[Fuuin] Playing with Seals


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May 15, 2014
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The first one seems like a situational tech using for transporting someone already knocked out or injured as someone could very easily break the container before all 5 tags are placed. though it would have many good uses in mission based situations. but pretty simple the technique will fail if the target escapes or breaks the container before the tags are placed.

The next one was used by Jiriya in Naruto shippuden when itachi used the black flames within the belly of the great fire toad to escape and seals some of the flames within for analysis this would be used for relaxed environments only being hard to find a use for it mid battle can it seal large portions of the 5 elements? also seeing as it can only do the basic 5 but seals the black flames can it seal unique other stuff worth mentioning or no?

only two questions on the last one.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
The first one seems like a situational tech using for transporting someone already knocked out or injured as someone could very easily break the container before all 5 tags are placed. though it would have many good uses in mission based situations. but pretty simple the technique will fail if the target escapes or breaks the container before the tags are placed.

The next one was used by Jiriya in Naruto shippuden when itachi used the black flames within the belly of the great fire toad to escape and seals some of the flames within for analysis this would be used for relaxed environments only being hard to find a use for it mid battle can it seal large portions of the 5 elements? also seeing as it can only do the basic 5 but seals the black flames can it seal unique other stuff worth mentioning or no?

only two questions on the last one.
Hmm, well the former question...it's like how most absorption/sealing works. While it's AoE range is short, i.e, it basically drags te whole technique into the seal because its attached to it. Also, it doesn't work on Amaterasu, as its treated as it's own elemental nature in the rp, as with in the anime its the highest degree of fire release.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
(Kuchiyose: Raikō Kenka) - Summoning: Lightning Blade Creation
Rank: B-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (-5 per tool/weapon)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This is a special "ninja tool summon" that allows the user to seal basic ninja tools, like shurikens, kunais, swords, etc into sealing marks placed on their clothes or their body. The ninja tools can be summoned in an instant just by touching the sealing "marks". The greatest advantage of this technique is that the time between taking out a ninja tool, taking the right stance and actually throwing it is greatly reduced and one can unleash a barrage of weapons with great speed in a small time window. Also when a weapon such as a Fūma Shuriken is summoned, the time needed to throw it can be further shortened by having prepared the weapon in fully extended form beforehand. Sasuke even shown that you can have the weapons connected to wires and linked to their sealing marks and used the technique in sealing marks he placed in his wrist bracers.
Note: Can summon up to 30 basic tools per sealing mark and can have up to 2 sealing marks.

(Kyōkai Kekkai no Jutsu) - Boundary Barrier Technique
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (-10 per turn remaining active)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This is a detection type barrier which is simply a more advanced version of the (Kekkai: Tengai Hojin) - Barrier: Dome Method Formation technique and that can be used to surround an area and allows the user to monitor a certain area covering from the sky to underneath the ground creating a sphere. The user will create a tag with the 許可 (Kyoka) Kanji and place it on the ground, doing the confrontation hand seal afterwards to activate it. After the barrier is erected, the user, if inside it, will be able to detect any enemy inside it, even if he hiding his presence. After that, anyone who enters or leaves the barrier is instantly detected as well as anything that moves inside it. Techniques that mask the users presence are ineffective at avoiding detection as the barrier focuses on movement and displacement of matter, not solely on chakra detection. The barrier can also be moved according to the requirements of the user by moving the tag.
Note: Can only be used twice.

(Hogo Fuda Kekkai no Jutsu) - Protective Tag Barrier Technique
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: This technique uses special talismans that when a specific part of the users body is targeted, this technique then activates and covers the specific area. The talismans move to cover the specific body part and form a barrier protecting it.
Note: Only Ao biographies can apply the tags.

Sorry for the delay, next three~


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May 15, 2014
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The first one is handy especially if you have a dojustu like sharingan but very simple no questions

an stronger version then the previous one also even if the opponent is masking there charka they can be still be detected if located within the barrier, no questions.

The next one im not so familiar with but using a talisman when a specific body part is targeted this would activate and coat the targeted body part, also can be only applied with Ao bios.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
(Tajū Mugen Hōyō ) - Multiple Infinite Embraces
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30 (-100 to the target per turn, +100 to user per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This technique is a stronger version of Infinite Embraces and is used basically in the same manner. The user will do the Tiger → Dog → Horse → Dragon → Boar hand seals and slam his hands on the ground, creating a bigger barrier than the original technique but similar in its essence which drains the target's chakra but also pushes down on them making it much harder to break free. The massive pressure the technique puts on the target prevents the target from moving unless it has some sort of enhanced strength ability, making it very difficult to break free from it. Unable to move, the targets are also unable to mold chakra above A-Rank while having his chakra drained. The barrier can only be broken by A-Rank techniques or above or by attacking the user.

