. As a result, the side effects from Jyuken techniques and variants become indefinite. The user also gains access to the Divine Step Twin God Fists technique which increases the power of the user's Jyuken techniques.
Note: Requires activation (spending move) for Hyuga bios but remains active indefinitely afterwards if the user chooses to.
Note: After having a complete Hyuga bio with Tendōgan for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move.
Note: User needs to have activated Byakugan before and had it active for 1 full turn.

(Jihei Endonka: Gokiri ) - Self-Embodiment of Perfection: The Five Strengths (Passive)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40 (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Gokiri or The Five Strengths serves as one of the base techniques of Self-Embodiment of Perfection. This technique is a passive one and is simple in nature, allowing the user to generate multiple limbs from their back, similar to that of the 1000 armed Kannon. These limbs can be used to perform functions such as Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Bukijutsu attacks, as well as used as a conduit to perform handseals on the user's behalf. Gokiri can be utilized in two ways, at the start of a match or in conjunction with a chosen technique within the same time frame. When utilizing Gokiri to perform a non-Self Embodiment of Perfection taijutsu technique, the taijutsu technique gains the innate ability of Self-Embodiment of Perfection to cause paralysis to the opponent on contact. However, this paralysis is short lived, only lasting a turn. Gokiri lasts until deactivated and can be activated up to 4 times per battle. If deactivated, Gokiri cannot be activated again for another two turns.

(Jyuken: Suzaku no hi) - Gentle Fist: Fires of Suzaku
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: C - S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 15-40
Damage: 30-80 (+20 From Trikaya) + (15 from AP) = 115
Description: Based on the concepts found in Divine Fire, The Fires of Suzaku is a Jyuken Technique in which the user releases a burst of chakra from their body that targets the opponent. Similarly through the mechanisms of it's defensive or supplementary usage, the user uses their Byakugan or Tenseigan to access the weak points in the opponent's chakra system. This allows the burst of chakra produced from the user's body to target the opponent's weak points within their chakra system leading to devastating effects, damaging their chakra system. By compromising the target's chakra system, their chakra begins to "leak" from their body over time causing progressively and transient loss of chakra. C ranked application of this causes a loss of 5% of their chakra total chakra value per turn for a total of two turns, with each increase in rank adding on 5% (capping out at 20% for S ranked usage). Naturally, this loss in chakra over time also affects the senjutsu of those within Sage Mode (the chakra will be deducted from their Senjutsu pool instead. However, if their senjutsu pool were to runout, the effects will carry on to their normal chakra pool). The Fires of Suzaku can be coupled with another Jyuken technique within the same time frame, but if used this way the Fires of Suzaku loses it's base damage value and only causes the detrimental effects to the chakra system.
Note: Can only be used if Byakugan or Tenseigan is active.
Note: The A ranked variant of this technique can be used 4 times per battle with a 1 turn cooldown in between usages. The S ranked variant can be used three times per battle with a two turn cool down in between usages.

HP: 140 + 60 = 200 (From last turn)
Chakra: 3910 - 170 = 3740
Sanity: 90 + 3 = 93 - 15 = 78
Effects: 1) (The character suddenly believes they have changed genders. Lasts for seven turns.) 3/7
2) The afflicted begins to believe they hold the power of a god in their hands. For two turns they are convinced that they might easily destroy the planet. They are unable to use techniques above 160 damage for this duration.
Lemme holla at yall


