Jiraiya's Guide to the Rp


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
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Hello all and welcome to my little guide to try and help everyone within the village become that bit better at Rping or just how to have more fun. It might not be for everyone but it may be worth a read so give it a shot. So for anyone who doesn't know, i've been in the Rp since pretty much the beginning, before their was a Ninja world, most of the jutsu we have now we didn't have back then and so we had to be creative. Most of you will see that we have some OP customs from back then and i can't deny that, but that's not alls we had. Our most powerful tools to make the Rp fun was our imagination and wanting to just have fun, and that's what it alls come down to. So in this brief little guide i'm going to try and give you some of that fun and how to make your own fun. I'm going to split it into sections to help make it easier and at the end if you have any questions or suggestions, post them so we can work on this for the future generations so that every generation of RPers can have the same amount of fun.

~The Rules~
The rules in the fight can all together decide how fun its going to be. It's pretty much a given that it's going to be Rei's rules but then the rest can change the fate of a fight. So lets go into the details a section at a time.

~The Terrain~
This is one of the most important factors in the entire fight which can make such a difference. It really upsets me to see some of you just say "Grassy Field", is that creative? No. It just sounds like you're getting ready to play jutsu tenis. The reason i say this is because in a realistic fight you're be moving around and using the terrain to your advantage like in any fight we ever see, i'll give you some example:

The Valley of the end: This is a classic terrain, used so many times, but why? Well to start off with its like the number one place to fight due to the history behind it. So you always start on one of the heads, it's just tradition but with this you have a water source which is great for any water users. Next you have the trees around you, you can run into these to hide, or just use for your general advantage. So like you use wind stream to blow yourself out of the way of an attack, hide in the trees to observe your opponent and make a plan. If it's two of you who want a creative fight it really helps to do stuff like that to make a story. Next you've got the cliff, you can just jump off down into the water or trees below to escape an attack or to create some distance. It all comes together to make for a more interesting fight.

Amegakure: Same as above, look at the Jiraiya pein fight. You're in close quarters but can use the piping to escape, create a bit more of a story, and generally feel like you're in the Naruto verse.

Its called RP - Role Playing. How better to get into the roll then throw yourself into some terrain in the Narutoverse. I personally have the most fun by being my bio, getting into character then thinking how they would counter an attack in that situation, and if i have a nice familiar peice of terrain with that it really helps my creativity and the flow of the battle.

So the main rule in most fights, the restrictions. A popular misconception is the use of customs being a power increase. This can be the case but for me its not the main reason. As many of you know i had Natsu for a long time now, a custom bio that i adapted from fairy tail for the rp. So i made a bunch of customs to go with him to help me stay in character. Mostly B ranks, but it made for more fun fights cause with customs i could fight as my bio would. So Natsu uses fire and lightning, but because i have a B rank fire custom that releases fire from my feet as a jet, i can avoid a large water jutsu. Silly things like that go a long way.

Another restriction, though it may sound stupid now, would be to limit the elements or something you could use. This will force you to really think and get creative in tight situations. But what if you lose? Does that really matter? You lose a battle but have fun doing so. I'd say its worth it.

~You're Character!​
As i have noted above, it makes a huge difference of what bio you use to how the fight will go. Some of you may think its the most OP bio that wins, but is that really the case? Pein vs Jiraiya, took one toad song to take out 3 paths, if all 6 had been there, who knows. Same in the Rp. For me, the point of RP is to be your character and learn to get out of any situation with that character. If you can't, its like a game of chess, no escape with your bio, its checkmate. But i can't stress enough that winning isn't everything. Try and fight as your bio would like you have to in tests and see how much fun it can be. If this isn't for you i understand but i'm sure trying to be creative with what your bio can use will be more fun that Jutsu tenis.

The Battle​

~Starting the Battle~​
So the start of the battle is pretty important. Is it just to show you're the best or have the strongest jutsu, or to show you're the better RPer, i'd always go for the latter. So how to get things flowing. You've set the scene with you're amazing terrain or in the Ninja world that's been set for you. You've chosen your character so you know why you're going to fight and have your rules to know your limits. Next is how to kick start it. Simples, run in using 3 F ranks.... wait, no that's not right. No fight ever started that way in the manga so why should any in the rp. Let the fight start simple and build up. Most fights i start with Taijutsu, but that's because i love tai. Other fights i start with the use of weapons. Some examples, throwing kunai/shuriken, using wires with weapons, smoke bombs, flash bombs, explosive tags. Its all basic stuff but it goes a long way to starting small and an epic climax of like a clash of two elemental rasegans or something. Thats all up to you. But now lets take this a step further.

So let me set the scene: You're a random Anbu ninja bio, against any Iwa ninja. You're in Konoha woods, so you have trees to use. For my first move i drop a smoke bomb so they lose sight of me, and through the smoke throw 2 kunai with explosive tags. In the smoke i make a clone, one runs out to attack my opponent from in the smoke, the other hides behind the tree using it as cover waiting for a chance to strike.

You've attacked with a weapon, set a trick for the opponent, used basics and been creative using the terrain it all adds up to a win. I'll go into more detail to help with elements later on in this guide.

A short guide to the Basic 5
A short guide to the Basic 5

Now as we all know, the thing everyone who RP's on base has the basic 5 elements. And if they don't they will soon without a doubt. Yet within the basic 5 their is so much unrestricted power and use that so many don't see. And from this you can all become great RPers. I personally never took the path of an element, it was never my style, i went with sage mode which will come under specialties later, along with KG, special elements and a little bit on custom elements. As we all know of the basic 5 elements have a strength and weakness from the other cannon elements. Now we are going to go into detail of what the elements are strong to and weak to and their uses.

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- Fire -

Strong against wind
Weak against water

This we all know, and if you don't then you need to find something else to do with your time. But what is fire and how does it work in the Rp. The main thing we have seen it do is burn, it's hot and can incinerate. Foundation fire. Next we have seen that through stronger techniques, fire can also destroy, explode and break through concrete through pure destructive power. But this is what everyone knows, now we shall go into a few combos and how fire can be used:

Fire+Water - Most people don't use fire and water as fire is weak to water, but you can actually make some nice combos with it. Though as you can see from Han's element, it can be added to water to make steam. Steam can be used for a whole new kind of burning or even use fire to make water boil. If someone is hiding in water and you raise the heat of it, it's GG.

Fire+Wind - This is the most generic type of combo people use, they add wind to the fire to increase the fire power as shown by Kakuzu. In some cases in the past i've seen people use stronger wind jutsu like wind blade to cut through fire to escape large scale fire blasts. Through the use of wind jutsu you could bend fire jutsu in more ways. So for example, create a wall of fire infront of you to stop weapons, punch forwards with hurricane fist to send a blast of fire wind forwards, Ok this isn't the strongest combination but it's useful none the less and makes for more interesting RP. There are so many ways it can be done. Send fire racing along the floor, create tornados from the sky, they meet as two elemental combo. It's an endless possibility.

Fire+Earth - In some cases in the right way, you can add intense heat to earth to melt it to create molten rock rather than just destroy it. From here some feel they can't control the rock, but they are wrong, though earth release you can cause the lava to be pushed around and attack the opponent. You will also notice that fire and earth have been combined for different jutsu, blast release like deidara's clay, lava by son goku and even in c.e's like Mathias'.

Fire+lightning - As many of you will have seen i took on Natsu as my bio from fairy tail and make fire/lightning customs that are pretty fun. But as well as them being fun for rp Purposes they also have a little secret in them. With fire being added to lightning it takes away lightning's weakness against wind. Why would anyone counter a jutsu containing fire with wind? Brilliant right? But not only that i went one step further to focus on another part of lightning, within lightning their is heat and from that heat i made a custom to make fire out of it. Take one detail from an element to create jutsu to counter their weakness.

Weakness of Fire - I find that most of the time fire has two main weaknesses without customs to aid it. First of all is the fact that Fire is mainly large fireballs and blasts, this blocks your vision and so your opponent can be doing what ever they like (unless you're a form of sensor). I used to wait for someone to use a large scale fire blast, go underground, come out behind them, control them through their shadow and make them cut their own throat. Each to their own though. Another problem is most attacks are head on, and if you rely too much on head on attacks you will just end up in a game of jutsu tenis, going back and forth. So when it comes to fire and cj, be creative.

