Possible explanation to Inton & Yoton based techniques

Blaze Release

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Sep 20, 2011
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After continuously pushing this thread back due to various reasons i feel like the time is right to create it. Anyway this thread aims to explain Inton, Yoton and Inyouton through the formation of chakra. Then identify and briefly explain possible Inton and Yoton based techniques that the manga has shown us thus far. We then finish off with Sasuke's progress. We will however go back and start with the basics. Just an overview as i believe we all know it.

So the thread is split into parts:
  • Back to basics (Stamina, chakra)
  • Special chakra (Spiritual energy, Physical energy)
  • Inton and Yoton
  • Sasuke's aptitude (alternative route to the rinnegan, Yata mirror)

Back to Basics
Stamina is the base of chakra [ ]. Its made up of spiritual energy and body energy [ ]. Mixing these two energies do you create chakra [ ]. Basics yes, but sometimes i feel people neglect stamina and start of with chakra, believing that a shinobi actually starts with chakra or has converted all their stamina into chakra from the get go. However we know that shinobis are constantly converting their stamina into chakra in battle [ ] and how much stamina a shinobi is willing to convert into chakra is determined by the technique [ ].

Special Chakra​

A misconception i want to clarify is the spiritual to body energy ratio in chakra. Majority, most likely based on the diagrams in the manga where within a shinobi's body it appears spiritual and body energy is molded in equal proportion to form chakra have been led to believe that in order to form chakra you need equal percentage of both energies. However that is false reasoning. To form chakra is to mold the two energies and that is it, plain and simple. As kakashi stated again in this scan

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"Based on what jutsu you use, the TYPE and amount of chakra that is released will be different".
There are many forms of chakra that is dependent on what jutsu a shinobi decides to use. For inton based techniques a shinobi will mold more spiritual energy than body energy required to form the inton technique.

Special chakra is simply the potency of the spiritual or physical energy needed to create an inton or yoton technique. It can either be hereditary like the sages descendants [ ]. An uchihas brain excretes highly potent yin based chakra that causes them to awaken the sharingan [ ].

Special chakra can also be formed in a ratio. An identical logic is the formation of the bijuudama [ ], though in that case its the ratio of black and white chakra. Shikamaru noted Tayuya a prominent inton user capable of not only using genjutsu but was using specialized chakra similar to his own [ ]. Upon releasing special chakra in this case yin based chakra, from her Summons that take the form of spirits. These spirits are made almost entirely of spiritual/mental energy and seek physical energy [ ].

Basically there is no such thing as 50/50 mixture of spiritual and physical energy, unless its inyouton based which requires roughly the same level of both energies to produce. The techniques in this case; non elemental techniques, will require either more spiritual energy to physical energy for inton based techniques and more physical energy than spiritual energy for yoton.
Inton and Yoton (Non elemental based techniques)​
The are 6 nature transformations. The basic 5 are [ ]:

Making up the 5 to form the 6th is Inyouton or Onmyōton.
Note that neither inton or yoton by themselves is an element. Given hint by Yamato on the possible natures of Genjutsu, Medical ninjutsu, Kagemane no Jutsu and Baika no jutsu. [ ]

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Inton Techniques
The percentage of physical energy and spiritual energy determines the ratio and form of chakra, which in turn determines the characteristic of a technique. When the percentage of spiritual energy is greater than the percentage of physical energy, the technique becomes conceivable or the imagination of an individual becomes materialised. This is Inton, a form of technique created from a higher ratio of spiritual energy than physical energy. Inton dictates the imagination of an object and allows form to be created from nothingness.

So far genjutsu is the only inton based technique that the manga has identified and its pretty straight forward. [ ]. Genjutsu are illusion based techniques that follows the principle of inton. By mixing a greater proportion of spiritual energy than physical energy, special chakra is created that allows a shinobi to manipulate its victims senses through imagination.

The Nara clan's Kagemane no Jutsu follows the same principle of inton. By moulding more spiritual energy than physical energy they can manipulate and extend their shadows, thus being able to control their enemy when their shadow infused inton chakra comes into contact the enemy's shadow

Fuinjutsu are sealing techniques that are used for many purposes. Ranging from sealing spirits to sealing chakra. By forming a higher spiritual energy to physical energy ratio, a shinobi can create or call upon forms out of nothingness. examples are the uzumaki's shiki fujin [ ]. Another example is jiraiya's Fūka Hōin [ ]

Bunshin no jutsu. This technique uses the same principle of inton. By creating an after image of the user without holding any substance, its capabilities is limited due to it being strictly inton based it lacks the vitality of the kage bunshin, its used for deception purposes as it cannot attack.

"A ninjutsu that creates an after-image of one's own body, without any substance."

Dan Kato's Reika no Jutsu. [ , ]. Another principle of inton. By administering more spiritual energy to physical his spirit gains the ability to leave his body.

The Yamanaka Clan's Shintenshin no Jutsu and i suppose all of its variations are inton based. As the Ino states by projecting your own spiritual energy at your opponent you can take control of their body. [ ] Similar but different from the reika no jutsu.

