[Predictions] Naruto 595 predictions!


Active member
Nov 17, 2011
Trait Points
Naruto: Looks like I have to surpass my own limits this time.
Kyuubi: No problem Naruto, lets go for it.
*Naruto creates some clones and runs towards Tobi. Bee, Kakashi and Guy decide to stall the Jyuubi.

*Back at HQ*
Ao: Shukaku, we have a problem. The ten tails!!! It has been revived!
Shukaku: What? How? Were Naruto and Bee absorbed?
Ao: No, Tobi used the chakra of the Kin-Jin brothers.
Shukaku: This is bad. Notify everyone immediately.
Inoichi: Already on it.

*Iniochi gets down to business*

Iniochi: Raikage Sama, Tsuchikage Sama, Mizukage Sama, Tsunade Sama, Kazekage Sama, Mifune Sama, Darui, Kitsuchi and every ninja in the alliance. The Tentails has been revived!!

Darui: ... ??!!!
Kitsuchi: :sy:
Oonoki:.... ( speechless but with a concerned look)
Tsunade: What? Even with Naruto, Bee, Kakashi and Guy? Have we Failed?
Mizukage: Its all over??
Raikage: ......
Anonymous Ninja 1: Why?? Why?? Even after so much sacrifice, there was nothing we could do!
Anonymous Ninja 2: This is it, we are fighting for a lost cause now?
Anonymous Ninja 3: There's no way for us anymore. Madara himself was enough to almost wipe out the 5 Kage! Now the Jyuubi??
* Others start to mentally fall apart*

Kazekage: NO!! ALL HOPE IS NOT LOST. Naruto and Bee are still fighting. Ninja every where are still fighting. Even the Samurai have decided to take part in this war. Many have died. Their death will not be in vain. AS ONE OF THE FIVE KAGE I WILL SEE TO IT THAT THE ENEMY HAS BEEN DEFEATED!!
Tsunade: Its a tough job. How do you expect...
Raikage: HOKAGE!!The kid is right. As the five Kage we are supposed to be the strongest in the village. We are responsible for their lives. As the leader of the Allied Shinobi force, I the Raikage command each and every one of you to fight. Fight till your body breaks. If anyone decides to back off now, after the war is over I will personally see them punished. We will defeat the Jyuubi
Madara: !!( So, the Jyuubi has been revived. Damn that ***tard)

*Suddenly the ninja from the alliance feel rejuvinated again. They resume their battles and try to take out the enemy quickly. Only one goal is in hteir mind- AID NARUTO AND BEE IN FIGHTING THE JYUUBI*

Madara: I am finished playing with you Kage. I have to go somewhere now.
Raikage: Where do you think you are going? The 5 Kage are not finished with you.
Madara: ( He was about to say something but was cut off by the Raikage)
Raikage: Kages of your village. Rise up! We are not weak. We are the Kage.
Kazekage: Lets put everything in this last attack. Madara gets out of here over our dead bodies.
Oonoki: I see. The new generation of ninja still has sum spunk left. Ok then. Lets do this.
Mizukage: After all, we still have to help Naruto and the others defeat Tobi.

On the battle field,
Mifune: So, Naruto and Bee-dono need help. My team is ready to go for aid.
Lee: We have to finish off here to help Naruto
Shikamaru: Hold on Naruto, we are coming.
Neji: (You said you will change the Hyuuga for me, I wont let you die Naruto)
Sakura: Dont worry Naruto I am already on my way.
Hinata: I'll help you again this time Naruto-Kun.

The scene reverts back to Naruto,

Naruto, Kakashi and Gai are seen to be sent flying. They hit a nearby hill.
Bee: Naruto, Copy Ninja, wierd green beast are you okay??
Guy: Of course we are.
Naruto: Hmm
Kakashi: I'll live.
Hachibi: They have so much heart. We can't lose here Bee.
Bee: So what are you guys waiting for? Lets defeat him already!!
Jun 1, 2012
Trait Points
what I don't understand is why do people think that madara will just leave and spare the kage...he'd probably kill them just for the fun of it, it will only take him a couple seconds...


