Land of Waterfalls (243)


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Land of Waterfalls

The coastal Land of Waterfalls is home to the Claymore Clan after their treaty with a number of clans in Tobusekai to be exiled to this pocket of land to the East. The land is far above sea level, which leads to a few of the rivers in Tobusekai to fall off into the ocean from above. The Claymore Clan has established a small village here where they live in seclusion and harmony, separated from the rest of the warring clans in Tobusekai as best as they can.

Land of Waterfalls is considered a Clan Sanctuary; it cannot be directly claimed and members of the Claymore clan may spawn their biography into the Ninja World here.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Arriving from []

Storyboard mission:
  • Terrorize a large community
  • Be the anti-hero
Story music:
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Alucard had crossed the great sea on Akemi's back. He had nothing but regrets over what he had just taken part of and wanted to distance himself from it as fast as possible, which lead him to dock at the shores of the land of waterfalls. Upon entering the nearby woods, Alucard found out strange individuals who claimed to be part of the Claymore clan. A clan.. something that Alucard once created and just recently lost. He carried on towards the mainlands and shook off his encounters with the strange individuals. The main town of the land was a typical average city, there were no particular issues but rather just small fry as far as bounties went. He sort of drifted along around the place, look for something to do until he found himself not really caring anymore about anything. He had lost everything that he had built up at this point, all of the things he planned to do were thrown out of the window. He swore an oath to himself never to partner up with anyone again and be a rouge ninja, roaming the world as he saw fit, when the right time came. He didn't want to show this to his company and carried on like a fallen sage. He left the town pure boredom and found resolute out in the wildernes. Here he would set up a small camp and just try to feel free, but he couldn't. Not anymore.

**** this shit. I hope something comes to just end me already.

Having picked up the quite destructive mood over his master, Akemi laid down on the ground next to him while Erentil and Drūndail would keep guard. Dragons doesn't sleep afterall. He stared out in the obsidian sky and just listened to the ambience around him. The space around him was quiet, but the storm inside consumed him. He could not sleep, not for hours until his body slowly started to give in. He got to rest for about 2 hours before one of the dragons could spot a black shadow trespassing their territory. It was dark still but the sun would bloat the skies in merely an hour. Erentil fired a warning shot in the form of a dust release square that simply and effectively erased everything caught inside of it.

(Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu) - Detachment of the Primitive World Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40
Damage: 30-80
Description: The user first performs a short sequence of handseals: Rat → Boar → Snake, then creates a basic 3D-shaped construct via Dust Release between the palms of their hands. A small sphere is located at its centre. The structure expands rapidly in size when being propelled towards the designated target and traps them inside its confines. The sphere then seems to explode with a tremendous amount of force, while the exterior walls of the structure effectively restrict the size of the blast radius. This results in the destruction of everything and anyone caught within, as they are pulverised into minute particles of dust. The technique isn't limited to just affecting physical matter; it can also affect chakra-based defenses. But the resulting damage that this technique can produce varies considerably, depending on the initial shape of the created structure..

Cuboid Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a very generic three-dimensional cube. While the cube's surface area is rank-dependent, its shape also enables localized destruction and entrapment. Unlike the other shape alternatives, this form is always limited to just short-range when used.

Conical Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a simplistic three-dimensional cone. While the cone's base diameter is rank-dependent, its base is always located in front of the user's hands with the pointed end poised at the desired target. It has an intermediary reach, extending up to mid-range.

Cylindrical Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a basic three-dimensional cylinder. While the cylinder's diameter is rank-dependent, it is unique amongst shapes in extending up to long-range.

Note: The surface area of the cube form is 1m² at C-rank, 3m² at B-rank, 5m² at A-rank, 15m² at S-rank.
Note: The diameter of the cone and the cylinder is 1m at C-rank, 2m at B-rank, 4m at A-rank, 8m at S-rank.
Note: Only useable by Mū and Ōnoki bios. Clones are unable to use it.