- Wind -

Wind has been a favourite element for many over the years as we have seen it alot and some of our favourite characters use it, from Gaara to Naruto to Temari, all using it in different ways. It has several uses that many of us have exploited over the years. The most common is using wind to cut/slice, through jutsu like wind blade. Nice fast cutting jutsu that have a decent range, what's not to like. The next is the pushing power of wind such a large blasts that push with intense force to destroy. Boring if you ask me but that's what people seem to like. Followed last but not least by either being used to push or pull opponents, to moving yourself in the air (hurricane fist and wind stream ect, all those boring ways), with some jutsu bringing up dust to blind an opponent. Wind is only as good and creative as the one using it.

Wind+Earth - Using wind to back up earth is a nice combination to counter earth's weakness to lightning. That or you can combine with with mud to create stronger combinations like mud cutting tornado or tornadoes with boulders in them that get thrown out as they go. Their are many combinations that could depend on the situation. If someone makes a shallow swamp, you could use peacock wind formation (B rank) to push all the mud away from you in a wave sending it back at your opponent.

Wind+Water - One of the most common combinations as seen when Naruto and Yamato turned up to stop Kakuzu. Adding wind to water, cools it even more making it even stronger the hotter elements and fire combinations. It can also add a nice cutting destructive power to wind. But remember it's not always away head on attacks with water and wind. You can use water to throw someone into the air into a wind jutsu or the other way round. Situation based as always.

- Lightning -

It's annoying that most lightning jutsu we have seen in the series have been head on blasts from chidori to false darkness but that's the one thing we wont focus on here. The amount of properties for lightning is amazing. First are the most common ones of lightning to stun and numb which come with jutsu like Nagashi and wave of inspiration, lightning that focus on cutting such as the use of chidori or focussed lightning to increase cutting and stabbing power. Bee did this with even a pencil, A did this with his right hand. Next is the use of lightning to increase speed, A's and the 3rd Raikage's armour, most of the NB taijutsu do this method by using lightning chakra in the users legs. Next is one of my favourites but no one seems to use it, is the light part of lightning. In the Kage summit, the lightning flash pillar, to blind and act as a medium to induce gen, genius if you ask me. The sound of lightning, one thousand birds chidori, sound users could use this to their advantage in the right way. And last but not least, the pure destructive power of lightning, i mean Kirin was just a masterpiece, it's a shame plot no jutsu introduced Susanoo. With lightning the best part is that its not always head on attacks, you can use it through the ground, or the sky, of the four pillar bind.

Lightning+Water - Adding lightning to water just counters it's weakness to earth, water is a great conductor creating a strong two element combo and it allows you to shape your lightning more. Use water dragon, add lighning to it and then you can control the dragon.


Such a vast useful beautiful element with so many uses i don't know where to start, i might have to break this one down down a bit into several points rather than going on a rant about earth.

Basics - Earth is most battles is all around you with no limit to it and if it isn't with the jutsu in the cannon list you can bring earth to the game. From earth lid to spitting out a golem to earth rampart, if you want earth you can create it. I love the versatility of it, from it being under your opponent then addition jutsu to create it above and around your opponent. From earth spikes, to the swamp, to dropping lid, mud fall, mud river, all just so useful and not head on so your opponent can't just throw them back at you.

Defence - Most earth jutsu we have seen has been in the way of defence through solid walls, Golems, stone dragons, hardening ect. It's a great defence from many head on attacks but each jutsu will have another unique property. For example, rather than earth dragon protecting you, it can raise you off the ground out of the way of a jutsu. Earth moving core can push you up over a jutsu so you don't have to tank it. S rank earth armour is a surge of chakra so it can break genjutsu. Don't always think head on with defence, think smart and how any jutsu can be used.

Attack - I touched on this above but the versatiliy with earth is amazing. An example is swamp of the underworld, it traps the opponent yes, but there can be so much more to it. Detail is the key, say how wide it is, how deep it is and how thick the mud is to try and gain the advantage you want. Most earth jutsu are indirect so you can use them as distractions from earth spikes, to world shaking to dropping lid, to push them into a situation that you want them to be in, to take control.

Other - Not only does earth have the benifits above, it also has a few other unique abilities. The first being that of the weight increase and decrease jutsu, i mean, the taijutsu stuff alone you can do with this is amazing. Someone shoots a fireball at you, you lower your weight with one jutsu so you can jump twice as high with the same force to go over it, then use the weight increase jutsu to come down on your opponent with a heavy enhanced taijutsu move from above. Can have so much fun with these. Over the years i've seen many use mud as a focus for jutsu as they like to use it to reform their jutsu.

- Water -

Water has a natural flow to it, but in the RP there is so much more. From using it from crashing powerful waves like an oncoming storm, to focused pressurized water to cut through solid objects as seen by shinma. There are many jutsu that can be used to create a water source if you don't already have one, B rank water wave for example, spew it out, ride on it, use the wave as a source for a stronger attack, same as using it to avoid jutsu. Water also has been seen as not just an attack but for different methods. Water replacement, pretty much avoid any blunt damage in any match such as a taijutsu attack that's too fast for you. Water is used to bind people such as B rank technique that forms under the opponent (will go into detailed combos later). It all depends on how you want to use water. I was never a fan, never have been, never will be, but i'm sure i could give most a run for their money in using it.

Planning a Move/Counter

-The Logic -

When it comes to making a move, so many people in the Rp are so Obvious with their attacks that it makes it boring and predicatable, making fights too easy. If i release a wind blast at 95% of the RPers they will use fire head on to counter it. It's how i bait people into doing what i want them to. You need to think in the rp in this way:

If your first jutsu is earth, how will i counter it? In most cases when you use earth an opponent will try and counter with lightning. As long as you know what jutsu you can use and how it works, you should be able to know it's weakness also. Now under the assumption that your opponent will always try to use the element that is strong to your first jutsu, for your second jutsu you use an element that is strong to your first jutsu's weakness.


Your first jutsu = earth
Opponents logical counter = lightning

So as your second jutsu, use wind, this will deter them from using lightning in the first place.

Example 2:

You use fire
Logical counter = water
second jutsu, used earth to attack

Example 3:

first jutsu is wind
Logical counter = fire
Second jutsu, use water to deter the fire.

Now this isn't always the case. It can depend on the first jutsu you use. For example you used swamp, most people use hurricane fist or earth pillar to go into the air to avoid in, or in some cases i used taijutsu. So logically you use a jutsu that comes down from above, lightning fang for example, earth lid, sticky mud drop, wind jutsu from above, anything to deter them from going up.

Always think two moves ahead:
1. how will they counter
2. how will you stop that easy counter

- The counter -

Before you make any move in a fight to counter an opponents you need to stop and understand the situation you are in. Not only that but there are many factors to break down that will help you in your move:

Speed - How fast is an opponents attack, and can you react in time. For example Amaterasu, are you fast enough to avoid it like the Raikage, or will you have to let it hit you and deal with it that way?

Power - How strong is their attack, most of you think it just goes off of rank, but their is power within detail. I have a custom armour that increases my speed to that of the 3rd gate, that's what people focus on, but in the detail of the jutsu it says it repels anything with a charge that is possitive or negative. That can play a huge factor in making your move to stop the jutsu in question.

Size - Scale can make a big difference for two reasons, one is the jutsu too big for you to avoid (through the use of a low rank technique - hurricane fist, earth pillar, wind stream ect), and two does it block their vision of you. Them being unable to see you is a huge benefit, that way you can avoid and make it seem like you've been hit using the right detail to gain the advantage in the fight:
Eg - In the old days i became feared for being sneaky to win fights. One of the reasons was if someone used a jutsu to create a large blast or something that blocked my vision, i'd say i went underground at the last second but as i do i scream to make it seem as though i was hit, i'd travel underground saying the smoke or what ever from the fire blocks their vision for a few seconds them come out behind them using jiraiya's shadow control jutsu and make them slit their own throat, or you can use silent homicide. It's a C and B rank jutsu to win a match against an A rank blast. Always think smart not hard.

Genjutsu - One thing most people tend to struggle with and i don't blame them is deducing they are in a genjutsu so that they can break it. Most of the time it can be obvious but some are very sneaky. Step one try to see if there is a detail that gave it away such as you're in a new area and there was no summoning jutsu, you've gone blind but their was nothing to blind you. If you can't logically find a hole in the genjutsu, incorporate a jutsu into your move that would create a chakra surge to break the gen, not metagaming but going about the battle as though you never know:

False darkness - They made you blind it's either B or A rank, i can't remember. If it's B rank, you can say you think the area has gone dark and you want to light it up and so you use chidori nagashi as unfocussed light, the surge breaks the gen. If it's A rank, you say you want to take extra caution to protect yourself and create S rank earth armour as a defence, it's a surge of chakra and so you break the gen. This is one example but it's all situation based so you get the general idea.

