[Predictions] Naruto Chapter 699 Prediction

Dec 18, 2012
Trait Points
I haven't done a prediction in awhile, but now that Naruto is ending with the next two chapters on next upcoming thursday I felt like I should since the feels have gotten to us all..
So here goes...

Naruto Prediction for Chapters 699 is all I'm going to do, though we are most likely getting two chapters next week. Sorry you guys. I'll leave the last chapter prediction for later I guess. Maybe a few days into this week. Anyways...

Naruto Chapter 699 Prediction Entitled- "Among Friends..."

Actions= *
Talking= "

First page is in color, shows Naruto and Sasuke smiling within all their pain, yet still bask in glory with the sight of the sun. On the left side of this colored page shows the sign of reconciliation (the intertwining two fingers), and on the right side of this colored page we see the blood where Naruto and Sasuke's hands should have met.

Black Letters atop first panel: "Reconciled, and now...a new hope rising with the sun!!"

*Kakashi lands upon the fated site, along with Sakura behind him. They both look at the two in shock, Sakura begins to tear up seeing the two each missing an arm and looking so beat up and hurt. However, she stops herself, confused to see the two so happy in their mess.

Sakura: "I better get to work on them.."
Kakashi: "!?"

*Sakura begins the process of her medical ninjutsu upon the two, trying her best to do whatever she can. She tries as much as she can to stop the amount of blood they've lost.

Kakashi *in thought*: "Suddenly, she's gotten calmer...Sakura, you-"

*It was then that Naruto opened his mouth, and said something, cutting off Kakashi mid-thought*

Naruto: "I can't believe..you won't just tell her, Sasuke..."
Sasuke: "Shut up moron...these...these things take time.."

Kakashi: "!?"

Naruto: "Coward...she's right there...just apologize already.."
Sasuke: "..."
Sakura: "..."

*Sakura continues in her medical work as best she could, trying her best to just stick to the procedures she's been applying pressure on. Her eyes looked so blank, yet filled with pain*

Sakura: "Both of you just stop talking...I need to focus."
Naruto: "..."
Sasuke: "..."
Kakashi: "..."

*tears are streaming down Sakura's eyes. Naruto's smile grows wide*

Naruto: "...Well I did promise you afterall..."

Black letters within this panel as Sakura thanks Naruto in hot falling tears, reads: "Finally!! A promise of a lifetime...Has Reached!!"

Kakashi *Looking to Sasuke*: "looks like the fox finally reached the crow hell bent for darkness..."
Sasuke: "..."
Kakashi *looking to Naruto*: "The future looks a lot hopeful, now that were together."

Sasuke: "Sa...Sakura.."
Kakashi: "??"
Sakura: "..."
Naruto: "..."

*three quarters of the page of a crying Sasuke looking into Sakura's tearing eyes*

Sasuke: "I am sorry."

*Naruto and Kakashi give out a small smile*

Sakura: "...I'm not like Naruto who forgives so easily...but.." *continues in healing the two
Sasuke: "..."
Sakura *Smiling very hard*: "Just this once...because I Love you."

Sasuke: *wide-eyed*
Naruto *laughing*: "hahaha, you idiot, you look so surprised you cant even talk right now!"
Sasuke: *angry look on his face*
Sakura: "I don't even want to hear it from you BAKA! Don't make fun of Sasuke-kun! You practically did the same thing with Hinata when she confessed her feelings, you idiot!"
Naruto: *bothered facial expression*
Sakura: "That's right, I know all about it"
Naruto: "No fair Sakura...you can't compare the two.."
Sasuke: "Hinata, huh...so she finally said something..."
Naruto *shocked*: "Sasuke! How did you know about the way Hinata felt!?"
Kakashi: "I thought it was pretty obvious since the Chunnin Exams"
Naruto *squirming in more shock*: "Kakashi!! You too!!!!!"

*Sasuke began to chuckle a bit at the sight of Sakura slapping Naruto's face back and forth as Naruto plead for his remaining life. He felt strange in the inside...he wondered if this is what happiness felt like...for the first time in a long while Sasuke was beginning to see what he was missing out on all these years. To him...*he looked to the half unconscious Naruto, the frustrated Sakura beginning to heal him up again, and the chuckling Kakashi who was scratching the back of his neck*...To him...they were his goal all this time..and with that Sasuke's eyes shut, as he fell into another deep sleep due to exhaustion. The others watched. Team 7 had been reunited at last.

*About a day later, Sasuke wakes up on a field of grass. The wind blowed, and the sun shone bright, and the world seemed quiet*

Sasuke *in a daze*: "Where...where am I...?"

