Hokubu Ocean (257)


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

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Alucard and Lilith sat on the large platform he had carved from the lightning mountains and flew straight towards Tobusekai.



May 7, 2020
Trait Points
Coming from: https://animebase.me/threads/owatatsumi-214.768208/post-22098725

Lucifer sinks below the waves of the Hokubu ocean once he arrives, the place has a somewhat calming effect on the child of Tiamat, the site of his rebirth. It was here that Lucifer first encountered the Sentinel race, though their home now stood abandoned, all trace of the former inhabitants swept away.


Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from here https://animebase.me/threads/kasumi-straight-256.757189/latest

Madara and Akujin continue forward, both taking to the sky to avoid the murky waters ahead of them. With Madara on his gunbai, the duo continued forward.

(Fūton: Okami Sono Sora) - Wind Release: Emperor Of The Skies
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30 (-10 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: Similar to Temari's "Wind Ryder Technique" the user will release his wind chakra outwards and manipulate the air currents beneath his war-fan, or any other fan big enough to be ridden on. He will then jump onto the war-fan as he rides it like a surfboard and is able to go airborne at fairly fast speeds like any traveling wind technique at its peak traveling speed. If the user wishes, he can utilize the war-fan while it is strapped to his back to initiate flight similar to how a kite is flown, however with the user attached to the bottom of it. The user can only glide/ride in a linear manner and not freely fly like regular flight techniques. The user can only change locations in mid flight once(ex. Gain height while going upwards during activation then choose the linear traveling path). After the liner path travel has completed the user will be suspended in mid-air for a total of two turns before the air currents are reduce back to normal, causing the user to start free-falling back down into the ground.

▵ Requires a fan/war-fan
▵ Can be used four times per battle
▵ Must be taught by Hard


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from: #206, Radiant Fields.

This post contains a mission utilizing the following Element:

Cut causality, then deal with the repercussions of that action. (Custom (4)​

Summary: Emiya attempts to right a wrong that has hurt so many. Things don't go as planned, and he must respond.

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Standing on the precipice of the corrupted "Sea of Life" where Tiamat, Goddess of Life, arose from once azure waves to mindlessly rampage across the world, Emiya allowed himself to once more shoulder the responsibility of his actions at the Sanctuary of the Moon. If he knew then what he knew now, perhaps things wouldn't have lead to the countless deaths since, not just Tiamat's rampage, but the fever that began to choke the life out of humanity, the undead assault on Tobusekai, the list goes on. All could really be traced back to that pivotal moment. That's where everything started to go wrong. Even if he was not alone in the act of destroying the Shrines, he still couldn't run away from it. That's why he came all this way after all. For years now at this point Emiya had racked his brain trying to think of a solution, to "fix" his mistake, to return the body of water to what it once was. It wasn't as simple as merely "pumping out" the corrupted water and bringing in fresh water, the sheer volume of the Hokubu alone made that impossible. Interacting directly with the waters also had the rather annoying side effect of twisting any life that made contact with them, which made other means of attempting it highly dangerous. All in all it seemed as though, despite the corrupted life forms sprawling forth from the crimson waters, humanity had seemingly decided to "live with it". The ecological bomb had already been detonated, and was causing untold damage every second it was allowed to exist. And while it seemed entirely impossible to fix to most people, Emiya believed he now held in his hands an answer. A sword that it itself decided what was impossible.

From the moment he was told Tsumukari's true nature, and more importantly entrusted with the weapon from Marzan, the weight of the weapon and the implications that it's use could bring had given Emiya pause. Reflecting upon the true scope of the weapon's reach. Marzan's instructions were as clear as day. The weapon targets and severs reality based upon concepts that the user themselves could visualize. Without that intent behind a slash, it was a simple blade. One of the finest crafted he'd ever beheld, but a simple blade nonetheless. So as he sat there watching Marzan work, and listening to the various voices that had traveled to the armory so far, his mind was also processing how to go about this. He already knew the blade caused some form of recoil that went beyond standard damage, wracking his body to it's very core, and seemingly resisted conventional healing methods, so he only had two or three shots in him at any given time before he was done. Even if the world no longer held the concept of "death", it would still be rather foolish to go about this with a half-baked idea of what exactly it was he wanted to achieve. If the swing ended in a failure, that would have to be it for the moment, or he risked inviting much worse than death, like being in a weakened state while being assaulted by one of the ocean's various polluted subjects.

