Mianmen (028)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from: https://animebase.me/threads/bulanshaat-033.755850/page-2#post-22074787

This post encompasses a B-rank mission containing the following storyboard elements:
  • (custom) Fight an individual of comparable strength without using Ninjutsu (3)
“So you must be, uh,” Hawke consulted the poster the Brothers had picked up in one of Mianmen’s many villages. “Ahichu Uchiha?” He looked up, raising a deadpan eyebrow at the man in front of him. “That’s your real name?”

Ahichu’s only response was an angry snort as he crossed his arms and starred back at him silently. Being at least seven feet tall the man towered over Hawke, and he was almost as wide as he was tall. Muscles bulged visibly under his clothes and if the numerous scars and tattoos covering his arms were anything to go by, he was definitely used to scrap. The man was built like a brick shithouse and yet, Hawke ground his teeth, his features were still finer than porcelain. Uchihas just sucked.

“I’ll be straight with you, yeah? A guy’s paid me a shit-ton to beat the living daylights out of you, so get ready for an ass-kicking.”

Ahichu looked down at Hawke; no more than six feet tall and at least a hundred pounds lighter, and snorted derisively. The giant looked around the open clearing where Garrett had finally tracked him down and made a sweeping gesture with one arm.

“You will fight me alone, little man?” He asked, voice surprisingly dainty for a man his size.

“It says here you’re twenty-two,” Hawke said, looking up from his poster with more than a bit of skepticism. “What’d you do to piss the merchants off this badly at your age, eh?”

“It is none of your business!” the hulking, bear-like Uchiha countered with a holler, putting up his arms in an advanced fighting stance. “No more talk!”

“Suit yourself,” Hawke relented with a shrug, then exploded towards the black-haired youth in a burst of speed. He launched himself diagonally into the air off of one foot and, adjusting his airborne body with a jerk, used the torque of the motion to twist himself into a spinning front kick that would have shattered the Uchiha’s jaw. That is, until Ahichu pointedly raised one hand and redirected the force of Hawke’s kick along the length of his arm, before then sending him flying backwards with a well-placed punch to the midsection. It felt like a hammer blow in the gut and as Hawke hit the ground hard he wondered if it was his own liver he tasted in his mouth. When he stood up again, it was with a groan.

“I’ll give you that one,” Garrett allowed while gingerly massaging his sides. “But from now o-“

The follow-up punch hit him square in the chest and Hawke made a sound like a squeaky toy being stepped on while he staggered back, eyes refocusing just in time to see the clear outline of Ahichu’s fist as it connected with his face. Blinking in surprise, the telltale sound of crunching cartilage – accompanied by a spray of blood – informed Hawke that his nose had been broken by that. There was no time to rest however, and tired of being a punching bag Hawke caught a hard side-kick from the Uchiha with his elbow, blocking the attack with a grunt of exertion. Each blow was like an anvil.

With a muttered curse Hawke counterattacked; a right jab to the giant’s trachea let him recompose himself as Ahichu faltered for a moment. Carrying the motion into a spin, Hawke rotated counterclockwise and planted a swift spinning back kick in just the same spot as his punch. Even the monstrous Uchiha stumbled back at that, dazed by the riposte, but he quickly recovered and made clever use of the temporary distance between them. Blazing through a number of handseals the Uchiha formed a ring around his mouth and inhaled sharply. The resulting fireball streaked towards Hawke like a little comet, hungrily consuming oxygen.

“Aah, shit.”

The grizzled veteran immediately dropped into a perfect split, all but slamming his head against the dirt as he hugged the ground tight, narrowly avoiding the main body of the fireball. Still, the stunt left him with a few singed hairs. Ahichu, for his part, laughed the penultimate condescending Uchiha laugh.

“Give up, stranger, or I shall show you what real power means!” The giant called out to him warningly. “You could never defeat a true scion of the Uchiha!”

‘Gods above,’ Hawke thought to himself, amazed by the stupidity. ‘Do they really still believe that rubbish?’

Ahichu took his silence as a challenge and closed his eyes for a moment while holding up two fingers in the universal ninpo symbol. When he opened them again, Garrett was greeted by the blood-red sclera of a three-tomoe Sharingan.

But he should have opened them faster.

Aware of it too late to react, the giant Uchiha was treated to a slow-motion performance of Hawke’s left leg weight connecting with his forehead. The large man’s head snapped back like a broken twig and he let out a pitiful oomph of pain. It impaired his vision just long enough to allow for Hawke’s right leg weight to strike true against Ahichu’s crotch before he could react.

Hawke was on him in a moment, but his target slid back on his feet just in time to avoid his front kick again. Not letting up, Hawke fluidly transferred the energy of the attack into a left haymaker, stepping forward to put the weight of his kick behind the punch. Sharingan or no, a man was only as fast as his body allowed him to be. Garrett felt at least one of the Uchiha’s ribs buckle as he buried his fist in the man’s abdomen. Ahichu let out a final, painful gasp and collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut.

Finally allowed a moment of respite, Hawke let out a long sigh of fatigue. What an absolute brute of a man. For good measure, he kicked the Uchiha in the ribs to make sure he was really out cold. Then again just to double-check.


Hawke was resting on the fallen man’s back, smoking a cheroot in the sun when another black-haired young man came bursting into the clearing. This time he was no giant, but amusingly looked somewhat like a much tinier version of Ahichu.

“You scoundrel!” The young man yelled accusingly at Hawke. He looked enraged. “What have you done to my brother!?”

“Your brother’s pissed off some merchants in Haesu, boy. It’s just business.”

“Business?” The man repeated, almost uncomprehendingly. “Uchiha is a warrior, not a trader!”

“You call your own brother by clan name?” Hawke asked in amusement, blowing a small smoke ring under his breath.

“That’s his name, you simpleton! My brother is Uchiha Uchiha!”

Something horrifying was starting to dawn on Hawke. He crushed the cheroot in his hand, not even noticing the burns the hot ash caused him.

“…and your name is?” He all but whispered the question.

“I am Ahichu Uchiha, you fool!” The young man, no more than five foot five and ten stones took a clumsy battle stance. “Now surrender yourself right away, or I shall show you what real power means!”

“Oh for fucks sake.”

( Katai Omori ) - Leg Weights
Type: Weapon/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (+20 to Kicks, 2x Running Speed)
Description: The Leg Weights used for Special Taijutsu Training with Added Weights are made through the application of a sealing formula to ordinary leg weights. The sealing formula is used to, through the use of chakra, increase the weight of the leg weights to the desired level. The seal can't be applied to anything other than the leg weights and its use is restricted to its original purpose. One can remove the leg weights but the sealing technique in them stays active indefinitely and can't be released. Additionally, the Leg Weights and their unique seal calibration makes them only usable by the ninja to whom they belong. They can't be sealed or stolen.
- Leaving for LM 27
  • Love
Reactions: Lili-Chwan


Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from Graveyard of Sin
Part 1 of Eradicating Clan of Mercenaries of Uchiha Hideout

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After a somewhat long journey, Sasuke had finally reached the Uchiha Hideout. The sun was at its highest in the blue sky. It was slightly cloudy with birds flying.

As commanded, Messenja rendezvoused with Sasuke south of the hideout. "What intel do you have for me?", Sasuke asked of Messenja. "The clan is a total of 30 missing-nin. The leader is an A ranked ninja from the Badlands of Earth. His second in command is his younger brother, a B ranked ninja from the same area. Their soldiers are C ranked ninjas from various areas of the ninja world. The leader is out doing a mission with 14 soldiers. He isn't expected to return until nightfall. Inside hideout is the younger brother and 9 soldiers. There are 5 soldiers patrolling the 5 lower levels of the hill."

"If I might advise, Sssssasuke-sama, a giant ssssssnake sssssummon would fend well in dispatching them."
"No. That would risk damaging or destroying the hideout. I'll deal with them personally while keeping the hideout in tact. Thank you Messenja. You may leave now." "As you wish Sssssasuke-sama."

Messenja slithered off into the forest. Sasuke activated his Sharingan and hid in a tree. He observed the patrolling ninjas for an hour to look for any patterns.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C - A Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 - 30 ( -5 per turn for 1T and 2T, 10 per turn to keep active for 3T )
Damage: N/A
One of the Three Great Dōjutsu (San Daidōjutsu), the Sharingan is the kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan. Unlike the other Dōjutsu, not all members of the Uchiha Clan possess the Sharingan. This great Dōjutsu seems to awaken only on exceptional Uchiha members and only in times of great stress. Once awaken, the pupil turns red and a single tomoe (巴) seal appears around the center pupil. As the user masters and evolves their eyes, the tomoe (巴) seals increase, topping 3 per eye. The main ability of the Sharingan, like any other Dōjutsu, is to enable the user to see the flow of chakra. This ability is further improved as the Sharingan gives color to chakra, enabling the user to differentiate chakras from different people or from different sources. Although the user can see chakra through matter, he cannot see beyond dense matter or in long distances. Coupled with the ability to see chakra, Sharingan users gain acess to an incredible clarity of perception that enables them to read insanely fast movements or minor details, enabling them the ability to foresee in an easier way, traps, incoming attacks, etc. This clarity of perception is so great that a Sharingan user can sometimes start performing a counter to an attack that is still being performed, enabling the counter to be launched only a split a second after the attack. This clarity of perception leaves Sharingan users able to track high speed movement easily as well as to read through handseals. This last ability enables them to learn techniques much faster and sometimes copy them directly from the enemy, as long as the user has the necessary chakra affinities and requirements to perform it. Finally, the Sharingan is often linked to Genjutsu and mind-manipulating illusions, mostly because the user can, mostly through Eye Contact, directly and precisely use his chakra to manipulate the enemy's chakra flow. In return, the users clarity of perception gives him the ability to more easily decipher visual illusions cast upon him and see past them. The Sharingan has a great cost to the user though. The chakra consumption disables its use for long periods of time and, even when the user grows stronger, it's still hard to keep it active for long periods of time.
Note: The user, if he hasn't gained full mastery over his Sharingan, will need to spend a move to activate it, although as long as he has chakra and enough stamina he'll be able to keep it active until the end of the match. If the user is Sannin Rank or above and has gained his 3 Tomoe Sharingan and held it for one month, he becomes able to passively activate it, meaning he'll no longer spend a move of his 3 per turn.
Note: To avoid direct Eye Contact and be able to focus only on the body movement below the chin, the opponent needs to have mastered Taijutsu to possess the necessary skill
Note: C rank usage is for 1T Sharingan, B rank usage is reserved for 2T Sharingan. A Rank usage is reserved for 3T Sharingan.
Note: Predicting the nature of a technique or what it exactly is requires the user to either know the technique or that its a cannon technique.
Note: Danzo and Kakashi bios activate the Sharingan by removing the covers in their respective eyes and suffer a +10 chakra consumption per turn penalty
Note: The user is bound by the abilities and limits of the stage of sharingan he possesses, stated in the rules of the KG.
  • The bottom level ninja seemed to be a novice younger aged boy. Birds flapping their wings, a squirrel stepping a on twig, etc all scared him. He clearly wasn't meant to be a ninja.
  • The ninja on the level above him was a chain smoker. He would stop every 15 minutes to light up a smoke.
  • Above him was a ninja from the Akimichi clan. He would irregularly stop and open up a bag of chips. This occurred irregularly every 3 to 7 minutes.
  • This next ninja would patrol a quarter of his route before stopping to observe his surroundings.
  • The ninja up top was a hyuuga clansman judging by his eyes. His byakugan wasn't activated. This was probably because he didn't have the chakra capacity to have it activated for his entire shift. He also didn't have any exploitable mishaps in his patrolling route. Everything should however run smoothly as long as he doesnt activate it while Sasuke deals with the other ninjas below him.
After observing the ninja, Sasuke began his assault on the hideout. He approached the lower level on foot, quickly making his way into the tree. It wasn't too long until Sasuke found his target. Sasuke stalked him from the trees like a predator eyeing down its prey. Eventually 2m in front of the boy, an egg fell from a tree. It as predicted startled the boy. Sasuke took this opportunity to quickly, but silently dash towards the boy behind him from his blindspot and decapitated him with his Sword of Kusanagi. While Sasuke felt no remorse about killing the young ninja, he did not want him to suffer. Sasuke wiped the blood off his sword on the young ninja's corpse and sheathed it, before heading to the above level.
Rank: D
Chakra Cost:10
Damage Points:20
Description: Muon Satsujin Jutsu, the ability to commit a silent homicide, is a technique to dispatch your foe with no warning. Your quick speed and skills will instantly kill them before they can provide a defense. Best tactic is when used with Hidden Mist jutsu. The technique works by having the user focus his chakra and his complete attention on moving fluidly, rapidly but muffling any sound he may make while moving as well as his presence, etc. It doesn't suppress his chakra or hides it but it can make the opponent virtually undetected if he manages to get on the opponents blind spot.
Sasuke while climbing the rock wall to get to the next level heard patrolling ninja for this level walking by. The ninja stopped for his smoke. As he was lighting his cigarette, Sasuke jumped up and revealed himself while looking into the ninja's eyes and placing him under a genjutsu. The ninja would perceive himself to become paper-like and burning. The loss of dexterity in his hands caused him to fumble lighter and actually light himself on fire. "Aaaaaahhhh Haaaaa. Help!", the ninja screamed in pain. Sasuke quickly put an end to his screaming and suffering by stabbing the ninja in the head with his Sword of Kusanagi. As Sasuke wiped the blood off and sheathed his sword before moving onto the next level.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user casts a Genjutsu that makes the opponent believe that their body is made of paper and is burning, reducing their dexterity of movement, stopping them from performing handseals.
Note: Requires three tomoe Sharingan and eye contact

