Oturan Episode 1


Active member
Aug 11, 2010
Trait Points
Episode 1 “The Meeting”
Daisuke Uchiha, Arashi Hakido and their sensei Kyoko Shiga wait for the arrival of their new teammate.

Daisuke: Whats taking the new guy so much?

Arashi: he probably forgot we were supposed to meet here.

Daisuke: He’s probably scared to be near us.

Kyoko: Let’s give him a little more time.

Arashi: I can’t just sit here and do nothing. Daisuke I challenge you to a duel *slowly slaps his face*

Daisuke: I accept.*slaps back* Sensei will you oversee this?

Kyoko: No way. You guys are not fighting here.

Daisuke: why not?

Arashi: Because she knows I’ll beat you and she is trying to save you the humiliation.*smirks*

Daisuke: Yeah right. You little bit-

Kyoko: Hey! That’s not the reason. I wont let you two spar because you always get carried away and start attacking full force.

Arashi: Their must be some middle ground here.

Kyoko: if you two really want to fight how about you two against me.

Daisuke: it doesn’t seem fair. Two against one?

Kyoko: fine to make it a little more fair I’ll fight with one hand behind my back.

Arashi: you cant win even with both your hand sensei. No offence.

Kyoko: Let’s see then. Daisuke you in or out?

Daisuke: fine, I’m in.

Daisuke and Arashi jump into the middle of the field to prepare for the fight but before they can even stand up straight Kyoko is already between them and grabs Daisuke’s arm and throws him against Arashi.

Kyoko: Come on guys, you’re going to get beaten up by a girl?

Arashi: Get off me Daisuke! You take the left.

Daisuke: Right.

As Daisuke flanks left and Arashi flanks right Kyoko starts making hand seals

Daisuke: Watch out Arashi, she’s making hand seals.*makes hand seals*

Arashi: Got it.*makes hand seals*

The three finish their hand seals and the same time.

Daisuke: Fire Ball Jutsu!

Arashi: Crushing boulder Jutsu!

Kyoko: Circulating Air Jutsu!

As the fire ball and the boulder rushed towards kyoko her circulating air jutsu creates a powerful stream of air circulating around her making the fire ball and the boulder curve around her and head towards Daisuke and Arashi.

Daisuke: Crap!

Daisuke ducks under the boulder

Arashi: What the hell Daisuke?

Arashi jumps out of the fire ball’s path.

Kyoko: You didn’t take your eyes of me did you?

Daisuke/Arashi: What?

Kyoko appeared in front of Arashi and hit him multiple times before Arashi has a chance to react.

Arashi: ugh! *falls to the ground*

Kyoko appears in front of Daisuke.

Kyoko: Got you.

Kyoko tries to kick Daisuke in the head but he ducks under it and grabs kyoko’s leg and throws her in the air

Kyoko: I should have known I would need more than that to fool those eyes.

Before a blink of her eyes Daisuke had his Sharingan activated to the second stage of sharingan.

Arashi: so you pulled out the big guns I see.

Daisuke: yeah I kind of had to don’t ya think? Anyways we are gonna have to both step up our game

Arashi: yeah she is strong, man... i shouldn’t have talked! But its nothing we cant handle right? Best team in the whole village right here!

Daisuke: you know it!! Arashi lets do the x formation!

Arashi: *runs next to Daisuke*GOT IT! Ready!

Daisuke: GO!

The two students run and a zig zag formation crossing paths. At high speed they move towards Kyoko. But kyoko isn’t fooled by this and stands guard against the two students. Before she knows it, however, Arashi jumps in the air and with great force strikes her in the shoulders with two powerful downward kicks. Kyoko fell to her knees. Stunned by the kicks she was unable to dodge Daisuke powerful uppercut! She flys to the air in total shock

Daisuke: Arashi now!

Arashi: I’m on it! *makes hand seals* Rising Boulder Jutsu!

The ground where Daisuke was standing suddenly splits from the earth around it, and shoots up towards Kyoko.

Daisuke: TAKE THIS!

Daisuke jumps up over his sensei and puts his back to her while flying through the air. Then with a mighty force Spins and strikes her with a spinning back fist. The sensei goes flying down in the opposite direction. A crater is made in the ground and dust goes up in the air as Daisuke lands on the ground next to Arashi.

Daisuke: think she had enough?

Arashi: yeah I think she is a done.

Kyoko: I wouldn’t be too sure guys *appears behind with her hands on their shoulders*

The guys look back at her in complete shock then look back to see a log in the crater created by the strike. With unbelievable speed she grabs Arashi’s arms and uses chakra strings to tie them. Arashi hits the ground face first. Then with the same speed she kicks Daisuke in the back of his knees. He falls to his knees and she wraps chakra stings around his wrists to tie them and proceeds to point a kunai to his throat.

Kyoko: I believe YOU two have had enough!

The boys look at each other, amazed at their sensei’s skill.

Daisuke: I think we are in good hands with her dude.

Arashi: yeah I think you’re right.. I don’t even know how I got to the ground!

Kyoko: *smiles* thanks guys *takes kunai away from Daisuke’s throat* now we just wait for the third member

Arashi: and you untie us right?

Kyoko: No sir, that’ll teach you to not bite off more than you, can chew.

Daisuke: fine fine but this guy better be here quick!

The guys and their sensei wait in the open field for an hour and a half before a shape appears in the distance walking towards the team.

Arashi: I sware, if this isn’t him…

Kyoko: it’s him, I can notice my son from miles away.

Arashi and Daisuke:*look at her in complete shock and scream out* YOUR SON?!?!

so this is the first episode to our series, please give us feed back and comments, anything is greatly appreciated
riveracarlos151 & ThirteenthNova