Five Point Island (139)


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Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Five Point Island

It is said that Five Point Island was once shaped like a shuriken; thus its name, but the island has had three points for as long as anyone can remember. Several smaller lakes are found throughout the central area of the island, green with grass, shrubs and thick vines. A few mountains, chief among them Mt. Decibel, rest on the northeastern side of the island. The mountains here have small holes running through them in a byzantine network that, when wind passes through them, produces beautiful sounds that echo through the island and the surrounding waters. Many smaller villages have been founded along the foothills of the mountains, as close to the soothing notes as possible.

Aside from some minor flooding, the island escaped the Cataclysm unscathed.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
[ ] <--- Coming from previous location.

Without making land fall, Noelle continues her journey as she heads towards the Noodle Panhandle.

Leaving Landmark towards Noodle Panhandle.


Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from

This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:

- Save a large community from danger (5)

Summary: Medusa and her crew arrive at the shores of five point island and would be greeted by silence and no one. Medusa would further explore and talk to the Damyou towards saving their community.

The ship stops about 50meters to the shore of Five Point Island. Medusa would jump onto the water, standing on it. She tells Manda II who has been following them underwater, to stay put and wait for her signal should anything go wrong. Of course she knows she may end up not needing the beast. Medusa told all her crew to wait in the ship and be ready for take off back to their homes. Whenever they see her return this means she's done with her job and she assures them of her return.

Medusa was bare footed like always though she never felt cold whatsoever. Her tail snake retreating into her small dress as she needs not scare anyone. Her looks however are rather far from scary as she looks like a young pretty girl all lost and helpless. Medusa would walk across waters for a while before reaching ground. She was disappointed by the welcome which is quite none. No one was there to welcome her. No one was even around, no security, no tourists, no traders nor are there any fishermen around the shores. However, the landmark looks okay as if everyone had gone for a vacation somewhere or are all still sleeping. Medusa's chakra sensory however would pick several weak chakra deep in the community and far away from the shores and port.

Medusa would have another thought about the possibilities of maybe the welcome party for her had already begun. They must have gathered in the village to welcome her. Medusa excited, walks faster towards her destination, ignoring strange movements and chakra in the bushes around her as she moves towards what she had sensed earlier. After walking for about an hour or two Medusa reaches the outskirts of the village. A 10m tall wooden wall would surround the place. The wall looks weak and reminiscent to something that had been breached before and repaired. There are several chakra signatures within and at the back of the wall quite alright but they are quite few to be the ones guarding the entire village and from the looks of it, their chakra are quite weak. Medusa wonders what could have befallen such a peaceful village to try and a patch up a wall they should not have erected in the first place.

Medusa thinks back to the chakra she sensed on her way to the village. If everyone is cooked up inside this damn wall, then whose chakra was she seeing earlier in the bushes? Were they the reason for this fear and isolation? Medusa wants to think positively so instead of dwelling in too much thoughts, she decides to proceed towards the gate. She won't have taken up to three steps however when she was intercepted and surrounded by 5, no, 6 men. Medusa stops and by the looks of it, she feels pity. The men are wearing locally made masks and pointing pitch forks, machetes and clubs at her. Their chakra signature are nothing to write home about. They are weak yet they try to stop people from entering. They could however not see Medusa's face because she keeps her hood up. One of the men would speak.

You should not be here whoever you are. Show your face and tell me why you are here.

Medusa would gently drop her hood revealing her face. However, the men not knowing who she is concluded she is a young lady further mistaken as a teenager and might be in danger walking all alone outside the confines of the village. They quickly command for the gate to be opened and ushered Medusa in towards their leader, the Daimyuo.

2300 -5

SC stored: 912
SC collected: 100


Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Medusa would walk gently with the guards as they guide her through a narrow path which widen along the way. The central path of the village was also deserted but definitely people reside in then gloomy buildings. They were not particularly empty but the reeked with fear. Medusa looks into one of the guards eyes and sees someone who had given up to date. She sees someone who is ready and willing to give his life knowing all too well he had no choice and there is nothing that could save the situation. There was no drop of hope in all their expressions and this saddens Medusa a bit. Although, the situation is not strange to her as she has caused several villages to feel the same way but in this case, a mission is a mission.