Next was the Akimichi ninja. While he was predicted to be eating a bag of chips, the glutton was found cooking a squirrel over a manmade fire while sitting on a rock. Sasuke silently, but quickly dashed towards him from behind and decapitated him. Poof! What Sasuke thought was the ninja was actually a shadow clone. "Partial Expansion Jutsu!", was yelled at Sasuke from behind. Above him was an incoming giant hand and arm. In response Sasuke channeled raiton chakra into his sword and slashed upward through arm. The raiton chakra caused Sasukes sword to vibrate intensely and allowing it to cut cleaning through the flesh and bone like a hot knife through butter. "Argh! Damn you!", the Akimichi yelled at Sasuke. The ninja was bleeding profusely from his wound and holding his damaged limb. He heard the previous ninja yelling at the top of his lungs from being in fire. Sasuke then turned around, turned his attention towards the wounded ninja, and started walking towards him. "No! Please! Im sorry! Spare me. I won't tell anyone. Please don't kill m-", Sasuke interrupted the ninja while he was pleading for his life and blitzed towards him and plunged his sword through his heart. Sasuke whispered into the dying ninja's ear with bloodlust in his voice, "You should have never come here." Sasuke violently ripped his sword from the ninja's body, killing him in the process before making his way to the second to last patroller.
Rank: D
Chakra Cost:10
Damage Points:20
Description: Muon Satsujin Jutsu, the ability to commit a silent homicide, is a technique to dispatch your foe with no warning. Your quick speed and skills will instantly kill them before they can provide a defense. Best tactic is when used with Hidden Mist jutsu. The technique works by having the user focus his chakra and his complete attention on moving fluidly, rapidly but muffling any sound he may make while moving as well as his presence, etc. It doesn't suppress his chakra or hides it but it can make the opponent virtually undetected if he manages to get on the opponents blind spot.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (+40 to Kenjutsu/sword-related attacks)
Description: The user channels their lightning chakra into a blade, increasing its vibrating frequency and giving it more cutting power than standard wind techniques.
As he's done before, Sasuke quickly found his prey walking his path. While hiding up in the trees above, Sasuke placed the ninja in the genjutsu. Within the genjutsu the ninja would continue walking forward. In real life their walking path would become a circle. However the ninja was already walking close to the edge, meaning they would walk off and fall to their deaths. Sasuke watched as the ninja fell downwards several meters onto their back and die. And went upwards to kill the hyuuga.
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost:15
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user casts an illusion on the opponent that makes them believe they are travelling in a straight line, when instead they are moving in circles. This is only effective on moving opponents. If the opponent travels in the circle for hours, they will be exhausted.
As Sasuke climbed up to the level of the Hyuuga, Sasuke was struck 16 times in his left arm from behind before reaching for his sword with his right hand and slashing backwards and missing his assailant as he jumped backwards 3m. "That was my 16 palms technique. You won't be using that arm for some time now. Your chakra levels should have taken a hit as well. " "Tch. You bastard. " "As I make my rounds, I use my Byakugan to check in on the fool below me. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find him with my byakugan until I saw him walk off a cliff with you watching him. I did some more looking around and apparently you killed the others too. You even cut off Billy's head. What the hell was that about. You some kind of of monster of something?" "Your blood will spill like the rest. Don't let those inferior eyes of yours fool you. This is the Uchiha's world. You Hyuuga scum are just living in it. I don't need my arm when I have eyes like these!"
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Sasuke placed the Hyuuga ninja in a genjutsu in which they would perceive a dark shadowing figure with the sharingan grasping his entire body while being paralyzed in real life. Sasuke then quickly dashed towards the ninja and decapitated him with the sword in his right hand causing a blood fountain to erupt from the hyuuga's neck.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will cast a Genjutsu upon the target in which they will see a shadowy figure appear in front of them bearing the Sharingan and then, the figure will grow to an enormous size over shadowing the target in pitch-black darkness. The figure will then grab hold of the target and then will cover them in black threads, leaving them paralyzed for a period of time.
Note: Must have 3 Tomoe Sharingan to use and paralyzing effects last 1 turn.

With a disabled arm and heavy losses to chakra, Sasuke made his way into the Uchiha Hideout.

Conclusion Details
  • 5 C ranked ninja killed. 1 was an Akimichi shinobi. 1 was an Hyuuga shinobi.
  • Left arm is disabled by 16 palms jutsu.
  • -30 Health.
  • 45 Health available.
  • 5% of chakra reduced
  • 125 chakra used
  • 403 chakra available.
  • Part 1 started at noon and concluded after 3 hours within the RP universe.
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Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
Part 2 of Eradicating Clan of Mercenaries of Uchiha Hideout

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Sasuke dashed through the hallway into the main room of the hideout with his Sharingan still active and left arm disabled. As he entered the main room, he was met with a disgusting sight. The 10 rogue mercenaries, were in the middle of a party and desecrating the Uchiha Hideout. Food and trash was all over the floor. Graffiti was all over the walls. And the biggest sin of all, non-Uchiha filth was breathing and existing within an Uchiha space. The punishment for that was death.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C - A Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 - 30 ( -5 per turn for 1T and 2T, 10 per turn to keep active for 3T )
Damage: N/A
One of the Three Great Dōjutsu (San Daidōjutsu), the Sharingan is the kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan. Unlike the other Dōjutsu, not all members of the Uchiha Clan possess the Sharingan. This great Dōjutsu seems to awaken only on exceptional Uchiha members and only in times of great stress. Once awaken, the pupil turns red and a single tomoe (巴) seal appears around the center pupil. As the user masters and evolves their eyes, the tomoe (巴) seals increase, topping 3 per eye. The main ability of the Sharingan, like any other Dōjutsu, is to enable the user to see the flow of chakra. This ability is further improved as the Sharingan gives color to chakra, enabling the user to differentiate chakras from different people or from different sources. Although the user can see chakra through matter, he cannot see beyond dense matter or in long distances. Coupled with the ability to see chakra, Sharingan users gain acess to an incredible clarity of perception that enables them to read insanely fast movements or minor details, enabling them the ability to foresee in an easier way, traps, incoming attacks, etc. This clarity of perception is so great that a Sharingan user can sometimes start performing a counter to an attack that is still being performed, enabling the counter to be launched only a split a second after the attack. This clarity of perception leaves Sharingan users able to track high speed movement easily as well as to read through handseals. This last ability enables them to learn techniques much faster and sometimes copy them directly from the enemy, as long as the user has the necessary chakra affinities and requirements to perform it. Finally, the Sharingan is often linked to Genjutsu and mind-manipulating illusions, mostly because the user can, mostly through Eye Contact, directly and precisely use his chakra to manipulate the enemy's chakra flow. In return, the users clarity of perception gives him the ability to more easily decipher visual illusions cast upon him and see past them. The Sharingan has a great cost to the user though. The chakra consumption disables its use for long periods of time and, even when the user grows stronger, it's still hard to keep it active for long periods of time.
Note: The user, if he hasn't gained full mastery over his Sharingan, will need to spend a move to activate it, although as long as he has chakra and enough stamina he'll be able to keep it active until the end of the match. If the user is Sannin Rank or above and has gained his 3 Tomoe Sharingan and held it for one month, he becomes able to passively activate it, meaning he'll no longer spend a move of his 3 per turn.
Note: To avoid direct Eye Contact and be able to focus only on the body movement below the chin, the opponent needs to have mastered Taijutsu to possess the necessary skill
Note: C rank usage is for 1T Sharingan, B rank usage is reserved for 2T Sharingan. A Rank usage is reserved for 3T Sharingan.
Note: Predicting the nature of a technique or what it exactly is requires the user to either know the technique or that its a cannon technique.
Note: Danzo and Kakashi bios activate the Sharingan by removing the covers in their respective eyes and suffer a +10 chakra consumption per turn penalty
Note: The user is bound by the abilities and limits of the stage of sharingan he possesses, stated in the rules of the KG.

Sasuke began charging raiton chakra in his mouth before releasing it as a powerful bolt of electricity that split into 4 paths and fatally electrocuted 4 ninja closest to Sasuke's location. Of course this alerted the rest of mercenaries to Sasuke. "Intruder!" "Get him." "Aaaaaaaah!" 3 ninjas started charging with bladed weapons towards Sasuke. Sasuke wasn't in optimal condition to fight since he was unable to form handseals, but this was something he was willing to die over.
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user emits a spear of lightning from their mouth. The spear can then split apart to strike multiple enemies.
As the ninja reached within 5m, Sasuke released Raiton through the floor outward in the form of a spiderweb. While the 3 ninja were shocked by the web, Sasuke dashed through them and slit all of their throats with his sword in his right hand. Afterwards, Sasuke released raiton chakra into his brain to speed of his brain synapses so that his speed and reflexes would double.
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: After kneading chakra in the body and converting it to lightning, the user places their hand on the ground which creates a surge of electricity which originates from them and spans out around the user creating a web of electricity around them. Anyone caught within this web is electrocuted by the lightning's effect.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: By utilising Lightning Release, the user can speed up the signals that are sent from the brain to the muscles to increase the user's striking speed. The technique also gives the user cutting capabilities from barehanded attacks. When in use this, allows the user to gain an increase of speed and Taijutsu, doubling his speed and increasing his Tai by 20 damage for 3 turns.
"Wind Release: Violent Whirlwind!" The two soldiers yelled simultaneously before spewing powerful gusts of wind from their mouths. Sasuke was able to jump above one of the ninja's fuuton, but was left wide open in the air and was hit by the second soldier's blast. However Sasuke was able to throw his sword cleanly into the heart of the first soldier.

Standing 5m before him, was the younger brother and his last remaining soldier. "I must say kid, you got balls just busting in here like that and causing a ruckus. I tell you what, why don't you tell us who hired you to take us out and I might make your death fast and painless.", the younger brother said to Sasuke. "I am Sasuke Uchiha. I represent myself and the Uchiha clans pride and interests. It has come to my attention that one our hideouts has a pest problem. I'm simply here acting as an exterminator." "Hahahahahaha!", the younger brother laughed. Look here kid. This was abandoned real estate. Now its our real estate. I don't care who owned. You and your uhh, Ushiha Clan can kNotick rocks. Well not you. You're gonna die."

Sasuke looked the soldier in the eyes, placing him under a genjutsu causing him to fall asleep. Noticing Sasuke perform his assault, the younger brother performed the Earth Release: Rock Scale Jutsu. With a giant powerful boulder hurling towards Sasuke, he quickly molded raiton chakra into a large arrow in his right hand and threw it at the boulder. While the Doton jutsu was overall more powerful, thanks to Raiton's advantage over Doton, Sasuke's jutsu was able to match that of the older brother. This caused an explosion of rock dust to form between them. Sasuke used the resulting dust smokescreen as a cover to dash through and plunge his hand through the younger brothers heart. His overdrive jutsu increased the cutting power of his bare hands. With the younger brother vanquished, Sasuke pulled his sword out of one of the soldier ninjas and plunged it through the heart of the still sleeping shinobi, killing him in his sleep.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 15
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will use their Sharingan to cast an illusion upon the opponent by looking them into their eyes; this illusion makes the enemy fall asleep but makes them think they are still watching the opponent without realizing they have fallen asleep.
Note: Requires direct eye contact with 2 Tomoe Sharingan and up.

Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user molds then shapes lightning natured chakra into the form of a massive arrow. They can then throw the arrow as a projectile-based attack, or combine it with a Water Release technique to electrocute a target.

Sasuke's fight wasnt over just yet. 15 more ninja and the leader would be returning to the hideout at nightfall. In preparation, Sasuke went to the hallway closed the door. Then using his knowledge of fuinjutsu, created an explosive trap that would activate when people went through it. And in the middle of the room he placed explosive trap. Afterwards Sasuke sat on the other side of the room in the stone chair waiting until the rest of the clan comes to the hideout.

Rank: B-Rank
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: Kekkai Houjin is a high-level Fuuinjutsu trap technique. An array of explosive markers is jointly placed around the boundary of an area. If any opponent walks through the boundary, the seals will activate and explode.

Conclusion Details
  • 10 Ninja killed. 9 C rank. 1 B ranked.
  • 145 Chakra used.
  • Chakra Levels: 258
  • Hit by violent whirlwind jutsu. -15 health
  • 30 Health available.
  • Left Arm still disabled.
  • 2 Fuinjutsu traps created.
  • Part 2 took 1 hour in RP time.


Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
Part 3 of Eradicating Clan of Mercenaries of Uchiha Hideout
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Sasuke was sitting his chair, meditating on what would come next. Despite meditating in silence for hour, he couldn't suppress his bloodlust for the ninja who blatantly disrespected the Uchiha Clan. As nightfall approached Sasuke could hear a group of ninja coming down the hallway.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C - A Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 - 30 ( -5 per turn for 1T and 2T, 10 per turn to keep active for 3T )
Damage: N/A
One of the Three Great Dōjutsu (San Daidōjutsu), the Sharingan is the kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan. Unlike the other Dōjutsu, not all members of the Uchiha Clan possess the Sharingan. This great Dōjutsu seems to awaken only on exceptional Uchiha members and only in times of great stress. Once awaken, the pupil turns red and a single tomoe (巴) seal appears around the center pupil. As the user masters and evolves their eyes, the tomoe (巴) seals increase, topping 3 per eye. The main ability of the Sharingan, like any other Dōjutsu, is to enable the user to see the flow of chakra. This ability is further improved as the Sharingan gives color to chakra, enabling the user to differentiate chakras from different people or from different sources. Although the user can see chakra through matter, he cannot see beyond dense matter or in long distances. Coupled with the ability to see chakra, Sharingan users gain acess to an incredible clarity of perception that enables them to read insanely fast movements or minor details, enabling them the ability to foresee in an easier way, traps, incoming attacks, etc. This clarity of perception is so great that a Sharingan user can sometimes start performing a counter to an attack that is still being performed, enabling the counter to be launched only a split a second after the attack. This clarity of perception leaves Sharingan users able to track high speed movement easily as well as to read through handseals. This last ability enables them to learn techniques much faster and sometimes copy them directly from the enemy, as long as the user has the necessary chakra affinities and requirements to perform it. Finally, the Sharingan is often linked to Genjutsu and mind-manipulating illusions, mostly because the user can, mostly through Eye Contact, directly and precisely use his chakra to manipulate the enemy's chakra flow. In return, the users clarity of perception gives him the ability to more easily decipher visual illusions cast upon him and see past them. The Sharingan has a great cost to the user though. The chakra consumption disables its use for long periods of time and, even when the user grows stronger, it's still hard to keep it active for long periods of time.
Note: The user, if he hasn't gained full mastery over his Sharingan, will need to spend a move to activate it, although as long as he has chakra and enough stamina he'll be able to keep it active until the end of the match. If the user is Sannin Rank or above and has gained his 3 Tomoe Sharingan and held it for one month, he becomes able to passively activate it, meaning he'll no longer spend a move of his 3 per turn.
Note: To avoid direct Eye Contact and be able to focus only on the body movement below the chin, the opponent needs to have mastered Taijutsu to possess the necessary skill
Note: C rank usage is for 1T Sharingan, B rank usage is reserved for 2T Sharingan. A Rank usage is reserved for 3T Sharingan.
Note: Predicting the nature of a technique or what it exactly is requires the user to either know the technique or that its a cannon technique.
Note: Danzo and Kakashi bios activate the Sharingan by removing the covers in their respective eyes and suffer a +10 chakra consumption per turn penalty
Note: The user is bound by the abilities and limits of the stage of sharingan he possesses, stated in the rules of the KG.
BOOM! A powerful explosion went off at the group of mercenaries entered the wound. 5 of the 15 ninja were caught in the explosion. 4 died instantly not knowing what hit them. 1 had his legs blown off. While he wasn't killed, he would bleed out shortly from his injuries.

As the smoke cleared, the group of ninja saw the carnage Sasuke had left from earlier in the day. Corpses were laid out everywhere. The smell of blood and death filled the air combined with smoke and smell of burning flesh of the previous explosion. At the end of it all was Sasuke sitting in his chair unbothered by it all. Then Sasuke grinned. "Welcome to hell!"
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The older brother stayed back and observed as his 9 subordinate soldiers ran towards Sasuke. Unbeknownst to them, Sasuke had laid another explosive trap. Sasuke jumped upwards diagonally towards the crowd of ninja just before they hit his trap. As the explosion went off Sasuke shot fireballs into the group. The combination resulted in their deaths. With the momentum of his jump still carrying him to the leader.
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user jumps in the air and shoots three giant bullets of fire that come down like giant meteors, then erupt into a geyser of flame.

The leader weaved a few handseals and created an Earth Dragon beneath Sasuke that rose upwards. Sasuke released several snakes from his right sleeve that wrapped around the older brother and pulled Sasuke towards him and out of the way of the Earth Dragon. The large snakes coming out of Sasuke's sleeve hid the sword he had in his hand. It was his intention for the for the to pull him towards the ninja and plunge his sword into a fatal area. As Sasuke got within close range of the ninja, the ninja used chidori nagashi to release raiton chakra outward and shock Sasuke. Sasuke, being a Raiton specialist, wasn't paralyzed but he was numbed while in the jutsu. The older brother took the opportunity to headbutt Sasuke in the nose, breaking it and sending him backwards several meters.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Senei Jashu is a Ninjutsu technique that manifests a torrent of snakes, which extend from the sleeve. The ninja can extend these snakes to attack a target. Once extended the snake can bite into the target to hold and bind them.

Note: Must be able to summon snakes

"You're pretty impressive kid. You single handedly took out my entire clan. Even my little brother. I don't why you did. I don't really care. How about this. I look the other way and you join me as my second in command. Together we will start a new and more powerful clan of mercenaries. We'll become rich and take over the ninja world. So what do ya say crimson eyes? Do we got a deal? Or am I just going to have to kill you?"

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Sasuke looked up at the brother into his eye and gave him a simple answer. "No." And with that Sasuke placed the older brother in a powerful Sharingan genjutsu. The older brother would perceive all of the corpses of his fellow clansmen start to reanimate with stiff body movements and swords in their hand. They would then all start to dash at him and impale various parts of his body and immobilize him. Afterwards one last zombie would impale him in his heart with its sword. As the sharp pain and injury broke the genjutsu, the zombie was revealed to be Sasuke. The older brother died nigh instantly with his last sight being that of the Uchiha avenger.

Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 15 - 40 ( Equal Cost for Each Additional Turn Sustained )
Damage points: 30 - 80
Description: This broadly refers to a range of genjutsu performed with the Sharingan. It has also been shown to be performed through the Sharingan's higher evolutions: the Mangekyō Sharingan and the Rinnegan. By establishing eye contact with a target, the Sharingan user traps them within a sustained Genjutsu of the user's creation. Sharingan Genjutsu are stronger than other Genjutsu, being difficult to break in comparison due to the sinister chakra powering them. When utilized through the Mangekyo Sharingan, these Genjutsu are enhanced and deal an additional 40 damage. However, the time dilation effects and similar effects/ability of Tsukiyomi and custom variants cannot be replicated through these illusions. When used through the EMS, these illusions deal an addition 50 damage. In the case of Supplementary and none damaging use, these Genjutsu can be exploited for one of various purposes, such as: causing temporary paralysis in the target, forceful extraction of information, relaying memories, removing Genjutsu placed on the target by others, and controlling a target's actions. Controlling a target's abilities in limited to Summoning and other none Creation/Ninja entities. The 3 Tomoe Sharingan can forcibly controls Basic and Ancient Summoning's actions as long as they sustain this technique. MS can affect up to Mythical Contracts while EMS can effect even Legendary Summonings. This control is limited to the ability to control their physical movements with limited access to their ninjutsu, using only skills related to the Summoning itself.

In the event of Bijuu, Mangekyo Sharingan users are able to use their MS to cast powerful enough Genjutsu that even Tailed Beasts cannot break their hosts from it, being ensnarled as well. These Genjutsu can also seize control of a Tailed Beast by temporarily severing its connection to the host without the need for eye contact. If the Jinchuriki has not entered any Chakra Shroud state or higher, the user can cast a powerful Genjutsu that severs their connection and prevents access to the Bijuu as well as any of it's skills for 3 turns. Should a Chakra Shroud or Incomplete Jinchuriki transformation occur, the user is capable of preventing full access to it's Bijuu Skills for 3 turns by suppressing it. This presents itself in an inability to utilize the Tailed Beast Bomb variants, a Bijuu Skill such as Sand or Coral as well as access higher transformations. Should the user have EMS, this control is extended to blocking access for double the time and should a Complete Transformation occur, the user is capable of suppressing it's form and ending the Transformation in it's entirety and forces the health drawbacks to trigger as well as a reduced max health and chakra by 25% from fatigue. However, Bijuu Suppression can only be done by sustaining the technique at the cost of 2 moves per turn and prevents Sharingan Genjutsu for 5 turns.
Note: While powerful, the effects of Sharingan Genjutsu only last while the user actively sustains the technique, preventing usage of other Ninjutsu at the same time. This indiscriminately prevents the use of chakra in other techniques outside of basic Taijutsu only.
Note: When used in the NW, this can be used to tame a wild Tailed Beast and allow the user to summon it in an enraged state for 4 turns, only being capable of using Sharingan and non chakra enhanced Bukijutsu during this time, Ninjutsu being barred while controlling the target. This beast is summoned at max powers and has access to it's Skills and one Bijuu Pathway, determined through Official Roll in the NRP Discord. This ability can currently only be done by Madara Uchiha in the Ninja World.
Note: Can only be used once per turn. MS and EMS use can only be done once every 4 turns.
Note: Requires Eye Contact and activation of 3 Tomoe and higher Sharingan.
Finally, Sasuke's mission was finished and the Uchiha clan was redeemed. Sasuke would then spend the next few hours cleaning the hideout and disposing of the bodies. Eventually he regained usage of his arm. After cleaning the hideout, Sasuke started on his way back to Tsumigakure to find a hospital or medical nin that could heal his injuries.

Mianmen(028) - 15:32
Bulanshaat(038) - 16:32
Pingmay (038) - 17:32
Gyerseong (040) - 18:32
Kokkyo(43) - 19:32
Mokko(120) -20:32
Chilli Pepper Pass (118) - 21:32
Graveyard of Sin(115) 22:32

Mission Conclusion Details.
  • Broken Nose from freeform attack. - 10 health
  • 20 Health Available
  • 60 Chakra used
  • 198 Chakra available.
  • Left Arm use returned.
  • Mission Complete.
  • Like
Reactions: System001


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard Mission Element(s):

  • Disperse a mob
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Alucard and Lilith continued north from the Hanguri ruins into the lands of Mianmen. A desolate city filled with mercenaries thugs. It would seem like their presence would be acknowledged from a distance by a group of Uchiha clansmen being needy of a checkup of the sudden visitors to their lands. The group of some 10 Uchiha clansmen with a seeming leader in the front closed in on their position and armed to the teeth with black and red samurai armor and a distinct mask that cloaked their faces yet their eyes were glowing red. Alucards Tenseigan had already revealed their Kekkei Genkai from the moment he entered the landmark so he wasn't exactly surprised. It seemed that their Sharingan also started revolving once they noticed who was standing infront of them.

You two, hand over your weapons.
Lilith grasped her two swords tightly, she knew for a fact that this was about to get ugly. Nobody would order her dad around afterall. Alucard smirked, even if they were outnumbered he did not give a damn.

How about you run back towards whatever little playground you came from? I ain't handing over a damn thing.

...Here we go..
Seemed like this gang was used with trouble and just like Alucard they wouldn't have anyone downtalking them either.

So be it.
The leader activated a Mangekyo Sharingan, incliding the fact that he wasn't a complete push-over. Two of the others did the same.. Three Mangekyo's at once in combat would become a hassle Alucard thought to himself as he also spoke to Lilith via their mental link to not look them in their eyes no matter what. The Uchiha's lead with the three Mangekyo in a front while the other seven each with a set of 3T's surrounded Alucard and Lilith from all angles and maintaining a mid-range gap. Lilith would summon a Yin Dragon with an elemental infusion towards her Liquid Bismuth release which in turn would gain a beneficial boost in damage and chakra due to GM, one of her two swords. As the Dragon formed it swirled around and acted as a shield against the men on the sides and behind. Alucard would simply stretch out his hand and push the attackers away with a Gravitational force that dealt serious damage towards them. However, the three Uchihas with their Mangekyo all spawned their own incomplete Susano'o to reject any potential damage that they would've sustained whilst still getting knocked back.

Impressive.. What Dojutsu is that anyway?
They let their Susano'os stay on the field, inclining that they were going to continue to rely on them. Lilith acknowledged this and sent her Dragon after them while Alucard mounted an assault as well and formed two handseals. He would use his Blink technique in order to turn his entire body into a void space only to re-appear behind the Uchihas while they had to focus on Lilith's Dragon. As he appeared there he instantly bashed his hands together and created a force strong enough to knock them out of their Susano'os and straight towards Lilith's Dragon. A feat that they were certainly not ready for. Being taken completely surprise two of them got knocked straight into the Dragon and took serious amount of damage as their skin started to burn. The third one was able to react fast enough and produced a barrier made out of black flames that surrounded her and knocked back the dragon both of which were of equal force and none of them vanished from the clash. The sound of burning flesh made Alucard think of bacon..

Ya'll burning quite decently i must say.
The sudden shift of power in the battle made the rest of the brats to scatter leaving the Mangekyo users to fend for themselves against Alucard and Lilith. Two of which were gravely wounded but not out of combat. Lilith's Dragon returned to her while Alucard remained on his place with his hands in his pockets watching the cries of the Uchiha tended by their leader who brought out their Mystic palm technique to close their wounds. She cried out as well.

