Kakashi & Guy CAN Defeat EMS Sasuke - PROOF, LOGIC & COMMON SENSE USED!!!


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Jan 27, 2012
Trait Points
Kakashi & Guy CAN Defeat EMS Sasuke - PROOF, LOGIC, & COMMON SENSE USED!!!
Hello Everyone - I’m going to be straight forward and get right to the point after these messages.

I recently read from a thread about Kakashi & Guy being unable to beat EMS Sasuke (Actually, the Author, believed by me to be a Hard-Core Sasuke Fanboy, was dismissing EVERY single thing other users were saying, even though they provided facts).
To Be Honest: I’m not like the Hard-Core fanboys that will constantly dismiss evidence until other users give up, I CAN and WILL defend what’s right and true until the very end in my attempt to get through the almost indefinitely-thick craniums of biased, hard-core fanboys.

**Common Myths That Most People State As Truth Or Believe Is True:**
1. Might Guy CAN NOT penetrate Sasukes Susanoo.
2. Might Guy CAN NOT touch Amaterasu’d Susanoo without getting burned.
3. Amaterasu burns FOREVER.
4. Amaterasu incinerates its target Instantly.
5. Amaterasu is AS HOT AS the sun.
6. Amaterasu is travels INSTANTLY.
7. Kakashi CAN NOT Kamui a target unless it’s moving in a straight line.
8. Kakashi CAN NOT Kamui Sasukes Susanoo.
9. Because Sasuke CAN USE Part of Susanoo while Moving, he CAN USE full Susanoo while moving.
10. Lightning Travels at Light Speed.

***Non-baised Facts, Truth, Actual Logic, and Common Sense I Provided That Will Prove The Above Wrong and completely made up by Ignorant Fanboys:***
1. Might Guy CAN NOT penetrate Sasukes Susanoo - FALSE - Answer based off Logic and Facts Provided By the Manga.
According to Masashi Kishimoto, Opening ALL 8 Gates will give the user (Might Guy) access to Power GREATER than that of a KAGE, in exchange for his own life once the technique ends. Last time I checked, Sasukes Susanoo is nowhere near as powerful and durable as Madaras Susanoo.

Despite this, the combined efforts of Lady Tsunade and the Current Raikage Penetrated Madaras Susanoo. Sasukes Susanoo was melted partially by Meis Boil Release. If Guy was moving at extremely High-Speed, it’s very possible that he could just appear within Susanoo rather than trying to penetrate it with brute force. Let’s all face it, If Guy appeared within Susanoo, it would be highly unlikely for Sasuke to have the advantage because of several reasons: 1st - Not a single character in the entire series has been shown setting themselves (Their OWN body) ablaze with Amaterasu or Blaze Release just to defend themselves from an attacker, so Sasuke WILL NOT cover his body in Amaterasu just for the sake of trying to deter Guy from beating him to death.

2: Guy would most likely beat him out of Susanoo or into the ground and ultimately out of susanoo, as Susanoo is like a Suit of Armor several times bigger than the user, thus providing enough space between the user and the entity itself for the user to move comfortably, rather than being up against the skin like clothes. 3.

I would find it pretty hard and kind of crazy for Sasuke to try and fire an arrow through his own Susanoo to try and hit Guy, mainly due to Susanoos limb proportions in comparison with its body size, exc, and because Guy could just dodge it with his immense speed.

2. Might Guy CAN NOT Make Physical Contact With Amaterasu Covered Susanoo WITHOUT being Burned - FALSE - Answer based off Logic, Physics and Logic provided by Manga and Science (Some of You out there say that Science and Naruto Don’t Mix... Well I’m here to prove you all wrong too!).
The Answer lies within the Leidenfrost Effect as well as the Morning Peacock.

Might Guy first opens up the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Gates. The 6th Gate, The Gate of Viewing, increases Speed and Power and the enormous amount of chakra being released is so great, it makes nearby bodies of water forms into vortexes.