Sep 2, 2011
Trait Points
My prediction:

Color page opens with Juubi's sinister chakra leaking from Gedou Mazou. Naruto sends out clones to attack Tobi with Rasengan, but they phase through Tobi's body.

Kakashi, "Naruto the only way to land an attack on that guy is to aim for the moment he becomes solid to use his jutsu"

Killer B, "but there is no reason for this guy to go on the attack, since he's just stalling till Juubi comes back♪"

Flashback of Jiriaya, "Anyway Naruto don't use "that jutsu", at your current level you can't control the size correctly"

Naruto (Thinking), "With Senjutsu I can probably pull of that technique now, watch me Ero-Sennin."

Naruto (with a confident look), "Don't worry "that jutsu" will be perfect for this situation"

Kakashi, "When did he master a jutsu that strong?"

*Naruto enters Sennin Modo

Naruto, "Senpō"

Tobi, "Whatever you try it's usele---"

Naruto, "Hāremu no Jutsu"

*Tobi is surrounded by all different types of half naked women, with different hair styles, sizes, etc...

Naruto, "With my senses enhanced in sannin modo I can create many different types of women with the correct sizes and proportions, Short, Tall, Tsundere, Kudere, this is the ultimate forbidden sexy no jutsu ero-sennin taught me. "Sorry Konohamaru this is a wall you will never be able to climb..Muhahaha!!!"

Naruto's harem clones speaking in unison, "so tell me mask-sama, what is your type"

Kakashi (thinking), "this idiot!"

Killer B, "Look Gyuki that ones not like the rest, it's got my dream middle age breast♪"

Gai, "My youth is about to explode!!!"

Kurama, "What does his youth stand for anyway?"

*Scene changes. Sakura gets a chill down her spine

Sakura, "I just got the feeling like I wanted to hit Naruto really hard"

Sai, "You should be more upfront with your feelings Sakura, that's what a book I read said at least"

Ino, "We're all worried about him."

Lee, "Come release your youth and we'll reach him faster"

*Back to Tobi vs Naruto

Tobi, "Such childishness will never goad me into attacking"

Naruto, "It's too late you have already fell into my jutsu"

Naruto, "GO!"

*Kage Bushin appear behind Gedou Mazou

Naruto's Kage Bushin, "Senpō: Chou Oddoma Rasenrengan"

*Tobi goes to teleport

Naruto's Hārem, "Don't forget we're here masked-sama"

Naruto's Hārem, "Hārem Rendan"

*The clones kick Tobi into the air and the real Naruto goes to punch Tobi's mask, Tobi goes to defend

Tobi (Thinking), "I have to prioritize protecting the Mazou"

Tobi, "Shinra Tensei"

*Tobi redirects his attack at the clones charging mazou blowing them away, but Naruto's punch hits Tobi's mask square on and smashes Tobi into the ground.

Kurama (thinking), "I thought he was just messing around, but his plan was actually brilliant"

Kakashi, "Naruto's use of his Hārem technique in this situation is enough to throw anybody off their game a little bit and Naruto used this chance to get his clones in position "

Kakashi, "From there he used his senses in Sennin Modo to detect the moment when the masked man was about to use a jutsu and had the Hārem clones attack, while simultaneously forcing the masked man to prioritize defending the Mazou, amazing!!"

*Tobi gets up to his feet and huge crack is in his mask

Tobi (thinking), "This kid dragging me into his pace with his silly tricks?" "I need to end this now" "Chibaku Tensei!"

*Tobi draws in some chakra from the Gedou Mazou and starts forming a Chibaku Tensei Orb much larger than the one seen with Nagato.

Gai, "What crazy power, is he the God of Youth!?"

Kurama, "You idiot Naruto you only made him mad."

Naruto, "My bad (punches himself in the head making the I am dumb face)"

Killer B, "The only way to get out of this pinch, is to blow up that bit---♪"

Gyuuki (Punches B), "Not know!!"

