Research Installation (268)


May 28, 2014
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Research Installation

Beyond the shadowy forests of Dún Scáith is a strange almost temple-like structure. The Research Installation is located on the northern shores of Kamiyasumi. It was built overlooking the shores along the Western Sea. Before the development of Dawnport it was clear that the Installation had not seen humans walk its halls in thousands of years, but that has since changed. Its stone walls, once made of marble, have faded and weathered as time passed, as nature have begun to reclaim the land, with vines, moss and grass growing on the exterior. Despite this the interior has been revamped, cleared of all dust, dirt and debris as a group of scientists, researchers decided the structure would make for a perfect site for their respective studies. One such field of study? The sudden appearance of the mystical forest that has overtaken the East half of Kamiyasumi. Even in the land surrounding the Installation there are signs that the environment was altered somehow, with the land seemingly "stitched" together in a unique fusion, yet there are no signs as to how. The shadowy grass of Dún Scáith just ends, and the plain greenery of Kamiyasumi is visible once more.

The Installation itself is a single building with a sprawling, expansive basement. The ground level is a combination laboratory and library, with many books relative to the sciences and their general bases of knowledge. The observatory's telescope is also now operable, with many keen minds intent on discovering the phenomena behind Kamiyasumi's disappearance, looking to the stars and their guidance for aid. Down in the basement many of the "containment rooms have been repurposed into personal quarters, while teams still endeavor to map the entirety of the basement. There are still many nooks and crannies of the structure that human eyes haven't beheld for millennia.
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Apr 8, 2021
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"Don't say anything" the Nibi mentally warned Mirabelle, the latter of whom already knew this. "Let's just say...its a hunch. This not uncharted, more like abandoned. It's very clear humans once roamed here...but never the less...what happened to them is yet to been seen I'd say"

Mirabelle would walk with Musashi, heading out.

Musashi considered what Mira said, along with the stranger traveler as they went, as she seemed to know more than what she led on - and more than what she seemed, as Musashi sensed another presence dwelling within Mirabelle.

But Musashi’s cheery demeanor never once wavered, and when they discovered an abandoned temple beyond the reaches of the forest, it seemed Mirabelle was correct.

“Whoa!”, exclaimed Musashi, in awe. Such a structure would be an amazing find, and who knew what wonders lay within.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Arriving into the new location, Mirabelle took a moment to breath in and out; soaking in the oceanic swells that flew through the area. They weren’t too far away from the ocean once more – though what caught her attention was Musashi ‘whoaing’. The Jinchuriki would have saw the giant temple like structure which, as she approached closer she noticed has decayed quite a bit over the generations. She was in a trance, observing the design of the building. “It’s pretty basic, as you’d expect from ancient times…but the type of stone used is quite marvelous she would admit as she folded her arms. “Well…its only best we search on the inside” she said, but before heading into the building she would have infused her wind based chakra into the air. This allowed her to release a gentle passive breeze, cradling the landmark as she used it as a sort of echolocation. Alas, the only chakra she detected was that of Musashi. “Safe to say we are alone…but…” she then placed her hand on the ground.

Immediately she infused it with earth based chakra as she sent it into the ground to investigate. What came back up was the result, finding that there is an underground location beneath the surface as she can sense the pressure of somethings beneath the surface. However instead of investigating right away, she started to loom around as she went inside. “You coming?” she gestured to Musashi as she left without waiting for her answer. As she went into the building, she immediately was startled. Rows and rows of empty shelves, bookshelves to be exact. “What the heck happened here…” she asked to no one in particular, perplexed by the lack of information already.

