Hagoromo's Last Hearth (247)


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Hagoromo's Last Hearth

Hagoromo's Last Hearth was the former base of operations for the Hagoromo Clan, set up shortly after the Sage of Six Paths spread chakra throughout the world to humanity just over eight hundred years ago. The Hearth is now left in ruins due to the Great Mother Cult's machinations and forcing the clan out of its lands. And today the spawn of the Basmu roam the lands, usually on hunts in the far east well outside Millicent's territory.​
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Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
  • Push back the cultist's infestation ( 5 )
  • Learn about Yin and Yang ( 4 )
Summary: Sado has found himself north of the Lost Shores. While claiming land for his village he has stumbled upon a long forgotten village, and sanctuary devoted to the Sage of Six Paths. These sacred places have been overrun by the very same "Mother Cult" he intended to investigate. Taking hold of the opportunity Sado plans to send a message to the Mother Cult, and the entirety of Tobusekai. Along the way, while making his message known he learns that the Yang energy he has learned to use has a counterpart and that he too can use it. Just as he has his entire life, first with his latent Sage Transformation, and then again with his dual personalities, Sado must find a balance between two sides. In this case Yin and Yang energy, and learn to use it all to his benefit.

Note: I'm going to give the cultists a buff for funzies. Every single Cultist gets +30 to their elemental techniques. However when working together on combination techniques those buffs stack. So two Cultists crafting a technique together get a +60, three get +90 etc. Thought it'd be more fun that way.

Sado felt the last flecks of senjutsu fleeing from his body, as he entered into the landmark. Instantly he could sense numerous figures in the distance roaming around the area. Too many to count in honesty, knowing this could be dangerous not wanting to lose his Sage Mode he consumed a tiny pill.
As the capsule broke in his mouth the swell of hot, natural energy swelled through his body mixing with his own chakra creating a huge pool of senjutsu chakra extending his Sage Mode for a longer period. Salazzle noticed him take the pill and commented on it. As she spoke Sado's body underwent the natural changes related to the pill his skin becoming flakey and rigid the medicinal substances taking root.
The salamander seemed concerned but she trusted him to know his own body. Sado didn't answer her though as he seemed too focused on the chakra sources to the north-east. He was curious honestly, he hadn't been this far east yet. He also hadn't run into the Mother Cult yet.
He needed to know if his assumption was correct, did Takauji Ashikaga ally with this cult and did that mean Tsumigakure had more enemies than they originally thought? Sado took several steps forward toward the ruined cityscape.

Healing Factor: Weapon X
Creator: Howard
Type: Healing
Description and Background: The pill at it's base is mostly a mass of mitogens suspended in a concentrated medium of senjutsu chakra and natural energy that when consumed begins to breakdown and move throughout the body activating and signaling proto-oncogenes to ramp up cell growth exponentially. The proto-onogenes along with the body itself begin using the senjutsu chakra and natural energy as a fuel source to expedite this process. It completely turns off tumor suppressors as every cell in the body begins to rapidly and nearly uncontrollably go through mitosis converting the new cells at the site of the wound, wounds, or missing appendages to blastema. Blastema are masses of cells capable of growth and regeneration into organs or body parts, these blastema begin to form all throughout the body almost like tumors which would usually impede natural function but through the senjutsu chakra and natural energy fuel they are quickly converted into new cells rebuilding the body at a rapid pace becoming whatever new cell the body needs. These blastema can replace organs, bones, blood, muscles, nerves and any other bodily form however they are unable to repair fatal damage such as spinal column destruction, as well as severe damage to the brain or heart. However limbs can be regrown and organs excluding the heart, brain, spinal column and central nervous system can be rebuilt. The healing effects of the pill only last a single turn and will heal the user back to one hundred percent of their health pool dependent upon the state of their body in that specific turn.