Crona:(telepathically) Mother, This reminds you of something?
(tel) Ofcourse. I would do the opposite this time around.
Crona: I see you are really taking the hero thing seriously
What can I say? The Priest influenced me.

They would pass through several ancient monuments, the market place all which are deprived of human. Lastly, they would enter a large compound. The compound is heavily guarded and watched. This depicts someone important resides there and who would be that important if not the daimyuo? Medusa also scans the chakra of the guards. There are 20 guards within the compound and the daimyou is possibly situated. Medusa would be guided into a big hall where the daimyuo is seated waiting for the visitor. Once the daimyuo spots Medusa, he jumps onto his feet. He was shocked not because he recognized the young lady as Medusa but because He thought of how the lady had endangered herself in coming to the island at that particular point in time. Medusa was asked to sit while the daimyuo ask her a few questions.

Daimyuo: Young lady. Why have you risked your life coming to this village? You could have been taken, injured or worse killed if not by the omen that had suddenly befallen this village, by my guards who could have mistaken you as a bandit or an invader. Please who are you and state your business here.

Medusa looks directly into the eyes of the Daimyuo for a while. She was surprised that nobody recognizes her, even the leader. Then him sending a letter to her island is an act of desperation which she can vividly see written in all their faces. Medusa brings out the note the daimyuo had written himself to her and hands it over to one of the guards who takes it to the daimyuo. The Daimyuo's eyes lit up upon seeing the letter. He was assured that the recipient had received his letter but his moods drops once more. He looked at Medusa in disappointment.

Daimyuo: This means Lord Medusa received my message. But why has he sent you? We need someone as great as him to come and rescue us from what is about to come.

Well it's all too late now. We cant give you a message for him now since it would be too late by the time he decides to come.

Medusa almost burst to laughter as the daimyuo speaks. The men around felt irritated but the Daimyuo could not feel his pride because it already went down the drain of fear. Medusa would speaks.

So you think I'm a He. And don't worry, I would never let anyone do any errand as important as this one.

The entire court was perplexed and but of course seriously doubts Medusa's credibility. She looks too young and not kingly for what they are expecting and of course they need to know if she is the real deal. Medusa realized this and to show her originality, she would unleash her killing intent on a nearby guard. The man would immediately drop in agony, paralyses and out of breath. The plague spreads to another nearby guards and they keep on dropping before the daimyuo stood up and bows before Medusa. Medusa stops the killing intent and looks around. In fact the fear within the entire court had tripled from what Medusa just displaced without even moving an inch. Alas there expression now say 'there is hope' but they could not get over the shock quickly.

Medusa speaks to the daimyuo.

This is your land and you are the leader. You don't need to bow before me just because you needed my help. I am going to help you but this would also come with a price. We would become allies and would come to our aid whenever situation calls for it.

The daimyuo would not wait till Medusa finishes her statement when he responded, agreeing to the terms. He would then bring out the note sent to the village by the leader of a notorious clan who had been terrorizing and overthrowing villages wherever they go. Medusa reads the note and they were given an ultimatum into tomorrow to surrender every deeds to the village or surfer the consequences.
Medusa smiles keeping the note to herself and nodding towards the Daimyuo.

You have nothing to worry about. I will be waiting for them.....

