At the westernmost point of Kamiyasumi is a thriving, bustling port where the mystic crystal blue waters of the Western Ocean brush up against the island. While much development has occurred in the two years since the foreign members of Humanity first set foot on Kamiyasumi, through an active effort to keep Kamiyasumi unspoiled, the area retains its idyllic appearance with crisp golden sands and rolling green hills.
Dawnport is the main hub of activity in the West thanks to the combined efforts of those seeking asylum from the Cataclysm, and the Monks of the Human Order offering aid when and wherever possible. Countless homes and structures of various styles and cultures blend into one singularity, a mirror of the modern humanity itself. The port is typically active, with smaller vessels bringing in cargo from all over the world. While these shipments aren't the largest, they are varied, making Dawnport's markets diverse. More permanent natural defenses have been erected around the new port, including a large unassailable wall of white stone as well as and lookouts assigned to posts along it's top. Within these walls whether day or night Dawnport is always abuzz with people living their lives to the fullest in pure defiance of the fate handed to them. Countless travelers have found there way here in recent days, including Arali seeking refuge from the war on the mainland. Their presence is noted and commented on by many, though thanks to Iavid's clear and direct requests to look past each others differences, fights are few and far between, but tensions continue to boil beneath the surface. Few are those who can completely overlook the tragedy that befell the entire world only a few short years ago, and the divine root of the problem.
Dawnport is considered a Ninja World Marketplace. It is connected to the Marketplace Network.
Build fortifications on the Beachhead for The Champions of Humanity (M01 ESTABLISH DEFENSES (C-RANK))
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They had finally arrived in the new world. The ship would drop them off at the Beachhead. Alucard and Lilith were the only people here for now and the entire domain was open to them. The proudness of Alucard's expression would not seem to have a finish line as he planted the Hellsing Banner on the shore, not in terms of claiming the land but just as a sign that they were the ones who were first here. Now, to get into more serious matters at hand, this island offered nothing in terms of settlements or fortifications and it was now the real journey started.
Shinjirarenai, Alucard.. We're actually here.
So we are.. Don't know what it this feeling i have is but.. We have alot of work to do and we will start off by building the base of operations for humanity. Out here, clans and villages shall not separate us i hope..
First on the list of basic fortifications that the two of them would make was to create a lighthouse in order to signal for ships at night where the beachhead was located and it would also be a great symbol. The two would venture forth to a tall rolling hill that they thought would be the best location for the construction. A hill that faced centrally east which would thus be ideal for this sort of project. Once they had picked out the location for the construction they would begin to get to work and started to begin constructions. Alucard would begin by creating a massive cuboid of his dust release, 15m2 and let it sink into the top of the hill all the way down to about 10 meters.
(Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu) - Detachment of the Primitive World Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40
Damage: 30-80
Description: The user first performs a short sequence of handseals: Rat → Boar → Snake, then creates a basic 3D-shaped construct via Dust Release between the palms of their hands. A small sphere is located at its centre. The structure expands rapidly in size when being propelled towards the designated target and traps them inside its confines. The sphere then seems to explode with a tremendous amount of force, while the exterior walls of the structure effectively restrict the size of the blast radius. This results in the destruction of everything and anyone caught within, as they are pulverised into minute particles of dust. The technique isn't limited to just affecting physical matter; it can also affect chakra-based defenses. But the resulting damage that this technique can produce varies considerably, depending on the initial shape of the created structure..
Cuboid Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a very generic three-dimensional cube. While the cube's surface area is rank-dependent, its shape also enables localized destruction and entrapment. Unlike the other shape alternatives, this form is always limited to just short-range when used.
Conical Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a simplistic three-dimensional cone. While the cone's base diameter is rank-dependent, its base is always located in front of the user's hands with the pointed end poised at the desired target. It has an intermediary reach, extending up to mid-range.
Cylindrical Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a basic three-dimensional cylinder. While the cylinder's diameter is rank-dependent, it is unique amongst shapes in extending up to long-range.
Note: The surface area of the cube form is 1m² at C-rank, 3m² at B-rank, 5m² at A-rank, 15m² at S-rank.
Note: The diameter of the cone and the cylinder is 1m at C-rank, 2m at B-rank, 4m at A-rank, 8m at S-rank.
Note: Only useable by Mū and Ōnoki bios. Clones are unable to use it.
The reason he did this was to create a smooth anchor for the building to attach itself down to, with a a solid pillar at the epicenter of the entire structure for stability. The rest of the ditch would be filled by slabs which on the surface level would be 100% leveled. Alucard began by creating the pillar and he did so with his earth release while he asked Lilith to at the same time use her Krypton element in order to warp around the pillar to fill the ditch about half way. That way, once the liquid had evaporated, the pillar would be sturdy as it would been frozen solid and leveled as well. Alucard's Wheel of Fortune technique would let him summon insane amount of building materials, including the spine of the Lighthouse which now would protrude through the sub-zero liquid that Lilith had filled the ditch with.
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S (C)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40(-10 per turn when sustained)
Damage: 20-80
Description: Felwinter is a multi-ranked technique that serves as the basic, jack-of-all-trades technique of the Krypton release. It can be created from existing sources(air) or from the user directly. Depending on how much chakra he/she spends it amps the technique further and thus produces more liquid Krypton. The force of the torrent of the ultra cold liquid will also become greater the more chakra is spent into the technique. But even so, small amounts of liquid Krypton may be enough for some occasions too. Through this technique, the user will be able to create small or large torrents of the liquid Krypton, create a huge "sea" of the ultra cold liquid or manipulate pre-existing liquid Krypton to form into huge hands or small flying liquid bullets. Even though the possibilities are essentially endless, since the release is indeed liquid it cannot maintain any lasting functional structures unless chakra is used to sustain the releases state. Sort of like water which can be formed into a dragon but needs chakra to sustain its form in such case. D, C and B ranks can be used indefinitely while B-ranks will require one handseal; Hare. A rank variation can be used up to 4 times, but will start to require two handseals; Hare - Ox. S-rank variation requires three handseals; Hare - Ox - Rabbit - and can be used up to 3 times per battle.
Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 4 times per battle, S rank 3.
Note: No Krypton Above A-rank after using S-rank version in the same turn and next.
(Doton: Uitenpen) - Earth Style: Wheel Of Fortune
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Descripton: The user will bite his thumb and perform the Boar → Monkey → Bird → Monkey → Ram hand seals, slamming their hand into a scroll on the ground. This technique is a combination of the Summoning Technique and an Earth Release technique. The user summons a large amount of rock from a giant canyon which, during the process of being summoned through this technique, he shapes into a design he outlined previously in a scroll. This allows the user to change the topography of the map and create any earthen feature he needs from pillars to gorges, canyons, mountains or simply plains. If the user wants to or is defeated, the alteration ends as any summon eventually does. Additionally he can use (Doton: Dimenshon Fuudo Shihai) - Earth Release: Dimension Topography Control at any point to change the design and alter the summoned terrain.
Note: can only be used once per battle
Other construction rocks had also been summoned which, in turn filled the rest of the gap between the pillar and the edges of the ditch. The pillar stood 50 meters tall from the base level of the hill and during that time, Alucard would utilize the sister technique of the Wheel of Fortune technique in order to shape the rest of the rubble into that of a wall around the spine which essentially would be the fortifications of the entire structure. Within the gap of the walls and the spine of the building itself, piles of tiles would add up to form a spiraling staircase that would lead all the way to the top of the lighthouse. While Alucard remained on the ground, Lilith would fly up to the top of the construction and oversaw the project from above, letting Alucard know if he needed to correct anything with his Dimension Control technique.
(Doton: Dimenshon Fuudo Shihai) - Earth Release: Dimension Topography Control
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description:This jutsu is used after Earth Style: Wheel of Fortune. The user will do the Boar → Monkey hand seals, slamming his hand on the ground and focusing his earth chakra. As he does this, he can change the design of the original technique. He can do this 3 times per battle.
Small outlooks were made in the walls of the lighthouse every five meters so that anyone who climbed the steps could look out and see the beauty of the landscape. Once the wall and outer reinforcements of the constructions had been made, the only thing that remained was the actual beacon on top of the structure. Alucard easily formed the essential structure for the lightsource using his earth release once again and formed a spinning platform with wheels attached to the bottom of it, that would spin around the spine of the structure. This platform would be where the actual light would be resting upon. The light would be constructed by finely reshaped rocks bent into four large cones that all pointed in four different directions. Inside of these cones would be an electric light bulb with high efficacy, and to power these, a powerline would be installed and jacked into the spine of the structure, going all the way do the bottom of the structure. However, this powerline would need to be fueled by something and in this case, Chakra was used to do this with only to test the efficacy of the lighthouse itself. Alucard would create chakra from within himself, and touch the powerline with it.
(In'yōton, Onmyōton: Chakra no Sōzō) Yin-Yang Release: Chakra Creation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (+300 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A unique ability available only to Yin-Yang masters, Chakra Creation pertains to the ability to focus on ones physical and spiritual energies and draw more from one's essence. This allows the user of the technique to replenish and regenerate a limited amount of chakra. This is done by clapping one's hands and focusing, meditating for a moment.
Note: Must meditate for 1 full turn before ones chakra starts to regenerate
I've got thah powah!!