Snapping himself out of that line of thinking, he once more turned his attention to the task at hand. He watched as the weighty mud-like liquid sloshed in waves before him, it's danger only eclipsed by the surprising hypnotic appearance the waters held. It would be beautiful if not for the danger it held... Drawing Tsumukari from it's sheathe, Emiya squared off with the ocean itself. He wasn't even going to touch the waters himself, never mind thinking about about "fighting" them, but he still needed to get into a proper position, especially should something unexpected happen. He was targeting the physical representation of a Goddesses Divinity with another form of Divinity, one infused with the power of the Void that now contained her after all. Anything could happen. Or nothing. Measuring the exact distance he'd need to be to strike at the ocean with the tip of his blade, Emiya steeled himself. He knew what he wanted was selfish, even childish in nature, to undo the damage done. Damage he himself was partially to blame for. His face became stoic and cold, fully intent on seeing this act through to it's entirety while letting nothing distract him. His mind went blank as he visualized what he wanted; crystal clear ocean waves, no longer corrupted by the presence of Tiamat's power. To achieve this, he needed to target the essence of Tiamat that had taken hold within the ocean. He visualized the Goddess herself, rampaging through this very spot on her way to the West, the waters turning with every step. That was the moment he wanted to "sever". To cut the causality that lead to the Hokubu's pollution. With every fiber of his being focusing on that moment, and using everything he knew about Tsumukari from his previous use back in the Armory, he tensed himself in anticipation of the damage he was about to sustain. He brought his blade down, lacking the vengeful force one would expect to see him slash at the ocean with given his expression. It was gentle. Light. Refined. He didn't need to expend every last ounce of strength assaulting the ocean. The sword already held everything it needed to do what Emiya was asking of it, so excessive force was unnecessary. With all the grace of a master swordsman, the sword effortlessly entered the vermilion waters, and...

(Tsumukari) – Heaven Reaching Blade
Type: Artifact
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 100
Description: Tsumukari, or the Heaven Reaching Blade, is the first katana reforged in the Armory of Marzan after the raid on Irkalla, the Underworld. The sword was reforged using the remnants of the God-Slaying Tool Blessings from the End of the World. Tsumukari is the first of a new generation of God-Slaying Tools, weapons noted to be the great “equalizers” in a cosmic conflict between the gods and man. Forging the blade was a cooperative effort between Marzan, the original engineer of the God-Slaying Tools, and his apprentice Emiya in the aftermath of the demise of the Domain of Death. Because its former iteration was rife with Void energy, Tsumukari has been endowed with unique abilities that go beyond what a standard God-Slaying Tool is capable of. On a basic level Tsumukari and the techniques it produces, be it through the sword or the sword as a proxy, contain proper Divinity to damage and slay a god. Passively, Tsumukari increases the user’s Kenjutsu techniques that utilize the sword by 30 additional damage. All the user’s Kenjutsu techniques, with the exception of those of Tsumukari’s active abilities that explicitly exclude them, gain a single range unit. Visually this appears as crescents and strikes of energy lashing out from the edge of Tsumukari, extending the range when necessary. Tsumukari is unbreakable; though its unbreakable nature cannot be used defensively alone. Use of any of the active abilities of Tsumukari puts the other two on cooldown for two turns.

