[Predictions] naruto 628 prediction reunion

-Haku Yuki-

Active member
Jan 4, 2011
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naruto 628 reunion

listen for more epicness

Tobirama: let's go this time i will show madara no mercy! Space and time ninjutsu flying thunder god jutsu!

A large symbol appears in front of the hokages faces many villagers step out to see them up on the heads sauske orichimaru and the others join them one on each head.

minato: naruto just wait alittle longer i'm coming and i'll make up for my mistake

third: i wonder how naruto has grown.

sauske: so naruto is teh fourths son?

tobirama: the jutsus ready.

tobirama makes multiple hand seals and teh panel switchs back to the juubi battle.

Naruto: tailed beast bomb!

madara: useless.

madaras perfect susaon'o blocks the tailed beats bomb with a slash kakashi is seen doing hand to hand combat with obito, the konoha 11 are attacking the juubi.

choji: butter fly bullet bombing!

lee: askujaku!

shikamaru: shadow binding jutsu!

sai: super beast scroll giant tiger

after the barrage of attacks they subdue the juubi and sais sealing jutsu is coming towards the juubi it escapes by entering its final form which is looks exactly like the kyuubis but larger and with its single eye.

hachibi: ok keep it up, tailed beast bomb!

the juubi swallows the tailed beat bomb and unleashs it back at the hachibi, lee knocks the tailed beast bomb into the air where it explodes.

lee: this thing is powerful.

the juubi begins to prepare its final attack obito attacks kakashi with a a gaint shuriken naruto is about to be impaled with the susaon'o's sword then a large flash appears a large chunck of wood stops madaras sword the third appear and stops teh juubi's attack, the second stands next to minato as minato blocks obito.

madara:!!!!!!!!!! O_O

obito: ~_~

minato: obito? o_O well f*ck this is all my fault ( humor xd)

third: what is this thing?

kakashi: sensei!

hashirama: madara i have no idea how you survived but today i will finish you without any doubts.

tobirama: another uchiha, fourth i will help you finish him.

kakashi: me to with 3 space and time users there's no way he can win.

minato: obito why why did you atatck teh village 16 years ago!?

naruto: you're the first hokage?

hahsirama: ah the kyuubis current jinchuriki you must be the fourths son.

naruto: dads here?

minato: you two handle him for a moment there's someone i need to see.

minato telports to naruto inside the kyuubi cloak.

naruto: dad why are you?

mianto: a young uchiha wanted to come and help so we joined him.

naruto: a young uch... SASUKE!

sasuke: naruto let's end madara first go finish juubi over there it's needed for their plans fourth finish off the masked man me and naruto can handle madara.

madara: so one of my desendents huh?

naruto: what's going on?

fourth: naruto we're here to help and there's something i need to give you.

naruto looks at sauske and at minato naruto smiles and takes minatos hand.

minato: now you'll be complete, i'm giving you the other half of the kyuubi i sealed in myself.

naruto titches and the yellow shroud becomes bright orange and suddenly it becomes the real kyuubi.

chapter end
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Active member
May 21, 2012
Trait Points
I'm sure there will be much more surprise and shock to everyone as to why the 1-4th hokages are there in edo tensei, why orochimaru is there who was thought to be dead for like a year now, and what sasuke is doing..and who the fukc team taka is. I'm sure if we get any of taka and the hokages next chapter (probably going to have them on 630) it will be either the end of next chapter or the chapter after that with a cliff hanger and sasuke is in front of naruto and he's just like .... "Yo" and narutos gonna be all happy and jump cause he's gonna know sasukes 'back'