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The final work of the lighthouse was to get it self-sustaining. Geology would be the answer here and the powerline would eventually be dug down several hundred meters into the ground to take advantage of thermal heating which eventually would power the torches inside of the lighthouse itself. The first construction of the new world was thereby done. The lighthouse would be a dark color and the light itself would be slightly tinted red, all in Alucard's taste. With the Lighthouse done, Alucard and Lilith would head down to the beach and inspect their hard work as well as taking a break before continuing their operations.
Build fortifications on the Beachhead for The Champions of Humanity (M01 ESTABLISH DEFENSES (C-RANK))
Alucard and Lilith had now finished their first building on the Beachhead, the lighthouse which they would give the name Soul of Humanity. While the Lighthouse was a key role in fortifications, much much more needed to be done. The second construction that they would focus on was to build a port for all the ships that would start to come here more frequently. This would be a much simpler construction than that of the lighthouse. Any basic port is just a slab of hard material resting upon several pillars protruding from the water underneath. However, since this was to be his own design, Alucard would opt for something in his own style. With the lighthouse behind them, looking out towards the open sea the two of them got working again. This time, simpler materials could be used and they would opt for using present trees that were naturally growing on the island for resources of the project. Using basic tools and because Lilith was Lilith and she used her Golden Nightmare sword to do the work, the two of them had within an hour or so cut down enough material from nearby resources to start forging the pillars and the planks for the structure. Lilith would swim out from the shoreline and Alucard tossed the refined wooden pillars that was going to be needed to support the structure on. Twelve pillars in total had been made all in the roughly same length but a few longer and a few shorter to match the various depth levels of the sea meeting the islands shoreline. Lilith would begin by forcing in the shortest pillars at the very beginning of the construction first, nearest the coastline. The pillars would be set in pairs, with roughly 5 meters between them and a total of six pairs would eventually be placed upon which the solid construct would rest upon. Lilith would fortify the pillars attachment to the seabed by pressing them down about a meter each into the soil and then utilize her liquid metal under water, to create a solid structure around the pillars edges. The metal would instantly solidify since it was used underwater and thus became cooled down.
(Bisumaton: Kamigami no umi | Bismuth release: Sea of gods)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S (C)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40
Damage: 20-80
Description: Sea of gods is a multi-ranked technique that serves as the basic, jack-of-all-trades technique of the bismuth release. It can be created from existing sources(earth) or from the user directly. Depending on how much chakra he/she spends it amps the technique further and thus produces more liquid bismuth. The force of the torrent of the liquid metal will also become greater the more chakra is spent into the technique. But even so, small amounts of liquid bismuth may be enough for some occasions too. Through this technique, the user will be able to shape the land infront of them and create small or large torrents of the liquid bismuth, create a huge "sea" of the molten metal right under their targets or manipulate pre-existing liquid bismuth to form into huge hands or small flying liquid bullets. Even though the possibilities are essentially endless, the bismuth will stay on the field until destroyed and does not require chakra to stay on the field. However, since the release is indeed liquid it cannot maintain any lasting functional structures unless chakra is used to sustain the releases state. Sort of like water which can be formed into a dragon but needs chakra to sustain its form in such case. D, C and B ranks can be used indefinitely while B-ranks will require one handseal; Hare. A rank variation can be used up to 4 times, but will start to require two handseals; Hare - Ox. S-rank variation requires three handseals; Hare - Ox - Rabbit - and can be used up to 3 times per battle.
Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 4 times per battle, S rank 3.
Note: No Bismuth Above A-rank after using S-rank version.
With all the twelve pillars in place in a linear fashion going out towards the sea, it was time to add slabs to it from some kind of solid material. Using earth again would maybe not be the most stylish way to go with such an important structure and while waiting for Lilith to finish the work with the pillars to support the construct, Alucard had ventured back into the hills and started to mine ore that not only could be used for this purpose but for future reinforcements that they would need to build. After having mined for a few hours, Alucard had finally gathered up enough ore to use for the port. When he arrived back at the shoreline he would melt the ore using his fire release.
(Katon: Hi no Iki) - Fire Release: Fire Breath
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user breathes a powerful stream of fire from their mouth at their target.
The ore would melt, and flashbacks over how his stake back at the Armory of Marzan would occur in his head. After melting the ore, he could then refine it into metal bricks of an unknown origin as all of the material of the Outer Lands was basically exotic. The metal reminded him of steel but had a pale blue shine to it with a decent amount of reflective surface. This metal would then be used to form the slabs that would be the final shape of the port. Combining the metal with the same wooden material from earlier and the port looked not just highly durable but also stylish. When the Lighthouses light would strike the port, it would light up like a haven of mirages. A completely un-thought biproduct of the ensemble but a most welcomed one. With the port completed, it was time for the most ambitious structure to start to unfold. But before that, Alucard and Lilith spent a few hours inspecting the works of the port to test out it's sturdiness and stability. In total, the dock would be roughly twenty meters in length stretching out into the ocean from the shoreline and roughly four meters wide. This allowed multiple ships to dock simultaneously without any issues. Surely more docks would probably needed to be made in the future in case the trade and everything else would pick up but for now this was as good as it could be for the designated purpose of it. A framework would be placed where the dock ended as one entered the Beachhead as an ornament. This frame would be designed, just like the dock, with the metal and wood in a decorative matter.
Build fortifications on the Beachhead for The Champions of Humanity (M01 ESTABLISH DEFENSES (C-RANK))
Trivial question, my sweet daughter. What key factor does Port of Innovus have?
Anoo.. Lotsa people?
Not anymore, lol, but i was actually thinking construction-wise.
They have a wall that goes around it.
Bingo. That's what we're building next and within that wall we can finally start to build within.
The very first ring-wall was to be constructed which would be the first line of a defense mechanism against intruders towards the island or towards the constructions within it. Naturally, the lighthouse would not be a part of this ring-wall as it was a fortification on it's own and a supplementary structure that needed to be located on a high ground. There were two sets of rolling hills that surrounded the shores and thus building the ring wall between these two sets of mountains would be the ideal thinking. It would also mean that there would be a lot of potential within these barricades for extensive work and further enchantments towards the Beachhead which, Alucard's ideal would be a bastion of humanity. To perform this rather large but very simple task, he needed a whole shit ton of sturdy material. Ideally, the first line of defense would be impenetrable but also stylish. The very same ore that he had used to create the dock came to mind but at this big scale he would have to mine for several days in order to get the quantity needed for something like this since the distance between the hills where several hundred meters compared to the dock's roughly 20 meters in length. Not only that, but the walls also needed to have height. Truth was that before the two of them or anyone else for that matter could build anything large scale in anything but water or earth, a fully operational mine would need to be made and therefore that had to be a precursor project and what the two of them needed to focus on right now.
Okay my daughter, we're splitting up for this one. You go on and search for a good spot on the north hills and i will go on and do the same in the south hills. There will be a whole shitstorm of digging so make sure you're up for it.
The two went their separate ways and approached each side of the hills at the same time. They made their own secure little campsite near the walls of the hills and started to dig. Alucard had the edge in this since his dust release was basically letting him open up a portal in the earth but the only down side of it was that it would require alot of chakra to get it done. Luckily though, he was able to create his own chakra as per demonstrated in the testing of the lighthouse and so he would go with the procedure of utilizing his dust release for this task once more. The night sky that was solemnly lit up by Alucard and Lilith's own campfires was now also light up by the illuminating sheer light of Alucard's Dust Release which, he in this case shaped differently from the cuboid state from when he built the formation hole for the lighthouse. This time, like most common mines, he would excavate a long-range reaching cylinder shape with his Dust release in order to create a round opening into the cave that he built. This round shape would be the shape that would continue inwards into the hill for several meters.
(Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu) - Detachment of the Primitive World Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: C-S (A)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40
Damage: 30-80
Description: The user first performs a short sequence of handseals: Rat → Boar → Snake, then creates a basic 3D-shaped construct via Dust Release between the palms of their hands. A small sphere is located at its centre. The structure expands rapidly in size when being propelled towards the designated target and traps them inside its confines. The sphere then seems to explode with a tremendous amount of force, while the exterior walls of the structure effectively restrict the size of the blast radius. This results in the destruction of everything and anyone caught within, as they are pulverised into minute particles of dust. The technique isn't limited to just affecting physical matter; it can also affect chakra-based defenses. But the resulting damage that this technique can produce varies considerably, depending on the initial shape of the created structure..
Cuboid Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a very generic three-dimensional cube. While the cube's surface area is rank-dependent, its shape also enables localized destruction and entrapment. Unlike the other shape alternatives, this form is always limited to just short-range when used.
Conical Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a simplistic three-dimensional cone. While the cone's base diameter is rank-dependent, its base is always located in front of the user's hands with the pointed end poised at the desired target. It has an intermediary reach, extending up to mid-range.
Cylindrical Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a basic three-dimensional cylinder. While the cylinder's diameter is rank-dependent, it is unique amongst shapes in extending up to long-range.
Note: The surface area of the cube form is 1m² at C-rank, 3m² at B-rank, 5m² at A-rank, 15m² at S-rank.
Note: The diameter of the cone and the cylinder is 1m at C-rank, 2m at B-rank, 4m at A-rank, 8m at S-rank.
Note: Only useable by Mū and Ōnoki bios. Clones are unable to use it.