Gyuuki, "B quickly set up a link with Naruto I need to give him some of my chakra"

*B bro fists naruto. Naruto takes in Gyuuki's chakra and enters RM again

Kakashi (Thinking), "This doesn't make sense, Hachibi only gave naruto a small portion of his chakra, but Naruto's own chakra skyrocketed from it"

Flashback to Naruto recovering his chakra against the Yonbi

Kakashi, "Naruto when you recovered before did someone give you chakra?"

Naurto, "Son Goku the 4-tails gave me a piece of his chakra and I don't know I just suddenly felt resorted" "It happened again when the other 5 gave me some chakra"

Flashback to Tobi, "It's power is no less potent if it's only a piece"

Kakashi, "That's it!"

Gai, "??"

Kakashi, "Inoichi can you here me?"

Inoichi, "What is it Kakashi?"

Kakashi, "You should know the situation here well, so i'll get to the point is there anyway we can get our hands on some of the 1-tails chakra"

*Scene switches to Baki

Inoichi, "I need to know does Suna still have any of the 1-tails chakra in it's possession?"

Baki, "There may still be some inside Gaara-Sama"

Inoichi, "The Gokage already have enough to deal with, that is impossible"

Baki, "Wait there is one more possibility." "Long ago the 1-tails was sealed in special tea kettle designed by chiyo while Suna was waiting to find the next jinchuuriki." "It's possible that the tea kettle contains a small amount of residual chakra from the 1-tail"

Baki, "But it's all the way in Suna and the amount of chakra left would be small"

*Scene switches to Kakashi

Inoichi, "There is an object in Suna that might have some of it's chakra, but will a small amount work?"

Kakashi, "The amount doesn't matter, but can you get it here in a timely manor"

Inoichi, "i'll figure something out, but what are you planning Kakashi?"

Kakashi, "We're going to create a second Juubi"

*At that moment Tobi launches the chibaku tensei orb into the sky and the ground starts breaking apart.

Killer B, "Kakashi whatever your planing, doesn't seem like it will come through before our lives will be ending♪"

End of Chapter

Next Time: Which side can complete Juubi first? The race heats up next week!!!
Last edited:


Active member
Jun 15, 2012
Trait Points
My prediction:

Color page opens with Juubi's sinister chakra leaking from Gedou Mazou. Naruto sends out clones to attack Tobi with Rasengan, but they phase through Tobi's body.

Kakashi, "Naruto the only way to land an attack on that guy is to aim for the moment he becomes solid to use his jutsu"

Killer B, "but there is no reason for this guy to go on the attack, since he's just stalling till Juubi comes back♪"

Flashback of Jiriaya, "Anyway Naruto don't use "that jutsu", at your current level you can't control the size correctly"

Naruto (Thinking), "With Senjutsu I can probably pull of that technique now, watch me Ero-Sennin."

Naruto (with a confident look), "Don't worry "that jutsu" will be perfect for this situation"

Kakashi, "When did he master a jutsu that strong?"

*Naruto enters Sennin Modo

Naruto, "Senpō"

Tobi, "Whatever you try it's usele---"

Naruto, "Hāremu no Jutsu"

*Tobi is surrounded by all different types of half naked women, with different hair styles, sizes, etc...

Naruto, "With my senses enhanced in sannin modo I can create many different types of women with the correct sizes and proportions, Short, Tall, Tsundere, Kudere, this is the ultimate forbidden sexy no jutsu ero-sennin taught me. "Sorry Konohamaru this is a wall you will never be able to climb..Muhahaha!!!"

Naruto's harem clones speaking in unison, "so tell me mask-sama, what is your type"

Kakashi (thinking), "this idiot!"

Killer B, "Look Gyuki that ones not like the rest, it's got my dream middle age breast♪"

Gai, "My youth is about to explode!!!"

Kurama, "What does his youth stand for anyway?"

*Scene changes. Sakura gets a chill down her spine

Sakura, "I just got the feeling like I wanted to hit Naruto really hard"

Sai, "You should be more upfront with your feelings Sakura, that's what a book I read said at least"

Ino, "We're all worried about him."