When guy was fighting Kisame, and opened the 6th gate, his was deep under water, and despite that fact that water is a very heavy body and pressure is great, the chakra being released still pushed it aside like it was nothing. With that being said, that release chakra alone could POSSIBLY force Amaterasu aside, and although not one of my points, it provides logic. OK - The Morning Peacock - The speed of the punches are so fast that they are set ablaze by Sheer Speed and Friction.

This creates a Peacock-like fan of chakra around the opponent (Which is why the fireballs race from the points of contact, outwards. With this being said, the Leidenfrost Effect is taking place, providing Guy with a Temporary Layer Of Insulation from Amaterasu. The peacock-like fan of chakra (causing the fireballs to race from the points of impact) will effectively cause the Amaterasu (which would currently be trying to “Eat” the flame-like chakra) to flow away from the user. This effect is also seen when you put a drop of water on a frying pan;

the water “dances” around the pan on a tiny thin film of water vapor - that’s why it also why the water droplet doesn’t evaparate instantly as it comes into contact with the hot frying pan. Also - for those who will want to say “But Guy has to kick him first” - FALSE - Morning Peacock can be preformed without the initial kick. And for those who will say “Guy has to get close first - FALSE - It can be done at a distant although theoretically, it wouldn’t be as effective.

3. Amaterasu Burns FOREVER - FALSE - Answer Based of Facts from the Manag.
I find it quite crazy that some people are quick to use Amaterasu in an argument and yet don’t know the basics about it. According to the Manga, Amaterasu burns for 7 DAYS & 7 NIGHTS, not Forever - So please don’t try to pull that BS with me Fanboys.

4. Amaterasu kills (Incinerates) its target instantly - FALSE - Answer based off Magna and Logic.
If that were true, Obivous a not of you fanboys wouldn’t be riding his d*** so much right about now, now would you? (LOL). But seriously, Amaterasu has to travel to it’s target before it can burn them. I honestly think it has to travel to its target for several reasons. 1st - I’ve seen i myself in the Anime and Manga.

Sasuke vs Itachi, Sasuke was able to Out Run Amaterasu, otherwise it would have appeared on him. Plus, in my opinion, When using Amaterasu, The Technique itself can exactly tell if the user is aiming at the space between the user and the target, or the actual target itself, because of the eye having to bleed before hand. (And to those that say “Sasuke Eyes don’t bleed now that he has EMS” I already know that - Otherwise I wouldn’t have mentioned it)

5. Amaterasu is AS HOT AS the Sun - FALSE - Answer based off Estimations and Logic.
PART A: Amaterasu CAN NOT be as hot as the Sun, mainly due to several factors, even though IT IS STATED by the Manga to be otherwise. Ambient Heat plays a BIG FACTOR in everyday life as well as Naruto. Because of Ambient Heat, Its Partially Impossible for the black flames to be that hot, or else the heat would be transferred to the user as the black flames began traveling from it, which would indefinitely kill the user almost instantly, and certainly before it reached it’s target.

If Amaterasu was that hot, constantly maintaining a temperature of 16 million C (16,000,000 Celsius), it would kill a person from 160km (Scientific Estimation). 
PART B: If Amaterasu WAS as hot as the Sun to the person in contact with it only, theoretically, it would ionize every cell it touched into plasma, and since Amaterasu seemingly adheres to everything it touches (yeah, yeah, I already know what Nagato did, and yes it was awesome), it would literally incinerate it’s target almost instantly, which is also NEVER STATED in the Manga.

So honestly, I have no clue where Fanboys get their information from... But honestly, I support both parts, but mainly Part B, due to the white snake dying shortly after a Amaterasu landed on it after Sasuke & Itachis fight.

6. Amaterasu INSTANTLY appears on its target - FALSE - Answer provided by Facts and Logic.
Amaterasu doesn’t instantly appear on its target, otherwise Sasuke would have been done for and honestly, we would have as many corrupt sasuke fanboys as we do (I hope no anyway, as not all of them are corrupt...). Amaterasu is a Dojutsu, or Eye Technique, so basically, the black flames MUST originate from the Eye itself, Correct? Itachis genjutsu originates from his eye instantly on (command and) contact with the desired targets eye/eyes.