Applying genjutsu - Most people around here just throw a genjutsu in there to try and gain the advantage but thats not skill. If you can blend a genjutsu into your move to give it even more of a logical effect it can be deadly. This example is simple but effective. Start off by using the S rank lightning pillar flash to create a flash of light, using this as a medium for false darkness genjutsu. Why use two jutsu for the sake of one you ask? Simple, you can explain that the light seems as though that's what blinded them unaware of the genjutsu in effect, making it harder for them to come up with a logical counter.

All RP Links
✘Getting started
  • - (how to Rp)
  • - (Your Ninja rank and information)
  • - (Template for making a bio)
  • - (Where you post your test bio in order to receive the needed test.)
  • - (Where you choose a third bio)
  • - (Where to submit your bio)
  • - (Where to find rules and restrictions on all bios)
  • - (where you do your ninja training)
  • - (The People who can train you)
  • - (Trainers who teach one specific thing but aren't sensei, E.g Magnetism)
  • - (How to use elements correctly)
  • - (Where you make a thread to battle)
  • - (How to battle)
  • - (Where you take a test for a bio/ability)
✘NB Hospital
✘Ninja World
  • - (A timeline for events after the revamp of the Ninja World)


≈Shinobi Clans≈

≈Special Groups≈

≈Individual Characters≈


≈Kekkei Genkai≈

≈Special Elements≈

≈Special Abilities≈

≈Outside Category≈

Global Remarks:

  • The rules have been divided into several categories, however those are artificial. Often an ability or character can belong into several categories. For instance there are no Uchiha Clan rules even though it's a clan, those fall under the Sharingan rules. So when you're searching for a specific character or ability and you can't find it under its name, it doesn't mean it isn't there.
  • Sometimes it's possible to find info about abilities or characters in different threads. For instance you can find information about Roshi in the Lava Release rules and in the Jinchuuriki rules.
  • You can't find rules for all the abilities and characters that have been mentioned in the manga. In most cases this means that that character doesn't need to have any specific rules and thus can be made if you have 50 posts like Konohamaru. However there are always people who think that just because a strong ability hasn't been restricted, they can just make it and we will have no choice but to approve it. That kind of thinking is extremely naive. In such a case it means or we are making restrictions for it or we will make them now.
All Credit for this Portion goes to

Cannon Jutsu List

≈ Fire - Katon ≈

≈ Water - Suiton ≈

≈ Earth - Doton ≈

≈ Wind - Fuuton ≈

≈ Lightning - Raiton ≈

≈ Ninjutsu ≈

≈ Taijutsu ≈

≈ Genjutsu ≈

≈ Doujutsu Techniques ≈

≈ Clan Techniques ≈

≈ Special Elements ≈

≈ Special Abilities ≈

≈ Specific Character Techniques ≈

≈ Others ≈

All credit for this Portion goes to

Last edited:


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Basic 5 - Jutsu / Links

Katon / Fire​
D - Rank

(Katon: Ryu Kaen Bakufuu ) - Fire Release: Dragon Flame Blitz -

(Katon: Kaen Shuriken Ranbu ) - Fire Release: Blazing Shuriken Dance -

( Katon: Komakai Kaki ) - Fire Release: Small Fire -

( Katon: Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu ) - Fire Release: Mist Blaze Dance Technique -

( Katon no Jutsu ) - Fire Release Technique - (no link)

C - Rank

( Katon: Shōkasou ) - Fire Release: Small Fire Stream -

( Katon: Sanshōuo no Kaen ) - Fire Release: Flame of the Salamander -

( Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu ) - Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique -

( Katon: Kimuchi Amura ) - Fire Release: Wall of Flames

( Katon: Hibashiri ) - Fire Release: Running Fire -

( Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu ) - Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique -

( Katon: Endan ) – Fire Release: Flame Bullet -

( Katon: Karyūdan ) - Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet -

( Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu ) - Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique -

( Katon: Honoo no Saigai Hi Kagayaku no Jutsu ) - Fire Release: Flame of Disaster Fire Shine Technique - - similar

( Katon: Rakka Sanran Kasai ) - Fire Release: Falling Fire Scatter -

( Katon: Kitsunebi ) - Fire Release: Fire Whisp - no link

B - Rank

( Katon: Karyū Endan ) - Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet -

( Katon: Dai Endan ) – Fire Release: Big Flame Bullet -

( Bakuhatsu Enhogan ) – Exploding Flame Shots -

( Katon: Hiendan ) – Fire Release: Soaring Flame Bullet -

( Katon: Gōenkyū ) - Fire Release: Great Blaze Ball -

( Katon: Gōenka ) - Fire Release: Great Flame Flower -

( Katon: Haisekishō ) - Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning -

( Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu ) - Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique -

( Katon: Hōsenka Tsumabeni ) - Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson -

( Katon: Onidōrō ) - Fire Release: Demon Lantern -

( Kaen Rendan ) - Flame Combo -

( Katon: Honoo no Hashira Jutsu ) - Fire Release: Flame Pillar Technique - no link

( Katon: Kaen Senpū ) - Fire Release: Flame Whirlwind -

( Katon: Benijigumo ) - Fire Release: Crimson Earth Spider - no link

( Katon: Hi no Iki ) - Fire Release: Fire Breath - no link

( Katon: Gokuen no Men ) - Fire Release: Hellfire Mask - - for reference

( Katon: Honoo no Heki ) Fire Release: Flame Wall - - used with arm not sword.

( Katon: Hinotama no Mai ) - Fire Release: Fireball Dance -

( Katon: Yūgana Honoo ) - Fire Release: Graceful Flame - no link

A - Rank

(Katon: Gamayu Endan) - Fire Release: Toad Oil Flame Bomb -

(Katon: Shageki Bisuketto) – Fire Release: Firing Biscuit technique -

(Katon: Zukokku) - Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work -

(Katon: Keshi Makuga Hara) - Fire Release: Exploding Flame Crater -

(Katon: Kaen Rappu) - Fire Release: Flame Wrap -

(Katon: Hokori Tenka no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Dust Ignition Technique -

(Katon: Nezumi Kedama) - Fire Release: Rat Hair Ball -

(Katon: Gōka no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Hellfire Technique - No link

( Katon: Gōka Honoo no Hashira Jutsu ) - Fire Release: Great Fire Flame Pillars Technique -

(Katon Renkeijutsu: Karura) - Fire Release Co-Operation Technique: Garuda -

(Katon: Ryūen Hōka no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Dragon Flame Release Song Technique

S - Rank

(Katon: Gōen no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Great Flame Technique -

(Katon: Gōkakyū Hitoame no Jutsu)Fire Release: Great Fireball Shower -

(Katon: Bakuryūgeki) - Fire Release: Exploding Dragon Strike -

(Katon: Bakuryūgeki) - Fire Release: Exploding Dragon Strike -

(Katon Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Hitora Bakufu) - Fire Release Summoning Technique: Fire Tiger Explosion -

(Katon: Fuuton Ken Katon Bakufuu no Jutsu) Fire Release: Wind and Fire Blast Technique - +

(Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku) - Fire release: Great Fire Majestic Annihilation -

(Katon: Gōka Messhitsu) - Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction -

Forbidden Rank

(Katon: Bakufū Ranbu) Fire Release: Blast Wave Wild Dance -

Water / Suiton

D Rank

(Suiton No Jutsu) - Water technique

(Kirigakure No Jutsu) - Hidding in Mist Jutsu

(Suiton: Mizu Kuri No Yaiba) - Water Style: Sword of Draining

( Suiton: Junsai no Jutsu ) - Water Release: Water Shield Technique

C Rank

(Suiton: Suikotoppa) – Water Release: Water Shark Breakthrough

(Suiton: Mizu Hari) - Water Release: Water Needles Technique

(Suiton: Suiben) - Water Release: Water whip

(Suiton: Mizuame Nababara) - Water Style: Starch Syrup Capture Field

(Mizu Bunshin) - Water Release: Water Clone

(Suiton: Suigandan) - Water Release: Water Fang Bullet

Suiton: Kirigakure Shiryoku Hakudatsu) - Water Release: Hidden Mist Eye Sight Deprevation

