Pingmay (038)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points

Perhaps the most devastated area in the region, Pingmay has become mostly rock formations formed from the several fragments impacting the former mountain range, leaving massive pillars, boulders and former valleys of mountains now left in destruction from the Cataclysm’s wreckage. Many Asag are said to hide in the area, doing well to not raise suspicion.
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Aug 28, 2018
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
Gather resources (samples) from the land (1)
Explore an abandoned site (2)
Defend yourself from wild beasts (2)

Summary: Kenichi must travel to an abandoned research lab branch within Pingmay and help find out what could be causing the animals to have temperament changes. Gather samples and return them to the head researcher. While there he encounters a student sent by the researcher and is attacked by a wild boar while finding samples.

Light squeezed its way through the crowns of the treetops, giving the air within the belly of the forest a shining green hue. Small insects buzzing around gave a life like sparkled to the foggy air. The forests of Pingmay were vast and somehow spacious despite the trees creating their own roof above head. It was a world of its own and on many levels that even the eyes of the Byakugan could overlook. Fallen limbs created their own roads for the beetles and ants that fed on the dying undergrowth, shaded by the much older and wiser trunks that loomed overhead. The large branches above paved the roads for the birds and squirrels. Kenichi, however, preferred to stay on the path he was given. As rocky as it was and overgrown in some places, a dirt road is what would keep him on his path.

Deep within the forests of Pingmay were scattered research sites dedicated to learning about the geologies of the Land of Fire. He had only briefly known of their existence, but a mission of sorts had brought him through the overgrowth for the first time. It was denser than he had expected and it required him to take high strides and careful steps. Gaps in the forest came often, accompanied by small campsites and settlements, reminding Kenichi of the surprisingly high level of development scattered throughout Pingmay.

His mission, as small as it was, had the young man both eager and nervous. Ryokaze Ishio, a lead researcher for Fujiwara's research studies, had sent out a request to have an abandoned camp site checked on. The path leading to the outpost was believed to be off limits due to a recent outbreak causing animals to rampage. It's origin was believed to be a bacteria within the plants. An easy mission but not without small risks. The forests still posed certain threats and a recent plague on the foliage had made the animals within the region more aggressive than typical.

As it was, Kenichi was fond of animals, but he wasn't sure he'd be as forgiven with something wanting to tear at his throat. His only hope was that there was research within the abandoned lab that might have information on what was spreading through the plant-life and so negatively afflicting the animals. With only a location to go on and only himself to ping ideas he wasn't too sure how it would pan out.

A good days travel through the forest led only by dirt road and signs between small settlements landed him at the entrance of the abandoned lab. Kenichi rummaged through his pouch, removing the instructions he had been given. A quick glance of its contents confirmed that this was correct lab. Lab C9, a branch of the Fujiwara University's Research Center. Unlike its geological counterparts, C9 focused mostly on the water systems throughout the forest. With hesitation the young man stepped inside. The wooden tatami that lined the floors were covered in dust and browned leaves that had blown in over time. With a furrowed brow his white eyes scanned the inside of the lab, his fingers naturally curling the straps of his gi. Scrolls were strewn about the floor, tablets etched with information and odd symbols made it difficult for him to even know where to begin.

One symbol, however, seemed to catch his attention: a tiger with its mouth opened wide and a waterfall coming through its gape. That was the symbol on the scroll that Ishio had given him. He stepped forward, dodging the mines of scrolls and tablets that littered the floor. The tiger's head rested on a large portrait over top a desk. Small vials of liquid sat stagnant and forgotten and jars of grime and moss lined the shelves. There were seeds of all shapes, sizes, and colors laying on the desk. His eyes carefully examined the cubicle. A frown formed on his lips as he picked up a stack of scrolls and began to read through as best as he could. There was no way he could be able to decipher these.

Leaves crackled outside and with a movement of instinct, Kenichi removed a kunai from his pouch, twirling it in his hand and then stopping at the grip in a firm hold as he spun around to meet the door. His eyes met the gaze of a pale slender man with black hair held in a bun. His demeanor was the least bit threatening but his presence only made Kenichi on guard. The man threw his hands up "Ishio sent me! Please!" His voice cracked and his eyes flinched. Kenichi lowered his kunai, placing it back within his pouch. The man responded by letting out a large sigh of relief. "I am Monotaki Ichigai, a student of Ishios at Fujiwara. He sent me to help you gather samples."

Kenichi turned his back to the man, picking up the scrolls and then handing them to Ichigai. "Good, you can start with telling me what all of this means." Kenichi had not been expecting the help and any bit of gratitude he had wasn't showing very clearly in his tone. Ichigai was now another liability in his mission and he held back the annoyance with an authoritative tone. Ichigai took the scrolls and thumbed through them while Kenichi looked around further.

Several moments passed and an exasperated gasp was heard across the room. Kenichi's eyes flicked toward Ichigai as he spoke. "It's not the plants affecting the animals, it's in the water." Kenichi's eyes furrowed, "So there's something affecting both the plants and animals in the water."

Ichigai hesitated, "Hmm....a bacteria of some kind, yes...maybe." He turned to a supply cabinet to his left and took out several containers and tubes. "But we'll need samples to be sure." Kenichi nodded, taking a portion of the tubes and containers and placing them carefully in his bag. He didn't know much about the biology of it all, but if Ishio had trusted this man enough to send him this way he had no choice but to allow Ichigai to accompany him. If he wanted the right samples he didn't really have a say.

"Where can we find the samples?"

"There is a small stream that flows through the mountains just south of here. It splits in three directions further down the stream. It seems that is a relevant origin according to the map of where the affected animals have been recorded."

"Very well, but stay close."

Mid-day was approaching and the bugs in the air were becoming more fierce by the second. Swatting them away was irritating the young Genin but it seemed to have little to no affect on Ichigai. Kenichi stayed close to the other man as they headed south towards the stream. Fifteen minutes into the hike, Kenichi could hear the rushing of water in close proximity. He eyes looked upward, meeting the drops of water ricocheting off of the mountain sides. "We'll follow the stream until we hit the fork."

His eyes shifted between the water and Ichigai. A green-brown gook settled on the edges of the stream, sticking to the muddy sides. This had to have been what was causing the issues in the area. It looked neither natural or healthy. Kenichi's eyes turned to the side, "Wait..." Walking up to the trunk of a tree, a foul odor filled the air. Kenichi's face scowled. A thick white mucus slimed down the trunk of the tree and in some places it dripped. It was sticky. "Is this...?"

"Yea...that's the stuff." Ichigai said, scraping off a sample from the bark of the tree and placing it within one of the small glass dishes.

With no warning for Ishio, Kenichi readied himself at the sound of rustling leaves from behind, taking out his kunai and rotating to meet the glaring eyes of a boar. It foamed savagely at the mouth and its jaws were opened wipe and aiming at the Genin. With a quick jump back, Kenichi positioned himself in front of Ichigai, holding his kunai closely as he watched the boar dig its hooves into the earth.

"And that's?"

"Yea...yea that's the stuff."

"Right...Stay back," Kenichi said, as he attached a paper bomb to his kunai. The boar began to charge and it followed Kenichi close quarters. The boar was large but that wasn't it. Kenichi had noticed that there were boils forming under the thick tufts of the boar's fur. Whatever it was it wasn't just changing the temperament of the creatures but it was killing them as well just as it was with the trees. They needed to find out what was causing this and stop it before it spread throughout the entire forest.

Kenichi jumped forward, using the momentum of his run and jump to press against a tree to lift himself higher into the air. He released the kunai with the attached paper bomb and with a thrust of his arm he sent out a gale of wind[1], increasing the speed of the kunai. It struck the boar at the side and was followed with a large explosion. The left over gale also pushed the boar backward slightly. With the settling of the debris, Kenichi's eyes widened. The boar, although stabbed and charred from the tag seemed to be in no pain at all. It continued to charge at Kenichi, it wasn't phased and only angered by the jab.

It's hefty figure and brute force made it difficult for Kenichi to dodge. It was quicker than he had anticipated and a sudden charge from the beast landed a tusk in the thick of his upper arm. Kenichi managed to move only slightly before impact but with a gash now on his left arm he was half out of the battle.

Kenichi held the thick of his arm, his eyes turning to Ichigai to confirm his safety and then again returning to the boar. He took as many moments as he could to gather his thoughts but he boar was restless and aggravated. He stood with his back to a large oak, one that oozed with the foul white liquid. The boar charged again. Kenichi waited until the last second to dodge, and the boar headbutted the tree with full strength. The force of the impact on the already dead tree caused it to start toppling over. With a large crack it split at impact, falling into the boar and crushing it under the weight of its limbs.

With the battle over, Ichigai rushed forward. "Don't." Kenichi said with a glare. "I'm fine. Let's get the water sample and get out of here." Even for a boar it was over aggressive and just simply more powerful. What kind of bacteria could do this. He reached into his bag and pulled out a vial, gathering some of the gook from the water and placing the cork back. He then proceeded to take a sample from the boar's hide and placed it into a dish of its own. "We should get these to Ishio. He'll know what to do." After patching up his arm, Kenichi escorted Ichigai back to Ishio's main research branch, leaving with Ishio the samples and documents he had gathered from the abandoned lab.

End Mission.

Chakra: 350 - 10 = 340
Jutsu Used:
(Fūton Kihon Jutsu) Wind Release Basic Technique
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: The user will release basic simple blasts or streams of wind from his limbs or mouth to defend or attack an enemy.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from here

Bella continues towards the Kage mansion, hoping she finds others to discuss this with first. If not, she would have to go out on the mission alone. Stopping at the various shops along her path to extort for food and items, she made sure she didn't stay too long and made it to her destination in time.