(Sakki) - Killing Intent
Rank: D - S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: Killing Intent pertains to the ability of the user giving off their pure killing intention and having it affect their opponent and others around them up to the point of paralyzing them. When the Killing Intent is particularly strong, it can even give the victim visions of their own gruesome death, nausea, pain, etc. This can cause the Killing Intent to be confused with a genjutsu, despite not being a genjutsu at all; simply a showcase of intention and power. The target will feel as if facing an overwhelming enemy and, even if not a sensor, will suddenly feel the pressure of the users chakra and its magnitude, making the effect that much more dramatic. To effectively be used, the user needs to focus on his target and concentrate on the killing intent towards it, meaning that one must see the target and be focused on it. The strength of the Killing Intent is dependent on many factors and go through several levels. If a difference in rank smaller than 2 ranks exist, the enemy will feel only the pressure and the ominous presence of their dark intentions. Its enough to lose your grasp on a weapon or stay clinched to it (depending on the situation) or even to hesitate in an attack, stumble or mess up a handseal, all depending on the situation and proximity. The effect is small and normally not that significant but can be effectively used to pressure enemies into making a mistake. If a difference of 2 ranks or more exist, the enemy will be frozen, almost unable to move as the overwhelming killing intent dominates their own conscious and riddles them with nightmarish versions of death. The paralyzation gradually weakens as time passes and can only be maintained while the user is focused on the target. The further away the target, the weaker it is and it can only fully paralyze a target within short range. Similarly, the more targets one focuses on, the weaker the effect is in each one (divinding the effects equally between the number of targets). Lastly, the stronger the user is in relation to the target, the stronger the effect will be. The target can counter Killing Intent directed at it through pain, "mind cleansing" techniques or their own Killing Intent.
Note: Intensity of technique depends on the rank of the user, distance to target and number of targets one is focusing on
Note: Can only be used once
Note: Lasts only while the user is focusing on it and while focusing on it the user can't mold chakra

2295 -5

SC stored: 912
SC collected: 110


Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
No one really knows the true origin of the Oudaju clan. What everyone know is that they are quite notorious and powerful while effective at dispatching anyone they set their eyes on. Several villages, cities and settlements have fallen to their might and many have vanished from the face of the earth from their wrath. They hold the key to anywhere they want but they have not met Medusa. Rumor has it that their wrath comes in the form of a natural disaster but there is more to them than what meets the eye.

Medusa knows they could be as powerful as people claim, in other words, they could be the opposite. Any which way, she won't be bothered a bit. She would stand behind the officials who have gathered the next day to meet the invading party at a rendezvous point hoping to come to terms with them. The leader of the Oudaju clan, Kpakala had proposed an agreement with the Daimyou a week before that at this very day, if the land's deeds and document are not handed over, the land would be totally destroyed along with its inhabitants. Despite her presence, Medusa could still sense fear in the Daimyou and the officials. She wonders how dominating this group could be to strike so much fear in them this way. She is eager to meet them and hope she is not disappointed.

After waiting for an hour, Medusa picks up the scent and chakra of 5 individual's approach them. According to the chakra they posses, they look quite strong and their chakra reserves are incredibly buoyant. Medusa would not doubt them to be the rumored terrorist. The group would stop 50 meters away from the officials while one of them calls out, amplifying his voice via chakra.

Oudaju 1: Time's up. Hand over the deeds or everything else would be history.

Daimyuo: I'm afraid I'll have to decline. Our land, movements, culture, image and people are very important to us and you don't expect us to give it to you easily.

Oudaju 1: I see you've made up your mind but I hope you've made peace with your past.​

Before the Daimyuo could respond any further, Oudaju 1 would slam his hands on the ground, summoning a massive earth golem towering up to 50meters. The remaining 4 of the Oudajus would remain still without expression as the one who summoned the golem would keep his hands on the ground to keep fueling the golem. The monstrosity rampages forward towards the officials but as it reaches about 20meters away, a lightning bolt would strike the ground revealing an even bigger monstrosity. This time around, the new huge abomination would radiate in a glorious light that illuminates the area coupled with frighting corrosive sound that clap upon each other by its appearance. The lightning creation would charge towards the earthen creature and punch forwards, pulverising it in seconds while stopping and looking towards the 5 Oudajus.

