

Nov 5, 2011
Trait Points

The worst part in war is not when people die, it's when one side loses.

Germany, 12:09 PM

My name is Sgt. John , It's been a while since we've been to war considering that we have gained some much knowledge and technology the men don't even have to fight. It had happened the world had no more technology, no more computers, no more computer controlled bombs, and the only thing that would actually work are guns, grenades, and weapons that don't deal with electricity.
Right now we are setting out to the battlefield to fight, I hope one day we can all just get along.

"Hey Sgt. John! Where is the intel you got from the enemies?" Captain Sam said

I looked at him with the hardest look I can possibly give him and said

"They aren't hiding anything, they have no electricity, no bombs, no nothing. What's the point of wasting our time finding out something we already know."

Everybody sat silent.

"Let's just hope your right."

We just arrived to our bunker so that we could gear up. Got my assault rifle, pistol, grenade, and water and food just in case we get lost. We are heading out in the morning bright and early. Hopefully they really weren't hiding anything.

Before going to sleep I decided to stay up and relieve the history of our wars with technology. I happened to notice something, there was a pattern. Every time we won a war (America), China would win a war. Those were the only two who fought the most at the end. We are now in Germany because they are allies of China, next we are going to have to invade Italy if we finish this mission alive. China is actually fighting with our allies at the moment, the battle already started they are facing Canada right now. I doubt the Canadians will win though. I guess I should get some sleep.

Germany, 5:00 AM

"Let's go eat breakfast Sgt." a PvT said to me I didn't even know his name.

"Sure private...?" I asked

"Louie sir, Pvt Louie La Rosa #7840"

"Nice to meet you PvT Louie La Rosa, I look forward to working with you"

"I'm looking forward to working with you to."

We went to go eat breakfast. This was the first time we eaten in days since the ride here was a very trip without any food. PvT Louie La Rosa that reminds me of someone, I can't remember who but I know I've heard of the name Louie La Rosa. He looked at me and said

"Do you think we can win Sgt?"

"No, not with the men we have." I said sadly.

"What do you-" I cut him off.

"Our men our stupid, they think they have the experience to be in a war without all those high-tech guns, and helicopters. The men who fought in the wars with no technology a couple of years back give this mission a hope."


He just sat there and said nothing. Now that we were done eating breakfast, it was time to go invade the German's bunker. We got into the car and drove off.

"Finally we're about 3 meters away" said Captain Sam

"I still thought in my head maybe they do have bom-"


Thanks for reading, this is my first fan fiction! :D


Active member
Feb 3, 2012
Trait Points
So it's a fanfic about how they have defeated 'Technology' and are going to find out if these people are hiding any technology.

Its a pretty good plot setup, but 'Sgt.John' Isn't a very original name :p +Rep for the effort mate, i hope you can continue this and win a contest or something, it's pretty good for your first.

Y so much hate for technology? Technology is what your writing this with xd


Nov 5, 2011
Trait Points
So it's a fanfic about how they have defeated 'Technology' and are going to find out if these people are hiding any technology.

Its a pretty good plot setup, but 'Sgt.John' Isn't a very original name :p

Y so much hate for technology? Technology is what your writing this with xd
Your right I couldn't think of another name :p

If this were to happen it would be true,