Leaving landmark.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from here:
Start of Mission Element: Make all the necessary plans and arrangements for your Clan = A Rank​

Madara and Akujin made their way through the mountains and tunnels after leaving the cave, the journey giving Madara time to think more about what the man said to him as he replayed the conversation in his head for the 10th time. Ten-Tails, Tiamat, Sunlit Forge, ten Relic Weapons... the man suggested that Madara's staff, Kumiumi, was the strongest of the 10 weapons. If that was so, then why did it feel like just an empty stick? Madara couldn't sense any chakra within it or anything, it felt as if it was just a regular staff. He grabbed it and in that brief moment, he sensed other Weapon Cores around the world. He sensed one leaving an area far into Tobusekai, one closer near him. Were these other people who met this void guy? Or were they his henchmen, waiting for orders? Madara pressed the thought from his mind until they finished their journey, needing a location to sit and rest up as well as give him a chance to look into things more.

Coming across the first of many small villages, Madara side eyed the people as they moved. They all moved dangerously, their eyes cutting daggers tqssowards him. Akujin's thoughts transitioned into Madara's, their minds linked together. He informed him of the villagers fierce loyalty to Daenerys and how word spreads fast through the area. They had already heard rumors of how Madara usurped power from her during her fight against the Red Fever and how he plans to use the village for his evil plans. Madara scoffed, annoyed at the citizens. Evil plans? He wanted to redevelop the land and bring them Ryo, food and stability, not use them as pawns.

"I suppose we have our work cut out for us then," he said to Akujin under his breath, moving along the buildings and raising his hood on as he walked forward. After a some short time, they came across an old inn that they stopped at, inquiring about drinks. Madara decided he needed to take the edge off a little.

The duo sat and drank silently, Madara's eyes moving around the bar at everyone there. There was no danger here and it was just a short stop, but he stayed watchful either way. After a few sips, he spoke to Akujin. Thought they could communicate mentally, he never downplayed the quality of an actual conversation.

"The village.. the capital was in Fuging."

"Yes, that's where the First Tekikage built his home. Daenerys also stayed there at the start of her term, I believe."

"Well, we are going to move it to Bulanshaat. The Ashigata clan are near there and striking an alliance with them will go a long way. Forming the capital near them will also be a good gesture of our new alliance. "

"I'll make arrangements to get things situated there. We will need a proper second in command. The villagers won't accept me as one, perhaps one of the Ashigata members?

"That's a good idea, it'll encourage them to be more active and receptive to our rule. We need to keep tabs on all of the Ninja of the land as well, some may still be loyal to Daenerys. We need to find them and any who are loyal to the country and see where their new allegiance lies."

"Very well. Should I head out and seek them now?"

"No... no, we'll head towards Fuging first and then go to Bulanshaat afterwards. Let's continue onwards now, we can get there pretty quickly."

Leaving LM
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Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
It's been some time since Susabi has been alone. Soon after the death of Daeneyrs, a bijuu had threated a close by land and was sealed by Uchiha Madara, the former leader's executioner. The Red Fever was also cured by the God Child, a being a divine seemingly divine power. The rise of the undead, the appearance of an all knowing spider have pointed the Hyuga to believe the Uchiha's claims about the looming threat of gods. On top of all this, it's been a long while since he's even seen his closest friend, Ren.
A lot was on Susabi's mind and solitude would give him the space to digest the findings. As much as he didn't want to believe or credit his "associate " all signs currently point to that there was some truth to the words he exchanged with Madara, who recently departed on his way to meet The Spider and inquire about the God Child. The fact that the child is the key remains, if Madara can find the child, humanity may be able to learn from him and prepare themselves for an onslaught. Naturally, Susabi's prerogative would either to find the God Child or inquire about the Gods themselves, neither are easy tasks. His eyes, while a far reaching in terms of sight, using them to search the world would take entirely too long and that would be the least of his worries. Where would he even start? The last encounter Susabi had with the God Child was at Last Bastion, so that would have to be his starting point. But before making any movements, he contacted Madara using the scroll.

What info do you have on the child? The Prince of Knowledge waited for a response.

@Lord of Kaos
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Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from here

Madara and Akujin continue towards the Sunlit Forge, pausing only momentarily. Akujin informed Madara of a message via one of the communication scrolls he had handed out to Susabi. The message was short and direct, inquiring about what Madara had learned regarding the God Child.

Madara relayed the information to Akujin, telling him what to send back to Susabi. There wasn't much to reveal so far, only that the Child wasn't traveling with the teen who was his guide anymore and that a fight had commenced where Emiya had suffered near defeat if not for the Child itself. More interestingly enough, the Child was now in the protection of others stronger than Emiya was and that the one who fought him was named Demetrias, one of the powerful Voidlords connected to the undead roaming the earth.

As Akujin detailed all of this, Madara stopped to check the map Lucifer gave him once more to ensure he was on the right path. Seeing that he was, the duo took off once more after the information had been passed to Susabi.


The message Susabi sent seemed to have reached Madara who replied to him promptly. The news he received floored him. The God Child was almost lost and it was the child who saved his bearer and not the other way around.
Demetrias... Susabi thought to himself. His worries began to stir. This Voidlord was powerful enough to overcome the bearer and had it not been for the child's divine might. It would have been over. It had seemed the gods were more involved than he had realized. To make an actual appearance to try to commandeer the child. What did they want with him?
Hopefully those who are currently watching over Demetrias have enough strength to protect the little one. If Demetrias' arrival was connected to the undead in some fashion then the attempts to take the child are far from done yet.

Instead of setting out to find the child, Susabi decided to bide his time.


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Like clockwork, a being showed itself and made it's presence known to the world from a place known as the Dark Tower. This was all too familiar to Susabi, the arrival of a beast that could spell trouble. However, this being wasn't one of the nine fabled tailed beast that he and Madara had encountered earlier. To see it's connection to the events going on with the Gods, Susabi took off.



Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from:

This post encompasses a B-rank mission containing the following storyboard elements:
  • Take part in a physical trial (2)
  • Choose between what is right and what is easy (3)
More forest.


The leader of the Brothers had been reduced to carrying his metaphorical cross – a quite literal statue now sold as a jigsaw puzzle in three pieces – in a large sack on his back. As he pushed through yet another tangling branch with a muttered curse, Hawke reminded himself to throttle Misk the next time he saw him. The rat-faced little shit had wisely volunteered for the rear-guard before they entered Pingmay proper, but if this dense undergrowth did not get better soon then distance alone would not save him. They would have turned south towards Keishi, but that was simply too close to Qingshui. Even the most crooked buyer would balk at that deal. So now the choice was between Khulna and the Port of Kinai, both of which were a lot farther away than Garrett wanted to haul a polished slab of rock. And now there were hills to contend with. It was downright unacceptable, and things only deteriorated from there.

A holler came from down the line: “We gots a wagon broken back here!”

The wagons were big, sturdy things of dark wood and steel fastenings, but even they were strained to their breaking point in this rough terrain. Hawke cursed loudly when he saw the trouble for himself; a rear axle had been sheared in two.

“Who knows how to fix one of these?” Hawke called out to the group with a thumb pointed at the broken wagon. There was a pregnant silence as all the Brothers looked around at each other first, then back at Hawke with a collective shrug.

“No one? You’ve gotta be kidding me.”

“I says we let the horses off and leave it here,” Fat Tom grunted. “One wagon less is almost the same, innit?” A few of the Brothers mumbled in agreement.

“It’s not the same, Tom,” Hawke spat with a scowl at the tubby redhead. “It’s a whole wagon less. Now let’s keep it moving!”

“How’s we ‘sposed to do that, boss?” Lout the Lout protested nasally, snot eternally running from his pig nose.

“Lift the fuckin’ thing for all I care! Make it work!”

“But boss,” Lout whined, like a misbehaving child protesting his curfew. “You’s the only one’s can do sumthin’ like that!”

“And the rest of us are handling a wagon each, yeah?” Fat Tom concurred with a stupid nod of his stupid face. “Or we could just leave it here, mate.”

“We’re not leaving it here,” Hawke informed him, crossing his arms to convey the finality of that.


Five hours later they were finally reaching the outskirts of Pingmay, an area to which Hawke vowed he would never return. It was not so much the fact that the wagon was heavy, which it was, but the constant shifting and grinding noises of the statues inside it made Hawke cringe and wince every time he took a step or changed his grip. It had made the trip nerve-wracking, as well as potentially pointless if the sculptures in his wagon had ended up breaking.

Hawke could have made it easier on himself, but once he had the wagon over his head using anything fancy would be like admitting that he couldn’t hack it. And thus, sweating like a pig and with a mouth as dry as the Great Wind Desert, Hawke had carried the damn thing the entire way. As he unsteadily shifted the wagon on his back to allow himself to wipe some sweat off his face, Hawke could not help but wonder how it all had come to this.

“You’s doin’ great, b-“

“Shut your trap, Lout!” Hawke growled at the man, who obediently closed his mouth and suddenly found the mane of his horse incredibly fascinating to look at.

“Now this is what’s wrong with this country these days,” Hawke barked bitterly, cursing as he felt another branch snag on the wagon bed. “Back when the Freehold was around this path would’ve been kept proper open.” He nearly slipped on a patch of loose sediment and felt the muscles in his arms strain as he struggled to keep his balance. “Now it’s a damn mess! Any halfwit shinobi or lord may faff about and think he’s the second coming of Arekusandā.” Another struggle with the unsteady footing begat another curse as Garrett gnashed his teeth together in frustration. “Now back when I was in the Hangu-…”

But just then Hawke spied a sliver of light in the distance, as the thick forest slowly gave way to a more open landscape. Their journey through this horrid land was almost over. The pain it caused him to skip the rest of the way was worth it, and not even Sai Nobunaga’s statue having broken into a fourth piece could ruin his mood as they left the forest behind them.

- Leaving for LM 33


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard and his Edo Tensei would make a shortcut towards the sea to faster get to their destination. This lead them to plunge into areas they had not been before. Here there were no holdups and the two could march through the landmark without interruptions.



Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from Bulanshaat (033)

This post contains an S rank storyboard mission called: Come up with a delicate plan and abolish knowledge

The carriage kept rolling and Barney and Panthalassa kept silence out of it. Their obnoxious jokes and laughter went onto Myke Hauks nerves but he didn't interrupt them like last time. This time he was calm and let them have it as a prize for completing the previous mission. As a contrast to Barney and Panthalassa, he was extremely silent and didn't lift an eye from the scroll, holding it squeezed tightly in his meaty and sweaty hands, like a fat child holds their unhealthy candy.

Suddenly, he broke his silence and cast it onto Barney and Panthalassa, stunning them momentarily.

"Soon we'll get to the university research center." he stated without blinking or lifting his eyes from the scroll. It looked as if he was looking through it, somewhat spaced out. "When we think about the world, the past, the present and the future, the most precious thing we have is knowledge. After life. After youth." he said calmly and with pauses while Barney and Panthalassa almost burst out laughing but didn't do so out of respect.

"The world has put its hopes onto the young ones and invests into their knowledge, hoping that they can learn in their lifetimes more than the elders managed to learn in theirs." he said, which seemed like a brilliant statement now that Barney calmed down and thought about it for a moment.

"The goal this time is to take that knowledge from the youth and to take the youth from the elders. Try and capture the researchers you can find and burn all the documents stored. We want to strike Madara where it hurts." he said and lifted his head giving both Barney and Panthalassa a look to see if they understood and accepted. They both did of course.

"Oh, and one more thing. I was told they have a seismograph inside, so do with that information what you want." he finished his TED talk and let Barney and Panthalassa come up with a plan for the remainder of the ride. Silence was exterminated once more while the two loud friends agreed on the details.

"What do you think? Let me handle the documents and I'll serve you the students on a silver platter. I've got an idea." said Barney as they arrived and Panthalassas silent nod was a sign of agreement.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Barney and Planthalassa stepped outside and Barney channeled chakra into his hand and laid it on the ground. As the chakra spread throughout the ground, it shook the earth beneath them and it's composition, creating a tremor between the rocks quickly spread and would be picked up by the seismograph and due to the close vicinity of the epicenter, it would seem like a massive earthquake. A few shaky moments and all the scientists came out running out of the building with their white coats and safety hats on. They stood there scared shitless from the prospect of the building collapsing and as Barney predicted, they were all served to Panthalassa on a silver pladder.

(Doton: Yochi no Douyou) - Earth Release: World Shaking
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will concentrate and release their chakra into the ground to create a small tremer that can result in making the enemies lose their footing and fall to ground or miss the aim of a given technique.
"Good luck." he said and ran past the scientists as they stood there feeling the aftershock still, strsight into the empty building. As he entered, he slammed the door and locked behind, making sure that his work would be uninterrupted. Or so it would seem.

As he entered from room to room, he looked around, searching for some sort of old manuals, scientific papers, dictionaries, hand written notes, blueprints and things alike, but there was nothing similar in sight. Instead, the rooms were hi-tech and outfitted with latest technology and it striked his interest. He inspected the tools and equipment and sealed some things away into his coat though his chest pocket, out of his own selfish reasons.

Osoroshī no Hakui | Horrible's Lab Coat
Type: Custom Weapon
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-10)
Damage: N/A
Description: Horrible's lab coat is a special form of medical equipment used by certified Medical Ninja with Advanced Fuuinjutsu knowledge. It is a white doctors coat that fits tightly around Barney, with a row of buttons on the right shoulder, which are used to tighten the coat properly and to avoid it from being taken down or ripped off during battle. A chest pocket can be found on the left side with the symbol of Caduceus, which is the Staff of Hermes that features two snakes winding around the winged staff often associated with trade, liars, thieves, eloquence, negotiation, alchemy and wisdom. The coat is made from a light, elastic, tear and ignition resistant fabric that is imbued with a powerful advanced seal that manifests through the chest pocket which glows the symbol of Caduceus when used. Using his medical knowledge, Barney has imbued the coat with a chakra circulatory system, which was made to replicate his own. This has been achieved through experimentation with Medical Technique: Rebuilding Chakra Pathways during the period of isolation that Barney spent in his laboratory, deep in the heart of Yume Island. The end result was a coat that has the same chakra circulatory system like Barney, yet independent from his own. To use the coat, Barney has to spend 10 chakra per turn in order to fuel that independent chakra system, which can be filled up to 100 chakra points and every battle the count starts at 0 and as such can't be filled before a battle. There are two distinguished active abilities and one passive that Barney can utilize while wearing the coat and fueling it with his own chakra. While wearing the coat, Barney's mind starts getting overtaken by his alter ego known as Dr. Horrible, which is as his name suggests the dark side of Barney.

Juiced Boost (Passive) - Willingly, Barney can channel chakra for sealing techniques and his primary elemental affinity through the chakra circulatory system of the coat to siphon back the expended 10 chakra per turn in order to empower said techniques by +10 chakra for sealing techniques or translating that chakra increase into +20 damage for his primary elemental affinity. Performing techniques this way can only be achieved once per turn due to the siphoning effect requiring the chakra to be spent beforehand to fuel the coat. This is achieved passively in the same timeframe as the technique as it is directly channeled through the coat. The empowering effect cannot be achieved for the same fields in consecutive turns, meaning at best they can alternate turns and can only be utilized for a maximum of 4 times per battle.

Slouch Pouch (Active) - The imbued advanced seal only manifests itself in the chest pocket that the coat has, and it has the ability to seal anything put into it, at the cost of 20 chakra, be it from Barney or the coat itself. For example, if Barney puts living tissue, organic matter, etc into it, the chest pocket will recognize its composition and seal it into a container within the proper medium required to prevent it from decaying and deteriorating. Once an object is sealed through the chest pocket, the coat has the ability to store the sealed object until Barney has a need for it. Visually, from the inside of the coat, the stored objects can be seen as drawn objects with their appropriate sealing formulae surrounding them. Essentially, it acts as a warehouse status and a library, allowing Barney to know all the objects that are sealed within the coat and containing a variety of sealing scrolls for a multitude of purposes. Once the need arises, only Barney can call forth of the sealed objects in the form of simple sealing scrolls that will slide through his sleeves and into his hands. Furthermore, this way the coat removes the need to carry pouches for various other ninja tools and weapons, which can be stored within the coat and slid through the sleeves without a cost of a move. Sealing anything through the chest pocket, however, does count as a move per turn and activating any sealing scroll counts as a move as well, depending on the technique that the scroll is used for. As such, techniques for scrolls would have to be posted separately, for reference.

Pocket Lock-it (Active) - Using the chest pocket found on the coat, Barney can erect from it, a generic translucent barrier that spans up to half of short range around himself in each direction, forming a short ranged half dome and is programmed to absorb and seal away chakra on contact. To exert the barrier, Barney has to expend up to 70 chakra, be it his own or stored from the coat, based on the technique being absorbed. Once the chakra from the technique has been absorbed, it gets pulled into the chest pocket and can be stored into the coat up to its limit. From there chakra can be released in the form of a foreign chakra infusion into Barney's own chakra system in order to replenish his chakra pool. This ability counts as one of the moves per turn and can only be utilized twice per conflict. Using the sealing prevents the user from using another sealing ability in the same and next two turns, after which the next sealing technique can't be an advanced seal, but a regular seal instead, up to and including A rank.

Note: Only McRazor can use this
"****. I should've come to work here instead of destroying this place. Damn, what a shame." he said with a saddened heart thinking of the possibilities. Another interesting thing was the fact that there were no computers anywhere and instead only peripherals, monitors, mice and keyboards. The research center was running everything on a centralized server with virtual machines. It was quite advanced but a disadvantage in a situation like this, where Barney only needed to destroy the server like a heart, in order to render the whole body useless. But where was the server room? All the cables led into the floor and were routed through it, hidden from plain sight and from preying eyes.

There were three floors to the building and Barney quickly realized that there was no point in going from room to room so he went straight to the lowest floor. This place was run like a surgery room and everything was in its place, perfectly clean and organized. Just how he liked it. Seriously, this was his dream place. It's going to be such a same when he destroys it in the end. And the data. If only he could perhaps steal the data for himself and then destroy it, to make sure that it doesn't go to waste. He would hate for the knowledge to vanish in thin air. Imagine the advancements it could give him in his own research.

"Hey! Stop right there!" an unfamiliar voice shouted. A guard stopped Barney right before the vault and Barney didn't even realize how he got there. His mind drifted away while he wandered and now that he reached his destination, a guard summoned him back to reality. So the server is within a vault. That explains some things. At first glance it was a simple stainless steel door that wouldn't be much of a trouble for Barney, but then again, behind there were kept some of the most important research and they certainly doubled down on security. Including this guy over there. He couldn't leave the vicinity of the vault even during a crisis situation such as an earthquake.

"Okay, yes. I'm stopping." said Barney with his hands raised and surrendering.

"What are you doing here?" asked the guard and said "You're not supposed to be here. Go back to your office. It was just a small earthquake and everything should return to normal."

Barney was surprised but went along. "You're right. I was just scared and wanted to check if everyone was alright. Have you seen any of the others? I swear this place is empty."

"As a matter of fact, no. You're right. I'll check where they are and you go back to your office." said the guard.

"Yes sir, off I go." said Barney as he marched behind the corner and then gave it a peek to see if the guard was gone. This was so simple. Too simple. Something had to be wrong. There was no way that the guy has mistaken Barney for a scientist that works here. Hold on a minute. That's... actually not surprising at all. Huh.

Once the air was clear, Barney went back to the vault door and started inspecting it with his stethoscope that he kept sealed in the coat. He put it against the numbered spin lock and started listening as he spun the lock. Just like in those old classic movies, except that this lock was much more advanced. There was not much to be heard as the mechanism within the lock seemed to be anything except mechanical. At this point, Barney realized that this endeavor was slowly starting to take more and more time as he brainstormed for possible solutions on how to open the vault. 'Think Barney, think!' he thought to himself and suddenly had a curious thought.