The cylindrical form would be four meters in diameter and thus that would of course also result in the mine's opening being four meters in diameter. He didn't opt for the largest version of the technique as he would probably not only disintegrate alot of precious ore in the meantime but it would also be a much more ideal width of the mine. No mine that he had ever been to was larger than that really. The cylindrical form also had the advantage of by itself reaching up to Long-Range which meant that for each time he used the technique he would dig in twenty meters. This was enough to now start and spiral downwards into the heart of the mountains and where all of the good stuff was hiding inside the walls. Alucard would repeat the same process but each time he used his dust release he would tilt down the cylindrical beam a few degrees in order to create a spiraling tunnel which eventually would lead around 100 meters below sea level. From there, the actual core of the mine would then be expanded upon in pretty much any directions. He was using a lot of chakra to do this heavy work but it was very effective and the only time consuming parts of the whole process was that for each five usages of his dust release he would stop and meditate to regain his lost chakra points through his Yin/Yang technique and chakra creation.
(In'yōton, Onmyōton: Chakra no Sōzō) Yin-Yang Release: Chakra Creation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (+300 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A unique ability available only to Yin-Yang masters, Chakra Creation pertains to the ability to focus on ones physical and spiritual energies and draw more from one's essence. This allows the user of the technique to replenish and regenerate a limited amount of chakra. This is done by clapping one's hands and focusing, meditating for a moment.
Note: Must meditate for 1 full turn before ones chakra starts to regenerate
Meanwhile, Lilith would go on about it in a different approach since she obviously did not possess the mighty Dust Release unlike her father. Instead, she would utilize her sword to essentially carve out rocks from the mountain walls. While the sword's temperature would indeed be able to carve rock like it was made out of butter there was alot of physical movement involved into this kind of process and even though Lilith didn't necessarily need to stop and regenerate chakra, overall this process was probably five times slower than that of Alucard's and at the end of it she was completely physically exhausted. Her efforts were not in vain, however and she eventually dug herself deep into the underground while Alucard had already started to process ore that he had excavated from the digging thus far but also now on the various tunnels that he started to process through the center of the southern mine. Piling it all up and get it back to the surface would be done by a mechanism akin to an elevator. Alucard checked up on Lilith before he continued on the finalization step of the operating mine using their mental link.
How is it going for you, my daughter? Ugh, Watashiwa going nowhere..
Drop your project, one mine is enough i need your help here. Wait outside the entrance of the mine for my instructions.
Lilith's arrival in the mine that Alucard had now installed into the mountain was going to speed up the next step exponentially. Alucard instructed her to create the lift mechanism using thin wires of metal that would entwist themselves for maximum loading capability. A secure line would also be needed incase the primary one was destroyed for some reason. With a bit of handiwork she had created the wires using her Bisumaton release and she would toss it down the shaft where Alucard was, hundred meters beneath the surface. Since the strength of these wires were prioritized, Lilith used the second strongest version of the technique. Upon letting the metal cool down during time to solidify the threads that were separated could be twirled together. Each as thick as a single hair.
(Bisumaton: Kamigami no umi | Bismuth release: Sea of gods)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S (A)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40
Damage: 20-80
Description: Sea of gods is a multi-ranked technique that serves as the basic, jack-of-all-trades technique of the bismuth release. It can be created from existing sources(earth) or from the user directly. Depending on how much chakra he/she spends it amps the technique further and thus produces more liquid bismuth. The force of the torrent of the liquid metal will also become greater the more chakra is spent into the technique. But even so, small amounts of liquid bismuth may be enough for some occasions too. Through this technique, the user will be able to shape the land infront of them and create small or large torrents of the liquid bismuth, create a huge "sea" of the molten metal right under their targets or manipulate pre-existing liquid bismuth to form into huge hands or small flying liquid bullets. Even though the possibilities are essentially endless, the bismuth will stay on the field until destroyed and does not require chakra to stay on the field. However, since the release is indeed liquid it cannot maintain any lasting functional structures unless chakra is used to sustain the releases state. Sort of like water which can be formed into a dragon but needs chakra to sustain its form in such case. D, C and B ranks can be used indefinitely while B-ranks will require one handseal; Hare. A rank variation can be used up to 4 times, but will start to require two handseals; Hare - Ox. S-rank variation requires three handseals; Hare - Ox - Rabbit - and can be used up to 3 times per battle.
Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 4 times per battle, S rank 3.
Note: No Bismuth Above A-rank after using S-rank version.
Meanwhile, Alucard would make use of his earth release to create the reinforced slab that was to carry all the ore load up and down the shaft. It was a simple procedure and he expelled the earthen structure from his body and attached it to the metal wires that Lilith had dropped down for him.
(Doton: Iwarin Heiban) - Earth Release: Rock Scale Slab
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will knead their earth chakra into their stomach and then release from their mouth earthly material that then forms into a large slab of rock, that can travel with incredible force. On impact with the ground the slab forces the earth to splinter and jab anyone caught in the vicinity.
With all of that done, the mine was finished and the two of them would work the rest of the day in the mine to collect as much ore as possible for the next day.
Alucard and Lilith came back from the massacre over at the colossal river and made it to their small camp over at the beachhead. Their lighthouse beamed up the night sky.
B&P finally landed onto solid ground. As they left the ship Barney immediately stretched out and did a moderate workout to get his blood flowing from all the sitting and laying from the long journey across half the world, all the way from Port of Innovus. Together with Panthalassa, he would first greet Alucard and Lilith who were waiting for them, after which they would explore the created establishments and then proceed to organize and put their hands to work for whatever else was necessary.
"Hello Alucard. You seem to have arrived early." Barney said and proceeded to bow to Lilith. "Lilith. Cigarettes are bad for your health."
B&P finally landed onto solid ground. As they left the ship Barney immediately stretched out and did a moderate workout to get his blood flowing from all the sitting and laying from the long journey across half the world, all the way from Port of Innovus. Together with Panthalassa, he would first greet Alucard and Lilith who were waiting for them, after which they would explore the created establishments and then proceed to organize and put their hands to work for whatever else was necessary.
"Hello Alucard. You seem to have arrived early." Barney said and proceeded to bow to Lilith. "Lilith. Cigarettes are bad for your health."
Lilith grunted slightly as Barney spoke to her. She flickes her wrist, sending the cigarette flying through the air while she approached the two of them opting for a hug.
Geez, uncle Barney took you long enough. Ne.. why don’t you take a rest, we’ve prepared for your arrival.
Alucard tossed a bottle of wine to both his clanmembers, a salvaged one from the pirate ship. He himself remained sitting down looking into the fire.
Drink up my dears. Tomorrow will one helluva day.
Lilith grunted slightly as Barney spoke to her. She flickes her wrist, sending the cigarette flying through the air while she approached the two of them opting for a hug.
Geez, uncle Barney took you long enough. Ne.. why don’t you take a rest, we’ve prepared for your arrival.
Alucard tossed a bottle of wine to both his clanmembers, a salvaged one from the pirate ship. He himself remained sitting down looking into the fire.
Drink up my dears. Tomorrow will one helluva day.
Barney took the drink out of pure politeness but wasn't in the mood for drinking. He offered the bottle to Panthalassa but he didn't seem interested either. Truth be told, they were both a bit grumpy from the long travel and because they were starving. They would've rather had something solid instead of liquid. Now that Barney got a better look around himself he noticed that the port they arrived to was rather new which would suggest that Alucard and Lilith built it since they were the only ones here. The lighthouse was also sticking out like a sore thumb but it was a nice addition. Around the perimeter, a protective wall spread which was a bit weird. There were no signs of life on the island so Barney wasn't sure what they needed protection from. The fact that there was no actual establishment made for them to sit down, eat and lay to spend the night was rather infuriating.
"No offense Alucard, I know alcohol is your fuel but we're not in the mood for it because we're starving. We've been on a bloody ship all the way since Port Innovus and we haven't eaten anything in an ungodly amount of hours. Tell me, couldn't you just build some kind of house first to welcome us into and then we would help you with the rest." Barney sighed with exhaustion in his voice. This wasn't physical but rather mental exhaustion. Them arriving first would at least mean they would make the establishment for themselves to enjoy and to welcome others that would come from the long journey, but arriving here and seeing Alucard spending too much time on trivialities was disappointing.
"Well, at least your tip paid off and we are thankful for it. We managed to get a hold of Marzan and we got ourselves the God Slaying Tools." stated Barney. "Do you think we'll encounter any of these so called Gods here?" asked Barney curiously. It was quite an ordeal that they went through and he hoped they better not turn out to be useless. It would suck if this expedition thing turned out to be some cruel reality check where they would be stranded on this empty island, slowly going crazy and turning against each other, killing themselves with these newly forged tools.
"Would you two mind helping us to create a nice house with something like 20 rooms, a kitchen with a large dining room, a couple of bathrooms and a large common area for everyone to gather and organize? The port in Blaubaume was rather busy when we arrived and everyone was buzzing about this expedition. I think it won't be long before more people start arriving. We need a place to situate them all." said Barney now with a structure and leadership in his voice. Alucard was the leader of their clan for sure, but it seemed like he got carried away trying to do the best he could. However, the leader of the Champions of Humanity was yet to be established and someone had to take that role, even if only briefly until a more suitable Champion would take over. It certainly needed to be someone human.
