[Predictions] naruto 630 prediction kakashi's sacrifice

-Haku Yuki-

Active member
Jan 4, 2011
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listen while reading for more epicness

Obito: this world is the illusion the real world is the one i will construct! you aren't kakashi you are fake!

kakashi:!!! obito how...

The hole in obitos chest starts to fill up with white fluid which becomes solid healing the damage.

Kakashi: no....

kakashi looks at obitos sinister smile and remembers obitos old smile.

Flash back...

Obito: if you break the rules you're trash, but people who abdon their friends are worse!


kakashi: no you're the fake obito, because the obito i know wouldn't abdon his friends! he wouldn't do what you've done!

obito: Then shall we finish this kakashi!?

kakashi attempts to punch obito but he goes right though him obito delivers a kick to kakashis back and falls forward kakashi turns around throwing kunai knives at him they phase though him and a scene on the battle field shows obitos body parts there.

naruto: what the?

scence changes back to kamui world

kakashi: even here he can use that?

obito: yes but my body is sent to the other plain on the other side of this one.

kakashi activates his mankeyo sharingan and punchs obito he laughs it off and upper cuts kakashi followed up by an elbow to his stomach then taking out a giant shuriken obito attempts to kill kakashi he ducks and trips obito by sweeping his feet kakashi jumps backwards releasing two lighting jutsus at obito, obito dodges each one and throws large shuriken covered in flames at kakashi kakashi takes cover behind a cube he jumps out from behind the cube and grabs his collar twisting him to the ground kakashi then delivers a lighting blade to his chest once more obito kicks kakashi off of him and releases a fire style attack at him kakashi replies with a water dragon jutsu and as the water hits obito kakashi transfers his raikiri through it shocking obito. He stands up laughing it off once more as the wound heals its self once again.

kakashi: you're not even human anymore, you're just a monster you've killed thousands in cold blood you could never be obito, you're just in denial about reality!

Obito: Am i kakashi or are you? You claim i am not obito and for all i care i'm not but can you really believe that? Maybe rin would have felt the same way i feel maybe she choose to die because she felt this reality was useless!

kakashi: rin would never accept what you've become she would agree if she was here obito is dead!

kakashi charges once again with a raikiri aiming for obitos neck this time but stops at the last second.

obito: the guilt is still eating away at you? still can't pull the trigger?

obito punchs kakashi in the face then once again in the gut knocking kakashi away he then grabs kakashi by the neck lifting him with a single hand.

flash back...

obito: it's my turn to protect my friends! ....

obito: i'm about to die but i'll become your eye and we'll see the future together....please look after rin


kakashi: ob...


obito throws kakashi into the air as he comes back down he kicks kakashi in the face he falls forward landing on his face. kakashi stands up once more his sharingan and obitos are seen in split screen then a screen of the same thing when obito was dieing. they charge at each other and activate their mankeyo their kamuis activate.

obito: it's time to end this kakashi.

kakashi: this eye is what obito left me when he died i will finish this with it in order to stop you once and for all even if it means death.

obito: what?

kakashi focuses his kamui on obitos right eye obito tries to suck it up but it does nothing suddenly the eye is destroyed by the kamui and is sent to the other battle field kakashis left eye goes blind.

obito: NO!

kakashi: now we're stuck here forever no way out.

obito: you've doomed yourself.

kakashi: but I've saved the world from your insanity we end this now by the end of this we will both be dead, that eye was obitos hope it saved us from you.


kakashi: i will never accept you as the real obito, the real obito lived on in my left eye and he sacerficed his life to save me so i could stop you.

scene change to juubi.

juubi is forming a large tailed beast bomb.

naruto: no

madra: this is the end.

the juubi releases it but the attack is stopped by a large tree and susaon'o.

madara: !!!

naruto: what... sa...SAUSKE!

sasuke: you seem worn out naruto.

chapter end
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