[CSC] Legacy of Wan Shi Tong


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Sure thing.

Well they're oldie customs so Description is a bit lacking but I think each of these owls have managed to maintain some individuality.

So this is the King of the contract with a dual chakra nature specialty and the ability to combine them too. Very useful, and he shares a prideful temperament it seems.

(Kuchiyose No Jutsu:kyojin:fukurou:Lind-sama) ( Summoning Technique:Giant Owl:Lord Lind)
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost:30
Damage Points:60 (depends on the jutsu)

Description: Lind is the king of all owls and he is the most proudest and most strongest owl out of them all,He wont obey anyone Other than his summoner.He is the Size of gamakichi and has the the power to fly at extreme speeds and has full control of the sky.Lind can use Wind jutsus up till S-rank and If the summoner has been trained in Fire he/she can combine the jutsu to make a Fire/Wind technique.He has huge wings and an aerodynamic tail, and he has White feathers.He attacks with his sharp talons or wind enhanced wings if he must resort to physical attacks.Lind is very picky on the summoner and if the summoner is new he/she must prove himself to lind before he/she can summon him or even stand on his back (although Yellow Flash of the Leaf is an exception, as I hold the contract).

-Stays in battle for 5 turns.
-Can fly for all 5 turns
-Can only be used once per battle.
-User rides on Lind's back
-Can use wind up to S-rank and count as one of the users 3 moves and also fire combination up till B-rank allowed.
-Must have signed the Contract of the owls (held by Yellow Flash of the Leaf)

Classic Katon natured summon here. Although he's able to surge Katon chakra through himself whenever performing these techniques so that's a plus it seems. If you asked me this sounds like ambiguous writing that turned out for the better, lol.

(Kuchiyose No Jutsu:kyojin fukurou: Daiken) Summoning Technique:Giant Owl: Daiken
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: short - long
Chakra Cost:30
Damage Points:60 depends on the jutsu
Description: Daiken is the personal Owl summon of Yellow Flash of the Leaf. He is very calm, friendly, and is extremely loyal to Yellow Flash of the Leaf. He is two inches bigger than Gamatatsu, and has the ability to fly at high speeds and he also has a wide array of aerial maneuvers. The Jutsus he can use are Fire up to A Rank. When using fire, he can channel fire chakra throughout his body, and even to the tips of his wings and tail, making them glow with fire. He has large wings and a small tail, and he has Gold, red feathers.He attacks with his sharp Beak if he must resort to physical attacks.Daiken can only be summoned by Yellow Flash of the Leaf, and they are good Friends Thanks to it.

*Stays in battle for 3 turns.
*Can only be used once per battle.
*Can use fire up to A-rank and count as one of the users 3 moves
*Can only be summoned by Yellow Flash Of the Leaf and anyone who he specifically teaches

And last we have our classic Suiton natured summon here. And a female as well. Although well need to fix her up a bit in terms of abilities and description. One step at a time though.

(Kuchiyose No Jutsu:kyojin fukurou:Kasen) Summoning technique:Giant Owl:Kasen
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60 (depends on jutsu)
Description: Isuma is a large owl and is the size of Gamatatsu.Kasen is the Owl of the sea, and can use suiton up to A-rank. Since she is a Owl, Isamu can fly extremly fast and has complete control and a vast array of aerial movements. A user of the contract gains control over the Owl, and can fly on Isamu’s back. Isamu is a very Smart,obedient Owl that cares for those who summon her. She tries her hardest in battle, and will do whatever is asked of her. She has white and blue feathers that cover her body and huge wings, as well as sharp beak and Talons for combat.

*This Summoning can only be in play for 3-turns
*Can fly for every turn
*This Summoning can only be Summoned by someone with the Owl Contract.
*This Summoning can only be Summoned once per battle
*Summoner rides on Kasen's back
*Can use water justu up to A-rank and count as one the users three moves if she uses water technique.