(Fuuton: Chakra Kenpa no Kaze) - Wind Style: Chakra Sensing Breeze
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: A wind technique similar to the chakra sensing rain technique, the user infuses their chakra into the surround air create a light breeze across the battlefield. This breeze is capable of sensing the chakra of people or objects it comes in contact with. The breeze will die out after three turns once activated and can only be used twice per battle.
~Deactivates after three turns.
~Can only be used twice per battle.
(Doton: oshi sacchi) Earth Release: Pressure Sensing
Type: Supplementary/Defense
Rank: C
Range: Short-long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user sends small amounts of chakra through ground around him so he can sense the pressure in certain locations of the battle field. By doing this the user can sense where his opponent is standing and where his opponent is if he/she is underground.
Note: User must make contact with the ground while using this jutsu.
Note: Courtesy of Sindy

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Apr 8, 2021
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Arriving into the new location, Mirabelle took a moment to breath in and out; soaking in the oceanic swells that flew through the area. They weren’t too far away from the ocean once more – though what caught her attention was Musashi ‘whoaing’. The Jinchuriki would have saw the giant temple like structure which, as she approached closer she noticed has decayed quite a bit over the generations. She was in a trance, observing the design of the building. “It’s pretty basic, as you’d expect from ancient times…but the type of stone used is quite marvelous she would admit as she folded her arms. “Well…its only best we search on the inside” she said, but before heading into the building she would have infused her wind based chakra into the air. This allowed her to release a gentle passive breeze, cradling the landmark as she used it as a sort of echolocation. Alas, the only chakra she detected was that of Musashi. “Safe to say we are alone…but…” she then placed her hand on the ground.

Immediately she infused it with earth based chakra as she sent it into the ground to investigate. What came back up was the result, finding that there is an underground location beneath the surface as she can sense the pressure of somethings beneath the surface. However instead of investigating right away, she started to loom around as she went inside. “You coming?” she gestured to Musashi as she left without waiting for her answer. As she went into the building, she immediately was startled. Rows and rows of empty shelves, bookshelves to be exact. “What the heck happened here…” she asked to no one in particular, perplexed by the lack of information already.

(Fuuton: Chakra Kenpa no Kaze) - Wind Style: Chakra Sensing Breeze
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: A wind technique similar to the chakra sensing rain technique, the user infuses their chakra into the surround air create a light breeze across the battlefield. This breeze is capable of sensing the chakra of people or objects it comes in contact with. The breeze will die out after three turns once activated and can only be used twice per battle.
~Deactivates after three turns.
~Can only be used twice per battle.
(Doton: oshi sacchi) Earth Release: Pressure Sensing
Type: Supplementary/Defense
Rank: C
Range: Short-long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user sends small amounts of chakra through ground around him so he can sense the pressure in certain locations of the battle field. By doing this the user can sense where his opponent is standing and where his opponent is if he/she is underground.
Note: User must make contact with the ground while using this jutsu.
Note: Courtesy of Sindy

Came from:
Mirabelle commented, and Musashi ran to catch up, mouth still slightly agape. Her soul sensing detected only smatterings- things like birds, rodents, other small things scuttling about.

But this temple-like structure was surely ancient, hewn by human hands at some point, but in the midst of being reclaimed by nature. Musashi’s thoughts drifted momentarily to Dokkodo, and the tremendous force Natural Energy confired, before turning her attention back to the structure.

She has much the same reaction as Mirabelle, upon entry - rows of ancient bookshelves, now empty, filled the room. Whether the books were claimed by time, looters, or perhaps taken by their former owners would basically be impossible to say.

Wandering though the expanse, though, Musashi was able to find, near some rubble from a collapsed wall, a set of stairways desending.

”Hey, over here!” Chimed Musashi, before turning on her lantern and venturing into the area.

A large area appeared to be present below as well, filled with many rooms. Or, would have been, had the place not appeared to have been basically destroyed. Walls were collapsed everywhere, exposing the areas, and turning the place into a sort of open air maze. Was it a lodging of some sorts? Was this an academy?

Or a prison, or holding cell? Musashi had heard of ancient civilizations who made sacrifices to appease the gods, but this didn’t seem to confirm that sort of iconography.