7. Kakashi CAN NOT Kamui a target that’s not moving in a straight line - FALSE - Answer provided by Facts and Logic.
Kakashi Kamui’s Deidara’s Arm off as he and Naruto were pursuing Deidara. Deidara was moving on the Clay Bird he was flying on, AND the bird was flying itself - This explains why Deidara looked at his chest and then at his right arm, also providing a partial explaination as to why Kakashi missed the first time (Plus it was due to him to having full control over the barrier space, as some of you would have/will indefinitely point out). Kakashi also Kamui’d the Missile heading for Choji, the Nail that was heading for him, as well as Several Susanoo Arrows shot at him by Sasuke and the LARGE explosion that Deidara set off.

The Previous and Next line will play a role in the Next Myth (Myth #8). Kakashi was also considering to use Kamui to take off Gedo Mezo’s head, as a last ditch effort to stop it. The point is, Kakashi can Kamui objects of all shapes and sizes, regardless if they’re moving in a straight line of not:

The Nail - Moving from the Deva Paths fingers TOWARDS Kakashi - Straight Line.
The Susanoo Arrows - Moving from Sasukes Susanoos Bow towards Kakashi (as far as I know) - Straight Line.
The Missile - Moving From the Human Path to Choji (Who happened to be running as well) - Moving Away from Kakashi, Trail/Shape of Travel is Debatable.
Deidaras Explosion - NOT MOVING AT ALL, BUT EXPANDING OUTWARDS (Something most people fail to point out).

Kakashi CAN NOT Kamui Sasukes Susanoo - FALSE - Answer Provided by Facts, Manga and Logic.
One thing I can stand is that when a Fanboy says “Kamui is useless against Susanoo” - That makes me look at them like they have absolutely no sense whatsoever. It’s said that “In Kakashi’s usage, the target is enveloped with a barrier space and the user concentrates their mind to what they gaze at.

THE TARGET CAN STRUGGLE HELPLESSLY, BUT AGAINST THIS TECHNIQUE ~ NO DEFENSE IS POSSIBLE. No defense is possible because Kamui is essentially the Event Horizion of a Black Hole, which BENDS SPACE. If Kakashi targets Susanoo with Kamui, it will distort the space around it and sasuke (and with all the practice and skill that Kakashi has shown us since the start of the war, he can pull this off almost like nothing at all, and way faster than when he first used it.)

All it would take is Guy distracting Sasuke and Kakashi using Kamui on Sasuke and his Susanoo (and most likely him) would be done for - transported to another space (Obito’s Dimension). Susanoo is often said to be one of the best defenses (Besides The Yata Mirror), BUT Against Kamui - NO DEFENSE IS POSSIBLE, as Kamui BENDS Space ITSELF. I have no clue why fanboys say Kamui is useless against Susanoo, but that’s just like saying that Susanoo won’t get cut in half if a protal closed on it - That’s just crazy, of course it would get cut in half, and although a different concept, both manipulates space in a way.

9. Because Sasuke can use part of his Susanoo while moving, he CAN use his FULL SUSANOO while MOVING - False - Answer Provided by Fact’s and Logic!
I don’t know where fanboys are getting this, but apparently they have people under the impression that Sasuke can use his FULL Susanoo while Moving (As in Walking, Running and Jumping). Let me point out one thing - Sasuke IS NOT MADARA! Madara has proven to be one of the most badass people in the series, through whatever means possible.

Sasuke on the other hand - has proven to be one of the most confused characters in the series. Just because his Susanoo reached out with a partial ribcage and arm to attempt to grab Itachi (and Failed), he can now use full susanoo while enjoying the everyday like of a criminal! LMA...NOT.... Noone confirmed this, and they last user I saw that tried to confirmed that Sasuke could run and jump with Full Susanoo ACTUALLY used a Manga Page showing Madara (YES, MADARA!!!) Enjoying a battle with the 5 Kages in his Full Susanoo! LMAO - I’ve never seen or debated on so much FAIL in my Online Life...