"Chances of this working are slim, but it's worth a shot." he said with a whisper to himself, to get his hopes up and to get a more positive outlook on the situation. He placed his hand onto the vault and channeled his chakra into the locking mechanism. Immediately, the lock clicked and the door opened slightly, letting the captured air escape outside. As he pushed the door to the side, he had a sight to see.

( Kekkai Kireme no Jutsu ) - Barrier Shatter Technique
Rank: B - S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will insert their chakra into a active barrier to then interfere with the source and cancel the barrier shattering its shell.
Note: Must make direct contact. Regular Fuuinjutsu users can dispel Barrier Techniques B-Rank and below. Uzumaki bios can dispel up to A-Rank. Advanced Sealing Specialists can dispel up to S rank Barriers.
Rows and rows of servers and network equipment were stretched out neatly with meticulous cable management all across the giant server room. It was a massive data center hidden behind a vault door.

"Bob is that you?" said a voice and Barney took cover. Bob must've been the guard that Barney spoke to earlier. So, if the vault was locked with a sealing formula and he was outside, he must've been a sealing specialist. He was probably connected to the village they raided earlier. Good to know.

Barney circled slowly and silently around the row of servers and appeared behind the second guard. Unfortunately for Barney, the guard had some form of sensing so he immediately turned around.

"You're not Bob!" he sounded surprised. "And you're not Gretchen!" returned Barney as he punched the guard just below his nose with his open palm. Blood started pouring down the guards face but it didn't throw him off balance. Instead, it only enraged him further. He grabbed Barney's outstretched arm and spun him around before throwing him on the floor. Before Barney could react, the guard was kneeling on his back, pressing his neck forcefully with his knee.

"I... can't... br... eathe!" struggled Barney, trying to gasp a breath. "Please!"

"Be silent!" screamed the guard. At this point Barney turned into self preservation mode and acted instinctively. He coated his hands with maximum SHU value Capsaicin and managed to grab the guards ankle which resulted in one of the most painful screams Barney has ever heard. It was a screech of pain, so intense that the guard started rolling on the floor and convulsing his whole body. The Capsaicin that made contact with his skin started gorging up and spreading across his whole body and within moments the guard passed out from pain.

Kapusaichinton: Desuparēto shi onegai | Capsaicin Release: Desperate Deathwish
Type: Offensive
Rank: S rank
Range: Short to Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Desperate Deathwish is, just as its name suggests, a technique of high caliber that pushes the victims to the limits in terms of coping with pain. It is based on the maximum SHU value (16,000,000 SHU) that is aimed to cripple the opponent's body by overwhelming his nerves on contact with Capsaicin. The technique itself is a very fast projectile that the user spits out of his mouth in the form of a waxy globule of Capsaicin but it can also be used in hand to hand combat, allowing the user to apply the Capsaicin on touch with his hands on the opponent or inanimate objects like weapons, etc. The projectile, however, is aimed at the opponent and if it hits, the opponent would immediately start feeling the heat and pain that Capsaicin causes. This pain would push the opponent to the limits of the pain scale. Regarding the projectile itself, it can reach up to mid range and it is of the size of a basketball. Due to the nature that Capsaicin works, by binding to the TRPV1 receptor and prompting it to send a massive influx of calcium ions into the brain in order to signalize heat and pain, Capsaicin doesn't have the property to induce nerve and tissue damage itself. However, the influx of calcium ions signals the brain that there's a burning sensation and basically tricks the brain into inflaming the tissue as if it has undergone a burn or abrasion and the resulting inflammation causes tissue damage. The tissue damage happens if the opponent doesn't remove the Capsaicin in contact within the immediate turn. This is the reason why the technique is named Desperate Deathwish, symbolically implying that the opponent should rather end his life than endure the agonyzing pain and suffer through tissue death.
Note: Can't use Capsaicin techniques above A rank for 2 turns
Note: Can only be used again after 2 turns of cooldown
Note: Can only be used 2 times per battle
Kapusaichinton: Rakukantekina chikaku | Capsaicin Release: Sanguine Sentient
Type: Offensive
Rank: A/S rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30/40 (-5/-10 per turn)
Damage: 60/80
Description: Sanguine Sentient is, just as its name suggests, a powerful technique that has only one goal in its mind, to envelop an opponent completely with high SHU Capsaicin and use it to inflict torturous amounts of pain. The technique is suited for close quarter combat and it is performed through physical contact. Upon gathering the required chakra, the user shape manipulates it into a sentient being unlike any other. Instead of shape manipulating the Capsaicin like every other element does, this technique doesnt assume any specific form and remains a simple body made of the waxy and sticky compound that is Capsaicin. Because of the users chakra, it is programed to perform a specific task, spread across anything and everything until the opponent is completely enveloped within it thus it doesn't require the users focus once it's performed, allowing him to perform other techniques. This is the reason behind its sentience because it can act on its own and choose the best possible way to efficiently and swiftly subject the opponent to the Capsaicin. To perform the technique, the user releases the Capsaicin through his limbs on contact with the opponent and the Capsaicin sticks onto the opponents body, spreading into any crevice it can find along its way. The Capsaicin will move swiftly and quickly, over the whole surface of the said object or being, which the user comes into contact with. Generally, the Capsaicin has the ability to seep through regular clothing, while metals and harder materials can't be sept through, but due to the increased smoother surface, it will move along the whole surface of the said object which the user has come into contact with. Furthermore, the technique can also be utilized with anything the user is in contact with for eg. a weapon, following the same general principle. The user spreads the Capsaicin from his hands onto the weapon that he's holding and once their weapons clash, the sentient body of Capsaicin spreads itself onto the opponents weapon and from there onto the opponent himself. Once the high SHU Capsaicin gets in contact with the opponents skin, it binds to the sensory receptors and sends an influx of calcium ions into the brain, which get deciphered as pain and heat from the affected area. Due to the fact that the Capsaicin spreads across the whole body, the nervous system would be overwhelmed and if the opponent fails to remove the Capsaicin within two turns, he would lose consciousness. Upon removing the Capsaicin, the pain would persist for 2 more turns for the S rank variant, while it would persist for 1 turn for the A rank variant. Upon immediate contact with the Capsaicin, the opponent would most likely be prompted to throw away and lose grip of his weapons, unless he has means to overcome the pain and remove the Capsaicin. In the next turn, after removing the Capsaicin, the opponent would be able to pick up the weapon but he would have trouble wielding it, as well as performing coordinated taijutsu movements and techniques for both variants. Consequently, the opponent would regain all aforementioned abilities while lesser amounts of pain persist in the second turn after removing the Capsaicin for the S rank variant. If the user so decides, he can activate this technique in order to spread the Capsaicin upon physical contact over a course of 3 turns, but he needs to pay additional chakra to keep it sustained. This allows the user to use the technique to its full potential by combining it with other taijutsu and kenjutsu techniques and movements.
Note: Can't use A rank Capsaicin techniques in the same and next turn if S rank variant is used
Note: Can't use S rank Capsaicin techniques in the same turn if A rank variant is used
Note: S rank variant can only be used 2 times per battle with a 2 turn cooldown
Note: A rank variant can only be used 3 times per battle
Note: Lasts for 3 turns for both variants
With the guard dealt with, Barney propped up his hands and took a few deep and relaxing breaths but still felt dizzy from the lack of oxygen in his brain. He knelt there for a few moments before being able to stand up and hurry to finish this up. Down the long corridor was a small control room which was unlocked and contained the master computer that controlled the whole operation. From his coat, Barney took out a storage disk and connected it to the master computer and initiated a complete copy of the files. An estimated time of the process appeared on the screen and it started counting down from 4:20. 4:19. 4:18... Time passed too slowly. ****.

Barney looked down the corridor and the air was still clear. When he looked back on the screen it said 4:04. 4:03. Come on baby. Hurry the **** up. Please. He became excessively nervous and started pacing across the control room. Unbeknownst to Barney, Bob made his way into the server room and noticed the second guard named Derek laying on the ground covered in an unknown substance. It was still reacting and spreading which was enough warning for Bob not to touch it. With a quiet step, he slowly approached the control room and noticed Barney pacing up and down. Without any warning, he threw two shuriken with wires attached to them, at Barney's feet and as they spun, they tripped Barney and tied his feet.

This was a rookie mistake on Barney's part because he let his guard down. He couldn't let the information go just like that and for his selfish reasons he deviated from the plan, which put him in this extremely unfavorable situation. He figured, if he could somehow use this information he could learn more about the situation with this Madara. What he was up to and how to defeat him. But then again, perhaps Madara was right. He knew to cherish knowledge and information enough to invest into them and he obviously seemed like a smart person with a plan. Perhaps this rebellion was wrong. Perhaps he picked the wrong side. Perhaps...

As he fell on the ground, he instinctively rolled to the side which allowed him to avoid Bob's kunai as he stabbed into the soft laminate floor that was laid on top of the concrete to reduce noise and echo. The kunai got stuck in the laminate and Barney managed to pull his tied legs and to knock them into Bob, pushing him aside and knocking him into a metal cabinet. Since his hands were free, Barney managed to untie his feet before Bob stood back up and they were face to face again.

"Big mistake pal." said Bob with blood pouring from the left side of his skull since he bumped into the cabinet with his head. He punched with his right hand through the air and Barney leaned to his side to dodge it and ducked to dodge the second punch with his left. With a well placed uppercut, Barney knocked Bob off his feet and saw him fall on the ground, outstretched like Patrick, the starfish from Bikini Bottom.

(Raijin) - Zeus
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user will strike the target into the air with a lightning infused uppercutting palm attack.
As he looked on the screen, the time said 0:04. 0:03. 0:02. 0:01. 0:00. Completed. Suddenly, the alarm activated, lights went off and red floodlights swarmed the room like in a Jack Bauers 24 episode. Barney grabbed the storage disk and sealed it through his chest pocket before setting the room ablaze. As he ran across the server room, he kept spewing the fire and aiming for all those neatly organized cables and components. Due to the cables plastic casing, the fire started melting them and spreading quickly through the whole server room and out of it into the hallway just behind as Barney jumped for dramatic effect. He stood up and then ran some more, before getting to the entrance. After he unlocked the door he rushed outside and got blinded by the sunlight.