“What do you make of all this, Mirabelle?” asked Musashi, as she ventured a bit into the area.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Mirabelle wondered down to the second floor that she detected not so long ago with her sonar skill. As she entered into the room, Musashi pointed out the containment units that has certainly seen better days. Mirabelle hummed, unable to realistically make a judgement about their purpose, minus her opinion. “These are very…reminiscent of the containment units we used before back in the Freehold for medical purposes. All I can make from this…is that these was designed to contain humans within them…its only a matter of what purpose…and honestly…I think it’s best we don’t find out either…” she flashed back to the undead that occupied the Canopy. It’s already very clear, this island is something different from what she imagined but she turned to the swordswoman. “I do wonder…if there are even anymore humans on the continent minus us who recently settled” she thought, scratching the side of her face.

Oh well…there’s clearly nothing here. It’s been abandoned for far too long for us to try and piece things together” she started to go back up the stair case. She took out her map, as she started to read over the little notes she made and the mapping she’s done so far. Going any more north leads to the ocean. She turned into the direction she intended on heading, as she looked at Musashi. “I’ll be heading this way. If you wanna tag along, then please do…I need some company…” she said in a very lonely yet playful tone. The Nibi mentally scuff at it, realizing it was shade intended for her.

Mirabelle awaited her answer, regardless she intended on heading to the next location.
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Apr 8, 2021
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Previous post.

Mirabelle wondered down to the second floor that she detected not so long ago with her sonar skill. As she entered into the room, Musashi pointed out the containment units that has certainly seen better days. Mirabelle hummed, unable to realistically make a judgement about their purpose, minus her opinion. “These are very…reminiscent of the containment units we used before back in the Freehold for medical purposes. All I can make from this…is that these was designed to contain humans within them…its only a matter of what purpose…and honestly…I think it’s best we don’t find out either…” she flashed back to the undead that occupied the Canopy. It’s already very clear, this island is something different from what she imagined but she turned to the swordswoman. “I do wonder…if there are even anymore humans on the continent minus us who recently settled” she thought, scratching the side of her face.

Oh well…there’s clearly nothing here. It’s been abandoned for far too long for us to try and piece things together” she started to go back up the stair case. She took out her map, as she started to read over the little notes she made and the mapping she’s done so far. Going any more north leads to the ocean. She turned into the direction she intended on heading, as she looked at Musashi. “I’ll be heading this way. If you wanna tag along, then please do…I need some company…” she said in a very lonely yet playful tone. The Nibi mentally scuff at it, realizing it was shade intended for her.

Mirabelle awaited her answer, regardless she intended on heading to the next location.
Musashi listened to Mirabelle, and could not really refute what she said. These appeared to be containment for something, and they would definitely be the right size for a human. But why the apparent abandoned library above? Was it some sort of medical facility, and not a university?

When Mirabelle expressed interest in leaving the area, Musashi responded in kind, "Yeah, sure! Adventuring is always great when you have companions along. I might be slow for a bit, though," said Musashi, motioning to the map she was drawing that she displayed earlier. She made a sketch of the area as best she could with the information she had, as well as descriptors of what she saw.

Feeling that maybe she should share more with one of the other individuals she had met on this new adventure, she also wrote in the scroll given to her.



Greetings, from the continent from across the ocean! I ventured across the seas to explore the uncharted lands, after hearing about them from some individuals at port. Thus far, I'm happy to say, that there is already a thriving city built, as a springboard for more exploration to come. The marvels that can be accomplished in terms of construction done with chakra is truly amazing.

There has been a forest of cedar trees so thick their canopy blots the floor below in an inky darkness. And most recently, I appear to have stumbled across some ruins, perhaps of an abandoned place of learning, but with what looks to have once been a prison of some sort underneath. Unfortunately, I am not an archeologist, and teasing the secrets of the past out of places like this is not my forte.

Further, I wish to share with you: the blade Marzan forged for me was exquisite. Named Myōjingiri, it is amongst the most fine blades I have ever laid eyes upon, and even more so that I have had the pleasure to wield. You did your master no disservice when you said you would find no finer blade anywhere else.

I intend to continue exploring, and pray for your safety in your travels.

-Musashi Miyamoto.