How dare you?
Alucard noticed a massive build-up in chakra as she spoke to him, all of it concentrated into her eyes indicating something bad was about to happen. His body was suddenly set ablaze on the black fire as well. He stared down on his burning body, unable to feel pain he sighed, his body would cease to be unless he did something about it. But, Alucard being Alucard he used the black flames that was consuming his body as a bad-ass aura as he walked towards the Uchihas who all were shocked over his inability to acknowledge pain.

Let this be a lesson to you. Your Sharingan means nothing when it stares upon a God.
He then spread his chakra across his body, using Yang release to heal him enough to not die to the flames. A fact that he would hide against the Uchiha who all had radically changed their stance. With this, everyone was healed up but Alucard was still on fire, something that he would release himself from using his Gravitational element yet again to project a push from his body and pushed away the flames. Without a tangible attachment, the black flames ceased. The three Uchiha who remained had already cut their Mangekyo Sharingan usage short and would not be able to continue to use it in battle for much longer. Alucard scraped off some dust from his shoulders inclining he had just begun. Lilith on the other hand didn't see anything amusing to this whole ordeal and had infact joined the Uchiha leader to heal her two clansmen.

So then, who wants to rumble?

They got the message.. Let's just leave.
Once they were fully healed the Uchiha's dispersed into the city yet again leaving the two of them alone. Alucard sighed and picked up the pace. They went into town and purchased some more resources before heading out into the wild again.



Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points

After a day of travelling Nadja had arrived at the place she vaguely remembered from her reading, a small remote village within a region that was housing an Uchiha compound. Throwing a hood up over her head and donning the cloak to wrap around her body, She would walk softly and quietly to the compound wondering just how many Uchiha would be there, or if it might be a refuge for her or if her clan would shun her away for being unknown or an outsider. Technically even though she was born in the snowy mountains of the north, she was still an Uchiha and the blood of her Uchiha father ran through her. Should push come to shove and they wouldn't allow her in, Nadja was unsure if she would fight to stay or leave without a fuss.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of a mission using the following storyboard elements:

-Gain entry into the Uchiha compound (2)

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Despite the building ahead of her being an Uchiha compound once upon a time, there was a chance that since its ruin the occupants may be against Uchiha, if they had taken it over as an act of rebellion and so Nadja was nervous about whether or not she could actually stay there. Though her hood was up, her had her sharingan active in case of trouble but on the other hand it could be an issue if they saw her eyes and were against the Uchiha . . . choosing a safer option for now, Nadja
deactivated her doujutsu however having it ready at a quick notice instead.

The outer walls of the compound were in a state of disrepair where patches were broken and fallen with holes showing, its once 10 foot high wall now barely higher than 7 feet at its peak and some parts around its side completely gone completely. Though she approached shortly after dusk, there was still ample light from the sunset beyond the horizon that she wasn't completely covered by darkness, and with the sun behind her, she cast a long shadow to the entrance where one man was standing. Even from a distance she could see a scabbard at his hip and as she turned shuffling on the spot, she saw the emblem of the clan on his shoulder. She was in the right spot and if she couldn't see inside, if this one was standing guard outside then at least there was the possibility of more Uchiha inside taking refuge.

As she approached the gate, her approach was seen as the guard called out to her placing his hand on the sword at his hip, a trembling young male voice calling forth. It did not portray confidence or bravery, but that of one who was nervous, perhaps scared.
"W-Who goes there! Stay where you are, this place is off limits!"
Nadja quietly stood as she wondered how much fear the boy had and who had put him up to guard for the gate, perhaps he was the bravest if was the only one at the gate.
"I am of the same blood, I come seeking sanctuary at our clans building," came the reply from Nadja.

"Yeah? W-well . . . show me our emblem!" he stated in a slightly louder braver tone, as Nadja saw his eyes darting around, looking around her. Was he looking for ambush forces or expecting an attack? Nadja wondered if they had come under attack recently. At the comment of the emblem her mouth curled into a grimace, causing the young boy to draw his sword and point it at her. Nadja had grown up in the norther snowy lands and had no clothing of her fathers or anything with the Uchiha crest on it. Before he could call out with what ever he was about to say, Nadja active her eyes with the familiar crimson red pupils and 3 tomoe swirling into life as he stopped yapping letting out a sigh of relief. He wasn't the smartest or brightest boy she had met but she had respect for him sticking to his guns to at least challenge her and being out here. A lot of people were fearful and wary of outsiders over the past few years, it had been a trying time for everyone, everywhere.

Striding forwards she strode forwards to get closer and could make out the features of the young boy, who now looked maybe between 16-18, a few scars over his hands. He wore a dark vest with a white obi around the waist, traditional sandals and had a headband from some village around his neck, but she couldn't quite make out the village it belonged to as the vest neck line covered it. His hands were word from practicing with his sword often and she could see callouses on the inside of his palm as he raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his brow.

"I said before but I'm here to seek refuge, I dont have anywhere to go and as this was once our clans land, I decided to come check it out," she said
He sheepishily looked down kicking a rock at his feet avoiding eye contact with her.
"I'm sorry you've come all this way, but the compound is in ruins and you cant stay here, there's . . . no rooms here . . . I mean . . . Its not suitable . . . no, I mean . . . it's unsafe . . . "
He sounded confused, as if he gave multiple answers trying to push her away, but to Nadja they just sounded like excuses, and weak ones at that. They were almost rehearsed and his voices didn't even sound like he wanted to say them. Deactivating her doujutsu she said calmly and coldly,
"If its unsafe, then I will make it safe, if its in ruins then I will repair it . . . and I will make my own room."
He looked up quickly to see her eyes, there was a shine of fear in them as he spoke.
"No, please, we cant have too many people coming back here to stay, it will attract too much attention, that's what Yano says"
As if he had said something he shouldn't, he quickly covered his mouth.
Nadja's mouth moved further into a grimace, her displeasure now obvious and unintentionally almost causing panic into the young boy, an intent of violence radiating off her, despite her demeanour being inconvenienced at most. She let out a sigh and placed a hand on the young boys shoulder in comfort.

"If he has a problem with me staying, then he can come talk to me, tell him to come find me . . " is what she said, which in her mind meant more of a 'I will make him see reason and convince him to let me stay' but coming from her with a scary look and a forceful hand on his shoulder, to the young boy it sounded like 'if he tries to make me leave then I will kll him'.

Nadja began to walk past, signalling the end of the conversation, through the dilapidated gate which had one of its doors missing and the other broken in half, as she began to look around the compound.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
As Nadja entered the compound she could see a majority of the building had been plagued with holes and torn frames, some tiles from the roof missing and a portion of the south corner of the main central build had been broken down entirely reduced to rubble. Potentially a hazard for the rest of the main building if not supported properly or causing the rest of the supporting walls to collapse, it could cause the while building to come down and be reduced to nothing but rubble. She would have to find a way to fix or or at least do something yo creat a support structure for it. Although she had no carpentry skills or anything that might be able to create a proper home, at least maybe using earthen release she might be able to make some supporting struts or walls to hold it up. Pushing it to the back of her mind for now, Nadja continued walking further in scanning around for a suitable place to shelter for the night, just somewhere to sleep safely for one night before she could have a proper look tomorrow. Exhaustion was beginning to kick in after a travel with night fully coming in now and small organe glows could be seen in a few of the windows around the compound. So there was a few people actually here, and squinting through the darkness Nadja could see two or three faces in the windows looking out perhaps at her who wad the newcomer into their domain.

Ignoring the presence and shiver going up her spine, Nadja would press on and look for a run down building that might have had a small room for her to stay and have her a little privacy, so at least if there were other people around they wouldn't directly see her or if there was some kind of attack she would be vulnerable from all sides. After a quick walk around she eventually settled on a small room in the side of what might have once been a dojo, evidence of a central room with a padded floor, an elevated platform at the rear and several training dummy's, most of which lay broken in the corner. There was a smell of dirt and light smoke through the air which perhaps might have been either others staying in the compound or a near by pile of charcoal that was outside the windows. Thankfully there was only one windows and one door into this side room which Nadja had chosen and placing her bag in the corner, she sat down letting out a long breath as if she had been holding it for the entire time she entered. Letting her head call back against the wall, it bumped softly against the bun her hair was tied up into and in a small pull of the ribbon, it fell down cascading past her shoulders as she rest her head back against the wooden beam. Closing her eyes Nadja took in all the sounds around her and attuned her senses to her surroundings, even when relaxing and winding down, she still was on edge in a foreign land. Thinking back, she hadn't completely felt safe or could relax for a few years, before the cataclysm and even then moments of quiet or peace were few and far between. Was this somewhere she could turn into a place that would allow her to feel safe? Right now it was a broken compound with refugees and people she didn't know, effectively staying in a camp full of potential enemies even if they were of her own bloodline.

Nadja couldn't let me mind race off into hypotheticals or anything that might be when she was this tired, she might spiral and end up forcing herself to move on after thinking of worse cast scenarios. Pulling her backpack over to her, she pulled her bedroll out and threw it down shaking it out to its full length getting ready for bed. Taking off her armour and setting it up on a nearby hanging wooden pole, one luxury she found in this side room of the door, Nadja let herself feel vulnerable for a moment before Summoning forth a crow to keep watch for her while she slept so at least she would have some alarm if there was something wrong. There was no point lighting a fire to try keep her warm, she would have to tough out a cold night despite her bedroom being the minimal amount of warmth she would need, as a light source could show where she was and be an easy target to cause danger to her. Again her mind was thinking worse scenarios and she had to shake them out of her head, rolling over in her bed she closed her eyes to try fall asleep ready for the next day.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Despite being in an unfamiliar place that was full of potential enemies, Nadja had a somewhat decent sleep with exhaustion and fatigue causing most of her body to slumber while the anxious and mentally prepared part of her mind kept her from a full recovery. However it was enough to regain most of her energy back and allow her to spend the entire day exploring more of the compound and potentially seeing who or what else was here, which Nadja hoped she might meet some of the other Uchiha who were holed up here for now. The only other Uchiha she had known was her father which mean that only he could train her and while she adored and cherished every moment he could train her, it wasn't often enough as she'd like due to his duties to the village. Though she understood and learnt how important it was that everyone contribute to the village it still caused her to pout every time he cut their time short. Still there was no time to pout or think about the past right now as she had to focus on the current day and what was more important, that was finding out as much as she could about this compound. It was likely that she would have to find someone or talk to a few of the people here, but a concern rose as she hoped she would have enough social skill and nuance to actually have a conversation with them. She still felt like an awkward outsider everywhere she went, the many years she spent on her own developing her skills while the world crumbled around left her social side lacking.

As Nadja rose and began getting ready foe the day by packing away her bag, thanking her crow and dismissing it, she could have sworn she saw some eyes that were looking back at her through the windows. By the time she properly focused and narrowed her eyes, they had gone in a flash, though Nadja thought back, were they yellow oche eyes that stood out from the grimey dirty windows? They looked young if she had to describe them, if it was indeed a pair of eyes she saw, there was no weariness or trauma in them that signalled when someone had battled or been through a stressful situation. Huffing at her own inability to confirm if she had been spied on left Nadja with a bad taste in her mouth. Slinging her backpack over her shoulder, she left the room and exited the dojo to find the site a little more bleak than it seemed the night before when she arrived, with more rubble and grey skies that weren't covered by the darkness of night previously. She had only taken a few steps when a voice called out to her from behind a pillar, one of the eyes she had seen previously in her windows looking towards her.

Hey! You! You came last night but you have to go see Goji right now!

The young boy stepped out a little bit from behind the post that was holding up the porch overhanging on the main building, showing a bit more of himself, both of his eyes now visible and definitely confirming to Nadja that he was the one she had seen in the windows briefly. Was he waiting for her to wake up, how long had he been watching her and why hadn't the crow seen him or notified her of his presence. Frowning slightly at the though of her summon slacking on the job, the young boy stepped back with a look of being scared, saying once more in a louder voice

You have to go see him now! Otherwise you have to leave!

The loud yell drew a few faces from surrounding windows as Nadja looked around counting them, roughly about 8-9 who were looking on. Most were dirty with scruffy dark hair, a mix of men and women and some looking like young kids while the oldest might have been late 20s. Turning back towards the young boy, Nadja had to defuse the situation, she didn't want to be seen as an intruder or outsider, at least not as a threat towards the compound and so bending down slightly and reaching out her hand she said,

Ofcourse, I'm happy to go see him, can you take me to him?

She pushed a smile to her face, trying to show a genuine kind face towards the young teen. He tilted his head and he stepped further out showing his full body now, covered I'm dusty rough robes, blue and black with a few patches and holes a look of confused now showing.

What's wrong with your face?

Nadja face broke momentarily while she was not used to the bluntness of children it quickly regained its composure as she said in a calming voice to him.

Come on, I need to see this Goji!

A look of shock came across his face as he realised suddenly what his mission was and motioned for Nadja to follow. Bringing her inside the main building they went up to the second floor of the building, it's fancy decorations now broken and dusty with the whole place looking run down and abandoned, some patches of windows missing and rubble lying in piles on the floors.

Trying to engage the young boy in conversation before reaching this "Goji" Nadja wanted to try gleam some information on this place, who this boy was and who Goji was. Thankfully the more questions she asked, the more the young boy responded seemingly happy to have someone to talk to or perhaps something interesting to have. She learnt that the young boys name was Ninya and had been here almost 6 months now, he had come here with his older brother who was the one on the gate Nadja had spoken to last night. Goji was the de-facto leader of this compound, being an older gentleman who seemed to be the first one here. Ninya didn't seem to like him saying that he was bossy and scary, but perhaps that was just how he viewed any authority figures or people telling himself what to do. Though Nadja found herself suddenly thinking it was a bit presumptuous considering she had just met this young kid and didn't know anything about the leader, for all she knew he could be a ruthless tyrant who held them in line by fear.

It wasn't too long before they reached the 2nd floor moving past rubble and getting to a door which had the Uchiha crest, Nadja could see movements through the light that refracted on to the door. Ninja said that he wasn't allowed to go in but she would have to talk to Goji alone, and ask to stay. A confused look came upon Nadjas face, but it quickly turned into a smile as she thanked Ninya and gave him a coin from her bag. For the first time, he beamed a smile up at her and ran off. Turning back to the door, Nadja drew herself up to her full height and putting on her face, she entered the room.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of a mission using the following storyboard elements:

- Confront the "Leader" of the Compound
- Ask about the Monolith rock

As she entered the room the first thing that hit her was a smell of smoke with a thin haze that wafted out as she opened the door and looking inside she could see a man sitting there cross legged at a small table, cigarette in hand and a map infront of him. Scanning the room there was only one other person in the room, another elderly man, maybe slightly older looking about 50 with a thick black moustache facial hair, wearing what might be called armour which looked more formal than practical to Nadja's armoured dress. Turning her attention back to the man sitting down she wondered again what kind of person he was and how he was 'ruling' this compound, after the comments from the little one earlier she was on guard if anything were to happen, there would be no mercy as she had no attachment to anything or anyone here. He motioned her to come forward as she stepped inside and closed the door behind her which trapped more of the smoke inside that she would have liked and took off her shoes at the entrance way and stepped onto the wooden floor. It looked like some cleaning had been attempted where there was no dust leading to a path towards this leader but the wings still had visible dust covering the broken wardrobes and tables, and as she slowly walked towards the leader she stood before him analysing him with her eyes, taking in all the details.

He looked to be maybe in early 40's with a thin face and pointed nose, black hair that was tied back into a ponytail reaching just past his neck giving the air of some kind of royalty with the way he was dressed and presented. A gold chain wore around his neck with the Uchiha symbol hanging off it while his red and black robes were emblazed with the Uchiha crest on each shoulder. Open at the chest she could see a few hairs poking out and while her eyes scanned to the table the map itself looked like a cross section of the compound they were in with a few X's and other areas circled and she looked back towards this leader to introduce himself hopefully.

So you're the one that arrived last night huh then decided to stay the night instead of introducing yourself?
He snorted through his nose as he looked her up and down.
Nadja didn't respond, she had nothing to say to him if he was going to be this rude, and she wasn't going to rise so easy to provocation.
The man looked her up and down which Nadja guessed maybe he was sizing her up, or maybe he had other thoughts...
I am the leader of our little community and it's my job to look after and protect them so if anyone comes in that represents a threat then its my job to remove it. What is your name?

Nadja understood his explanation and harboured no ill will towards his gruffness as sometimes it was hard being the leader and having to make the tough decisions.
I am Nadja Gamma, I was born in the North but my Father was born here in the mainland.
Nadja showed no signs of backing down or weakness, determined to show her strength and no fear towards any of this interrogation.

I am Goji Uchiha and my family ran this compound for generations before the destruction of the mainland and all these events. You claim to be born from an Uchiha but are you of our blood?
As he said this, his eyes turned crimson showing his Sharingan, the 3 tomoe swirling into life.

Responding in kind Nadja's eyes mimicked and followed in kind showing the same pattern while they spun in activation. As is waiting for this moment, Goji's attitude and tension broke immediately doing a complete 180 in terms of being defensive and ready to throw her out.

A true member of our clan, thats fantastic, you are then most welcome here!
He said with a smile, as a slightly confused look came across Nadja's face at this reversal of attitude.
Please, take a seat and let me explain, Turning towards the guard he said, Toshi, please bring us some tea to celebrate our new family. With a bow, the guard moved off into a separate room as Nadja looked back towards Goji.

I apologize for being so intense and the rude questioning but as I'm sure you know, its a dangerous time and its my job to protect these people, so I have to make sure that they are looked after from all threats, inside and out. If someone comes to our compound, our home, then I have to make sure that they wont bring harm to our people.
He took a moment to take 3 cups from a cupboard nearby and placed them on the table, setting them up for the ceremony as he then knelt back down with her.
Recently, a nearby town have been quite hostile to our clan, refusing to sell anything to our members and even a few coming to vandalize and try to force us out.
Nadja looked around at all the broken furniture and the dust as Goji caught her eye.
Aha, no, no, this wasn't done by them, it was during the cataclysm where the sky broke and destroyed much of what we know. I think we were lucky considering, most of the world is now in a state of repair trying to pick up the pieces of what ever happened two years ago. We saw a purple light on the horizon, then after that day, things just began to get worse and worse. We have been repairing what we can, as much as we can, getting more and more refugees from our clan each week.

Nadja had been silent most of this time as in the break of the conversation, Toshi the guard had come back with a steaming pot on a tray entering the room bringing with him a smell of herbal tea. Kneeling down at the table, he then began to set up the pot bringing the cup to his side and began the ceremony stirring memories in Nadja long since dormant, with tea ceremonies with her mother back home as a young girl up North. Taking up her cup when it was ready, she raised it with her two new acquaintances to complete the greeting.

I said before but you are welcome here, any Uchiha blood is always welcome here, though truthfully I think you are one of the few that has the full blood like myself, only a handful can activate the the third tomoe. Though I must ask are you seeking refuge or moving on, what are your plans?

Currently I have no where to stay, so I thank you and humbly accept your offer to stay as I do need somewhere to recover and somewhere safe that I can sleep without having to look over my shoulder. Though I am looking to find more information that happened in the last two years, specifically when the Moon came raining down, chunks actually landed nearby, were you aware?

Goji put his hand to his chin assessing the situation.
I am yes... he said slowly. I have asked our people to stay away from there as it seems to have a strange aura around it with some kind of power over the animals and nature there. None of us here know anything about it or what it does so for now, we are focused on staying in our own lands.
Nadja pulled out the chunk she had in her pocket palming it over in her hand feeling its smooth texture and wondering what it was about this rock.
Is that... the question caught in Goji's throat.

Yes, its a chunk I managed to break off from one of the Monoliths nearby, though I'm not sure what it is about the rock, if there is anything special about it. Which is also something I am trying to figure out. I don't suppose you might know where I could find that information?
Goji took a sip of his tea again and thought about it.
Well we don't have the resources here, although.. he let out a sigh. I dont know how welcoming they will be but there is a camp near by full of soldiers. They mostly leave us alone but sometimes their patrols go along our border and we catch glimpses of them. Their leader might know of a place or have something but apart from that, your best best would be the libraries in the city, Chungsu.
Nadja drank some of her tea, nearing the bottom.
Who is this leader, commanding the soldiers?

Goji finished tea before speaking, and placed the cup down gently.
I'm not exactly sure who it is, but Ive heard some rumours and whispers when going through the city. Supposedly he was a Black One who gathered the army together, on top of that he allowed bandits and brigands to join the army on the condition of wiping clean their criminal record once. Apparently he also hates and curses the gods, but I haven't heard anything about his name. Please remember to take this all with a grain of salt as they were overheard rumours, so I cant guarantee validity.
Nadja finished her tea as she listened taking in all the information and wondered who the leader was. He sounded very militaristic, something that Nadja could respect and understand especially in these times.
Well... I might see if I can ask for directions to his camp and see if I can find a way to speak to him about this moon rock, and see what he knows. Plus, if he is looking to protect the people, that is something I can understand especially if it involves this compound.
Nodding and thanking Goji for the tea she moved to excuse herself.

Please, one thing before you go. If you intend to stay, I must ask if you can contribute or help us out someway. We can talk about it in the next few days, take some time to get adjusted and settle in but if our commune is to flourish then everyone needs to pitch in.

I understand and I will find a way to thank you for accepting me and help those around me.

Nadja had a lot on her mind, the foremost was to try and find a way to meet this leader and infiltrate this soldier camp.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
After heading back into her room, Nadja packed her bag with thoughts running through her head about what the soldiers would be like, or just how strong they would be. With Goji being in a delicate position of having to look after the compound, Nadja felt it a duty to look into this army herself, while having the added benefit that she could also ask about the moon rock that she had picked up along the way. With the direction of patrols pointed out to her further north, Nadja exited the gate and began to head further inland.



Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from here

Arya arrives at the landmark that Syrio told her about before he left. She held onto the dagger he had given her which she still felt some kind of connection to. The young lady makes her way through the landmark looking for some sign of her clan. She has yet to come across more like her since her family. They kept to themselves but she thought they were the only ones. What else did her family hide from her? Did her older siblings know of this? Why did they keep such information from her? As she ponders these questions she can see from a distance a town. She had passed nothing but forest and plains. She finally made it hopefully.

“Could this be it? There is someone coming from there. I should ask them.”

She waves her right hand, taking it from her dagger. She yells hey can you help me as the lady is walking towards her direction. Lady has a straight face as Arya is waving at her.

“What do you want? Why are you here? They will not like anyone not supposed to be here.”

Arya activates her Sharingan, showing the lady who she is via her clan. The lady bows at Arya as Arya is shocked at this and tells her to stand up.

( Doujutsu: Sharingan ) Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye

“Sorry I didn’t realize you are an Uchiha. What can I help you with?”

“I am an Uchiha which I didn’t know of and I was told I could find people like myself here. I lost my family long ago and didn’t know there was basically a family out here. I only knew my direct family and that’s it. Is there anyone I can talk to here?”

The lady's facial expression changes from what it was earlier. She was shocked at the information Arya told which she hasn’t told anyone at all. She smiles as she points back at the town with her left index finger.

“You would go down and talk to the guard at the entrance of the town and he will point you in the right direction.”

Arya bows as she looks back at the lady erasing her memories of Arya. The lady passed out on the road as Arya continued forward towards the town. She didn’t need anyone outside of her family to know of her. She would have done the same to Syrio if he wasn’t a clone.

( Doujutsu: Genjutsu Sharingan ) - Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye Illusion

She had been alone so long and gone through so much she didn’t need anyone connected to her direct family, especially the ones who killed them to find her by any means. Syrio found her but how did he find her if she was very safe during her journey. Did she tell Marzan her name? She couldn’t dwell on it right now. She had to keep pushing forward as she has been. She heads towards the town and meets the guard that is standing outside. The man can see her coming and he has his left hand on his sword handle at the ready.

“Stop!!! Who are you and why are you here?”

“My actual name doesn’t matter but I am here to learn of the Uchiha clan. I lost my family years ago and just found out there are more like myself that possess the same ability I have.”

As she states the word possess she activated her Sharingan again. She puts the man into a Genjutsu which once he realized she did it he activates his Sharingan also which he reverses it back on her. She deactivates the Sharingan with the usage of a special ability of the Sharingan as she activates her eyes even further. She escapes the illusion with ease.

The man notices the eyes changes and deactivated his Sharingan. Right when deactivated his eyes she did the same.

“I don’t know why you did that but you possess the Mangekyou Sharingan. There hasn’t been anyone to obtain such ability in a long time from what I know. I will take you to Goji myself.”

( Doujutsu: Sharingan ) Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye

( Doujutsu: Genjutsu Sharingan ) - Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye Illusion

( Doujutsu: Eien no Mangekyou Sharingan ) - Eye Technique: Eternal Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye

He yells out at another guard telling them to watch the entrance as he is walking Arya to Goji. He walks in front of her slightly but not too far in front. He starts talking about how the town is looking and Arya can tell the place needs some work. She could help with one of her many abilities. She kind of gets sad at the way the place looks and that her family would keep this big of a secret from her. She had to find this out from someone she hasn’t seen since she was young. She has changed from her young innocent self to someone she sometimes doesn't recognize anymore. Arya's mind was going into deep overthinking thoughts. The guard finally makes it to a building that is slightly larger and has less damage then the others.

“He will be in there, good luck.”

“Thank you very much”

She didn’t use her eyes on the man again this time. She is starting to feel bad using them on such a friendly person and using them on a clansman also. She walks into the house slowly opening the door.

“Who goes there?”

An older man’s voice can be heard from a distance. Through the walk of the house the floor creaks from its damage and old age of the structure. She would normally respect someone's place but this can’t be called a place the way it is looking. It does look somewhat clean. She smells smoke as she goes into the place deeper and gets stronger in one specific direction. She falls and enters a room which is slightly lit and can see a man sitting across smoking on a cigarette. A table in the distance has a map laid out on which cans slightly make out some X’s and O’s. She was thinking of war or could be something else. The man let’s oit smoke and hits the cigarette again letting out smoke from his nose and mouth at the same time as he sighs.

“Who are you?”

“I’m nobody but I have learned I am an Uchiha.”

The man hits the cigarette again looking at the young lady with a confused look. The look gave it away. He didn’t believe her at all. How could she not know she is part of the Uchiha clan. He scans her body up and down, hitting the cigarette again.