Yōtō (lit. 妖刀, "Wicked Katana"): The first and most basic attack afforded to the wielder by Tsumukari. The user adorns the edge of the blade with Chakra, infusing it with trace Divinity, and performing simple slashes or piercing attacks with the sword. The user can either maintain the energy along the edge of the blade, empowering its basic attacks to inflict considerable damage for up to three attacks or five turns, whichever comes first. Alternatively, the user can consume the adorned edge and focus it into an arc of Chakra as a projectile with long-range reach. In either case, the blade strikes for 100 physical damage. This damage is treated as strong to all natures and abilities, with the only exception of Anutu and its components. Can be used four times per battle.

Will of the God-Slayer: A state activated through Tsumukari. The Will of the God-Slayer is the legacy of Marzan himself; through raw determination and human ingenuity the blacksmith forged the first God-Slaying Tool. It is an evocation of tenacity and hope, the desire for a better tomorrow by equalizing the war of today. When activated the user’s Kenjutsu prowess is further augmented, increased by an additional 20 damage while gaining an increase of three times their base speed. Additionally, any critical strikes they land with Tsumukari are increased by 30%. Lasts for four turns, can be used twice per battle.

Tsumukari Muramasa: A unique technique that emerges from Tsumukari’s unique composition between Void and Divinity. In short, this ability affords Tsumukari the power to cut causality. The technique is initiated through the user’s Chakra, costing 120, though its true cost lies in the Health Points it drains. Because the user possesses no Divinity the combination of Void and Divinity siphon the user’s health, costing the user 70 Health Points to perform. This health cannot be regenerated while in a battle unless the user possesses full Anutu or Atavistic Flame, in which case it can only be regenerated four turns after Tsumukari’s use. In the case of Atavistic Flame it heals at a rate of 50%, meaning if the user heals for 70 Health Points with Atavistic Flame it will count as 35 toward their total. In essence, when this technique is activated it becomes able to ‘cut’ causality and concepts that the user is capable of perceiving. It cannot cut the concept of ‘life,’ meaning to instantly kill another target. When Tsumukari is used like this it does not physically cut the target, rather it performs a metaphysical cut. There is no visible slash, gash, or piercing wound left on their victim, though contact with the blade is still required. Tsumukari Muramasa can cut Chakra, bonds, summoning contracts, and even Edo Tensei links. This ability can be used thrice per battle.
Tsumukari Muramasa: A unique technique that emerges from Tsumukari’s unique composition between Void and Divinity. In short, this ability affords Tsumukari the power to cut causality. The technique is initiated through the user’s Chakra, costing 120, though its true cost lies in the Health Points it drains. Because the user possesses no Divinity the combination of Void and Divinity siphon the user’s health, costing the user 70 Health Points to perform. This health cannot be regenerated while in a battle unless the user possesses full Anutu or Atavistic Flame, in which case it can only be regenerated four turns after Tsumukari’s use. In the case of Atavistic Flame it heals at a rate of 50%, meaning if the user heals for 70 Health Points with Atavistic Flame it will count as 35 toward their total. In essence, when this technique is activated it becomes able to ‘cut’ causality and concepts that the user is capable of perceiving. It cannot cut the concept of ‘life,’ meaning to instantly kill another target. When Tsumukari is used like this it does not physically cut the target, rather it performs a metaphysical cut. There is no visible slash, gash, or piercing wound left on their victim, though contact with the blade is still required. Tsumukari Muramasa can cut Chakra, bonds, summoning contracts, and even Edo Tensei links. This ability can be used thrice per battle.

