My dream Inuyasha RPG


Active member
Jul 2, 2012
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It would be created by those responsible for Kingdom Hearts 1 and Final Fantasy X

I believe without the filler the search for the jewl shards and defeating naruku was not only a great story but,a perfect story for a rpg with classic overtones.Any of the exciting filler and various demons can be set aside as an open sand box style side missions.Taking cue from games kingdom hearts and Final Fantasty X.Also like FFX and KH you can implement various secret post end game bosses.The four movies would be nice locations you can visit after the main game to keep it fresh.Post game you can add other characters to your list for the various missions that are harder outside the story line like seshomaru,koga,kohaku and kikyo which would provide nice alternatives to existing party members creating various battle group strategies.

The world is beautiful and vibrant enough.The music scores lends itself perfectly to a player traversing the terrain.
Awesome set peices that be traveled to.Which reminds me there are so many forms of travel for the game as well.Getting places would never get old.

Miroku acts as a healer/dark priest.Sango is a heavy long range and kagome is your long range/light priest and inuysha is your all around.Inyusha gets sword upgrades.Sango gets a more powerful Hiraikotsu with various effects.Kagome has various arrows etc,etc,

Little things that i can picture that benefit from having various people in group is miroku being able to exercise demons at various villages.It would provide your crew with money instead of sleeping outside and being attack by low level demons.(You know the fodder demon that travel like there a bunch of car pooling demon heads ?) Whenever they appear the classic inuyasha battle music flares up.
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