Jin-Woo vs Nadja Gamma


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
☯ Official
☯ LoK's R&R
☯ Mid Range (15 Meters)
☯ Terrain: In the old forests of what was once Takigakure (Village of Waterfalls).

Signs of a once-thriving village lay forgotten and empty. Bushes and vines overtook all the homes, and trees sprouted from seemingly every hole in the ground. Though the forest's reclamation would stop abruptly at the foot of a length of stairs that lead to a massive boulder overlooking the village. All the moss and vines seemed to curl away from the old stone, leaving the steps and the 10x10 meter wide level at the top completely free of the forest's influence. At the peak of the steps stands
Jin-Woo, the last Claymore, looking down at the strange person that had wandered all the way into his sight.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points

Nadja Gamma.

Despite the bounty, the intelligence on the criminal seemed to be inaccurate whether deliberately or through incompetence as a furrowed brow began to crease along Nadja's forehead, the corner of her mouth starting to tug into an angered frown. She was going to have words with the guild when she got back, wasting her time coming here with useless information not to mention trekking through what seemed like a grove or rainforest as her cloak was slick and her boots muddied. Adjusting the weapons at her hip, she looked up at the humanoid standing there.


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points

Nadja Gamma.

Despite the bounty, the intelligence on the criminal seemed to be inaccurate whether deliberately or through incompetence as a furrowed brow began to crease along Nadja's forehead, the corner of her mouth starting to tug into an angered frown. She was going to have words with the guild when she got back, wasting her time coming here with useless information not to mention trekking through what seemed like a grove or rainforest as her cloak was slick and her boots muddied. Adjusting the weapons at her hip, she looked up at the humanoid standing there.
"Intruder," Jin declares as the figure comes to a stop. Then, upon smelling their human blood his lips curl into a snarl. "Invader." He, Sung Jin-Woo, guarded the last tomb of his peoples from the prying eyes of the world. He would not stop now. By clenching his fist and holding it out at the human Jin begins a slow transformation of the terrain--starting with the area directly under him as frost spreads from his feet and begins to cover the stone steps. The Claymore then follows up by crouching and placing his bare fingers against the frozen earth while whispering, "You've strayed too far from the light..."

Two humanoid shapes would gather themselves from the thin layer of ice covering the stone steps. Emaciated and terrible-looking, the Hollow Children remain at Jin's sides as they rise, held passive and still through mental commands. In time they would lay hands on the human, tear her to pieces. For now they waited as Jin activated his Chakra Sensory and descended the steps, one at a time.

"And I'm afraid I can't let you leave."

(Hokkyoku Āsurirīsu: Koko de Fuyu)- Arctic Earth: Winter is Here
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Similar to the setup of "King of The North", the user, with two hand seals (Dog, Snake), will dedicate all of his Arctic Earth chakra into transforming the entire terrain into a desolate tundra. The sheer scope of this technique spans up to long ranged in all directions all (including underground up to 20 meters). This type of terraforming is completely noticeable as the shiny Arctic Earth consumes the land and is very conspicuous mainly due to its effects on surrounding structures such as trees and buildings, but is also very slow and takes two turns after being performed to complete. On the first turn this technique is performed the area up to 5m of the user becomes transformed to Arctic Earth. On the second turn it will spread to encompass 10m of the user's position and by the third turn the technique consumes 15m of the ground around (all measurements dictate the technique's growth both length and depth wise). In the turns after, the technique can grow far enough to take an entire landmark. Once the ground has been transformed in any of its sequences the opponent will be unable to manipulate it unless they possess the Arctic Earth chakra nature--or if it was destroyed somehow. Once established, destroying the structure requires complete eradication. For example, merely destroying a patch/section will not stop the technique, as it will simply regenerate as it grows. Instead, one would need a counter that spans this technique's complete length and depth. Travelling across the terrain would also prove quite difficult to enemies as the clumsiness of slipping on ice prevails, preventing any sudden movement such as dashing or sprinting--unless the opponent(s) wish to find themselves sprawled out and nursing broken bones and other injuries from falling on the cold, hard ground. The user remains unaffected by this. Another advantage is that It allows permafrost techniques that would otherwise require regular earth to be performed using the permafrost ground instead with heightened efficiency (i.e quicker than usual).
- Can only be done three times (3x).
- Lasts 4 turns with each use, with a one turn cool down.

(Hokkyoku Āsurirīsu: Tsundora no Chūkū no Kodomo-tachi) - Arctic Earth: Hollow Children of the Tundra
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: The Hollow Children are familiars made of Arctic Earth that can be created from the user's body or the surrounding earth up to mid-ranged away, except within five meters of an opponent, unless the user is also within that range. The Arctic Earth creations are humanoid in appearance but severely emaciated, like skeletons, with glowing eyes and hollow chests. Despite their appearance however the Children are frighteningly quick, able to travel at inhuman speeds when in contact with Arctic Earth structures. On regular surfaces they move at the speed of normal Arctic Earth techniques, but when situated on Arctic Earth they are able to move at 1.5x the user's speed for as long as they maintain contact with the element. The user can use the creations as a source for Arctic Earth techniques up to B-rank from their bodies on regular terrain and A-rank when in contact with Arctic Earth. These count toward the user's move limit. Being savage in nature, the Children usually end up overwhelming opponents with their frigid bodies while gnawing and tearing them apart with surprising strength. The user may form one or multiple creations using this technique, following normal splitting rules, and they may remain on the field for a maximum of four turns regardless of rank. This jutsu requires three hand seals and can only be formed twice per battle with a two turn cool down. No Arctic Earth techniques above A-ranked can be performed for a turn after this technique ends.

(Chakra Henkanshi no Jutsu) - Chakra Sensing Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 15 (- 5 per turn) (N/A Sixth Sense)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This is a very advanced of advancing the ability to feel and sense chakra. The technique allows the user to concentrate and detect someone's chakra. Users can use this to determine the nature of a jutsu used as well as sense masses of chakra. The use of this can be compared to Sharingan's brutish level of sensory, able to sense collection of chakra but not the level of clarity and precision Byakugan has.
Note: Can only be used by bios with Sensory ability.
Note: After having on a bio for 1 month, users gain the ability to activate Sensory passively.

Chakra: 2400 - (30 + 40) = 2330
HP: 240


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
"Intruder," Jin declares as the figure comes to a stop. Then, upon smelling their human blood his lips curl into a snarl. "Invader." He, Sung Jin-Woo, guarded the last tomb of his peoples from the prying eyes of the world. He would not stop now. By clenching his fist and holding it out at the human Jin begins a slow transformation of the terrain--starting with the area directly under him as frost spreads from his feet and begins to cover the stone steps. The Claymore then follows up by crouching and placing his bare fingers against the frozen earth while whispering, "You've strayed too far from the light..."

Two humanoid shapes would gather themselves from the thin layer of ice covering the stone steps. Emaciated and terrible-looking, the Hollow Children remain at Jin's sides as they rise, held passive and still through mental commands. In time they would lay hands on the human, tear her to pieces. For now they waited as Jin activated his Chakra Sensory and descended the steps, one at a time.

"And I'm afraid I can't let you leave."

(Hokkyoku Āsurirīsu: Koko de Fuyu)- Arctic Earth: Winter is Here
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Similar to the setup of "King of The North", the user, with two hand seals (Dog, Snake), will dedicate all of his Arctic Earth chakra into transforming the entire terrain into a desolate tundra. The sheer scope of this technique spans up to long ranged in all directions all (including underground up to 20 meters). This type of terraforming is completely noticeable as the shiny Arctic Earth consumes the land and is very conspicuous mainly due to its effects on surrounding structures such as trees and buildings, but is also very slow and takes two turns after being performed to complete. On the first turn this technique is performed the area up to 5m of the user becomes transformed to Arctic Earth. On the second turn it will spread to encompass 10m of the user's position and by the third turn the technique consumes 15m of the ground around (all measurements dictate the technique's growth both length and depth wise). In the turns after, the technique can grow far enough to take an entire landmark. Once the ground has been transformed in any of its sequences the opponent will be unable to manipulate it unless they possess the Arctic Earth chakra nature--or if it was destroyed somehow. Once established, destroying the structure requires complete eradication. For example, merely destroying a patch/section will not stop the technique, as it will simply regenerate as it grows. Instead, one would need a counter that spans this technique's complete length and depth. Travelling across the terrain would also prove quite difficult to enemies as the clumsiness of slipping on ice prevails, preventing any sudden movement such as dashing or sprinting--unless the opponent(s) wish to find themselves sprawled out and nursing broken bones and other injuries from falling on the cold, hard ground. The user remains unaffected by this. Another advantage is that It allows permafrost techniques that would otherwise require regular earth to be performed using the permafrost ground instead with heightened efficiency (i.e quicker than usual).
- Can only be done three times (3x).
- Lasts 4 turns with each use, with a one turn cool down.

(Hokkyoku Āsurirīsu: Tsundora no Chūkū no Kodomo-tachi) - Arctic Earth: Hollow Children of the Tundra
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: The Hollow Children are familiars made of Arctic Earth that can be created from the user's body or the surrounding earth up to mid-ranged away, except within five meters of an opponent, unless the user is also within that range. The Arctic Earth creations are humanoid in appearance but severely emaciated, like skeletons, with glowing eyes and hollow chests. Despite their appearance however the Children are frighteningly quick, able to travel at inhuman speeds when in contact with Arctic Earth structures. On regular surfaces they move at the speed of normal Arctic Earth techniques, but when situated on Arctic Earth they are able to move at 1.5x the user's speed for as long as they maintain contact with the element. The user can use the creations as a source for Arctic Earth techniques up to B-rank from their bodies on regular terrain and A-rank when in contact with Arctic Earth. These count toward the user's move limit. Being savage in nature, the Children usually end up overwhelming opponents with their frigid bodies while gnawing and tearing them apart with surprising strength. The user may form one or multiple creations using this technique, following normal splitting rules, and they may remain on the field for a maximum of four turns regardless of rank. This jutsu requires three hand seals and can only be formed twice per battle with a two turn cool down. No Arctic Earth techniques above A-ranked can be performed for a turn after this technique ends.

(Chakra Henkanshi no Jutsu) - Chakra Sensing Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 15 (- 5 per turn) (N/A Sixth Sense)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This is a very advanced of advancing the ability to feel and sense chakra. The technique allows the user to concentrate and detect someone's chakra. Users can use this to determine the nature of a jutsu used as well as sense masses of chakra. The use of this can be compared to Sharingan's brutish level of sensory, able to sense collection of chakra but not the level of clarity and precision Byakugan has.
Note: Can only be used by bios with Sensory ability.
Note: After having on a bio for 1 month, users gain the ability to activate Sensory passively.

Chakra: 2400 - (30 + 40) = 2330
HP: 240
Nadja held her hand to her forehead trying to make out who was talking to her, it looked like a normal guy with black hair, they all looked the same to her but he didn't look like the bounty she was told to come here for, unless maybe he changed shape or had some transformation on. It was probably best to be safe and take him out, he looked like he wanted to attack her as the terrain around seemed to start freezing over, troublesome. Nadja was used to a temperate climate and while she didn't mind snow, right now she wasn't dressed appropriately for it.

You may be the target but you're also in the way of me returning to Lord Ai... Momon. Step down and accept your defeat with some honour.

Taking a light jump backwards, Nadja pulled Inazuma from its sheath and with a horizonal sweep, chakra gathered around the blade and at the apex of its swing coalesced into a thundering and crackling storm of dense black clouds with lightning snapping and dancing through it. She guessed that as a combination of ice and earth, it sounded like it would be weak to lightning based abilities, and chose to use her access to Storm through the sword she carried. The storm ripped up the earth, tearing through the Arctic Earth and looked to swallow her opponent whole. As she swung, her eyes swirled red to watch for chakra signatures as well as give her a tracking advantage, and the option should it arise to use genjutsu as well.

To ensure her opponent wouldn't try to escape from the sky, Nadja threw a scroll above and with a singular seal coated the scroll in fire causing the weapons firing out to be covered in flames. They would create not only a distraction but also a secondary attack to follow up.

(Ranton: Fukyōwaon no Raimei) Storm Release: Thundering Cacophony
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Using the alternate form of Storm release which is a thundering cloud with crackles of lightning, the user forms 3 seals while gathering the Storm Chakra in their mouth. After the preparations, the user will spew forth in a wide cone a dense black cloud of storm chakra which is its thundering cloud form creating not only a visual block but also creating loud thundering sounds as it rumbles forth. The cone of Storm continues forth, enveloping around physical objects as the Storm Clouds tumble over each other filling all gaps as a gas/liquid would. If caught within the Storm cone, targets inside have trouble seeing beyond short range or hearing anything outside of the Storm's attack.
Due to Storms ability to absorb chakra and grow, should this technique overcome any other techniques, it will be able to add 10 chakra and 20 damage of that technique to its damage, increasing it.
-Can only be used 3 times, with 2 turns in between use
-No S rank or above Storm techniques the next turn
( Doujutsu: Sharingan ) Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye (3t passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C - A Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 - 30 ( -5 per turn for 1T and 2T, 10 per turn to keep active for 3T )
Damage: N/A
One of the Three Great Dōjutsu (San Daidōjutsu), the Sharingan is the kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan. Unlike the other Dōjutsu, not all members of the Uchiha Clan possess the Sharingan. This great Dōjutsu seems to awaken only on exceptional Uchiha members and only in times of great stress. Once awaken, the pupil turns red and a single tomoe (巴) seal appears around the center pupil. As the user masters and evolves their eyes, the tomoe (巴) seals increase, topping 3 per eye. The main ability of the Sharingan, like any other Dōjutsu, is to enable the user to see the flow of chakra. This ability is further improved as the Sharingan gives color to chakra, enabling the user to differentiate chakras from different people or from different sources. Although the user can see chakra through matter, he cannot see beyond dense matter or in long distances. Coupled with the ability to see chakra, Sharingan users gain acess to an incredible clarity of perception that enables them to read insanely fast movements or minor details, enabling them the ability to foresee in an easier way, traps, incoming attacks, etc. This clarity of perception is so great that a Sharingan user can sometimes start performing a counter to an attack that is still being performed, enabling the counter to be launched only a split a second after the attack. This clarity of perception leaves Sharingan users able to track high speed movement easily as well as to read through handseals. This last ability enables them to learn techniques much faster and sometimes copy them directly from the enemy, as long as the user has the necessary chakra affinities and requirements to perform it. Finally, the Sharingan is often linked to Genjutsu and mind-manipulating illusions, mostly because the user can, mostly through Eye Contact, directly and precisely use his chakra to manipulate the enemy's chakra flow. In return, the users clarity of perception gives him the ability to more easily decipher visual illusions cast upon him and see past them. The Sharingan has a great cost to the user though. The chakra consumption disables its use for long periods of time and, even when the user grows stronger, it's still hard to keep it active for long periods of time.
Note: The user, if he hasn't gained full mastery over his Sharingan, will need to spend a move to activate it, although as long as he has chakra and enough stamina he'll be able to keep it active until the end of the match. If the user is Sannin Rank or above and has gained his 3 Tomoe Sharingan and held it for one month, he becomes able to passively activate it, meaning he'll no longer spend a move of his 3 per turn.
Note: To avoid direct Eye Contact and be able to focus only on the body movement below the chin, the opponent needs to have mastered Taijutsu to possess the necessary skill
Note: C rank usage is for 1T Sharingan, B rank usage is reserved for 2T Sharingan. A Rank usage is reserved for 3T Sharingan.
Note: Predicting the nature of a technique or what it exactly is requires the user to either know the technique or that its a cannon technique.
Note: Danzo and Kakashi bios activate the Sharingan by removing the covers in their respective eyes and suffer a +10 chakra consumption per turn penalty
Note: The user is bound by the abilities and limits of the stage of sharingan he possesses, stated in the rules of the KG.
(Sōgu: Tensasai) - Manipulated Tools: Heavenly Chain of Destruction
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30+10
Damage points: 60+20
Description: A stronger version of the Twin Rising Dragons, the user tosses their large scroll into the air above her opponent and summons hundreds of different weapons from it, which then rain down, impaling the opponent and anything in their path. The weapons move so fast that they appear as white streaks.
Bukijutsu: Irohari | Weapon technique: Prismatic Lense
Type: Offensive | Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+15)
Damage: +20
A weapon scroll technique, the user creates special summoning scrolls for their bukijutsu techniques by creating the paper roll out of specialised Chakra paper. This unique paper allows a ninja to run an elemental current through the paper, causing the paper itself to take on an elemental property. When combined with a weapon summoning technique, such as (Sōgu: Tenkosai) - Manipulated Tools: Heavenly Steel Disaster, the user can choose to channel an elemental chakra into the scroll, causing the tools when summoned to be coated as they fly out, in the elemental chakra. This can allow the user to attack with flaming, Electrical, Wind coated etc tools. Users with Advanced Elements can also apply this but not to Custom Elements or Advanced ninjutsus. This happens in the same time frame as the technique being used.
-Can only be applied to weapon tool summonings, eg summoning weapons from seals.
- Has a 1 turn cool down between uses and can only be used four times in total.