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Currently active techniques

(Dōjutsu: Uchū Shinkaigan) – Eye Technique: Cosmic Abyssal Eyes
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A (-30 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Cosmic Shinkaigan (深海), or the Cosmic Abyssal Eyes is the advanced Dōjutsu Kekkei Genkai that appears in the Voidseers. The conditions to advance the Shinkaigan to its Cosmic level continue to build on the concept of the “eyes of knowledge.” The Cosmic Shinkaigan significantly improves the user’s visual prowess, extending the reach and accuracy of their perceptive abilities. The user becomes able to see up to two landmarks from their position in the Ninja World, significantly increasing their reach from the Abyssal Eyes. Meanwhile their visual acuity is enhanced dramatically, vastly improving their tracking capabilities by 6x their base. It is said that the Cosmic level signify the pinnacle of the user’s insight into the Cosmos, but it is more likely that they are simply better attuned to the Void than they would be otherwise. Once they have mastered their abilities a Cosmic Shinkaigan user becomes able to specialize in either the Shinkaigan’s Spatial or Temporal powers, pursuing a line of abilities they unlock as their proficiency with the Cosmic Shinkaigan increases. As a Shinkaigan user has innately greater mastery over their abilities and knowledge of the Void they gain an intrinsic 50% Insanity Resistance.
Note: Once activated the technique will remain active indefinitely afterwards, able to be switched between the Shinkaigan and Cosmic level at will.
Note: After the user has held the Cosmic Shinkaigan for two months they are able to activate it passively.
Note: Gazing directly into the Shinkaigan causes a loss of 10 Sanity per turn unless the user also wields the Shinkaigan. Those who have completed Taijutsu training can avoid these effects by breaking eye contact with their opponent.
Note: Activating the Cosmic Abyssal Eyes after the standard Shinkaigan within the same turn does not allow their Sanity loss to stack, taking only the Cosmic level into account.

(Jihei Endonka: Gokiri ) - Self-Embodiment of Perfection: The Five Strengths (Passive)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40 (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Gokiri or The Five Strengths serves as one of the base techniques of Self-Embodiment of Perfection. This technique is a passive one and is simple in nature, allowing the user to generate multiple limbs from their back, similar to that of the 1000 armed Kannon. These limbs can be used to perform functions such as Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Bukijutsu attacks, as well as used as a conduit to perform handseals on the user's behalf. Gokiri can be utilized in two ways, at the start of a match or in conjunction with a chosen technique within the same time frame. When utilizing Gokiri to perform a non-Self Embodiment of Perfection taijutsu technique, the taijutsu technique gains the innate ability of Self-Embodiment of Perfection to cause paralysis to the opponent on contact. However, this paralysis is short lived, only lasting a turn. Gokiri lasts until deactivated and can be activated up to 4 times per battle. If deactivated, Gokiri cannot be activated again for another two turns.

Totsuzenhen'i Yūhatsu: 6-Banme no bakuteriofāji: Yōgen-sei saikuru | Mutagenesis: The Sixth Bacteriophage: Lysogenic Cycle
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short (Self)
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A (+1 rank to Fuuinjutsu/Mutagenesis Techniques)
Description: The Sixth Bacteriophage: Lysogenic Cycle is a Mutagenesis technique based around the styles supplementary capabilities. The user begins by either striking his body or through the usage of sealing tags already on his body. The "virus" sealing tag begins to rapidly grow , replicate and multiply as it infects the object it spreads over injecting pure Yang Energy into himself. This influx of Yang Chakra causes an imbalance of Yin and Yang within the target burning away their Yin chakra until there is very little left. This imbalance in Yang to Yin ratio causes the "virus" kanji seal to activate. Upon activation, these seals will be programmed with a function to incorporate themselves into the user's other fuuinjutsu techniques. When the user uses a fuuinjutsu or mutagenesis technique, these tags will begin to replicate and incorporate themselves into either the sealing kanji for a Fuuinjutsu technique or in the case of barriers, incorporate themselves within the walls of the barrier itself. Once it does this, the sealing tags begin to unseal vast amounts of Yang energy into the fuuinjutsu kanji or if a barrier unseals vasts amount of Yang energy into the barrier itself giving it a golden-whitish color. This can increase the power of Fuuinjutsu by one rank or if offensive by +20 damage. Naturally, this applies to Mutagenesis techniques too as they are also Fuuinjutsu. The Lysogenic Cycle can be applied/activated in the same time frame as another Fuuinjutsu based technique. Due to the properties of Mutagenesis, the seals are capable of travelling over and blending into inorganic sources such as their surroundings to go undetected (until their target has been reached). The user is able to use sealing tags that are currently present on their body as a medium for this technique allowing this to be placed on the user's biography or before a battle and can be activated at a separate time. Due to their sentience ( a property of all Mutagenesis techniques), The Sixth Bacteriophage is self sustaining and lasts until it runs out of chakra, having a chakra pool of 200 chakra and draining -40 per turn to keep active. This property is exclusive to the Lysogenic Cycle. . Despite having its own chakra pool, The Sixth Bacteriophage is unable to perform techniques on its own like other Yang creations.
Note: This technique can be used three times per battle with a four turn cool down in between usages.
Note: As an Inherent Trait of Mutagenesis, The "virus" can telepathically communicate with the user.