Raiton:Ritorujaianto: Lightning Style: Little Giant
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
The user would raise his hand and release large amount of his lightning chakra into the sky to create storm clouds, then a giant lightning bolt would strike the ground from the sky creating a giant crater. However, the lightning bolt instead of becoming lost, once it strikes the ground (short range from the user), forms into a giant goat with 3 horns. The goat has the same size as the great stone golem but instead of standing on all fours, it stands upright albeit still standing on hoofs. Its hand however, are like normal human hands, holding a giant axe on each hand. The goat is able to move around on its own at kage speed and carries a deadly punch. It is also able to throw the axe towards a target, with each ax having a B-rank strength. Once the axe is thrown, he is able to manifest another axe into his hand to replace the one that was lost. The goat is able to assume a stance where he stands on all fours and charge towards a target with its horns pointed outwards to impale and shock.
-2x per battle and last 4 turns on the battle field.
-Throwing an Axe counts as a move
-No S-rank and above lightning the same turn this used
-2 turns in between usage.
Upon seeing their creation destroyed, even the emergence of the lightning creature already raised suspicion around the brothers. They never knew there was someone in the village that could cast a jutsu like themselves. This complicates issues and as they look upon each other. What seems to be a surprise though is that despite the fact that their jutsu was defeated, they never seem bothered. They did not move away from their spot. They are yet to notice Medusa though so whatever that might have happened, to them, could be one of the officials pulling the string but no matter how, they seem to know what to do next. Medusa could already sense The second Oudaju's chakra spikes which means a jutsu has been triggered. Truly, the second Oudaju steps forwards a bit while the first steps back in line. Te ground in front of them crackle and rips. A powerful geyser of water rips upwards from the ground forming a large wall entirely before them and the water continues to rise high into the sky until it dwarfs the lightning creature. Should the water not be stopped surely it would cascade on the entire village, easily destroying it from the sheer force alone coupled with the fact that the village would end up submerging under water and be drowned. A notable trait from the water that Medusa noticed is that it was scorching hot. She could read immense heat signature from the water which should be the reverse. So a scorching hot wave of destruction is the next wave of attack from the Oudajus.

For a minute, Medusa allows the water to build up while letting the lightning creature stay put. Medusa is ready to play their game and already cooked up a plan of her own. The next move is hers and she wants to see how the game plays out. The Oudaju controlling the water, out of mockery, smirks thinking the villagers already ran out of juice. Medusa could see the villagers begin to sweat profusely. She was vexed a little that they still don't trust her ability. Again Medusa would instruct the creature to charge forward. The attacking Oudaju would hiss saying "futile". But just as the lightning creature begin to move towards the wave, Crona would cause the hole made by the geyser to suddenly widen and sink inwards rapidly to a 100meter depth while drawing in the entire wave of water into itself in a very rapid manner. Also due to the close proximity of the Oudajus, they would also be drawn into the hell pit. This is when the third Oudaju steps in. To save himself and his brothers, he would quickly create lightning platforms beneath of all them to swiftly convey them away from the hole but their predicament was just beginning as Medusa's lightning creature would jump high and dive towards the ascending foes. Immediately, the fourth Oudaju would react, pointing towards the creature and trapping it in a ball of wind and neutralizing it. The Oudaju's eyes lit up. They've been pushed this far and they seem not to pin point who was behind it yet. They have never been pushed this way before. If they could showcase their ability this way and the village survives, then the village deserves to be left alone or

..........feel their full wrath.

( Senpō: Muki Tensei ) - Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation
Rank: A
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: This technique allows the user to control things that have no life functions by gifting them with some of their own life force, allowing the user to freely manipulate the substance according to their will. The extent of the user's control goes beyond normal manipulation through chakra, meaning that even drastic alterations to the immediate environment can occur both suddenly and unexpectedly, making attacks using this method extremely difficult to avoid. Intense heat such as that produced by the flames of Amaterasu can counter the effects of this technique, causing affected inorganic materials to revert to their previous state.
Note: Effects of the technique last two turns and can only be used while on Snake Sage Mode.
The last Oudaju was quite different, darker, taller and slimmer. He is the only one with a hood around his face and as he steps forward he shook his head with pity for the village and raise his two hands up. He would summon the plague in the form of flesh eating flies. Thousands of flies would instantaneously be summoned as a black cloud above the Oudajus. The village officials immediately recognizes this and are all worried. The rumors about how villages perish to the plague of flies from the hands of the Oudajus was now confirmed as they are about to experience it themselves. Seeing the dark jutsu and the enormous chakra been used to cast the jutsu, Medusa steps forward to reveal herself. She looks at the Oudaju with a serious face and one would think she is going to say something serious and comforting, but she would burst into laughter. The Oudajus were insulted by the young lady's mockery at their ultimate jutsu. They would be provoked that they would immediately command the entire flies to move towards Medusa and village officials so that they would devour them in seconds and then move towards the rest of the village. Medusa would simply respond to this by forming a very large sphere of chloroform around the flies trapping all of them in a prison of chloroform. Due to the composition of the liquid prison, the entire swarm of flies would immediately pass out and then drown in the prison. Out of fear, the OudaJus would tremble as every card on them have been played and yet Medusa is yet to break a sweat. They would and prepare to leave but Medusa would send the sphere high into the sky as a signal for Manda who would see and respond immediately.

