My first Fan- fiction


Apr 7, 2011
Trait Points


Remember when Tobi was telling the story of SO6P to the Kages. Well, it is true that the SO6P existed , had the rinnegan and had even defeated and separated the Ten-Tails into nine different entities- the 9 Tailed beasts. But Tobi had told that on his deathbed , the SO6P had created the tailed beasts, which is not true. He had created them immediately after defeating the Ten Tails.
Here is what happened at that time -

โ€œWhat am I? Who am I? Where am I? How can I exist? And the most important question of all- How come I have so many questions?????โ€
These were the thoughts running through my mind as I came into being or to put it bluntly- being formed. I looked at myself in the nearby pond. I don't know why , but I thought that if I exist, my surroundings should too. I saw various creatures somewhat like me, about 9 of us, and was surprised how they came to existence. Some were excited, others scared. I for one, was curious to know what will happen next. I looked downwards and saw a strange creature
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Then something came back to me- visions of a fight , the clash of powers, the cries of pain- but I did not know how was all this related to me. This strange creature then began revolving a small black mass around his small- if I can say so- hands. He directed it at a giant black thing besides him and both combined began to go upwards along with the surrounding debris. My first instinct was to move away as I realized unconsciously that the debris around me were getting attracted to the black mass . I managed to move the other creatures away with my tails as the the debris formed a giant, spherical rock structure larger than all nine of us. Then the strange creature moved his hands and repelled the whole thing towards the sky. After going up for sometime, it stayed there in the sky.
Then the creature turned towards us and to my surprise, spoke โ€œSo how are you all ?โ€
I asked : โ€œ You speak ???โ€ and it said โ€œ Of course !!!!โ€
I asked him โ€œ What are you?โ€ and he replied โ€œI belong to the class of creatures called human being and my name is Sagotix Senjupan. But I am more commonly known as the SAGE OF THE SIX PATHS.โ€ And then it hit me
Myself : Have I fought you before ??
SO6P: Yes, you all beasts( referring to all nine of us) were once part of a dangerous entity known as Ten Tailed beast. I just sealed its body upwards( pointing to the stone sphere he just created).

And then I remembered- the dark, cold , evil energy, the taste of blood. Even with its body sealed up, I could imagine the foul smell of its power. I wondered if the others remembered it. I turned to my right and asked a beast who had Eight tails:
Myself : You are feeling something....cold??
Beast : Yes, but it seems like a recent dream. You?
Myself : I remember it clearly.( Turning to SO6P) Then why did you create us??
SO6P : Even though the body along with the evil had been sealed, the energy was left unstable without a body and in that case, our world would have been destroyed!!!!!!
Myself: Your world you mean........
SO6P: You all are part of this world.
Myself (exclaiming) : But not by choice!!!!!!!!
SO6P: You did not have the choice of existing, but now you posses the choice of your own existence in this world!!!!!!!!

I just gaped at him.
Myself : We do not know anyone in here except you. We will live with you for the time being, if thats okay with you and the others.
All nodded.
SO6P: so now that you all exist, have you thought of a name for yourself??
All nine of us nodded uncertainly.
SO6P : Begin telling from the extreme right

And they begin telling
I am the One tailed Shukaku
I am the Two tailed Monster Cat
I am the Three tailed Turtle
I am the Four tailed Monkey
I am the Five tailed Water Horse
I am the Six Tailed Slug
I am the Seven tailed Bettle
I am the Eight tailed Octopus Bison

And finally I said: I am the Nine tailed Fox........

``````chapter 1 ends````````````````

Please comment on how was it.....