[MUST READ] Sasuke's Konoha destruction: chapter 4 - Reunion


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Apr 26, 2012
Trait Points
Hi guys :). I got out early from work today so im going to take the opportunity to write another chapter.

AND TY For all those who read my Fan-fic and EVEN more thanks to those who leave their thoughts.

As a first time fan fic writer im really hoping that i keep you all entertained

CHAPTER 4: Reunion

Up in the mountain above the war and battlefield, Naruto and Kakashi wait to see the revival of Minato Namikaze.
A breeze picks up as Minato starts to lift his head from within the Coffin summoned by the Edo tensei only a meter away from naruto and kakashi. His hair waves in the wind showing off its bright yellow color. As he opens his blue wide eyes it seems that the world stops to welcome his revival as he takes his first step back into the world on soft grass.

Naruto:*Widens his eyes and gulps*

Kakashi: "sensei......"

Minato wears normal ninja clothing, blue pants and shirt with a zipped up green vest. On his shoulder rest a a white coat, with the words yondaime hokage.

Naruto: *steps forward and hugs minato*


Minato: *looks down and sees naruto hugging him and slowly moves his hand on top of narutos head and moves the other on his back.*

Kakashi: *stays back staring in disbelief at Minato*

"Naruto......" *looks up and sees kakashi* "Kakashi....you've grown up"

Kakashi: " Sensei.....its really you."

Naruto: *ends the hug and steps back so he can take a good look at his dad*

"Dad! i cant believe it."

Minato: " Im happy to see you both....but how am i alive, my soul was sealed when i use the Dead demon consuming jutsu....there's no way i should be able to be brought back"

Kakashi: "Obito brought you back using the Edo tensei and retrieving your soul from the death god by giving his in exchange....before he died he used the power of the rinnegan to completely revive you."

Minato: *looks at Obito laying on the rock, and then looks at the shattered mask on the ground beside him and understood the link between tobi and obito almost immediately*

"so obito was the masked man who attacked konoha with the nine tails back then...." [minato says as he slightly lowers his head in something that could either be sadness or disappointment. ]

Kakashi explains to Minato eveything Obito told him and naruto. All the while Minato seems to look at Obito as if he were still there but only sleeping, waiting for him to wake up.

Kakashi: The cycle of hatred in this shinobi world was what clouded obito's mind and led him to his fate.

Naruto: *looks back at Obito's body* I promise, no i swear...ill find a way to end this hate and bring peace. So that something like this never happens again.

Minato: *walks past Naruto and kakashi and goes to Obito's body, and get on one knee as he goes to softly touch Obito's lifeless shoulder, and bows his head*

After what seems like a few minutes Minato gets up and turns to face both kakashi and naruto.

Minato: "Who killed him"

Kakashi: Sasuke....Uchiha.

Minato and Naruto listen as Kakashi tells Minato about the ninja war, the ten tails and sasuke.

Kakashi: Sensei, we need you to teach Naruto the perfect sage mode. He wont stand a chance against Sasuke any other way.

Minato: *nods his head as he digests all the information he was told*

"The ten tails....." " Of course, but it wont be easy, luckily" *Minato turns to look at Naruto* " you have already mastered the toad sage mode, so we wont have to start from scratch" "Also how was the business with the 9 tails going? Have you captured its power?"

Naruto: "yea....with moms help"

Minato: *smiles at the mention of kushina* "im glad"

*tuns his face serious*

"Lets go....I'd like to meet with the present kages"

Naruto: "kakashi...He's right...My dad is the 4TH hokage...we should take him to meet them"

Kakashi: "Your right...lets go"

Minato: "its settled then...but before we go, id like to bury Obito's body"

Obito's body was buried. On top of his grave were three rocks on top of each other.

Minato: "Its not much but for now i'd like to at least pay respect "

They all bow their head.

Minato: ( i wish i could have done something to help you) " Okay....lets go..."

As the three ninja walk off into the forests arms a ray of light seems to shine on Obito's grave.

okay..this was just a finisher chapter from the last...you know bringing the whole minato back to life thing...anyways im glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter. i wasnt expecting the amount of positive results i received so TY. I hope you at least were entertained by this chapter even if it was a bit short.

plz rate this chapter 1-5...5 being awsome and plz comment...oh btw i saw the best fan fic vote thing 2day...Culd anyone plz comment on how i enter, I'd love to participate in the next one
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Apr 26, 2012
Trait Points
Can you VM me links to 1-3 so I can read them? xd
(suggest you read them all for full understanding)

intro -

chpt 2 part 1 -

chpt 2 part 2 -

chpt 3 -

chpt 4 -
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