ムKurofomuton: Dedula no hakai | Chloroform Release: Destruction of Dedula ム
Type: Offensive | Defensive | Supplementary
Rank: D - S (S)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40 (40)
Damage: 20-80 (80)
Description: The most basic technique of the element, where the user will form a single hand seal, or two ( in terms of the S rank usage) and focus his Chloroform chakra either throughout his body, the air or the ground, in order to create tools, constructs, weapons, pillars etc made of Liquid Chloroform. These formations and tools can be used for Offensive uses, Defensive uses as well as Supplementary uses. Due to its liquid nature, Chloroform can be manipulated into many forms, much like with Water, it can be formed into constructs (not sentient, yet have form and shape) or simply be released in the form of streams or blasts. These constructs can be formed at either Short, Mid or Long range from the user. When used to manifest around the opponent, it has to manifest at least Short range from the opponent. The Chloroform is capable of causing quite some blunt damage as well as impale the opponent, depending on the shape taken by the formation , and when exposed to openings, or wounds in the skin, the opponent will pass out, as well as when inhaled when in its gaseous form. The size of the constructs are proportionate to the rank used, meaning a D rank construct can't be as large as a mountain, for example.
-For A rank usage, it can only be used 4 times per battle.
-S rank usage, only up to 3 times per battle.
As the brothers turn to leave, they disperse and start making their way towards their hideout to regroup or perhaps leave to find another village to terrorize after their failed attempt. Manda would navigate through the bush with immense speed, destroying the forest and the Oudaju with it. He would pick them up one by one while killing them by devouring them until all five of them are no more. Manda II would then emerge from the forest and moves slowly towards Medusa while spitting out the lifeless body of the 5 brothers out before the Daimyuo. This is a confirmation that the enemy has truly being defeated. The Daimyuo would rip his robe in half for doubting Medusa and would go down on his knees while bowing to Medusa for her great help and power. Medusa grins.....

2290 -5-40-40

SC stored: 912
SC collected: 120


Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:

Explore a dangerous site (3)
Infiltrate an enemy's base (3)

Summary: Medusa just dispatched the Oudaju brothers. She would further be given the task to sniff out their base and destroy everything that is left of them.

The Daimyuo happily addresses the village officials that are with him. He would not hesitate to boast about the peaceful days to come ahead and how Medusa had saved the day and how he was the one that called on her. Medusa has told him earlier that there is still the problem of their base and enemies could still be lurking around. She would not tell the Daimyuo though that what she sense is almost like an army of foot soldiers who probably are still oblivious to the demise of their masters. With the permission of the Daimyuo, Medusa sits on the head of Manda who makes its way back into the forest and the journey into the unknown begins.

Manda moves slowly towards a direction while being led by Medusa. The sun is now at its peak and Medusa would command Manda to go back to Ruichi cave while she begins to walk all by herself towards the chakra collection. Riding atop Manda could also remove the element of surprise and the enemy camp would quickly be aware that she's coming. There they are! Thousands of scientific specimen, corpses and guinea guinea pigs to use lie awaiting somewhere far off. Medusa can't wait to get there. However due to the excitement Medusa forgot the road to the hideout could be laid with traps.