(Suiton: Suishōha) - Water Style: Water Shock Wave

(Suiton: Ukojizai no Jutsu) - Water Style: Rain Tiger at Will Technique

(Suiton: Suirou No Jutsu) - Water Style: Water Prison

(Suiton: Mizu Kawarimi) - Water Style: Water Replacement

(Suiton: Mizu Kamikiri) - Water Release: Rising Water Cutter

(Suiton: Taihoudan) - Water Style: Water Gun

(Suiton: Suikoundan) - Water Style: Water Shark Bomb

(Suiton: Seibun Hōfutsu) - Water Style: Water Heavens Convergence

(Suiton: Suichuu Teigen no Jutsu) – Water Release: Underwater Motion Technique

(Suiton: Suihachi) – Water Release: Hand of waves

(Suiton: Suishi no Jutsu) – Water Drowning Technique

(Suiton: Daibakuryuu) - Water Release: Great Exploding Current

(Suiton: Kokuun) - Water Style: Black Clouds

(Suiton: Takitsubo) - Water Release: Waterfall Basin

(Suiton: Mizu Tsurudan) - Water Release: Water Tendril Bullets

(Suiton Hijutsu: Kirisame) - Water Release Secret Technique: Mist Rain

(Suiton: Mizu Yashiken no Jutsu) - Water Release: Water Palm Blade Technique

(Suiton: Setsuna Mizu no Jutsu) – Water Release: Instant Water Technique

( Suiton: Mizu Hashira Suiryoku no Jutsu ) - Water Release: Water Pillar Thrust

( Suiton: Haretsu sui Yashi ) - Water Release: Water Bursting Palm

( Suiton: Nami Yaburu ) - Water Release: Wave Break

( Suiton: Seisuiryū ) - Water Release: Azure Water Stream

( Suiton: Kūfuku no Same Droppu ) - Water Release: Hungry Shark Drop

( Suiton: Amesuikōha ) - Water Release: Rain Water Shark Wave

( Suiton: Nagareru no Muchi ) - Water Release: Flowing Whip

( Suiton: Shawā ) - Water Release: Showers

( Suiton: Sāfu Ashige ) - Water Release: Surf Strike

B Rank

(Suiton: Hahonryuu) - Water Style: Destruction Torrent

(Suiton: Suiryuudan no Jutsu) - Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique

(Suiton: Suiryūben) - Water Style: Water Dragon Whip

(Suiton: Teppoudama) - Water Release: Gunshot

(Suiton: Mizu Kamikiri) - Water Release: Rising Water Slicer

(Suiton: Ja No Kuchi) - Water Release: Water Snakes Mouth

(Suiton: Suikō Teppō no Jutsu) - Water Release: Water Shark Gun Technique

(Suiton: Funshutsu Mizu Kinko) - Water Release: Gushing Water Imprisonment

(Suiton: Mizurappa) - Water Release: Water Horn

(Suiton: Haran Banshō) - Water Release: Stormy Blockade

(Suiton: Mizugakure no jutsu) - Water Release Hidden Amongst Water Technique

(Suiton: Bakusui Shōha) - Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave

(Suiton: Goshokuzame) - Water Style: 5 feeding sharks

(Suiton: Mizu Hikōdan) - Water Release: Water Flight Bullet

(Suiton: Hōmatsu no Jutsu) Water Release: Bubble Boom Technique

(Suiton: Uramiame no Jutsu) - Water Release: Grudge Rain Technique

( Suiton: Suisame Kenjutsu ) - Water Release: Water Shark Blade Technique

( Suiton: Suishinshū ) - Water Release: Water Quaking Pillar

( Suiton: Seiryūshō ) - Water Release: Azure Dragon Palm

( Suiton: Shizuka Yari ) - Water Release: Droplet Spear

( Suiton: Nagareru no Yari ) - Water Release: Flowing Spear

A Rank

(Suiton: Gufuu Suika) - Water Style: Typhoon Water Vortex

(Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu) - Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique

(Suiton: Senkogenma Kujo) – Water Release: Flash Grinding Destruction

(Suiton: Kyojin Nami Shougeki) – Water Release: Giant Wave Crash

(Suiton: Suijinheki) - Water Style: Water Encampment Wall

(Suiton: Kōka Suijin) - Water Release: Hard Whirlpool Water Blade

(Suiton: Mizu no Tatsumaki) - Water Release: Tornado of Water

(Suiton: Sōdai Kaisaku) - Water Release: Great Excavation

(Suiton: Dai Bakusui Shōha) - Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave

(Suiton: Takiirō no Jutsu) - Water Release: Waterfall Prison Technique

(Suiton: Mizu Shishi) - Water Release: Water Beast

(Suiton: Senkō Sakumetsu) - Water Release: Submerged Shark Scraping Destruction

(Suiton: Gobōshokusame) - Water Release: Five Gluttonous Sharks

(Suiton: Mizugagami no Jutsu) - Water Release: Water Mirror Technique

( Suiton: Arekuruu Hayase ) - Water Release: Raging Rapids

S Rank

(Suiton: Suiryū Kōbaku ) - Water Release: Water Dragon Biting Explosion

(Suiton: Suidanha) Water Release: Severing Wave

(Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu) - Water Release: Water Bullet Technique

(Suiton: Mugensame)-Water Style: Infinite Shark Frenzy

(Suiton: Gobo Shukusame) – Water Release: Burdock Root Eating sharks

(Suiton: Suiro Sama Odori no Jutsu) – Water Release: Water Prison Shark Dance Technique

(Suiton: Daikōdan no Jutsu) – Water Release: Great Shark Missile Technique

(Suiton: Senijikizame) – Water Release: A Thousand Feeding Sharks

(Suiton: Ōuzu Matoi no Jutsu) - Water Release: Great Whirlpool Enfolding Technique

(Suiton: Jōki Bōi) - Water Release: Steaming Danger Tyranny Technique

( Suiton: Suijinchū ) - Water Release: Water Encampment Pillar


D Rank

(Raiton no Jutsu) - Lightning Release Technique

(Raiton: Raikou Oonami) - Lightning Release: Lightning Surge

(Ration: Ikazuchi Kashou) - Lightning Release: Thunder Burn

C Rank

( Raiton: Raigeki) - Lightning Release: Electric Attack

(Raiton: Jibashi) - Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder

(Raiton: Raikyū) - Lightning Release: Lightning Ball

(Raiton: Raigeki no Yoroi) - Lightning Release: Lightning Strike Armour

(Raiton: Iwa Nadare) - Lightning Style: Stone Avalanche

(Raiton: Shuurai Rappa no Jutsu) - Lightning Release: Lightning Strike Horn Technique

(Raiton: Jigokuzuki: Yonhon Nukite) -Lightning Release: Hell Stab: Four Finger CrossBeam Hand

( Raiton: Inazuma ken Fudou ) - Lightning Release: Lightning Blades Levitation

( Raiton: Denki Railanshō ) - Lightning Release: Electric Discharge Palm

B Rank

(Raiton: Raiton no Heki ) – Lightning Release: Lightning Release Wall

(Raiton: Reijingu Sandā) - Lightning Style: Raging Thunder

(Raiton: Sandā Sāburu) - Lightning Style: Thunder Saber

(Raiton: Ikazuchi no Kiba) - Lightning Release: Fangs of Lightning

(Raiton: Shichu Shibari) – Lightning Release: Four-Pillar Bind

(Raiton: Kangekiha) – Lightning Release: Wave of Inspiration

(Raiton: Ikazuchi no Utage) - Lightning Release: Lightning Burial ~ Banquet of Lightning

(Raiton: Hiraishin) – Lightning Release: Lightning Rod

(Raiton: Torunedo Raitoningu) - Lightning Release: Tornado Lightning

(Raiton: Raijū Hashiri no Jutsu) - Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Running Technique

(Raiton: Gian Yari) - Lightning Style: False Darkness Spear
(there is no specific false darkness spear though)

(Raiton: Raiton Kage Bunshin) - Lightning Release: Lightning Shadow Clone

(Chō Biburāto Raitontō) - Super Vibrating Lightning Release Sword
[NO DIRECT LINK] (nothing in specific)

(Raiton: Dai Denki hōden no Jutsu ) - Lightning Release: Large Electrical Discharge Technique

(Raiton: Shuriken Seigyo no Jutsu) - Lightning Release: Shuriken Control Technique

(Raiton: Raitoningu Baruto) - Lightning Fight Ninja Tool Rose Gem Fight

(Raiton: Jigokuzuki: Sanbon Nukite) - Lightning Release: Hell Stabe: Three Finger CrossBeam Hand

