I need help!


Jun 12, 2009
Trait Points
I'm going to be getting a computer writing tablet and maybe find one with both a writing/drawing tablet. However, I am not that knowledgeable and figured maybe someone knows someone or does have a bit of knowledge. I've researched and don't know what I should go for. Any advice, help, or anything?


Active member
Nov 29, 2008
Trait Points
hey my bro got back with me and this is what he sayed its liked long sorry:p

Ok cool, tablets are super nice. I love mine. This is kind of long, but hopefully helpful.

I use a Wacom tablet (called the Intuos), a slightly bigger one than the one in the picture I attached for you (just so you can see how big they are and what it looks like). These are pretty sweet, especially for artwork, and basically my advice on these would be "buy a Wacom". If just notes, signatures, sketches, and maybe just beginning to use art programs, that kind of thing, go for the one they call the Bamboo. Yes, it's kind of a dumb name. Whatever, its pretty sweet.

There is the regular bamboo, and the bamboo "fun". (more dumb names. the Fun? yes, the Fun.) The difference between the regular and the "Fun" are this: The regular only comes in one size, the smaller one (like the one in the picture I attached), and comes with no extra software (except what you need to make it work) for about 55$. The "Fun" comes in 2 sizes, small and medium, and comes with a basic version of Photoshop and a basic version of Corel Paint. Both fun programs for someone starting to play around with digital art. The small size is like 85$, and the medium is 155$ (from Amazon- they have the best prices I've seen for these.) The small size Fun and the plain old Bamboo are otherwise exactly the same.

The medium is a bit bigger obviously but also has a larger area that the pen works on. Either one I think you would be able to get used to. Having a larger area sometimes feels more natural when doing drawings, but hey, that's a bunch more money.

So I would probably suggest based on price and being newer to using tablets, to go for the small sized. Then just decide if you want to buy it with or without the extra software, which is a 30$ difference on amazon.- here's some handy links:

Bamboo (Small) Pen Tablet with Pen Only (regular Bamboo) 54$

Bamboo Fun (Small) Black Tablet with Pen, Mouse & Graphics Software (Fun, small sized.) 85$

Bamboo Fun (Medium) Black Tablet with Pen, Mouse & Graphics Software (Fun, medium sized.) 157$

The bamboo fun comes in some other fancy colors too, like silver, blue, white. Just do a search for "Wacom bamboo" in amazon to find those if you're interested..

The biggest difference between the Bamboo and other higher priced tablets (like the Intuos one I have) is the amount of pressure sensitivity they have. By that I mean like: pressing down hard with the pen will give you a dark mark and pressing it lightly as you draw will give you a lighter mark, plus you know, everything in between. There is a good amount of that sensitivity in the Bamboo though, so I think this one might be the best bet. The Intuos tablets start at like 250$, that ultra-high sensitivity makes them more for professional artists.

Just let me know if your friend has any other questions-