Alucard woke up and noticed that despite the usage of the dust release, his small squad was surrounded by a gang that were aesthetically identical to some of the lads that they had encountered down the beach line. This was no coincidence and it would seem that his name was travelling faster than he was himself. One of the clansmen pushed himself through the line of bodies that all were surrounding Alucard.

**** you doing here? Oh well, i dont care for introductions of people i already know. And you're a dead man.

Alucard was confounded, seeing himself as reborn. Something to kill, something to make an example out of. His days of rules were long gone, his long past satisfaction of cannibalism was making a painful return as a primordial instict as he would cut off the head of the self-entitled with a quick swing of his sword.
(Igudorashiru) - Yggdrasil
Type: Weapon
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Yggdrasil is a savagely looking jagged longsword with a bunch of spots filled with bioluminescent light that shines in the same color as the wielders eyes. The swords grip is formed like a root and the entire sword is made by an unknown crystal that is extremely dense. On the grip of the sword there is also a seal;

調和 - Harmony. This seal is responding to a unique bond called harmony element. When the user is within short range from the seal, a passive stream of chakra is being fueled into the seal and out towards the user of the sword. The sword will transform its crystalline structure to that of the special element the user possesses and take on its traits. A harmony element is essentially any element the user possesses and wants the sword to transform into. This needs to be stated in the bio that has the Yggdrasil sword. The sword will not just resemble the element, but also adapt it's strengths/weaknesses and can be destroyed by such and dealing damage accordingly. As the user powers the sword, the sword also powers the user. In connection with the harmony seal, the sword will shift out chakra towards the user and enhance their harmony element that the sword mimics and give it a passive boost of +10 chakra and +20 damage.

The user can utilize the sword like any other sword and use it in kenjutsu techniques while applying elemental properties to them in response to what harmony element the wielder have chosen. If the sword is tossed it will instantly transform back into the crystalized form it originally has if it travels beyond short-range from the user. It will also remove the passive strengths towards the users harmony element. The sword also incorporates a special move which requires the user to pummel it into the ground in front of them with the edge down. This will cause a tremor and erect a huge dome barrier that is invisible to the naked eye. This barrier incorporates fuinjutsu attributes in the sense of crippling chakra supplies of everyone inside the dome bar the user although their summons are still affected. The sword acts like the vessel and the move is the trigger. The barrier saps chakra from opponents and drains their jutsus of power to the point that all forbidden techniques are unusable, while also making opposing techniques drop one rank. The wielder of the sword loses the ability to use any other element other than the harmony element and its composite elements. For example, if the user has a CE/AE or KG made out from earth and fire, the user's elements are limited to the CE/AE/KG, and its component elements. Modes, dojutsu or other active techniques that are of forbidden rank are not affected by this if they are activated before the move has been made but techniques that are used are still dropped in rank by one. The barrier can reach mid-range in a 360* degree fashion. The barrier is A-rank in strength, meaning that techniques of sufficient power can destroy the barrier, although the weapon itself will retain the infused harmony element.While the barrier is active the user cannot use fuinjutsu B-rank or higher.