"Panthalassa?" asked Barney as he turned to his best friend, wondering if he had anything to contribute.
Barney took the drink out of pure politeness but wasn't in the mood for drinking. He offered the bottle to Panthalassa but he didn't seem interested either. Truth be told, they were both a bit grumpy from the long travel and because they were starving. They would've rather had something solid instead of liquid. Now that Barney got a better look around himself he noticed that the port they arrived to was rather new which would suggest that Alucard and Lilith built it since they were the only ones here. The lighthouse was also sticking out like a sore thumb but it was a nice addition. Around the perimeter, a protective wall spread which was a bit weird. There were no signs of life on the island so Barney wasn't sure what they needed protection from. The fact that there was no actual establishment made for them to sit down, eat and lay to spend the night was rather infuriating.
"No offense Alucard, I know alcohol is your fuel but we're not in the mood for it because we're starving. We've been on a bloody ship all the way since Port Innovus and we haven't eaten anything in an ungodly amount of hours. Tell me, couldn't you just build some kind of house first to welcome us into and then we would help you with the rest." Barney sighed with exhaustion in his voice. This wasn't physical but rather mental exhaustion. Them arriving first would at least mean they would make the establishment for themselves to enjoy and to welcome others that would come from the long journey, but arriving here and seeing Alucard spending too much time on trivialities was disappointing.
"Well, at least your tip paid off and we are thankful for it. We managed to get a hold of Marzan and we got ourselves the God Slaying Tools." stated Barney. "Do you think we'll encounter any of these so called Gods here?" asked Barney curiously. It was quite an ordeal that they went through and he hoped they better not turn out to be useless. It would suck if this expedition thing turned out to be some cruel reality check where they would be stranded on this empty island, slowly going crazy and turning against each other, killing themselves with these newly forged tools.
"Would you two mind helping us to create a nice house with something like 20 rooms, a kitchen with a large dining room, a couple of bathrooms and a large common area for everyone to gather and organize? The port in Blaubaume was rather busy when we arrived and everyone was buzzing about this expedition. I think it won't be long before more people start arriving. We need a place to situate them all." said Barney now with a structure and leadership in his voice. Alucard was the leader of their clan for sure, but it seemed like he got carried away trying to do the best he could. However, the leader of the Champions of Humanity was yet to be established and someone had to take that role, even if only briefly until a more suitable Champion would take over. It certainly needed to be someone human.
"Panthalassa?" asked Barney as he turned to his best friend, wondering if he had anything to contribute.
Build up the town (M01 ESTABLISH DEFENSES (C-RANK))
Panthalassa had indeed been a bit grumpy, and the sight of a chakra creation that was meant to be a child and now teenager just suddenly smoking cigarrettes in a newly formed ninja town was maybe a bit too much. But in the end, all Panthalassa could do was actually laugh.
He supported himself in Barney's shoulder, as he gave out some hearty chuckles. The entirety of a new continent, a new world, was sprawling outwards, and it seemed like only allies were around for the time being. But Barney was right, they needed some places to settle in, cook and rest. Slapping his hands together, after retrieving a bit of blood, Panthalassa brought forth several flies, filled with chitinous spikes.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Corpusgigan bestia, common name Behemoth Gores, are a species of flies with gigantic dimensions and thick and impenetrable exoskeletons. They are summoned in a gargantuan half the size of a average monarch summon. Each of the gigantic flies are around the size of an elephant, and have a very robust and thick skin with spiked protrusions and hideous teeth. Due to their sheer strength, they are noticeably more resilient to damage than normal flies. Any Aburame techniques used through the Behemoth Gore swarm has a +20 damage buffer, essentially increase the overall power of the technique when clashing with ninjutsu and taijutsu. The Behemoth Gores store their eggs within their own gullets. When they're near an uncouth target, they will open their mandible and deposit the eggs directly inside the victim, through a extensible proboscis ( a 3 meter tube-like mouth with a ring of jagged teeth ). The eggs will then have an accelerated growth spur, eccloding into horrible fat maggots with spiked mouths, that will devour and essentially burst through their host, fit to their name. The Behemoth Gores are capable of doing this directly onto other organic substances, the ground and other earthen features or water sources, creating a clot of giant eggs or maggots that will then travel up to mid-range from the point of deposition, before exploding outwards in an eruption of slime and maggots. The main ability of these flies is the ability to compress and decompress, similar to Akimichi. They're gigantic flies that can be compressed up to the size of tiny little flies, 1mm in size. When summoned they can appear in compressed form or original form. The form compression is a passive ability that costs no chakra from the user and require one of the three moves per turn.
Note: Egg deposition can be used by individual Gores up to 3 times, counting as an A rank technique (with no inherent damage buffer), or up to 1 time by the whole swarm, counting as an S rank, throughout their stay in the field.
Note: Can't be manipulated by Forbidden Ranked Aburame Techniques.
Note: Behemoth Gores last 3 in the field.
Note: Pharaoh Scythes' techniques perfomed with Gore chitin will also have the same damage boost.
Let's go friends, it is up to us to build up some huts.
And then, to much of everyone's dismay, the flies engorged to the size of bisons, and started hauling around the materials that Alucard and Lilith had been collecting, while estabilish a perimeter of useable land to create the settlement. The enlarged flies would till and clear the field around them , while also carving out the foundations of several collection centers, where small plazas and huts would be build. But there weren't that many laboring hands at work, so far only Panthalassa, Barney, Lilith and Alucard were there. Even if the job was facilitated by the flies acting essentially as labour mules, the dexterity to actually craft and build would be left to the humans and other things?
So Panthalassa put his back to work, creating a small cottage near the beach, nestled between the cliffside with the Lighthouse at the right, and the port docks at the left. It was a beautiful sand beach, the cliff guarding from the severity of the waves and the tides, and it would stay like that for several centuries if left alone. Still, the tilled arwad would be lifted upwards, creating some separation from the useable beachside to the beginings of the town. He left out a huge plaza, still unpaved, for the main square, and went to the sides to start raising up the housing and public facilities.
Focusing his efforts, he started making the first hut, it would be rudimentary at first, but it should work, a main loft like division where the living space was wide and accomodating, with a small rudimentary kitchen of to the side, with a stone hub for them to light up a fire and cook inside the house. While the building could be expanded further, Panthalassa still didn't have that much need for more space. So at the back of the house, he built a deck, sprawled open to the beachfront, which could be accessed from the living space and the sleeping room, a small toilet area.
In order to have some semplance of running water, Panthalassa had his flies turn into all sort of medium to small sizes, and burrow themselves into the ground. They would drag out some leftover metals and other materials, in order to create rudimentary tubages that would harvest water in the sea and then bring them over to the main plaza. It would not be potable but it would be convenient for cooking and taking bath, and useable after heating it up and removing the salt.
The drainage system would be a bit more bothersome to do, because no one wants to deal with waste, but so far it would be too lightly populated to become that much of a problem. Panthalassa would redirect it somewhere far from the main town, where it could rest in vaults and become fertilizer form when they start agriculture. Otherwise it would just be buried undergound in the forest for the wildlife to enjoy.
( Aburame no Jutsu: Arikui ) Insect Technique: Formicary
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user commands his insects to burrow through the ground, eating through the earth. The insects will follow a grid like formation, until they come upon an enemy or chakra, transmitting this information back to the user, similar to Insect Communication Technique. This technique can be used on it's own or combined with another technique, allowing the second technique to be used through the ground, though at half the speed. The combination usage counts as one technique, where the user spends the chakra required for both. The combination acquires the same power and characteristics of the second technique.
Note: Aburame users for more than 6 months can use the combination at 1/3 of the chakra ( 5 chakra ).
Note: Can't burrow on it's own through active earth techniques. The Combination can burrow with the same rules as S&W.
With all that done, Panthalassa could keep building a few huts and buildings for living spaces, adding them to the network. Though it would be cool to have some drinkable water at a tap...
Build up the town (M01 ESTABLISH DEFENSES (C-RANK))
Panthalassa had indeed been a bit grumpy, and the sight of a chakra creation that was meant to be a child and now teenager just suddenly smoking cigarrettes in a newly formed ninja town was maybe a bit too much. But in the end, all Panthalassa could do was actually laugh.
He supported himself in Barney's shoulder, as he gave out some hearty chuckles. The entirety of a new continent, a new world, was sprawling outwards, and it seemed like only allies were around for the time being. But Barney was right, they needed some places to settle in, cook and rest. Slapping his hands together, after retrieving a bit of blood, Panthalassa brought forth several flies, filled with chitinous spikes.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Corpusgigan bestia, common name Behemoth Gores, are a species of flies with gigantic dimensions and thick and impenetrable exoskeletons. They are summoned in a gargantuan half the size of a average monarch summon. Each of the gigantic flies are around the size of an elephant, and have a very robust and thick skin with spiked protrusions and hideous teeth. Due to their sheer strength, they are noticeably more resilient to damage than normal flies. Any Aburame techniques used through the Behemoth Gore swarm has a +20 damage buffer, essentially increase the overall power of the technique when clashing with ninjutsu and taijutsu. The Behemoth Gores store their eggs within their own gullets. When they're near an uncouth target, they will open their mandible and deposit the eggs directly inside the victim, through a extensible proboscis ( a 3 meter tube-like mouth with a ring of jagged teeth ). The eggs will then have an accelerated growth spur, eccloding into horrible fat maggots with spiked mouths, that will devour and essentially burst through their host, fit to their name. The Behemoth Gores are capable of doing this directly onto other organic substances, the ground and other earthen features or water sources, creating a clot of giant eggs or maggots that will then travel up to mid-range from the point of deposition, before exploding outwards in an eruption of slime and maggots. The main ability of these flies is the ability to compress and decompress, similar to Akimichi. They're gigantic flies that can be compressed up to the size of tiny little flies, 1mm in size. When summoned they can appear in compressed form or original form. The form compression is a passive ability that costs no chakra from the user and require one of the three moves per turn.