Medusa would soon leave a forest and according to her perception she'll need to cross a lake for her to continue towards her destination. She could go round the lake however but it would take longer for her to get to the other side. A little girl walking on water could raise suspicion for anyone watching from afar and Medusa would not want to give herself up for now. She prefer to infiltrate the base as a minor rather than them waiting for her. She might end up spoiling her future test subjects if they come looking for her. She would take a detour, walking around the lake. The sides of the lake are full of jagged rocks with steep slopes. Unknowingly to Medusa they are rigged with several traps. This is first noticed and consequently which would make Medusa be at alert, when Medusa steps on a rock and a large localized detonation would quickly occur while a green plume of gas quickly rise into the air, quickly forming a thick green fog of poison. Medusa who would jump sharply away from the explosion, would quickly raise her resistance to biohazards immediately seeing the emergence the gas. She waits for a moment within the poison mist knowing the trap isn't normal and those who laid the trap would be lurking somewhere to pounce on whoever set it off. She was right, not long after the mist spreads, three individuals would jump into the scene from nowhere ready to pounce on the victim and possibly rob him of his belongings. Medusa flickers away from the spot and watches from somewhere hidden. She noticed that the individuals have masks around their faces and surprised not to see someone who should probably be out cold within the proximity of their trap. One of the bandit tells the other.

Nobody, probably an animal.
Then where is the animal?

While they are arguing about what set off the trap and before they could come into a conclusion that they should look for an escapee, Medusa would throw three Kunais, hitting the three at the back of their necks, killing them. A quick rush runs through Medusa but this is not her goal yet. She continues to move through the rocks. Several mountains can be seen from afar and even they look weird and different from the mountains she had seen before. Soothing sounds emanate from the mountains. She can't wait to get close to them as her destination lies behind the range of mountains. Medusa moves slowly and carefully so as not to set off any other trap. Not that she could not deal with those traps but it would only delay her journey. Getting to the mountains she could hear the sounds louder now though still sound like whispers but with a low pitch. What's odd though is that she could sense chakra emanating from the mountains. Could the sound coming from the mountains contain chakra? Could this be...? Another trap? Genjutsu?

Crona:Mother! Yes it's a sound genjutsu but it's a weak but effective one. Your body already rejected it so you have no problem.

A possible last line of defense from the enemy camp. It only means Medusa is getting close if they are trying to use illusion into tricking one from locating their base camp. Medusa could easily have missed her way even if temporarily if not for her sage transformation DNA. Medusa continues her journey until she gets to a narrow road sandwiched between two mountains. From her perception, the hideout is at the end of the road so she has two choices; pass through the road or climb the mountain to the other side. Definitely a road like this would be filled with traps. A trap setting off at this proximity would alert those in the hideout. Medusa would not walk through the narrow part nor would she climb the mountains. She would focus her chakra and merge with the mountain, travelling through it. With this she would not trigger any trap and she would also be taking the shortest route. Medusa would at the end emerge at the rear of the hideout, knock out three guards guarding the rear and seal them in a scroll. Medusa looks happy to have finally reached her goal. She peers inside and from her perception, what lies inside is pure experimental gold...

(Hiru Banshō: Bōka no Jutsu) - Leech All Creation: Attack Prevention Technique
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 20 (-5 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: Using this jutsu, the user can merge with another passive object and take on its properties to avoid any damage. While merged, the user is virtually undetected unless the enemy has a doujutsu. Even chakra sensors won't be able to pinpoint the users position. The limitation of the technique is that to use a technique and mold chakra, the user must fully unmerge although doing so doesn't produce any sound and the user can only be sensed once fully unmerged. The user is still aware of the world outside the object and can travel inside it at his normal running speed. The technique was used so far by 3 ninjas (Yamato, Orochimaru and Uchiha Madara) but as an advanced ninjutsu, it can be used by any skilled enough ninja.
Note: the user must be Sannin Rank and above
Note: Orochimaru and Yamato can use it 5 times per battle, Uchiha Madara can use it 3 times, other ninjas can use it twice.
Note: Cannot merge into mediums which aren't tangible

2205 -20-5

SC Stored 912
SC collected 130​


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
[ ] <---- Came from here.

Passing through here on a ship, Noelle and Melody sailed across Five Point Island as they continued towards the main land.

[Leaving Landmark to North West Kinai Island][/font]


Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Trying to incorporate the new event into my current story.
Conqueror's end elements are colored green.

This post marks the beginning of my mission using these Conqueror's End Story Elements:

Defeat a horde of zombies without using your ninjutsu (5)
Win a fight without your ninjutsu (5)

Summary: After locating the hideout, Medusa would rush in to quickly dispatch the army of foot soldiers only to be surprised they are all dead and their killers are still around feasting on them. What a pinch...