Note: Can only be used by Skorm

The sword would cut the head off like hot butter would fall to a katana. The blood spurted out from the cut out veins that once lead to his now decapitated head. Alucard put on a big smile, the vampire in him was back. He quickly placed his mouth over the stump and sucked up the blood from the still pumping veins. This came to such a shock to the others in the gang that they completely froze out of fear, fear that was endorsed and empowered by Alucards Sakki.
(Sakki) - Killing Intent
Rank: D - S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: Killing Intent pertains to the ability of the user giving off their pure killing intention and having it affect their opponent and others around them up to the point of paralyzing them. When the Killing Intent is particularly strong, it can even give the victim visions of their own gruesome death, nausea, pain, etc. This can cause the Killing Intent to be confused with a genjutsu, despite not being a genjutsu at all; simply a showcase of intention and power. The target will feel as if facing an overwhelming enemy and, even if not a sensor, will suddenly feel the pressure of the users chakra and its magnitude, making the effect that much more dramatic. To effectively be used, the user needs to focus on his target and concentrate on the killing intent towards it, meaning that one must see the target and be focused on it. The strength of the Killing Intent is dependent on many factors and go through several levels. If a difference in rank smaller than 2 ranks exist, the enemy will feel only the pressure and the ominous presence of their dark intentions. Its enough to lose your grasp on a weapon or stay clinched to it (depending on the situation) or even to hesitate in an attack, stumble or mess up a handseal, all depending on the situation and proximity. The effect is small and normally not that significant but can be effectively used to pressure enemies into making a mistake. If a difference of 2 ranks or more exist, the enemy will be frozen, almost unable to move as the overwhelming killing intent dominates their own conscious and riddles them with nightmarish versions of death. The paralyzation gradually weakens as time passes and can only be maintained while the user is focused on the target. The further away the target, the weaker it is and it can only fully paralyze a target within short range. Similarly, the more targets one focuses on, the weaker the effect is in each one (divinding the effects equally between the number of targets). Lastly, the stronger the user is in relation to the target, the stronger the effect will be. The target can counter Killing Intent directed at it through pain, "mind cleansing" techniques or their own Killing Intent.
Note: Intensity of technique depends on the rank of the user, distance to target and number of targets one is focusing on
Note: Can only be used once
Note: Lasts only while the user is focusing on it and while focusing on it the user can't mold chakra
Using the moment of their momentary frozen state, Alucard went full berserk mode and cut down every single one of them with soft but lethal strikes. He had been trained fairly in the sword arts anyway. He drew out the golden nightmare two for that double sword style for 100% extra lethality. The bad guys fell like grass and after a minute of combat, they had all fallen victim to Alucards primordial self.

This.. this is what i was born to do. I wasn't born to lead nobody, i was born a failure. A machine of endless greed.. I need more blood..

Alucards insomnia was officially cured and he slapped on his EoR and began a manhunt. He gave next to zero fucks if the next person he butchered was a civilian or not. Someone had let a demon out, he was just playing his own game at this point anyway.

Eye of Riven
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: 30(-10/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Eye of Riven is an advanced tech that is in the form of a very modernly designed monocle that is on the user either at all times or whenever they feel like using it. As the tool is small and easy to put on, it doesn't cost the user a moveslot to activate it. It draws from the users chakra immediately as it activates. The Eye of Riven is actually a spectrum of advanced technology that lets the user see different patterns through the monocle if they are behind a wall, behind a raging storm, mist or even underground.
The system works not unlike aircraft radar. But instead of bouncing off planes and returning to the ground, the signal here travels through the wall, bounces off a human (as we’re full of water), and comes back through the wall and into a detector, which is in this case the monocle. By using chakra, the user can interpret the signals coming through the monocle and browse through layers of material they are looking at through the monocle.
Note: Can only be made by Skorm.

The sun has shattered the darkness as †epes was beaming with energy and strolled throughout the woods, seeking out opponents that he could cut down and mutilate to clench his thirst for blood. Akemi was showing signs of worry but she knew that her master always had had this dark side to him and that it was just a matter of time before it would creep back to show again. Ultimately, the squad reached another village. Akemi looked up on Alucard and felt his thoughts through her mind via their mental link. Due to their heavy loss, she too wanted to smash the living shit out of things.

Shall we?

Alucard didnt respond but instead looked towards the civil and peaceful life everyone there had led so far. However he could not control himself at this point but saw the village as a huge meatfest.
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He walked slowly towards it, his chaotic grin cleaved the souls apart in the men and women who saw his inner rage. It was enough they just saw him to install terror. The men grabbed weapons while the women ran off into the woods with their children. The men would shout at him to return to wherever he came from, but he didn't listen and so the men ran towards him with pikes and spears. Alucard channeled his chakra up and created bone tentacles on his back. These tentacles, he used as auxillary as he was being surrounded by the villages men. A squad of around 50 armed people.