( Hijutsu: Fūinjutsu Kai ) – Secret Technique: Sealing Release
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same chakra as the seal thats to be released)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user can use this technique to dispel sealing techniques of various natures by forcefully breaking open the seal or, in extreme cases, erasing/cancelling them. For seals placed on a living medium, the user must make contact with the seal. For other seals, being in short range of it is enough. Normally, to perform this technique one needs to do the confrontation or the tiger handseal.
Note: Regular Fuuinjutsu users can dispel Sealing Techniques B-Rank and below. Uzumaki bios can dispel up to A-Rank. Advanced Sealing Specialists can dispel up to standard S rank Sealing Technique.

( Fūinjutsu: Seikatsu Kekkai ) – Sealing Technique: Living Barrier
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30 (-15 per turn active)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user takes out two bladed objects and crosses them. This creates a seal that seals away 50% of the chakra of any opponents within short-range of the user, allowing them to use only upto A-rank techniques.
Note: Sealing Method lasts 2 turns maximum.
Note: If the opponent moves out of short range, he regains his original abilities

Moving on!


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May 15, 2014
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The first is very situational as many now have A ranks and can break this easily though it is nice in the way it can entrapped and stop the opponents from moving, not much on this though as its simple.

the next one is key for unsealing in the midst of battle and also for rp purposes though unless specialised you can only do B ranks and from what i seen most seals that will be in effect or come across would require higher so not likely to be used much but very useful if u could unseal S ranks no further questions.

The next is useful for short range or CQC combatants as they would be able to reduce their opponents capabilities while staying within short range of them which is the goal of tai and ken combatants so very useful in that aspect but if the foe moves out of short range the effect is nullified. Just one question on this one; If the opponent moves out of range and then renters does the justu reactivate and they back to using A ranks? or is it nullified completely when he first moves out of range?


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
The first is very situational as many now have A ranks and can break this easily though it is nice in the way it can entrapped and stop the opponents from moving, not much on this though as its simple.

the next one is key for unsealing in the midst of battle and also for rp purposes though unless specialised you can only do B ranks and from what i seen most seals that will be in effect or come across would require higher so not likely to be used much but very useful if u could unseal S ranks no further questions.

The next is useful for short range or CQC combatants as they would be able to reduce their opponents capabilities while staying within short range of them which is the goal of tai and ken combatants so very useful in that aspect but if the foe moves out of short range the effect is nullified. Just one question on this one; If the opponent moves out of range and then renters does the justu reactivate and they back to using A ranks? or is it nullified completely when he first moves out of range?
It would be null if he leaves the range, but if he comes back into it then he's subjected to the effects again.

( Keiyaku Fūin ) – Contract Seal
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user, after having obtained some of the opponent's blood, touches a summoning that the opponent is controlling, causing a kanji formula to generate which forces the summoner to lose control of that summon. The summon does not fight for the user, but instead disappears back to its summon realm.
Note: Can only be used twice by regular sealing users while medical sealing masters can use it indefinitely.

( Suji Haji Fūin ) - Muscle Restriction Seal
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: A special fuuinjutsu utilized by taking a tag that bears the symbol for "Restrict". When placed upon the opponent it generates an electrical current that is not physically harmful. However this flows through the nervous system and restricts the movement of muscles. This slows down the opponent and prevents him from using A-rank Tai and above for three turns.
Note: If applied by a medical ninja with sealing mastery, the effect will last until released.

( Shishienjin ) - Four Violet Flames Battle Encampment
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30 (-10 per turn to sustain)
Damage Points: N/A ( 60 if the opponent makes physical contact with the barrier )
Description: This technique requires four people or clones to use. The people must be standing forming a square, they will then make the snake handseal and clasp their hands. A barrier forms around them on all sides, stopping anyone from outside from coming into the square. If they touch the walls, they will be burnt by violet flames. The casters can add a secondary barrier outside to prevent them from being attacked by enemies on the outside of the square; although by doing so, they are unable to attack as well. Each barrier can sustain any A-Rank technique.
Note: Requires 4 ninjas or 4 clones to use.



Active member
May 15, 2014
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The first one is useful for those who dont have sharingan to fight summons for placing or even controlling them, this is helpful in getting rid of summons that is being a nuisance to the user. Though obtaining the opponents blood is easier said then done and in the midst of battle would prove difficult.

