Possible scenario where Sakura becomes Hokage?


Active member
Jul 22, 2011
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So this is basically a radical idea that just came to me, so before attacking me, hear me out.

I think I have thought of a plausible scenario where Sakura becomes the Hokage.

Let's do a little background first though. Now, I'm sure that most, if not all, of us can agree that Sakura's character has been developed VERY badly throughout the manga. Honestly I think she is Kishi's biggest mistake. She is not strong-willed, she makes Naruto solve all of her problems, and so far nothing, no matter how important, has changed her at all from always shunting her problems onto Naruto's shoulders. She always reverts to loving Sasuke and laying the burden on Naruto, even when it seems as though she has finally decided to carry some of the burden herself. Now, there is almost nothing that I believe will truly make Naruto readers believe that she has truly changed for good, by which I mean there is no event that I see forcing her to take up the burden of her problems. Except one thing. The death's of both Naruto and Sasuke.

Naruto said himself that next time he and Sasuke face, he know's that they will both die. Now of course we can't necessarily believe that, but it is certainly a possibility, and so let's say that he is telling the truth. We know that he and Sasuke will fight eventually. So they die. What happens next? Naruto becomes a martyr. Peace is attained in his name. But who would those two deaths affect more than anyone else? Sakura.

With the death of Naruto and Sasuke, she would certainly recieve the absolute GREATEST realization that she did absolutely nothing to help either Naruto or Sasuke; that she has been useless, letting Naruto carry the burden while she did nothing. And with such a realization, she will decided to try and make up for all that she should have done, and so she would take a major role in reconstruction, and in peace arrangements, finally taking up the burden that she should have because there is no more Naruto to lay it on. So she would take on the burden that she should have taken, and fight for what Naruto believed in. Inherently, she would become Hokage eventually, since that was Naruto's dream, and she would live it out in his honor. Also her close tie with Tsunade would help.

So that's it! This depicts a scenario that would not change the plot at all really, and it would save the character of Sakura from being complete trash.

I would like to say that I don't believe that this would actually happen, but I just felt like proposing a new ending to Naruto that I don't believe has been thought of before.


Active member
Feb 9, 2012
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It's plausible. Most people in the Narutobase would just read "Sakura" and flip out at the thought of the stereotypical weakling becoming Hokage. She already had enough medical knowledge to surpass the sand village (including their war hero legends) in that department on her own. If her two team mates died in battle and she choose to strive for success, I'm sure she could.