It’s incredible how many people, specifically how many hard-core fanboys, fail at debating, using Irrational Logic and biased opinions to try and argue with the big dogs, like -Logic- and BlazeRelease and several other notable users whoses names I can’t think of. What’s next - Flying Susanoo? I’ve been hearing that lately and I honestly would not be surprised if Kishimoto pulled that one out of his sleeve to satisfy the curious fanboys, although I highly doubt it.

10. Lightning Travels AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT - FALSE - Answer Provided by Facts and Logic - and an extra helping of Common Sense!
WTF DID I JUST READ? - Lightning Traveling at Light Speed - The most craziest thing I ever heard in my life - NO NO and furthermore NO! Lightning Travels at roughly 140,000 Miles Per Hour, whereas light travels at 182,282 Miles Per Second.
The light you see with your eyes is traveling at the speed of light, the the GROUND STROKE is traveling at 3700 Miles Per Second - MUCH MUCH SLOWER THAN LIGHT SPEED. I hope I cleared things up here - and if I didn’t, I completely understand, as Thick-Headed Fanboys will continue to be Thick-Headed.

BTW: To those that want to Flame Me - please do so!
You Can’t Burn Me, I’m Already Hot As It Is.
Any Fanboys Want To Flambe? Post It In My Thread Or Leave My Cafe!
So Please Flame Away, You’ll Keep My Thread Hotter For Another Day!

If Anyone Else Wants To Correct Anything I’ve Posted Or Want To Add A Little Friendly Adive, Please Do, Becasue In The End, I’ll ***** You! (I’m Honestly Not Trying To Make It To The Hottest Thread, I’m Just Trying To Get The Truth Out)

“I Don’t Always Make Threads, But When I Do, I Try To Do It Like A BOSS!”
- Prince Harris
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Active member
Sep 4, 2012
Trait Points
Yeahh...didn't read lol you should put some pics and change the fonts or have some space between lines because nobodys gonna read this.


Jan 27, 2012
Trait Points
Sorry - I'm not Good at Posting Attachments, but honestly, I was picturing the pages in my head as I typed this. Sorry, But Any Help Will Be Appreciated, as Scans Provide Over 70% Of Posts with Evidence - Sorry For Not Posting Scans - And Honestly, Upon posting the thread, I instantly got replys - Something I didn't think was possible at all... Thanks


Active member
Jul 7, 2012
Trait Points
Tsunade assaulted Madara's incomplete Susano'o, not his full one [ ]. Even if you assume that Might Gai's physical strength will exceed Tsunade's once he opens all 8 gates, there's nothing which suggests he's going to power his way through Sasuke's complete Susano'o [ ] with physical attacks alone.

Young Thug

Jun 2, 2011
Trait Points
Kakashi & Guy CAN Defeat EMS Sasuke - PROOF, LOGIC, & COMMON SENSE USED!!!
Hello Everyone - I’m going to be straight forward and get right to the point after these messages.

I recently read from a thread about Kakashi & Guy being unable to beat EMS Sasuke (Actually, the Author, believed by me to be a Hard-Core Sasuke Fanboy, was dismissing EVERY single thing other users were saying, even though they provided facts).
To Be Honest: I’m not like the Hard-Core fanboys that will constantly dismiss evidence until other users give up, I CAN and WILL defend what’s right and true until the very end in my attempt to get through the almost indefinitely-thick craniums of biased, hard-core fanboys.

**Common Myths That Most People State As Truth Or Believe Is True:**
1. Might Guy CAN NOT penetrate Sasukes Susanoo.
2. Might Guy CAN NOT touch Amaterasu’d Susanoo without getting burned.
3. Amaterasu burns FOREVER.
4. Amaterasu incinerates its target Instantly.
5. Amaterasu is AS HOT AS the sun.
6. Amaterasu is travels INSTANTLY.
7. Kakashi CAN NOT Kamui a target unless it’s moving in a straight line.
8. Kakashi CAN NOT Kamui Sasukes Susanoo.
9. Because Sasuke CAN USE Part of Susanoo while Moving, he CAN USE full Susanoo while moving.
10. Lightning Travels at Light Speed.