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Nadja held her hand to her forehead trying to make out who was talking to her, it looked like a normal guy with black hair, they all looked the same to her but he didn't look like the bounty she was told to come here for, unless maybe he changed shape or had some transformation on. It was probably best to be safe and take him out, he looked like he wanted to attack her as the terrain around seemed to start freezing over, troublesome. Nadja was used to a temperate climate and while she didn't mind snow, right now she wasn't dressed appropriately for it.

You may be the target but you're also in the way of me returning to Lord Ai... Momon. Step down and accept your defeat with some honour.

Taking a light jump backwards, Nadja pulled Inazuma from its sheath and with a horizonal sweep, chakra gathered around the blade and at the apex of its swing coalesced into a thundering and crackling storm of dense black clouds with lightning snapping and dancing through it. She guessed that as a combination of ice and earth, it sounded like it would be weak to lightning based abilities, and chose to use her access to Storm through the sword she carried. The storm ripped up the earth, tearing through the Arctic Earth and looked to swallow her opponent whole. As she swung, her eyes swirled red to watch for chakra signatures as well as give her a tracking advantage, and the option should it arise to use genjutsu as well.

To ensure her opponent wouldn't try to escape from the sky, Nadja threw a scroll above and with a singular seal coated the scroll in fire causing the weapons firing out to be covered in flames. They would create not only a distraction but also a secondary attack to follow up.

(Ranton: Fukyōwaon no Raimei) Storm Release: Thundering Cacophony
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Using the alternate form of Storm release which is a thundering cloud with crackles of lightning, the user forms 3 seals while gathering the Storm Chakra in their mouth. After the preparations, the user will spew forth in a wide cone a dense black cloud of storm chakra which is its thundering cloud form creating not only a visual block but also creating loud thundering sounds as it rumbles forth. The cone of Storm continues forth, enveloping around physical objects as the Storm Clouds tumble over each other filling all gaps as a gas/liquid would. If caught within the Storm cone, targets inside have trouble seeing beyond short range or hearing anything outside of the Storm's attack.
Due to Storms ability to absorb chakra and grow, should this technique overcome any other techniques, it will be able to add 10 chakra and 20 damage of that technique to its damage, increasing it.
-Can only be used 3 times, with 2 turns in between use
-No S rank or above Storm techniques the next turn
( Doujutsu: Sharingan ) Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye (3t passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C - A Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 - 30 ( -5 per turn for 1T and 2T, 10 per turn to keep active for 3T )
Damage: N/A
One of the Three Great Dōjutsu (San Daidōjutsu), the Sharingan is the kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan. Unlike the other Dōjutsu, not all members of the Uchiha Clan possess the Sharingan. This great Dōjutsu seems to awaken only on exceptional Uchiha members and only in times of great stress. Once awaken, the pupil turns red and a single tomoe (巴) seal appears around the center pupil. As the user masters and evolves their eyes, the tomoe (巴) seals increase, topping 3 per eye. The main ability of the Sharingan, like any other Dōjutsu, is to enable the user to see the flow of chakra. This ability is further improved as the Sharingan gives color to chakra, enabling the user to differentiate chakras from different people or from different sources. Although the user can see chakra through matter, he cannot see beyond dense matter or in long distances. Coupled with the ability to see chakra, Sharingan users gain acess to an incredible clarity of perception that enables them to read insanely fast movements or minor details, enabling them the ability to foresee in an easier way, traps, incoming attacks, etc. This clarity of perception is so great that a Sharingan user can sometimes start performing a counter to an attack that is still being performed, enabling the counter to be launched only a split a second after the attack. This clarity of perception leaves Sharingan users able to track high speed movement easily as well as to read through handseals. This last ability enables them to learn techniques much faster and sometimes copy them directly from the enemy, as long as the user has the necessary chakra affinities and requirements to perform it. Finally, the Sharingan is often linked to Genjutsu and mind-manipulating illusions, mostly because the user can, mostly through Eye Contact, directly and precisely use his chakra to manipulate the enemy's chakra flow. In return, the users clarity of perception gives him the ability to more easily decipher visual illusions cast upon him and see past them. The Sharingan has a great cost to the user though. The chakra consumption disables its use for long periods of time and, even when the user grows stronger, it's still hard to keep it active for long periods of time.
Note: The user, if he hasn't gained full mastery over his Sharingan, will need to spend a move to activate it, although as long as he has chakra and enough stamina he'll be able to keep it active until the end of the match. If the user is Sannin Rank or above and has gained his 3 Tomoe Sharingan and held it for one month, he becomes able to passively activate it, meaning he'll no longer spend a move of his 3 per turn.
Note: To avoid direct Eye Contact and be able to focus only on the body movement below the chin, the opponent needs to have mastered Taijutsu to possess the necessary skill
Note: C rank usage is for 1T Sharingan, B rank usage is reserved for 2T Sharingan. A Rank usage is reserved for 3T Sharingan.
Note: Predicting the nature of a technique or what it exactly is requires the user to either know the technique or that its a cannon technique.
Note: Danzo and Kakashi bios activate the Sharingan by removing the covers in their respective eyes and suffer a +10 chakra consumption per turn penalty
Note: The user is bound by the abilities and limits of the stage of sharingan he possesses, stated in the rules of the KG.
(Sōgu: Tensasai) - Manipulated Tools: Heavenly Chain of Destruction
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30+10
Damage points: 60+20
Description: A stronger version of the Twin Rising Dragons, the user tosses their large scroll into the air above her opponent and summons hundreds of different weapons from it, which then rain down, impaling the opponent and anything in their path. The weapons move so fast that they appear as white streaks.
Bukijutsu: Irohari | Weapon technique: Prismatic Lense
Type: Offensive | Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+15)
Damage: +20
A weapon scroll technique, the user creates special summoning scrolls for their bukijutsu techniques by creating the paper roll out of specialised Chakra paper. This unique paper allows a ninja to run an elemental current through the paper, causing the paper itself to take on an elemental property. When combined with a weapon summoning technique, such as (Sōgu: Tenkosai) - Manipulated Tools: Heavenly Steel Disaster, the user can choose to channel an elemental chakra into the scroll, causing the tools when summoned to be coated as they fly out, in the elemental chakra. This can allow the user to attack with flaming, Electrical, Wind coated etc tools. Users with Advanced Elements can also apply this but not to Custom Elements or Advanced ninjutsus. This happens in the same time frame as the technique being used.
-Can only be applied to weapon tool summonings, eg summoning weapons from seals.
- Has a 1 turn cool down between uses and can only be used four times in total.
As Jin took the steps down he saw the human jump backwards, unsheathed and swung a peculiar sword. His sensory told a large buildup in chakra within the woman as she moved the blade, and he saw a wave of black, lightning-infused clouds spring from it and continue toward him. Frowning, Jin forms a single hand seal and then releases a cone-like pulse of dark Entropy radiation from his palm that would appear like a haze of wavy disturbances in the air. "Defeat?" It washes over the incoming thunder clouds and eats them, passing a portion of the chakra to Jin while leaving nothing behind as it continues toward the human to damage her internally. "Don't make me laugh."

He raises both hands toward the sky while making a claw of his fingers, signifying the many structures he would summon with chakra. The ground would tremble and rupture as an entirely new forest sprouts underneath them, one made of glistening Arctic Earth. As the various trees rise they trap everything except Jin and his creations within their vines and trunks. Then, as if sensing his eagerness, the Hollow Children sprang to life and darted in wide, opposite arcs toward the woman at incredible speeds ( Though they had no eyes per se, Jin would guide them to her chakra signal which he could still sense among the chaotic effects of his technique.

Genshi Ōkui ♎ Primeval Gluttony
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: (+200 chakra per limb/+300 torso and head)
Damage: N/A
Description: The basis of the Kureimoas' lust for flesh is firmly rooted in their curse of perpetual hunger. Despite this never ending agony, they are capable of feeding ever so often and being satisfied even if for for a moment. Through feeding, a Kureimoa gains a slight euphoria, like someone eating their favorite food prepared just perfectly, along with the pent up chakra stored within the flesh of their victims. This chakra can be ingested by the Kureimoa and added to their own chakra reserves or use it to fuel various chakra intensive techniques of the clan such as healing. The human body is divided into four (4) sections when being the main course of a Kureimoa's meal; both hands, feet, and the head as well as torso. Consuming the limbs will give 200 points of chakra while the torso and head will yield 300 chakra and are able to be harvested by the Kureimoa clansman through feeding. When added up this means every person consumed by the Kureimoa provides 1000 chakra However their Hunger doesn't end there, Claymores also possess a hunger for knowledge where they are able to access the thoughts, sentiments, memories, or even emptions of their victims through consumption--even if the target is dead. With their ability to digest almost all forms of chakra (such as neutral, elemental, Raw Senjutsu, as well as Bijuu chakra) they are able to devour not just flesh but actual energies when presented the opportunity. This chakra eating habit can only apply to raw, unmolded chakra and not actual techniques. Meaning, they must wait until said technique has been broken down to a point where it becomes simply raw, un-molded chakra. Whenever Kurochi overpowers an opponent's technique and the physical and chakra properties of said technique have been degraded, the Claymores are able to harvest that lingering, unmolded chakra through either eating it manually or using the Kurochi as a proxy to take it into their bodies. When metabolizing the raw chakra of a deteriorated technique a Kureimoa gains 50% of the cost of said technique as chakra to their reserves. This means, an A ranked technique (30/60) reduced to chakra or a simple burst of raw chakra gives the Kureimoa only 15 chakra should it be eaten/absorbed. Accessing sentiments and absorbing lingering chakra has no cool down nor does it take a move-slot of the three allotted (this technique will still need to be referenced however).

Note: These chakra increases count as Bonus chakra should it reach the Kureimoa chakra cap, allowing it to increase their chakra beyond their normal limits.
Note: Must be of at least Ghoul rank to perform.
Note: Can only be performed every 5 turns whether in part (eating only a few limbs) or in full (eating an entire body).
Note: Limb consumption can be done in the Ninja World but consuming the torso or head of a target requires both to agree to permanent damage and death. Limbs consumed will remain gone for that arc only, never permanent.
Note: Can also be performed through the Kagune organ or Kurochi constructs.

Zankokuna Teikoku ♎ Cruel Hegemony
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (+10 to technique)
Damage: N/A (+20 to technique)
Description: Capitalizing on the Kureimoas' innate ability to mold Kurochi within their bodies, Cruel Hegemony is a technique which details the effect dormant Kurochi in the body has on one's chakra and its applications. First, by coursing trace amounts of Kurochi through the tenketsu, the Kureimoa is able to alter the look and behavior of its regular chakra, more specifically advanced manipulations such as elemental chakra. By mixing ones chakra nature's with Kuroch a few important effects become immediately noticeable, such as the element adopting the jet black appearance of Kurochi while also sharing a few of its traits. The infused element will gain the ability to affect both chakra and matter alike, as is the characteristic trait of Kurochi. For example, a Kurochi infused fireball will be pitch black in color, obscuring vision while being able to devour the chakra and physical aspects of its target(s) unlike regular fire.Water techniques become severely discolored, looking very murky while Doton techniques become pitch black--even the tiny particles. Lightning also becomes black and solid variations of Futon (such as Vacuum Blade) becomes dark grey color. However this effect only applies to elements released directly from the Claymore's body such as the hands, mouth, feet, etc.

Note: Lasts 4 turns with each usage
Note: Can only be performed 3x by Heartless Ones and below and 4x by Phantasmal Ones and up
Note: Can only be applied to elements of S ranked 3x in total and Forbidden ranked only 2x
Note: Requires a 2 turn cool down once it ends.
Note: Usable members of Ghoul rank and above.

(Entropoton: Akuyaku no Shizuka) Entropy ∞ Silent Undoer
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40 (-10 per turn) (+10 Cruel Hegemony) = 50
Damage: 30-80 (+5 AP, +20 Cruel Hegemony) = 105
Description: This technique serves as a basic release for the element, and allows the user to concentrate various amounts of Entropic Radiation either within his body, the terrain around him, or even the air. When conjured without a source the element cannot be formed within 5 meters (short ranged) of an opponent, unless the user himself is within that range. The radiation can be used in various forms; it can be condensed into solid objects such as weapons, shields, pillars, etc and it can stay as simple radiation to cover vast distances and wreak havoc from afar. When made into objects, the element will be able to, upon contact with techniques and/or chakra filled entities, disperse the kinetic and potential energies found within said technique which can cause it to lose form. The other side to this technique is when the element is released in full blown radiation form. As per abilities of the CE, the radiation is able to pass through solid objects to get to hidden targets. Once contact is made the radiation will forcefully scatter the energies within its target which can lead to severe internal damage within people and summons, and loss of form to techniques. To use this technique above B-ranked, the user will have to perform a hand seal. A-ranked usages require two hand seals and a turn cool down between applications, S-Ranked requires three hand seals, two turn cool down, and a maximum usage limit of three times. After using the S-ranked variant the user will be unable to perform Entropy techniques above A-Ranked in the next turn. Applications of Silent Undoer can remain on the field more than a single turn up to a max of three turns but at a price of ten chakra per turn.

(Hokkyoku āsurirīsu: Mekura Mori no Seigyo)- Arctic Earth: Conquest of A Blind Forest
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80 (+5 AP) = 85
Description: With three hand seals (Dog, Ram, Dog) the user will focus his chakra into the terrain below him. The chakra will seep exactly fifteen meters below the ground, causing the earth at that depth to rapidly turn to permafrost. This is an incognito process and only acute chakra perception will be able to acknowledge the chakra due to how far beneath the earth it travels. Once the earth is converted to permafrost it grows upward before erupting from the ground all around the terrain in the shape of of trees and vines and similar shapes with surprisingly alike that of the canon Deep Forest Emmergence. As these structures rise they wrap around any and all (except the user and his allies) that is on the surface, be it weapons, people, or summons. As the structures grow they cocoon the objects they consume and trap them in a casing which almost instantly freezes. Due to the malleability of the element as stated in its description the permafrost will create a frigid, glass looking forest with people and objects trapped in the trunks and vines in a beautifully sadistic display. Within this forest the temperature will drop considerably low due to all the frozen earth laying around and being so close to each other. Because of this a low lying mist will form as per the natural characteristic of permafrost. If after one turn the opponent or any of his/her living allies do not escape their frozen prisons they will die of hypothermia. And for every turn they spend in the 'shiny forest' they lose one rank of speed as their bodies seize up; courtesy of the cold.
Note (s):
- Can only be done 2×
- Lasts for four turns
- No Arctic Earth techniques above A ranked next turn
-No Fuuton, Doton or Suiton S-Rank or above in the user's next turn

Chakra: 2330 - (50 + 40 + 10) = 2230 + 20 = 2250

Hollow Children 2/4
Winter is here 2/4
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
As Jin took the steps down he saw the human jump backwards, unsheathed and swung a peculiar sword. His sensory told a large buildup in chakra within the woman as she moved the blade, and he saw a wave of black, lightning-infused clouds spring from it and continue toward him. Frowning, Jin forms a single hand seal and then releases a cone-like pulse of dark Entropy radiation from his palm that would appear like a haze of wavy disturbances in the air. "Defeat?" It washes over the incoming thunder clouds and eats them, passing a portion of the chakra to Jin while leaving nothing behind as it continues toward the human to damage her internally. "Don't make me laugh."

He raises both hands toward the sky while making a claw of his fingers, signifying the many structures he would summon with chakra. The ground would tremble and rupture as an entirely new forest sprouts underneath them, one made of glistening Arctic Earth. As the various trees rise they trap everything except Jin and his creations within their vines and trunks. Then, as if sensing his eagerness, the Hollow Children sprang to life and darted in wide, opposite arcs toward the woman at incredible speeds ( Though they had no eyes per se, Jin would guide them to her chakra signal which he could still sense among the chaotic effects of his technique.

Genshi Ōkui ♎ Primeval Gluttony
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: (+200 chakra per limb/+300 torso and head)
Damage: N/A
Description: The basis of the Kureimoas' lust for flesh is firmly rooted in their curse of perpetual hunger. Despite this never ending agony, they are capable of feeding ever so often and being satisfied even if for for a moment. Through feeding, a Kureimoa gains a slight euphoria, like someone eating their favorite food prepared just perfectly, along with the pent up chakra stored within the flesh of their victims. This chakra can be ingested by the Kureimoa and added to their own chakra reserves or use it to fuel various chakra intensive techniques of the clan such as healing. The human body is divided into four (4) sections when being the main course of a Kureimoa's meal; both hands, feet, and the head as well as torso. Consuming the limbs will give 200 points of chakra while the torso and head will yield 300 chakra and are able to be harvested by the Kureimoa clansman through feeding. When added up this means every person consumed by the Kureimoa provides 1000 chakra However their Hunger doesn't end there, Claymores also possess a hunger for knowledge where they are able to access the thoughts, sentiments, memories, or even emptions of their victims through consumption--even if the target is dead. With their ability to digest almost all forms of chakra (such as neutral, elemental, Raw Senjutsu, as well as Bijuu chakra) they are able to devour not just flesh but actual energies when presented the opportunity. This chakra eating habit can only apply to raw, unmolded chakra and not actual techniques. Meaning, they must wait until said technique has been broken down to a point where it becomes simply raw, un-molded chakra. Whenever Kurochi overpowers an opponent's technique and the physical and chakra properties of said technique have been degraded, the Claymores are able to harvest that lingering, unmolded chakra through either eating it manually or using the Kurochi as a proxy to take it into their bodies. When metabolizing the raw chakra of a deteriorated technique a Kureimoa gains 50% of the cost of said technique as chakra to their reserves. This means, an A ranked technique (30/60) reduced to chakra or a simple burst of raw chakra gives the Kureimoa only 15 chakra should it be eaten/absorbed. Accessing sentiments and absorbing lingering chakra has no cool down nor does it take a move-slot of the three allotted (this technique will still need to be referenced however).