(Katon: Gōen no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Great Flame Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user does one handseal and inhales while molding a great amount of chakra into their lungs and expelling a large stream of flames from their mouth. The user has control over the concentration of the technique, being able to produce a narrow jet of flames, highly concentrated or one that will widen along its range. The flames are hot enough to quickly evaporate large quantities of water within a relatively short amount of time.
"It's done." he said with his hand covering his eyes, unable to see or hear anything. He had no idea what happened outside.
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Active member
Jan 21, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from Bulanshaat (033)

This post contains an S rank storyboard mission called: Come up with a delicate plan and abolish knowledge

The carriage kept rolling and Barney and Panthalassa kept silence out of it. Their obnoxious jokes and laughter went onto Myke Hauks nerves but he didn't interrupt them like last time. This time he was calm and let them have it as a prize for completing the previous mission. As a contrast to Barney and Panthalassa, he was extremely silent and didn't lift an eye from the scroll, holding it squeezed tightly in his meaty and sweaty hands, like a fat child holds their unhealthy candy.

Suddenly, he broke his silence and cast it onto Barney and Panthalassa, stunning them momentarily.

"Soon we'll get to the university research center." he stated without blinking or lifting his eyes from the scroll. It looked as if he was looking through it, somewhat spaced out. "When we think about the world, the past, the present and the future, the most precious thing we have is knowledge. After life. After youth." he said calmly and with pauses while Barney and Panthalassa almost burst out laughing but didn't do so out of respect.

"The world has put its hopes onto the young ones and invests into their knowledge, hoping that they can learn in their lifetimes more than the elders managed to learn in theirs." he said, which seemed like a brilliant statement now that Barney calmed down and thought about it for a moment.

"The goal this time is to take that knowledge from the youth and to take the youth from the elders. Try and capture the researchers you can find and burn all the documents stored. We want to strike Madara where it hurts." he said and lifted his head giving both Barney and Panthalassa a look to see if they understood and accepted. They both did of course.

"Oh, and one more thing. I was told they have a seismograph inside, so do with that information what you want." he finished his TED talk and let Barney and Panthalassa come up with a plan for the remainder of the ride. Silence was exterminated once more while the two loud friends agreed on the details.

"What do you think? Let me handle the documents and I'll serve you the students on a silver platter. I've got an idea." said Barney as they arrived and Panthalassas silent nod was a sign of agreement.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Barney and Planthalassa stepped outside and Barney channeled chakra into his hand and laid it on the ground. As the chakra spread throughout the ground, it shook the earth beneath them and it's composition, creating a tremor between the rocks quickly spread and would be picked up by the seismograph and due to the close vicinity of the epicenter, it would seem like a massive earthquake. A few shaky moments and all the scientists came out running out of the building with their white coats and safety hats on. They stood there scared shitless from the prospect of the building collapsing and as Barney predicted, they were all served to Panthalassa on a silver pladder.

(Doton: Yochi no Douyou) - Earth Release: World Shaking
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will concentrate and release their chakra into the ground to create a small tremer that can result in making the enemies lose their footing and fall to ground or miss the aim of a given technique.
"Good luck." he said and ran past the scientists as they stood there feeling the aftershock still, strsight into the empty building. As he entered, he slammed the door and locked behind, making sure that his work would be uninterrupted. Or so it would seem.

As he entered from room to room, he looked around, searching for some sort of old manuals, scientific papers, dictionaries, hand written notes, blueprints and things alike, but there was nothing similar in sight. Instead, the rooms were hi-tech and outfitted with latest technology and it striked his interest. He inspected the tools and equipment and sealed some things away into his coat though his chest pocket, out of his own selfish reasons.

Osoroshī no Hakui | Horrible's Lab Coat
Type: Custom Weapon
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-10)
Damage: N/A
Description: Horrible's lab coat is a special form of medical equipment used by certified Medical Ninja with Advanced Fuuinjutsu knowledge. It is a white doctors coat that fits tightly around Barney, with a row of buttons on the right shoulder, which are used to tighten the coat properly and to avoid it from being taken down or ripped off during battle. A chest pocket can be found on the left side with the symbol of Caduceus, which is the Staff of Hermes that features two snakes winding around the winged staff often associated with trade, liars, thieves, eloquence, negotiation, alchemy and wisdom. The coat is made from a light, elastic, tear and ignition resistant fabric that is imbued with a powerful advanced seal that manifests through the chest pocket which glows the symbol of Caduceus when used. Using his medical knowledge, Barney has imbued the coat with a chakra circulatory system, which was made to replicate his own. This has been achieved through experimentation with Medical Technique: Rebuilding Chakra Pathways during the period of isolation that Barney spent in his laboratory, deep in the heart of Yume Island. The end result was a coat that has the same chakra circulatory system like Barney, yet independent from his own. To use the coat, Barney has to spend 10 chakra per turn in order to fuel that independent chakra system, which can be filled up to 100 chakra points and every battle the count starts at 0 and as such can't be filled before a battle. There are two distinguished active abilities and one passive that Barney can utilize while wearing the coat and fueling it with his own chakra. While wearing the coat, Barney's mind starts getting overtaken by his alter ego known as Dr. Horrible, which is as his name suggests the dark side of Barney.

Juiced Boost (Passive) - Willingly, Barney can channel chakra for sealing techniques and his primary elemental affinity through the chakra circulatory system of the coat to siphon back the expended 10 chakra per turn in order to empower said techniques by +10 chakra for sealing techniques or translating that chakra increase into +20 damage for his primary elemental affinity. Performing techniques this way can only be achieved once per turn due to the siphoning effect requiring the chakra to be spent beforehand to fuel the coat. This is achieved passively in the same timeframe as the technique as it is directly channeled through the coat. The empowering effect cannot be achieved for the same fields in consecutive turns, meaning at best they can alternate turns and can only be utilized for a maximum of 4 times per battle.

Slouch Pouch (Active) - The imbued advanced seal only manifests itself in the chest pocket that the coat has, and it has the ability to seal anything put into it, at the cost of 20 chakra, be it from Barney or the coat itself. For example, if Barney puts living tissue, organic matter, etc into it, the chest pocket will recognize its composition and seal it into a container within the proper medium required to prevent it from decaying and deteriorating. Once an object is sealed through the chest pocket, the coat has the ability to store the sealed object until Barney has a need for it. Visually, from the inside of the coat, the stored objects can be seen as drawn objects with their appropriate sealing formulae surrounding them. Essentially, it acts as a warehouse status and a library, allowing Barney to know all the objects that are sealed within the coat and containing a variety of sealing scrolls for a multitude of purposes. Once the need arises, only Barney can call forth of the sealed objects in the form of simple sealing scrolls that will slide through his sleeves and into his hands. Furthermore, this way the coat removes the need to carry pouches for various other ninja tools and weapons, which can be stored within the coat and slid through the sleeves without a cost of a move. Sealing anything through the chest pocket, however, does count as a move per turn and activating any sealing scroll counts as a move as well, depending on the technique that the scroll is used for. As such, techniques for scrolls would have to be posted separately, for reference.

Pocket Lock-it (Active) - Using the chest pocket found on the coat, Barney can erect from it, a generic translucent barrier that spans up to half of short range around himself in each direction, forming a short ranged half dome and is programmed to absorb and seal away chakra on contact. To exert the barrier, Barney has to expend up to 70 chakra, be it his own or stored from the coat, based on the technique being absorbed. Once the chakra from the technique has been absorbed, it gets pulled into the chest pocket and can be stored into the coat up to its limit. From there chakra can be released in the form of a foreign chakra infusion into Barney's own chakra system in order to replenish his chakra pool. This ability counts as one of the moves per turn and can only be utilized twice per conflict. Using the sealing prevents the user from using another sealing ability in the same and next two turns, after which the next sealing technique can't be an advanced seal, but a regular seal instead, up to and including A rank.

Note: Only McRazor can use this
"****. I should've come to work here instead of destroying this place. Damn, what a shame." he said with a saddened heart thinking of the possibilities. Another interesting thing was the fact that there were no computers anywhere and instead only peripherals, monitors, mice and keyboards. The research center was running everything on a centralized server with virtual machines. It was quite advanced but a disadvantage in a situation like this, where Barney only needed to destroy the server like a heart, in order to render the whole body useless. But where was the server room? All the cables led into the floor and were routed through it, hidden from plain sight and from preying eyes.

There were three floors to the building and Barney quickly realized that there was no point in going from room to room so he went straight to the lowest floor. This place was run like a surgery room and everything was in its place, perfectly clean and organized. Just how he liked it. Seriously, this was his dream place. It's going to be such a same when he destroys it in the end. And the data. If only he could perhaps steal the data for himself and then destroy it, to make sure that it doesn't go to waste. He would hate for the knowledge to vanish in thin air. Imagine the advancements it could give him in his own research.

"Hey! Stop right there!" an unfamiliar voice shouted. A guard stopped Barney right before the vault and Barney didn't even realize how he got there. His mind drifted away while he wandered and now that he reached his destination, a guard summoned him back to reality. So the server is within a vault. That explains some things. At first glance it was a simple stainless steel door that wouldn't be much of a trouble for Barney, but then again, behind there were kept some of the most important research and they certainly doubled down on security. Including this guy over there. He couldn't leave the vicinity of the vault even during a crisis situation such as an earthquake.

"Okay, yes. I'm stopping." said Barney with his hands raised and surrendering.

"What are you doing here?" asked the guard and said "You're not supposed to be here. Go back to your office. It was just a small earthquake and everything should return to normal."

Barney was surprised but went along. "You're right. I was just scared and wanted to check if everyone was alright. Have you seen any of the others? I swear this place is empty."

"As a matter of fact, no. You're right. I'll check where they are and you go back to your office." said the guard.

"Yes sir, off I go." said Barney as he marched behind the corner and then gave it a peek to see if the guard was gone. This was so simple. Too simple. Something had to be wrong. There was no way that the guy has mistaken Barney for a scientist that works here. Hold on a minute. That's... actually not surprising at all. Huh.