***Non-baised Facts, Truth, Actual Logic, and Common Sense I Provided That Will Prove The Above Wrong and completely made up by Ignorant Fanboys:***
1. Might Guy CAN NOT penetrate Sasukes Susanoo - FALSE - Answer based off Logic and Facts Provided By the Manga.
According to Masashi Kishimoto, Opening ALL 8 Gates will give the user (Might Guy) access to Power GREATER than that of a KAGE, in exchange for his own life once the technique ends. Last time I checked, Sasukes Susanoo is nowhere near as powerful and durable as Madaras Susanoo.

Despite this, the combined efforts of Lady Tsunade and the Current Raikage Penetrated Madaras Susanoo. Sasukes Susanoo was melted partially by Meis Boil Release. If Guy was moving at extremely High-Speed, it’s very possible that he could just appear within Susanoo rather than trying to penetrate it with brute force. Let’s all face it, If Guy appeared within Susanoo, it would be highly unlikely for Sasuke to have the advantage because of several reasons: 1st - Not a single character in the entire series has been shown setting themselves (Their OWN body) ablaze with Amaterasu or Blaze Release just to defend themselves from an attacker, so Sasuke WILL NOT cover his body in Amaterasu just for the sake of trying to deter Guy from beating him to death.

2: Guy would most likely beat him out of Susanoo or into the ground and ultimately out of susanoo, as Susanoo is like a Suit of Armor several times bigger than the user, thus providing enough space between the user and the entity itself for the user to move comfortably, rather than being up against the skin like clothes. 3.

I would find it pretty hard and kind of crazy for Sasuke to try and fire an arrow through his own Susanoo to try and hit Guy, mainly due to Susanoos limb proportions in comparison with its body size, exc, and because Guy could just dodge it with his immense speed.

2. Might Guy CAN NOT Make Physical Contact With Amaterasu Covered Susanoo WITHOUT being Burned - FALSE - Answer based off Logic, Physics and Logic provided by Manga and Science (Some of You out there say that Science and Naruto Don’t Mix... Well I’m here to prove you all wrong too!).
The Answer lies within the Leidenfrost Effect as well as the Morning Peacock.

Might Guy first opens up the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Gates. The 6th Gate, The Gate of Viewing, increases Speed and Power and the enormous amount of chakra being released is so great, it makes nearby bodies of water forms into vortexes.

When guy was fighting Kisame, and opened the 6th gate, his was deep under water, and despite that fact that water is a very heavy body and pressure is great, the chakra being released still pushed it aside like it was nothing. With that being said, that release chakra alone could POSSIBLY force Amaterasu aside, and although not one of my points, it provides logic. OK - The Morning Peacock - The speed of the punches are so fast that they are set ablaze by Sheer Speed and Friction.

This creates a Peacock-like fan of chakra around the opponent (Which is why the fireballs race from the points of contact, outwards. With this being said, the Leidenfrost Effect is taking place, providing Guy with a Temporary Layer Of Insulation from Amaterasu. The peacock-like fan of chakra (causing the fireballs to race from the points of impact) will effectively cause the Amaterasu (which would currently be trying to “Eat” the flame-like chakra) to flow away from the user. This effect is also seen when you put a drop of water on a frying pan;

the water “dances” around the pan on a tiny thin film of water vapor - that’s why it also why the water droplet doesn’t evaparate instantly as it comes into contact with the hot frying pan. Also - for those who will want to say “But Guy has to kick him first” - FALSE - Morning Peacock can be preformed without the initial kick. And for those who will say “Guy has to get close first - FALSE - It can be done at a distant although theoretically, it wouldn’t be as effective.