Note: These chakra increases count as Bonus chakra should it reach the Kureimoa chakra cap, allowing it to increase their chakra beyond their normal limits.
Note: Must be of at least Ghoul rank to perform.
Note: Can only be performed every 5 turns whether in part (eating only a few limbs) or in full (eating an entire body).
Note: Limb consumption can be done in the Ninja World but consuming the torso or head of a target requires both to agree to permanent damage and death. Limbs consumed will remain gone for that arc only, never permanent.
Note: Can also be performed through the Kagune organ or Kurochi constructs.

Zankokuna Teikoku ♎ Cruel Hegemony
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (+10 to technique)
Damage: N/A (+20 to technique)
Description: Capitalizing on the Kureimoas' innate ability to mold Kurochi within their bodies, Cruel Hegemony is a technique which details the effect dormant Kurochi in the body has on one's chakra and its applications. First, by coursing trace amounts of Kurochi through the tenketsu, the Kureimoa is able to alter the look and behavior of its regular chakra, more specifically advanced manipulations such as elemental chakra. By mixing ones chakra nature's with Kuroch a few important effects become immediately noticeable, such as the element adopting the jet black appearance of Kurochi while also sharing a few of its traits. The infused element will gain the ability to affect both chakra and matter alike, as is the characteristic trait of Kurochi. For example, a Kurochi infused fireball will be pitch black in color, obscuring vision while being able to devour the chakra and physical aspects of its target(s) unlike regular fire.Water techniques become severely discolored, looking very murky while Doton techniques become pitch black--even the tiny particles. Lightning also becomes black and solid variations of Futon (such as Vacuum Blade) becomes dark grey color. However this effect only applies to elements released directly from the Claymore's body such as the hands, mouth, feet, etc.

Note: Lasts 4 turns with each usage
Note: Can only be performed 3x by Heartless Ones and below and 4x by Phantasmal Ones and up
Note: Can only be applied to elements of S ranked 3x in total and Forbidden ranked only 2x
Note: Requires a 2 turn cool down once it ends.
Note: Usable members of Ghoul rank and above.

(Entropoton: Akuyaku no Shizuka) Entropy ∞ Silent Undoer
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40 (-10 per turn) (+10 Cruel Hegemony) = 50
Damage: 30-80 (+5 AP, +20 Cruel Hegemony) = 105
Description: This technique serves as a basic release for the element, and allows the user to concentrate various amounts of Entropic Radiation either within his body, the terrain around him, or even the air. When conjured without a source the element cannot be formed within 5 meters (short ranged) of an opponent, unless the user himself is within that range. The radiation can be used in various forms; it can be condensed into solid objects such as weapons, shields, pillars, etc and it can stay as simple radiation to cover vast distances and wreak havoc from afar. When made into objects, the element will be able to, upon contact with techniques and/or chakra filled entities, disperse the kinetic and potential energies found within said technique which can cause it to lose form. The other side to this technique is when the element is released in full blown radiation form. As per abilities of the CE, the radiation is able to pass through solid objects to get to hidden targets. Once contact is made the radiation will forcefully scatter the energies within its target which can lead to severe internal damage within people and summons, and loss of form to techniques. To use this technique above B-ranked, the user will have to perform a hand seal. A-ranked usages require two hand seals and a turn cool down between applications, S-Ranked requires three hand seals, two turn cool down, and a maximum usage limit of three times. After using the S-ranked variant the user will be unable to perform Entropy techniques above A-Ranked in the next turn. Applications of Silent Undoer can remain on the field more than a single turn up to a max of three turns but at a price of ten chakra per turn.

(Hokkyoku āsurirīsu: Mekura Mori no Seigyo)- Arctic Earth: Conquest of A Blind Forest
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80 (+5 AP) = 85
Description: With three hand seals (Dog, Ram, Dog) the user will focus his chakra into the terrain below him. The chakra will seep exactly fifteen meters below the ground, causing the earth at that depth to rapidly turn to permafrost. This is an incognito process and only acute chakra perception will be able to acknowledge the chakra due to how far beneath the earth it travels. Once the earth is converted to permafrost it grows upward before erupting from the ground all around the terrain in the shape of of trees and vines and similar shapes with surprisingly alike that of the canon Deep Forest Emmergence. As these structures rise they wrap around any and all (except the user and his allies) that is on the surface, be it weapons, people, or summons. As the structures grow they cocoon the objects they consume and trap them in a casing which almost instantly freezes. Due to the malleability of the element as stated in its description the permafrost will create a frigid, glass looking forest with people and objects trapped in the trunks and vines in a beautifully sadistic display. Within this forest the temperature will drop considerably low due to all the frozen earth laying around and being so close to each other. Because of this a low lying mist will form as per the natural characteristic of permafrost. If after one turn the opponent or any of his/her living allies do not escape their frozen prisons they will die of hypothermia. And for every turn they spend in the 'shiny forest' they lose one rank of speed as their bodies seize up; courtesy of the cold.
Note (s):
- Can only be done 2×
- Lasts for four turns
- No Arctic Earth techniques above A ranked next turn
-No Fuuton, Doton or Suiton S-Rank or above in the user's next turn

Chakra: 2330 - (50 + 40 + 10) = 2230 + 20 = 2250

Hollow Children 2/4
Winter is here 2/4

She sigh at the response, these pathetic humans would always try to be defiant in the face of superior power, as she saw a build up of chakra with her sharingan, released as some strange form of energy based chakra she hadn't seen before. Though still guessing by the shape and mass of the chakra, it was still nothing she needed to be worried about. She calmly took the other sword replacing it into her right hand with Inazuma on the left, she began stepping towards her opponent at a walking pace. She was calm, in control and concentrated that a swing of her right sword would release a massive amount of wind chakra expanding and effectively turning into a large destructive bullet, covering a huge 20m diameter radius. She smirked as she spoke out to him.

Dont get blown away now, I need you to answer some questions for me . . .

Immediately after she chastised herself for acting like Lupusregina, playing with her food instead of finishing it quickly. However this wasn't a mission from her master, it was to improve her own standing so she allowed herself to indulge just this once.

(Fūton: Shinkū Taigyoku) – Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40+10
Damage: 80+30+10(ap)=120
Description: After performing two hand seals Tiger → Dog the user launches a stronger version of the Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere technique, where the user instead chooses to compress the entirety of the previously inhaled breath into a single large, crushing sphere of wind chakra that they then proceed to expel from their mouth.

Continuing to walk forward she wanted to reach a short range where it might get a bit more interesting. and perhaps a bit more fun for her as well. She had no need to rush, she hoped her could defend against this technique, but she would see what his response was. To ensure he would be busy she put away Inazuma sheathing it back into its case while taking out four shuriken from a pouch. She wound back and launched them in an arc creating an arching oval arc, landing to where her opponent was standing. She created attacking shuriken, two flying in from his left side and two flying in from the right as they arced evenly between them.

(Danmaku) - Barrage
Type: Offensive
Rank: C - A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 30 - 60
Description: A slightly more advanced aspect of Bukijutsu entails throwing weapons, by physically launching weapons the user is capable of throwing them in arcs or in a linear fashion. These thrown weapons travel quite quickly, depending on the user's own base speed. Unlike the lower ranked variation of this, the user throws a tremendous amount of weapons using this ability, enough to cover entire ranges with weapons and as such requires a sufficient amount of ammunition.
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Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
She sigh at the response, these pathetic humans would always try to be defiant in the face of superior power, as she saw a build up of chakra with her sharingan, released as some strange form of energy based chakra she hadn't seen before. Though still guessing by the shape and mass of the chakra, it was still nothing she needed to be worried about. She calmly took the other sword replacing it into her right hand with Inazuma on the left, she began stepping towards her opponent at a walking pace. She was calm, in control and concentrated that a swing of her right sword would release a massive amount of wind chakra expanding and effectively turning into a large destructive bullet, covering a huge 20m diameter radius. She smirked as she spoke out to him.

Dont get blown away now, I need you to answer some questions for me . . .

Immediately after she chastised herself for acting like Lupusregina, playing with her food instead of finishing it quickly. However this wasn't a mission from her master, it was to improve her own standing so she allowed herself to indulge just this once.

(Fūton: Shinkū Taigyoku) – Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40+10
Damage: 80+30+10(ap)=120
Description: After performing two hand seals Tiger → Dog the user launches a stronger version of the Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere technique, where the user instead chooses to compress the entirety of the previously inhaled breath into a single large, crushing sphere of wind chakra that they then proceed to expel from their mouth.

Continuing to walk forward she wanted to reach a short range where it might get a bit more interesting. and perhaps a bit more fun for her as well. She had no need to rush, she hoped her could defend against this technique, but she would see what his response was. To ensure he would be busy she put away Inazuma sheathing it back into its case while taking out four shuriken from a pouch. She wound back and launched them in an arc creating an arching oval arc, landing to where her opponent was standing. She created attacking shuriken, two flying in from his left side and two flying in from the right as they arced evenly between them.

(Danmaku) - Barrage
Type: Offensive
Rank: C - A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 30 - 60
Description: A slightly more advanced aspect of Bukijutsu entails throwing weapons, by physically launching weapons the user is capable of throwing them in arcs or in a linear fashion. These thrown weapons travel quite quickly, depending on the user's own base speed. Unlike the lower ranked variation of this, the user throws a tremendous amount of weapons using this ability, enough to cover entire ranges with weapons and as such requires a sufficient amount of ammunition.
Jin's interest peaked when he saw the woman's body language change from the fearful retreater she was but moments ago into this confident fighter. What did she know that he didn't? He noticed the second blade, and felt a similarly massive buildup of chakra from it as the previous weapon, though this time a great bullet of wind was released that would easily flatten their little section of the forest. In response the Phantasmal One breaches the 3rd frame within his own body, which triggers an outpour of extra Kurochi into his response: an equally great coiling serpent made of black ice that lurches from his outstretched hand and savagely chomps the the wind bullet clean in two, which disrupts the technique entirely. Still connected to him via his outstretched arm, the chakra of the defeated technique is passed along the serpent's body to Jin, though this time he noticed it was a little more. "I answer to no one." He paused, thinking, then in a weird turn dispels the black ice serpent, causing it to fall as a winding tube of ice instead. "But I see you're used to doing things the hard way..."

Upon seeing her sheathe one sword and produce multiple shurikens from a pouch, Jin summons his Kagune in the form of the Kōkaku: a pitch black shell wrapped over his right arm that curves out into a 3m long blade whilst leaving his fingers available for hand seals--if it came to that. Blade versus blade. Jin's excitement was palpable. He couldn't tell when last he fought a sword wielder. As the woman throws the shuriken at him he commands the Hollow Children to duck as he swings the Kagune in multiple, well-timed arcs to deflect them. Though the terrain directly in front of him and behind the woman was yet to be transformed to Arctic Earth due to her meddling with its propagation, he would still send the Hollow Children after her as he himself continued down the steps. They would grab onto her left arm and right leg respectively, and with frightening strength, aim to separate both limbs from her body.

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"...so why don't you make me."

Erumesu no Tori: Seigen no Reberu ♎ The Bird of Hermes: Levels of Restriction
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B - Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20-50 (-20/-30 per turn)
Damage: N/A (-10/-20/-30/-40 per turn)
Description: The one truth to the fabled destruction of the Village Hidden in Waterfalls was that of the Claymores and their immense power. The wide scale carnage was a result of the performance of a Forbidden technique only a few even heard about much less knew how to execute. Normally, the technique, which is actually a culmination of four different acts coming together, is sealed within stone and hidden deep underground, but its secrets could easily be revealed by true Claymores who sought it. The four acts quickly became known as the "Levels of Restrictions" and consisted of Kurochi, the Claymores' dark and foul chakra, and its many uses that weren't thought conventionally possible before. The "levels" are thought to be shackles that govern the imprisonment of a great demon called Bileyg that lives within every Claymore, who's terrible form can be seen within each and every Awakening and Abyssal State, and who's Hunger and intent lies within Kurochi itself. With every level being surpassed, a Claymore is able to bring themselves closer to the Demon, losing their individuality in the sea that is its endless madness and wicked intent (essentially going mad) and upon breaching the final level, the Claymore loses themselves and becomes one with Bileyg itself. Only one level can be activated at a time. Levels of Restriction can only be activated four times over all, regardless of Level, with a three turn cool down.

Level 3: The first step to becoming the Demon. This initial bound allows for Kurochi to adopt peculiar properties while under the intent of a Claymore. Foremost, the Hunger within the Claymore will become "visible" within the Kurochi. That is, a blood red hue will hover over the blackness signifying this, similar to how Bijuu chakra is colored red with hate. All subsequent Kurochi related techniques performed while in this level will cost +10 extra chakra while damaging the Claymore -20 to perform, but receives a +20 to damage. The dark energy will also become much more flexible in its destruction, too wherein the user can, once per turn, coat one of his techniques with an adequately sized amount of Kurochi (relative to the technique it is affecting) to cover it. The coating won't boost the technique's damage but rather its kill potential. When coated, the Kurochi will mask the technique's appearance. For example, a Katon technique could be masked with Kurochi which can be made to flow like water, forcing the fire to conform to its shell's shape and also flow. The Kurochi will also be thick enough so that normal sight would be unable to discern the true nature of the technique inside. This application is passive in nature, being applied while the technique is being molded, though this can only be done to one technique per turn. Level 3 is B-ranked, lasts three turns.

Level 2: The breaching of the second frame will see Kurochi evolving even further. Level 2 is tasked with taking advantage of Claymores' deep connection with Kurochi. As such, Kurochi related techniques up to A-rank in this level gain +30 damage and the Claymore is able to, once per turn, perform elemental techniques up to A-rank through Kurochi constructs so long as the construct in question is within range (Short-Mid), such as a Kurochi wall emitting Chidori Nagashi or a Kurochi shield spewing a fireball. This ability can be applied passively but only once and the Claymore would still need to perform hand seals/accompanying movements if any. This level is A ranked, costs -20 chakra and damages -20 per turn. Level 2 lasts three turns. After deactivation the Claymore will be unable to perform techniques above S-ranked for two turns.

Level 1: Reaching even closer to Bileyg, this level's breach sees the Kurochi corrupting the Claymore itself. They will lose their physical form and become one with the foul chakra, leaving only a silhouette of what they used to look like and two emissive spots where their eyes should be. By merging themselves with Kurochi, Kurochi related techniques up to S-rank will gain a +30 damage boost while giving the Claymore an ability to 'feel' anything the foul chakra touches such as objects, people, and techniques. This level is S-ranked, costs -30 chakra and damages -30 per turn, lasting two turns. After use the Claymore will be unable to mold techniques above A-ranked for two turns.

Level 0: This level is the ultimate and final frame. The Claymore becomes one with not only the Kurochi inside and around them, but the inner demon that is Bileyg. They lose what's left of the shape they had managed to keep from level 1, and grow into the seven foot tall demon [X]. They will also begin to emit an aura of Kurochi passively from their bodies that is S ranked in power but can only extend up to 5m of their position. While this level is active, the Claymore is able to have the aura act defensively or offensively without the cost of a move but only once and the maximum range stays at 5 meters, in any direction. Kurochi related techniques up to Forbidden rank are boosted by +40 in this level but the Claymore suffers a -40 damage penalty upon activation and -40 in the next turn. Level 0 is Forbidden ranked and lasts 2 turns. After deactivation the Claymore will be unable to perform techniques above B-ranked for three turns.

Note: Must be at least Ghoul rank to perform. Ghouls are only capable of Level 3.
Note: Heartless rank is able to perform all Levels excepting 0.
Note: Phantasmal rank and up may perform all Levels.

(Hokkyoku āsurirīsu: Fuyu no Sasayaki)- Arctic Earth: Whispers of Winter
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 15-40 (+10 Cruel Hegemony/Levels of Restriction) = 50
Damage: 30-80 (+5AP, +20 Cruel Hegemony, +20 Levels of Restriction) = 125
Description: The most rudimentary technique of the release. By focusing Arctic Earth chakra throughout the body and/or surrounding earth the user is able to create tools and constructs made of permafrost. These can range from simple a kunai to a full length staff in terms of weaponry as well as walls, pillars, and other complex shapes. They can be formed from the earth up to mid ranged of the user and carry a certain malleable property in that, whenever the user comes in physical contact with his creations he can will them change shape and re-purpose (for example a kunai morphing into a tanto) but not rank (meaning the new tanto would remain the rank of the kunai). The size of these creatioms are directly proportional to the amount of chakra expended with S ranked variants ranging as big as the canon 'Destructive Earth Rising Pillars'. As per the properties of Arctic Earth, whenever these constructs come in contact with exposed skin it leaves it painfully frostbitten as the element is very frigid. With the seal of confrontation the user can manipulate said constructs up to long ranged of his person.
Note (s):
- S ranked version can only be used 4× per match.
- No S-Rank or above Arctic Earth techniques on the next turn (after the S-Rank version is used)
- Morphing of constructs cost 10 chakra each time done but doesn't take up a move slot.