Lee, "Come release your youth and we'll reach him faster"

*Back to Tobi vs Naruto

Tobi, "Such childishness will never goad me into attacking"

Naruto, "It's too late you have already fell into my jutsu"

Naruto, "GO!"

*Kage Bushin appear behind Gedou Mazou

Naruto's Kage Bushin, "Senpō: Chou Oddoma Rasenrengan"

*Tobi goes to teleport

Naruto's Hārem, "Don't forget we're here masked-sama"

Naruto's Hārem, "Hārem Rendan"

*The clones kick Tobi into the air and the real Naruto goes to punch Tobi's mask, Tobi goes to defend

Tobi (Thinking), "I have to prioritize protecting the Mazou"

Tobi, "Shinra Tensei"

*Tobi redirects his attack at the clones charging mazou blowing them away, but Naruto's punch hits Tobi's mask square on and smashes Tobi into the ground.

Kurama (thinking), "I thought he was just messing around, but his plan was actually brilliant"

Kakashi, "Naruto's use of his Hārem technique in this situation is enough to throw anybody off their game a little bit and Naruto used this chance to get his clones in position "

Kakashi, "From there he used his senses in Sennin Modo to detect the moment when the masked man was about to use a jutsu and had the Hārem clones attack, while simultaneously forcing the masked man to prioritize defending the Mazou, amazing!!"

*Tobi gets up to his feet and huge crack is in his mask

Tobi (thinking), "This kid dragging me into his pace with his silly tricks?" "I need to end this now" "Chibaku Tensei!"

*Tobi draws in some chakra from the Gedou Mazou and starts forming a Chibaku Tensei Orb much larger than the one seen with Nagato.

Gai, "What crazy power, is he the God of Youth!?"

Kurama, "You idiot Naruto you only made him mad."

Naruto, "My bad (punches himself in the head making the I am dumb face)"

Killer B, "The only way to get out of this pinch, is to blow up that bit---♪"

Gyuuki (Punches B), "Not know!!"

Gyuuki, "B quickly set up a link with Naruto I need to give him some of my chakra"

*B bro fists naruto. Naruto takes in Gyuuki's chakra and enters RM again

Kakashi (Thinking), "This doesn't make sense, Hachibi only gave naruto a small portion of his chakra, but Naruto's own chakra skyrocketed from it"

Flashback to Naruto recovering his chakra against the Yonbi

Kakashi, "Naruto when you recovered before did someone give you chakra?"

Naurto, "Son Goku the 4-tails gave me a piece of his chakra and I don't know I just suddenly felt resorted" "It happened again when the other 5 gave me some chakra"

Flashback to Tobi, "It's power is no less potent if it's only a piece"

Kakashi, "That's it!"

Gai, "??"

Kakashi, "Inoichi can you here me?"

Inoichi, "What is it Kakashi?"

Kakashi, "You should know the situation here well, so i'll get to the point is there anyway we can get our hands on some of the 1-tails chakra"

*Scene switches to Baki

Inoichi, "I need to know does Suna still have any of the 1-tails chakra in it's possession?"

Baki, "There may still be some inside Gaara-Sama"

Inoichi, "The Gokage already have enough to deal with, that is impossible"

Baki, "Wait there is one more possibility." "Long ago the 1-tails was sealed in special tea kettle designed by chiyo while Suna was waiting to find the next jinchuuriki." "It's possible that the tea kettle contains a small amount of residual chakra from the 1-tail"

Baki, "But it's all the way in Suna and the amount of chakra left would be small"

*Scene switches to Kakashi

Inoichi, "There is an object in Suna that might have some of it's chakra, but will a small amount work?"

Kakashi, "The amount doesn't matter, but can you get it here in a timely manor"

Inoichi, "i'll figure something out, but what are you planning Kakashi?"

Kakashi, "We're going to create a second Juubi"

*At that moment Tobi launches the chibaku tensei orb into the sky and the ground starts breaking apart.

Killer B, "Kakashi whatever your planing, doesn't seem like it will come through before our lives will be ending♪"

End of Chapter

Next Time: Which side can complete Juubi first? The race heats up next week!!!
I like this a lot and the OP... Glad I opened up this thread