Note: Egg deposition can be used by individual Gores up to 3 times, counting as an A rank technique (with no inherent damage buffer), or up to 1 time by the whole swarm, counting as an S rank, throughout their stay in the field.
Note: Can't be manipulated by Forbidden Ranked Aburame Techniques.
Note: Behemoth Gores last 3 in the field.
Note: Pharaoh Scythes' techniques perfomed with Gore chitin will also have the same damage boost.
Let's go friends, it is up to us to build up some huts.
And then, to much of everyone's dismay, the flies engorged to the size of bisons, and started hauling around the materials that Alucard and Lilith had been collecting, while estabilish a perimeter of useable land to create the settlement. The enlarged flies would till and clear the field around them , while also carving out the foundations of several collection centers, where small plazas and huts would be build. But there weren't that many laboring hands at work, so far only Panthalassa, Barney, Lilith and Alucard were there. Even if the job was facilitated by the flies acting essentially as labour mules, the dexterity to actually craft and build would be left to the humans and other things?
So Panthalassa put his back to work, creating a small cottage near the beach, nestled between the cliffside with the Lighthouse at the right, and the port docks at the left. It was a beautiful sand beach, the cliff guarding from the severity of the waves and the tides, and it would stay like that for several centuries if left alone. Still, the tilled arwad would be lifted upwards, creating some separation from the useable beachside to the beginings of the town. He left out a huge plaza, still unpaved, for the main square, and went to the sides to start raising up the housing and public facilities.
Focusing his efforts, he started making the first hut, it would be rudimentary at first, but it should work, a main loft like division where the living space was wide and accomodating, with a small rudimentary kitchen of to the side, with a stone hub for them to light up a fire and cook inside the house. While the building could be expanded further, Panthalassa still didn't have that much need for more space. So at the back of the house, he built a deck, sprawled open to the beachfront, which could be accessed from the living space and the sleeping room, a small toilet area.
In order to have some semplance of running water, Panthalassa had his flies turn into all sort of medium to small sizes, and burrow themselves into the ground. They would drag out some leftover metals and other materials, in order to create rudimentary tubages that would harvest water in the sea and then bring them over to the main plaza. It would not be potable but it would be convenient for cooking and taking bath, and useable after heating it up and removing the salt.
The drainage system would be a bit more bothersome to do, because no one wants to deal with waste, but so far it would be too lightly populated to become that much of a problem. Panthalassa would redirect it somewhere far from the main town, where it could rest in vaults and become fertilizer form when they start agriculture. Otherwise it would just be buried undergound in the forest for the wildlife to enjoy.
( Aburame no Jutsu: Arikui ) Insect Technique: Formicary
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user commands his insects to burrow through the ground, eating through the earth. The insects will follow a grid like formation, until they come upon an enemy or chakra, transmitting this information back to the user, similar to Insect Communication Technique. This technique can be used on it's own or combined with another technique, allowing the second technique to be used through the ground, though at half the speed. The combination usage counts as one technique, where the user spends the chakra required for both. The combination acquires the same power and characteristics of the second technique.
Note: Aburame users for more than 6 months can use the combination at 1/3 of the chakra ( 5 chakra ).
Note: Can't burrow on it's own through active earth techniques. The Combination can burrow with the same rules as S&W.
With all that done, Panthalassa could keep building a few huts and buildings for living spaces, adding them to the network. Though it would be cool to have some drinkable water at a tap...
This post contains a mission (M01 ESTABLISH DEFENSES (C-RANK))
"Don't worry my friend, I got that", said Barney as he saw Panthalassa struggling with all things water. The hut that he built was very cozy but they indeed needed sanitary facilities which gave Barney an idea. At first he took a few steps back and looked at the placement of the establishment and decided the best place to do it. Then he simply walked up and stabbed his Goddess into the ground, releasing chakra into it. From there, water built up and created two separate reservoirs that would act as a sewage system and clean water distribution network. Seeing those gorgeous engorged insects was really something else but it made Barney happy so he decided to help them out with organization and labor, picking out some good materials that could be used to build a toilet on top of the reservoir. All things were going swell, so Barney once again took a few steps back and enjoyed the view as the busy encampment was bustling with life. Barney wasn't that much of an insectophile like his friend here, but seeing them so eager to help made Barney so happy. Here and there Barney would jump in and point the insects in the right direction and organize the materials as they were coming in, assuming more of a managerial role. This however, gave him some overhead free time which he used to make some coffee for everyone. He would first create a four legged table and then summon an abundance of coffee for everyone present, including the insects if they were eager to try!
"Those insects of yours are magnificent my friend. How did you manage to train them so well?" Barney asked Panthalassa and then burst out laughing as it slowly started getting dark. The laughter echoed through the cove and it scared some birds from the woods, making them fly away into the distance.
Suiton: Chika mizu | Water Release: Subterranean Waters
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short/Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Using his own chakra the user can, unbeknownst to his opponent, can create a single or multiple water sources within the earth. The water sources can vary in size, depending on the need of the user. The user can create up to 3 seperate sources but their size altogether can't exceed the size of a human sized pond. They don't form too deep in the ground, but about a meter or two beneath the surface. They can be used only as a source for other water techniques.
Note: Usable only thrice (3) per battle
Note: Only McRazor can teach this
(Doton: Tēburu Furippu) - Earth Style: Table Flip
Type: Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: D-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 10
Damage: N/A
Description: The user sends their earth chakra into the ground directly in front of them causing a four legged table to rise from the ground. The earth will naturally detach itself from the surface which will enable the user to kick or flip the table over. The table can be used to block kunai, swords, and other basic ninja tools. Elemental weaknesses and strengths do apply.
Note: Can only be taught by Drackos
Type: Supplementary
Rank: E
Range: Short
Chakra: 05
Damage: 10 (to user's health)
Description: The user of this jutsu takes out a scroll within his pouch that was prepared before battle and holds it in one of his hands. By channeling his chakra into it, it will then poof and summon a coffee mug in its place that had been in Adachi's house prior. After downing the coffee, the caffeine will take quick effect upon the user due to the scientific fact that it blocks the receptors that slow down nerve cell activity. As a result, the user will have a slightly faster heartbeat and bloodflow, and thus, will be unaffected by any jutsu that has a potential factor that could put him to sleep. This coffee was pre-prepared by Adachi himself and sits amongst dozens of other mugs that contain anything from lattes to doubleshot espressos, either steaming hot or icy cold. The reserves within the refrigerator or hot vending system are restocked daily so there will never be a shortage of coffee. Ever.
Note: Effect lasts three turns.
Build fortifications on the Beachhead for The Champions of Humanity (M01 ESTABLISH DEFENSES (C-RANK))
After a few days of work, both Alucard and Lilith were completely exhausted but their work had paid off and they had now rested up a bit. Sure, they did still not even half of the necessary resources to start and build the ring-wall. However, the system that they had built for the mine was now functioning if only one person was down in the shaft. Lilith offered to stay down there and continue to gather ore for the upcoming build crafting. It would also allow her to get physically stronger and she would consider it as an exercise. This would open up the possibility for Alucard to work more on the surface level. The ring-wall would now start to become the next project and with Lilith working in the mine he himself could start with the ground work for the wall. To do this, Alucard would once again utilize the earth release in order to fix the framework for the wall. On the most basic level, earth release was highly diversed in it's functionality. A very good tradeoff one could say and utilizing the simplest of earth style allowed Alucard to start forging the framework utilizing pillars of rocks as well as stone slabs to create the foundation where the wall would rest upon.
(Doton no Jutsu) - Earth Release Technique
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Descripton: Creates small pillars of earth, small tools, and small shields of earth
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Like the parent technique, it creates a reinforced wall of earth to be used as a defensive mechanism. However, the technique works in a different manner. Using a pre-existing source of earth, it allows the user to create multiple walls of earth, further fortifying their defense instead of forming a single wall, by slamming his hands on the ground.
(Doton: Iwarin Heiban) - Earth Release: Rock Scale Slab
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will knead their earth chakra into their stomach and then release from their mouth earthly material that then forms into a large slab of rock, that can travel with incredible force. On impact with the ground the slab forces the earth to splinter and jab anyone caught in the vicinity.
Each reinforced mud wall would stand on a 90 degree tilt resting upon platforms of perfectly leveled earth, granted by Alucard's other technique(s). Within almost an entire days work the framework for the ring-wall was done. Granted, at this point and time it was consisting of nothing but regular rocks and mud but it was still better than nothing. The fact that the walls were made out of mud would make it much easier as well to add on the metal. Lilith had now been working down the mine all by herself for an entire day, the two of them were completely exhausted from all of this manual labor and met up at the beach to stare out into the night sky and rest their weary bones from all of the hard work. They went to the port they had built and sat themselves down on the far side of the dock.