( Hone Shokushu )- Bone Tentacles
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user grows bone tendrils from their back to bind or pierce the opponent.

The village elder appeared infront of the crowd and faced Alucard while the men surrounding him lowered their guards ever so slightly.

Are you really sure you want to do this? We've done nothing to you.

Alucard paused for a bit, he could feel Akemis thoughts in his head asking the same question. Was he ready to embrace the dark side again? As he stood there for a bit, Molag Bal would seize its moment and spoke with a quite and convincing voice. It had seen its oppertunity to change the course of its destiny.

Do it.

The sin of greed and pride took over and Alucard went on his berserk. The village elders head was separated from its body and blood splattered on the faces of the men standing next to him. They roared in vengance and attempted to take down the devil that had come to their peaceful meadow. Alucard wasn't the guy you could simply take down though and it was clear that they were no match for him as he pierced the skulls of men in all four directions with his tentacles while going to slice'n dice town with his two claymores. Blood was painting the land and Alucard felt his hunger growing faster and faster. Each body he sliced up and consumed the blood and soul from only made him more hungry. It was a curse. All men of the village had fallen to the brutal nature of Alucards inner demons. His two dragons stood idle by, they had no feels but were merely puppets to his will anyway.


The voice of a child was heard next to the onslaught that had fucked up the entire village. Alucard quickly turned to the origin of the voice and looked on the small boy who had run off from the fleeing women and children to return to his father. Alucard was surely fucked up at this point but he could not kill a child. He quickly set fire to the entire village to burn all the corpses of the dead men. There was nothing left of the place anyway.

(Katon: Zukokku) - Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user after performing the required hand seals Rat → Dog → Tiger fires a small fireball that erupts into a giant fire-storm after making contact with a surface, causing widespread destruction to the area. Since the flames travel along the ground, and cover such a wide area this is a difficult technique to evade. When combined with Wind Release: Pressure Damage, this technique is amplified to the point of being able to evaporate a large amount of water in an instant.

He stared down on the kid and looked him in the eyes. His left eye beamed like a red laser while his right eye was covered by the eye of riven. He stood in the inferno that was once this kids home.

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He stood firm and spoke.

Spread the word you pathetic runt. Dracula has returned.

The kid stood frozen in his place and Alucard simply turned around and looked at the fire that was cracking up the bodies of the dead citizens that he had butchered. He then took onto the wilderness and strived to the north crossing of the landmark. From there his conquest to fill his hunger was going to go on. How many bodies he would leave after him, only god knew. And he was not welcome to the party.

Travel itinerary:

(LM: 242, 2:56 PM) -> (LM: 243, 3:41 pm)

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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Returning from [x]

Back to the Tobusekai continent, Alucard, Akemi and his Mega blaziken would make a stop at the Land of Waterfalls, travelling more inwards the continent and scouting for possibilities to extend the rule of Tsumigakure again.


May 28, 2014
Trait Points

Solomon arrives in the Land of Waterfalls, turning westward and continuing on.


Travel Itinerary: 243 > 239 > 238 > 231 > 230 > 221 > 219 > 209
Departing #243 Land of Waterfalls at 9:45 PM EST (6/17/2020)
243: 9:45 - 10:45
239: 10:45 - 11:45
238: 11:45 - 12:45am
231: 12:45 - 1:45
230: 1:45 - 2:45
221: 2:45 - 3:45
219: 3:45 - 4:45
209: 4:45 - 5:45am
Arriving at 209 Last Bastion at 5:45am EST (6/18/2020)


Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

This post marks the beginning of my mission with the following storyboard element(s):

Deal with a traumatic event from your past (3)
Come to a new understanding* (2)

Summary: Stopping in the Land of Waterfalls to rest, Ozymandias is tormented by memories from his past, when the Ten Plagues ravaged his kingdom. Woken from his sleep, he realises that the current resurgence of the Red Fever is analogous to the aforementioned event which tormented his land and his people. He discusses the matter with the Magus of Flowers, and finally comes to accept a truth that he has refused to for most of his life.