With the robot removed from the trio's sight, they took a moment to collect themselves.

Isabella removed her hand from Mandy's back, noting how full of hair and oil it was. She wipped madara's lice filled hair on her pants before proceeding on as her Uuchu Shinkaigan flickered.

Now this was a shit show... we need to get our acts together if we want to succeed here.

HP: 180
Chakra: 1610 - 20 = 1590

Madara scoffs at Isabella’s retort, jerking his shoulder away from her touch as she removed her hand. His remaining Sharingan spiraled into his Rinnegan pattern as he spoke to the duo.

"Don't say I never done anything for you losers," he said, walking forward. "Let's move."

( Doujutsu: Rinnegan ) Eye Technique: Samsara Eye (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A ( -5 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the 3 great Doujutsu, the Rinnegan has, like the other, the ability to see chakra and the chakra flow of individuals. It also allows the user a great clarity of perception and tracking abilities, although its levels vary from user to user. It also grants a family of abilities collectively known as the Six Paths Technique. The user is also able to summon and control the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. Certain Rinnegan abilities have only been demonstrated by single users: Madara can create corporeal shadows in the invisible world of Limbo; Momoshiki is able to absorb any ninjutsu with his right Rinnegan and release it with his Left Rinnegan; Urashiki is capable of moving through time and space when different eyes are activated. While Nagato was never able to deactivate his eyes, Madara and other wielders could switch at will between their other eyes and Rinnegan eyes, although Uchiha aren't able to go from 3 Tomoe to Rinnegan directly. Due to implanting Madara's Rinnegan into his eye, Obito loses the ability to deactivate this eye, much like Nagato.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan users excluding Sasuke.
Note: Requires activation ( spending move ) for other Rinnegan bios but remains active indefinetely afterwards if the user chooses to. After having for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move. In the case of Madara, user needs to have activated EMS before and had it active for 1 full turn before activating.

Madara Chakra - Chakra: 2637 - 20 = 2617
HP: 310
Sanity: 86 + 2 = 88

Susabi's hands enveloped themselves within a bright purple cloak, signifying the activation of one of his many Jyuken techniques, Gentle Step Twin God Fists.

This is likely to be a marathon. Pace yourselves, slowly ramp it up.

( Jūken: Jūho Sōshiken ) - Gentle Fist: Gentle Step Twin God Fists
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 ( -10 per turn )
Damage: 80 ( +30 to Tai and Jyuken Techniques )
Description: Gentle Step Twin God Fists is an advanced Jyuken Technique, only accessible through activation of the Tendōgan and remains active for a short period of time. The user focuses chakra into their palms, causing their palms to erupt into a purple colored chakra cloak, in the shape of two demon-like heads with crimson red eyes. Gentle Step Twin God Fists are a direct upgrade to the Gentle Step Twin Lion Fist techniques, boasting a higher damage increase as well as lifting the restriction on the parent technique. As a result, Gentle Step Twin God Fists does not remove the user's ability to affect the tenketsu of their targets. This allows for the perfect combination of power and supplementary effects allowing Hyuga's to reach their full potential offensively. Much like the parent technique, Gentle Step Twin God Fists is capable of draining chakra directly from the opponent's chakra system, however this is a very small amount (50 chakra). This chakra drained, however, is not absorbed by the user and is merely lost from the target.
Note: This technique requires the Tendōgan to be active.
Note: This technique lasts 4 turns with a three turn cool down in between usages.
Note: This technique can be used two times per battle.

HP: 200
Susabi's Chakra: 3740 - 45 = 3695
Sanity: 78 + 2 (from standing still) = 80
Lysogenic Cycle's chakra = 200 - 80 = 120