Otōsan.. I'm proud of us, i think we're doing the right thing and this time we're doing it entirely together like a badass team.
I hear you..
The following day, more work was to be done. Lilith went back to the mine to hopefully get the rest of the supplies ready for the wall which in that case should be able to be ready by the following day. Meanwhile, Alucard would utilize his strenght to start to pile up all of the ore that Lilith had gathered and smelt it down to bricks of metal. The same procedure was done as before, carved rocks would have the shape the bricks and Alucard melted the ore with his fire release, poured down the liquid and formed a brick. This process was tedious as all hell but was necessary to continue the crafting.
(Katon: Hi no Iki) - Fire Release: Fire Breath
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user breathes a powerful stream of fire from their mouth at their target.
This whole process basically became what the two of them ended up doing all day and they had to take a few breaks in order to avoid collapsing. However after much struggle, sweat and blood the two of them finalized their ambitions for the day. Lilith had mined enough ore to complete the wall and Alucard had smelted enough ore to start building it and this would finalize things for them. They headed out once again and went to sleep, with the following day Lilith would start to assemble the wall using the bricks of metal that Alucard had forged while he himself would continue to smelt the last chunks of ore that Lilith had excavated from the previous two days. When Alucard had finished the work he would join Lilith in the final construction of the outer wall which in the end would end up be roughly 10 meters tall and long enough to co-join the two hillsides that surrounded the beachhead since they allowed for a natural wall anyway. They left three openings in the wall in order to allow for gates to be formed. One on the south side of the wall, one in the center and one in the north side. This whole ordeal was as ambitious as the construction of the lighthouse, maybe not as complicated but on a much larger scale.
The Merchant finally makes it to the lands through it's large ocean. He hits the beach full on and bumps him forward a little bit. The land was naked and he could be the first one here but little does he know he isn't. He knows the first thing here is to set up defenses. He had brought his own shovel to start creating the defenses. The beach could be ground zero or the back and whoever else should start building the walls, towers, and even shelters that could be used. Maybe Kisuke could create some shelters because he is a person who loves to nap.
He turns and looks to the left and in the distance he can see a ship/boat docked at the port.
"Oh there is someone here. I should go find them and figure out if they have come up with a plan."
Kisuke goes on a search for the person or people who could be here for the same reason or similar to fix up this landmark. There standing tall is a lighthouse.
"I'm pretty sure there has to be someone here who has some crazy skill to create such a thing in a short time."
Kisuke can hear the sound of people talking. He gets over the hill and notices two people. He takes out his infamous white fan.
As he says, "Hello" he notices the people have started creating a building. He wondered where they got all these resources if the land was natural and supposedly had nothing but hills and forest.
This post marks the beginning of my mission:
-M01 Establish Defenses (Canon C Rank)
Summary: Kisuke starts helping out by building defenses.
Kisuke doesn’t say anything else and the two folks in the distance don't say anything.
“Antisocial much…”
Kisuke walks to a piece of land that doesn’t have anything started for what was needed. He didn’t know these people nor the people who he agreed to come here. He just knew this certain area needed some defenses and shelter and he was to help. He looked around and noticed the area didn’t have any resources so he had to use the land itself for its resources. He takes his bag and puts it down. He takes out some items that are his Swiss Army Knife, Hammer, and Chisel. As he was thinking when pulling out the items,
“I think I would be tired if I did this the old fashioned way with these items. If my secret gets out of my power I know they will come. I just have to remember anyone sees my power. So let's go.”
He slides the items back into the bag besides the foldable shovel. He takes that out of the bag. He sits the bag down and he aims his right index finger while holding the shovel in his left hand. He causes an explosion to his right. The ground and the trees burst into different directions and into pieces. Kisuke walks over to the open area with pieces of the ground and trees everywhere.
With this he starts using the hole in the ground as ground zero of creating a shelter that could be used. He puts down the shovel and starts picking the pieces of the trees up and tosses them out of the hole. He didn't toss them far because some of them still had a good length to them so it could be used as a frame for the shelter. He wished he had something to push the dirt out of the whole. The Merchant grabs the big pieces and puts them to the side. He starts walking over to where most of the trees had been tossed to, by him. He looks through them and picks out the biggest ones and the least amount of damage to them. There wasn’t that mean but he could make more by just cutting down trees with his katana. The pieces of the tree he found he starts to shape them into spikes with his katana.
“Wait, this is how I could start making some kind of barrier on this instead of making shelter.”
Shelters weren't all that worth well if you need defenses. There isn’t anyone here but Kisuke and the other two people he saw earlier. Kisuke started to wonder why this place needs defenses made and shelters. The man walks to the top of a hill. He starts putting the spikes into the ground on the tip of the hill. He wanted to make spikes along the hill. Each end of the spikes so if someone tried to get over the top they will get harmed by the tip of the spike. He takes the katana after creating the spikes from the pale of trees. The katana he uses to cut some trees down with a sequence of slashes with a final slash against a tree. There the trees fall and kick up dust from the ground. Urahara coughs, waving his katana in front of him and with his left hand creating a fist. He coughs into the fist side hole.
After coughing Kisuke Urahara looks at the cloud of dust disappearing and the trees lay on the ground which also knocked over some other trees. He puts the katana away. He tries to push the trees together but doesn’t have the strength. He pushed so hard he snapped a bone in his right wrist and left leg. With his healing factor he regenerates easily from this. Since they are snapped bones he had to put them in place by slamming them against a tree truck, which caused him a ton of pain.
“God dang it. I can’t move these at all. I guess I need to use that but there are others here.”
Guess thought and thought and with the secret of his abilities he needed to keep it under wraps and less people know about it. He could get this project done and get on to another one. He shrugs his shoulders. He takes off his top layer of clothing and his bottom half. He has on nothing but his boxers. He starts to undergo a transformation. His body starts to expand and grow fur and wings. His face starts to extend out. He stands there growling looking like a wolf or even a cat with wings. He stands on his hind legs. With this power he can move these trees and even break them easier now with hand to hand combat.
With his new strength and body mass he couldn't hold a katana nor his tanto. They were too small to hold and could easily be broken. He had to use his hands and feet to chop the trees into pieces. He leaps in the air and comes down with a drop kick from his left foot. He does this multiple times dropping down from the heavens with a kick splitting the trees up into the near perfect height he needs them to be. They were close, all he needed to do was shave the ends of them. The ends were going to be spiked on both ends also. He stands up tall looking around at the number of pieces of trees he has. This should be enough to cover the hills as he wanted to cover the whole parameter.
After getting down with looking at the pieces of trees he deactivates the transformation. He takes the tree pieces and using his katana; which he walked over and grabbed, he shaves/cuts the ends of them making them pointy. He grabs the spike pillars and stabs them into the ground following the line around to the original start. He had to move quickly so he could get to another assignment.
“Ugh, this is done now, time for another assignment defense, next.”
( Gereru Bakufū ) - Gelel Blast
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: With a piece of the Stone of Gelel embedded in them, the user can blast objects without the need to make physical contact with it. This ability allows him to release powerful explosions similar to Blast release from his hand, detonating things he aims at within a short range radius. He can inversely create a stream of explosions from his hand towards ranged targets. Though this technique shares similarities with Blast Release, this technique is not considered a Ninjutsu.
( Ken Rendan no Jutsu ) - Sword Barrage Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 30
Description: With this technique, the user will make a sequence of slashes with their sword and finishes with a powerful final slash dealing damage to their enemy.
( Gereru no Ishi: Mezameru Kemono ) - Stone of Gelel: Awakened Beasts
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 80
Damage: N/A
Description: The user accesses the shard of the Stone of Gelel within them, triggering an animalistic, humanoid transformation likened to Curse Mark, enabling it to increase their physical abilities as well as their mastery of Gelel based techniques. Though these changes alter physically from user to user, the general benefits associated with this technique are shared amongst all users. The user gains a tripled speed alongside an increase in Gelel based techniques by 20 damage as well as an increase to their Body Arts techniques by 25 damage. While in this state, the user is able to access Stone of Gelel techniques that are more powerful such as the Howl and Recovered Stones. At the cost of a move per turn, the user is capable of healing nearly any injury by spending 120 chakra. This healing can extend to healing limbs such as a completely blown away chest, broken and shattered limbs or fully regrowing his body after bifurcation. After using, the user can only use one other jutsu the same turn. This can only be used a total of 3 times and once every 4 turns. As long as their head is attached/they have consciousness, this jutsu can be used. This state is also capable of reducing 30 damage from attacks. The transformations have to respect the logic and reasonability of Narutoverse and must be defined and explained within the biography.
Note: Lasts for 6 turns per use and can be used 3 times total.
Note: After use, the user cannot make use of any Gelel based techniques for 2 turns.
(Doroppu Kikku) - Drop Kick
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 40 (+25 =65)
Description: The user will jump into the air or be airbourne and delivers a powerful drop kick that sends the opponent flying.
As the ship neared the coast of the distant unknown lands a call rung out throughout declaring they had arrived. Despite being completely engrossed within their little heart to heart, the captain didn't seem surprised nor sad that they had arrived, but instead thankful she could enjoy what little time they had. After exchanging a scroll to allow for communication between the two for the promise of giving him a ride whenever he wanted, Emiya left with little fanfare, disappearing from the ship and reappearing on the beach of Kamiyasumi.