The second one is useful for kenjustu/taijustu users in restricting in what they can use and slow them down, now it says slow the opponent down but doesnt state how much? what would this slow the opponent down by is my only question on this one.

the last one was famously used by the sound four when the attack on konoha was done by Orchimaru while being good in the old days now pretty much everyone has A ranks and would easily diprse this along with the difficulty of setting it up you need 4 ninja's or clones which is a lot this would shred your charka count and not worth it in a battle as most would shred it.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
The first one is useful for those who dont have sharingan to fight summons for placing or even controlling them, this is helpful in getting rid of summons that is being a nuisance to the user. Though obtaining the opponents blood is easier said then done and in the midst of battle would prove difficult.

The second one is useful for kenjustu/taijustu users in restricting in what they can use and slow them down, now it says slow the opponent down but doesnt state how much? what would this slow the opponent down by is my only question on this one.

the last one was famously used by the sound four when the attack on konoha was done by Orchimaru while being good in the old days now pretty much everyone has A ranks and would easily diprse this along with the difficulty of setting it up you need 4 ninja's or clones which is a lot this would shred your charka count and not worth it in a battle as most would shred it.
I have no fucking clue to be quite frank lmao.

( Fuuinjutsu: Bunshin Torappu ) - Sealing Arts: Clone Trap
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: When an opponents is prepared to land a physical blow, the user quickly creates an earth clone to take the hit instead. The earth clone will then revert back to mud, which uniquely hardens to restrain the opponent's limb as the rest of their body is spread with cursed seals. However, it can be overcome if the user expels an S rank chakra surge.

(Shisekiyōjin) Four Red Yang Formation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70 (-20 per turn)
Damage: N/A
A powerful barrier formation noted to only be usable by those of Kage Level, whereby four shinobi, standing in a square formation, erect a large barrier that is red in colour. It was stated to be several times stronger than the Four Violet Flames Formation, and is highly malleable. When assaulted by a Tailed Beast Ball from the Ten-Tails, the barrier simply distorted its shape, forcing the brunt of the attack upwards while it was left completely intact. Its users can create openings within the barrier to allow passage. The barrier is apparently very chakra-taxing since at least two of its users are limited in the usage of other techniques, such as clone techniques, while maintaining the barrier at the same time. Despite this, the users can still perform techniques and hand seals while sustaining the barrier. The barrier itself is strong enough to resist any S-Rank technique known and, despite being opened on top, is very high and hard to escape from. Alternatively, high ranked ninjas can use this technique by using clones. In this case, only Sage rank ninjas have the necessary chakra reserves to produce the technique.
Note: Can only be used by either 4 Kage ranked Ninjas or, if the user is Sage rank, through the usage of clones.
Note: While sustaining it, the users cannot mold chakra above A-Rank and can only use one additional technique per turn
Note: Usable twice per battle

(Fuuinjutsu: Haisui Chakura) Sealing Arts: Chakra Draining Seal
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (drains 100 chakra per turn)
Damage: N/A
This is a simple seal where the user does 2 simple handseals and slams his ground on a surface. Upon that surface, a 2 meter diameter sealing formula circle of kanjis and markings spreads, activating the technique. Any enemy that makes contact with the formula becomes unable to mold chakra as the sealing technique drains his chakra and his stamina. If the enemy manages to escape the seal, he will recover use of his chakra.
Note: Usable twice per battle.

Next on the listttt


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May 15, 2014
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The first one is very useful being able to make a mud clone that would attach to the foe as the blow struck trapping them within the mud while the user escapes the attack. does this require the handseal to make the clone? and can you do this when paralysed? just didnt see mention of handseals

the next one would be seen in the great fourth ninja war being used to contain the 10 ten tails while it revived and keeping others out, the requirements would be dire to set this up and being able to take S ranks most would blitz this in nowadays meta so this would be a very situational use justu.

This one can be good if you have the speed advantage as if the foe is short range and quicker most cases would hit you before you managed to get two handseals off and slam onto the ground. though if they were caught on the kanji they would be in dire sitaution as they wouldnt be able to mold and be finished on the next justu, unlessed engage in CQC. No further questions.


Aug 17, 2011
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Yes hand seal is required. It was done in this fight:
You must be registered for see medias

Click the link and you'll see it, so no you cant perform it if you can't do a hand seal. Anyways, moving on!

(Juinjutsu: Hayaguchikotoba Shīru) Cursed Seal Technique: Tongue Twister Seal
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
This Cursed Seal was the one given to all members of the ANBU subgroup Root by Danzō Shimura, to ensure no information about Danzō or the organization could fall into the wrong hands. After Danzō died, the seals disappeared from all the Root members. When the wearer of this Cursed Seal speaks about anything incriminating related to Danzō or Root, their entire body will be paralysed, taking away their ability to speak or move. In the place it is applied, it takes the shape of three solid lines and two broken lines. The seal can also be applied during combat, and can secretly be placed on the opponent's body upon momentary physical contact. When the user activates it, the curse seal's marks spread around the opponent's body, paralysing them. However, one can break free from the seal with a strong enough release of chakra.
Note: Usable twice

( Ura Shishō Fūinjutsu ) - Reverse Four Symbols Sealing Technique
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Offensive
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: This is a sealing jutsu that is placed upon the users body, setting it to activate on the users death. It seals everything within a large, nearby, spherical into the users body.
Note: Can only be activated upon the users death.
Note: The placement of this seal must be stated on the user's biography.