Yoton Techniques
When the percentage of physical energy is greater than the percentage of spiritual energy, special chakra is formed. The techniques under this heading gain vitality. Techniques under this heading breathe life into forms. This is yoton, a form of technique created from a higher ratio of physical energy than spiritual.

The kage bunshin was created by Tobirama senju, a shinobi brimming with physical energy due to his heredity. It is used by main character who also due to his heredity, but also possessing the yang portion of kurama in himself can make full use of this technique. The kage bunshin makes use of yoton by forming a higher ratio of physical to spiritual energy, unlike the bunshin no jutsu which is based on inton and creates an afterimage of the user. The kage bunshin creates actual bodies of the user. Due to the principle of yoton the kage bunshin gains vitality/substance and is able to attack, surpassing the bunshin no jutsu.

"A ninjutsu that creates a true copy of something. What makes it different from the normal "Clone Technique"* is that it creates a clone with substance, making them able to perform physical attacks."

The Baika no jutsu is based on the yoton principle. By converting calories which into physical energy, the user creates highly potent yoton chakra that the user can temporarily manipulate their body size [ ]. Its this very reason why choji regained back his weight as the potent yoton chakra (this time kurama's) has restored his calorie intake [ ]

Medic ninjutsu is usually associated with healing though it can also be used as a form of attack. Medic ninjutsu is yoton based, as its derived from the user's vitality and life force. By drawing on more physical energy created from the cells in the body than spiritual energy, a shinobi can use heal themselves. Many shinobi's who have been noted to have high healing capabilities have shown to have high level of life force. Naruto's due to yang kurama [ ]. Hashirama [ ] and Karin [ , ]. While Tsunade using the Byakugō no In fuinjutsu which is yin based, can store enough high levels of yoton chakra to use later for restoration or other forms of medic ninjutsu

Tensei jutsu, literally means life transfer [ ]. These techniques usually involes some form of life sacrifice.
Either shortening your life span or sacrificing your life or in the case of edo tensei sacrificing somebody else's life altogether. It makes use of yoton by either giving life or shortening your life span or administering life/vitality into otherwise lifeless objects.

Muki tensei. Gives life and controls something that is not alive. As kabuto noted it shouldn't be compared with the ordinary ability to control things with chakra, example being Kugutsu. It goes beyond that[ ]. It is also possible that amaterasu which is based on inton counterbalanced the yoton and reverted the cave to its original state.

Chou Shinra tensei. At the cost of the user's lifespan they make full use of the technique [ ]

Kisho tensei. The technique was initially developed to give life to puppets at the cost of the users life. [ , ]. It was later used to revive Gaara at the cost of Chiyo's life.

Edo tensei, by using human sacrifices the user can bring back the dead. Effectively breathing life and giving vitality [ , ]

Something to ponder​

Kekkai Ninjutsu, makes use of inton. By creating form out of nothingness.

It has to be noted that while there are set rules to inton and yoton based techniques, certain techniques do not follow these strict rules. By that i mean certain techniques under the banner of genjutsu for example, therefore hinting to strictly inton based, might actually fall under inyouton example being complete izanagi. It may even be possible for a technique under the banner of medical ninjutsu to be inton based. Keggai though having the signs of being inton based, the kekkai used by the hokage's Four Red Yang Formation and Obito Six Red Yang Formation hinted it being yoton based. Certain techniques can fall under either inton or yoton regardless of its banner.

There is also no set rule to the ratio of spiritual or physical energy in inton or yoton based techniques. I mean while for example in genjutsu the ration might be 8:2. In another inton based technique like fuinjutsu it may differ to lets say 7:3. It is also very likely that even under the same banner of genjutsu, the ratio of spiritual energy to physical differs from one technique to another while still retaining its prominent energy; spiritual, therefore still being classified as inton. Example mugen onsa having a ratio of 6:4, while tsukuyomi having the ratio of 9:1. This same logic applies to yoton.

It may also be possible to increase the strength of your inton or yoton based technique by increasing the ratio of the opposite energy needed. For example genjutsu using the ratio of 8:2, it may be possible to form the ratio of 7:3 therefore increasing the physical energy. Its this fluctuations in energy that gave birth to Inyouton.

Finally i am sure you are wondering why the generic shinobi who has both physical and spiritual energy cannot form the equal ratio to use inyouton. Because inyouton requires a high level of potent spiritual and physical energy, not many shinobi's have either of these attributes. It is even rarer for a shinobi to have just as equally potent spiritual energy as they do physical energy. It has to noted that no technique, either inton or yoton will contain 100% spiritual or physical energy as that goes against the principle of chakra.

EDIT: Due to its length ill create a part 2 thread; Sasuke's aptitude.