Medusa approaches the hideout from behind so however is she oblivious to what happened in the front of the hideout. The hideout is an isolated building, a large mansion with wooden walls around it. The previous owner must have built it there to hide himself from the multitude but unfortunately for him, he is also an easy picking for bandits and people like the Oudaju clan who have forcefully taken the house as their own. Medusa would sense the chakra of individuals increase while some fade out of existence and even then again the chakra signature springs forth back to life. The more the merrier. Medusa thinks they would pose no threat for her no matter their numbers. She still wonders about the weird phenomenon she noticed.

She was right not to follow the front door as the frontal area is packed with chakra signatures and more signatures troop in through another road that branched out within the narrow path and through the mountain. Had Medusa followed the path like before, she would have noticed the road and perhaps met the numerous beings whose chakra are weirdly different from what she had sensed before. Due to her stealth and silence, she has not been detected yet but it's just a matter of time before she is noticed. A small back door stands in front of Medusa and the house. She moves forwards opening the door which leads to a large hall with many individuals feasting as if there was no tomorrow.

It was a feast quite right but one with no culture and definitely beastly. Medusa could not have believed what she is seeing if she had not opened the door. The individuals are yet to notice Medusa as they go about their businesses. Medusa analyses them and wonders where they came from but before she could think any longer more of those individuals troop in from the front door and definitely because Medusa is standing right at the other end of the hall, they notice her immediately. The moment one of the weird ones notices Medusa, the rest stops their feasting and slowly look towards Medusa's position. Their eyes are void and lifeless. Some are with mangled body and most of them looked partly decomposed while hardly any of them looks complete in one way or the other. The floor is bathed completely in the blood of the Oudaju clan's foot soldiers and one by one each of the devoured begin to rise up while donning the same shaggy posture and empty look.

Medusa grins, looks around and sees that she is outnumbered by a very large margin but long has she broken a sweat. This is the time for her to sweat a little though she hopes she does not push it as she is yet to discover their ability. She had once resurrected her own versions of zombies but these ones are quite different. Their blood lust are on another level and their chakra and physical strength are quite unknown, so is their speed. Their owner should be a very powerful person, even if not as powerful as or more powerful than Medusa, she thought. Medusa would promise to go on a little adventure and pay the conjurer of this abomination a visit after and if she survives the horde of zombies. Archive would save the information into its database while cross referencing the data with information shared across the world. It would notice the same zombies have been appearing all around the Ninja World. Before Archive could relay this information to Medusa, one of the Zombies would begin walking towards Medusa. Reaching 15meters away from Medusa, it would suddenly increase its speed. Medusa would be taken by surprise with the change in speed. She almost thought for a second that they would be slow due to its previous movement. She would bring out a kunai and throw towards the incoming zombie. The kunai would hit the zombie in the heart but it won't stop it from proceeding though this slows it down a little. Medusa would throw two other Kunais to cut both it's Achilles tendon so that it dropped to the ground and unable to run towards her. But the ghoul continues to move forwards via crawling. Medusa has via the small interaction, gathered information on the zombies so now she knows how to handle them.

Seeing what happened to one of them, the rest of the zombie rush towards Medusa. While they move towards Medusa, they stomp the crippled zombie while crushing it's brain all across the floor and they would not stop. As soon as the mindless beings charge, Medusa takes off at 2x speed, running along the walls while creating distance between herself and the zombies. While running along the wall, she would take two "X" crossed swords on the wall while wielding both with perfect dexterity. Her speed, reflex and agility gives her the edge over the mindless beast who only depend on their brute force and teeth.

Crona: I'm guessing you don't need my help Medusa sama.
You are right I don't.

As all the zombies troop towards the end of the hall, Medusa touches the floor back at the main entrance while swinging her right hand downwards towards a zombie who is just entering the building. The sword is confirmed as extremely sharp as it slices clean through the head of the zombie while cutting it in separate halves. Medusa bars the door by kicking a large cabinet against it to block the way. Although she knows its temporary, it would give her time to reduce or clear those already inside before more troops in. She watches as the body of the decapitated zombie immediate goes limp when its head was cut. This means the head is their weak point. So generic and expected of a Zombie. Medusa then imitates drunkenness while moving in swiftly and striking the zombies one after the other. Her method of attack is simply sway, cripple with a sword and decapitate with the other sword for any undead who lunges towards her. Direct decapitation for those that are caught unawares. She would sway back and forth, left and right, avoiding all the undead while she deals punishment to each and everyone of them.