( Raiton: Rakurai Senkou ) - Lightning Release: Thunderbolt Flash

( Raiton: Purazuma Bōru ) - Lightning Release: Plasma Ball

( Raiton: Kaminari no Shōgeki Ame ) - Lightning Release: Lightning Shock Rain

( Raiton: Fusei Shuriken Chidori Jutsu ) - Lightning Release: Rigged Shuriken One Thousand Birds Style

(Raiton: Raiga) Lightning Release: Lightning Fang

(Raiton: Rakurai) Lightning Release: Thunderbolt

A Rank

( Raiton: Raisogekishin ) - Lightning Release: Lightning Rat Violent Quake

(Raiton: Chidori) - Lightning Release: One Thousand Birds

(Raiton: Chidori Nagashi) - Lightning Release: One Thousand Birds Current

(Raiton: Ikazuchi Hakai) – Lightning Release: Lightning Destruction

(Raiton: Chidori Senbon) - Lightning Release: One Thousand Birds Needle

(Raiton: Sanda Appu) – Lightning Release: Thunder Up

(Raiton: Jūrokuchū Shibari) – Lightning Release: Sixteen-Pillar Bind

(Raiton: Chidori Eiso) - Lightning Release Chidori Sharp Spear

(Raiton: Rairyu no Tatsumaki) - Lightning Release: Thunder Dragon Tornado

(Raiton no Yori) - Lightning Release Armour

(Raiton: Jigokuzuki: Nihon Nukite) - Lightning Release: Hell Stab: Two Finger Crossbeam Hand

( Raiton: Kuropansa ) - Lightning Release: Black Panther Technique

( Raiton: Denpō Sekka ) – Lightning Release: Telegram Flash

(Raiton: Bakurai) Lightning Release: Depth Charge

S Rank

(Raiton: Gian) - Lightning Style: False Darkness

(Raiton: Raikiri Nibai Raikou Jishin) – Lightning Release: Lightning Blade Double Lightning Quake

(Raiton: Kirin) - Lightning Release: Kirin

(Raiton: Chidori Jinrai) – Lightning Release: 1000 birds ThunderClap.

(Raiton: Raikiri) - Lightning Release: Lightning Blade

(Raiton: Bai Raikiri) - Lightning Release: Double Lightning Blade

(Raigen Raikochu) – Lightning Illusion Flash of Lightning Pillar

(Raiton: Chidori Raimei) - Lightning Style: 1000 Birds Thunderstorm

(Raiton: Jigokuzuki: Ippon Nukite) - Lightning Release: Hell Stab: One Finger Crossbeam Hand

( Raiton: Raiden ) - Lightning Release: Lightning Chain

( Raiton: Chidori Shinsō ) - One Thousand Birds True Spear

( Raiton: Daburu Kuropansa ) - Lightning Release: Double Black Panther

(Raiton: Sandāgēto) Lightning Release: Thunder Gate


D Rank

(Fūton Kihon Jutsu) Wind Release Basic Technique

(Fūton: Fūsajin no Jutsu) - Wind Release: Dust Wind Technique

(Fūton: Sensougouheki) - Wind Release: Rumbling wind wall

(Fūton: Kaze Ogawa no Jutsu) - Wind Release: Wind Stream Technique

(Fūton: Kaze Iwa Rendan) - Wind Release: Wind Rock Barrage

C Rank

(Fūton: Reppūshō) - Wind Release: Gale Palm

(Fūton: Kaiten Shuriken) - Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken

(Fūton: Daitoppa) - Wind Release: Great Break Through

(Fūton: Kamaitachi no Jutsu) - Wind Release: Sickle Weasel Technique

(Fūton: Gōkūhō) - Wind Release: Great Vacuum Cannon

(Fūton: Kamikaze) - Wind Release: Divine Wind

(Fūton: Kami Oroshi) - Wind Release: Godly Wind From The Mountain

(Fūton: Jūha Shō) - Wind Release: Beast Wave Strike

(Fūton: Kazekiri) - Wind Style: Wind Cutter

(Fūton: Hanachiri no Mai) - Wind Release: Flower Scattering Dance

(Fūton: Kaze Shingai) - Wind Release: Wind Terror

(Fūton: Kujaku Senpū) - Wind Release: Peacock Whirlwind

(Fūton: Kaze Rasen Yaiba no justu) - Wind Release: Wind Spinning Blade Technique

(Futon: Kaze Raidā no Jutsu) - Wind Release: Wind Ryder Technique

(Futon: Joushou Arashi Kabe no Jutsu) - Wind Release: Rising Tempest Wall Technique

(Futon: Reppuu Bakufuu no Jutsu) - Wind Release: Gale Blast Technique

(Futon: Ressenpū) - Wind Release: Violent Whirlwind

B Rank

(Fūton: Kujaku Senpūjin) - Wind Release: Peacock Whirlwind Formation

(Fūton: Shinkūjin) - Wind Release: Vacuum Blade

(Fūton: Shippuu Tama) - Wind Release: Twister Shot

(Fūton: Shinkūken) - Wind Release: Shock Blade

(Fūton: Senmōfū) - Wind Release: Rotating Ferocious Wind

(Fūton: Dai Sakūgen Sebiti) - Wind Release: Great Slashing Tornado

(Fūton: Kaze Gaeshi) - Wind Style: Wind Return

(Fūton: Mugen Sajin Daitoppa) - Wind Style: Infinte Sand Great Break Through

(Fūton: Gamayudan) – Wind Release: Toad Oil Bullet

(Fūton: Senpūken) - Wind Style: Hurricane Fist

(Fūton: Jūha Reppū Shō) - Wind Style: Beast Tearing Gale Palm

(Futon: Kazekama no Yori) - Wind Release: Wind Sickle Armor

(Futon: Kōha Reppūken) - Wind Release: Hardliner Gale Chop

(Futon: Kōha Senkaigiri) - Wind Release: Hardliner Revolving Cut

(Futon: Kibishii Shippuu Kabe) - Wind Release: Severe Hurricane Wall

(Fūton: Kaze Rasen Yaiba Rendan no justu) - Wind Release: Wind Spinning Blade Barrage Technique

(Fūton: Boufuu oonami no Jutsu ) - Wind Release: Gale Surge Technique

(Fūton: Rasen Kazedan) - Wind Release: Spiralling Wind Ball

(Fūton: Fūsui Ranha no Jutsu) -Wind Release: Wind Water Wild Wave Technique

( Futon: Uzu sentou ) - Wind Release: Vortex Punch

( Fūton: Gōfū no Men ) - Wind Release: Great Wind Mask

( Fūton: Kaiho Hakai ) - Wind Release: Open Destruction

A Rank

(Fūton: Daikamaitachi no Jutsu) - Wind Style: Great Sickle Weasel Technique

(Fūton: Kaze No Yaiba) - Wind Style: Wind Blade

(Fūton: Gamayu Endan) – Wind Release: Toad Oil Flame Bullet

(Fūton: Atsugai) - Wind Style: Pressure Damage

(Fūton: Boufuu Gekido Kabe) – Wind Release: Gale Raging Wall

(Fūton: Joushou Ryuu) – Wind Release: Rising Dragon

(Fūton:Gama Teppo) – Wind Release: Toad Gun

(Fūton: Rasengan) - Wind Style: Spiral sphere

(Fūton: Shinkūgyoku) – Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere

(Fūton: Shinkūha) – Wind Release: Vacuum Wave

(Fūton: Tatsuno Ooshigoto) - Wind Style: Severing Pressure

(Fūton: Sakūgen Sebiti) - Wind Release: Slashing Tornado

(Fūton: Sebeti Otoshi) - Wind Release: Tornado Drop

(Fūton: Tsuyoi Kaze Nami) - Wind Release: Powerful Wind Wave

(Fūton: Fūjin no Jutsu) - Wind Release Dust Cloud Technique

(Fūton: Renkuudan) - Wind Style: Drilling Wind Bullet

(Fūton: Kakeami no Jutsu) - Wind Release: Cast Net Technique

(Futon: Shinkūzan no Jutsu) - Wind Release: Vacuum Slash technique

( Futon: Shinkūdama ) - Wind Release: Vacuum Bullet

( Futon: Shinkū Ibuki ) - Wind Release: Vacuum Breath

S Rank

(Fūton: Kiryū Ranbu) - Wind Release: Air Current Wild Dance

(Fūton: Shinkū Renpa) – Wind Release: Serial Waves

(Fūton: Shinkū Taigyoku) – Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere

(Fūton: Rasenshuriken) - Wind Release: Spiraling Shuriken

( Futon: Shinkūbomu ) - Wind Release: Vacuum Bomb

( Futon: Tatsumaki Heki ) - Wind Release: Tornado Wall

(Fūton: Futago Rasenshuriken) Wind Release: Twin Spiraling Shuriken

(Fūton: Ōdama Rasenshuriken) Wind Release: Big Ball Spiralling Shuriken

(Fūton: Chōōdama Rasenshuriken) Wind Release: Ultra-Big Ball Spiralling Shuriken


D Rank

(Doton No Jutsu) - Earth Release Technique

(Doton: Shinju Zanshu no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique

(Doton: Gansetsukon) - Earth Release: Rock Section Cane

( Doton: Iwa Rendan ) - Earth Release: Rock Barrage

C Rank

(Doton: Ganban Kyu) - Earth Release: Bedrock Coffin

(Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu) – Earth Release: Hiding like a mole technique

(Doton: Ganchūsō) - Earth Release: Stone Spikes

(Doton: Yochi no Douyou) - Earth Release: World Shaking

(Doton: Mogura Tataki no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Whac-A-Mole Technqiue

(Doton: Dorosandan) – Earth Release: Mudshot

(Doton: Dochū Senkō) – Earth Style: Underground submarine Voyage

(Doton: Iwa Yado Kuzushi) - Earth Release: Stone Lodging Destruction

(Doton: Doryudan) - Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet

(Doton: Doryū Taiga) - Earth Release: Earth Flow River

(Doton: Ganchūrō no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Rock Pillar Prison Technique

(Doton: Doroku Gaeshi) - Earth Release: Earth Shore Return

(Doton: Doro Hōshi) - Earth Release: Mud Spore

(Doton: Dochū Eigyo no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Underground Projection Fish Technique

(Doton: Doryūkatsu) - Earth Release: Earth Flow Divide

(Doton: Tsuchi Douyou no Hira) – Earth Release: Earth Shaking Palm

(Doton: Kengan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique

(Doton: Ton'neru chika no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Tunneling Technique

(Doton: Dōka Iwa fubuki) - Earth Release: Assimilated Rock Blizzard

(Doton: Retsudo Tenshin) - Earth Release: Violent Heavenly Earth Needle

(Doton: Dāchiganshō) - Earth Release: Ground Bedrock

(Doton: Hokoriheki no Jutsu ) - Earth Release: Dust Wall Technique

( Doton: Rokkuhanmā ) - Earth Release: Rock Hammer

( Doton: Iwa Dangan ) - Earth Release: Rock Bullet

( Doton: Jōshō Iwa ) - Earth Release: Rising Rocks

( Doton: Gizagiza no Iwajin ) - Earth Release: Jagged Rock Formation

B Rank

(Doton: Retsudo Tenshō) - Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm

(Doton: Furaito no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Flight Technique

( Doton: Dosekidake no Jutsu ) - Earth Release: Earth and Stone Bamboo Shoot Technique

(Doton: Jiraigen no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Landmine Field Technique

(Doton: Iwa Bunshin) - Earth Release: Rock Clone Technique

(Doton: Iwa no Hogo) - Earth Release: Earth Shelter Technique

(Doton: Iwa Enchou no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Earth Dome Technique

(Doton: Fukusuu no Dorosandan) - Earth Release: Multiple Mudshot Technique

(Doton: Dōka Ganseki Sensha) - Earth Release: Assimilated Rock Tank

(Doton: Doryūha) - Earth Release: Earth Flow Wave

(Doton: Doro Ookami) - Earth Release: Mud Wolves

(Doton no Yoroi) - Earth Release Armor

(Doton Kekkai: Dorō Dōmu) - Earth Style Barrier: Earth Prison of Magnificent Nothingness

(Doton: Domu) – Earth Release: Earth Spear Technique

(Doton: Iwa Keiro) – Earth Style: Rock Trail

(Doton: Nentsuchi Otoshi) – Earth Release: Sticky Earth Drop

(Doton: Otoshibuta) – Earth Release: Dropping Lid

(Doton Kage Bunshin) – Earth Release Shadow Clone

(Doton: Musaborudzuchi) – Earth Release: Devouring Earth

(Doton: Tsuchi Kairō) - Earth Release: Earth Corridor

(Doton: Arijigoku no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Antlion Technique

(Doton: Doryū Jōheki) - Earth Release: Earth Flow Rampart

(Doton: Doryō Dango) - Earth Release: Earth Mausoleum Dumpling

(Doton: Doryuheki) - Earth Release: Earth Style Wall Jutsu

(Doton: Iwagakure no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Hiding in Rock Technique

(Doton: Doryūsō) - Earth Release: Earth Flow Spears

(Doton: Iwayado Kuzushi) - Earth Style: Rock Lodging Destruction

(Doton/Katon: Yōdo Ranfunka no Jutsu) - Earth/Fire Release: Molten Earth Wild Eruption Technique

(Doton: Iwa Kekkai no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Rock Barrier Technique

(Doton/Raiton: Denki Iwabashira) - Earth/Lightning Release: Electric Rock Pillar

(Doton: Ukiwagan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Floating Ring Rock Technique

(Doton: Tetsu Keimusho no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Iron Prison Technique

( Doton: Jimen Bunretsu no Jutsu ) - Earth Release: Ground Splitting Technique

( Doton: Ganseki Shuriken ) - Earth Release: Rock Shuriken

( Doton: Shōnyūseki ) - Earth Release: Stalactite

A Rank

( Doton: Tajū Doryūheki ) - Earth Release: Multiple Mudwall Technique

(Doton: Uitenpen) - Earth Style: Wheel Of Fortune

(Doton: Dimenshon Fuudo Shihai) - Earth Release: Dimension Topography Control

(Doton: Iwa no Gōremu) – Earth Release: Stone Golem

(Doton: Yomi Numa) - Earth Style: Swamp of the Underworld

(Doton: Dosenki) - Earth Release: Mudslide Technique

(Doton: Dochūbaku) - Earth Release: Landslide Technique

(Doton: Jiraigen Kojimi no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Minefield Great Plain Technique

(Doton: Kujo Joushou Iwa Chuuseki) - Earth Release: Destructive Rising Rock Pillars

(Doton: Chidōkaku) - Earth Release: Moving Earth Core

(Doton: Kajūgan no Jutsu): Earth Style: Added Weight Rock Technique

(Doton: Keijūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Light Weight Rock Technique

(Doton: Hanridoryūheki) - Earth Release: Flowing Earth Wall of 10,000 Miles

( Doton: Iwarin Heiban ) - Earth Release: Rock Scale Slab

S Rank

(Doton: Daichidōkaku) - Earth Release: Great Moving Earth Core

(Doton: Dosenkiryū) – Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon Technique

(Doton: Kaido Shōkutsu) - Earth Style: Opening Earth Rising Excavation

(Doton: Yama Eikyō) - Earth Release: Mountain Smash

(Doton: Koka no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Hardening Technique

(Doton: Dai iwa Kyojin no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Great Stone Golem Technique

(Doton: Chōkeijūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Earth Release: Ultra Light-Weight Rock Technique

(Doton: Chō Kajūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Super Added Weight Rock Technique

(Kuchiyose Doton no Jutsu: Dorō Gōremu) Summoning Earth Release Technique: Prison Golem


D Rank

( Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu ) - Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique

( Genjutsu: Kahen Tonsou ) - Illusion Technique: Flower Petal Escape

( Genjutsu: Kasumi ) - Illusion Technique: Servant

( Kasumi Jūsha no Jutsu ) - Mist Servant Technique

( Magen: Narakumi ) - Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing

C Rank

( Genjutsu: Kai ) - Illusion Technique: Release
[closest possible link]

( Kori Shinchū no Jutsu ) - Sly Mind Affect Technique

( Genjutsu: Jinmon ) - Illusion Technique: Interrogation

( Genjutsu: Jigoku Gouka ) - Illusion Technique: Hell Fire

( Genjutsu: Kasumi no Jutsu ) - Illusion Technique: Mist Technique

B Rank

(Magen: Nijū Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu) Demonic Illusion: Double False Surroundings Technique

( Konoha-Ryū: Yanagi ) - Leaf Ninja Art: Willow

( Genjutsu: Ingemame Ketsugō Sakkaku ) - Illusion Technique String Bean Binding Illusion

( Magen: Hanarasui ) - Demonic Illusion: Flower Head Death

( Mateki: Mugen Onsa ) - Demon Flute: Phantom Sound Chains

( Magen: Jubaku Satsu ) - Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death