Once the air was clear, Barney went back to the vault door and started inspecting it with his stethoscope that he kept sealed in the coat. He put it against the numbered spin lock and started listening as he spun the lock. Just like in those old classic movies, except that this lock was much more advanced. There was not much to be heard as the mechanism within the lock seemed to be anything except mechanical. At this point, Barney realized that this endeavor was slowly starting to take more and more time as he brainstormed for possible solutions on how to open the vault. 'Think Barney, think!' he thought to himself and suddenly had a curious thought.

"Chances of this working are slim, but it's worth a shot." he said with a whisper to himself, to get his hopes up and to get a more positive outlook on the situation. He placed his hand onto the vault and channeled his chakra into the locking mechanism. Immediately, the lock clicked and the door opened slightly, letting the captured air escape outside. As he pushed the door to the side, he had a sight to see.

( Kekkai Kireme no Jutsu ) - Barrier Shatter Technique
Rank: B - S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will insert their chakra into a active barrier to then interfere with the source and cancel the barrier shattering its shell.
Note: Must make direct contact. Regular Fuuinjutsu users can dispel Barrier Techniques B-Rank and below. Uzumaki bios can dispel up to A-Rank. Advanced Sealing Specialists can dispel up to S rank Barriers.
Rows and rows of servers and network equipment were stretched out neatly with meticulous cable management all across the giant server room. It was a massive data center hidden behind a vault door.

"Bob is that you?" said a voice and Barney took cover. Bob must've been the guard that Barney spoke to earlier. So, if the vault was locked with a sealing formula and he was outside, he must've been a sealing specialist. He was probably connected to the village they raided earlier. Good to know.

Barney circled slowly and silently around the row of servers and appeared behind the second guard. Unfortunately for Barney, the guard had some form of sensing so he immediately turned around.

"You're not Bob!" he sounded surprised. "And you're not Gretchen!" returned Barney as he punched the guard just below his nose with his open palm. Blood started pouring down the guards face but it didn't throw him off balance. Instead, it only enraged him further. He grabbed Barney's outstretched arm and spun him around before throwing him on the floor. Before Barney could react, the guard was kneeling on his back, pressing his neck forcefully with his knee.

"I... can't... br... eathe!" struggled Barney, trying to gasp a breath. "Please!"

"Be silent!" screamed the guard. At this point Barney turned into self preservation mode and acted instinctively. He coated his hands with maximum SHU value Capsaicin and managed to grab the guards ankle which resulted in one of the most painful screams Barney has ever heard. It was a screech of pain, so intense that the guard started rolling on the floor and convulsing his whole body. The Capsaicin that made contact with his skin started gorging up and spreading across his whole body and within moments the guard passed out from pain.

Kapusaichinton: Desuparēto shi onegai | Capsaicin Release: Desperate Deathwish
Type: Offensive
Rank: S rank
Range: Short to Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Desperate Deathwish is, just as its name suggests, a technique of high caliber that pushes the victims to the limits in terms of coping with pain. It is based on the maximum SHU value (16,000,000 SHU) that is aimed to cripple the opponent's body by overwhelming his nerves on contact with Capsaicin. The technique itself is a very fast projectile that the user spits out of his mouth in the form of a waxy globule of Capsaicin but it can also be used in hand to hand combat, allowing the user to apply the Capsaicin on touch with his hands on the opponent or inanimate objects like weapons, etc. The projectile, however, is aimed at the opponent and if it hits, the opponent would immediately start feeling the heat and pain that Capsaicin causes. This pain would push the opponent to the limits of the pain scale. Regarding the projectile itself, it can reach up to mid range and it is of the size of a basketball. Due to the nature that Capsaicin works, by binding to the TRPV1 receptor and prompting it to send a massive influx of calcium ions into the brain in order to signalize heat and pain, Capsaicin doesn't have the property to induce nerve and tissue damage itself. However, the influx of calcium ions signals the brain that there's a burning sensation and basically tricks the brain into inflaming the tissue as if it has undergone a burn or abrasion and the resulting inflammation causes tissue damage. The tissue damage happens if the opponent doesn't remove the Capsaicin in contact within the immediate turn. This is the reason why the technique is named Desperate Deathwish, symbolically implying that the opponent should rather end his life than endure the agonyzing pain and suffer through tissue death.
Note: Can't use Capsaicin techniques above A rank for 2 turns
Note: Can only be used again after 2 turns of cooldown
Note: Can only be used 2 times per battle
Kapusaichinton: Rakukantekina chikaku | Capsaicin Release: Sanguine Sentient
Type: Offensive
Rank: A/S rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30/40 (-5/-10 per turn)
Damage: 60/80
Description: Sanguine Sentient is, just as its name suggests, a powerful technique that has only one goal in its mind, to envelop an opponent completely with high SHU Capsaicin and use it to inflict torturous amounts of pain. The technique is suited for close quarter combat and it is performed through physical contact. Upon gathering the required chakra, the user shape manipulates it into a sentient being unlike any other. Instead of shape manipulating the Capsaicin like every other element does, this technique doesnt assume any specific form and remains a simple body made of the waxy and sticky compound that is Capsaicin. Because of the users chakra, it is programed to perform a specific task, spread across anything and everything until the opponent is completely enveloped within it thus it doesn't require the users focus once it's performed, allowing him to perform other techniques. This is the reason behind its sentience because it can act on its own and choose the best possible way to efficiently and swiftly subject the opponent to the Capsaicin. To perform the technique, the user releases the Capsaicin through his limbs on contact with the opponent and the Capsaicin sticks onto the opponents body, spreading into any crevice it can find along its way. The Capsaicin will move swiftly and quickly, over the whole surface of the said object or being, which the user comes into contact with. Generally, the Capsaicin has the ability to seep through regular clothing, while metals and harder materials can't be sept through, but due to the increased smoother surface, it will move along the whole surface of the said object which the user has come into contact with. Furthermore, the technique can also be utilized with anything the user is in contact with for eg. a weapon, following the same general principle. The user spreads the Capsaicin from his hands onto the weapon that he's holding and once their weapons clash, the sentient body of Capsaicin spreads itself onto the opponents weapon and from there onto the opponent himself. Once the high SHU Capsaicin gets in contact with the opponents skin, it binds to the sensory receptors and sends an influx of calcium ions into the brain, which get deciphered as pain and heat from the affected area. Due to the fact that the Capsaicin spreads across the whole body, the nervous system would be overwhelmed and if the opponent fails to remove the Capsaicin within two turns, he would lose consciousness. Upon removing the Capsaicin, the pain would persist for 2 more turns for the S rank variant, while it would persist for 1 turn for the A rank variant. Upon immediate contact with the Capsaicin, the opponent would most likely be prompted to throw away and lose grip of his weapons, unless he has means to overcome the pain and remove the Capsaicin. In the next turn, after removing the Capsaicin, the opponent would be able to pick up the weapon but he would have trouble wielding it, as well as performing coordinated taijutsu movements and techniques for both variants. Consequently, the opponent would regain all aforementioned abilities while lesser amounts of pain persist in the second turn after removing the Capsaicin for the S rank variant. If the user so decides, he can activate this technique in order to spread the Capsaicin upon physical contact over a course of 3 turns, but he needs to pay additional chakra to keep it sustained. This allows the user to use the technique to its full potential by combining it with other taijutsu and kenjutsu techniques and movements.
Note: Can't use A rank Capsaicin techniques in the same and next turn if S rank variant is used
Note: Can't use S rank Capsaicin techniques in the same turn if A rank variant is used
Note: S rank variant can only be used 2 times per battle with a 2 turn cooldown
Note: A rank variant can only be used 3 times per battle
Note: Lasts for 3 turns for both variants
With the guard dealt with, Barney propped up his hands and took a few deep and relaxing breaths but still felt dizzy from the lack of oxygen in his brain. He knelt there for a few moments before being able to stand up and hurry to finish this up. Down the long corridor was a small control room which was unlocked and contained the master computer that controlled the whole operation. From his coat, Barney took out a storage disk and connected it to the master computer and initiated a complete copy of the files. An estimated time of the process appeared on the screen and it started counting down from 4:20. 4:19. 4:18... Time passed too slowly. ****.

Barney looked down the corridor and the air was still clear. When he looked back on the screen it said 4:04. 4:03. Come on baby. Hurry the **** up. Please. He became excessively nervous and started pacing across the control room. Unbeknownst to Barney, Bob made his way into the server room and noticed the second guard named Derek laying on the ground covered in an unknown substance. It was still reacting and spreading which was enough warning for Bob not to touch it. With a quiet step, he slowly approached the control room and noticed Barney pacing up and down. Without any warning, he threw two shuriken with wires attached to them, at Barney's feet and as they spun, they tripped Barney and tied his feet.

This was a rookie mistake on Barney's part because he let his guard down. He couldn't let the information go just like that and for his selfish reasons he deviated from the plan, which put him in this extremely unfavorable situation. He figured, if he could somehow use this information he could learn more about the situation with this Madara. What he was up to and how to defeat him. But then again, perhaps Madara was right. He knew to cherish knowledge and information enough to invest into them and he obviously seemed like a smart person with a plan. Perhaps this rebellion was wrong. Perhaps he picked the wrong side. Perhaps...

As he fell on the ground, he instinctively rolled to the side which allowed him to avoid Bob's kunai as he stabbed into the soft laminate floor that was laid on top of the concrete to reduce noise and echo. The kunai got stuck in the laminate and Barney managed to pull his tied legs and to knock them into Bob, pushing him aside and knocking him into a metal cabinet. Since his hands were free, Barney managed to untie his feet before Bob stood back up and they were face to face again.

"Big mistake pal." said Bob with blood pouring from the left side of his skull since he bumped into the cabinet with his head. He punched with his right hand through the air and Barney leaned to his side to dodge it and ducked to dodge the second punch with his left. With a well placed uppercut, Barney knocked Bob off his feet and saw him fall on the ground, outstretched like Patrick, the starfish from Bikini Bottom.