In essence they can become any form of tissue or structure for the body including muscle tissue, bone tissue, organ tissue, Endothelial cells, nerves, tendons, brain tissue etcetera, and form rapidly almost like a cancer spreading throughout the body causing the consumers skin to flake and tear as if sickly almost as if they were in the late stages of cancer. These proto-oncogenes eventually convert to oncogenes and ramp up the production of mutated cells even further creating some pain but this pain is a signal that allows the consumer to know the process is halfway complete as their body is now littered with masses of blastema that are breaking down and transforming into new cells rebuilding the body through a genetic sense memory like that of the Axolotl who can rebuild organs, limbs and even brain tissue multiple times throughout their life. After this pain sets in the body begins using the senjutsu chakra and natural energy to fuel histiocytes which are large somatic cells found in stationary form in the tissues or as a mobile white blood cell, especially at sites of infection. These begin to consume and dispose of any tissue that is no longer needed converting it back, excess flesh, bone, and sinew are disposed of as the last few stages of the process begin. These histiocytes work with anti-bodies like a clean-up crew after the healing has taken place. These anti-bodies and histiocytes actively seek out the oncogenes consuming them directly. This entire process takes place over the course of a single turn.

The senjutsu chakra and natural energy has it's own effect separate from the bodily reactions brought on by the mitogens. They allow the user to instantly enter any form of Sage Mode they know as their body is flooded with this foreign energy no longer needing to wait a full turn to gather the natural energy required. Due to the spike in foreign energy most genjutsu are broken after taking this excluding MS grade or above, upon activation the user is granted 10% of their chakra as senjutsu chakra through this method the rest is consumed by the mentioned processes. This includes everything from E to Forbidden rank as well as elemental genjutsu and other types lower than MS grade. If this pill is taken while already in Sage Mode it grants the user 30% of their chakra as senjutsu chakra per pill consumed. However only a single pill can be taken per turn, with a maximum of two per individual battle. They cannot be taken within a two turn period of each other. The senjutsu chakra and natural energy also has the added effect of overcharging the entire body on a cellular level pushing any foreign material from the body this includes poisons, toxins, pathogenic matter and any harmful substance. These substances will be nullified and excreted from the body as sweat rapidly. This is due in part to the natural energy and senjutsu chakra's natural healing and rejuvenative properties but also because the metabolism of the consumer is overcharged to a point where these things are unable to remain in the body.

Description of Side Effects: The side effects mainly revolve around the pain created by the process taijutsu falters as the consumers muscles feel sore, and tense. He takes an extra twenty damage from taijutsu techniques or blunt force trauma after the medicine has worn off this lasts for two turns. The consumer is unable to use a KG or HA the turn after consuming the medicine as the cells themselves go through a state of flux where old cells are replaced. Taking one pill doesn't cause too many problems outside of the pain but taking a second does. The body won't be able to handle the clean up and disposal of the excess cells created by the second pill so the body will heal but the cells will not be disposed of thus they are left riddled with small blastema that will need to be healed later. These blastema will not be life threatening and are mostly an annoyance but will cause the consumer to be very susceptible to taijutsu and blunt force trauma taking an additional thirty damage until the blastema are healed. At this point the blastema are pretty much just scar-tissue annoying but no where near harmful however due to these blastema the user is unable to use any KG abilities, or any advanced ninjutsu including, Rain Release, Fuuinjutsu, or Hidden Abilities for two turns or until healed.

The side effects of the natural energy and senjutsu chakra are separate from the above mentioned side effects. If used to instigate a form of Sage Mode the body will be exhausted upon the deactivation of Sage Mode unable to use any KG abilities, or any advanced ninjutsu including Rain Release, Fuuinjutsu, or Hidden Abilities for two turns after Sage Mode has ended. The user spends an additional 10 chakra points per turn to sustain Sage Mode if taken to activate Sage Mode. If the user takes a second pill this 10 chakra points is doubled to 20 additional chakra points to sustain Sage Mode if used to activate Sage Mode. If taken by someone who hasn't trained with Natural Energy it'll instantly and uncontrollably turn them to stone. This training doesn't require being trained in Sage Mode just a form of natural energy or senjutsu usage.
Are you sure that's safe to use in excess? You've taken it several times over these last few months.

Sado shrugged toward Salazzle as he continued forward walking at a moderate pace. As he got closer to the heart of the city he noticed there were dark clouds starving off the light. His head, neck, and back shivered as a cold chill ran up his spine. It was perplexing and odd, the air wasn't cold, but the atmosphere had an eerie feeling to it.
That was when he sensed the chakra signatures moving toward him, some moving rather slowly others moving so fast it was hard to keep up. It seemed like each individual chakra signature could sense him or at least perceive his presence as he entered into the darkened area. They moved in tandem, all converging on his position.
For a moment he didn't know what to do, there were too many for him to take on directly. More than the Battle of Shinramoto, and the Razing of Degarashan, the numbers were incalculable, at least with his senses as they are now. Several of the chakra signatures jumped from rooftop to rooftop as they got closer finally cresting over the last few buildings.
Sado had to act quickly, they began to form hand seals as one of the strangers formed an expansive fire technique the second releasing a torrent of wind combining with the partner. These actions created a gargantuan wall of wind and flame barreling straight for Sado. He could plainly see the force, strength and power behind the technique.
The two chakra natures seemed to resonate together with the strangers working together to increase the strength and might of the combination far beyond its natural capacity. It was more powerful than any technique he had seen before as it tore through the few buildings in front of them rushing toward Sado. The blast caused rubble to rush outward in all directions

(Katon: Fuuton Ken Katon Bakufuu no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Wind and Fire Blast Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 ( +30 Mother's Love ) ( +30 Mother's Love ) = 140
Description: The user after combining Fire Release: Intense pain and Wind Release: Pressure Damage at the same time. This creates a blast that is so intense that a standard water technique (ex : Water Release: Water Encampment Wall) can only at most soften of the impact. It was successsfully stopped by Yamato and Naruto's Typhoon water vortex.
Note: Can only be used either with a clone or with an ally
At that moment an imperceivable whisper radiated through his ears.

Yamata no Orochi.

Honestly, it felt like it was his own thought.


Salazzle was quick to reply showing she didn't hear what he heard.

I didn't say anything. You going to handle that attack or should I?

I don't know if my poison can handle it the wind would offset-...

Sado inhaled closing his eyes for a moment slowly his arms extended forward. He was lost, unsure on what to do, it was too late to evade. He felt like he could survive that technique, but barely. Those words though, they felt instinctual, as he focused on them further he realized his arms were moving on their own. His body was acting and reacting to the situation he was in as he exhaled he began to radiate Yang energy as the warmth traveled into and through his arms.
Alongside it he found himself molding earth release chakra. Opening his eyes gradually he saw the formation of the technique as the warm energy began to surrounding his arms in multiple streams of Yang energy accompanied by the earth release chakra. Soon the technique had a genuine shape and form as several snake-like heads formed upon the edges of the numerous streams of Yang energy. The earth gave them a more solid form as they began to travel forward toward the wall of wind and fire. As they moved a noise pierced into Sado's mind. It was harsh, shrill and commanding. It told him to at the last second increase their weight.
The several voices spoke in unison the same command forcing its way into his mind like nails raking against a chalkboard. After a moment of silence, Sado surged earth chakra deeper into the construct causing its weight to increase exponentially as the constructs slammed into the wave of wind and fire shrieking out through his mind in pain and turmoil. This creature felt pain.

At the lassst sssecond, right before we connect, increasssse our weight one-hundred fold.

(Yoton: Yamata no Orochi) Yang Release: 8 Branched Giant Snake
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 100/110 for Yin-Yang chakra
Damage: 100/120 w/ Elemental or Yin-Yang chakra ( +20 Sage Mode ) ( +40 Added Weight ) = 180
Description: This technique sees the creation of the mythical serpent, the Yamata no Orochi. The user begins by gathering their Yang chakra into their arms and creating three branching streams of white chakra from each of them as well as coating both arms in chakra. The user’s arms and streams of chakra will take the form of serpents with flaming amber eyes. Due to the nature of this technique utilizing one’s Yang chakra, these serpents are not simple manifestations of chakra, but actual sentient creatures. The serpents can sense entities like ordinary snakes and they share a telepathic link to the user, allowing them to communicate with each other. They act like chakra arms and can be used for a variety of purposes. In the base form of this technique, the 8 branches are simple ethereal constructs of sentient Yang chakra. In their second form, users can add nature release to the branches to increase their power. In their third and final form, the user can add Yin Release chakra and give the branches physical bodies. The addition of the Yin Release also gives the branches unique venom which drains the physical vitality of the victim. The bite from each snake lowers a victim’s physical speed, reaction, and ability to use high ranked physical techniques.
Note: Form 1 is capable by all users of Yang Release, Form 2 is capable of Yang Release masters and Yin-Yang users. Form 3, also known as Yin-Yang Release: Yamata no Orochi is only capable of Yin-Yang Users with an affinity to Yang Release.
Note: The vitality degenerating venom is capable by all branches of this technique, however there is only enough for 3 usages. The vitality degeneration venom becomes worse with every bite. If a victim is bitten once their base reaction/tracking is reduced by half, twice and their base speed and physical damage is reduced by half, and thrice they will lose the ability to use any form of tai or kenjutsu techniques and will be rendered completely paralyzed 2 turns after the third bite if not healed. The victim will be unable to do anything short of breathing, including using their chakra. Users bitten once also become incapable of using physical elevating techniques such as Sage Mode or EIG.
Note: Medical ninja or other Yang Release users can rid themselves of the poison through means of medical techniques or vitality boosting techniques such as power of the sun.
Note: Technique can only be used once per battle and requires 50 chakra points to maintain (60 above the first form). While this technique is in use, the user cannot use any non-elemental ninjutsu, Yin Release, or Yin-Yang techniques (other than this technique’s advanced variation).
(Doton: Chō Kajūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Super Added Weight Rock Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+40 if used to add damage)
Description: A more advanced version of the Earth Release: Added Weight Rock Technique, in which the user drastically increases the weight of any object in direct physical contact, but to a much greater extent than that of the original ability. This technique can increase the weight of a target up to 100 times. Under certain circumstances, the technique can be used to increase the force behind attacks.
Note: The weight change lasts 2 turns or until countered.
Together the numerous snake-heads slammed into the wall of wind and fire tearing through the rising flames as their weight increased. They were able to tear through the rising winds and heat piercing through as their shrill cries of pain echoed through Sado's own mind. It seemed that somehow this technique was sentient and connected to Sado through some kind of mental link. He assumed it ran both ways as he tried to silence his mind and ask the creature what it was.
A few moments of eerie silence overtook him as the creature was able to finally snuff out the rest of the wind and fire blast before with all the weight given to them by Sado they crashed down upon one of the cultists. With a sickening "thwack" the creature crushed the cultist beneath it reducing it to a blood smear. That was when the realization full hit him. He wasn't controlling this technique in any way, shape or form. It was acting on its own accord without Sado's consent or command.

What are you?

He thought as he tried to will the creature to respond.

We are the Yamata no Orochi, the physical manifesstation of the energy your noblesssss call Yang. We offer our aid to thossse of noble birth who call upon ussss in times of great ssssstrife. The last mortal to call upon us was Tokuhime of the Nobunaga. Your lifeforce is like herssss, but muddled, and dirty. Are you dessccended from the Nobunaga lineage? Boy, tell us your name, before we decccide to leave you to die.

Sado responded with his name, as the snake-like creature retracted a bit hovering over him.

I am known as "the Demon" Sado Yasutora.

Yamato no Orochi responded in a disappointed tone.

"the Demon" Sssssssado Yassssutora. That name meanssssss nothing to ussssss.

You do however hold a few dropssss of noble blood, in your veinsssss. The Yamata no Orochi will protect you for now.

Sado took that moment to begin to survey the area. He was stupid, he rushed into this land, too quickly unsure of what laid before him. However, he had noticed that the creature was separate from his own. His abilities were restricted, but he could still use elemental techniques at his own leisure. The Yamata no Orochi as it called itself seemed to have the front held off, it's weight still increased by the previous technique.
That was when Sado turned his head slightly behind him realizing that two additional cultists were attacking from behind. One formed an orb of wind in their right hand as the other created a blade of water in their left hand. Together they threw their hands forward toward Sado creating a destructive tornado of water.
It was truly massive seemingly increased by the resonating chakra signatures shared by the cultists. They grinned toward Sado as their combination rocketed forward toward him threatening to throw him aside.

(Suiton: Gufuu Suika) - Water Style: Typhoon Water Vortex
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60 ( +30 Mother's Love ) ( +30 Mother's Love ) = 120
Description: The user will create a ‘Wind Style: Rasengan’ in one hand, and ‘Water Style: Destruction Torrent’ in the other. By combining them, he will create a tornado of water that can be used to attack or defend. This jutsu can also be used to drown out wind and fire combos
Note: Can only be used with either a clone or ally.
Though, Sado was more ready now and was more apt at dealing with both wind and water. If he hadn't panicked earlier he probably could have dealt with that wind and fire technique on his own. That thought entered and left his mind as Yamata no Orochi made his presence known once more. If you didn't need me, then why did you sssssummon me, mortal? Sado brushed the intrusive comment off as he formed a long-thin blade of Red Sand a meter away from his position. Sado released the Red Sand technique causing it to rush forward empowered by Sage Mode. As it moved forward toward the water vortex, Sado threw forward two tagged kunai.
The kunai pierced into the blade of Red Sand as it engulfed the tags pulling them into the technique before they exploded. With two separate bursts of force, the Red Sand technique grew larger as it swelled up. The tags empowered the technique to the point where it could overwhelm the incoming water vortex the Red Sand repelling the water and causing it to skid and halt.
The Red Sand technique though was strong enough to remain, flying forward weakened by the clash but with enough force to bisect both of the cultists. It seemed that they relied heavily on cooperation. This was the second group that had used a combination technique of some sort. Sado relayed that to the Yamata no Orochi and Salazzle. He didn't know if that would be useful, but it told them the kind of people they would be facing.
While explaining that to the others the Yamata no Orochi impacted against the second cultist who had together formed the wind and fire blast. With a yelp from the cultist Yamata no Orochi crushed him below his increased weight leaving him as nothing more than a shattered body smashed across the ground. They might have been able to pull over largescale techniques but their bodies were still weak, and feeble. At least that was what the Yamata no Orochi thought.

(Nirro Suna: Ryokō-sha no Tsūru) Red Sand Release: Tools of the Traveler
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 20 - 40
Damage points: 40 - 80 ( +20 Sage Mode ) ( +20 Tags ) = 120
Description: The user can form strong tools out of Red Sand either by creating a source with this jutsu or manipulating an already existing source, these include; kunai, swords, pillars, shields etc. However B rank will need one hand seal, A rank will need two hand seals and S rank will need three hand seals. The tools will be able to repel water and other liquids and the sand is heated significantly giving them a burning property. The heat from the tools are enough to cause third degree burns to human skin on contact and cause deep searing wounds. The user himself doesn't directly touch the tools therefor he is unaffected by the heat of them. The tools can only be created short range from the user if the technique is used to create its own source of red sand. As a defensive mechanism the user is able to produce Red Sand directly from their body in a large enough quantity to push hazardous substances such as liquid, oil, fire, mud, etc away and off of them.
Note: S rank can be used once per turn and four times per battle
(Akai Sabaku no Tagu) - Tags of the Red Desert
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A (-5 per tag)
Damage: N/A ( +20 to paper ninjutsu, tag based ninjutsu or Red Sand Techniques )
Description: These tags were created by Korra to use in conjunction with her Paper Ninjutsu and are a replacement for the explosive tags a shinobi usually carries thus making them passive. These tags are red in color with a desert/sand look with 漠 on the middle. The tags contain red sand in them and can be detonated by the user merely through thought. The sand in the tags help give the user a source of red sand throughout the battle field. Each single tag contains enough red sand to support a D rank Red Sand technique. The user can use the red sand from the tags for other Red Sand techniques but only if enough tags go off for example the remainders of a single tag can support a D rank technique. The remainder of two tags can support a C rank etc. If used alongside basic ninjutsu that summons Explosive Tags like Hidden Explosive Tags Technique, or that uses Explosive tags that technique is considered a Red Sand technique and will release Red Sand upon detonation. These tags can also be used alongside Red Sand techniques by funneling them into the formation of a technique empowering a Red Sand technique allowing it to overcome it's usual weaknesses as when it clashes with another technique the tags will detonate releasing more Red Sand and increasing the strength of that technique enough to overcome it's weakness.
Note: Must post this in the user bios to be able to use them or post them in the start of the battle and cannot be utilized alongside other seals to increase tag damage.

Sado's Chakra
2900 x .3 = 870
2900 - 870 = 2030
Remaining chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
100 - 80 ( Missed count ) = 20
020 + 870 ( Weapon X ) = 890
890 - 110 ( Yamato no Orochi ) = 780
780 - 40 ( Added Weight ) = 740
740 - 40 ( Tools ) = 700
700 - 10 ( Tags ) = 690
690 - 10 ( Sage Mode ) = 680
Remaining Senjutsu chakrA:
Will continue in another post
Also this mission will be to claim this LM
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Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
Yamato no Orochi kept slamming its body down upon the unsuspecting cultists. It didn't hesitate to reduce numerous would be attackers to smears of blood and viscera tearing through a few as if trying to consume and eat them. It showed utter disrespect and disregard for these cultists as over the course of the next ten or so minutes he reduced their numbers considerably. Sado did the same realizing the first wave had to be their elite as the rest seemed much weaker. One tried to overwhelm them with a fire technique, but Sado was able to snuff it out easily. Separately they weren't exactly hard to defeat but when they worked together they were a problem.
Sado moved forward as they continued to clear out the area of cultists. Their numbers dwindled as several fled realizing they were outmatched. Honestly, without the aid of Yamata no Orochi Sado might not have been able to handle that first technique without taking severe damage from it. He probably could have weakened it but their cooperation was insane. It seemed the cultist's chakra worked together and refined each other or they were gifted with some kind of boon. Sado didn't really understand it.
As they entered into the town center there was a stature of Hagaromo Otsusuki, the Sage of Six Paths. Yamata no Orochi turned it's body and heads toward the statue as it lowered its multiple heads in respect. It told Sado to do the same but he really didn't care about this type of reverence for a dead man. Yamata no Orochi went on to use his mental connection to speak to Sado directly.

I can sense your distrust in religion or conformity, and your disbelief in the Sage of Six Paths and his accomplishments. This is the creator, not YOUR creator. MY true creator. The father of many beings, beasts, and monsters, the beasts your kind refer to as the Biju are just nine of his many children scattered throughout this world. Like them I am one as well, not as grand but still useful. What you did, this shell, this pitiful representation of my true form is just a pale comparison to what he made me to, be. I'm meant to represent the physical, the Yang in all of its forms. I have a brother, meant to embody the spiritual, the Yin in all of its forms. If you continue down this path, to realize who you are, you'll eventually meet many of his children. You've probably already met a few of the Biju without knowing. In time, with effort, practice, and understanding you may even create your own. It's time I left, search the ruins. Maybe you'll find his teachings. Maybe they'll help. I'm not meant to be a teacher, I am merely meant to be a protector.

It spoke as if it knew him, it pondered on his unwillingness to believe in something bigger than himself than the world he could feel, see, hear, taste and smell. It told him that there were many like it, left by the Sage and individuals like him. Sado pieced the story from before together with what the Yamata no Orochi told him. It seemed the Otsusuki could change and tamper with reality creating truly sentient creatures. He didn't know how deep this went, nor did he understand where he fits into that perception. As he stopped proving the construct with Yang energy it eventually faded away.
He silently reflected on what he had been told and what he had already learned. He sat before the statue of the Sage of Six Paths as he mused on the Yang energy he had used so many times now. It was hot, white, and life-giving. He had done so many things with it, he thought back to how he could give life to a technique by applying it to elemental techniques. Those techniques were truly alive, they had their own minds, they thought and felt things like pain and fear. What made them different than him? Then he thought about how he could alter his body, increasing his strength and speed by applying the energy to himself, if he applied it to others he could transform them, giving them strange abilities or he could heal them. He inhaled taking a long, drawn-out breath in as he looked up at the statue of the Sage.
He exhaled as he stood up for a moment. For a moment he thought back to that voice that had called out to him. "Yamata no Orochi" it said even before he knew what that was. Gradually he approached the statue looking upon its body and base noticing a small stone slab with writing on it. He read it to himself as he thought about what the creature meant when it told him to find "his teachings." Sado was a bit dense, but he wasn't stupid he saw it was a riddle of some kind. He also noticed that the statue was pointing upward toward the sun or moon with his outstretched hand depending on the time of day or night.
As long as the Touch of the Sun graces him each day.
A Way to the Moon will be open for all to see at night.
Don't concentrate on the finger or you'll miss all that heavenly glory.
(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release masters are able to use on themselves.

Sado's Chakra
2900 x .3 = 870
2900 - 870 = 2030
Remaining chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
680 - 70 ( Touch of the Sun ) = 610
610 - 10 ( Sage Mode ) = 600
Remaining Senjutsu chakra:
Sado deliberately placed his hand upon the stone tablet as he released Yang energy into and through the statue via the tablet. He assumed the Yamata no Orochi wouldn't tell him to look for "his teachings" unless he had a way to obtain them. So over the next few moments, Sado molded the Yang energy coursing a copious amount of it through the statue's base, and body. He felt like Yang energy was the answer, at least that or sunlight but it seemed like these lands hadn't seen sunlight in a long time. The perpetual clouds that had been brought on by the cultists saw to that.
It seemed he was right, as the energy rushed deep into the ground, statue and stone marker a grinding sound could be heard below them. Salazzle commented on it, and what he was doing but left the goliath to his own devices. After a few moments, the grinding got louder as a passageway seemed to open behind him one of the massive stone sections parting and leaving a path underground open for him to explore.
Sado would turn a bit surprised that it worked. He found himself climbing down the stairs into a dark empty staircase. It went on for a while until finally, he came upon an open room with several tapestries like the one he had seen in Sentinel's Stand. They were placed all over the walls but instead of telling a story they seemed instructional. On the right side of the room, he saw images that showed him what he had already known or what he was able to teach himself. For example, one diagram, showed a practitioner channeling white-energy through a chakra based technique giving it a face. He assumed that was the same as when he breathed life into an elemental technique.
The next tapestry showed a practitioner channeling the white-energy into themselves increasing their muscle mass and strength lifting massive rocks and boulders. Two more of them showed what could happen if you channeled the energy into others healing, and transformation them. Off to the side, almost the penultimate tapestry showed the formation of the Yamata no Orochi, as a practitioner channeled Yang energy through their arms, creating three different forms of the creature. One was just Yang energy, the second seemed elemental in nature like what Sado had done and finally, the third form was of a true flesh and blood creature.
The final tapestry showed a practitioner fully clad in white, their body dressed in the Yang energy. It seemed to make them incredibly fast as the illustration seemed to imply the person could warp space hitting someone from a distance. Salazzle spoke up.

What does it all mean?

Sado replied trying to order his thoughts before moving onto the left side of the room.

Well, you've seen me do several of these things. Either myself directly like what I did for Nakano Uchiha in the Motoi Drylands or what my clones have done through the application of Yang energy. I feel like-... these are instructions on how to use the energy. Each form is a different way to apply the energy to bend the physical world to your will. It's a representation of what Yang can do, and how you must train to use it. It seems I lean more toward Yang, on the scale of Yin to Yang. On the other side I assume there are ways to use Yin energy. It'll teach me, what I can't figure out on my own. Since I'm more inclined to the physical. Yamata no Orochi the creature I spawned earlier spoke to me through a mental connection. He told me the Sage of Six Paths was his original creator. That he was a manifestation of Yang energy, and that he had a brother, a spiritual being, a manifestation of Yin energy. He also had told me to explore these ruins and find "his teachings."

He spoke outward toward Salazzle answering her, but seemingly using that explanation as a way to verbalize his thoughts. He was confused, and alone, again. He felt like the only one who could comprehend what he saw before him and that made him feel all alone. All of his life had been one battle, to the next, a lot of them being internal battles. Goliath nature, vs his human nature, Sage Transformation and rage vs Sage Mode and calm, and now Yang energy vs Yin energy.
Sado exhaled as he looked over to the first illustration on the left. It seemed to be the counterpart to the sentience imbuing variation of Yang Release. It showed that through the use of the black, Yin energy, a technique could be changed. The specific example was fire changing states, in one panel it acted regularly the next it seemed like a liquid spilling out around the casters right hand and finally in the final panel, it acted solid. Like a rock or earth, it seemed hard and solid instead of like it had been previously. There were several other tapestries with their own "lesson" on them. The next one combined genjutsu and Yin energy, then a lesson on the binding of a spirit, or parasite to a technique. There were various applications for Yin energy.
At least one counterpart for each Yang technique Sado looked at each memorizing the images. He prepared himself to use them later on but first, he had to create Yin energy. He thought back to that cold chill that ran up his spine when he first entered this land. Unlike before, when he used Yang, he did the opposite eclipsing the warm feeling using Yang energy gave him with the cold chill of the Yin energy. It took a few hours but with dedication and practice, Sado was able to produce Yin energy.