Genshi Ōkui ♎ Primeval Gluttony (REF)
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: (+200 chakra per limb/+300 torso and head)
Damage: N/A
Description: The basis of the Kureimoas' lust for flesh is firmly rooted in their curse of perpetual hunger. Despite this never ending agony, they are capable of feeding ever so often and being satisfied even if for for a moment. Through feeding, a Kureimoa gains a slight euphoria, like someone eating their favorite food prepared just perfectly, along with the pent up chakra stored within the flesh of their victims. This chakra can be ingested by the Kureimoa and added to their own chakra reserves or use it to fuel various chakra intensive techniques of the clan such as healing. The human body is divided into four (4) sections when being the main course of a Kureimoa's meal; both hands, feet, and the head as well as torso. Consuming the limbs will give 200 points of chakra while the torso and head will yield 300 chakra and are able to be harvested by the Kureimoa clansman through feeding. When added up this means every person consumed by the Kureimoa provides 1000 chakra However their Hunger doesn't end there, Claymores also possess a hunger for knowledge where they are able to access the thoughts, sentiments, memories, or even emptions of their victims through consumption--even if the target is dead. With their ability to digest almost all forms of chakra (such as neutral, elemental, Raw Senjutsu, as well as Bijuu chakra) they are able to devour not just flesh but actual energies when presented the opportunity. This chakra eating habit can only apply to raw, unmolded chakra and not actual techniques. Meaning, they must wait until said technique has been broken down to a point where it becomes simply raw, un-molded chakra. Whenever Kurochi overpowers an opponent's technique and the physical and chakra properties of said technique have been degraded, the Claymores are able to harvest that lingering, unmolded chakra through either eating it manually or using the Kurochi as a proxy to take it into their bodies. When metabolizing the raw chakra of a deteriorated technique a Kureimoa gains 50% of the cost of said technique as chakra to their reserves. This means, an A ranked technique (30/60) reduced to chakra or a simple burst of raw chakra gives the Kureimoa only 15 chakra should it be eaten/absorbed. Accessing sentiments and absorbing lingering chakra has no cool down nor does it take a move-slot of the three allotted (this technique will still need to be referenced however).

Note: These chakra increases count as Bonus chakra should it reach the Kureimoa chakra cap, allowing it to increase their chakra beyond their normal limits.
Note: Must be of at least Ghoul rank to perform.
Note: Can only be performed every 5 turns whether in part (eating only a few limbs) or in full (eating an entire body).
Note: Limb consumption can be done in the Ninja World but consuming the torso or head of a target requires both to agree to permanent damage and death. Limbs consumed will remain gone for that arc only, never permanent.
Note: Can also be performed through the Kagune organ or Kurochi constructs.

Kagune ♎ Shining Child (REF)
Type: Weapon
Rank: A - S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 - 80 (-40 per activation, -10 per turn)
Description: Not only did the Kureimoa develop a unique and foul chakra nature as a result of feeding on people for years, but they also garnered a curse, called Kagunes. The word Kagune in itself means "Shining Child" and is not as lovely as the name suggests. After years of dominating minor clans the Kureimoa turned to their eternal rivals; Jugo's Clan, and began ingesting their flesh, unknowingly metabolizing the chakra, which lead to their bodies ultimately turning this strange chakra and flesh into a small, cancerous growth which was later known as the "Kagune Sac". This strange piece of flesh positioned itself along the Kureimoa's spine and rested there, connecting itself to his/her nervous and chakra system like a parasite. By connecting to such a vital area on the body the Kureimoa are able to control and "flex" this Kagune sac like they would with any normal muscle. However, flexing this muscle is where this get interesting. With mental commands and a supply of chakra, the Kureimoa is able to draw the Kagune from their body and have it take form around him kind of like a liquid muscle. Kagunes are red-blackish in color coming from the color of the blood within it as well as the Kurochi surrounding it. The Kagune, when manifested, acts like another limb to the user and can be used as such with the durability of an A ranked technique which can play on par with Elemental Ninjutsu of the same rank. And just like their hosts, the Kureimoa, the Kagune is able to regenerate--albeit at a slower and more inferior rate considering it isn't exactly their own flesh. Each time the Kagune is called upon it tears through the skin quite forcefully which often times sends blood and pieces of flesh scattering from the Kureimoa's body. But, with their aforementioned healing factor this becomes negligable as the damage is healed almost as quickly as it was made. Being an organ, the Kagune can be commanded as easily as any other limb. Kurochi also covers and infuses the Kagune in various ways depending on the form taken. The Kagune and Kurochi each have A-ranked power, allowing the weapon in its entirety S-ranked durability. It seamlessly and passively regenerates from attacks A-Rank and below. This regeneration also extends to attacks above A-Rank but is more limited in use. Attacks stronger than S-Rank will shatter the Kagune but it can regenerate once from a Forbidden ranked attack and twice from an S ranked attack.

As previously stated, Kagune has 4 main forms, each one corresponding to the location it is projecting out of the Claymore's body, with their own unique usages, advantages and disadvantages. The location where the Kagune will project itself out of will be necessary to give it the shape needed. Its form can be changed but doing so forces the organ back inside the body, where it will relocate after one turn, and re-emerge (doing so cannot bypass any existing cool downs and counts as a re-activation). The color of each Kagune may vary per Claymore as well as unique variations (to be submitted as PCCJ). The Kagune can be activated passively once per fight/conflict, four times overall, with a four turn cool down each time it is deactivated. Lasts as long as the Claymore keeps paying health.

(Ukaku || 羽赫) Shining Feather
The first type of the Kagune which grows in the cervical vertebrae. When activated, the organ bursts from the Claymore's back as a pair of wings. Each wing has a bony support structure running its edges while Kurochi forms a thin membrane in between. This allows the Claymore a limited form of flight and gliding, which can be used to travel up to Mid-range at their base speed. The Claymore also gains he user gains a projectile offensive mechanism, where the Kagune is able to release kunai sized shards of Kurochi to 10 meters (Mid-range). These shards are A-Rank in power and cannot be done while in flight. This ability has a two turn cool down.

(Kōkaku || 甲赫) Shining Shell
The second type is activated upon having the organ grow or move to the thoracic vertebrae. In this form the Kagune forms an outer shell over the Claymore's arm that behaves like a sword or cleaver. Kurochi flares around the Kagune in this form and can allow it pierce or slice through techniques up to S-rank. The Kōkaku form can only reach up to 3 meters of the Claymore but can be operated in close range at the speed of the average Samurai due to its small form and lightweight material. The Kurochi enhancement can only be done once every two turns.

(Rinkaku || 鱗赫) Shining Scales
The third type is created with the growing or moving of the organ in the Lumbar vertebrae which gives the user the ability to call forth tentacles from the spine, up to 4 in number or just one (four B-ranks or one A-rank). Kurochi infuses the Kagune in this form, allowing it to devour anything it touches. For techniques lower in power than the Rinkaku, can be devoured whilst attacking to supply the Claymore (through Primeval Gluttony CCJ). The ability to devour and return chakra can only be activated once every two turns after which the Rinkaku will still function as an offensive weapon. The Rinkaku is also the second Kagune form that can reach up to 10 meters when attacking (Mid ranged).

(Bikaku || 尾赫) Shining Tail
The last kind, which is created from having the organ move to the sacrum, will project itself out from the skin in form of a flexible tail. Being made of almost entirely muscle, the Bikaku swings with enough strength to break bones and send tremors through the ground. With the added Kurochi outer layer, it is an S-ranked weapon, capable of dealing serious damage. It can also be used to cover the Claymore's leg instead, for added Taijutsu damage (+20 to leg based Tai). Once activated the ability lasts two turns, with a two turn cool down. The Bikaku can only reach up to four meters of the Claymore's body.

Note: Must be at least Ghoul rank to possess.
Note: Choosing to have a Kagune prevents the Claymore from utilizing any other CW's and must be mentioned in the biography.

(Kojun no Koi) - Descending Carp
Type: Defensive
Rank: B - A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A slightly more advanced aspect of Bukijutsu entails parrying enemy attacks, by performing a slashing arc at the right moment the user is able to deflect attacks within reason, working mostly against physical attacks though depending on the weapon used to parry there are exceptions. This ability can be enhanced by physical augmentations such as taijutsu increases and count towards its defensive value.

Chakra: 2290 - 50 = 2240 + 25 = 2265
HP: 240 - (20 + 40) = 180
Winter is Here 3/4
Hollow Children 3/4
Cruel Hegemony 2/4
Levels of Restriction 1/3


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Jin's interest peaked when he saw the woman's body language change from the fearful retreater she was but moments ago into this confident fighter. What did she know that he didn't? He noticed the second blade, and felt a similarly massive buildup of chakra from it as the previous weapon, though this time a great bullet of wind was released that would easily flatten their little section of the forest. In response the Phantasmal One breaches the 3rd frame within his own body, which triggers an outpour of extra Kurochi into his response: an equally great coiling serpent made of black ice that lurches from his outstretched hand and savagely chomps the the wind bullet clean in two, which disrupts the technique entirely. Still connected to him via his outstretched arm, the chakra of the defeated technique is passed along the serpent's body to Jin, though this time he noticed it was a little more. "I answer to no one." He paused, thinking, then in a weird turn dispels the black ice serpent, causing it to fall as a winding tube of ice instead. "But I see you're used to doing things the hard way..."

Upon seeing her sheathe one sword and produce multiple shurikens from a pouch, Jin summons his Kagune in the form of the Kōkaku: a pitch black shell wrapped over his right arm that curves out into a 3m long blade whilst leaving his fingers available for hand seals--if it came to that. Blade versus blade. Jin's excitement was palpable. He couldn't tell when last he fought a sword wielder. As the woman throws the shuriken at him he commands the Hollow Children to duck as he swings the Kagune in multiple, well-timed arcs to deflect them. Though the terrain directly in front of him and behind the woman was yet to be transformed to Arctic Earth due to her meddling with its propagation, he would still send the Hollow Children after her as he himself continued down the steps. They would grab onto her left arm and right leg respectively, and with frightening strength, aim to separate both limbs from her body.

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"...so why don't you make me."

Erumesu no Tori: Seigen no Reberu ♎ The Bird of Hermes: Levels of Restriction
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B - Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20-50 (-20/-30 per turn)
Damage: N/A (-10/-20/-30/-40 per turn)
Description: The one truth to the fabled destruction of the Village Hidden in Waterfalls was that of the Claymores and their immense power. The wide scale carnage was a result of the performance of a Forbidden technique only a few even heard about much less knew how to execute. Normally, the technique, which is actually a culmination of four different acts coming together, is sealed within stone and hidden deep underground, but its secrets could easily be revealed by true Claymores who sought it. The four acts quickly became known as the "Levels of Restrictions" and consisted of Kurochi, the Claymores' dark and foul chakra, and its many uses that weren't thought conventionally possible before. The "levels" are thought to be shackles that govern the imprisonment of a great demon called Bileyg that lives within every Claymore, who's terrible form can be seen within each and every Awakening and Abyssal State, and who's Hunger and intent lies within Kurochi itself. With every level being surpassed, a Claymore is able to bring themselves closer to the Demon, losing their individuality in the sea that is its endless madness and wicked intent (essentially going mad) and upon breaching the final level, the Claymore loses themselves and becomes one with Bileyg itself. Only one level can be activated at a time. Levels of Restriction can only be activated four times over all, regardless of Level, with a three turn cool down.

Level 3: The first step to becoming the Demon. This initial bound allows for Kurochi to adopt peculiar properties while under the intent of a Claymore. Foremost, the Hunger within the Claymore will become "visible" within the Kurochi. That is, a blood red hue will hover over the blackness signifying this, similar to how Bijuu chakra is colored red with hate. All subsequent Kurochi related techniques performed while in this level will cost +10 extra chakra while damaging the Claymore -20 to perform, but receives a +20 to damage. The dark energy will also become much more flexible in its destruction, too wherein the user can, once per turn, coat one of his techniques with an adequately sized amount of Kurochi (relative to the technique it is affecting) to cover it. The coating won't boost the technique's damage but rather its kill potential. When coated, the Kurochi will mask the technique's appearance. For example, a Katon technique could be masked with Kurochi which can be made to flow like water, forcing the fire to conform to its shell's shape and also flow. The Kurochi will also be thick enough so that normal sight would be unable to discern the true nature of the technique inside. This application is passive in nature, being applied while the technique is being molded, though this can only be done to one technique per turn. Level 3 is B-ranked, lasts three turns.

Level 2: The breaching of the second frame will see Kurochi evolving even further. Level 2 is tasked with taking advantage of Claymores' deep connection with Kurochi. As such, Kurochi related techniques up to A-rank in this level gain +30 damage and the Claymore is able to, once per turn, perform elemental techniques up to A-rank through Kurochi constructs so long as the construct in question is within range (Short-Mid), such as a Kurochi wall emitting Chidori Nagashi or a Kurochi shield spewing a fireball. This ability can be applied passively but only once and the Claymore would still need to perform hand seals/accompanying movements if any. This level is A ranked, costs -20 chakra and damages -20 per turn. Level 2 lasts three turns. After deactivation the Claymore will be unable to perform techniques above S-ranked for two turns.

Level 1: Reaching even closer to Bileyg, this level's breach sees the Kurochi corrupting the Claymore itself. They will lose their physical form and become one with the foul chakra, leaving only a silhouette of what they used to look like and two emissive spots where their eyes should be. By merging themselves with Kurochi, Kurochi related techniques up to S-rank will gain a +30 damage boost while giving the Claymore an ability to 'feel' anything the foul chakra touches such as objects, people, and techniques. This level is S-ranked, costs -30 chakra and damages -30 per turn, lasting two turns. After use the Claymore will be unable to mold techniques above A-ranked for two turns.

Level 0: This level is the ultimate and final frame. The Claymore becomes one with not only the Kurochi inside and around them, but the inner demon that is Bileyg. They lose what's left of the shape they had managed to keep from level 1, and grow into the seven foot tall demon [X]. They will also begin to emit an aura of Kurochi passively from their bodies that is S ranked in power but can only extend up to 5m of their position. While this level is active, the Claymore is able to have the aura act defensively or offensively without the cost of a move but only once and the maximum range stays at 5 meters, in any direction. Kurochi related techniques up to Forbidden rank are boosted by +40 in this level but the Claymore suffers a -40 damage penalty upon activation and -40 in the next turn. Level 0 is Forbidden ranked and lasts 2 turns. After deactivation the Claymore will be unable to perform techniques above B-ranked for three turns.

Note: Must be at least Ghoul rank to perform. Ghouls are only capable of Level 3.
Note: Heartless rank is able to perform all Levels excepting 0.
Note: Phantasmal rank and up may perform all Levels.

(Hokkyoku āsurirīsu: Fuyu no Sasayaki)- Arctic Earth: Whispers of Winter
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 15-40 (+10 Cruel Hegemony/Levels of Restriction) = 50
Damage: 30-80 (+5AP, +20 Cruel Hegemony, +20 Levels of Restriction) = 125
Description: The most rudimentary technique of the release. By focusing Arctic Earth chakra throughout the body and/or surrounding earth the user is able to create tools and constructs made of permafrost. These can range from simple a kunai to a full length staff in terms of weaponry as well as walls, pillars, and other complex shapes. They can be formed from the earth up to mid ranged of the user and carry a certain malleable property in that, whenever the user comes in physical contact with his creations he can will them change shape and re-purpose (for example a kunai morphing into a tanto) but not rank (meaning the new tanto would remain the rank of the kunai). The size of these creatioms are directly proportional to the amount of chakra expended with S ranked variants ranging as big as the canon 'Destructive Earth Rising Pillars'. As per the properties of Arctic Earth, whenever these constructs come in contact with exposed skin it leaves it painfully frostbitten as the element is very frigid. With the seal of confrontation the user can manipulate said constructs up to long ranged of his person.
Note (s):
- S ranked version can only be used 4× per match.
- No S-Rank or above Arctic Earth techniques on the next turn (after the S-Rank version is used)
- Morphing of constructs cost 10 chakra each time done but doesn't take up a move slot.