“Where is your crest”

He points to his necklace where he is showing a black and red symbol. She stares at what he is pointing at with his left index finger. She shrugs her shoulders letting him know she doesn’t know nor have one.

“I don’t have such a crest. The only thing I have from my direct family is a symbol on my sword here.”

She points down at the god slaying tool which shows a Direwolf on the hilt. Goji puts out his cigarette and rubs his beard with the same hand he was holding the cigarette with.

“How do I know you are an actual Uchiha without the crest?”

As he says this she activates her Sharingan again showing the lineage and ability of the Sharingan. He was intrigued now that he has seen this.

( Doujutsu: Sharingan ) Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye

“So you are an Uchiha. Your parents must have been some of the ones who left ages ago. No one told you anything about us even if you did have the Sharingan. I’m guessing you are here to learn more about your lineage. I can tell you anything you need to know. I am currently the leader, Goji Uchiha.”

Arya out of respect bows to him but he tells her to stand up with the wave of his right hand.

“I have been out here alone for a long time and have come across some things that most wouldn’t dare to. I even had to take my own siblings to fix the blindness in my eyes.”

As she says this her eyes change into her advanced stage.

“Mangekyou Sharingan no this is more than just that. I have only heard of leagues of this. I don't even have such eyes. I just have a regular Mangekyou Sharingan. You had to have such a bad journey to obtain such ability but also hatred.”

( Doujutsu: Eien no Mangekyou Sharingan ) - Eye Technique: Eternal Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye

“Hatred? I do but it’s more revenge than anything. This path I have been on has been tiresome. I just want my family back but realize there is no real way to obtain such a thing besides kinjutsu but even then it’s not real. The family members that I have remaining I vow to protect them at any means possible.”

Tears fall from her eyes to her cheeks. Goji stands up and walks over to her and hugs her. She hasn’t felt this love in a long time. He holds her tightly, rubbing her back. She deactivated her eyes as he hugs her.

“It’s okay but at the same time it isn’t. You have found your full family here. You can come and go as you please. I will let everyone know we have a new family member. We don’t have a lot of resources and everyone is trying to help out by bringing more resources to us. That’s the only thing I would like to ask you to do around here. I will have Toshi bring some tea.”

He yells out calling for Toshi who was the man who was guarding the town that brought her to this place. Goji lets her go.

“Yes sir?”

“Could you bring our new family member and I some tea please.”

He looks towards her asking her name which she states as she whips the tears away. She thanks him as Toshi leaves and comes back in a few minutes as Goji starts talking to her about the Uchiha and its abilities with the Sharingan which she learned on her own through her journey. He holds out two cups of hot steaming tea but the cup as she touches it isn’t. She smiles as she drinks the tea.

“I can help out around here and make sure I protect everyone also. I am glad to find more of my people. I would like to know what is happening in the world. I haven’t been really in tune with the world.”

“I can tell you but I would rather show you or rather point you in the right direction of gathering all the information that the world has to offer. I bet on a journey you ran across some out post or as they are called Marketplace. These will have all the information you need. They are the following *insert all the markets*.”

“Thank you very much. I will head out and find any of these places. I will return soon and hopefully have some form of resources for everyone.”

She puts her cup down which she has finished and bows. Goji lights another cigarette and sits back down. Arya heads out with her mindset something different now but still has that revenge in the back of her mind. She had a family to protect. She left the landmark headed towards one of the Marketplaces Goji told her about.


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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points

After a journey back east with a few stop along the way to rest, Nadja had made it back to Mianmen where the Uchiha Compound resided, its ruined buildings still visible on the horizon an no change to its structures or any repairs made. The sight made Nadja a little sad, with a small pang of guilt that she hadn't exactly got what she originally went there for however a small comfort was that she was now stepping in the right direction. Approaching the gate, she nodded her head to the gate guard stepping through the broken gatehouse once more into the courtyard looking towards the main household where Goji, the leader would be residing and no doubt waiting for her return with news of what was accomplished. Nadja slowly walked up the steps mentally jumping through hoops to try and figure out what might be best to say, whether she had not gotten anything or if it was better to be honest and say that she had to leave again. The guard at the gate did say that Eastwatch could provide potential aid, but would it be likely she would get shifted around again? And what of Nadja specifically offering up the men and women here to join the Freehold for this aid... she felt guilty offering that before even talking with Goji about what the terms would be. Sliding open the door to see Goji sitting there next to his trademark armour and bodyguard slightly behind him, Nadja slipped off her shoes and stepped inside.

Ah you return and I can tell now with that glum look on your face that it will not be any pleasant news? he smirked

Nadja had forgotten about her face with its grimaced and almost pained expression with thinking about how to talk or what to say, which evidently gave her away
Ah well you see... Nadja began explaining everything that went down since she left, heading to the tower and getting directed to Castle Black, then being told about going to Eastwatch. Goji didn't interrupt, merely sticking a hand to his chin to think even when she said about the Uchiha joining the Freehold.
And so, I think if we really want to get aid, I have to go to the Freehold in Eastwatch to ask them what they can do, but I'm sorry for offering up our members to join without considering talking to you first.

Goji held up a hand and waved her off.
I think, with everything going on, considering we are caught between all these factions and are within the Freeholds territory we may have to join them anyways. The good news is that they seem to fight and protect people like us at least anyways, better than being forced off our lands for not being the right people.
Nadja nodded her head and bowed in silence.
Goji Continued, Id like to ask once again, if you can head to Eastwatch, with my blessing to explain that the Uchiha of Mianmen are willing to join the Freehold, and use this compound as they need. I think offering it to them before they want to take it will provide good will and hopefully set us off on the right foot. As a token of my trust in you with this task, I have a gift.
Goji raised his hand once again and flicked it forwards to indicate to his bodyguard, who got up and proceeded towards the armour next to Goji.
He spoke as the guard began to fiddle around the armour.

These blades were of use to me during my prime when we had to defend and fight for our lands and our people, and I hope that you will accept them and fight and protect our people. They will serve you well, if you treat them with respect in service to our people.
The guard had opened a portion of the floor in front of the armour and took out a wooden box placing it in front of Nadja.
Goji spoke, This is Fujin and Inazuma, my two weapons when I was a young warrior, though truthfully I cant use them like I was once able to though I am not without a defence so don't worry about that.

Nadja took the two swords examining the blades in awe and bowing over touching her head to the flor.
I thank you for this gift, I will make sure to put them to use to defend our people, to fight for our people and to make sure that we will survive.

Im sure you will Nadja, but for now, first focus on getting us aid from this Freehold over from Eastwatch. Remember, we are willing to join, but try not to make it so we are completely at the bottom of the army eh? he said with a sly grin.

Nadja stood and bowing once more, left the room after packing the blades by tying them to her belt, adjusting and getting used to the extra weight around her hips compensating for the dual swords. With her maid armour and twin swords, she now almost looked like a samurai, all she needed was a helmet or mask, she mused to herself.

Heading off, Nadja left for Eastwatch.

( Fujin ) - God of Wind
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the weapons formed during the Golden Age of the Hangurian Freehold, Fujin is a powder blue hilted katana with a strikingly white blade created from Hangurian Ore. Fujin’s history has long been lost, much like it’s companions, though it has been said that the black metal they were formed from allows a chakra bond to form between them and their rightful wielder, gaining augmented skills in the process. Fujin grants a 20 damage increase to Wind Release to holders.

Fujin’s unique ability allows it to resonate with the user’s chakra network, allowing his abilities to enhance the more they synchronize with the sword. Should the user have one Wind Specialty, the sword will grant one's sword a 25 damage increase as well as a 10 chakra increase, both acquired passively. At this stage, the user’s sword begins to create two spiraling ribbons of wind from it, trailing cosmetically from the blade's tip. Should the user have Two Wind Specialties, the sword’s 25 damage boost will become 30 and the sword will grant one a boost of 20 damage to his various Advanced Elements or Custom Elements that utilize Wind Release and exist in a gaseous state ( this means AE/CE that use Wind nature but exist in the form of, for example, a liquid, they will not gain this augmentation ). Should the user have Three Wind Specialties, he will gain the ability to create a 120 damage Kenjutsu strike, the two strong ribbons of chakra sharpening along the blade to create a drill to spin through targets. This strike is Wind natured and does not get boosted by Fujin’s ability.

Should the user have Wind Specialties, the user will gain access to an unique Bonus Specialty known as Spiraling Spear. This Specialty advances the ribbons of wind around the blade into razor sharp spiraling blades, capable of slashing into targets. When the user makes successful strikes with the katana, these ribbons bypass the target's durability to deal up to 10% of the user’s attack as bonus damage. This means if the user strikes a target with 100 damage, 10 damage will bypass any durability the target has towards the attack and deal this as bonus damage directly. This can only only be done twice per turn, however. Uniquely, should the user have 5 Specialty slots dedicated towards Wind Release, the user will gain the ability to submit a Custom Specialty, replacing Spiraling Spear as a Bonus Specialty on the user’s bio. This Specialty must utilize Wind and a katana to be approved.
Note: Fujin allows the user to utilize Wind jutsu without the need of seals.
( Inazuma ) - Flash of Lightning
( Harmonic Tool ) - Chōwadōgu {Storm Release ver.}
Type: Prize
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A ( varies )
Damage: N/A ( varies )
Description: The Harmonic Ninja Tool is a unique weapon that forms a unique bond and connection with its owner, allowing it to draw out the user’s true potential. Each wielder has a different specific weapon form, ranging from a shield to a katana to even a gunbai or boxing gauntlets, allowing each Harmonic Ninja Tool to harmonize with each user. In addition to its form which bonds with the user and stays the same long after, this weapon unlocks the user’s hidden potential and allows the user to gain access to an Advanced Ninjutsu or Advanced Element, randomly generated via official roll in the NRP Discord channel by a Moderator. This gained ability cannot be changed after gaining it, remaining with them with the unique ability of being released from the weapon with Sourceless Materializing Specialist applied towards the ability passively. Should it be an AN that debuffs the opponent's AP, it’s debuffing nature will not be utilized unless the user has the AN as his official AN.
Note: This can only be on one bio at any given time, taking the slot of a CW.



Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points

It's been two years since the battle against Abzu where the fate of the world was hanging in the balance. The world has changed drastically as many factions began to arise around the continent, each with their own beliefs, customs and practices. One of these factions known as the Arali had invaded the land Susabi came to call home, Enshibetsu. The rising conflict and influx of these otherwordly beings caused Susabi to make a decision for the safety of his clan causing them to relocate to a nearby location, Mianmen.

Some time after the Hyuga were forced from their land, a nearby faction of humans fought back against the Arali, driving them out of Enshibetsu. Instead of restoring the land to the Hyuga, however, The Freehold claimed Enshibetsu for themselves, renaming the land to Eastwatch. This caused posed the Hyuga with a new problem. Coexisting in the same land as the Uchiha clan and the Freehold themselves.

The doors to Susabi's office blew open as if a hurricane had formed right outside of his door. A white haired woman came barging through the door. It was Kinnara, the former interim head of the Main Branch, advisor and cousin to Susabi.

I've had enough, Su! It's been a year, when are we going to take back to Enshibetsu? I'm tired of walking into town getting gawked at like an outsider nor am I a fan of being in such close proximity to the Uchiha.

Susabi sighed. This was the millionth time she has come with a complaint. Moving in on Enshibetsu or Eastwatch rather would mean war against the Freehold. I am no more of a fan of them than you are.

Kinnara continued to press on. You are our leader, so lead us. Sitting around while our home is currently being lived in is not lea-

Susabi cut off his cousin to correct her and nip the argument in the bud. My job is to protect you, our elders and our family members. Moving in on Freehold territory regardless of the past would put the lives of our loved ones on the line. Our time will come.

Susabi walks over to Kinnara and places his hand on her shoulder, while spinning her body around to guide her out of his office. Besides, a conflict with the Freehold would be a fight against humans. Something I am no longer interested in. Division amongst us is what allowed the Gods to fail this world before. We mustn't let it happen again.

He gently placed her outside of his office and closed the door before he returned to his desk to ponder on his next move.

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Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Susabi was sitting at his desk when one of his clansmen came running into the room with a piece of parchment in his hand. Over the two year interim, Susabi dedicated his time to selecting certain Hyuga to keep an eye out on any movements from divinity or divinity adjacent. If he came in here running like this, he must have found something.

Out with it. Susabi said calmly.

The Hyuga Clansmen had trouble catching his breath but extended his arm outward to hand Susabi a piece of parchment. The Hyuga inhaled deeply and caught his breath silghtly.

Wind Country.... Upper Barrens. Possible connection to Eanna...

Susabi's eyes widened slightly. He quickly got up from his chair and placed patted the Hyuga on the back signifying his approval. Without further words he took off for the wind country.