3. Amaterasu Burns FOREVER - FALSE - Answer Based of Facts from the Manag.
I find it quite crazy that some people are quick to use Amaterasu in an argument and yet don’t know the basics about it. According to the Manga, Amaterasu burns for 7 DAYS & 7 NIGHTS, not Forever - So please don’t try to pull that BS with me Fanboys.

4. Amaterasu kills (Incinerates) its target instantly - FALSE - Answer based off Magna and Logic.
If that were true, Obivous a not of you fanboys wouldn’t be riding his d*** so much right about now, now would you? (LOL). But seriously, Amaterasu has to travel to it’s target before it can burn them. I honestly think it has to travel to its target for several reasons. 1st - I’ve seen i myself in the Anime and Manga.

Sasuke vs Itachi, Sasuke was able to Out Run Amaterasu, otherwise it would have appeared on him. Plus, in my opinion, When using Amaterasu, The Technique itself can exactly tell if the user is aiming at the space between the user and the target, or the actual target itself, because of the eye having to bleed before hand. (And to those that say “Sasuke Eyes don’t bleed now that he has EMS” I already know that - Otherwise I wouldn’t have mentioned it)

5. Amaterasu is AS HOT AS the Sun - FALSE - Answer based off Estimations and Logic.
PART A: Amaterasu CAN NOT be as hot as the Sun, mainly due to several factors, even though IT IS STATED by the Manga to be otherwise. Ambient Heat plays a BIG FACTOR in everyday life as well as Naruto. Because of Ambient Heat, Its Partially Impossible for the black flames to be that hot, or else the heat would be transferred to the user as the black flames began traveling from it, which would indefinitely kill the user almost instantly, and certainly before it reached it’s target.

If Amaterasu was that hot, constantly maintaining a temperature of 16 million C (16,000,000 Celsius), it would kill a person from 160km (Scientific Estimation). 
PART B: If Amaterasu WAS as hot as the Sun to the person in contact with it only, theoretically, it would ionize every cell it touched into plasma, and since Amaterasu seemingly adheres to everything it touches (yeah, yeah, I already know what Nagato did, and yes it was awesome), it would literally incinerate it’s target almost instantly, which is also NEVER STATED in the Manga.

So honestly, I have no clue where Fanboys get their information from... But honestly, I support both parts, but mainly Part B, due to the white snake dying shortly after a Amaterasu landed on it after Sasuke & Itachis fight.

6. Amaterasu INSTANTLY appears on its target - FALSE - Answer provided by Facts and Logic.
Amaterasu doesn’t instantly appear on its target, otherwise Sasuke would have been done for and honestly, we would have as many corrupt sasuke fanboys as we do (I hope no anyway, as not all of them are corrupt...). Amaterasu is a Dojutsu, or Eye Technique, so basically, the black flames MUST originate from the Eye itself, Correct? Itachis genjutsu originates from his eye instantly on (command and) contact with the desired targets eye/eyes.

7. Kakashi CAN NOT Kamui a target that’s not moving in a straight line - FALSE - Answer provided by Facts and Logic.
Kakashi Kamui’s Deidara’s Arm off as he and Naruto were pursuing Deidara. Deidara was moving on the Clay Bird he was flying on, AND the bird was flying itself - This explains why Deidara looked at his chest and then at his right arm, also providing a partial explaination as to why Kakashi missed the first time (Plus it was due to him to having full control over the barrier space, as some of you would have/will indefinitely point out). Kakashi also Kamui’d the Missile heading for Choji, the Nail that was heading for him, as well as Several Susanoo Arrows shot at him by Sasuke and the LARGE explosion that Deidara set off.