Genshi Ōkui ♎ Primeval Gluttony (REF)
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: (+200 chakra per limb/+300 torso and head)
Damage: N/A
Description: The basis of the Kureimoas' lust for flesh is firmly rooted in their curse of perpetual hunger. Despite this never ending agony, they are capable of feeding ever so often and being satisfied even if for for a moment. Through feeding, a Kureimoa gains a slight euphoria, like someone eating their favorite food prepared just perfectly, along with the pent up chakra stored within the flesh of their victims. This chakra can be ingested by the Kureimoa and added to their own chakra reserves or use it to fuel various chakra intensive techniques of the clan such as healing. The human body is divided into four (4) sections when being the main course of a Kureimoa's meal; both hands, feet, and the head as well as torso. Consuming the limbs will give 200 points of chakra while the torso and head will yield 300 chakra and are able to be harvested by the Kureimoa clansman through feeding. When added up this means every person consumed by the Kureimoa provides 1000 chakra However their Hunger doesn't end there, Claymores also possess a hunger for knowledge where they are able to access the thoughts, sentiments, memories, or even emptions of their victims through consumption--even if the target is dead. With their ability to digest almost all forms of chakra (such as neutral, elemental, Raw Senjutsu, as well as Bijuu chakra) they are able to devour not just flesh but actual energies when presented the opportunity. This chakra eating habit can only apply to raw, unmolded chakra and not actual techniques. Meaning, they must wait until said technique has been broken down to a point where it becomes simply raw, un-molded chakra. Whenever Kurochi overpowers an opponent's technique and the physical and chakra properties of said technique have been degraded, the Claymores are able to harvest that lingering, unmolded chakra through either eating it manually or using the Kurochi as a proxy to take it into their bodies. When metabolizing the raw chakra of a deteriorated technique a Kureimoa gains 50% of the cost of said technique as chakra to their reserves. This means, an A ranked technique (30/60) reduced to chakra or a simple burst of raw chakra gives the Kureimoa only 15 chakra should it be eaten/absorbed. Accessing sentiments and absorbing lingering chakra has no cool down nor does it take a move-slot of the three allotted (this technique will still need to be referenced however).

Note: These chakra increases count as Bonus chakra should it reach the Kureimoa chakra cap, allowing it to increase their chakra beyond their normal limits.
Note: Must be of at least Ghoul rank to perform.
Note: Can only be performed every 5 turns whether in part (eating only a few limbs) or in full (eating an entire body).
Note: Limb consumption can be done in the Ninja World but consuming the torso or head of a target requires both to agree to permanent damage and death. Limbs consumed will remain gone for that arc only, never permanent.
Note: Can also be performed through the Kagune organ or Kurochi constructs.

Kagune ♎ Shining Child (REF)
Type: Weapon
Rank: A - S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 - 80 (-40 per activation, -10 per turn)
Description: Not only did the Kureimoa develop a unique and foul chakra nature as a result of feeding on people for years, but they also garnered a curse, called Kagunes. The word Kagune in itself means "Shining Child" and is not as lovely as the name suggests. After years of dominating minor clans the Kureimoa turned to their eternal rivals; Jugo's Clan, and began ingesting their flesh, unknowingly metabolizing the chakra, which lead to their bodies ultimately turning this strange chakra and flesh into a small, cancerous growth which was later known as the "Kagune Sac". This strange piece of flesh positioned itself along the Kureimoa's spine and rested there, connecting itself to his/her nervous and chakra system like a parasite. By connecting to such a vital area on the body the Kureimoa are able to control and "flex" this Kagune sac like they would with any normal muscle. However, flexing this muscle is where this get interesting. With mental commands and a supply of chakra, the Kureimoa is able to draw the Kagune from their body and have it take form around him kind of like a liquid muscle. Kagunes are red-blackish in color coming from the color of the blood within it as well as the Kurochi surrounding it. The Kagune, when manifested, acts like another limb to the user and can be used as such with the durability of an A ranked technique which can play on par with Elemental Ninjutsu of the same rank. And just like their hosts, the Kureimoa, the Kagune is able to regenerate--albeit at a slower and more inferior rate considering it isn't exactly their own flesh. Each time the Kagune is called upon it tears through the skin quite forcefully which often times sends blood and pieces of flesh scattering from the Kureimoa's body. But, with their aforementioned healing factor this becomes negligable as the damage is healed almost as quickly as it was made. Being an organ, the Kagune can be commanded as easily as any other limb. Kurochi also covers and infuses the Kagune in various ways depending on the form taken. The Kagune and Kurochi each have A-ranked power, allowing the weapon in its entirety S-ranked durability. It seamlessly and passively regenerates from attacks A-Rank and below. This regeneration also extends to attacks above A-Rank but is more limited in use. Attacks stronger than S-Rank will shatter the Kagune but it can regenerate once from a Forbidden ranked attack and twice from an S ranked attack.

As previously stated, Kagune has 4 main forms, each one corresponding to the location it is projecting out of the Claymore's body, with their own unique usages, advantages and disadvantages. The location where the Kagune will project itself out of will be necessary to give it the shape needed. Its form can be changed but doing so forces the organ back inside the body, where it will relocate after one turn, and re-emerge (doing so cannot bypass any existing cool downs and counts as a re-activation). The color of each Kagune may vary per Claymore as well as unique variations (to be submitted as PCCJ). The Kagune can be activated passively once per fight/conflict, four times overall, with a four turn cool down each time it is deactivated. Lasts as long as the Claymore keeps paying health.

(Ukaku || 羽赫) Shining Feather
The first type of the Kagune which grows in the cervical vertebrae. When activated, the organ bursts from the Claymore's back as a pair of wings. Each wing has a bony support structure running its edges while Kurochi forms a thin membrane in between. This allows the Claymore a limited form of flight and gliding, which can be used to travel up to Mid-range at their base speed. The Claymore also gains he user gains a projectile offensive mechanism, where the Kagune is able to release kunai sized shards of Kurochi to 10 meters (Mid-range). These shards are A-Rank in power and cannot be done while in flight. This ability has a two turn cool down.

(Kōkaku || 甲赫) Shining Shell
The second type is activated upon having the organ grow or move to the thoracic vertebrae. In this form the Kagune forms an outer shell over the Claymore's arm that behaves like a sword or cleaver. Kurochi flares around the Kagune in this form and can allow it pierce or slice through techniques up to S-rank. The Kōkaku form can only reach up to 3 meters of the Claymore but can be operated in close range at the speed of the average Samurai due to its small form and lightweight material. The Kurochi enhancement can only be done once every two turns.

(Rinkaku || 鱗赫) Shining Scales
The third type is created with the growing or moving of the organ in the Lumbar vertebrae which gives the user the ability to call forth tentacles from the spine, up to 4 in number or just one (four B-ranks or one A-rank). Kurochi infuses the Kagune in this form, allowing it to devour anything it touches. For techniques lower in power than the Rinkaku, can be devoured whilst attacking to supply the Claymore (through Primeval Gluttony CCJ). The ability to devour and return chakra can only be activated once every two turns after which the Rinkaku will still function as an offensive weapon. The Rinkaku is also the second Kagune form that can reach up to 10 meters when attacking (Mid ranged).

(Bikaku || 尾赫) Shining Tail
The last kind, which is created from having the organ move to the sacrum, will project itself out from the skin in form of a flexible tail. Being made of almost entirely muscle, the Bikaku swings with enough strength to break bones and send tremors through the ground. With the added Kurochi outer layer, it is an S-ranked weapon, capable of dealing serious damage. It can also be used to cover the Claymore's leg instead, for added Taijutsu damage (+20 to leg based Tai). Once activated the ability lasts two turns, with a two turn cool down. The Bikaku can only reach up to four meters of the Claymore's body.

Note: Must be at least Ghoul rank to possess.
Note: Choosing to have a Kagune prevents the Claymore from utilizing any other CW's and must be mentioned in the biography.

(Kojun no Koi) - Descending Carp
Type: Defensive
Rank: B - A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A slightly more advanced aspect of Bukijutsu entails parrying enemy attacks, by performing a slashing arc at the right moment the user is able to deflect attacks within reason, working mostly against physical attacks though depending on the weapon used to parry there are exceptions. This ability can be enhanced by physical augmentations such as taijutsu increases and count towards its defensive value.

Chakra: 2290 - 50 = 2240 + 25 = 2265
HP: 240 - (20 + 40) = 180
Winter is Here 3/4
Hollow Children 3/4
Cruel Hegemony 2/4
Levels of Restriction 1/3

Nadja rolled her eyes and she kept walking forwards as she reached short range, her sharingan trained back onto her target, and thinking to herself,
"Why is everyone here on the mainland such a hassle to deal with. Can't he see I am stronger than him?" Sighing internally in her monologue, she assessed her opponent one more time to make sure her calculations were correct, she was faster than her opponent, and with a swift pivot, she hopped a step forward and drew her Fujin across her body. Frost rose up covering her form, while her chakra may have been able to be sensed, her physical form and movements wouldnt not be seen effectively covered in what would feel like a shell of chakra. What happened next is that the Blade would cut through the shell and Jin himself severing at his waist as well as any target within short range of her. Following that, even if the sword movement was blocked or countered, the shell itself of frost would then expand blowing outwards and in effect blowing Jin back and any other targets in range. She paced herself up, moving quicker this time to jump above him looking directly down into his eyes, she was going to show no remorse even if he wasn't the bounty. Within his head he would start to sink, the earth itself turning into a mix of slush and earth like a frozen tundra swamp causing him to suffocate and eventually pass out, though the damage itself would only be done mentally. Nadja gave her opponents one chance to give themselves up and he had chosen not to and she was no longer going to waist time.

(Fūton: Setsudan ga Moya) Wind Release: Mists Edge
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40+10
Damage: 80+30+10
A dual action attack, this technique employs both kenjutsu and Wind Elemental chakra to produce a first and second attack designed as a feint and surprise attack via ninkenjutsu. By bending ones knees, forming 3 handseals wind begins to circle around the user blowing up dust and covering their form as it blocks the view with a thin veil to hide their movements. The user then quickly slash in a 360 degree arc covering all angles around them and cutting through the dirt and all enemies within short range. As a secondary attack then is launched, this then launches the windjutsu outwards as an expanding cutting wind slicing all as it roars out to mid range all around the user.
-Can only be performed 3 times
-No S rank wind next turn
-2 turns in between each use
- Note the damage is split between the primary and secondary attack. If the target is not within range of the initial sword slash, the wind portion will only carry A rank damage.
( Doujutsu: Genjutsu Sharingan ) - Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye Illusion
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: C - S (S)
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 15 - 40 ( Equal Cost for Each Additional Turn Sustained ) 40
Damage points: 30 - 80 80
Description: This broadly refers to a range of genjutsu performed with the Sharingan. It has also been shown to be performed through the Sharingan's higher evolutions: the Mangekyō Sharingan and the Rinnegan. By establishing eye contact with a target, the Sharingan user traps them within a sustained Genjutsu of the user's creation. Sharingan Genjutsu are stronger than other Genjutsu, being difficult to break in comparison due to the sinister chakra powering them. When utilized through the Mangekyo Sharingan, these Genjutsu are enhanced and deal an additional 40 damage. However, the time dilation effects and similar effects/ability of Tsukiyomi and custom variants cannot be replicated through these illusions. When used through the EMS, these illusions deal an addition 50 damage. In the case of Supplementary and none damaging use, these Genjutsu can be exploited for one of various purposes, such as: causing temporary paralysis in the target, forceful extraction of information, relaying memories, removing Genjutsu placed on the target by others, and controlling a target's actions. Controlling a target's abilities in limited to Summoning and other none Creation/Ninja entities. The 3 Tomoe Sharingan can forcibly controls Basic and Ancient Summoning's actions as long as they sustain this technique. MS can affect up to Mythical Contracts while EMS can effect even Legendary Summonings. This control is limited to the ability to control their physical movements with limited access to their ninjutsu, using only skills related to the Summoning itself.

In the event of Bijuu, Mangekyo Sharingan users are able to use their MS to cast powerful enough Genjutsu that even Tailed Beasts cannot break their hosts from it, being ensnarled as well. These Genjutsu can also seize control of a Tailed Beast by temporarily severing its connection to the host without the need for eye contact. If the Jinchuriki has not entered any Chakra Shroud state or higher, the user can cast a powerful Genjutsu that severs their connection and prevents access to the Bijuu as well as any of it's skills for 3 turns. Should a Chakra Shroud or Incomplete Jinchuriki transformation occur, the user is capable of preventing full access to it's Bijuu Skills for 3 turns by suppressing it. This presents itself in an inability to utilize the Tailed Beast Bomb variants, a Bijuu Skill such as Sand or Coral as well as access higher transformations. Should the user have EMS, this control is extended to blocking access for double the time and should a Complete Transformation occur, the user is capable of suppressing it's form and ending the Transformation in it's entirety and forces the health drawbacks to trigger as well as a reduced max health and chakra by 25% from fatigue. However, Bijuu Suppression can only be done by sustaining the technique at the cost of 2 moves per turn and prevents Sharingan Genjutsu for 5 turns.
Note: While powerful, the effects of Sharingan Genjutsu only last while the user actively sustains the technique, preventing usage of other Ninjutsu at the same time. This indiscriminately prevents the use of chakra in other techniques outside of basic Taijutsu only.
Note: When used in the NW, this can be used to tame a wild Tailed Beast and allow the user to summon it in an enraged state for 4 turns, only being capable of using Sharingan and non chakra enhanced Bukijutsu during this time, Ninjutsu being barred while controlling the target. This beast is summoned at max powers and has access to it's Skills and one Bijuu Pathway, determined through Official Roll in the NRP Discord. This ability can currently only be done by Madara Uchiha in the Ninja World.
Note: Can only be used once per turn. MS and EMS use can only be done once every 4 turns.
Note: Requires Eye Contact and activation of 3 Tomoe and higher Sharingan.


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Nadja rolled her eyes and she kept walking forwards as she reached short range, her sharingan trained back onto her target, and thinking to herself, "Why is everyone here on the mainland such a hassle to deal with. Can't he see I am stronger than him?" Sighing internally in her monologue, she assessed her opponent one more time to make sure her calculations were correct, she was faster than her opponent, and with a swift pivot, she hopped a step forward and drew her Fujin across her body. Frost rose up covering her form, while her chakra may have been able to be sensed, her physical form and movements wouldnt not be seen effectively covered in what would feel like a shell of chakra. What happened next is that the Blade would cut through the shell and Jin himself severing at his waist as well as any target within short range of her. Following that, even if the sword movement was blocked or countered, the shell itself of frost would then expand blowing outwards and in effect blowing Jin back and any other targets in range. She paced herself up, moving quicker this time to jump above him looking directly down into his eyes, she was going to show no remorse even if he wasn't the bounty. Within his head he would start to sink, the earth itself turning into a mix of slush and earth like a frozen tundra swamp causing him to suffocate and eventually pass out, though the damage itself would only be done mentally. Nadja gave her opponents one chance to give themselves up and he had chosen not to and she was no longer going to waist time.

(Fūton: Setsudan ga Moya) Wind Release: Mists Edge
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40+10
Damage: 80+30+10
A dual action attack, this technique employs both kenjutsu and Wind Elemental chakra to produce a first and second attack designed as a feint and surprise attack via ninkenjutsu. By bending ones knees, forming 3 handseals wind begins to circle around the user blowing up dust and covering their form as it blocks the view with a thin veil to hide their movements. The user then quickly slash in a 360 degree arc covering all angles around them and cutting through the dirt and all enemies within short range. As a secondary attack then is launched, this then launches the windjutsu outwards as an expanding cutting wind slicing all as it roars out to mid range all around the user.
-Can only be performed 3 times
-No S rank wind next turn
-2 turns in between each use
- Note the damage is split between the primary and secondary attack. If the target is not within range of the initial sword slash, the wind portion will only carry A rank damage.
( Doujutsu: Genjutsu Sharingan ) - Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye Illusion
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: C - S (S)
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 15 - 40 ( Equal Cost for Each Additional Turn Sustained ) 40
Damage points: 30 - 80 80
Description: This broadly refers to a range of genjutsu performed with the Sharingan. It has also been shown to be performed through the Sharingan's higher evolutions: the Mangekyō Sharingan and the Rinnegan. By establishing eye contact with a target, the Sharingan user traps them within a sustained Genjutsu of the user's creation. Sharingan Genjutsu are stronger than other Genjutsu, being difficult to break in comparison due to the sinister chakra powering them. When utilized through the Mangekyo Sharingan, these Genjutsu are enhanced and deal an additional 40 damage. However, the time dilation effects and similar effects/ability of Tsukiyomi and custom variants cannot be replicated through these illusions. When used through the EMS, these illusions deal an addition 50 damage. In the case of Supplementary and none damaging use, these Genjutsu can be exploited for one of various purposes, such as: causing temporary paralysis in the target, forceful extraction of information, relaying memories, removing Genjutsu placed on the target by others, and controlling a target's actions. Controlling a target's abilities in limited to Summoning and other none Creation/Ninja entities. The 3 Tomoe Sharingan can forcibly controls Basic and Ancient Summoning's actions as long as they sustain this technique. MS can affect up to Mythical Contracts while EMS can effect even Legendary Summonings. This control is limited to the ability to control their physical movements with limited access to their ninjutsu, using only skills related to the Summoning itself.

In the event of Bijuu, Mangekyo Sharingan users are able to use their MS to cast powerful enough Genjutsu that even Tailed Beasts cannot break their hosts from it, being ensnarled as well. These Genjutsu can also seize control of a Tailed Beast by temporarily severing its connection to the host without the need for eye contact. If the Jinchuriki has not entered any Chakra Shroud state or higher, the user can cast a powerful Genjutsu that severs their connection and prevents access to the Bijuu as well as any of it's skills for 3 turns. Should a Chakra Shroud or Incomplete Jinchuriki transformation occur, the user is capable of preventing full access to it's Bijuu Skills for 3 turns by suppressing it. This presents itself in an inability to utilize the Tailed Beast Bomb variants, a Bijuu Skill such as Sand or Coral as well as access higher transformations. Should the user have EMS, this control is extended to blocking access for double the time and should a Complete Transformation occur, the user is capable of suppressing it's form and ending the Transformation in it's entirety and forces the health drawbacks to trigger as well as a reduced max health and chakra by 25% from fatigue. However, Bijuu Suppression can only be done by sustaining the technique at the cost of 2 moves per turn and prevents Sharingan Genjutsu for 5 turns.
Note: While powerful, the effects of Sharingan Genjutsu only last while the user actively sustains the technique, preventing usage of other Ninjutsu at the same time. This indiscriminately prevents the use of chakra in other techniques outside of basic Taijutsu only.
Note: When used in the NW, this can be used to tame a wild Tailed Beast and allow the user to summon it in an enraged state for 4 turns, only being capable of using Sharingan and non chakra enhanced Bukijutsu during this time, Ninjutsu being barred while controlling the target. This beast is summoned at max powers and has access to it's Skills and one Bijuu Pathway, determined through Official Roll in the NRP Discord. This ability can currently only be done by Madara Uchiha in the Ninja World.
Note: Can only be used once per turn. MS and EMS use can only be done once every 4 turns.
Note: Requires Eye Contact and activation of 3 Tomoe and higher Sharingan.
As he drew closer Jin never surveyed his target with an almost morbid curiosity. How far his people had fallen--nobody remembered them, how terrifying they were face-to-face. It was this ignorance that made her come even closer to attack. Jin witnessed as the Hollow Children shattered from the human's winds that spawned from what seemed to be both her sword and spinning motion and immediately formed a seal of confrontation, molding Entropy chakra throughout his body before quickly transforming it into a murky, blue-black silhouette complete with what looked like stars within. The wind blade as well as the massive outburst that came afterward would fall into his void-like appearance and be devoured all the same rather than push him back. This also allows him to surge forward, through her ice-like cocoon even as she spun, and grab her sword hand to halt her rotation while also focusing Entropy chakra along his right arm and the Kōkaku wrapped tightly around it, causing it the Kagune to flare with a solid, blue-black outer shell of Entropy shaped like a crude spike. He would then attempt to impale her through all that armor at her side with a strike so quick it left afterimages.

"You're going to have to do more than that."

( Entropoton: Mugen no Sokumen ) Entropy ∞ Aspect of Infinity
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 ( -10 per turn ) (+10 Cruel Hegemony/Levels of Restriction) = 50
Damage: 80 (+5 AP, +20 Cruel Hegemony, +20 Levels of Restriction) = 125
Description: Aspect of Infinity is a technique that allows the manipulation of Entropy in its condensed form throughout the body and infusing it with the element. The jutsu requires three hand seals, after which the user becomes a more condensed form of Entropy which appears like a dark silhouette with a shimmering outer edge caused by the passive emission of radiation. Inside the user's body will appear to be filled with small pulses of light reminiscent of stars and their eyes will glow a blueish color. As per natural properties of the element, the user is able to phase through solid objects and those devoid of chakra such as the ground. This can be done passively while Aspect of Infinity is active but while phasing the user will be unable to deliver physical attacks such as free form and Taijutsu or perform techniques other than Entropy. The real strength behind this jutsu comes from the body, whereas the user is able to interact directly with their own energies, enhancing their attacks. While Aspect of Infinity is active, the user is able to perform Entropy techniques with added potency ( +1 rank to techniques up to S-rank, and +20 damage above S-rank ) while halving the number of required hand seals. This is to compensate for them being unable to perform any other forms of elemental Ninjutsu except for Fire and Lightning ( Entropy's component elements ) and elements composed of the two, as well non-chakra aided Taijutsu and of course, Entropy. If the user is to be sealed while Aspect of Infinity is active the Entropy chakra will disperse, ejecting the user while the energy is being absorbed. Likewise, if an attack were to overpower this jutsu, the resultant damage after clashing would carry to the user while the state deactivates. Can only be used twice per match, lasting four turns each, and has a two turn cool down.

(Entropoton: Akuyaku no Shizuka) Entropy ∞ Silent Undoer
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: C-S (A) (S)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40 (-10 per turn) (30 40 + 10 Cruel Hegemony/Levels of Restriction) = 50
Damage: 30-80 (60 80 + 5 AP, +20 Cruel Hegemony, +20 Levels of Restriction) = 125
Description: This technique serves as a basic release for the element, and allows the user to concentrate various amounts of Entropic Radiation either within his body, the terrain around him, or even the air. When conjured without a source the element cannot be formed within 5 meters (short ranged) of an opponent, unless the user himself is within that range. The radiation can be used in various forms; it can be condensed into solid objects such as weapons, shields, pillars, etc and it can stay as simple radiation to cover vast distances and wreak havoc from afar. When made into objects, the element will be able to, upon contact with techniques and/or chakra filled entities, disperse the kinetic and potential energies found within said technique which can cause it to lose form. The other side to this technique is when the element is released in full blown radiation form. As per abilities of the CE, the radiation is able to pass through solid objects to get to hidden targets. Once contact is made the radiation will forcefully scatter the energies within its target which can lead to severe internal damage within people and summons, and loss of form to techniques. To use this technique above B-ranked, the user will have to perform a hand seal. A-ranked usages require two hand seals and a turn cool down between applications, S-Ranked requires three hand seals, two turn cool down, and a maximum usage limit of three times. After using the S-ranked variant the user will be unable to perform Entropy techniques above A-Ranked in the next turn. Applications of Silent Undoer can remain on the field more than a single turn up to a max of three turns but at a price of ten chakra per turn.

Genshi Ōkui ♎ Primeval Gluttony (REF)
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: (+200 chakra per limb/+300 torso and head)
Damage: N/A
Description: The basis of the Kureimoas' lust for flesh is firmly rooted in their curse of perpetual hunger. Despite this never ending agony, they are capable of feeding ever so often and being satisfied even if for for a moment. Through feeding, a Kureimoa gains a slight euphoria, like someone eating their favorite food prepared just perfectly, along with the pent up chakra stored within the flesh of their victims. This chakra can be ingested by the Kureimoa and added to their own chakra reserves or use it to fuel various chakra intensive techniques of the clan such as healing. The human body is divided into four (4) sections when being the main course of a Kureimoa's meal; both hands, feet, and the head as well as torso. Consuming the limbs will give 200 points of chakra while the torso and head will yield 300 chakra and are able to be harvested by the Kureimoa clansman through feeding. When added up this means every person consumed by the Kureimoa provides 1000 chakra However their Hunger doesn't end there, Claymores also possess a hunger for knowledge where they are able to access the thoughts, sentiments, memories, or even emptions of their victims through consumption--even if the target is dead. With their ability to digest almost all forms of chakra (such as neutral, elemental, Raw Senjutsu, as well as Bijuu chakra) they are able to devour not just flesh but actual energies when presented the opportunity. This chakra eating habit can only apply to raw, unmolded chakra and not actual techniques. Meaning, they must wait until said technique has been broken down to a point where it becomes simply raw, un-molded chakra. Whenever Kurochi overpowers an opponent's technique and the physical and chakra properties of said technique have been degraded, the Claymores are able to harvest that lingering, unmolded chakra through either eating it manually or using the Kurochi as a proxy to take it into their bodies. When metabolizing the raw chakra of a deteriorated technique a Kureimoa gains 50% of the cost of said technique as chakra to their reserves. This means, an A ranked technique (30/60) reduced to chakra or a simple burst of raw chakra gives the Kureimoa only 15 chakra should it be eaten/absorbed. Accessing sentiments and absorbing lingering chakra has no cool down nor does it take a move-slot of the three allotted (this technique will still need to be referenced however).

Note: These chakra increases count as Bonus chakra should it reach the Kureimoa chakra cap, allowing it to increase their chakra beyond their normal limits.
Note: Must be of at least Ghoul rank to perform.
Note: Can only be performed every 5 turns whether in part (eating only a few limbs) or in full (eating an entire body).
Note: Limb consumption can be done in the Ninja World but consuming the torso or head of a target requires both to agree to permanent damage and death. Limbs consumed will remain gone for that arc only, never permanent.
Note: Can also be performed through the Kagune organ or Kurochi constructs.

Chakra: 2265 - (50 + 50) = 2165 + 25 = 2190
HP: 180 - (20 + 20 + 10) = 130
Cruel Hegemony 3/4
Levels of Restriction 2/3
Aspect of Infinity 1/4


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
As he drew closer Jin never surveyed his target with an almost morbid curiosity. How far his people had fallen--nobody remembered them, how terrifying they were face-to-face. It was this ignorance that made her come even closer to attack. Jin witnessed as the Hollow Children shattered from the human's winds that spawned from what seemed to be both her sword and spinning motion and immediately formed a seal of confrontation, molding Entropy chakra throughout his body before quickly transforming it into a murky, blue-black silhouette complete with what looked like stars within. The wind blade as well as the massive outburst that came afterward would fall into his void-like appearance and be devoured all the same rather than push him back. This also allows him to surge forward, through her ice-like cocoon even as she spun, and grab her sword hand to halt her rotation while also focusing Entropy chakra along his right arm and the Kōkaku wrapped tightly around it, causing it the Kagune to flare with a solid, blue-black outer shell of Entropy shaped like a crude spike. He would then attempt to impale her through all that armor at her side with a strike so quick it left afterimages.

"You're going to have to do more than that."

( Entropoton: Mugen no Sokumen ) Entropy ∞ Aspect of Infinity
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 ( -10 per turn ) (+10 Cruel Hegemony/Levels of Restriction) = 50
Damage: 80 (+5 AP, +20 Cruel Hegemony, +20 Levels of Restriction) = 125
Description: Aspect of Infinity is a technique that allows the manipulation of Entropy in its condensed form throughout the body and infusing it with the element. The jutsu requires three hand seals, after which the user becomes a more condensed form of Entropy which appears like a dark silhouette with a shimmering outer edge caused by the passive emission of radiation. Inside the user's body will appear to be filled with small pulses of light reminiscent of stars and their eyes will glow a blueish color. As per natural properties of the element, the user is able to phase through solid objects and those devoid of chakra such as the ground. This can be done passively while Aspect of Infinity is active but while phasing the user will be unable to deliver physical attacks such as free form and Taijutsu or perform techniques other than Entropy. The real strength behind this jutsu comes from the body, whereas the user is able to interact directly with their own energies, enhancing their attacks. While Aspect of Infinity is active, the user is able to perform Entropy techniques with added potency ( +1 rank to techniques up to S-rank, and +20 damage above S-rank ) while halving the number of required hand seals. This is to compensate for them being unable to perform any other forms of elemental Ninjutsu except for Fire and Lightning ( Entropy's component elements ) and elements composed of the two, as well non-chakra aided Taijutsu and of course, Entropy. If the user is to be sealed while Aspect of Infinity is active the Entropy chakra will disperse, ejecting the user while the energy is being absorbed. Likewise, if an attack were to overpower this jutsu, the resultant damage after clashing would carry to the user while the state deactivates. Can only be used twice per match, lasting four turns each, and has a two turn cool down.

(Entropoton: Akuyaku no Shizuka) Entropy ∞ Silent Undoer
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: C-S (A) (S)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40 (-10 per turn) (30 40 + 10 Cruel Hegemony/Levels of Restriction) = 50
Damage: 30-80 (60 80 + 5 AP, +20 Cruel Hegemony, +20 Levels of Restriction) = 125
Description: This technique serves as a basic release for the element, and allows the user to concentrate various amounts of Entropic Radiation either within his body, the terrain around him, or even the air. When conjured without a source the element cannot be formed within 5 meters (short ranged) of an opponent, unless the user himself is within that range. The radiation can be used in various forms; it can be condensed into solid objects such as weapons, shields, pillars, etc and it can stay as simple radiation to cover vast distances and wreak havoc from afar. When made into objects, the element will be able to, upon contact with techniques and/or chakra filled entities, disperse the kinetic and potential energies found within said technique which can cause it to lose form. The other side to this technique is when the element is released in full blown radiation form. As per abilities of the CE, the radiation is able to pass through solid objects to get to hidden targets. Once contact is made the radiation will forcefully scatter the energies within its target which can lead to severe internal damage within people and summons, and loss of form to techniques. To use this technique above B-ranked, the user will have to perform a hand seal. A-ranked usages require two hand seals and a turn cool down between applications, S-Ranked requires three hand seals, two turn cool down, and a maximum usage limit of three times. After using the S-ranked variant the user will be unable to perform Entropy techniques above A-Ranked in the next turn. Applications of Silent Undoer can remain on the field more than a single turn up to a max of three turns but at a price of ten chakra per turn.

Genshi Ōkui ♎ Primeval Gluttony (REF)
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: (+200 chakra per limb/+300 torso and head)
Damage: N/A
Description: The basis of the Kureimoas' lust for flesh is firmly rooted in their curse of perpetual hunger. Despite this never ending agony, they are capable of feeding ever so often and being satisfied even if for for a moment. Through feeding, a Kureimoa gains a slight euphoria, like someone eating their favorite food prepared just perfectly, along with the pent up chakra stored within the flesh of their victims. This chakra can be ingested by the Kureimoa and added to their own chakra reserves or use it to fuel various chakra intensive techniques of the clan such as healing. The human body is divided into four (4) sections when being the main course of a Kureimoa's meal; both hands, feet, and the head as well as torso. Consuming the limbs will give 200 points of chakra while the torso and head will yield 300 chakra and are able to be harvested by the Kureimoa clansman through feeding. When added up this means every person consumed by the Kureimoa provides 1000 chakra However their Hunger doesn't end there, Claymores also possess a hunger for knowledge where they are able to access the thoughts, sentiments, memories, or even emptions of their victims through consumption--even if the target is dead. With their ability to digest almost all forms of chakra (such as neutral, elemental, Raw Senjutsu, as well as Bijuu chakra) they are able to devour not just flesh but actual energies when presented the opportunity. This chakra eating habit can only apply to raw, unmolded chakra and not actual techniques. Meaning, they must wait until said technique has been broken down to a point where it becomes simply raw, un-molded chakra. Whenever Kurochi overpowers an opponent's technique and the physical and chakra properties of said technique have been degraded, the Claymores are able to harvest that lingering, unmolded chakra through either eating it manually or using the Kurochi as a proxy to take it into their bodies. When metabolizing the raw chakra of a deteriorated technique a Kureimoa gains 50% of the cost of said technique as chakra to their reserves. This means, an A ranked technique (30/60) reduced to chakra or a simple burst of raw chakra gives the Kureimoa only 15 chakra should it be eaten/absorbed. Accessing sentiments and absorbing lingering chakra has no cool down nor does it take a move-slot of the three allotted (this technique will still need to be referenced however).

Note: These chakra increases count as Bonus chakra should it reach the Kureimoa chakra cap, allowing it to increase their chakra beyond their normal limits.
Note: Must be of at least Ghoul rank to perform.
Note: Can only be performed every 5 turns whether in part (eating only a few limbs) or in full (eating an entire body).
Note: Limb consumption can be done in the Ninja World but consuming the torso or head of a target requires both to agree to permanent damage and death. Limbs consumed will remain gone for that arc only, never permanent.
Note: Can also be performed through the Kagune organ or Kurochi constructs.

Chakra: 2265 - (50 + 50) = 2165 + 25 = 2190
HP: 180 - (20 + 20 + 10) = 130
Cruel Hegemony 3/4
Levels of Restriction 2/3
Aspect of Infinity 1/4
"Put these foolish ambitions to rest . . . "

Nadja was getting past the point of being annoyed now where this was taking longer than she wanted with the opponent filling their body with some strange chakra she hadnt seen before except within this instance of a fight. Drawing her hand holding the sword back, she arched it over her shoulder, and as it did, she brought her other free hand up to her mouth. On the back of her hand was a small pouch and biting into one section a blue pill popped into her mouth, causing a significant change in her chakra as she gathered Wind Chakra around her sword once more. Slicing the sword forwards the wind gathering around it would cut through as well as be launched as a quick assault at point blank range with her movement being faster than her opponents, and the technique they had used being severely weakened, it would shred and rip through them if not countered appropriately. Taking the moment while they were so close Nadja would use her sharingan to look into the eyes of her opponent once more to cast a genjutsu, multiple wires would erupt from the ground to hold the body tight, causing a paralysis genjutsu to occur from her sharingan.

( Bijūgan ) - Tailed Beast Drug (Shukaku x 1, Matatabi x1, Isobu x1, Saiken x1)
Type: Supply
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A (-10 to user per turn)(+20 to Taijutsu and Ninjutsu)
Description: Tailed Beast Pills are pills that have been engineered to create Bijuu like transformations in the user. These pills, containing small amounts of Bijuu chakra, grant the user unique Bijuu like augmentations to their physical form as well as ninjutsu. However, because of the process to create these drugs and being prototypes, the user cannot determine which Bijuu traits he has gained. This is determined when obtained, generated by the moderator who approved the transaction. However, these pills are not without issue, causing drawbacks after the pills' effects wear off. It is also possible to overdose on these pills, gaining higher gains at more damaging results to the body.

When taken, the user gains a faint chakra shroud reminiscent of Naruto’s original fox shroud against Sasuke with 1 to 3 tails, though this does not denote which Bijuu’s influence the pills carry. This references the pills taken, increasing per pill. Once a pill has been taken, one of the following 6 effects will trigger.
Shukaku’s Storm: The user’s Ninjutsu release a non damaging mid range sandstorm, reducing opponents within it base tracking by 2 and landmark range by 1. Increases base reduction by 2 per pill and opponent landmark tracking range by 1 per pill as the storm increases.
Matatabi’s Tempest: The user’s Spiritual techniques cause spirit burn, dealing 10 additional damage for 2 turns from burns. Increases 1 turn per pill.
Isobu’s Hurricane: The user’s defense Ninjutsu carry coral, increasing their defense by 20. Increases 10 damage per pill.
Son’s Eruption: The user’s offensive jutsu carry lava, increasing their damage by 20. Increases 10 damage per pill.
Kokuo’s Geyser: The user’s traversing jutsu increases his base speed when in use by 2. Increases 2 ranks per pill.
Saiken’s Slime: The user’s projectiles attacks release acid up to 3 meters away on contact, spreading damage evenly without reducing the damage. Increases 4 meters per pill.
However, unlike other pills, the drawbacks associated with these are stronger than others. Regardless of the pill taken, after it ends the user suffers 30 damage to their person as well as injury to their chakra network, preventing use of S ranks and higher for two turns. This rank restriction increases by 1 rank and 1 turn per additional pill as well as 30 additional damage that cannot be mitigated or reduced in any way.
Note: Counts as a Supply
Note: Cannot be held alongside Soldier Pills, Military Pills or custom med pills.
(Fūton: Kaze No Yaiba) - Wind Style: Wind Blade
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30+10=40
Damage: 60+20+30+10=120
Description: This technique is a pinpoint slashing strike, where the user emits chakra from their fingertips and materialises it into an near invisible weapon that assaults the enemy in a gust of wind. If the Sickle Weasel Technique can be regarded as a swarm of small wind kunai, then this technique is akin to a virtually unavoidable longsword which can leave the target's body mutilated. Just being in close proximity to the technique can cause minor cuts. The wind blades can be created and thrown, like projectiles, in rapid succession, although in this case, each one weaker than the single use application. The technique cannot be blocked by physical weapons and is insanely fast by not relying on the use of Hand seals but, because it still requires the user to perform hand gestures to use and is somewhat visible in the effect it produces, it can still be defended against by using appropriate evasion techniques or fast elemental ninjutsu.
( Doujutsu: Genjutsu Sharingan ) - Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye Illusion
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: C - S (S)
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 15 - 40 ( Equal Cost for Each Additional Turn Sustained ) 40
Damage points: 30 - 80 80
Description: This broadly refers to a range of genjutsu performed with the Sharingan. It has also been shown to be performed through the Sharingan's higher evolutions: the Mangekyō Sharingan and the Rinnegan. By establishing eye contact with a target, the Sharingan user traps them within a sustained Genjutsu of the user's creation. Sharingan Genjutsu are stronger than other Genjutsu, being difficult to break in comparison due to the sinister chakra powering them. When utilized through the Mangekyo Sharingan, these Genjutsu are enhanced and deal an additional 40 damage. However, the time dilation effects and similar effects/ability of Tsukiyomi and custom variants cannot be replicated through these illusions. When used through the EMS, these illusions deal an addition 50 damage. In the case of Supplementary and none damaging use, these Genjutsu can be exploited for one of various purposes, such as: causing temporary paralysis in the target, forceful extraction of information, relaying memories, removing Genjutsu placed on the target by others, and controlling a target's actions. Controlling a target's abilities in limited to Summoning and other none Creation/Ninja entities. The 3 Tomoe Sharingan can forcibly controls Basic and Ancient Summoning's actions as long as they sustain this technique. MS can affect up to Mythical Contracts while EMS can effect even Legendary Summonings. This control is limited to the ability to control their physical movements with limited access to their ninjutsu, using only skills related to the Summoning itself.

In the event of Bijuu, Mangekyo Sharingan users are able to use their MS to cast powerful enough Genjutsu that even Tailed Beasts cannot break their hosts from it, being ensnarled as well. These Genjutsu can also seize control of a Tailed Beast by temporarily severing its connection to the host without the need for eye contact. If the Jinchuriki has not entered any Chakra Shroud state or higher, the user can cast a powerful Genjutsu that severs their connection and prevents access to the Bijuu as well as any of it's skills for 3 turns. Should a Chakra Shroud or Incomplete Jinchuriki transformation occur, the user is capable of preventing full access to it's Bijuu Skills for 3 turns by suppressing it. This presents itself in an inability to utilize the Tailed Beast Bomb variants, a Bijuu Skill such as Sand or Coral as well as access higher transformations. Should the user have EMS, this control is extended to blocking access for double the time and should a Complete Transformation occur, the user is capable of suppressing it's form and ending the Transformation in it's entirety and forces the health drawbacks to trigger as well as a reduced max health and chakra by 25% from fatigue. However, Bijuu Suppression can only be done by sustaining the technique at the cost of 2 moves per turn and prevents Sharingan Genjutsu for 5 turns.
Note: While powerful, the effects of Sharingan Genjutsu only last while the user actively sustains the technique, preventing usage of other Ninjutsu at the same time. This indiscriminately prevents the use of chakra in other techniques outside of basic Taijutsu only.
Note: When used in the NW, this can be used to tame a wild Tailed Beast and allow the user to summon it in an enraged state for 4 turns, only being capable of using Sharingan and non chakra enhanced Bukijutsu during this time, Ninjutsu being barred while controlling the target. This beast is summoned at max powers and has access to it's Skills and one Bijuu Pathway, determined through Official Roll in the NRP Discord. This ability can currently only be done by Madara Uchiha in the Ninja World.
Note: Can only be used once per turn. MS and EMS use can only be done once every 4 turns.
Note: Requires Eye Contact and activation of 3 Tomoe and higher Sharingan.


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
"Put these foolish ambitions to rest . . . "

Nadja was getting past the point of being annoyed now where this was taking longer than she wanted with the opponent filling their body with some strange chakra she hadnt seen before except within this instance of a fight. Drawing her hand holding the sword back, she arched it over her shoulder, and as it did, she brought her other free hand up to her mouth. On the back of her hand was a small pouch and biting into one section a blue pill popped into her mouth, causing a significant change in her chakra as she gathered Wind Chakra around her sword once more. Slicing the sword forwards the wind gathering around it would cut through as well as be launched as a quick assault at point blank range with her movement being faster than her opponents, and the technique they had used being severely weakened, it would shred and rip through them if not countered appropriately. Taking the moment while they were so close Nadja would use her sharingan to look into the eyes of her opponent once more to cast a genjutsu, multiple wires would erupt from the ground to hold the body tight, causing a paralysis genjutsu to occur from her sharingan.

( Bijūgan ) - Tailed Beast Drug (Shukaku x 1, Matatabi x1, Isobu x1, Saiken x1)
Type: Supply
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A (-10 to user per turn)(+20 to Taijutsu and Ninjutsu)
Description: Tailed Beast Pills are pills that have been engineered to create Bijuu like transformations in the user. These pills, containing small amounts of Bijuu chakra, grant the user unique Bijuu like augmentations to their physical form as well as ninjutsu. However, because of the process to create these drugs and being prototypes, the user cannot determine which Bijuu traits he has gained. This is determined when obtained, generated by the moderator who approved the transaction. However, these pills are not without issue, causing drawbacks after the pills' effects wear off. It is also possible to overdose on these pills, gaining higher gains at more damaging results to the body.

When taken, the user gains a faint chakra shroud reminiscent of Naruto’s original fox shroud against Sasuke with 1 to 3 tails, though this does not denote which Bijuu’s influence the pills carry. This references the pills taken, increasing per pill. Once a pill has been taken, one of the following 6 effects will trigger.
Shukaku’s Storm: The user’s Ninjutsu release a non damaging mid range sandstorm, reducing opponents within it base tracking by 2 and landmark range by 1. Increases base reduction by 2 per pill and opponent landmark tracking range by 1 per pill as the storm increases.
Matatabi’s Tempest: The user’s Spiritual techniques cause spirit burn, dealing 10 additional damage for 2 turns from burns. Increases 1 turn per pill.
Isobu’s Hurricane: The user’s defense Ninjutsu carry coral, increasing their defense by 20. Increases 10 damage per pill.
Son’s Eruption: The user’s offensive jutsu carry lava, increasing their damage by 20. Increases 10 damage per pill.
Kokuo’s Geyser: The user’s traversing jutsu increases his base speed when in use by 2. Increases 2 ranks per pill.
Saiken’s Slime: The user’s projectiles attacks release acid up to 3 meters away on contact, spreading damage evenly without reducing the damage. Increases 4 meters per pill.
However, unlike other pills, the drawbacks associated with these are stronger than others. Regardless of the pill taken, after it ends the user suffers 30 damage to their person as well as injury to their chakra network, preventing use of S ranks and higher for two turns. This rank restriction increases by 1 rank and 1 turn per additional pill as well as 30 additional damage that cannot be mitigated or reduced in any way.
Note: Counts as a Supply
Note: Cannot be held alongside Soldier Pills, Military Pills or custom med pills.
(Fūton: Kaze No Yaiba) - Wind Style: Wind Blade
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30+10=40
Damage: 60+20+30+10=120
Description: This technique is a pinpoint slashing strike, where the user emits chakra from their fingertips and materialises it into an near invisible weapon that assaults the enemy in a gust of wind. If the Sickle Weasel Technique can be regarded as a swarm of small wind kunai, then this technique is akin to a virtually unavoidable longsword which can leave the target's body mutilated. Just being in close proximity to the technique can cause minor cuts. The wind blades can be created and thrown, like projectiles, in rapid succession, although in this case, each one weaker than the single use application. The technique cannot be blocked by physical weapons and is insanely fast by not relying on the use of Hand seals but, because it still requires the user to perform hand gestures to use and is somewhat visible in the effect it produces, it can still be defended against by using appropriate evasion techniques or fast elemental ninjutsu.
( Doujutsu: Genjutsu Sharingan ) - Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye Illusion
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: C - S (S)
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 15 - 40 ( Equal Cost for Each Additional Turn Sustained ) 40
Damage points: 30 - 80 80
Description: This broadly refers to a range of genjutsu performed with the Sharingan. It has also been shown to be performed through the Sharingan's higher evolutions: the Mangekyō Sharingan and the Rinnegan. By establishing eye contact with a target, the Sharingan user traps them within a sustained Genjutsu of the user's creation. Sharingan Genjutsu are stronger than other Genjutsu, being difficult to break in comparison due to the sinister chakra powering them. When utilized through the Mangekyo Sharingan, these Genjutsu are enhanced and deal an additional 40 damage. However, the time dilation effects and similar effects/ability of Tsukiyomi and custom variants cannot be replicated through these illusions. When used through the EMS, these illusions deal an addition 50 damage. In the case of Supplementary and none damaging use, these Genjutsu can be exploited for one of various purposes, such as: causing temporary paralysis in the target, forceful extraction of information, relaying memories, removing Genjutsu placed on the target by others, and controlling a target's actions. Controlling a target's abilities in limited to Summoning and other none Creation/Ninja entities. The 3 Tomoe Sharingan can forcibly controls Basic and Ancient Summoning's actions as long as they sustain this technique. MS can affect up to Mythical Contracts while EMS can effect even Legendary Summonings. This control is limited to the ability to control their physical movements with limited access to their ninjutsu, using only skills related to the Summoning itself.

In the event of Bijuu, Mangekyo Sharingan users are able to use their MS to cast powerful enough Genjutsu that even Tailed Beasts cannot break their hosts from it, being ensnarled as well. These Genjutsu can also seize control of a Tailed Beast by temporarily severing its connection to the host without the need for eye contact. If the Jinchuriki has not entered any Chakra Shroud state or higher, the user can cast a powerful Genjutsu that severs their connection and prevents access to the Bijuu as well as any of it's skills for 3 turns. Should a Chakra Shroud or Incomplete Jinchuriki transformation occur, the user is capable of preventing full access to it's Bijuu Skills for 3 turns by suppressing it. This presents itself in an inability to utilize the Tailed Beast Bomb variants, a Bijuu Skill such as Sand or Coral as well as access higher transformations. Should the user have EMS, this control is extended to blocking access for double the time and should a Complete Transformation occur, the user is capable of suppressing it's form and ending the Transformation in it's entirety and forces the health drawbacks to trigger as well as a reduced max health and chakra by 25% from fatigue. However, Bijuu Suppression can only be done by sustaining the technique at the cost of 2 moves per turn and prevents Sharingan Genjutsu for 5 turns.
Note: While powerful, the effects of Sharingan Genjutsu only last while the user actively sustains the technique, preventing usage of other Ninjutsu at the same time. This indiscriminately prevents the use of chakra in other techniques outside of basic Taijutsu only.
Note: When used in the NW, this can be used to tame a wild Tailed Beast and allow the user to summon it in an enraged state for 4 turns, only being capable of using Sharingan and non chakra enhanced Bukijutsu during this time, Ninjutsu being barred while controlling the target. This beast is summoned at max powers and has access to it's Skills and one Bijuu Pathway, determined through Official Roll in the NRP Discord. This ability can currently only be done by Madara Uchiha in the Ninja World.
Note: Can only be used once per turn. MS and EMS use can only be done once every 4 turns.
Note: Requires Eye Contact and activation of 3 Tomoe and higher Sharingan.
To his shock, not only did the human perceive his attack but had also released some sort of technique that changed her chakra signature. It felt like one had suddenly become many, and he saw that made manifest in a stream of wind undulating around her sword as she swung it forward. Though she may have been quicker elsewhere, at this close to Jin the human was just as fast as him and with his increased perception he was more than able to keep track of their body and blade. He rocks on a heel before moving even closer, ducking below her horizontal swing by passively phasing a portion of his feet through the ground which brought him low enough and in time to dodge both the wind-enhanced swing and the blade of chilling wind that came after it while also molding Entropy chakra of his own with a seal of confrontation. Then, using this opening and range, Jin immediately reaches up with his inky black left hand to cover the human's whole face as he blasts a potent wave of Entropy radiation directly from his outstretched hand and through her head, possibly stunning her long enough for his hand to make contact and lift her up from the ground as he too rose from it. Once completely above ground he swings the Kōkaku at her sword hand, the wrist, with the aim to disarm and injure her. "My ambition keeps me alive," he growls as he then twists his waist and upper body to throw the human head first to his right into some nearby moss-covered ruins. "Yours is going to get you killed."

( Entropoton: Mugen no Sokumen ) Entropy ∞ Aspect of Infinity (REF)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 ( -10 per turn ) (+10 Cruel Hegemony/Levels of Restriction) = 50
Damage: 80 (+5 AP, +20 Cruel Hegemony, +20 Levels of Restriction) = 125
Description: Aspect of Infinity is a technique that allows the manipulation of Entropy in its condensed form throughout the body and infusing it with the element. The jutsu requires three hand seals, after which the user becomes a more condensed form of Entropy which appears like a dark silhouette with a shimmering outer edge caused by the passive emission of radiation. Inside the user's body will appear to be filled with small pulses of light reminiscent of stars and their eyes will glow a blueish color. As per natural properties of the element, the user is able to phase through solid objects and those devoid of chakra such as the ground. This can be done passively while Aspect of Infinity is active but while phasing the user will be unable to deliver physical attacks such as free form and Taijutsu or perform techniques other than Entropy. The real strength behind this jutsu comes from the body, whereas the user is able to interact directly with their own energies, enhancing their attacks. While Aspect of Infinity is active, the user is able to perform Entropy techniques with added potency ( +1 rank to techniques up to S-rank, and +20 damage above S-rank ) while halving the number of required hand seals. This is to compensate for them being unable to perform any other forms of elemental Ninjutsu except for Fire and Lightning ( Entropy's component elements ) and elements composed of the two, as well non-chakra aided Taijutsu and of course, Entropy. If the user is to be sealed while Aspect of Infinity is active the Entropy chakra will disperse, ejecting the user while the energy is being absorbed. Likewise, if an attack were to overpower this jutsu, the resultant damage after clashing would carry to the user while the state deactivates. Can only be used twice per match, lasting four turns each, and has a two turn cool down.

(Entropoton: Akuyaku no Shizuka) Entropy ∞ Silent Undoer
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: C-S (F)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40 (-10 per turn) (50, + 10 Cruel Hegemony) = 60
Damage: 30-80 (90, + 5 AP, +20 Cruel Hegemony) = 115
Description: This technique serves as a basic release for the element, and allows the user to concentrate various amounts of Entropic Radiation either within his body, the terrain around him, or even the air. When conjured without a source the element cannot be formed within 5 meters (short ranged) of an opponent, unless the user himself is within that range. The radiation can be used in various forms; it can be condensed into solid objects such as weapons, shields, pillars, etc and it can stay as simple radiation to cover vast distances and wreak havoc from afar. When made into objects, the element will be able to, upon contact with techniques and/or chakra filled entities, disperse the kinetic and potential energies found within said technique which can cause it to lose form. The other side to this technique is when the element is released in full blown radiation form. As per abilities of the CE, the radiation is able to pass through solid objects to get to hidden targets. Once contact is made the radiation will forcefully scatter the energies within its target which can lead to severe internal damage within people and summons, and loss of form to techniques. To use this technique above B-ranked, the user will have to perform a hand seal. A-ranked usages require two hand seals and a turn cool down between applications, S-Ranked requires three hand seals, two turn cool down, and a maximum usage limit of three times. After using the S-ranked variant the user will be unable to perform Entropy techniques above A-Ranked in the next turn. Applications of Silent Undoer can remain on the field more than a single turn up to a max of three turns but at a price of ten chakra per turn.

Chakra: 2190 - (50 + 10) = 2130
HP: 130 - 10 = 120
Cruel Hegemony 4/4
Levels of Restriction 3/3
Aspect of Infinity 2/4


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
To his shock, not only did the human perceive his attack but had also released some sort of technique that changed her chakra signature. It felt like one had suddenly become many, and he saw that made manifest in a stream of wind undulating around her sword as she swung it forward. Though she may have been quicker elsewhere, at this close to Jin the human was just as fast as him and with his increased perception he was more than able to keep track of their body and blade. He rocks on a heel before moving even closer, ducking below her horizontal swing by passively phasing a portion of his feet through the ground which brought him low enough and in time to dodge both the wind-enhanced swing and the blade of chilling wind that came after it while also molding Entropy chakra of his own with a seal of confrontation. Then, using this opening and range, Jin immediately reaches up with his inky black left hand to cover the human's whole face as he blasts a potent wave of Entropy radiation directly from his outstretched hand and through her head, possibly stunning her long enough for his hand to make contact and lift her up from the ground as he too rose from it. Once completely above ground he swings the Kōkaku at her sword hand, the wrist, with the aim to disarm and injure her. "My ambition keeps me alive," he growls as he then twists his waist and upper body to throw the human head first to his right into some nearby moss-covered ruins. "Yours is going to get you killed."

( Entropoton: Mugen no Sokumen ) Entropy ∞ Aspect of Infinity (REF)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 ( -10 per turn ) (+10 Cruel Hegemony/Levels of Restriction) = 50
Damage: 80 (+5 AP, +20 Cruel Hegemony, +20 Levels of Restriction) = 125
Description: Aspect of Infinity is a technique that allows the manipulation of Entropy in its condensed form throughout the body and infusing it with the element. The jutsu requires three hand seals, after which the user becomes a more condensed form of Entropy which appears like a dark silhouette with a shimmering outer edge caused by the passive emission of radiation. Inside the user's body will appear to be filled with small pulses of light reminiscent of stars and their eyes will glow a blueish color. As per natural properties of the element, the user is able to phase through solid objects and those devoid of chakra such as the ground. This can be done passively while Aspect of Infinity is active but while phasing the user will be unable to deliver physical attacks such as free form and Taijutsu or perform techniques other than Entropy. The real strength behind this jutsu comes from the body, whereas the user is able to interact directly with their own energies, enhancing their attacks. While Aspect of Infinity is active, the user is able to perform Entropy techniques with added potency ( +1 rank to techniques up to S-rank, and +20 damage above S-rank ) while halving the number of required hand seals. This is to compensate for them being unable to perform any other forms of elemental Ninjutsu except for Fire and Lightning ( Entropy's component elements ) and elements composed of the two, as well non-chakra aided Taijutsu and of course, Entropy. If the user is to be sealed while Aspect of Infinity is active the Entropy chakra will disperse, ejecting the user while the energy is being absorbed. Likewise, if an attack were to overpower this jutsu, the resultant damage after clashing would carry to the user while the state deactivates. Can only be used twice per match, lasting four turns each, and has a two turn cool down.

(Entropoton: Akuyaku no Shizuka) Entropy ∞ Silent Undoer
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: C-S (F)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40 (-10 per turn) (50, + 10 Cruel Hegemony) = 60
Damage: 30-80 (90, + 5 AP, +20 Cruel Hegemony) = 115
Description: This technique serves as a basic release for the element, and allows the user to concentrate various amounts of Entropic Radiation either within his body, the terrain around him, or even the air. When conjured without a source the element cannot be formed within 5 meters (short ranged) of an opponent, unless the user himself is within that range. The radiation can be used in various forms; it can be condensed into solid objects such as weapons, shields, pillars, etc and it can stay as simple radiation to cover vast distances and wreak havoc from afar. When made into objects, the element will be able to, upon contact with techniques and/or chakra filled entities, disperse the kinetic and potential energies found within said technique which can cause it to lose form. The other side to this technique is when the element is released in full blown radiation form. As per abilities of the CE, the radiation is able to pass through solid objects to get to hidden targets. Once contact is made the radiation will forcefully scatter the energies within its target which can lead to severe internal damage within people and summons, and loss of form to techniques. To use this technique above B-ranked, the user will have to perform a hand seal. A-ranked usages require two hand seals and a turn cool down between applications, S-Ranked requires three hand seals, two turn cool down, and a maximum usage limit of three times. After using the S-ranked variant the user will be unable to perform Entropy techniques above A-Ranked in the next turn. Applications of Silent Undoer can remain on the field more than a single turn up to a max of three turns but at a price of ten chakra per turn.

Chakra: 2190 - (50 + 10) = 2130
HP: 130 - 10 = 120
Cruel Hegemony 4/4
Levels of Restriction 3/3
Aspect of Infinity 2/4
The battle had gone exactly as Nadja foresaw it with her opponent ending up beneath her heel, it was only natural that she was the superior fighter, as she served the almighty being and adventurer whom she followed without question. It was as simple as channelling chakra through her body as she could see the body of her opponent sliding through the ground, it got murky after a certain depths but her sharingan allowed her to see to a certain point. Her opponent had phased through the ground but there was still a chakra signature meaning that is still existed within some physical form, and with a crushing stomp, the earth erupted.

"I have given thee courtesy enough. Now I fight as Narberal Gamma. "
(activating Nindo, Art is a Blast - Damage vs Damage)

The earth shattered as a shockwave ripped through turning the surrounding landscape to rubble, while the wind began to funnel into the cracks and divots that had been ripped apart as a severing blow. The ground groaned and roared with the howling winds filling every gap, Nadja smirked as she imagined a flame being suffocated by her own powerful wind.

(Iki no Tani) Valley of Breath
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn) +10=50
Damage: 80 +20+30=130
Creating 3 seals, the user gathers up wind natured chakra into their fist or foot, and slams it down into the ground, creating a long range shockwave that shatters the earth. Then releasing the wind into the ground, it creates a large powerful upheaval of wind like a geyser throughout the terrain, like a solid punch of blunt force up to long range. By channelling wind chakra through the users body and releasing it through their feet, the user can continue to channel this force for 3 turns.
-Lasts 2 turns
-Can only be used twice per battle and 2 turn cooldown in between

Not only would this massive shockwave erupt from Naberal but it would knock out Jin from the ground as well as the chakra involved shredding through the ground and his chakra cloaked form. Scanning and looking for Jin, Naberal would then focus her eyes immediately upon her opponents locking them into a genjutsu of a simple but effective nature, wires bursting forth from the ground and stringing Jin up like a puppet and preventing any form of movement. During this time, as it happened, Naberal would strike forwards with a swing of ferocious speed to decapitate her opponent.

( Doujutsu: Genjutsu Sharingan ) - Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye Illusion
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: C - S (S)
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 15 - 40 ( Equal Cost for Each Additional Turn Sustained ) 40
Damage points: 30 - 80 80
Description: This broadly refers to a range of genjutsu performed with the Sharingan. It has also been shown to be performed through the Sharingan's higher evolutions: the Mangekyō Sharingan and the Rinnegan. By establishing eye contact with a target, the Sharingan user traps them within a sustained Genjutsu of the user's creation. Sharingan Genjutsu are stronger than other Genjutsu, being difficult to break in comparison due to the sinister chakra powering them. When utilized through the Mangekyo Sharingan, these Genjutsu are enhanced and deal an additional 40 damage. However, the time dilation effects and similar effects/ability of Tsukiyomi and custom variants cannot be replicated through these illusions. When used through the EMS, these illusions deal an addition 50 damage. In the case of Supplementary and none damaging use, these Genjutsu can be exploited for one of various purposes, such as: causing temporary paralysis in the target, forceful extraction of information, relaying memories, removing Genjutsu placed on the target by others, and controlling a target's actions. Controlling a target's abilities in limited to Summoning and other none Creation/Ninja entities. The 3 Tomoe Sharingan can forcibly controls Basic and Ancient Summoning's actions as long as they sustain this technique. MS can affect up to Mythical Contracts while EMS can effect even Legendary Summonings. This control is limited to the ability to control their physical movements with limited access to their ninjutsu, using only skills related to the Summoning itself.

In the event of Bijuu, Mangekyo Sharingan users are able to use their MS to cast powerful enough Genjutsu that even Tailed Beasts cannot break their hosts from it, being ensnarled as well. These Genjutsu can also seize control of a Tailed Beast by temporarily severing its connection to the host without the need for eye contact. If the Jinchuriki has not entered any Chakra Shroud state or higher, the user can cast a powerful Genjutsu that severs their connection and prevents access to the Bijuu as well as any of it's skills for 3 turns. Should a Chakra Shroud or Incomplete Jinchuriki transformation occur, the user is capable of preventing full access to it's Bijuu Skills for 3 turns by suppressing it. This presents itself in an inability to utilize the Tailed Beast Bomb variants, a Bijuu Skill such as Sand or Coral as well as access higher transformations. Should the user have EMS, this control is extended to blocking access for double the time and should a Complete Transformation occur, the user is capable of suppressing it's form and ending the Transformation in it's entirety and forces the health drawbacks to trigger as well as a reduced max health and chakra by 25% from fatigue. However, Bijuu Suppression can only be done by sustaining the technique at the cost of 2 moves per turn and prevents Sharingan Genjutsu for 5 turns.
Note: While powerful, the effects of Sharingan Genjutsu only last while the user actively sustains the technique, preventing usage of other Ninjutsu at the same time. This indiscriminately prevents the use of chakra in other techniques outside of basic Taijutsu only.
Note: When used in the NW, this can be used to tame a wild Tailed Beast and allow the user to summon it in an enraged state for 4 turns, only being capable of using Sharingan and non chakra enhanced Bukijutsu during this time, Ninjutsu being barred while controlling the target. This beast is summoned at max powers and has access to it's Skills and one Bijuu Pathway, determined through Official Roll in the NRP Discord. This ability can currently only be done by Madara Uchiha in the Ninja World.
Note: Can only be used once per turn. MS and EMS use can only be done once every 4 turns.
Note: Requires Eye Contact and activation of 3 Tomoe and higher Sharingan.
(Kumo-Ryū Mikazuki Kiri) - Cloud-Style Crescent Moon Beheading
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 60+20
Description: The user utilizes a large extent of their physical capabilities to swing their sword in a single large arc, which occurs with such ferocious velocity that the technique can be employed in situations where only a very limited time to react is available. The swing can be used to counter attacks from multiple opponents simultaneously. The technique receives its name due to the entire movement being reminiscent of a crescent moon.


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
The battle had gone exactly as Nadja foresaw it with her opponent ending up beneath her heel, it was only natural that she was the superior fighter, as she served the almighty being and adventurer whom she followed without question. It was as simple as channelling chakra through her body as she could see the body of her opponent sliding through the ground, it got murky after a certain depths but her sharingan allowed her to see to a certain point. Her opponent had phased through the ground but there was still a chakra signature meaning that is still existed within some physical form, and with a crushing stomp, the earth erupted.

"I have given thee courtesy enough. Now I fight as Narberal Gamma. "
(activating Nindo, Art is a Blast - Damage vs Damage)

The earth shattered as a shockwave ripped through turning the surrounding landscape to rubble, while the wind began to funnel into the cracks and divots that had been ripped apart as a severing blow. The ground groaned and roared with the howling winds filling every gap, Nadja smirked as she imagined a flame being suffocated by her own powerful wind.

(Iki no Tani) Valley of Breath
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn) +10=50
Damage: 80 +20+30=130
Creating 3 seals, the user gathers up wind natured chakra into their fist or foot, and slams it down into the ground, creating a long range shockwave that shatters the earth. Then releasing the wind into the ground, it creates a large powerful upheaval of wind like a geyser throughout the terrain, like a solid punch of blunt force up to long range. By channelling wind chakra through the users body and releasing it through their feet, the user can continue to channel this force for 3 turns.
-Lasts 2 turns
-Can only be used twice per battle and 2 turn cooldown in between

Not only would this massive shockwave erupt from Naberal but it would knock out Jin from the ground as well as the chakra involved shredding through the ground and his chakra cloaked form. Scanning and looking for Jin, Naberal would then focus her eyes immediately upon her opponents locking them into a genjutsu of a simple but effective nature, wires bursting forth from the ground and stringing Jin up like a puppet and preventing any form of movement. During this time, as it happened, Naberal would strike forwards with a swing of ferocious speed to decapitate her opponent.

( Doujutsu: Genjutsu Sharingan ) - Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye Illusion
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: C - S (S)
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 15 - 40 ( Equal Cost for Each Additional Turn Sustained ) 40
Damage points: 30 - 80 80
Description: This broadly refers to a range of genjutsu performed with the Sharingan. It has also been shown to be performed through the Sharingan's higher evolutions: the Mangekyō Sharingan and the Rinnegan. By establishing eye contact with a target, the Sharingan user traps them within a sustained Genjutsu of the user's creation. Sharingan Genjutsu are stronger than other Genjutsu, being difficult to break in comparison due to the sinister chakra powering them. When utilized through the Mangekyo Sharingan, these Genjutsu are enhanced and deal an additional 40 damage. However, the time dilation effects and similar effects/ability of Tsukiyomi and custom variants cannot be replicated through these illusions. When used through the EMS, these illusions deal an addition 50 damage. In the case of Supplementary and none damaging use, these Genjutsu can be exploited for one of various purposes, such as: causing temporary paralysis in the target, forceful extraction of information, relaying memories, removing Genjutsu placed on the target by others, and controlling a target's actions. Controlling a target's abilities in limited to Summoning and other none Creation/Ninja entities. The 3 Tomoe Sharingan can forcibly controls Basic and Ancient Summoning's actions as long as they sustain this technique. MS can affect up to Mythical Contracts while EMS can effect even Legendary Summonings. This control is limited to the ability to control their physical movements with limited access to their ninjutsu, using only skills related to the Summoning itself.

In the event of Bijuu, Mangekyo Sharingan users are able to use their MS to cast powerful enough Genjutsu that even Tailed Beasts cannot break their hosts from it, being ensnarled as well. These Genjutsu can also seize control of a Tailed Beast by temporarily severing its connection to the host without the need for eye contact. If the Jinchuriki has not entered any Chakra Shroud state or higher, the user can cast a powerful Genjutsu that severs their connection and prevents access to the Bijuu as well as any of it's skills for 3 turns. Should a Chakra Shroud or Incomplete Jinchuriki transformation occur, the user is capable of preventing full access to it's Bijuu Skills for 3 turns by suppressing it. This presents itself in an inability to utilize the Tailed Beast Bomb variants, a Bijuu Skill such as Sand or Coral as well as access higher transformations. Should the user have EMS, this control is extended to blocking access for double the time and should a Complete Transformation occur, the user is capable of suppressing it's form and ending the Transformation in it's entirety and forces the health drawbacks to trigger as well as a reduced max health and chakra by 25% from fatigue. However, Bijuu Suppression can only be done by sustaining the technique at the cost of 2 moves per turn and prevents Sharingan Genjutsu for 5 turns.
Note: While powerful, the effects of Sharingan Genjutsu only last while the user actively sustains the technique, preventing usage of other Ninjutsu at the same time. This indiscriminately prevents the use of chakra in other techniques outside of basic Taijutsu only.
Note: When used in the NW, this can be used to tame a wild Tailed Beast and allow the user to summon it in an enraged state for 4 turns, only being capable of using Sharingan and non chakra enhanced Bukijutsu during this time, Ninjutsu being barred while controlling the target. This beast is summoned at max powers and has access to it's Skills and one Bijuu Pathway, determined through Official Roll in the NRP Discord. This ability can currently only be done by Madara Uchiha in the Ninja World.
Note: Can only be used once per turn. MS and EMS use can only be done once every 4 turns.
Note: Requires Eye Contact and activation of 3 Tomoe and higher Sharingan.
(Kumo-Ryū Mikazuki Kiri) - Cloud-Style Crescent Moon Beheading
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 60+20
Description: The user utilizes a large extent of their physical capabilities to swing their sword in a single large arc, which occurs with such ferocious velocity that the technique can be employed in situations where only a very limited time to react is available. The swing can be used to counter attacks from multiple opponents simultaneously. The technique receives its name due to the entire movement being reminiscent of a crescent moon.
We'll call it here. I refreshed on a lot during this fight and had fun. :hs:


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Aight, the fight was mostly balanced out with a decent back and forth. I feel Zat began to apply more pressure towards the end and gain better control and as such is declared the winner.


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
I’m not an expert. But after viewing and analyzing this fight from beginning to the end, line by line, word by word, letter by letter. I came to the conclusion, and I can say that I can’t say anything because as I said at the beginning, I'm not an expert🤔.
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  • Haha
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