Nothing, for a moment anyway. Then two. Then three. Several more passed, and all was as quiet as it had been. He was beginning to believe that this was a fool's errand, that he'd made a mistake, when something caught his eye. It was subtle, but the water was emitting a glow, first only a patch barely noticeable in the light of day, but soon began to expand out from the blade. The unmistakable hue of golden energy, not unlike that of Enkidu's chains from his brief exchange with Demetrias back on Kythira, began to leap forth from the blade and into the waters. As he was focused on the blade in an instant the glow spread out into the Hokubu, not in it's entirety, but in a single straight line. Emiya had only a moment to register the light before the ocean itself, seemingly responding to the Divinity clashing against it, erupted high into the air. Crimson waves as high as the spires of Avalon shot into the sky with explosive force parting in a straight line from Emiya's strike. It was almost majestic to behold if not for the threat of it raining down on him. Although he was hoping something would happen, this was far beyond the scope of what he was prepared to deal with with only a sideways stance, and remaining an arms length away from the ocean as he cautiously tested the Goddesses power. Realizing that he'd poked a sleeping tiger, Emiya immediately retreated back inland, and began gathering a large amount of Prana, preparing for the incoming waves. He watched in stunned silence as the waves kept rising and rising, reaching a point one would consider impossible. There they remained for several seconds, the moment itself lasting an eternity. The normal waves that had lapped at the shore, the red waters crashing against rock and earth covered in reddish mud, receded, pulled back towards the ocean's center as the waves forced the surrounding waters back. But as anyone could tell you; what goes up must come down. Only a few more seconds passed before a reddish mist began darkening the sky, the winds at that altitude dispersing the risen waters, spreading it as it began to fall back down. This was the moment Shirō was dreading, the resulting tidal wave caused by his hand. The exact reason why it happened could wait until later, he only had a dozen seconds or so before he would be dealing with a cataclysmic event that could threaten countless people along the coastline, and he wasn't going to allow that to happen again. As he was about to throw a wave of Prana out towards the descending tide of chaos, a voice began screaming out to him.

"You idiot!! Let me handle this or we're both done for."

"What are you-"

"Unless you want that 'Avenger' to become more than just an idea, I suggest you shut up, and let me handle this."

Considering that his plan amounted to throwing a large ball of Prana towards the cascading waves of water in an attempt at reducing the volume of water about to cause a large wave, he diverted a smaller amount of Chakra into the circuitry pattern on his left shoulder causing it to emit a bright greenish light, with the longest branching path leading way from the center becoming the most vibrant. In an instant Emiya's demeanor went from his more neutral facade to a more cold, steely, resolved one. This mistake would be handled by Heroic Spirit EMIYA.

(Fūinjutsu Ψ Ninchi Fukyōwa) Sealing Art Ψ Cognitive Dissonance
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A-Rank
Range: N/A (Self)
Chakra: N/A (30 (Paradigm Shift)
Damage: N/A
Description: Derived from the concept of an existing Fūinjutsu whose purpose was to bring order to an already chaotic mind, Cognitive Dissonance is a body seal that takes advantage of existing flaws within the user's psyche to intentionally split the user's mind to save it from itself. This is done through the techniques namesake, Cognitive Dissonance, which is a psychological phenomena that occurs when a person person holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideals or values, or performs an action in contradiction to one of these, which results in psychological stress. For example, if one promised that they would never harm another living being, but also swore to never let harm befall one they loved no matter what, and had to choose between killing someone to abide by the latter belief, or allowing the latter to die in service to the former belief, regardless of which one they chose, they would experience Cognitive Dissonance.

Cognitive Dissonance, when applied, identifies conflicting beliefs, ideas, values, etc, targeting these aspects as one would memories and other metaphysical aspects, then forcefully separates them, sealing them independently from one another. Visually the seal takes the form of a kanji, sigil, glyph, etc unique to the user, with branching paths that break off from the original design forming a script that can encompass a wider area on the user's body. As each separate "target" of the seal's effects naturally have their own heavily ingrained beliefs, they develop into an "Alter Ego" of the user's original persona, which can deviate heavily in all aspects, however most importantly they can develop entirely opposing interests in combat style. While the original persona might prefer ranged, Elemental attacks, one Alter Ego might have an affinity for close quarters combat and identify as a Taijutsu/ Kenjutsu specialist, while another might specialize in Medical Ninjutsu due to a desire to bring no harm to others. This results in each Alter Ego becoming classified as "Specialists" for a given field, which must be specified within the user's biography per each Alter Ego. While an Alter Ego is the active persona, any specialties the biography possesses that are applicable with that Alter Ego's chosen field are automatically converted into a specialty for that field. For example if the original persona is a single handseal Fire Release specialist, and one of their Alter Ego's identify as a Lightning Release specialist, while that Alter Ego is the active persona, they can perform Lightning Release with a single handseal instead of Fire, and are otherwise treated as a specialist of that Element, field, etc. Regardless of the chosen field(s) the specialties themselves remain unchanged, as the change stems from the Alter Ego's personal preference, and not the feats the user is actively capable of. In instances where an Alter Ego's chosen field are incompatible with a biography's specialty, it is rendered useless and provides no benefit to the user. The seal can be controlled at the user's discretion via their own Chakra, allowing them to perform a "Paradigm Shift", allowing them to swap between their Alter Ego's. When in combat this can only be done once every 3 turns, and at the cost of 30 Chakra. Outside of combat the Shift can be performed without cooldown, but requires the same 30 Chakra per Shift.

