My theory


Oct 29, 2009
Trait Points
My theory as to how Obito became Tobi

The way I see it is like this:

After giving Kakshi his Sharingan, Obito's grief awakened his Mangekyo seconds before being completely crushed by the ensuing landslide. He then subconsciously transported himself to the other dimension, no doubt as a defense mechanism. Afterwards, he transported himself back out of the dimension somewhere near konoha, where Orochimaru found him.

Orochimaru noticed that Obito had the Mangekyo Sharingan, and decided to save him. He brought him to one of his secret hideouts, where he unveiled one of his experiments: Zetsu. Orochimaru used zetsu to save Obito, then helped him become accustomed to his new limbs, and learn how to further control his Mangekyo. Using Zetsu not only saved his life, but also increased his power exponentially due to the Senju DNA. I believe this caused his normal MS to act more like an EMS, allowing him to use (and abuse) his new optical ability to his hearts content.
(This would explain how in the span of a few short years Obito went from being a normal Genin, to being able to go toe to toe with the 4th Hokage.)

Orochimaru's initial motive to help Obito was the same as with Sasuke, to take his body after training him a bit. He did not foresee, however, that Obito's MS tech would make him almost completely untouchable. Orochimaru saw this, and decided to just have Zetsu keep an eye on Obito, and manipulate him from the shadows.

Then, after hearing of Rin's death: Obito lost it, and began devising his "Moon's Eye Plan".

etc etc etc...

Constructive feedback is appreciated :)
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