[Predictions] Naruto 670- The Mysterious Old Man


Active member
May 29, 2013
Trait Points
Page 1

Naruto opens his eyes

Naruto: Kurama! Everyone!

SFX: Standing up

Naruto: What's this place? (Pause...) Yeah, that's where I met the bijuus.

SFX: Walking
Far away, a figure is disappearing into the dark.

Page 2
Naruto: Wait! Who are you?
SFX: Running
Naruto runs toward the vanishing figure.
SFX: Water splashing
Naruto: Heh...Wait! What are you doing here?

Naruto: ( Damn it, I fell unconscious.) Heh, do you know what's happening up there? What is Madara doing?
SFX: Halt
The figure stops with Naruto close to him.
Mysterious person: Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu..

Page 3
Mysterious person: .... Son Goku, Kokuo, Saiken, Choumei, Gyuki, Kurama!
The whole place lits brightly and the nine bijuus form a circle around Naruto.
Naruto: Huh, what's happening?
Mysterious man: It's about time I meet you Uzumaki Naruto!

Scene changes to Madara
Madara(scary smile): Now, don't disappoint me!
SFX: Regenerating

Page 4
Madara's wounds heal instantly, his broken horn grows again and his clothes reform anew.
Gai: !!!
Gai stretches his arm and brings his hands together.
Gai: Not yet. The red springtime of youth is still not over.

Gai: (This is my last technique before all the gates close again. I cannot miss) Gozenreiji no hōō! ( Midnight Phoenix)
SFX: Energy roaring! Pulsing!

Madara: ( All the air around him is compressing into a single point. And this energy is... natural energy?)

Page 5

SFX: Landing

Madara: (If I am hit head on, the juubi might be affected)
SFX: Hand seals

Madara casts a barrier around him
Gai: The phoenix announces rebirth. I may die here but youth will prevail in the subsequent ages.
SFX: Heartbeat weakening
Gai: (Farewell.....Everyone)

Page 6
The scene changes with a flash to gai's childhood
Dying Dai: I have taught you everything my son. Now is the time...
Dai dies with the other swordsmen on the ground around him.
Gai: Father! Father......!
SFX: Crying
Gai (shouting): Father!!!!!!!

Page 7
Scene changes to Gai

Gai: (Shinobis endure and pass their will to the next generation. That's what you did father! Now is the time for my rule)

SFX: Flight

Crimson energy is shot forward and it expands to take the form of a crimson phoenix.
SFX: Clash
Madara: Perhaps this energy is too much even for that barrier.

Page 8
SFX: Stepping behind
Madara gets away from the barrier from the rear.
SFX: Crack
The barrier shatters apart and the phoenix gains more momentum

Madara: It absorbed it! It might come faster than I had expected.

SFX: High speed flight

Page 9

Madara gets away while the phoenix penetrates through and outside the barrier.

Gai: I won't let you escape...
SFX: Gates closing
Gai: ( I have reached my limits)
SFX: Fall

Madara: It is getting closer. Shinju!!!
SFX: Creak!!!

Page 10
The god tree moves towards the ground to take the attack head on.

SFX: Evading
The phoenix dodges the roots of the god tree.
SFX: Eruption
Wood erupts from the ground and the phoenix strikes against it.
SFX: Explosion

Madara: As I thought, this won't be enough to deal with it.

Page 11

A crimson figure emerges from the smoke.

Gaara: I have gathered enough chakra.
SFX: Hands raising
A huge wall of sand surrounds Madara.

SFX: Shooting

The black balls are shot, explode in the sand forming a barely visible hole.

Page 12
Madara (smiling): Impressive defense! Guess I am cornered.
SFX: Hands stretching
Madara: You are amazing but still your abilities pale in comparison to me. Shinra Tensei!

Scene changes to Naruto

Naruto: You look familiar. Do we know each other?
Mysterious person: We are closer than you would ever think.

Page 13
Bijuus: It is time to meet your destiny Naruto.
Naruto: You are all there! Even you Kurama. I am sorry-
Kurama: It's my other half which got taken.
Son goku: It can't be helped. This Madara guy has the rinnegan, the old man's eye.
Naruto looks at the figure in front of him
Naruto: Could he be the sage of six paths?
Shukaku: Not really-
Kurama: Shut up and let the old man talk.
Shukaku: You always get on my nerves stupid fox.

Page 14
Choumei: They are doing it again.
Naruto(laughing): My bad, this two can never get along.
Mysterious old man: Not really. They are like the yin yang. Though they are opposed, they can be united because they are similar.
Naruto: Yin Yang? I don't get it. Anyway, if you are not the sage of six paths, what's an old man doing here?
Mysterious old man: I guess you are responsible for this, kurama.
Yin Kurama: Yes, sorry. I couldn't help but hate these humans. So I did it.
Naruto: Do what?
Mysterious old man: It doesn't matter. After our talk, I will return it to you.
Naruto(putting his hands on his head): It and this aren't telling me. I can't figure out anything.

Page 15
Yin Kurama: I absorbed your yin essence before you were born. Unlike other human, you lack mental energy.
Naruto: It doesn't matter. It's all thanks to you I was able to work hard to achieve anything.
Yin Kurama: Now I see why my other half was converted. You are undoubtedly the chosen one.
Mysterious old man: Uzumaki Naruto, do you know who I am?
Naruto: Hmmmmm. Let's see..... Teuchi? Nope. Damn, it seems like a distant memory.
Mysterious old man: Who is Teuchi?
Yin Kurama(annoyed): The Ramen Guy it seems.
Isobu to son goku: This conversation is getting annoying. Let's get this over with old man.
Mysterious old man: Naruto, I will help you find yourself. It's about time you remember the past.

Page 16
Mysterious old man: The shadows that obscure the world are darker than one can imagine.
Matatabi: The shinju is incarnate destruction.
Saiken: It must be stopped at all cost.
Kokuo: The elder son set the cycle of hatred in motion and the mind of the shinju is getting reborn again.
Naruto: What is the shinju?
Kurama: The ten tails, the progenitor and the destroyer.
Naruto: So, you mean that there is more to the ten tails?
Mysterious old man: Much more than you would ever imagine Uzumaki Naruto!

NEXT WEEK: The old man is revealed. The terrific past is about to unfold.


Active member
Mar 24, 2012
Trait Points
so many people think this is going to happen...

seeing as the manga is getting to a point where ANYTHING can happen, i guess this is a good prediction...

but please no Might Dai flashbacks, we already know he died no need to waste time...


Active member
May 29, 2013
Trait Points
lol... interesting..:win:
nice work man ..+
Nice Prediction. I like the part of the Bijuu fighting, made some good comic relief.
Gai kill Madara and Juubi is free and now Juubi is humanoid form :D cmon Kishi do this
so many people think this is going to happen...

seeing as the manga is getting to a point where ANYTHING can happen, i guess this is a good prediction...

but please no Might Dai flashbacks, we already know he died no need to waste time...
nice one boss
very good!!!!...pretty possible too!!!!
nice job!:)
Thank you for reading.