Note: Requires Advanced Fūinjutsu, and can only be used by Imperfect.
Note: The user can have up to 4 Alter Ego's, not including their "original" persona.

For the first time since merging with his past self, EMIYA could see through these eyes not as a spectator, but as the dominant personality. It was quite an experience, inhabiting the body of an alternate past version of himself. The mistakes he could fix with that combined with his knowledge of the future... But he wouldn't do that. Not only was it theoretically impossible to change his own past, the current present was so far from anything that he'd experienced that his knowledge of the future had been rendered useless. He couldn't foresee Tiamat's appearance, nor Enkidu, nor the events involving Demetrias or Phetra. For all intents and purposes, he was simply a displaced tool. An instrument once used only for death and destruction. But now, with Emiya, he was given a second chance. One he wouldn't squander. Drawing forth from his own personal Reality Marble, EMIYA spoke an incantation aloud.

"I am the bone of my sword..."

The air beneath him began to glow a dazzling azure and silver, just like Shirō's own. With a massive amount of Prana gathered, he began to spread his arms out before him then out to each side, sending a wall of Prana out into the air before him, as tall as a mountain, and as wide as the horizon itself. His hands tensed, and fingers straining from the sheer scale of the act, EMIYA pulled forth one of many conceptual Noble Phantasms at his disposal. A wall that would not waver so long as it's wielder's heart remained resolved, a perfect defense that could withstand the heat of the sun if that was the user's intent. As a great wall of pure snowflake-like white began to manifest, he recited the rest of his incantation.

"With my True Name revealed, I declare;
I stand amidst disaster.
If you heed the Grail's call, and obey my will and reason, engrave my name unto thee.
That which heals all wounds and grudges, our glorious homeland.
Manifest yourself, Lord Camelot!!"

And with that, it stood resolute against the incoming wave.​

(Kanki: Kigen no Kamigami) – Surge of Evocation: Era of Gods
Type: Offensive/ Defensive/ Supplementary
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique encompasses the basic applications of the Surge of Evocation. The Surge of Evocation is the usage of Prana in its raw and unrefined form; whatever this Prana touches is transformed into ethereal energy and transported to the Throne. Prana will neutralize and be neutralized by techniques that possess the same amount of chakra. Similarly it will be useless against attacks of greater chakra and will not be weakened by techniques of lower chakra. However when used on living targets this ambient energy will feel extremely frigid to the touch and induce cold burns on contact or even freeze a target solid for higher ranked applications. D to B-Rank uses will inflict cold burns as well as all of the effects of frostbite. A-Rank uses will cause necrosis of the afflicted parts of the body, making them appear dark purple and bruised to signify the death of cells. Affected appendages and organs will cease to function, becoming completely immobile in the case of limbs. S rank uses will freeze the struck targets solid. In the case of Surgebinders, who are immune to all of the above effects, they will be transported to the Throne when struck by the prana of another member of their clan. Era of Gods can be split into three separate applications, all based on the same principle: constructs, armors, and familiars made of prana energy.