( Genjutsu: Oshitsubusu Hebi Kubire ) - Illusion Technique: Crushing Snake Constriction

( Genjutsu: Hanaoka ) - Illusion Technique: Flower Hill

( Kōyōmu ) - Crimson Leaf Dream

A Rank

( Magen: Chō Shinka ) - Demonic Illusion: Butterfly Evolution

( Nehan Shōja no Jutsu ) - Temple of Nirvana Technique

( Kokuangyo no Jutsu ) - Bringer-of-Darkness Technique

( Shinkirō no Jutsu ) - Mirage Technique

( Mateki: Chēn no Fantajī Jutsu ) - Demonic Flute: Chains of Fantasy Technique

S Rank

( Magen: Gama Rinshō ) - Demonic Illusion: Toad Confrontation Chant


E Rank

(Bunshin No Jutsu) - Clone Technique

(Bikoku Ninjutsu) - Shadow Stealth Technique

(Henge no Jutsu) - Transformation Technique

(Gokan Sakusou) - 5 Senses Confusion Disorder

(Kawarimi no Jutsu) - Change of Body Stance Technique

(Nawanuke No Jutsu) - Escape Skill

(Kakuremino No Jutsu) - Magic Cloak Of Invisibility Technique

(Ki Nobori no Shugyō) - Tree Climbing Practice

(Suimen Hokō no Gyō) - Water Surface Walking Practice

D Rank

(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique

(Fukumi Hari) - Hidden Needles

(Kage Shuriken no Jutsu) - Shadow Shuriken Technique

(Kanashibari no Jutsu) - Temporary Body Paralysis Technique

(Sakki) - Killing Intent

(Ninpou: Gekka Bijin) - Ninja Arts: Beauty Under the Moonlight

(Sakura Fubuki no Jutsu) - Cherry Blossom Snow Storm Technique

(Shunshin no Jutsu) - Body Flicker Technique

(Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique

(Muon Satsujin Jutsu) - Silent Homicide Technique

(Chakra Kami Wana no Jutsu) - Chakra Hair Trap Technique

(Kage Makibishi no Jutsu) - Shadow Makibishi Technique

(Kage Nawa no Jutsu) - Shadow Rope Technique

(Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu) – Haze Clone Technique

(Ninpo: Kyojin Shuriken no Jutsu) - Ninja Art: Giant Shuriken Technique

(Ninpo: Kakuu no mai ) - Ninja Art: Aerial Dance

(Sōshuriken no Jutsu) - Manipulated Shuriken Techique

C Rank

(Fuda Kakusu no Jutsu) Tag Hidding Technique

(Chakura Kyūin no Jutsu) - Chakra Absorption Technique

(Soryu no Mai) - Rising Dragon Dance

(Sōgu: Shikyū Geki) - Manipulated Tools: Deadly Spheres Strike

(Sōgu: Fūjin Heki) - Manipulated Tools: Floating Blades Wall

(Sōgu: Dai Tekkai) - Manipulated Tools: Giant Iron Lump

(Sōgu: Shu Senjin) - Manipulated Tools: One Thousand Blades Attack

(Kuchiyose: Tetsurensa Housou) - Summoning: Iron Chain Wrapping

(Chakra Henkanshi no Jutsu) - Chakra Sensing Technique

(Chakra Yokuatsu no Jutsu) - Chakra Suppression Technique

(Konbi Henge) - Combination Transformation

(Shinra Banshō Dōka No Jutsu) - Assimilate All Creation Technique

(Oiroke No Jutsu - Onna No Ko Doushi & Otoko No Ko Doushi) - Sexy Jutsu Girl Companions & Guy Companions

(Gyorai Shin) - Torpedo Needle

(Hitei Mushou) - Flying Nail Mist Pierce

(Jouro Senbon) - Sprinkling Needles

(Kao Utsushi no Jutsu) - Face Copy Technique

(Nan Kaizou) - Soften Modification

(Sharingan Soufuusha Sannotachi) - Sharingan Windmill Triple Blade

(Soushouryuu) - Twin Rising Dragons

(Soushuuha) - Manipulate Advancing Blades

(Ninpo: Jibaku Fuda: Kassei) - Ninja Art: Exploding Tag: Activate

(Ninpo: Bōseki Enbu no mai) - Ninja Art: Spinning Walts Dance

(Ninpo: Bōkun Yobidashi no Jutsu) - Ninja Art: Tyrants Calling Technique

( Rakka Kibaku Fuda ) - Falling Paper Bomb

B Rank

(Hiru Banshō: Bōka no Jutsu) - Leech All Creation: Attack Prevention Technique

(Fuda Chūshutsu no Jutsu) Tag Extraction Technique

(Bodi-en no Jutsu) Ninjutsu: Body Flame Technique

(Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - Shadow Clone Technique

(Kuchiyose: Rashōmon) - Summoning Technique: Rashōmon

(Ninpo: Kagonome) – Ninja Art: Wire Cage

(Ninpo: Akuma Kaze Bakudan) - Ninja Art: Demon Wind Bomb

(Kuchiyose: Tetsuengo Kabe) -Summoning: Iron Protection Wall

(Sōgu: Maruchiken Ranmyaku) - Manipulated Tools: Multi-Blade Chaos

(Sōgu: Sōninju) - Manipulated Tools: Weapon Gun

Sōgu: Kaien Geki) - Manipulated Tools: Spinning Swallow Show

(Sōgu: Tenkosai) - Manipulated Tools: Heavenly Steel Disaster

(Hana Ninpō: Kyōku Sai) - Flower Technique: The District End

( Dokushinjutsu ) - Mind Reading Technique

( Gen'ei Tajū Shuriken ) - Multiple Phantom Shuriken

A Rank

(Himitsu Kibaku Fuda no Jutsu) Hidden Explosive Tags Technique

(Kuchiyose: Sanjū Rashōmon) - Summoning Technique: Triple Rashōmon

(Midare Senbu) – Chaos Fan Dance

(Sōshōryū Seichuu) - Rising Twin Dragons Control
[NO DIRECT LINK] Upgraded Version of

(Sōgu: Tensasai) - Manipulated Tools: Heavenly Chain of Destruction
[NO DIRECT LINK] Stronger Version of

(Kage Kagami Shiten No Hou) - Shadow Mirror Body Change Method

(Kagerou Ninpou: Utakata) - My Ninja Arts Ephemeral

(Bunshin Bakuha) - Shadow Clone Explosion
Weaker Version of

(Meisaigakure no Jutsu) - Hiding with Camouflage Technique

(Mikadzuki no Mai) - Dance of the Crescent Moon

(Shihouhappou Shuriken) - All Directions Shuriken

(Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu

S Rank

(Kenboushou Jutsu) - Loss of Memory Technique


(Gojō Kibaku Fuda) Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags

Rasengan Techniques​

A Rank
(Rasengan) - Spiral Sphere

(Yōso no Rasengan) Elemental Spiral Sphere

(Tsuin Rasengan) – Twin Spiraling Sphere

(Rasen Chō Tarengan) Rasengan Super Barrage

S Rank

(Oodama Rasengan) - Big Ball Spiral Sphere

(Wakusei Rasengan) - Planetary Spiralling Sphere

(Rasenkyūgan) - Spiralling Absorption Sphere

(Rasenrangan) - Sprialling Strife Spheres

(Ōdama Rasen Tairengan) Giant Rasengan Barrage Line

Summoning Techniques

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu) - Summoning Technique

(Kuchiyose: Aian Meiden) - Summoning: Iron Maiden

(Kuchiyose: Rashōmon) - Summoning Technique: Rashōmon

A Rank

(Kuchiyose: Sanjū Rashōmon) - Summoning Technique: Triple Rashōmon

(Gyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu) – Reverse Summoning Technique

S Rank

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gojū Rashōmon) Summoning Technique: Quintuple Rashōmon

This portion of the guide wouldn't be possible without the hard work of my old friend