( Chakra Taisan Fūin ) - Chakra Confusion Seal
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: A special tag that utilizes the mark of confusion. When placed upon an opponent and using chakra it burns into the opponents skin. This chakra tag causes chakra to flow towards that particular area, causing a disruption within the flow of chakra as well as making it harder to control chakra (adds a +20 cost of chakra to any jutsu that the opponent will use for 4 turns).
Note: This jutsu can only be used twice in battle.
Note: If applied by a medical ninja with sealing mastery, the effect will last until released.


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May 15, 2014
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the first one i dont see using outside of rp or missions in a battle it wouldnt be effective at all but pretty simple, also does that even apply in the current world? as i thought the villages didnt exist so probs needs changing but no questions.

the next one is very nice and be especially useful to me seeing as someone always kicking my ass *no names* cough..... Ian.... cough.... but this allows the user to reverse seal everything into there dying body, i do have one question on this one say if the killing blow is chopping the foes head off would it activate still? didnt know if it applied.

this is a useful one also as it can confuse your opponent or you can use this to spike your own charka in situations were it be needed such as a genjustu that didnt paralysis you as you still have to apply the tag but no questions on this one.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
It still applies, just ignoring the story flavor text. And also yes, it still applies then. Anyways, final set

( Genjutsu Fūin ) - Illusion Skill Seal
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: A special fuuinjutsu utilizing the illusion mark. When placed upon an opponent it fully incapacitates their ability to utilize any sort of genjutsu for four turns.
Note: This seal can be used only once per battle.
Note: If applied by a medical ninja with sealing mastery, the effect will last until released.

( Fūinjutsu: Sanhō Fūin ) - Sealing Technique: Three Directions Seal
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user, and two shadow clones that must have already been created, array themselves into a triangle formation around the opponent. They then create a pyramidal barrier around them, trapping the opponent within. The barrier then explodes, sending the opponent high into the sky, badly injured.
Note: Can also be used by three clones.

( Fūinjutsu: Shiki Fūjin ) - Sealing Technique: Dead Demon Consuming Seal
Rank: FOrbidden Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 100
Damage Points: N/A ( Death )
Description: The user, or his clone, makes nine handseals and then claps his hands. This summons the Shinigami ( the God of Death entity), who appears behind the user and wraps its left arm with prayer beads. The soul of the user becomes visible, now bound to the Shinigami. The Shinigami then extends its hand through the user's chest, grasping the chosen target if he is within short range, and begins pulling out its soul or essence. Once the Shinigami has grasped the opponent, he is completely immobile, although he can use weapons, summonings already existing, etcetera to try and kill the user before the technique completes. At the user's command, the Shinigami then performs the sealing, locking away the victim and the user's soul to battle for all eternity in the Shinigami's stomach.
Note: The usage of this technique causes death. If used by clones, all clones will be mediums for the technique as well as the user.

(Musekiyōjin) Six Red Yang Formation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Long
Chakra: 100 (-30 per turn)
Damage: N/A
A stronger, more immense version of (Shisekiyōjin) Four Red Yang Formation, this is a powerful six-point barrier which can be erected to trap whatever confined within the six points similar to its parent technique. Like its parent technique, it requires immense amounts of chakra and requires even more skill to be able to use. When Obito Uchiha used this technique, he used six chakra receivers as the defining points of the barrier and then, channelling his chakra through them, was able to erect it. However, its possible to use the technique with 6 Kage rank ninjas or trough the use of the Massive Shadow Clone technique, albeit with its dangers. Like its smaller counterpart, the barrier is highly malleable, allowing the brunt of four Tailed Beast Balls to go upwards without being destroyed in the process. The barrier is impossible to overpower or destroy by force and to escape one needs to possess Space Time techniques or to be able to fly high enough to exit through the top (which is high enough to dwarf any being seen so far in the manga). However, if only one point of the barrier is negated, destroyed or disturbed, the barrier will disperse.
Note: Can only be successfully used once
Note: Obito Uchiha bios which have become the Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails can use this technique through the use of Chakra Transmitting Rods which will enable them to trigger the barrier, sustain it remotely and still be able to use other techniques at the same time.