(Raijin) - Zeus
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user will strike the target into the air with a lightning infused uppercutting palm attack.
As he looked on the screen, the time said 0:04. 0:03. 0:02. 0:01. 0:00. Completed. Suddenly, the alarm activated, lights went off and red floodlights swarmed the room like in a Jack Bauers 24 episode. Barney grabbed the storage disk and sealed it through his chest pocket before setting the room ablaze. As he ran across the server room, he kept spewing the fire and aiming for all those neatly organized cables and components. Due to the cables plastic casing, the fire started melting them and spreading quickly through the whole server room and out of it into the hallway just behind as Barney jumped for dramatic effect. He stood up and then ran some more, before getting to the entrance. After he unlocked the door he rushed outside and got blinded by the sunlight.

(Katon: Gōen no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Great Flame Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user does one handseal and inhales while molding a great amount of chakra into their lungs and expelling a large stream of flames from their mouth. The user has control over the concentration of the technique, being able to produce a narrow jet of flames, highly concentrated or one that will widen along its range. The flames are hot enough to quickly evaporate large quantities of water within a relatively short amount of time.
"It's done." he said with his hand covering his eyes, unable to see or hear anything. He had no idea what happened outside.
Coming from [x]

Mission Start

Prevent the colapsing of an entire building without the usage of Earth techniques before Barney completes his mission

Panthalassa was generally amused by the entire situation, and even cracked his kuckles at the prospect of facing these many scientists. But, as soon as Barney moved into the building, they started yelling. At first, Panthalassa simply moved towards the door, cutting their path, thinking that they were merely atempting to retaliate against them, but then it became clear that they were not interested in Barney in the least.


Panthalassa laughed it off, as the worried scientists started taking out some scientific devices and placed them under the exposed beams of the building. The exposed beams? Oh...

What... what do you mean? It was just a little shake.

You fool! The building was being repaired after we found a fault in the support system!

Oh so that could be the reason why they had a seismograph... Myke conveniently failed to mention that. That's when the first beam cracked and tear, holding the weight of an entire building in a very very precarious manner. A scientist came into view, one of the bulkier ones, and immediately performed an handseal, raising a massive slab of earth from besides the beam, giving it some support. Several other people went it and started torching the beam, repairing the fault as fast as they could.

(Doton: Tajū Doryūheki) - Earth Release: Multiple Mudwall Technique
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Like the parent technique, it creates a reinforced wall of earth to be used as a defensive mechanism. However, the technique works in a different manner. Using a pre-existing source of earth, it allows the user to create multiple walls of earth, further fortifying their defense instead of forming a single wall, by slamming his hands on the ground.[/spoiler]

The Earth Scientist came to Panthalassa and slapped him silly. Panthalassa did not take this well enough, and quickly grabbed the scientist's arm, twisting it and breaking it off his socket. When the man went to retaliate, the building shook again. It coincided with Barney's Fuuinjutsub Shattering skill, as the security mechanism shutting down apparently sent enough vibrations for the fault in the beams to worsen. A window in a high floor shattered and the glass fell straight onto the scientist's head, impaling him on the spot.

Panthalassa let go of the man and then looked at all the scientists standing underneath the building, who started right back at him, as the mud wall crackles down and falls.



No wait, Barney is still in there, I have to warn him.

NO! The basement is filled with explosives, if the building colapses it will anihilate the entire town! USE SOME TECHNIQUE TO GIVE US SUPPORT! That man was the only person here with Earth jutsu strong enough to hold this building!

Hum... I have... Water... is that ok?


Okay, so the situation was a bit... more complex than Panthalassa had expected... He forced his chakra out and spat out several goblets of water whose strength was bolstered by his Void Artifact. As they hit the ground, they crystalized, creating several beams of solid water across the structure.

( Suiton: Suikaatsu ) Water Release: Piezophile
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40 ( 60 )
Description: A variant from the secret technique of Takigakure, with one handseal the user is able to spit out a burst of water that the user compresses incredible amounts, making it seems solid and sharp, almost crystalline in nature, splitting it apart into a torrent of water projectiles ranging from needles to throwing daggers. Alternatively, the user is able to utilize the existing water within range, slapping their hands together, making it burst outwards to propel someone in the air, before turning into a torrent of near-crystalline projectiles. While they're compressed, they can be wielded by everyone as normal ninja tools, though they can only be directly manipulated with chakra by the user.

Note: They will decompress and turn into puddles after 2 turns.
Note: The user can only re-utilize this technique in the turn after the previous projectiles decompress.

They held steady for a while, as the scientists worked relentlessly on the beams to fix and enhance them, but then Barney started fighting with the guard inside the building. It shook several times, and the water crystals were creaking and yelling, until they finally cracked once and for all. Part of the building was dislodged around one of the weaker beams, and the scientist holding the machine that was being used to fix it was going to be lodged underneath it.

Panthalassa had no time to think, he rushed to the man, and threw himself towards the rubble, protecting the man with his own back, taking damage similar to an A rank ( 60 ) from the falling rubble. The scientist turned around to thank Panthalassa, but was instead kicked in the ass by the Aburame.

Focus on your job! Time to kick it up a notch.

The Aburame spread out his flies, flying at a chaotically fast speed across the entirety of the underbuilding. Multiple spread out across the whole town and outside it's perimeter even. But Panthalassa focused on the swarm standing directly underneath it. With a smirk, he winked at the scientists before sending a chakra command.

And, in an instant, all the flies beneath the buidling expanded drastically, to the size of actual elephants. They were horrid and beastly, but the thousands of insects held up the whole building steadily, even as Barney kept on with his death battle. The scientists started working double time, as more and more rubble started falling. But the whole building would not colapse.

( Hae Kuchiyose ♆ Corpusgigan bestia ) Fly Summoning ♆ Behemoth Gores
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Corpusgigan bestia, common name Behemoth Gores, are a species of flies with gigantic dimensions and thick and impenetrable exoskeletons. They are summoned in a gargantuan half the size of a average monarch summon. Each of the gigantic flies are around the size of an elephant, and have a very robust and thick skin with spiked protrusions and hideous teeth. Due to their sheer strength, they are noticeably more resilient to damage than normal flies. Any Aburame techniques used through the Behemoth Gore swarm has a +20 damage buffer, essentially increase the overall power of the technique when clashing with ninjutsu and taijutsu. The Behemoth Gores store their eggs within their own gullets. When they're near an uncouth target, they will open their mandible and deposit the eggs directly inside the victim, through a extensible proboscis ( a 3 meter tube-like mouth with a ring of jagged teeth ). The eggs will then have an accelerated growth spur, eccloding into horrible fat maggots with spiked mouths, that will devour and essentially burst through their host, fit to their name. The Behemoth Gores are capable of doing this directly onto other organic substances, the ground and other earthen features or water sources, creating a clot of giant eggs or maggots that will then travel up to mid-range from the point of deposition, before exploding outwards in an eruption of slime and maggots. The main ability of these flies is the ability to compress and decompress, similar to Akimichi. They're gigantic flies that can be compressed up to the size of tiny little flies, 1mm in size. When summoned they can appear in compressed form or original form. The form compression is a passive ability that costs no chakra from the user and require one of the three moves per turn.

Note: Egg deposition can be used by individual Gores up to 3 times, counting as an A rank technique (with no inherent damage buffer), or up to 1 time by the whole swarm, counting as an S rank, throughout their stay in the field.
Note: Can't be manipulated by Forbidden Ranked Aburame Techniques.
Note: Behemoth Gores last 3 in the field.
Note: Pharaoh Scythes' techniques perfomed with Gore chitin will also have the same damage boost.

Panthalassa then moved in towards Myke, as he was the only other companion that had followed them inside the city. Some of the rubble had hit him too, but he wasn't as beat up and dirty as the Aburame himself. In fact, several scientists had already lost their lives. And then, the big finale, as Barney used the lightning technique in the computer room. The shockwaves blasted the windows of an entire floor, and a rain of rubble and shrapnel fell on Myke and Panthalassa, before the entire floor lit up in flames. Panthalassa spread out his hand shooting a massive tendril of silk to grab Myke and pull him towards himself, before a second sheet formed a coccoon above them to shield them from the rubble. As soon as Barney stepped of the building, Panthalassa spread out his silk once more and pulled his friend as well.

( Aburame no Jutsu: Mayu ) Aburame Technique: Chrysalis
Type: Offensive/Defence/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40 ( 60 )
Description: Chrisallys is a variant of the Human Cocoon Technique, where the user produces silk to create a large hanging cocoon around oneself. This technique is considered a more hands on approach and malleable application of that concept, shooting tendrils of silk from one's hand or any other part of the body, which can be used to grapple or wrap around an opponent. With one one-handed handseal, the user is able to summon either a coating of small needles or papertags, while the tendrils are being shot from the other hand.

Note: Requires the user to wait 1 turn in between usages.
Note: Silk follows the same S&W as Aburame insects.

Nice of you to show up, mr! Off we go!

Where are you going? The explosives!!

But Panthalassa merely winked, and the demonic flies turned on the scientists, eating them whole and dropping the building finally. At which point, carrying both Barney and Myke, Pantallassa ordered the flies to reverse summoning him outside of the town, just in the right spot to watch a massive mushroom cloud of smoke from miles away.

(Gyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu) Reverse Summoning Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: This technique is the counterpart of the summoning technique, in which it allows an animal to summon the human that they have a contract with back to their side, regardless of where they are. The animal must be at least B-Rank in strength to have enough chakra to use the technique though all animals that can use Ninjutsu in any form can use this technique on their summoners.

Beautiful! And now... I think we should meet that captain dude, right?

Mission End


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Mission Start

Prevent the colapsing of an entire building without the usage of Earth techniques before Barney completes his mission

Panthalassa was generally amused by the entire situation, and even cracked his kuckles at the prospect of facing these many scientists. But, as soon as Barney moved into the building, they started yelling. At first, Panthalassa simply moved towards the door, cutting their path, thinking that they were merely atempting to retaliate against them, but then it became clear that they were not interested in Barney in the least.