Reaching the edge of a forest after walking for some time in open land, Ozymandias turns to Merlin, stopping the two in their tracks. "Where exactly are we going, Merlin?" the pharaoh asks, gathering that they were not wandering aimlessly, but in fact travelling on a path with a destination in mind. That is, one which Ozymandias was not himself aware of. "Oh, didn't I say? Why, we're going to Avalon!" the incubus replied cheerfully. Ozymandias was much less so, rolling his eyes but not pushing back on it. There was still a ways to go before they reached that place, and if his time with Merlin was up before they arrived, he would part ways with the Magus. The two entered the forest, the sound of birds chirping and rustling plants filling the air. Such a sight was largely unknown to Ozymandias' homeland, his being the desert. Unbecoming of a ruler as it was to travel on foot, the change of scenery was enough to forgive it.

Eventually, they reached a small clearing. Merlin would stop in his tracks, Ozymandias following closely behind. The Magus turned to face the pharaoh, his signature soft smile present on his face. "This is where we stop for the day, Ozymandias. We'll rest here for the night and make swift travel in the morning." His notice was to be met by immediate objection from the pharaoh, but before Ozymandias said anything, he clicked his fingers, creating a half-dome made from Wood Release, as well as makeshift beds for each of them. "I hope this will be good enough for you, King of Kings." the incubus said sheepishly. Tapping the ground with his staff, wooden roots began to grow from the ground, forming a pile between the beds. With a wave of his hand, Ozymandias released a small amount of superheated chakra, causing the pile of roots to ignite, creating a flame to keep the dome lit and warm. "Ah! Before I forget." the Magus said, clicking his fingers once again, conjuring pillows, mattresses and quilts for each of their beds. Whilst it was better than sleeping on the ground, the difference was only marginal in the eyes of Ozymandias. But nevertheless, it was time to rest. Removing his armour and cloak, Ozymandias laid down and drifted off.

"Pharaoh Ozymandias!"

The sound of buzzing insects fill the air, all the water in sight was red as if dyed with blood, the skies were darkened with clouds that choked the land of all light. A woman's cries could be heard behind me. I turned around to see my wife, holding the body of my firstborn son. The boy who was to be next on the throne, my heir. Amun-her-khepeshef. I wordlessly walk to them, numbness gripping my body.


I reach out to put an arm around her as she tearfully looks upon our son's face. Then the world fades to white.

Ozymandias' eyes blink open as he wakes from his dream. Nefertari... the pharaoh says gently. Rising from the wooden bed, he sits up and gazes out into the starry night sky. He had not dreamed of the time of the Ten Plagues in years, the time when his land was ravaged by illness, vermin, and other supernatural phenomena. The time when his firstborn son, the heir to the throne of the Egyptian empire, was taken from him by the illness which struck his land. It was within his power to put an end to the disaster before it had even begun, but his duty prevented him from doing so. It cost him, and his people. Now, illness gripped this new, foreign land, and Ozymandias himself was vulnerable to it. He could find no cure, nor did there seem to be any sign of one. For one who was meant to be almighty, Ozymandias had scarcely felt as far from that as he did now. It was his duty to save the world, but he could not even save this land or its people, plagued by the Red Fever. Just as he couldn't save his son, nor his people. The reasons differed, but the outcome was the same.

