[Katon] Madrigal's Fire training

King Shazam

Nov 24, 2014
Trait Points
Ounce more Madrigal sees the clone coming to him.After seeing that Madrigals jumps a yard back, but in the air Madrigal preforms a hand seal,Snake → Ram → Monkey → Tiger, which lets him create and blow flammable gas from his lungs and then releases it from the mouth.Then Madrigal jumps a yard back and while in the air he starts molding superheated chakra inside the stomach releasing it via the lungs and mouth.Small balls of Fire come out of his mouth to go to the gas which turns into a big explosion of a fireball.

Advantage:In contact with a spark of fire it would make a big explosion.It works with fire techniques.You could also blind your opponent from seeing your very next move.It would work perfectly with wind because it would make the gas spread more and when you add that with fire it would be really problem for the opponent.
Disadvantage:It takes longer to do this technique because you have to do a hand-seal to make the gas and even longer when you want to make the explosion.It also would give you a blind spot from your opponent's move.This technique could also kill you if your not careful of using it,So the best thing to do when your in combat and wanna use is that you give yourself a good space of you not getting burned it ignites with fire.It wouldn't work with a water user if they know that technique.
In battle: In range its short-mid, you use this offense.You usually use this when backing-off.Or want to know your opponent/want to use another technique in mind and need this start this off.

Detective L

Active member
Jan 10, 2013
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OOC: That's more like it! Keep it up man.

"Well done! Here you go."

Rank: D
Type: Offense/Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10
Damage Points: N/A
Description: After performing the necessary hand seals Snake → Ram → Monkey → Tiger, the user is able to create and blow a flammable gas from their lungs. Once it comes in contact with fire or sparks, the gas ignites into a large fireball.

"Now the next technique is the last D rank, which is also fairly useful. You will manipulate your Fire based chakra to release fire balls or streams of fire from your mouth towards your opponent. This technique can also be used to aid in Taijutsu by releasing the Fire from your limbs as you attack, which obviously increases the damage of your usual punches. Use it on my clone (plus the other stuff)."

Dean creates a clone that runs towards Madrigal.

King Shazam

Nov 24, 2014
Trait Points
OOC: I don't understand what you on the other stuff so I added other jutsus as a combo

Seeing the clone coming, Madrigal grabs some shurikens from his pockets. Then with that Madrigal lets his chakra flow through his hands to the shurikens that is infused with fire.Then throws the shurikens to the clone, while throwing the clone Madrigal turns on/ignites the fire through mental command for extra damage.Then lets his fire based chakra flow again, this it goes to his limbs smarts running at the clone. While running Madrigal jumps in the air and releases the fire from his legs to the clone(released it by movement).But still in the air Madrigal did the hand seal,Snake → Ram → Monkey → Tiger, which lets him create and blow flammable gas from his lungs and then releases it from the mouth.Madrigal lands on the ground then jumps again a yard back this time and while in the air he starts molding superheated chakra inside the stomach releasing it via the lungs and mouth.Small balls of Fire come out of his mouth to go to the gas which turns into a big explosion of a fireball.

Advantages:It works with taijutsu, works with Fire release: Blazing Shiruken Dance.This jutsu is like combo-combo jutsu with other techniques.Works with wind.
Disadvantages:Doesn't work with water.It really wouldn't work against a Uchiha with an activated shirangan to 3rd lvl because they would see your moves already.
In Battle:Use this in Mid-short.You can counter surprise a attack by techniques/you can surprise your opponent by this technique.Works very well in taijutsu to make your attack stronger.

Detective L

Active member
Jan 10, 2013
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"The Sharingan aren't really a disadvantage, they can always be fooled, nonetheless, great job! Here you go."

Rank: D
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 10
Damage points: 20
Description: The user will release a small but powerful flame of fire at their opponent from either their limbs (through movement) or exhaling it. It can produce fire balls or fire streams or simply aid in taijutsu.

"The next technique is fairly simple, where you will manipulate your Fire based chakra, and release a short flame towards your opponent, from your mouth. The fire is so hot, it can make the opponent collapse, and is done quite fast because it does not require hand seals. I would best use this in close range, since it is fast, and fairly powerful. Use it against my clone."

Dean creates a clone that runs towards Madrigal.

King Shazam

Nov 24, 2014
Trait Points
Ounce again seeing the clone coming, Madrigal starts molding superheated chakra inside the stomach releasing it via the lungs and mouth.A short flame goes attacks the clone.

Advantages:It could make your opponent collapse because its so hot.It could even work as an illusion of messing with people's heads.Works with wind
Disadvantages:You could also get collapse to sleep.Weakness is water.
In Battle:It's short-mid.You use this technique to make the enemy weak or want to trap them.Try not to stay close.

Detective L

Active member
Jan 10, 2013
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"That's okay, but I liked your previous responses better. Here you go."

Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage points: 30
Description: The user will create a small short flame at the opponent. This flame is capable of making the target collapse due to the heat of the technique. This technique requires no handseals.

"Next is the famous Uchiha, Great Fireball technique. This one starts off by forming the Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger hand seals. You will then manipulate your Fire based chakra, and form a circle with your thumb and index finger. You will then release the Fire through your mouth and the circle you made with your index finger and thumb, to release either:

1. A powerful stream of Fire, which must be sustained and can only reach Short Range in front of you, or;
2. A ball of Fire, which is released towards the opponent with great power, and can reach Mid Range.

A pretty cool technique, and not boring like most Fire techniques. Use it against my clone."

King Shazam

Nov 24, 2014
Trait Points
Alright after seeing the clone coming, Madrigal leaps a yard back and performs a hand-seal, Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger.Then Madrigals starts molding superheated chakra(fire based chakra) inside the body.Before releasing it from his mouth Madrigal forms a circle with your thumb and index finger then releases the Fire through your mouth and the circle which Madrigal releases a ball of Fire, which is released towards the opponent with great power.

Advantages:The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater on the ground's surface. There's two ways of using these technique so you can surprise your enemy:1. A powerful stream of Fire, which must be sustained and can only reach Short Range in front of you, or;
2. A ball of Fire, which is released towards the opponent with great power, and can reach Mid Range.
Works with winds perfectly also.
Disadvantages:This technique apparently requires more than average chakra reserves and most genin should not be able to do this technique.Its weak against water but depends on how strong the water user is.You might waste a lot of chakra if you use other technique of it, so be smart.
In Battle The first fire is used in short range that is in front you and the second one mid range show when your opponent is hiding somewhere and spotted them.The scope of the attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered.This technique is an offensive attack, that means when you make a move so your opponent couldn't and starts to guard themselves.

Detective L

Active member
Jan 10, 2013
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"Good, though I would say the disadvantage of this technique are the hand seals, and that you have to form a ring with your hand, so unnecessary. Nonetheless, here you go."

Rank: C
Type: Offense
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: After performing the necessary hand seals Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger, a ninja inhales air, and utilizing a large amount of fire chakra, spews a large fireball from their mouth after blowing through a ring made by the thumb and index finger of the user, incinerating everything in range. The fireball ignites externally. The fire ball can present itself in 2 forms: it can either be created by a stream of fire and sustained as a gigantic ball of flames in front of the user spanning up to short range or be released as a slightly smaller ball of fire which will travel towards the enemy up to mid range.

"Now the next technique requires the use of a Lighter. I know you don't have one, so I'll give you mine. Better pay me back, that's stuff is expensive z,z. Nonetheless, the technique starts off by throwing a lighter in front of you, as the flame burns. You will then use your Fire based chakra to manipulate said flame, to form a wall of Fire. This wall acts as protection, but can also be combined with Wind release: Hurricane Fist, to blast forwards a fire/wind combination. Use it against my clone."

Dean creates a clone that runs towards Madrigal.

King Shazam

Nov 24, 2014
Trait Points
"Alright, thanks"After getting handed the lighter that has an open flame and a clone coming at him.Madrigal jumps a yard back and while in the air enhances the lighter, with fire based chakra.When Madrigal landed to the ground ,he activated the his chakra that was on the lighter to create a fire wall from the clone.

Advantages:It blocks your opponent from seeing you, and that gives you an advantage of running making a come back or hiding.It could work with lighting and ;wind-Wind release: Hurricane Fist, to blast forwards a fire/wind combination; even with earth for a combo jutsu.
Disadvantages: You have to manipulate your chakra to an object to make turn to a gas.I have to get you a new lighter.And its weak against water, but that won't if you hid or mad a jutsu that counter the jutsu.
In Battle: It's a Supplementary/Defense, its range is short and its rank is "c". You use this technique when you don't want your enemy to approach you and back off a little while so you can recharge your enemy or flee,plus the wall is flammable so you would be an idiot if you walk through.

Detective L

Active member
Jan 10, 2013
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"Alright, that's good. Here you go."

Rank: C
Type: Supplementary/Defence
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user first throws out a lighter that has an open flame.The user the turns the flame into a wall of fire used for protection or to burn small objects thrown towards him. This jutsu can be used with Hurricane Fist to create a combo jutsu.

"The next technique also has multiple uses. It is initiated through forming the Tiger hand seals, and utilizing your Fire based chakra. The first way to use the technique is to release it from your mouth, causing it to fly towards the opponent in the form of rings of Fire. The second way to use it, is to stomp your foot on the ground, and cause a stream of Fire to head towards the opponent, along the ground. It can also be used in combination with Wind Release: Divine Wind to create a tornado of flames, or with Wind Release: Godly Wind from the Mountains to release a massive inferno. Use it against my clone."

Dean creates a clone that runs towards Madrigal.

King Shazam

Nov 24, 2014
Trait Points
As always Madrigal leaps a yard, but while he was leaping he does the tiger hand-seal in the air.Then from his body Madrigal starts molding super-heated chakra(fire based chakra) which via the mouth.The flame out of Madrigals mouth flies towards the clone in the form of rings of Fire. Madrigal could have done the other technique but chose to use this one because it was simpler.

Advantages: 2 ways of using this technique the ring of flames on the ground and the circle of fire through the air.It works perfectly with these two wind jutsus; Wind Release: Divine Wind to create a tornado of flames and Wind Release: Godly Wind from the Mountains to release a massive inferno.The stream of fire can be created by stomping the ground (running across the ground in this case) or by spewing the flames (which will form an airborne ring of flames that will travel towards the enemy).

Disadvantages:there is 2 options so you have to think which one would do best at that moment.And because there two options you could lose your chakra twice in one round.It's weak against water.It's collaborate with wind perfectly.And you have to use a hand-seal so it "kind-of" takes time if you need every second to defeat your opponent.

In Battle: Short-Mid, It's an attack.You use this technique by trapping people/ by caging them so you know there are and know you can do with them.

Detective L

Active member
Jan 10, 2013
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"That's okay, but some of those are extremely obvious. Make them more varied. Here you go."

Rank: C
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: After performing the Tiger hand seal by utilizing their fire chakra, the user will create a stream of fire that can be manipulated into several forms (rings of fire that runs on the ground or a circle of fire flying through the air) before striking the target. It can also be used in combination with Wind Release: Divine Wind to create a tornado of flames, or with Wind Release: Godly Wind from the Mountains to release a massive inferno. The stream of fire can be created by stomping the ground (running across the ground in this case) or by spewing the flames (which will form an airborne ring of flames that will travel towards the enemy).

"Alright now the next technique requires somewhat of a setup. The technique starts off by using a conductor line to capture the opponent, and forming the Snake → Dragon → Rabbit → Tiger hand seals. You will then breathe fire along the object, causing a line of Fire to head towards the opponent and engulf him. Not a very practical technique if you ask me, but yeah. Try it out. *Throws a line of wire*"

Dean creates a clone that runs towards Madrigal.

King Shazam

Nov 24, 2014
Trait Points
Handed the peace of wire then again leaps a yard the then Madrigal goes on his fours like a dog then makes a hand-seals cloaking his body in chakra and appearing more feral before disappearing before the clones eyes and reappearing behind the clone.The clone tries to moves but notices that he strap around the wire Dean gave him.With that done Madrigal jumps a yard back away from the clone then forms another hand-seal, Snake → Dragon → Rabbit → Tiger.Madrigal starts molding super-heated chakra(fire based chakra) which via the mouth.Then madrigal breathe fire through line which causes a line of Fire to head towards the clone and engulfs him.

(Shikyaku No Jutsu) - 4 Legged Technique

Rank: D
Chakra Cost:10
Damage Points:N/A
Description: This technique grants animal-like accelerated fighting instinct and reflexes to the user. By enveloping their entire body in chakra and moving on all fours, they can obtain high speed movement and reflexes like that of a wild animal. Taught only to the members of the Inuzuka clan, this technique forms the basis of a Inuzuka clan member's taijutsu fighting style, and will add even more to their feral-like appearances; their canine teeth, their finger and toenails grow to claw-like length, their eyes also become more wild with their pupils becoming slits. When under the effects of this technique, an Inuzuka will display great feats of physical strength, speed, agility and endurance. The form is best suited for using and supporting the ferocious "hit-and-run" tactics that the clan is well known for, leaving the enemy barely any time to launch a counter attack.
Note: Can only be used by a member of the Inuzuka Clan

Advantages: Traps your opponent in one place so they can't use there arms or even body and its a direct hit so they can't move away from it.It works perfectly with wind to make it stronger.It could work with this Inuzuka skill if needed to get your opponent faster in one hit, but only if your Inuzuka you can use this.
Disadvantages:Its alot of hard work to do or it just takes up time.It also make you do a hand-seal.Weak against water.You have to use a wire to make this jutsu work.Your opponent can escape while your making the wire go around the person.
In Battle:Its a short-mid,Its an offensive type and you will use this when you want to make your opponent still and make them do nothing.I think.

Detective L

Active member
Jan 10, 2013
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"Great job, here you go."

Rank: C
Type: Offense
Range: Short/Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user will perform four handseals Snake → Dragon → Rabbit → Tiger , and breathe fire along a cord or any other type of long object, which rushes forward in straight line catching the enemy on fire. A line of enemies can be used as the conductor as well. The flames are meant to target, and assault the enemy's upper body just like a projectile weapon.