Panthalassa laughed it off, as the worried scientists started taking out some scientific devices and placed them under the exposed beams of the building. The exposed beams? Oh...

What... what do you mean? It was just a little shake.

You fool! The building was being repaired after we found a fault in the support system!

Oh so that could be the reason why they had a seismograph... Myke conveniently failed to mention that. That's when the first beam cracked and tear, holding the weight of an entire building in a very very precarious manner. A scientist came into view, one of the bulkier ones, and immediately performed an handseal, raising a massive slab of earth from besides the beam, giving it some support. Several other people went it and started torching the beam, repairing the fault as fast as they could.

(Doton: Tajū Doryūheki) - Earth Release: Multiple Mudwall Technique
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Like the parent technique, it creates a reinforced wall of earth to be used as a defensive mechanism. However, the technique works in a different manner. Using a pre-existing source of earth, it allows the user to create multiple walls of earth, further fortifying their defense instead of forming a single wall, by slamming his hands on the ground.[/spoiler]

The Earth Scientist came to Panthalassa and slapped him silly. Panthalassa did not take this well enough, and quickly grabbed the scientist's arm, twisting it and breaking it off his socket. When the man went to retaliate, the building shook again. It coincided with Barney's Fuuinjutsub Shattering skill, as the security mechanism shutting down apparently sent enough vibrations for the fault in the beams to worsen. A window in a high floor shattered and the glass fell straight onto the scientist's head, impaling him on the spot.

Panthalassa let go of the man and then looked at all the scientists standing underneath the building, who started right back at him, as the mud wall crackles down and falls.



No wait, Barney is still in there, I have to warn him.

NO! The basement is filled with explosives, if the building colapses it will anihilate the entire town! USE SOME TECHNIQUE TO GIVE US SUPPORT! That man was the only person here with Earth jutsu strong enough to hold this building!

Hum... I have... Water... is that ok?


Okay, so the situation was a bit... more complex than Panthalassa had expected... He forced his chakra out and spat out several goblets of water whose strength was bolstered by his Void Artifact. As they hit the ground, they crystalized, creating several beams of solid water across the structure.

( Suiton: Suikaatsu ) Water Release: Piezophile
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40 ( 60 )
Description: A variant from the secret technique of Takigakure, with one handseal the user is able to spit out a burst of water that the user compresses incredible amounts, making it seems solid and sharp, almost crystalline in nature, splitting it apart into a torrent of water projectiles ranging from needles to throwing daggers. Alternatively, the user is able to utilize the existing water within range, slapping their hands together, making it burst outwards to propel someone in the air, before turning into a torrent of near-crystalline projectiles. While they're compressed, they can be wielded by everyone as normal ninja tools, though they can only be directly manipulated with chakra by the user.

Note: They will decompress and turn into puddles after 2 turns.
Note: The user can only re-utilize this technique in the turn after the previous projectiles decompress.

They held steady for a while, as the scientists worked relentlessly on the beams to fix and enhance them, but then Barney started fighting with the guard inside the building. It shook several times, and the water crystals were creaking and yelling, until they finally cracked once and for all. Part of the building was dislodged around one of the weaker beams, and the scientist holding the machine that was being used to fix it was going to be lodged underneath it.

Panthalassa had no time to think, he rushed to the man, and threw himself towards the rubble, protecting the man with his own back, taking damage similar to an A rank ( 60 ) from the falling rubble. The scientist turned around to thank Panthalassa, but was instead kicked in the ass by the Aburame.

Focus on your job! Time to kick it up a notch.

The Aburame spread out his flies, flying at a chaotically fast speed across the entirety of the underbuilding. Multiple spread out across the whole town and outside it's perimeter even. But Panthalassa focused on the swarm standing directly underneath it. With a smirk, he winked at the scientists before sending a chakra command.

And, in an instant, all the flies beneath the buidling expanded drastically, to the size of actual elephants. They were horrid and beastly, but the thousands of insects held up the whole building steadily, even as Barney kept on with his death battle. The scientists started working double time, as more and more rubble started falling. But the whole building would not colapse.

( Hae Kuchiyose ♆ Corpusgigan bestia ) Fly Summoning ♆ Behemoth Gores
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Corpusgigan bestia, common name Behemoth Gores, are a species of flies with gigantic dimensions and thick and impenetrable exoskeletons. They are summoned in a gargantuan half the size of a average monarch summon. Each of the gigantic flies are around the size of an elephant, and have a very robust and thick skin with spiked protrusions and hideous teeth. Due to their sheer strength, they are noticeably more resilient to damage than normal flies. Any Aburame techniques used through the Behemoth Gore swarm has a +20 damage buffer, essentially increase the overall power of the technique when clashing with ninjutsu and taijutsu. The Behemoth Gores store their eggs within their own gullets. When they're near an uncouth target, they will open their mandible and deposit the eggs directly inside the victim, through a extensible proboscis ( a 3 meter tube-like mouth with a ring of jagged teeth ). The eggs will then have an accelerated growth spur, eccloding into horrible fat maggots with spiked mouths, that will devour and essentially burst through their host, fit to their name. The Behemoth Gores are capable of doing this directly onto other organic substances, the ground and other earthen features or water sources, creating a clot of giant eggs or maggots that will then travel up to mid-range from the point of deposition, before exploding outwards in an eruption of slime and maggots. The main ability of these flies is the ability to compress and decompress, similar to Akimichi. They're gigantic flies that can be compressed up to the size of tiny little flies, 1mm in size. When summoned they can appear in compressed form or original form. The form compression is a passive ability that costs no chakra from the user and require one of the three moves per turn.

Note: Egg deposition can be used by individual Gores up to 3 times, counting as an A rank technique (with no inherent damage buffer), or up to 1 time by the whole swarm, counting as an S rank, throughout their stay in the field.
Note: Can't be manipulated by Forbidden Ranked Aburame Techniques.
Note: Behemoth Gores last 3 in the field.
Note: Pharaoh Scythes' techniques perfomed with Gore chitin will also have the same damage boost.

Panthalassa then moved in towards Myke, as he was the only other companion that had followed them inside the city. Some of the rubble had hit him too, but he wasn't as beat up and dirty as the Aburame himself. In fact, several scientists had already lost their lives. And then, the big finale, as Barney used the lightning technique in the computer room. The shockwaves blasted the windows of an entire floor, and a rain of rubble and shrapnel fell on Myke and Panthalassa, before the entire floor lit up in flames. Panthalassa spread out his hand shooting a massive tendril of silk to grab Myke and pull him towards himself, before a second sheet formed a coccoon above them to shield them from the rubble. As soon as Barney stepped of the building, Panthalassa spread out his silk once more and pulled his friend as well.

( Aburame no Jutsu: Mayu ) Aburame Technique: Chrysalis
Type: Offensive/Defence/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40 ( 60 )
Description: Chrisallys is a variant of the Human Cocoon Technique, where the user produces silk to create a large hanging cocoon around oneself. This technique is considered a more hands on approach and malleable application of that concept, shooting tendrils of silk from one's hand or any other part of the body, which can be used to grapple or wrap around an opponent. With one one-handed handseal, the user is able to summon either a coating of small needles or papertags, while the tendrils are being shot from the other hand.

Note: Requires the user to wait 1 turn in between usages.
Note: Silk follows the same S&W as Aburame insects.

Nice of you to show up, mr! Off we go!

Where are you going? The explosives!!

But Panthalassa merely winked, and the demonic flies turned on the scientists, eating them whole and dropping the building finally. At which point, carrying both Barney and Myke, Pantallassa ordered the flies to reverse summoning him outside of the town, just in the right spot to watch a massive mushroom cloud of smoke from miles away.

(Gyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu) Reverse Summoning Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: This technique is the counterpart of the summoning technique, in which it allows an animal to summon the human that they have a contract with back to their side, regardless of where they are. The animal must be at least B-Rank in strength to have enough chakra to use the technique though all animals that can use Ninjutsu in any form can use this technique on their summoners.

Beautiful! And now... I think we should meet that captain dude, right?

Mission End
"That was close. A bit too close." said Barney as his vision and hearing returned. He saw the cloud of smoke and heard the destruction as the building collapsed.

"Myke. I think we deserve to meet with your captain. Pleased take us to him." said Barney with a sense of urgency and threat in his voice. Myke saw what these two were capable of and truth be told, they followed his orders blindly exposing themselves to danger so he didn't hesitate much.

"I... Uh... Captain..." he scratched his head and looked around. "Yes, alright." He opened the door to the carriage and invited them in. "Come on, it's a long way ahead."

The two ninja entered the carriage yet again and left silence behind, as it took them towards their ultimate destination.

Mission end.

Leaving landmark.​


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Upon her arrival into Pingmay, Mirabelle landed onto a rock formation that allowed her to overlook the terrain, as she watched at the several villages in the distance. There, however was a sudden feeling of dread looming onto her psyche – as for one, the memories of her dispersed clone came rushing back to her. She gained the knowledge of what occurred in Tsumigakure since her last visit, but also as she entered into Pingmay, her sensory skill over spiritual entities quick literally became overloaded. She knew now easily from the new memories what’s going on, hundreds…no, thousands of people dead. “Hmm…” a familiar voice echoed in her head, this being the Nibi understanding the current situation at hand. “Seems the darker forces are moving at a quicker pace than we can imagined…” the Nibi said, which irritated Mirabelle clearly. She wasn’t in the mood for any snark from the chakra beast, but she pressed on. The amount of souls just aimlessly wondering the roaming the lands was one thing, but to think these humans was alive not so long ago.

This is…bad” she commented, looking at some of those still alive from the ordeal. She needed to find Isabella, as she got her barrings together and headed out. She mourned the lost of lives here in the land of fire, though the former Kage had no time to help. She left the landmark, heading towards a specific location.

Came from: