In case you don't know what is happening in Syria..........


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Aug 29, 2012
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So, ISIS is killing christians and it makes the news, but they kill non believers and we hear nothing? Biased media is biased.


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Jul 3, 2008
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This is so terrible.
So, ISIS is killing christians and it makes the news, but they kill non believers and we hear nothing? Biased media is biased.
Yes it is biased, but for them to show the photos is what is important. Don't read to become a follower, read to become a student and make up your own mind.


Jan 26, 2009
Trait Points
That beheaded girl is at least from 2012...

But yea they were gruesome. Stop linking me to the gruesome stuff. -_-

Regarding the Yazidis and the Arab Media : The elephant in the room

Right now Thousands of Iraqi/Kurd Yizadis are trying to escape with their lives and their kids from the hell unleashed by the IS aka ISIS aka the Neo-Islamic Caliphate in Northern Iraq.

They headed to their holy Sinjar mountain as a refuge for days with no food or water before the Peshmerga forces managed to rescue them and transfer them to Duhok province.

Despite how awful it may sound now but this is not the first time the Yazidis face this and head to the mountain in an attempt to protect themselves just like any other religious and ethnic sect in Levant and Iraq.

Despite all what is happening last week , there has been complete silence regarding to what is happening to this small and old sect in Iraq in the Arab media. I believe there was even more attention to what happened to the Christians in Mosul than to the Yazidis and the reason is well know to everybody but nobody wants to speak about the elephant in the room.

The Yazidis as an old religious sect revers Melek Taus which is commonly known in Judaism , Christianity and Islam as Satan aka the devil. They are commonly known as the devil worshipers in the Arab media and Arab people especially those who don't deal them or know them outside Iraq and Syria.

Already even there are some Shiites as well many Sunnis believe that the Yazidis are named after Yazid , the most hated personality in the Shiite beliefs who was responsible for the death of Al-Hussein.

For radicals the Yizadis are simply Satanists in nutshell and you only have to see how the IS deals with the Christians and other Muslims to know how they are going to deal with them.

Personally I knew about the Yizadis for the first time in some American Indiana Jones novel when I was a teenage and you do not have to guess how the Yizadis were portrayed then. They were those evil Satanists in the East that Indiana Jones kicked their asses.

The second time I read about them was after the US invasion to Iraq. Some Egyptian journalist wrote about his visit to their territories in a publication issued by Egyptian Dar El-Halal and actually I remember that he wrote about their beliefs explaining it but still they were regarded as Satanists.

Already that particular point made them so attractive to adventure journalists as well tabloid journalists all over the world as well radical groups throughout history.

Technically speaking they are Satanists in their own way but not in your usual Anton LaVey cat blood suckers Rosemary’s baby cult.They chose exclusion I believe to avoid that image.

This is the elephant in the room I am speaking.

This is why I believe that the Arab media ignored what happened to them because they may not get the sympathy they deserve as humans like the Christians in Mosul.

If you notice there is more coverage about the Christians in Mosul and we got social media campaigns in solidarity with them and the head of Arab churches in several countries including Egypt spoke about them.

Only on Friday a group of Arab and Muslim tweets launched a hashtag called “Save the Yazidis by the names of humanity”. Needles to say the IS supporters are attacking those tweeps and ask them that same question “ Do not you know what they worship !?”

Satanists or not the Yazidis should not be killed and forced to leave their land which they chose to live in away from the rest of the people to keep their beliefs.

Ironically when you think about according the mainstream religious views , I believe that the IS crazy sick fighters are falling to the devil’s trap with their genocides in Iraq.

BY the way I believe the Gulf countries should send food aids to the Iraqis and Kurds including Yazidis just like Gaza. I think the Gulf countries owe it to the Iraqis and Kurds after all many of the IS financers are from these countries.
Posted by Zeinobia at 1:28 AM
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Jul 3, 2008
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Usa is at it again.
Yes they are. They only post up what they deem as necessary to read about. Have you read the other articles about whats going on? Its crazy the stuff going on with ISIS. I mean they want to get rid of anyone who isn't with their religion. But do they even know what they will do if they were to succeed? They are just acting on pure impulse and not trying to see what they would do after. Endless killing and bloodshed will never solve anything for "peace" as they say.....


Active member
Jul 3, 2008
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That beheaded girl is at least from 2012...

But yea they were gruesome. Stop linking me to the gruesome stuff. -_-

Wow. Just wow thank you for the heads up and for the great information. I will keep in note not to post up the gruesome images. This seemed like it should be spread over to everyone so that they may see whats going on in the world. Its one thing to read about it and envision it, but to read and see it as well seems to impact the readers perspective a bit more.
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Jan 26, 2009
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Wow. Just wow thank you for the heads up and for the great information. I will keep in note not to post up the gruesome images. This seemed like it should be spread over to everyone so that they may see whats going on in the world. Its one thing to read about it and envision it, but to read and see it as well seems to impact the readers perspective a bit more.
It doesn't mean it didn't happen of course but yea.

Actually I have seen too many such links recently and worse some were not even from the place they were claimed to be. Many of the images posted to be claimed for Gaza were also from Syria and some were from even older like 2007 in some other threads basically faking the event what image was showing. Last year we have had riots in our own country because someone circulated similar fake news claiming discrimination when those images were from another country... and so on.

So I Google for similar images it takes me to other/ older news. I end up searching for source image and as a result even more images of the kind.. -_-

I wish they would mention the right date and if it's still going on instead of being vague about it just to make their point or augment their side. It makes them more trustworthy in my opinion though of course they may not care. Others who make completely fake news out of those pictures ... I don't even have words for them..
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Jul 3, 2008
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It doesn't mean it didn't happen of course but yea.

Actually I have seen too many such links recently and worse some were not even from the place they were claimed to be. Many of the images posted to be claimed for Gaza were also from Syria and some were from even older like 2007 in some other threads basically faking the event what image was showing. Last year we have had riots in out own country because someone circulated similar fake news claiming discrimination when those images were from another country... and so on.

So I Google for similar images it takes me to other/ older news. I end up searching for source image and as a result even more images of the kind.. -_-

I wish they would mention the right date and if it's still going on instead of being vague about it just to make their point or augment their side. It makes them more trustworthy in my opinion though of course they may not care. Others who make completely fake news out of those pictures ... I don't even have words for them..
Another example would be a video that had re-circulated my country not to long ago. It was a video about a mother who was slapping, pinching and hitting her baby who was a few months old? (The age was never confirmed) well after this video came out, a vast majority of people were petitioning this video and the country for allowing that to happen to the child. Well it happens that the video was actually 2 years old. The government arrested the woman and had given her i believe it was 9 months in prison? Any who, it is getting bad and really bad about people using older images and videos to re-spark outdated information. Its also getting harder and harder to find creditable sources now a days...


Jan 26, 2009
Trait Points
Another example would be a video that had re-circulated my country not to long ago. It was a video about a mother who was slapping, pinching and hitting her baby who was a few months old? (The age was never confirmed) well after this video came out, a vast majority of people were petitioning this video and the country for allowing that to happen to the child. Well it happens that the video was actually 2 years old. The government arrested the woman and had given her i believe it was 9 months in prison? Any who, it is getting bad and really bad about people using older images and videos to re-spark outdated information. Its also getting harder and harder to find creditable sources now a days...
Yea. .. Photoshop, old images attached to new news of another place, shady sites with fake the date stamps pretending to be older than they are.. Internet can be misused in as many ways as it can be used.