It's something I'll have to practice but I feel like I can at least use the energy. I'll have to reflect upon the teachings further at other times. Like I did with Yang, I'll need to find the right times to use them, and apply them. Otherwise, I don't think rote memorization will help. Anyway, my main objective was to claim this landmark. It seems it has been cleared out. I'll just toss up a Tsumigakure banner and call it a day. I'm glad Vegeta made a bunch of these, who'da thunk he's decent at sewing. In the end, maybe I can share these teachings with the rest of the Golden Sabbath when I master them.

Sado placed a Tsumigakure banner above the statue of the Sage of Six Paths.

Meandering through the land he went on his way ready to practice with the Yin energy.

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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Without any expectations, it would seem Hagoromo's Last Hearth was just as plauged by the Mother Cult as the other landmarks, left on the brink of ruin. Was there anything left here anymore? He would scout the area with his Dojutsu and found a few scattered weak chakra signatures along the coastline that was located at the far north. Before they ventured forth the two traders needed to take a break. Alas, Alucard was traveling with mortals now and having them recharge their batteries reminded him of how fragile mortals really were. While they put together a few logs and stones to create a semi-dome. Alucard on the other hand used his chakra to create a nice cozy fire although he knew that most likely, wild animals and beasts would be attracted to it, he considered those things to be nothing but ants. He assigned the Edo and Ezikiel to guard the perimeter as he and the two traders engaged in a conversation.

(Katon no Jutsu) - Fire Release Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: The user will release a small but powerful flame of fire at their opponent from either their limbs (through movement) or exhaling it. It can produce fire balls or fire streams or simply aid in taijutsu.

So, we have still not introduced ourselves. Part from Will here, what's your name?
I am Alucard Tepes. Leader of the Hellsing Organisation.
Sounds familiar, i've heard about you lot. Can't say much about the others but you particulary have quite the reputation doing good and bad things. One could almost assume you're a Jinchuuriki - host to a devil beast inside of you.

Alucard thought to himself. He knew exactly what she was referring to [Dra----]

Guess you could say that. It haunts me like a lingering ghost and i must pay with a heavy fine each time it does collateral damage. Or worse.
You're quite interesting. Dangerous, but interesting.

Will was already asleep at this point. The Cap had gone for a walk and distant punches were heard. Guess he was having an anger management course while keeping beasts away. Alucard looked into her eyes once again. He nodded his head slightly which would push his yellow-tinted eyeglasses forward on his nose, lowering them slightly, enough to make him look at her with his naked eyes.

You're quite interesting too, nameless one.
My name is Mina, Harker.

Mina Harker. A somewhat familiar name to Alucard, but from another time. Perhaps in his youth when he was in the "normal" age of a regular human being. He did not let his thoughts linger too much.

Pretty name, fits your beauty.
Come now, are you flirting with me Alucard?
Maybe a little.

Will woke up from his siesta and claimed that it was time to get a move on as they were on a schedule. The camp was left and the squad ventured forwards onto the only road that was going north. At the end, they had reached a remote fishing village which would conclude their journey together. Mina and Will were taking a boat going above the Hokubu towards the Lightning Mountains. Alucard would give them a note for them to show his guards if they were to cross paths on the east coast of the lands the Hellsing Organisation had claimed. Had Alucard not had unfinished business he would've gone with them. They shared a goodbye which Alucard felt was not a final one. Maybe this Mina Harker had an important role in his future life, he had that feeling. With the boat carrying Will and Mina away, Alucard turned back into the dreary landmass and headed back on the same road carrying him southwards yet again.