Active member
Apr 6, 2013
Trait Points
Excellent thread thus far. Most of what you're saying so far is simply reaffirming with some speculation but it seems bright so far. Have high expectations for Part II [Careful, I believe Varrah has a thread with the same name.. Just a head's up]. Also, NarutoBase.. Intelligent life is rare here - recommend a "summary" or place one in Part II and link it here cause I would think most users will just skip by due to such an long list of words. Anyhow, great thread - haven't seen one from you in a while..


Active member
Apr 7, 2012
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Wow i never realised Inyouton and Onmyoudon were the same. It explains how Obito was capable to use the technique then. Does it mean Madara could use it as well? Since he is the one who taught him the technique. Maybe it's what the Rinnengan ability allowed him to do. Anyway nice read

Blaze Release

Active member
Sep 20, 2011
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Wow i never realised Inyouton and Onmyoudon were the same. It explains how Obito was capable to use the technique then. Does it mean Madara could use it as well? Since he is the one who taught him the technique. Maybe it's what the Rinnengan ability allowed him to do. Anyway nice read
Yh inyouton and onmyoudon are the same.
And madara is a user of onmyoudon

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Active member
Jul 3, 2008
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Very good thread and very informative, I often wondered how choji tegained his size and this answered the question. I always get a much better understanding of the manga after reading your threads. I'll have to wait for the next thread to see how Sasuke will obtain the rinnegan it seems possible im just curious to see how it will unfold
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Jan 29, 2012
Trait Points
Wow I never looked at ninjutsu and genjutsu that way. It was nice that you gave such a detail explanation on how potent spiritual chakra is needed for sharigan. It also explains why the sharigan is so keen on genjutsu. Excellent thread. waiting for part 2.

Blaze Release

Active member
Sep 20, 2011
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Excellent thread thus far. Most of what you're saying so far is simply reaffirming with some speculation but it seems bright so far. Have high expectations for Part II [Careful, I believe Varrah has a thread with the same name.. Just a head's up]. Also, NarutoBase.. Intelligent life is rare here - recommend a "summary" or place one in Part II and link it here cause I would think most users will just skip by due to such an long list of words. Anyhow, great thread - haven't seen one from you in a while..
Yh i have read Varrah's sasuke's aptitude thread. If i remember correctly it was about shape manipulation.

Very good thread and very informative, I often wondered how choji tegained his size and this answered the question. I always get a much better understanding of the manga after reading your threads. I'll have to wait for the next thread to see how Sasuke will obtain the rinnegan it seems possible im just curious to see how it will unfold
Wow I never looked at ninjutsu and genjutsu that way. It was nice that you gave such a detail explanation on how potent spiritual chakra is needed for sharigan. It also explains why the sharigan is so keen on genjutsu. Excellent thread. waiting for part 2.
I have seen many people using sennin modo of some form as an alternative route to the rinnegan for him. Ill however use kurama's shroud, for reasons ill state in that thread. Yata mirror is about how it could have 3 ways of nullifying techniques. Its more to do with how naruto through senjutsu is leading the attack. While sasuke through the yata mirror and its potential counterbalancing properties could manipulate its own properties to form a defense agains't obito's own inyoton technique


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Jul 3, 2008
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Yh i have read Varrah's sasuke's aptitude thread. If i remember correctly it was about shape manipulation.

I have seen many people using sennin modo of some form as an alternative route to the rinnegan for him. Ill however use kurama's shroud, for reasons ill state in that thread. Yata mirror is about how it could have 3 ways of nullifying techniques. Its more to do with how naruto through senjutsu is leading the attack. While sasuke through the yata mirror and its potential counterbalancing properties could manipulate its own properties to form a defense agains't obito's own inyoton technique
That makes it all the more interesting and anticipating for part 2.


Active member
Mar 9, 2013
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That's interesting.
But I have a question...
Why would the Uzumaki specialize in Fuuinjutsu if it requires higher spiritual to physical energy ratio?
The Senju are good with it as well, if you consider Tobirama, Hashirama and Tsunade.

Maybe it depends on the type of seal?

Blaze Release

Active member
Sep 20, 2011
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That's interesting.
But I have a question...
Why would the Uzumaki specialize in Fuuinjutsu if it requires higher spiritual to physical energy ratio?
The Senju are good with it as well, if you consider Tobirama, Hashirama and Tsunade.

Maybe it depends on the type of seal?
Special chakra can either be hereditary or formed into a ratio.
True the uzumaki being a branch of the senju did gain the abilities of the younger brother. But that doesn't mean that they cannot utilize yin based techniques by forming a higher spiritual to physical energy ratio, something that shinobi who so far the manga hasn't acknowledged to be descendants of rikudou have done.

At the same time i made an example with kekkai based ninjutsu. Example Medic ninjutsu could be situational and that is why i used the barrier technique to state that, certain techniques under this, for example the banner of kekkai ninjutsu might be yoton based, so its possible that the same logic applies to others. Medic ninjutsu which might predominantly be yoton based, could have inton based techniques while still under the banner of medic ninjutsu. Example Kabuto uses In'yu Shōmetsu (Yin Healing Wound Destruction)
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