LM 28 to 33 Leaving 12:46am
33 to 38
38 to 40
40 to 43
43 to 45
45 to 90
90 to 88
88 to 87 Arriving 7:47am


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of a mission:

-Pick up the trail of the missing cargo and supplies from the Freehold

After arriving back in Mianmen and heading to the Uchiha compound, Nadja wondered where to start or what might be the best way to try and find these supplies that were stolen meant to be heading for the Uchiha compound and distributed around Mianmen. She didn't want to go directly back to Goji straight away, with even as unlikely as it was that he was involved, it may just be an insult to come back with nothing still from the original idea of try to secure aid for the Uchiha. Perching on the tip of a nearby tree, Nadja pulled out a map and surveyed the local area and traced the paths that could have been taken from the Eastmarch camp passing through Mianmen, which had 3 paths that were possible without going too out of the way which would make no sense. The first was the road that led to the Uchiha, the second was the road to the south, the capital city. The third was the road to the east which went into the mountain ranges, a long road but still the most obvious if someone was going out of their way to get rid of the supplies.

Sighing softly, Nadja closed her eyes and tried to meditate to calm herself and feel the movement within nature, the earth, the sky. It was not as good as the wilds or a forest or somewhere that had more life to it. But after a moment, she found what she needed. The path east felt wrong as there would be no reason to get rid of perfectly fine supplies, no reason to go to all the hassle of stealing from the Freehold only to destroy the loot. Nadja headed towards the southern path and followed along until she came upon the road which was leading into the major city.

Entering the city, it looked like it had been pretty quiet with little to no people on the street, and barely any activity in the marketplace, almost like a ghost town. Considering a month ago there had been quite a few people here, Nadja wondered what had caused the strange turn around for little to no activity in such a short amount of time. It then hit her like a ton of bricks, if there were no supplies then there was no reason to come trade in the city. She had to find information quickly and try to solve this as soon as possible, not only for the Uchiha but also for the people of Mianmen. Heading to the marketplace, she saw barely any stalls set up, only a few fishing ones left with only a couple farming ones open as well. It looked grim with no stalls for merchandise such as tools or trinkets, even the usual local produce stalls were empty. Nadja had to ask around, looking for any information that she could find regarding the convoy. She approached the stall that at least had a couple people working it, a fishing one with some meats hanging from the roof while some tanks held their catch of the day.
Nadja asked about when the goods stopped coming in, and one of them responded
About a couple days ago, maybe a week? Usually theyll come a couple times a week but suddenly they jsut stopped coming. The Freehold hasnt said anything so we just assumed that they forgot about us or were too busy.

It didn't sound like anything Nadja had known of, if anything the Freehold thought that the town was still getting supplies, so something must have happened in transit. Asking again, Nadja needed information as to where the supplies came from, as she opened up her map. The fisherman couldn't give an exact answer but he said somewhere between these points, as he could usually see them when he went to visit his cousins farm. Thanking him and rushing off, Nadja went in the direction of where the fisherman pointed out, seeing if she could pick up more of the trail of where the convoy was coming from.

"It does not look like there are many people travelling. Hopefully that means they havent made it very far." Nadja whispered softly to herself, before heading off down the road at a run, keeping to the side and close to the tree line, the less chance of being spotted the better, she was not prepared to fight yet if she could avoid it, and the last thing she wanted was a fight and to risk destroying the supplies. After about an hour or so of running, Nadja started to see a small smouldering fire ahead of her, coming to a stop and crouching in the bushes, she could see broken boxes and a few loose goods along the ground, some rope and fruits and the like. Was this where the convoy had been attacked or ambushed, thoughts went through her head but she kept still watching the site for a while before she decided to approach. Nadja wasn't the best tracker, her skills would have been best at dispatching the looters or the ones that tried to steal from the Freehold, still she didnt have the luxury of trying to find anyone to help her if she wanted to make the best impression. Approaching the campsite where the broken crates and boxes were cautiously, Nadja crept quietly as she could along the treeline to the open grass site where the rocks made a campfire that had burnt out, maybe a day ago. She knew enough of camping to know what a recently made campsite looked like, but apart from that there was little she could go on in terms of what happened. Looking down the road to where it lead, she could see the city in the distance, and looking back there was just grassy field of where she had come from but nobody was on either path or any travellers that she could see. Crosses off any list of hoping to look for any witnesses, Nadja turned her attention back to the campsite and tried looking around to see what clues she might find and slowly walked back to the start of the road.

From what she could tell, there was definitely a scuffle, she could make out boot and footprints in the dirt, with some outlines easily identifiable in some muddy parts of the road, so it doesn't look like the soldiers or escort wilfully abandoned or sold off the supplies. It looked like they were attacked, some of these small drops look like blood, although its a bit of a mess, Nadja could see that there were some scorch marks around outside of the fire, either lightning or fire had been used here. So far, her clues were that there was a scuffle or fight and there have been no witnesses yet. She had to look harder to try and find where they were or where they were going. Looking back down at the scene around her the cart track marks lead up to where the campsite was, but then disappeared, as if it vanished into thin air, definitely marked where the broken crates and discarded goods were. She got closer and looked at the crates, they were stuffed with hay to hold something, while some had been empty but the boxed broken, most likely at least Nadja thought they had been emptied or moved into something else. What was she missing here, what was she missing. all of this and only a few drops of blood... the caravan must have at least had some guards, not just a driver, so where were the bodies or those that guard it?

Taking a few steps backwards, Nadja reassessed the site and wondered where the bodies had gone, if there was a scuffle or fight then there should be more than just a few scorch marks and footprints. From what she knew of the Freehold despite them taking in bandits and ex mercenaries, they still would have fought to defend the supplies in the name of the Freehold so it was unlikely they would have just abandoned it. Deciding she needed a better view of the scene, Nadja used a wind technique to float herself upwards and look at the scene from above like an eagle eye view getting an overview of what she was walking around in. It was here she made the discovery she needed as all of the dirt and mud seemed to have lines converging into one line, like many mouths of a river all converging and forming into one river that lead off into the forest away from the road. Floating back down and memorizing the positions of the lines, she walked over to trace where they had been moved from, and looking closer at the trails, there was some blood within each of them, had they been moving the bodies from the site, or who ever was guarding the caravan of supplies? It would explain why there was no bodies at the scene but obvious evidence of a struggle.

Following the river she wandered into the forest following the trail and spotting small drops of blood now and then along the ground, or wiped against a tree, who ever had taken the bodies was sloppy and missing some of the blood. Or perhaps they didnt care about that, and only wanted the bodies to move away from the road, Nadja didnt know but she had a feeling it was getting closer. As she pushed past a shrub and ducking under a branch of a tree, she caught sight of a black booted foot from beneath a log and rushing over, she hopped over to see a body in black freehold armour laying underneath a tree. Nadja sighed, she was too late, they had already taken the supplies, but this one had already passed on, as Nadja's knuckled clenched and turned white with fury. If there was one thing that Nadja could not stand, it was being too late and she hated letting people down. She tried to calm herself down, when she saw something strange as one of his hands had been covered in dirt, his fingers still having mud clinging to them. Looking around his body, she found what the cause of his muddy dirty hands had been, and smiled, and thanked him under her breath. There was an arrow pointing to the north, with one word, cave. He truly have given everything right up until his last breath even hiding the message and promising to to the dead man in her mind, he would truly have his revenge making sure that his sacrifice would not be in vain.
Last edited:


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the start of a mission:
-Assassinate the enemy commander(s)

Nadja continued in the direction of the arrow where the man had used his last effort to point in the direction that the convoy was going. She ducked and weaved between branches and trees, keeping light on her feet and suppressing her chakra to avoid any detection and avoid an unnecessary fight, she wanted to sneak up and get them jump on any guards or who ever may be taking the supplies. It wasnt long before she caught sight of a guard and throwing herself up against a tree, she quickly made the decision to clib up and pounce onto one of its branches, perched like a hawk watching its prey. If this was a guard then she would need to find what he was guarding or where he was coming from. She scanned the treeline and there was a dense bush and treeline covering any further view, she couldnt see anything else, perhaps it was behind that. Leaping forwards between branches but maintaining the cover of the chakra suppression, sure enough when she entered the tree covering her sight, she saw a small camp zone with a few high pitched tents, something of an outpost. It wasnt big enough to be a main base of operations but looked maybe like a check point, if she wanted information to where the cargo and prisoners were going, she would need to find and kill the enemy commanders and search for information on their bodies. She had no sympathy for them, taking cargo from innocents and also her own kin, that was meant for the Uchiha. On top of this, she wanted to make a favourable impression on the Freehold to which she would show no mercy. She saw one of the largest, a round looking man with a large scimitar over his shoulder standing infront of what looked like the largest tent next to two others, clearly higher up with their heavier armour and weapons talking together. Deciding to start with him, she leapt between tree to tree, tent top to tent top.

Popping to the top of the tent she was standing behind while eying her quarry, Nadja looked for some kind of back entrance or somewhere she could sneak in. There was too much heat for her to walk directly in, and she would probably be swarmed in seconds should the rest of the camp realize what's going on. This would need to be handled swiftly and efficiently, cutting of the head of the snake should cause the body to disperse, the rest of the soldiers to simply leave. When the coast was clear, Nadja would move around to the backside of the commanders tent and timing it when there were no patrols around, Nadja would roughly but quietly lift a flap and roll under. Undignified but this would have to be the way for now for her to take action. There was no doubt in her head she could clear the camp of the forces but less energy expended before looking for the rest of the cargo and prisoners, the better. She found herself in a dimly lit circular tent with 3 men sitting around a hearth talking to each other, and upon closer inspection she could tell they looked like the higher up ranking Pirate, Sell Sword and Mercenary leaders that had gathered their bands to this campsite. Wearing a somewhat similar but fancier armour than the guards outside, they looked ready to fight and to move out, meaning that Nadja would have to be careful about how she did this. A direct fight would mean they could block or survive, it would have to be a quick attack at their exposed weaknesses, assassinating the 3 at the same time.

Making the Bird Seal, Nadja began to manipulate the wind as she then pushed her hands outwards, then drew them into her chest, causing a massive gust of wind to pick up outside the tent and come crashing in, picking up dust and making it incredibly hard to see inside the tent, once the wind blew out the campfire. The 3 generals began coughing after shouting in surprise, the unnatural phenomenal startling them.

(Fūton: Fūjin no Jutsu) - Wind Release Dust Cloud Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After performing the Bird hand seal the user creates a stream of high velocity wind combined with scouring dust. The completed technique is directed through overlapping hands.

Light on her feet, Nadja quickly hopped over the crates she was hiding behind, and dashed light on her feet, closing her eyes to listen in closely to the generals panicked cries. Rushing forward ten meters, there was a general right in front of her, his voice commanding to call the guards. Reaching from behind she positioned herself as her arms slipped around his waist and under his arms to claw out his throat, nothing but a gurgling coming from his mouth now as blood spilled onto her hands.

( Za Danshingu Shiro Tora ) - The Dancing White Tiger
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 80
Description: The user assumes a low stance and positions their hands to mimic claws. By pouncing on a target the user is able to deliver tiger claw strikes that can dig into and then tear out a target’s flesh. Though the attacks are extremely deadly against lightly armored targets they cannot pierce through heavy armor.

The next general called out, a little wiser than the last knowing that something was afoot. He was roughly maybe 5 meters to the left of where Nadja was standing, his voice gruff but piercing through the dust that kept Nadja under cover. Covering her appendages in fire, she rushed over to the next target, striking quickly and efficiently as sparks flew off her elbows and knees. A singular strike to the gut caused him to bend over, lightning up his face, and consequently hers. He had barely enough time to register who had struck him before her elbow caught him in the temple knocking him unconscious severely giving him internal bleeding in the head. This however also set off sparks from her elbow igniting some of the fur rugs they were all sitting on around the fire.

( Go Ryuu Assai Fungeki ) - Five Dragon Crushing Fury
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: By charging their elbows and knees with fire chakra this technique enables the user to deliver a wide range of blazing knee and elbow strikes. The attacks themselves are able to break bones and when enhanced with fire chakra they become truly powerful.

The last general could see some lights in the mist of the dust, and it was starting to clear. Calling for guards, Nadja could tell he was roughly 10 meters to the back right of where she was standing. She had kind of given the attack away, but there was still time to strike and cover her tracks. It was hard to tell from the smoke but an arrow went whistling past her face, the commander using his crossbow to try to stop her. With her sharingan active she turned towards him, hoping to get to him before he could launch another shot, and with another swift movement she turned on one heel and ran over to the last target, charging the chakra in her fist. The plan was to cause damage to drop the tent, crushing the land beneath so that in the confusion she could slip out. As she reached the last general, the dust was mostly cleared around the campfire, though there was some smoke starting to gather from the sparks that had ignited the rugs. Footsteps were approaching, and guards were coming. this was going to be tough if they were alerted, not to fight out but to get away cleanly without a fight. The last general caught her eyes, a rough shabby man with a thick black beard with two scimitars at the belt and a large heavy crossbow in his arms, she had already started reloading by the time she had started running. His eyes were bloodshot and wide as he saw here, as he realized it was going to be the last thing he ever saw. Her pulled down to aim at her right as she got close enough to strike and with one quick movement with both arms, she used one to push the crossbow away from her self and raising her other fist up, she drew it back a small amount and punched forward catching the last general square in the nose.