The Previous and Next line will play a role in the Next Myth (Myth #8). Kakashi was also considering to use Kamui to take off Gedo Mezo’s head, as a last ditch effort to stop it. The point is, Kakashi can Kamui objects of all shapes and sizes, regardless if they’re moving in a straight line of not:

The Nail - Moving from the Deva Paths fingers TOWARDS Kakashi - Straight Line.
The Susanoo Arrows - Moving from Sasukes Susanoos Bow towards Kakashi (as far as I know) - Straight Line.
The Missile - Moving From the Human Path to Choji (Who happened to be running as well) - Moving Away from Kakashi, Trail/Shape of Travel is Debatable.
Deidaras Explosion - NOT MOVING AT ALL, BUT EXPANDING OUTWARDS (Something most people fail to point out).

Kakashi CAN NOT Kamui Sasukes Susanoo - FALSE - Answer Provided by Facts, Manga and Logic.
One thing I can stand is that when a Fanboy says “Kamui is useless against Susanoo” - That makes me look at them like they have absolutely no sense whatsoever. It’s said that “In Kakashi’s usage, the target is enveloped with a barrier space and the user concentrates their mind to what they gaze at.

THE TARGET CAN STRUGGLE HELPLESSLY, BUT AGAINST THIS TECHNIQUE ~ NO DEFENSE IS POSSIBLE. No defense is possible because Kamui is essentially the Event Horizion of a Black Hole, which BENDS SPACE. If Kakashi targets Susanoo with Kamui, it will distort the space around it and sasuke (and with all the practice and skill that Kakashi has shown us since the start of the war, he can pull this off almost like nothing at all, and way faster than when he first used it.)

All it would take is Guy distracting Sasuke and Kakashi using Kamui on Sasuke and his Susanoo (and most likely him) would be done for - transported to another space (Obito’s Dimension). Susanoo is often said to be one of the best defenses (Besides The Yata Mirror), BUT Against Kamui - NO DEFENSE IS POSSIBLE, as Kamui BENDS Space ITSELF. I have no clue why fanboys say Kamui is useless against Susanoo, but that’s just like saying that Susanoo won’t get cut in half if a protal closed on it - That’s just crazy, of course it would get cut in half, and although a different concept, both manipulates space in a way.

9. Because Sasuke can use part of his Susanoo while moving, he CAN use his FULL SUSANOO while MOVING - False - Answer Provided by Fact’s and Logic!
I don’t know where fanboys are getting this, but apparently they have people under the impression that Sasuke can use his FULL Susanoo while Moving (As in Walking, Running and Jumping). Let me point out one thing - Sasuke IS NOT MADARA! Madara has proven to be one of the most badass people in the series, through whatever means possible.

Sasuke on the other hand - has proven to be one of the most confused characters in the series. Just because his Susanoo reached out with a partial ribcage and arm to attempt to grab Itachi (and Failed), he can now use full susanoo while enjoying the everyday like of a criminal! LMA...NOT.... Noone confirmed this, and they last user I saw that tried to confirmed that Sasuke could run and jump with Full Susanoo ACTUALLY used a Manga Page showing Madara (YES, MADARA!!!) Enjoying a battle with the 5 Kages in his Full Susanoo! LMAO - I’ve never seen or debated on so much FAIL in my Online Life...

It’s incredible how many people, specifically how many hard-core fanboys, fail at debating, using Irrational Logic and biased opinions to try and argue with the big dogs, like -Logic- and BlazeRelease and several other notable users whoses names I can’t think of. What’s next - Flying Susanoo? I’ve been hearing that lately and I honestly would not be surprised if Kishimoto pulled that one out of his sleeve to satisfy the curious fanboys, although I highly doubt it.

10. Lightning Travels AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT - FALSE - Answer Provided by Facts and Logic - and an extra helping of Common Sense!
WTF DID I JUST READ? - Lightning Traveling at Light Speed - The most craziest thing I ever heard in my life - NO NO and furthermore NO! Lightning Travels at roughly 140,000 Miles Per Hour, whereas light travels at 182,282 Miles Per Second.
The light you see with your eyes is traveling at the speed of light, the the GROUND STROKE is traveling at 3700 Miles Per Second - MUCH MUCH SLOWER THAN LIGHT SPEED. I hope I cleared things up here - and if I didn’t, I completely understand, as Thick-Headed Fanboys will continue to be Thick-Headed.