Rolling the scroll and map up, Musashi returned them to her bag, and continued on with Mirabelle, eager to see more of these uncharted lands, and the strange mysteries within.

Leaving Landmark for Last Shadow (271).


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Mirabelle smiled, as she nodded. Watch her scribbling in some sort of scroll, she didn’t pay much mind too it. As such, the duo continued their venture towards the designated area.

LLM to Last Shadows.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from #267, the Canopy.

Additionally this post contains a mission; Explore a Landmark. D-Rank (1)

Summary: Coming across the abandoned Research Installation after mention of it in one of Musashi's messages, Emiya decides to investigate and draw his own conclusions from what lies inside.​

From one ancient tree to the next Emiya made his way through the Canopy at a more leisurely pace considering his recent trip. For the flora itself to attack him was not out of the realm of possibility given his encounter with the syuclents that appeared to be one of the apex predators of the Lands, but he wasn't really expecting it either. For the Void Trees roots to have spread so far, all the way from where he last saw them in Innovus, especially in such a short time, something was wrong. Was it simply naturally able to grow at such a pace, or was something, or someone helping speed up the process? Doubtless if someone was it'd be the Voidlords, though without a reason anything further was pure speculation and served no true purpose besides filling the time between his explorations of this exotic, dangerous land.

Emiya could see a break in the trees some distance ahead, and few of those odd ashen vines, so he decided he would pick the pace up again. Chances were he'd made it to the northern coast, nothing all that special, but it was still nice to get the lay of the land. As he cleared the cedar forest, the oppressive darkness of the trees gave way to the refreshing smell of the ocean air, and a sense of freedom that came with the open sky above his head. It was he saw a large structure of sorts, almost temple like in it's construction, like a place of worship. It had clearly been weathered by time and the elements, with the forest slowly but surely overtaking the structure, brick by brick.

The fresh ocean air was then itself replaced by the smell of centuries of dust and decay, the structure seemingly consisted of only one large room, countless shelves sitting empty. Emiya leapt up a few, scouring the shelves like steps, and using them as a vantage point to check if any scrap of what once was kept here remained. There was nothing, not a trace of any information that was once held in this building. Despite there being nothing left from whatever this places heyday looked like, Emiya did notice tracks, footprints faintly left echoes in the wake of recent visitors. Likely the first this place had seen in decades, if not centuries. It was now that Emiya recalled Musashi's previous message, about a structure with a prison beneath it. Seems like he was following the same path as her own personal pilgrimage. Chances were they would catch up again soon, but for now he would look into the matter of this building's lower level.

It didn't take him very long to find the lone passage that delved into the basement, and true to her word, Musashi was correct that this was some kind of containment facility. Something was off about this though. Something didn't feel right... From the outside one might consider this a place of worship given it's more temple-like appearance, rather than a place of imprisonment. Someone or something had reason to lock things up here, but potentially wished to keep it discreet. The countless shelves that would have once contained books then also contracted this by implying it was a place of learning, so which was it? Worship? Imprisonment? Learning? Perhaps it was not one, but all? As he looked about, Emiya did come to two conclusions. Kamiyasumi once held human life, this much was obvious from the architecture and intent in the structure's design. The second only came to him when he studied the specifics of the environment closely. Doors and walls broken down from the inside, as all seemed to be destroyed from that direction. This, combined with the fact that the forest's slow consumption of the structure implied they were broken long, long ago, long enough for the land to begin reclaiming it, growing over the already destroyed walls and cells. This could have only happened if they were already destroyed, before the reclamation of the land had begun. If all this was true then what happened to the people that once lived here? And what was imprisoned? With nothing above to indicate anything, Emiya was left with questions, and no answers. But at least he knew that there were humans here once. That was enough to learn from an otherwise empty, run down building whose purpose had long since been abandoned and forgotten.

With nothing else to truly gleam from the installation, Emiya returned to the ground level and left the odd structure to it's slow decay, and returned to his explorations.

End of Mission. Leaving Landmark. Heading to #271, Last Shadow.
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