No sooner did he appear on the beach did he feel a scroll on his person alert him to an incoming message. Rather demanding the Mistress he thought to himself, but it wasn't a message from the captain of the Mist, but one from Musashi, and it had been sent a little while ago. It seemed as though she was having her own adventure, involving odd monsters with extreme durability and healing capabilities, the power sunlight has over them, talk of waters containing powers, beautiful flowers blooming atop an unbelievably high mountain, and an ore found at it's peak, blessed with perpetual sunlight. While it was mostly written with some creative liberties taken, Emiya gathered that she was most likely dealing with some monsters created as a result of the Sea of Life, and her talk of defeating them with "Natures Fury" felt like a more poetic way of describing Natural Energy. The exact means she took to achieve it were not as important as the fact it seemed to do the trick. Despite the upbeat nature of the message, and the clear conveyance that she'd triumphed, the fact she'd apparently come across one before yet only now discovered a potential weakness, this implied several things, the most important of which being they were strong. Musashi made no mention of defeating the first she'd found, and implied the one at the mountain's peak was where she first used nature's fury to defeat them, so there was a high likelihood she had been forced to retreat. There was also a scrawled out portion where she'd mentioned Marzan had struck her, but from the way she reacted to it, almost complaining that he did so after all her hard work rather than the act itself, it felt as though she was taking it as more of a scolding than an actual forceful assault, relieving Emiya of a desire to immediately return to beat the crap out the brute. Seeing as she'd thought better of mentioning it, but didn't know the scroll communicated everything written on it, it didn't seem as though there was cause for alarm regarding the smith. Not willing to leave the message unanswered, he relayed his response as swiftly as possible.
I'm please to hear you're doing well, especially after such an encounter. I've just arrived in the Outer Lands via ship from Blaubaume and travelling through Aisu Bay, so I'd like to familiarize myself with things out here before I return. It sounds like you've done well finding a potential weak point, but if things get any worse over there don't hesitate to send me a message. Just tell me where you are, and I can be there within the hour if fate permits. As for what you're fighting, I can't be absolutely certain, but if they keep mentioning "drinking waters" they might be connected to the Hokubu, and it's corrupting influence. The crimson mud that now makes up the ocean North of Tobusekai all but completely changes any who make contact with it, though I've never heard of the creatures borne of the Sea of Life being particularly weak to Natural Energy, so you could be dealing with something entirely different. Please exercise caution all the same.
As for Marzan, I'll be sure he gets what he deserves. If he tries it again, maybe dodge and throw one yourself? He's not a fighter, but he's definitely had more than his fare share of hits in the millennia he's lived. Tell him I said it's okay.
Closing the scroll, Emiya then began to look around the region, dubbed the Beachhead. It seemed as though several familiar figures had arrived before him, and begun reinforcing the area. From a lighthouse to what seemed to be the first parts of an irrigation system, basic shelter, and the first signs of defensive structures, walls to be precise, it seemed things were off to a better start than the operation in Irkalla at the very least. Rotating his neck and cracking his knuckles, he was determined to be just as much of an asset as the rest of the assembled Champions.
This post marks the beginning of my mission:
-M01 Establish Defenses (Canon C Rank)
Summary: Kisuke draws and creates his drawn wall.
Kisuke docks the boat and grabs his bag. He was more prepared now and even had some of things he had created like his Armor and Bubblegum. He could sell these things in this area with some shinobis or any like. The merchant man had his own business so he needed to make clients in all different situations. The man had generic looking armor that could go under or over anyone's clothing. All his supplies were in his bag right along with the list of things he had brought. He continues his scroll to the opposite of the island.
After a few minutes have passed, Urahara reaches his destination. Here he sits his bag down and looks into it. He takes out one of the pens he has and the notebook. The land was still foreign to him and he had to come up with a strategy to build a wall to protect this side of the land. He had an idea of a large but he didn't have the means to reach high heights. He looks at the land and the pen starts to move along the paper of the notebook. The creation of his wall would stretch along the northside of Beachhead. The pen stops and Urahara smiles as he looks at the notebook. The drawing of the wall was very lovely. He puts his pen back in his bag.
"This wall is going to be so lovely."
He puts down his book and grabs his katana with his right hand.Where the hill is located is a large patch of trees. The trees were in a close range of each other so it would make it quick and easy to cut them down with singular swings of his katana. It could take down roughly two to three trees in a swing. Some trees were thicker than others so they would require a swing of their own. He starts swinging his katana with both hands at the trees in this patch. Each of his swings was fluid and reminiscent of a crescent moon. The shape would slash through the trees with ease. Loud slams of the trees would be heard. Some trees brush against other trees and some even completely knock others down.This effect would in the end make Urahara’s life easier.
With the trees along the ground he steps towards his bag and puts his katana back on his hip. Before reaching into the bag he reaches into his clothing and pulls out his Hogyoku.
“Such a small item could be used to harm a god. I still can’t shake such an idea. Hopefully I can gain more knowledge of this.”
He puts the item back into his clothings. Thoughts go through his head and he snaps back to reality and his plan. He grabbed his katana and instead of his previous plan, he needed to cut the trees in sections. The sections he needed to cut the trees into two to three depending on the height of the tree at hand. He walks over to a tree and starts cutting each tree into sections from two and three. He uses his signature kenjutsu technique creating with the swing of his katana a crescent shape with his movement. This happens with each swing. Time passed by and Urahara was panting and sweating. His swing doesn’t have the strength behind it anymore to cut the trees in one swing. He has to take two other swings to cut the trees. He holds his katana in his left hand and whips the sweat off his forehead with his right forearm. He takes his hat off and fans himself.
“Wow, this is a lot of work. I have..”
Kisuke starts counting the trees he has left to cut into sections.
“Okay I have six more trees left. I can do this.”
As he says, “I can do this”; he slaps himself with his right hand and puts it on the hilt of the katana with his left. He continues with his signature technique and is close to his original strength. The slash just about cuts through the tree’s truck for each tree. Around an hour goes by and he is completely done. He knew the process had just started basically. He puts his katana down on the ground after his last slash to a tree’s truck. He was exhausted from this.
Without wasting any time he goes over to his bag. Inside of his bag is a Chisel and a Rock Hammer and takes it out. Each section of the trees he needed to shape them up. With the two tools he uses them to start shaping the tree's top into a point. The bottom of the tree trucks are going to have a point to them also. This would be used to strike into the ground to hold them in place.
In the back of Kisuke's mind he is still trying to figure out why this person sent out for help. What could be so bad that he or she required help to build defenses and they weren't here to greet him. Kisuke knew the price was high on what he would get but wonders are there more to meet the eye. As he is running through these thoughts the sections of trees are just about done. The next part he has to use a Gelel technique he doesn't want to use until he comes up with something to prevent his look from changing.
The two tools fall from the hands of the man. He was done and whips the sweat off his face. His facial features and body as a whole starts to change. He undergoes a transformation that changes him into a winged wolf-like creature. He stands on his hind legs with a new found spirit to finish his project.
“Now the finishing touches”
With his new found strength he starts grabbing the sections. He slams the bottom into the ground with each section touching each other. The sections once they touch each other become more, it becomes a wall. This creates a wall along the corner of the island to protect against this side. Kisuke increased speed and strength, he is able to get this step done in less than twenty minutes. He deactivates his transformation and stands there looking at the wall he has created. He was happy with his results. Hopefully whoever the person who was doing the recruiting would say the same. He walks over and takes the katana and puts it back on his hip. He goes and grabs his other two tools and puts them back into this bag and grabs his supplies.
(Kumo-Ryū Mikazuki Kiri) - Cloud-Style Crescent Moon Beheading
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 60
Description: The user utilizes a large extent of their physical capabilities to swing their sword in a single large arc, which occurs with such ferocious velocity that the technique can be employed in situations where only a very limited time to react is available. The swing can be used to counter attacks from multiple opponents simultaneously. The technique receives its name due to the entire movement being reminiscent of a crescent moon.
( Gereru no Ishi: Mezameru Kemono ) - Stone of Gelel: Awakened Beasts
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 80
Damage: N/A
Description: The user accesses the shard of the Stone of Gelel within them, triggering an animalistic, humanoid transformation likened to Curse Mark, enabling it to increase their physical abilities as well as their mastery of Gelel based techniques. Though these changes alter physically from user to user, the general benefits associated with this technique are shared amongst all users. The user gains a tripled speed alongside an increase in Gelel based techniques by 20 damage as well as an increase to their Body Arts techniques by 25 damage. While in this state, the user is able to access Stone of Gelel techniques that are more powerful such as the Howl and Recovered Stones. At the cost of a move per turn, the user is capable of healing nearly any injury by spending 120 chakra. This healing can extend to healing limbs such as a completely blown away chest, broken and shattered limbs or fully regrowing his body after bifurcation. After using, the user can only use one other jutsu the same turn. This can only be used a total of 3 times and once every 4 turns. As long as their head is attached/they have consciousness, this jutsu can be used. This state is also capable of reducing 30 damage from attacks. The transformations have to respect the logic and reasonability of Narutoverse and must be defined and explained within the biography.
Note: Lasts for 6 turns per use and can be used 3 times total.