*It was then that the upper half of Sasuke's body shot off the ground. Looking to his arm, he noticed it has been reattached and bandaged up extensively, although the sudden pain from it made him fall back to laying position on the ground just as quickly as he shot up. It surprised him however when he noticed that something had cushioned the blow of his head. He looked up to see that Sakura was the reason for this*

Sakura: "You're arm wont fully repair for a long while...I tried my best though."
Sasuke *confused*: "How did you...?"
Sakura: "Medical ninjutsu is my specialty. It took awhile, but after finding your arm, as well as Naruto's, I was able to perform a medical surgery procedure right there on the spot and in turn the result was a miracle. Of course the blood part was tricky, but I managed. I guess that's what happens when you have a teacher as great as mine. Nothing is impossible. By the time I even got started, you and Naruto were out cold.."
Sasuke: "...I didnt know she was this strong."

*Naruto's voice could be heard a little ways away talking to Kakashi. This made Sasuke get up just a bit. It hurt him a lot, but he didn't care*

Sakura: "Sasuke-kun, you shouldn't"
Sasuke: "It's okay Sakura, you did enough already...Thank you."

*Sakura blushes a bit. Sasuke turns to where the voices of Kakashi and Naruto were coming from. He grins at the sight of Naruto moving around as he talked to Kakashi so carelessly, his wounds didn't seem to bother the blond knucklehead*

Sasuke: "That Naruto just doesn't know when to give up."
Sakura *turning as well to look at Naruto and his bandaged up arm as well*: He is one to admire, huh? When he got up before you, all he did was tell me to look after you some more..that idiot...he seems to always care about others rather than himself."
Sasuke: "I guess that just goes to show we have someone to protect now."
Sakura: "!?"

*Sasuke stands up a bit more, after a bit of a struggle, he is fully standing, staring ahead towards Naruto who is still speaking to Kakashi a little ways away. Sakura stares at him from the ground*

Sasuke: "I have decided...I have a new Ninja Way now."
Sakura: "..."
Sasuke: "I was always alone, but you all showed me a new way to go..and Naruto....he was the one who lead you both to me again, who lead me to me again. I can finally stop thinking that I'll always be alone...now that I have Naruto, Kakashi, and you who stood by my side all this time..."
Sakura: "Sa...Sasuke.."
Sasuke: Well, I can't be just standing around here when we need to dispel the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Let's go to him...Sakura.."
Sakura *in thought*: "Sasuke...thank you."

*Sakura begins to get up off the ground*

Sasuke *in thought as he looks towards Naruto*: I have finally made it to a peace I thought was an illusion, but here and now..I can finally see it. My new Ninja Way....it is to always protect you and your Ninja way, even if the future is uncertain. And I'm sure...*looks to Sakura*...That her Ninja way would keep me in check."

Bold text at the end of the chapter as Sasuke and Sakura make there way towards Naruto to end the Jutsu of all Jutsus. The Bold text reads: "His Ninja Ways were always taken by the wind...however, now he has found the right one!!"
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Active member
Jan 3, 2013
Trait Points
stopped reading this fan fic at "you look like a dear in the headlights right now"

deer in the headlights? you understand cars dont exist in naruto


Active member
Oct 17, 2012
Trait Points
This prediction is very promising but it has some rather odd parts.

For instance, Sakura "just" found naruto's and sasuke's arms? Weren't they supposed to be obliterated in that hit? Secondly, so a whole day passed since team 7 reunited and instead of sakura working fast with the procedures, she left things be so everyoen can stay in IT for a little longer? Seriously, just thinking of her finding their arms is hillarious in a bad way.

Nonetheless, it was really promising all together.
Dec 18, 2012
Trait Points
This prediction is very promising but it has some rather odd parts.

For instance, Sakura "just" found naruto's and sasuke's arms? Weren't they supposed to be obliterated in that hit? Secondly, so a whole day passed since team 7 reunited and instead of sakura working fast with the procedures, she left things be so everyoen can stay in IT for a little longer? Seriously, just thinking of her finding their arms is hillarious in a bad way.

Nonetheless, it was really promising all together.
To be honest with you, when I was making this thread, i gotta say, I thought about all of what you just said. I couldnt find my way around the fact though that I figured Naruto and Sasuke needed to have their arms in order to perform the jutsu that dispels IT. But you are VERY much correct. I apologize. Wish I could of made it all better for you guys. Tried my best though, thanks for reading=D


Active member
Oct 17, 2012
Trait Points
To be honest with you, when I was making this thread, i gotta say, I thought about all of what you just said. I couldnt find my way around the fact though that I figured Naruto and Sasuke needed to have their arms in order to perform the jutsu that dispels IT. But you are VERY much correct. I apologize. Wish I could of made it all better for you guys. Tried my best though, thanks for reading=D
Well you can always change something if you get inspired. For instance, I haven't written a prediction for ages because I couldn't find that "something" that would make it stand-out. However, after a long time, I finally got inspiaration and either tomorrow or the day after I plan on writing my next and last prediction =D
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Dec 18, 2012
Trait Points
Well you can always change something if you get inspired. For instance, I haven't written a prediction for ages because I couldn't find that "something" that would make it stand-out. However, after a long time, I finally got inspiaration and either tomorrow or the day after I plan on writing my next and last prediction =D
True. I will keep that in mind. Thanks, no lie
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