E Rank

(Sennen Goroshi) - 1000 Years Of Death

D Rank

(Gangeki) - Rock Attack

(Dainamikku Entori) - Dynamic Entry

(Konoha Reppū) - Leaf Gale

(Konoha Senpū) - Leaf Hurricane

(Kodzuku) Punch

(Hirateuchi) Slap

(Kikku) Kick

(Fōringu Hōyō) Falling Embrace

C Rank

(Konoha Shōfū) – Leaf Rising Wind

(Asshō) - Pressure Palm

(Shōgekishō) - Upwards Attacking Palm

(Hōshō) - Crumbling Palm

(Tokken) - Thrusting Shoulder

(Shōshitsu) - Rising Knee

(Hayabusa Otoshi) - Peregrine Falcon Drop

(Dainamikku Akushon) - Dynamic Action

(Kage Buyō) - Shadow of the Dancing Leaf

(Konoha Daisenpū) - Leaf Great Whirlwind

(Rakanken) - Nirvana Fist

(Naruto Rendan) - Naruto Barrage

(Shishi Rendan) - Lions Barrage

(Suiken) - Drunken Fist

(Konoha Raiken) - Leaf Thunder Fist

(Konoha Arashi) - Leaf Tempest

( Konoha Kanransha ) - Leaf Ferris Wheel

( Rōga Shōken ) - Wolf Fang Rising Fist

( Seikentsuki ) - Righteous Fist Thrust

( Kōsoku idō no Jutsu ) - Fast Movement Technique

(Shubi Kurēn) Defensive Crane

(Appākatto) Uppercut

(Daburufisuto) Double Fist

(Tsumazuki Tātoru) Stumbling Turtle

(Tomoenage) Monkey Flip

(Rīfu Shitamuki) Leaf Downwards Crash

B Rank

(Konoha Dairetsukū) – Leaf Great Violent Sky

(Kōsa Hō) – Intersection method

(Raikou Boruto) – Lightning Bolter

(Konoha Kaiganshō) - Leaf Rock Destroying Rise

(Konoha Daisenkō) - Leaf Great Flash

(Raijin) - Zeus

(Konoha Gōriki Senpū ) - Leaf Strong Whirlwind

(Hien) - Flying Swallow

(Toripuru Dainamikku Entorii) -Triple Dynamic Entry

(Senkō Jūjiki) -Flash Cross Sever

(Konoha Shippūdan) - Leaf Hurricane Bullet

(Doroppu Kikku) - Drop Kick

( Konoha Senshō ) - Leaf Flash Kick

( Konoha Toppū ) - Leaf Gust

(Rīfukonbo) Leaf Combo

(Rīfu Jōshō Saikuron) Leaf Rising Cyclone

A Rank

(Seishun Furu Pawā) Youth Full Power

( Konoha Ryūjin ) - Leaf Dragon God

(Rīfu Oshitsubusu Bōfū) Leaf Crushing Storm

S Rank


EIG Taijutsu

B Rank

(Chiratsuki Kaihi) Flicker Evasion

(Hachimon: Gourai Rensa) - Eight Gates: Strong Thunder Lotus Chain

(Hachimon: Omote Renge) - Eight Gates: Primary Lotus

A Rank

(Hitori Omote Renge) - One-Man Front Lotus

(Hachimon: Ura Renge) - Eight Gates: Hidden Lotus

(Hachimon: Asa Kujaku) - Eight Gates: Morning Peacock

(Geki Konoha Kongouriki senpuu) - Extremely Powerful Whirlwind of the Leaf

( Konoha Gōen Shippū ) -Tree Leaf Roaring Flame Hurricane

S Rank

(Hachimon: Gyaku no Basutā) - Eight Gates: Reverse Buster

(Hachimon: Hirudora) - Eight Gates: Daytime Tiger

(Koyubi Kōgeki) - Little Toe Attack

(Hachimon) The Eight Inner Gates

Chakra Enhanced Strength Techniques

C Rank

(Ōkashō) - Cherry Blossom Impact

(Shōgeki no Nami Hana)- Shock Wave Blossom

( Shinkyaku ) - Quaking Leg

B Rank

(Itei Toonna) - Medical Empress Gambler

( Haru no Kikku tōrai ) – Coming of Spring Kick

A Rank

(100m Panchi) 100 Metre Punch

(Tsūtenkyaku) - Heavenly Foot of Pain

S Rank

(1000m Panchi) 100m Punch

( Ōkaretsushō ) - Cherry Blossom Violent Impact

(Amatsu no Hōkai) - Heavenly Collapse

(Chakura Chikara) - Chakra Enhanced Strength

Other Taijutsu

C Rank

(Rakanken) Arhat Fist

(Tetsuzankō) - Iron Mountain Leaning

(Kagebunshin: Dai Kaiten) - Shadow Clone: Great Revolving

(Kagebunshin: Appā) - Shadow Clone: Upper

(Bunshin Kaiten Kakatou Otoshi) - Clone Spinning Hell drop

B Rank

(Chinkabuki Senmai) - Strange Kabuki Sage Dance

(Kobushi Gachan) - Fist Slam

(Joushou Bomu) - Rising Bomb

(Erubō) - Elbow

(Tarenken) – Multiple Connecting Punches

(Tarenkyaku) – Multiple Connecting Kicks

(Mizudan Suisha) – Ballistic Waterwheel

(Dai harite) – Large Open Hand Slap

(Nibaite Su-pa Gachan) – Double Hand Super Slam

(Chōdan Bakugeki) - Butterfly Bullet Bombing

(Nikudan Samazamana Sensha) - Human Bullet Various Tank

(Chou Nikudan Hari Sensha) - Spiked Human Bullet Tank

(Jōshō appākatto) - Rising Uppercut

(Chiratsuki Kaihi/Undō) Flicker Evasion/Movement

A Rank

(Girochin Doroppu) Guillotine Drop

(Chiratsuki Kaihi/Undō) Flicker Evasion/Movement

(Bunshin Taiatari) - Clone Body Smash

(Uzumaki Ninpouchou) - Uzumaki Ninja Hand Book

S Rank

(Raigyaku Suihei) - Lightning Oppression Horizontal

(Raigyaku Suihei Sendaibu) - Lightning Oppression Horizontal Millenial Dance

(Raigā Bomu) - Liger Bomb

(Rariatto) - Lightning Plough Hot Sword


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points

RP Updates
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02-08-2012 -
02-17-2012 -
02-20-2012 -
02-21-2012 -
02-22-2012 -
02-24-2012 -
02-27-2012 -
02-28-2012 -
03-09-2012 -
03-10-2012 -
03-10-2012 -
03-12-2012 -
03-16-2012 -
03-20-2012 -
03-21-2012 -
03-29-2012 -
03-30-2012 -
04-04-2012 -
04-08-2012 -

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04-18-2012 -
04-25-2012 -
04-27-2012 -
04-28-2012 -
04-30-2012 -
05-01-2012 -
05-02-2012 -
05-02-2012 -
05-18-2012 -
05-19-2012 -
05-21-2012 -
05-24-2012 -
05-28-2012 -
05-31-2012 -
05-31-2012 -
06-02-2012 -
06-05-2012 -
06-12-2012 -
06-25-2012 -
06-29-2012 -

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07-03-2012 -
07-05-2012 -
07-16-2012 -
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07-29-2012 -
07-29-2012 -
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08-26-2012 -
09-07-2012 -
10-02-2012 -
11-01-2012 -
11-01-2012 -
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11-08-2012 -
11-16-2012 -
11-16-2012 -
11-16-2012 -
12-03-2012 -

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12-04-2012 -
12-09-2012 -
01-10-2013 -
01-12-2013 -
01-12-2013 -
01-13-2013 -
01-24-2013 -
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02-19-2013 -
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09-13-2013 -
09-24-2013 -
09-26-2013 -
09-28-2013 -
10-26-2013 -
11-03-2013 -
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11-13-2013 -

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11-23-2013 -
12-20-2013 -
01-19-2014 -
01-22-2014 -
02-03-2014 -
03-13-2014 -
05-15-2014 -
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08-07-2014 -
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10-08-2014 -
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11-08-2014 -
11-13-2014 -
01-11-2015 -

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02-15-2015 -
02-18-2015 -
03-07-2015 -
03-07-2015 -
04-10-2015 - - Important
05-01-2015 -
05-11-2015 -
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07-21-2015 -
07-24-2015 -
08-06-2015 -
08-19-2015 -
08-20-2015 -
08-30-2015 -
08-31-2015 -
10-26-2015 -
11-22-2015 -
12-04-2015 -
12-07-2015 -

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03-03-2016 -
Last edited:


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
This is a guide i've been working on for a few years now adding a bit at time to help clear up a few things the RP to bring them together and consolidate some of them into one thread. Though i couldn't have done it with help from others. I borrowed some work from Caliburn and Venom but at the same time i had alot of help from:

This will still be undergoing work too to add more and more information each time with more cannon links when they are found, i hope this helps​
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