"Those are some nasty dreams you have, pharaoh..." Ozymandias turned to see Merlin sitting up in his bed, his staff lying at his feet. "You saw them?" the pharaoh inquired, curious as to how the Magus of Flowers was aware of what Ozymandias had dreamt of, let alone that he was dreaming at all. "I am an incubus, the dreams of humans are nourishment for me. B-but rest assured, I didn't consume yours, I just took a peek." Merlin reassured Ozymandias with a slightly panicked tone, worried that he would incite the pharaoh's anger. But Ozymandias did not react with anger, simply turning his gaze back to the stars. "Like I said way earlier, I'm no counselor, but I may be able to offer you some help. Or just insight." the incubus said, trying to get the pharaoh to open up to him. He was met with silence, until Ozymandias lowered his gaze, looking at the ground. "The world is falling into ruin. I am duty-bound to prevent such a thing from happening, but I have failed. Just as I did years ago when the Ten Plagues tore apart my kingdom." Merlin looked to the pharaoh with eyes of concern as he spoke mournfully of his failings. "Well, whatever happened back then, it is not the same as right now. You cannot shoulder all of the responsibility for the current state of affairs yourself." the incubus pleaded. "What good is a person who cannot fulfill their duty? I, who am born of the gods, am burdened with the greatest task of all, and that is why I cannot fail." Merlin had encountered these thoughts before. He had seen Artoria question herself in this way, and he had done so to himself in the wake of Camelot's fall. With a short sigh, Merlin speaks to the pharaoh. "The worth of a person is not solely in their ability or prowess, but also their character, Ozymandias. You may think you failed to protect your kingdom during the Ten Plagues, and you may think you failed to play your part in the wake of Tiamat's defeat, but these things do not mean you are a failure. Look to the success of your kingdom before those things, it still stands tall today, no? After everything that has happened."

The pharaoh looks to the incubus, too deep in his own emotions to brush off Merlin's words. "My success as a ruler, amongst other things, does not give me pass to fail occasionally, not when it matters the most." the pharaoh retorted, followed by an even swifter one from Merlin "I did not say that, King of Kings. What I'm trying to tell you is that, try as hard as we might, we are all bound to fail somewhere, some way or another. Whether it is out of our ability to mend things, or we choose not to act further because we are aware of such. That is the essence of life." Ozymandias knew what Merlin was alluding to; his abandonment of Artoria and Camelot itself at the Battle of Camlann. "All things have limits. You are no exception. That doesn't mean that you'll get off lightly when you fail, and neither does it mean that you hold greater responsibility than anybody else when things go awry." Ozymandias contemplated the words of the Magus, allowing them to digest. All his life, he accepted the burdens and responsibilities of being a ruler. If anything, it was his singular, greatest regret; that there was no fate for him other than to rule the world. It meant that he would shoulder the burdens of the world too. Such was only natural. He was the one ordained at birth to do so. But if even he alone was not capable of fulfilling this task, then... of what worth was he? And Merlin's words came back to him, reassuring him of his past deeds. Was all the good he did for his kingdom and his people worth more than the cost that they both bore for his decisions that led to the Ten Plagues? He could not say. He realised it was an exercise in futility to determine which held greater weight. The only necessary knowledge here was that they were all things that happened under his rule. The least he should be able to do is to know that he had done many great deeds for his kingdom, and that some of his decisions led to a brief, but very dark time, in that same kingdom. It was with this that Ozymandias sighed gently, looking back to Merlin. "You do have quite the way with words, Magus of Flowers. I see now why you were chosen to be an advisor to the king." the pharaoh's words to the incubus caused the latter to chuckle, rubbing his head sheepishly. "W-well..." he trailed off, unsure of what else to say. Nothing else needed to be said.

The sun began to peek over the canopy, shedding the first light onto the land. The two had awoken and had their discussion just before dawn, as it were. Both men's eyes were set on the emerging sun that began to creep over the treeline, and they knew it was time to make trail again. Donning his armour and cloak, Ozymandias was ready to set forth. Grabbing his staff, Merlin smiled at the pharaoh "Onward, King of Kings." With that, the two resumed their travel, the wooden constructs created by Merlin receding into the ground as they left the clearing.