(Suiken) - Drunken Fist
Rank: C
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 30
Description: This unusual taijutsu style is a unique style of combat Drunken Fist Fighters become human powerhouses who'll strike unpredictability, with no inhibitions, an explosive fury and without any second thoughts about their actions. The user can either make themselves drunk or imitate the method by use of swaying and uneven balance on their feet to attack their opponents a total of 12 variant attacks.
While she was enjoying her dance and as she strikes the last undead, the barricade gives in as more undead troop in. The barricade caused them to accumulate at the entrance and while the last of them enters the hall, they immediately rush towards Medusa with ferocious hunger. This time around, they are densely packed for Medusa to evade with mere swaying and speed. It's too late to separate them and as the lunge in almost touching Medusa, she would jump, flip forward and begin to run forward while running atop the heads of the zombies. She would equally once again, create a space between herself and the undead who would need to turn around towards her. Their inability to coordinate would make them rush towards Medusa in a disorderly manner, this time around Medusa sees enough space to slip between and put them down. She would begin to spin while using her left leg as a pivot though tipped on her toe and stretching her hands. She would successfully cut a few of them in half although the result is not what she wanted, a torso-only zombie would need to use his hand to crawl on the ground which is far more slower than them running. This made them easy pickings for Medusa who just need to slash down and split their skull in two.

The rest of the zombies would be taken out however in a different manner. Medusa would bring out a very long wire coiled up round her right arm. She would tie the end of the wire around the ring bottom of a kunai and by burying the kunai in one of the zombie's skull, She speed blitz the rest of the zombies, rallying them round and tying them together. 3 paper bombs would be strapped to the wire and several more around the walls of the hall. Medusa would quickly exit the building through the front door as the bomb explodes turning the zombies to minced meats. The explosion would cause a chain detonation with the bombs on the wall causing the entire building to come crashing down. Medusa looks around and there was no more zombie. She wipes a sweat off her face. A confirmation that she is able to get what she wanted, a warm up exercise to get her blood flowing. She did not even have to use her chakra.

Crona: That was impressive Mother.
I wasn't even trying.

Medusa would then begin to make her way back towards the daimyuo and his officials. It's possible they have left the rendezvous point and back in the village. They have no obligation to wait for her though because they don't know how long she'll take. Following the path through which she came, Medusa starts by taking the narrow path which luckily for her, the traps have all been set off by the zombies who invaded the hideout. She continues her journey towards the whispering mountains.

2180 -5

SC Stored 912
SC collected 140​


Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Medusa gets to the rendezvous point but would meet no one. She would make her way towards the village to meet the Daimyuo in order to tell him about her mission and the new development. By this time Archive would have relayed information to Medusa. it also notified Medusa to get the full information in the nearest market place. Before going to Kinai, Medusa needs to speak with the Daimyuo.

2175 -5

SC Stored 912
SC collected 150


Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
The meeting with the Daimyuo this time around would be rather short. Medusa was fully appreciated while a statue of her was created in her honor. Medusa has a plan but due to seeing the Zombies, she has to abandon the plan for now and pursue her new goal which is to make the user of the forbidden jutsu her test subject. First she needs to gather Intel and where else could she start than the nearest market place. Medusa heads back to the ship which heads towards the marketplace.


2170 -5

SC stored 912
SC collected 160


Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
As the two of them had continued their journey after they had resupplied, the weather had cleared up and the journey became less troublesome. As they had sailed from the island and now arrived at Five Point Island, an island with reefs around it. A stunningly beautiful island though it was not the place they were going, no they continued past the island aiming for their destination, not wasting time. Especially since Pyke desired blood, he desired murder.

  • Leaving Landmark


Active member
Jul 25, 2017
Trait Points
Arriving from here. Lana Del Rey stepped off from the boat, relieved to see a land with a bit more life. Grateful for her godspeed itinerary, she traversed further into the land.