Pride of Gilgamesh – Gates of Babylon
The Pride of Gilgamesh allows the user to produce Prana either from the user’s body or on the battlefield. The Prana can only be manifested within short-range of the opponent if the user is also within that range, in which it must be created a minimum of one meter away. This restriction does not apply if the user chooses to release the Prana from their body, rather than manifest it away from themselves. The energy can be released from the body via various hand signs depending on the user's rank in the clan. This can be done to generate constructs bound only by the rank of technique used and one’s imagination; alternatively the user can simplify the application by creating streams, waves, and constructs of Prana. Manifested Prana is capable of taking solid form, granting tangibility at the user’s volition. Non-projectile uses of this technique are capable of levitating and can be governed through mental commands and a sustained chakra cost. B-Ranks and below are sustained through 5 chakra per turn, A-Ranks and above require 10 chakra per turn. Created constructs will last three turns per usage unless they are prematurely cancelled. S-Rank applications can only be used once every three turns and no Prana in the user’s next turn.

Embrace of Ishtar – Armory of Akkadia
This variant allows the user to manifest armors, auras, and coatings of Prana around their body. This can be used to enshroud a single or multiple body parts in a layer of colored energy. These defenses can be made to fit the body like conventional armors or enveloping it in a formless manner. The first type can be created with additional limbs and appendages such as wings which enable flight. The user can also constantly reshape it and create small-scale weapons from the body of the armor, though at the cost of one of the user's three moves. It should be noted that these constructs remain attached to the main body of the armor and so act as an extension of it. The second type generates a “flowing aura” that appears to flicker like an open flame. This aura is often made as an upwards column that is streamed into the sky with its base remaining around the user. It should be noted that its power is not split or divided as all of the Prana energy is part of one whole. The armors can exhibit tangibility, although this does not hinder the user’s techniques and their passing which can freely move in and out of the armor per the user’s will. B-Rank and below applications require being sustained with 5 chakra per turn while A and S Ranks require 10 chakra per turn. This technique can last a maximum of three turns. S-Rank applications can be used twice per battle. After an S-Rank application expires the user is unable to utilize Prana single turn.

Divinity of Merlin – Garden of Avalon
The Divinity of Merlin allows the user to produce Prana in the same way as the Pride of Gilgamesh and can be shaped in the same way, limited by rank and imagination. However, unlike the Pride of Gilgamesh which creates static constructs the Divinity of Merlin creates constructs imbued with a limited form of sentience – familiars. These familiars can be created anywhere on the battlefield, with the exception of short-range of the opponent unless the user is also within that range; in this case the familiar cannot be created within two meters of the opponent. This restriction does not apply if the user chooses to release the Prana from their body. Familiars are capable of taking numerous shapes, not simply limited to animals. These familiars are also capable of taking solid form at the user’s volition. Familiars are capable of remaining on the battlefield for four turns. B-Ranks and below are sustained through 5 chakra per turn, A-Ranks and above require 10 chakra per turn. S-Rank applications can only be used twice times per battle and no Prana in the user’s next turn.

Note: The upper echelon of the clan (Servants and above) are capable of using this technique without hand signs for B-rank and below. A-rank will require two hand signs and S-rank requires three.
Note: The lower tier clan members (Phantasms to Guardians) will require 5 to 3 hand seals for all ranks, decreasing as they they ascend in rank.

A wave of Prana incomprehensibly long, and unbelievably tall solidified into a conceptualized defense, protecting not only Emiya, but anyone within the Radiant Fields or beyond that could be affected by such a wave. It was a disaster in the making of his own making, but he managed to prevent it from becoming a reality. Albeit with the help of a future version of himself relying on another Surgebinder's conceptualized Noble Phantasm, but a victory nonetheless. As the Sea of Life crashed against the walls of ancient Camelot, from which Avalon owes its existence and appearance, any mud that made contact with the wall did not so much as make a noise. Through direct contact with the wall of Prana, it was effortlessly and instantly transported to the Throne, any immediate threat of the tidal-wave like result of his attempt at "fixing" the reality of the Hokubu neutralized.