"Now for the next technique, is actually one best used in conjunction with Earth Release: Dragon Bullet. Through simple manipulation of your Fire based chakra, you will form the Tiger hand seal, and exhale a flame from your mouth. Fairly simple, but if used in conjunction with the Earth technique, it creates a pseudo lava. Use it against my clone."

Dean creates a clone that runs towards Madrigal.

King Shazam

Nov 24, 2014
Trait Points
Seeing ounce more the clone approaching, Madrigal leaps a yard back then does a tiger hand-seal. After that Madrigal starts molding super-heated chakra(fire based chakra) which via the mouth exhaled. The fire goes toward the clone Dean created.

Advantages:It works the Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet to ignite the projectiles fired by the latter technique, making it more devastating. Its one of the easiest technique.
Disadvantages:It has to do with hand-sealing works. Weak against water(depends on the user that is).If you are going to use the Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet, it is going to take a little bit longer.
In Battle:Its an Offensive type, short-mid.

Detective L

Active member
Jan 10, 2013
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"That's okay, though give me more detail! Here you go."

Rank: C
Type: Offense
Range: Short/Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user exhales a flame breath from their mouth after making the tiger hand seal. This technique can be used in conjunction with Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet to ignite the projectiles fired by the latter technique, making it more devastating.

"Now for the next technique. You will start off by forming the Rat → Tiger → Dog → Ox → Rabbit → Tiger hand seals, and manipulating your Fire based chakra. You will then release a volley of Fireballs towards the opponent, which are sent towards the opponent in an unpredictable manner, and are also controlled by the users chakra. To make it even more devastating, one can conceal shuriken within the flames. This makes it a great technique for distraction. Use it against my clone."

Dean creates a clone that runs towards Madrigal.

King Shazam

Nov 24, 2014
Trait Points
Seeing the clone coming to him again, Madrigal leaps a yard back in the air and in the air Madrigal does the hand-seal, Rat → Tiger → Dog → Ox → Rabbit → Tiger. While landing on the ground Madrigal starts molding super-heated chakra(fire based chakra) which via the mouth exhaled. Madrigal controls the volley of Fireballs to go to the clone, and then Madrigal grabs five pieces of shurikens out of his bag.Madrigal lets his chakra flow through his hands to the shurikens that is infused with fire. Then throws it to the volley of fireball which goes to the clone.

Advantages:Its a two in one hit technique, because when get hit with one there's a shuriken inside it. You can control you flames to were you want it to go. It's unpredictable to the enemy.
DisadvantagesIt has to do with hand-seals which take to much time. Chakra manipulation makes you think were you want to hit your opponent. Not also it's a two hit in one it makes you do double work to make your work(technique) perfect.
In battle:You use this technique as a distraction and wants your opponent to wonder off and make them think about dodging the flames.Its an offensive type and its range is short.

Detective L

Active member
Jan 10, 2013
Trait Points
"Awesome, here you go."

Rank: C
Type: Offense
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user first performs six hand seals Rat → Tiger → Dog → Ox → Rabbit → Tiger and they create a volley of small fireballs, which are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting the enemy. In addition, the flames are controlled one by one with chakra, so avoiding them all is extremely difficult. Shuriken can also be concealed within the flames, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. Like the flames, the shuriken can be controlled with chakra. For the most part, however, this technique is used as a distraction.

"The next technique is quite simple, you will use your Fire based chakra to release a flame. This flame then converges upon the opponent, and wraps around them. This causes severe burns on the opponent's body. Use it against my clone."

Dean creates a clone that runs towards Madrigal.

King Shazam

Nov 24, 2014
Trait Points
Ounce more seeing the clone coming Madrigal leaps a yard back then while jumping back in the air, Madrigal starts molding super-heated chakra(fire based chakra) which via the mouth exhaled. Out of Madrigals mouth comes out a flame that converges upon the opponent, and wraps around the clone.

Advantages: It's a flame that doesn't need any hand-seal signs. It's like a flame that you don't really need to manipulate, because it wraps the opponent by itself. It could work with wind which word be even more worse than before.
Disadvantages:Weak against water. I think that you can easily dodge the attack because you could its an easy technique because and you don't use anything much complicated things than your body.
In Battle:It's an offensive type and it's a short-mid range. And you use this technique to make your opponent to make him weaker than before.

Detective L

Active member
Jan 10, 2013
Trait Points
"Hm, not bad. Here you go."

Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage points: 30
Description: The user releases a flame of fire chakra that converges on the opponent wrapping around them and burning them.

"Now, for the second last technique of the C ranks. A technique only usable in mid air, you will manipulate your Fire based chakra and release from your mouth a series of small shots, in the form of fireballs. These will rain down upon the opponent, and cause some burns on impact. Use it against my clone."

Dean creates a clone that runs towards Madrigal.