( Ōkashō ) - Cherry Blossom Impact
Type: Offensive
Rank: A - S
Range: Short
Chakra: 30 - 40
Damage: 60 - 80
Description: While some may see it as "superhuman strength", this technique is actually an application of medical ninjutsu that demands the ability to concentrate and minute chakra control. An immense amount of chakra is kneaded inside the body, and a moment later, all of it is gathered into the fist or leg. That chakra is then released into the target, which does a great amount of damage. With the damage done dependent on the amount of chakra used, it is also possible for a skilled shinobi to amass it in their fingertip. When the ground is hit it is pulverized into minute pieces by the excess shock in an area short range all around, which are then scattered like flower petals, giving rise to the name "Cherry Blossom Impact".
Note: Can only be used by Sakura or Sarada bios.
Note: S rank can only be used 4 times in all.

The bolt when flying away, tearing a hole in the cloth of the tent that was being eaten up by flames licking its walls, while a sickening crunch sounded out with her other fist connecting with fleshy face. Pushing forward and over the top with her body, she drove down feeling the bones within his face break and crack as she hit the ground falling on top of the general. Warm blood soaked her fist as it made contact with the ground and a shockwave erupted, crushing the ground around them, and disturbing the foundations of the tent. A second seemed to last for an eternity but Nadja whipped her head around she the supports that were keeping the tent up fell down, collapsing the sheets that were keeping the tent up. The flapping of the sheet now was mixed in with the flame licking the rug, spreading to the sheets and wooden crates stored around the tent. Withdrawing her hand from the body, it was now deep red mixing blood and dirt, as she looked around. Likely moving back to where she entered would be the best way for her to escape, no doubt a majority of the soldiers would move to the front. Running to the back of the tent, Nadja slid sideways as she reached to boundary and rolled underneath the lip of the tent, starting to cough from the dirt and smoke trapped beneath the tent sheets. Soldiers, bandits and pirates were beginning to gather around the front of the tent as the noise more than likely would have reverberated around the camp not to mention the smoke now coming out from the tent and the upturned earth too. Shaking her head to get the dust off her hair, she quickly lifted her head, spotting a quick path to the campsite edge, thankfully clear from almost all of the enemies around. It would take some tricky manoeuvring but sticking to the shadows of the tents should allow her to escape unseen.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
This post marks the start of a mission:
-Assassinate the enemy commander(s)

Nadja continued in the direction of the arrow where the man had used his last effort to point in the direction that the convoy was going. She ducked and weaved between branches and trees, keeping light on her feet and suppressing her chakra to avoid any detection and avoid an unnecessary fight, she wanted to sneak up and get them jump on any guards or who ever may be taking the supplies. It wasnt long before she caught sight of a guard and throwing herself up against a tree, she quickly made the decision to clib up and pounce onto one of its branches, perched like a hawk watching its prey. If this was a guard then she would need to find what he was guarding or where he was coming from. She scanned the treeline and there was a dense bush and treeline covering any further view, she couldnt see anything else, perhaps it was behind that. Leaping forwards between branches but maintaining the cover of the chakra suppression, sure enough when she entered the tree covering her sight, she saw a small camp zone with a few high pitched tents, something of an outpost. It wasnt big enough to be a main base of operations but looked maybe like a check point, if she wanted information to where the cargo and prisoners were going, she would need to find and kill the enemy commanders and search for information on their bodies. She had no sympathy for them, taking cargo from innocents and also her own kin, that was meant for the Uchiha. On top of this, she wanted to make a favourable impression on the Freehold to which she would show no mercy. She saw one of the largest, a round looking man with a large scimitar over his shoulder standing infront of what looked like the largest tent next to two others, clearly higher up with their heavier armour and weapons talking together. Deciding to start with him, she leapt between tree to tree, tent top to tent top.

Popping to the top of the tent she was standing behind while eying her quarry, Nadja looked for some kind of back entrance or somewhere she could sneak in. There was too much heat for her to walk directly in, and she would probably be swarmed in seconds should the rest of the camp realize what's going on. This would need to be handled swiftly and efficiently, cutting of the head of the snake should cause the body to disperse, the rest of the soldiers to simply leave. When the coast was clear, Nadja would move around to the backside of the commanders tent and timing it when there were no patrols around, Nadja would roughly but quietly lift a flap and roll under. Undignified but this would have to be the way for now for her to take action. There was no doubt in her head she could clear the camp of the forces but less energy expended before looking for the rest of the cargo and prisoners, the better. She found herself in a dimly lit circular tent with 3 men sitting around a hearth talking to each other, and upon closer inspection she could tell they looked like the higher up ranking Pirate, Sell Sword and Mercenary leaders that had gathered their bands to this campsite. Wearing a somewhat similar but fancier armour than the guards outside, they looked ready to fight and to move out, meaning that Nadja would have to be careful about how she did this. A direct fight would mean they could block or survive, it would have to be a quick attack at their exposed weaknesses, assassinating the 3 at the same time.

Making the Bird Seal, Nadja began to manipulate the wind as she then pushed her hands outwards, then drew them into her chest, causing a massive gust of wind to pick up outside the tent and come crashing in, picking up dust and making it incredibly hard to see inside the tent, once the wind blew out the campfire. The 3 generals began coughing after shouting in surprise, the unnatural phenomenal startling them.

(Fūton: Fūjin no Jutsu) - Wind Release Dust Cloud Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After performing the Bird hand seal the user creates a stream of high velocity wind combined with scouring dust. The completed technique is directed through overlapping hands.

Light on her feet, Nadja quickly hopped over the crates she was hiding behind, and dashed light on her feet, closing her eyes to listen in closely to the generals panicked cries. Rushing forward ten meters, there was a general right in front of her, his voice commanding to call the guards. Reaching from behind she positioned herself as her arms slipped around his waist and under his arms to claw out his throat, nothing but a gurgling coming from his mouth now as blood spilled onto her hands.

( Za Danshingu Shiro Tora ) - The Dancing White Tiger
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 80
Description: The user assumes a low stance and positions their hands to mimic claws. By pouncing on a target the user is able to deliver tiger claw strikes that can dig into and then tear out a target’s flesh. Though the attacks are extremely deadly against lightly armored targets they cannot pierce through heavy armor.

The next general called out, a little wiser than the last knowing that something was afoot. He was roughly maybe 5 meters to the left of where Nadja was standing, his voice gruff but piercing through the dust that kept Nadja under cover. Covering her appendages in fire, she rushed over to the next target, striking quickly and efficiently as sparks flew off her elbows and knees. A singular strike to the gut caused him to bend over, lightning up his face, and consequently hers. He had barely enough time to register who had struck him before her elbow caught him in the temple knocking him unconscious severely giving him internal bleeding in the head. This however also set off sparks from her elbow igniting some of the fur rugs they were all sitting on around the fire.

( Go Ryuu Assai Fungeki ) - Five Dragon Crushing Fury
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: By charging their elbows and knees with fire chakra this technique enables the user to deliver a wide range of blazing knee and elbow strikes. The attacks themselves are able to break bones and when enhanced with fire chakra they become truly powerful.

The last general could see some lights in the mist of the dust, and it was starting to clear. Calling for guards, Nadja could tell he was roughly 10 meters to the back right of where she was standing. She had kind of given the attack away, but there was still time to strike and cover her tracks. It was hard to tell from the smoke but an arrow went whistling past her face, the commander using his crossbow to try to stop her. With her sharingan active she turned towards him, hoping to get to him before he could launch another shot, and with another swift movement she turned on one heel and ran over to the last target, charging the chakra in her fist. The plan was to cause damage to drop the tent, crushing the land beneath so that in the confusion she could slip out. As she reached the last general, the dust was mostly cleared around the campfire, though there was some smoke starting to gather from the sparks that had ignited the rugs. Footsteps were approaching, and guards were coming. this was going to be tough if they were alerted, not to fight out but to get away cleanly without a fight. The last general caught her eyes, a rough shabby man with a thick black beard with two scimitars at the belt and a large heavy crossbow in his arms, she had already started reloading by the time she had started running. His eyes were bloodshot and wide as he saw here, as he realized it was going to be the last thing he ever saw. Her pulled down to aim at her right as she got close enough to strike and with one quick movement with both arms, she used one to push the crossbow away from her self and raising her other fist up, she drew it back a small amount and punched forward catching the last general square in the nose.

( Ōkashō ) - Cherry Blossom Impact
Type: Offensive
Rank: A - S
Range: Short
Chakra: 30 - 40
Damage: 60 - 80
Description: While some may see it as "superhuman strength", this technique is actually an application of medical ninjutsu that demands the ability to concentrate and minute chakra control. An immense amount of chakra is kneaded inside the body, and a moment later, all of it is gathered into the fist or leg. That chakra is then released into the target, which does a great amount of damage. With the damage done dependent on the amount of chakra used, it is also possible for a skilled shinobi to amass it in their fingertip. When the ground is hit it is pulverized into minute pieces by the excess shock in an area short range all around, which are then scattered like flower petals, giving rise to the name "Cherry Blossom Impact".
Note: Can only be used by Sakura or Sarada bios.
Note: S rank can only be used 4 times in all.

The bolt when flying away, tearing a hole in the cloth of the tent that was being eaten up by flames licking its walls, while a sickening crunch sounded out with her other fist connecting with fleshy face. Pushing forward and over the top with her body, she drove down feeling the bones within his face break and crack as she hit the ground falling on top of the general. Warm blood soaked her fist as it made contact with the ground and a shockwave erupted, crushing the ground around them, and disturbing the foundations of the tent. A second seemed to last for an eternity but Nadja whipped her head around she the supports that were keeping the tent up fell down, collapsing the sheets that were keeping the tent up. The flapping of the sheet now was mixed in with the flame licking the rug, spreading to the sheets and wooden crates stored around the tent. Withdrawing her hand from the body, it was now deep red mixing blood and dirt, as she looked around. Likely moving back to where she entered would be the best way for her to escape, no doubt a majority of the soldiers would move to the front. Running to the back of the tent, Nadja slid sideways as she reached to boundary and rolled underneath the lip of the tent, starting to cough from the dirt and smoke trapped beneath the tent sheets. Soldiers, bandits and pirates were beginning to gather around the front of the tent as the noise more than likely would have reverberated around the camp not to mention the smoke now coming out from the tent and the upturned earth too. Shaking her head to get the dust off her hair, she quickly lifted her head, spotting a quick path to the campsite edge, thankfully clear from almost all of the enemies around. It would take some tricky manoeuvring but sticking to the shadows of the tents should allow her to escape unseen.
Coming from [x]

Alucard contined his journey above the land of fire. Here he felt a chakra signature that was familliar to him. Watching over the entire landmark from above he descended down to what seemed to be the aftermath of some sort of a conflict. He knew who this woman was, it was one of the three that his daughter had resurrected from the doorstep of the Kurama Rift. As he let his chakra recharge itself to his maximum, he stopped the meditaiton of the Yin-Yang technique. With hands in his pocktets, and his floating spire dissolving behind him he made quite the entrance. He sensed several other chakras nearby but couldn’t seem to be given the impression they were anything to be worried about. Approaching the kunoichi, he spoke to her firmly.

Well well well, if it isn’t.. Nope, don’t know your name.. Anyhow, i take it you’ve recovered well from the Rift huh?
He sounded almost cocky when he spoke to her but his tone was calm enough that it would be rather balanced. Unsure of the situation she had gotten herself in here, he shrugged as he looked across the fields. His Tenseigan was hidden beneath his glasses.

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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard contined his journey above the land of fire. Here he felt a chakra signature that was familliar to him. Watching over the entire landmark from above he descended down to what seemed to be the aftermath of some sort of a conflict. He knew who this woman was, it was one of the three that his daughter had resurrected from the doorstep of the Kurama Rift. As he let his chakra recharge itself to his maximum, he stopped the meditaiton of the Yin-Yang technique. With hands in his pocktets, and his floating spire dissolving behind him he made quite the entrance. He sensed several other chakras nearby but couldn’t seem to be given the impression they were anything to be worried about. Approaching the kunoichi, he spoke to her firmly.

Well well well, if it isn’t.. Nope, don’t know your name.. Anyhow, i take it you’ve recovered well from the Rift huh?
He sounded almost cocky when he spoke to her but his tone was calm enough that it would be rather balanced. Unsure of the situation she had gotten herself in here, he shrugged as he looked across the fields. His Tenseigan was hidden beneath his glasses.

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There was a lot of commotion as Nadja went to escape the disruption she had caused, looking to next capitalized on the confusion that was created from her attack. She had moved slyly to a nearby branch of a tall tree a distances away to keep an eye on the scene, looking to make her next move to find some more intel on the missing supplies and the missing soldiers. Taking a quick breath, there was a disturbance around her as someone came landing around, a stranger with a red outfit and some glasses, a strange accent and acting somewhat arrogant.

Who- . . . oh you were near by the rift? I have, I returned to my peoples in a compound near by, to recover and tell them of what we found. However upon returning, there was some goods and supplies stolen which I am now investigating. The Freehold don't have enough resources to search so I am taking it into my own hands.

Nadja turned back towards the camp she had invaded and taken the commanders out, as smoke continued to rise while the bandits around looked to try and put out the fire from the tent.

I dont have much time to chat now, but here, Ill pass you a private communication scroll, and once I have finished here I can get in touch with you, if you want to investigate these rights more. For now, sorry but I have other matters to attend to.

She rummaged through her bag tied to her back and pulled out a small tightly wound green scroll, tossing it down to the stranger.

You can call me Nadja, we can speak soon.

With that, she disappeared in a puff of smoke.