With the time to finally catch his breath, both from the shock of the act, and the damage inflicted to him by Tsumukari, EMIYA retreated further back in land, as Emiya seethed with fury that his well-meaning act not only failed, it almost made things worse. Why had it failed? He could perceive his target, the Sea of Life and it's corruption of the Hokubu, and his deployment of Tsumukari Muramasa was flawless, so why?! Was it because Tiamat's Divinity was stronger? Was it because he couldn't slash all of the Hokubu? There seemed to be some reaction and response to the act, so something occurred. It wasn't completely clear to him in the moment, but the fault lay with the very premise of the act itself. Tsumukari, for all intents and purposes, was a weapon that could slash all but one thing; Life. Though it was absolutely capable of taking a life as a blade, Tsumukari Muramasa lacked this concept from the start. Only the Great Mother Tiamat held dominion over the concept of Life. Only she could grant it, or sever it with a whim, as is her right as the Primordial Divinity. Emiya would come to understand this in time, but for the moment he was finished with the Hokubu. As he began to walk back inland, he realized that two discoveries had been made. The first? He didn't need to rely upon Tsumukari to fix any and every problem he faced. The second? EMIYA had been holding out on him.

"What the hell was that?!"

"Isn't it obvious? It was a conceptual Noble Phantasm I happened to come across once upon a time. It seemed fitting to deploy the great walls of Camelot, which were said to repel any external threats, as a bulwark against the Sea of Life."

His first instinct was to say he wanted it, but then anger took hold at a rather simple observation, and Shirō exploded.

"I mean why haven't you told me about it before?! Why haven't you used it before?!
Do you have any idea how many times in the last week something like that could have saved my life?!"

"I'm quite aware, but I'm not going to 'take the reigns' every time you find yourself in trouble. You won't grow as a 'Hero of Justice' if I keep pulling your ass out the fire. You need to learn how to handle your own, especially in moments like these. Besides, I thought you said you didn't want to become just like me? If so, perhaps you should develop your own skills instead of relying on mine, or those of others. You may wear that 'Faker' title of yours like a badge of honor, but I see it as a crutch. An excuse you get to throw out any time you fail. So do us all a favor and use this experience as an opportunity for growth. Or to put it another way; Grow up."

Once more EMIYA was correct, and Shirō was mad that he didn't have a proper response. He absolutely could have solved that issue, in time, but Archer wasn't about to gamble everything on that. Too much was at stake, not just for Emiya himself but those beyond the ocean's reach too. With Emiya's general inexperience when it came to more complex scenarios, Irkalla being a prime example wherein Muramasa and to a lesser extent Avenger took the lead more than he did, EMIYA decided to handle it. With a hand cradling his abdomen, EMIYA returned control back to Shirō, allowing him to limp back to Innovus. It was the least he could be expected to do after failing to purge the curse gripping the Hokubu, then using another's strength to fix a mess caused by that failure. As he left, something caught Emiya's eye. Right where Tsumukari made contact with the Hokubu, there was an incredibly brief, but unmistakable reflection of the sun's rays. It was a drop in the ocean, literally, but it almost appeared as though... No. Tsumukari failed. He chalked it up to a trick of the light, or his mind playing tricks on him, and left.

End of mission.

Leaving Landmark. Heading to #206, Radiant Fields.


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from Gaikotsu Bay (255)

Barney and Panthalassa continued their cruise across the Hokubu ocean. It's black surface was incredibly dangerous but just as much mesmerizing for Barney. As Panthalassa captained the ship, Barney leaned over the railing and spat into the blackness. As the spit touched the surface, it created a puff of smoke and Barney could hear a whisper saying Come here my dear. He shook his head in disbelief and stared at Panthalassa to see his reaction but it didn't appear that he heard anything. He couldn't have imagined this, could he? He battled his thoughts about the Hokubu and mother Tiamat as they continued their cruise.

Leaving landmark with Panthalassa.