BTW: To those that want to Flame Me - please do so!
You Can’t Burn Me, I’m Already Hot As It Is.
Any Fanboys Want To Flambe? Post It In My Thread Or Leave My Cafe!
So Please Flame Away, You’ll Keep My Thread Hotter For Another Day!

If Anyone Else Wants To Correct Anything I’ve Posted Or Want To Add A Little Friendly Adive, Please Do, Becasue In The End, I’ll ***** You! (I’m Honestly Not Trying To Make It To The Hottest Thread, I’m Just Trying To Get The Truth Out)

“I Don’t Always Make Threads, But When I Do, I Try To Do It Like A BOSS!”
- Prince Harris
I would do more, but it's more readable now. :p
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Active member
Oct 19, 2011
Trait Points
You don't know what EMS Sasuke can do fully, so don't come here and think you know something. Both would possible beat EMS Sasuke, but 1 VS 1 would not work.


Jan 27, 2012
Trait Points
You don't know what EMS Sasuke can do fully, so don't come here and think you know something. Both would possible beat EMS Sasuke, but 1 VS 1 would not work.
Well I can already see that we got a fanboy here. EVERYONE knows that I, and everyone else on this site doesn't know FULLY what EMS Sasuke can do, So don't come to and post on my thread and think you know something. I based the thread off of what Sasuke CAN CURRENTLY DO - NOT WHAT HE'LL BE ABLE TO DO IN THE FUTURE - So all I have to say to you is: STFU, GTFO, & HAND! If you had of actually read the thread, you'd know that, but being as stubborn as you are, you didn't...
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Jan 27, 2012
Trait Points
Wall of text = Boring. Use different formats. And no such thing as proof on the Base, only evidence.
Actually, you can think what you want about my thread, but anything that's True is a Fact, and anything that's not is a Lie - I didn't lie by saying They Can Be Him - I was just providing evidence that could possibly bring them the victory.

Just because I said they CAN beat him, doesn't mean they WILL - Learn the Difference... And I would like to see you post that same exact quote on a thread about EMS Sasuke Beating Someone else on someone else's thread, that is, if you even read it...

The Evidence of Absence is not the Absence of Evidence...


Dec 29, 2011
Trait Points
Well I can already see that we got a fanboy here. EVERYONE knows that I, and everyone else on this site doesn't know FULLY what EMS Sasuke can do, So don't come to and post on my thread and think you know something. I based the thread off of what Sasuke CAN CURRENTLY DO - NOT WHAT HE'LL BE ABLE TO DO IN THE FUTURE - So all I have to say to you is: STFU, GTFO, & HAND! If you had of actually read the thread, you'd know that, but being as stubborn as you are, you didn't...
Thats bullshit you dont have any idea what it can do, you saw one little spa with kabuto and you think that the full extent of its power. However, i do agree that amaterasu is defeatable, gaara did it, you just need something like garas defense that catches those flames, like the kyuubis chakra or something, i also agree susano is penetrable but seriously you are just a sasuke hater

Shunsin no Shisui

Active member
Jan 17, 2012
Trait Points
You don't know what EMS Sasuke can do fully, so don't come here and think you know something. Both would possible beat EMS Sasuke, but 1 VS 1 would not work.
This^ plus you might wonna include some manga pages for reference if you really feel convinced. Just some piece of advice, other than that Good Effort ;)


Jan 27, 2012
Trait Points
Tsunade assaulted Madara's incomplete Susano'o, not his full one [ ]. Even if you assume that Might Gai's physical strength will exceed Tsunade's once he opens all 8 gates, there's nothing which suggests he's going to power his way through Sasuke's complete Susano'o [ ] with physical attacks alone.
I never said Guy was going to power force his way into his susanno, rather I just suggested that he could travel extremely fast and "slip through" the small space in Sasukes Susanoo ribcage or travel fast enough to essentially "teleport" within his susanoo and then assault him. But good points though! *****