Note: After use, the user cannot make use of any Gelel based techniques for 2 turns.
This post contains a mission utilizing the following Element:
M01 - Establish Defenses. (C-Rank)
Description: The Champions of Humanity have arrived at the Beachhead, a secluded alcove on the eastern coastline of Kamiyasumi. First and foremost the Champions of Humanity must establish basic defenses in their landmark including walls, fortifications, towers, and shelters.
Despite his previous enthusiasm, Emiya spent several moments staring at what had already been accomplished, noting that the most basic general structure one might need, a wall, had already been constructed. Making another to envelope Humanity's foothold on the new land would be a prime example of placing a hat on a hat; an unnecessary addition. Instead he would do something he was already good at; reinforcing what is there. While walls had been created, and points of entry along them, there didn't seem to be any battlements, towers or other generalized structures to give potential defenders the height to spot approaching threats, while giving them the advantage of making them harder to hit. Perhaps the plan was to expand the original design beyond it's current state, but seeing as this was all a collaborative effort, a little help wouldn't hurt would it?
Though his skill with Elements paled in comparison to his skill with the blade, Emiya decided he'd give it a go by creating a number of towers along the created wall(s), unlike back in Last Bastion where he deferred to the greater skill of his summoning animal to provide a defense for the broken city. Looking to reinforce himself first instead of the settlement Humanity had carved out for themselves so that his attempts would be that much more successful, Emiya gathered a small amount of Chakra, and sent it down into the earth beneath Kamiyasumi. He was not looking to access the power of the World, and enter the Natural Energy-fueled state of Dokkodo, rather he wanted to connect with the raw power of the planet itself instead not the bountiful energy of the life upon it. The Chakra he sent into the earth traveled and traveled, struggling to reach the natural leylines of the Ryūmyaku, as though something was interfering with it. Was it because this land was so far removed from the rest of the world that the flow did not reach, or was there something more foul afoot here? With no clear answers he gave up his seemingly futile attempt at establishing a connection and shifted attention back to his proper goal, not an additional means of achieving it.
(Doton: Bergentrückung) Earth Release: King Under the Mountain Type: Supplementary/ Offensive Rank: D-Rank Range: N/A (Self) Chakra: 10 Damage: N/A (+20 to Earth Release techniques) Description: This technique allows the user to send a pulse of Chakra deep into the earth, tap into, and connect with the (Ryūmyaku) Dragon Veins, a massive source of Chakra that naturally flow deep beneath the surface of the earth, utilized within Jutsu such as "
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". This technique requires the user has direct contact with the ground, and takes 1 turn for them to "attune" to the flow of the natural leylines of energy. Once they have, all of their techniques that utilize Earth Release Chakra are made considerably more powerful, due to the influence of the Ryūmyaku on their Chakra flow. This boost remains for as long as the user remains connected to the ground. Minor interruptions, such as both feet leaving the ground, only break off the connection if the user remains off of the ground for 1 full turn, after which, they need to spend another turn attuning to the Ryūmyaku. Remains active for 4 turns max, and requires 2 turns before it can be activated again.
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Gathering a much larger amount of Chakra, and spreading it throughout his body, Emiya activated a technique that would make even large-scale manipulations of the land around him child's play. Despite the fact that they were ultimately setting up operations on a beach, there was plenty of earth and rock beneath the sand, and he would draw from these, as well as his own Chakra to create his intended structures. All it would take were motions and actions that physically represented the Element he wished to control, manipulate and create, according taking a solid, rigid stance.
(Nintaijutsu: Ritomasu Fisuto) Ninja Body Art: Litmus Fist Type: Supplementary/ Offensive Rank: A-Rank Range: Short - Long Chakra: 30 (Plus up to an additional 30 Chakra each turn) Damage: 60 Description: Developed as a form of Taijutsu supplement, Litmus Fist carries on the concepts of it's parent technique, Litmus Finger, into new fields of use on a much larger, more focused scale. Where the parent technique was focused on creativity and speed through lack of any Hand Seals, this technique is solely focused on collaboration with almost any form or stance of Taijutsu in close quarters combat, especially Free-Form Taijutsu. The user begins by gathering a large amount of Chakra and distributing it equally throughout their body. Once this is done, the user then performs Taijutsu actions, motions, movements, etc, releasing the gathered Chakra in conjunction with them. Just like with the parent technique, these Taijutsu actions and motions are physically representative of the nature of an Element (An example of this would be using friction to perform Fire Release, or fluid motions for Water Release, etc.), which cause the Chakra to take on the properties of, and change into that Element. From there, the user applies Shape Manipulation and the same level of creative freedom from the parent technique to perform various kinds of Ninjutsu enhanced Taijutsu actions, either creating the Element they wish to use from their own Chakra, or using their Chakra to manipulate existing sources, like a nearby source of Water, or the ground beneath their feet, however, any and all offensive actions involving an existing source must originate from within Short Range of the user, same with Elements created by the user. Additionally, the user is able to utilize all canon forms/ states for the Elements they perform, for example, if they use Fire Release they could use ash, or flammable mist, however, the state or form of any attack performed via this technique cannot be changed once released, as the Chakra has already left the body, and been given form.
The user can split the Chakra Pool from this Jutsu into as many attacks they wish to perform, within reason, so the user can perform 1 A-Rank, or 2 B-Rank, etc, or even a combination of different ranked attacks, like 1 B-Rank and 2 C-Rank, etc. However with each division of the Chakra used, so too does each individual action logically lose power, although, this drawback is arguably the Jutsu's best quality, due to fact that the Nature of the users Chakra is only changed when released in conjunction with Taijutsu actions. This allows the user to swiftly and accurately shift between multiple Elements, performing extremely unique combinations of Elements, easily creating their own "style", simply by performing a series of basic actions and combing the Elements those actions unleash. Additionally, at the start of each turn for the duration of this technique the user can expend Chakra equivalent to the amount of Chakra utilized up until that point, restoring the Chakra they have for this technique back up to it's max. Although this action can easily end up eating through the users Chakra reserves, this ensures they can maintain the Jutsu for it's maximum turn limit, receiving the most from this Jutsu in return for the high cost required to maintain it. Finally, while the Chakra for this technique is gathered and prepared throughout the user's body, as it is yet to be molded, repurposed and released into an actual attack, the user can perform other Jutsu whilst this one is active, without consuming the Chakra pool gathered for this technique, however, this cannot be done simultaneously while the user is releasing an attack from this technique, as they are logically using their Chakra to shape that attack and cannot divert neither their attention, nor Chakra flow between multiple techniques.
Note: The user can keep this technique active for a max of 4 turns, and must wait 2 turns after it's deactivation before they can use it again. If the user does not use the full amount of Chakra gathered for this technique by the end of the turn limit, they lose the remaining Chakra. Finally, this Jutsu can be used a max of 3 times per battle. Note: Can only be taught by Iᴍᴘᴇяғᴇᴄᴛ, and only to those who have learned "(Ninpō: Ritomasu Fingā) Ninja Art: Litmus Finger".
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Starting by taking measure of the land, and how much distance the walls covered, Emiya calculated he'd have enough Chakra for 3 structures to be built, accounting for the precise control required to make them functional structures, rather than just hollow slabs of rock. One each in the North and South, and one in the center, lining up with the gates that were seemingly planned ahead of time. Starting in the North and ending in the South, Emiya took position near the end of the wall. A couple hundred feet from the protective barrier's end, he began performing a series of forceful, direct motions. With a clear picture in mind of the type of structure he wanted to achieve, similar to those found along the outer walls of Avalon. Naturally his improvised recreation could never compare to those walls of pure white, but that wasn't his intention. He was simply taking queues from the design of walls that have stood the test of time, and the countless hordes that have assailed them. With one rising swing of a palm four walls of stone burst forth from the beach, wrapping around the already constructed walls with ease. These were simply the outline however, and there was much more work to be done than simply producing four walls. With more motions he began to carve out a more intricate face to the battlement-in-progress, creating a parapet atop the tower-like structure, with a crenelated wall at it's top. Within there were a series of stairs to allow one access both to the wall, the tower's top, and the ground within the walls. By all standards, a simple, but effective defensive structure. Most importantly he carved out a room at the base of the tower which could easily be outfitted with simple amenities if guards were to be posted here. He repeated this process in the center and South of the Landmark's structural defense, taking great care to ensure they all held a consistent design and appearance. Putting all of his experience as "Muramasa", and the care he took when forging even simple blades, he saw this as simply another method of forging, giving it his all. In the end three simple, but immaculately sculpted rock battlements now provided additional cover along the width of the Beachhead's first line of defense.
As he returned to the center of the budding operation in the Outer Lands Emiya loosened his strained muscles. He wasn't used to such ridged and solid motions. His style was more freeform and flowing, not quite like water but flame, striking swiftly and fluidly, but with the focus being strength. Earth just wasn't really for him, but it was fun to try. At least he provided something to the ongoing efforts, even if the others were far more flashy about it. As he looked around a thought occurred to him. He didn't even know if walls, or battlements would be any help against whatever fauna may live here. There was also the question as to why his Earth Release technique had failed. Perhaps the answer would reveal itself upon familiarizing himself with the land more. Deciding some recon, something far more natural to him, was in order, he resolved to leave and familiarize himself with the Outer Lands and it's locals, be they friend or foe.