[CSC] Custom Summoning Contract - Sea Urchins


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Oct 24, 2011
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Summoning Animal:
Scroll Owner: Loki
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing:
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:

Black urchin (Arbacia lixula).
White urchin (Tripneustes ventricosus).
Savigny's diadem urchin (Diadema savignyi).
Red urchin (Astropyga radiata).
Fire urchin (Asthenosoma varium).
Flower urchin (Toxopneustes pileolus).
Giant red urchin (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus).
Pencil urchin (Heterocentrotus mammillatus).
Stick urchin (Phyllacanthus imperialis).
Slate pencil urchin (Eucidaris tribuloides).
Shingle urchin (Colobocentrotus atratus).
Heart urchin (Spatangus purpureus).

Origin: Sea Urchins are from a distant and flamboyant lagoon, located amongst the mountains outside the skirts of Kumogakure. Such location has yet to be discovered by the likes of the former, as it is hidden within the depths of the mountains. This location is known as Pool of the Bloody Lotus ( "Gouben no Hasu" ). As the name implies, this pool has long since been ignored for it's atrocious appearance, jet black waters which seem to be dangerous for many living organisms, and a evil aura that surrounds it.

General Description: Sea urchins or urchins, sometimes called sea hedgehogs, are spiny, globular animals which, with their close kin, such as sand dollars, constitute the class Echinoidea of the echinoderm phylum. The shell, or "test", of sea urchins is round and spiny. Common colors include black and dull shades of green, olive, brown, purple, blue, and red. Sea urchins are members of the phylum Echinodermata, which also includes sea stars, sea cucumbers, brittle stars, and crinoids. Like other echinoderms, they have five-fold symmetry (called pentamerism) and move by means of hundreds of tiny, transparent, adhesive "tube feet". The symmetry is not obvious in the living animal, but is easily visible in the dried test.

Summon General Abilities: Gouben no Hasu Urchins vary in size, being as small as a baseball to being as large as gamabunta, and other great summons. Sea Urchins are spherical animals with rather long and sharp spines protuding from every angle of their body. Both their body and spines can be hardened and expanded by the Urchins themselves, in order to provide a stronger defense or offense. The spines, long and sharp in some species, protect the urchin from predators. They inflict a painful wound when they penetrate human skin, but are not dangerous if fully removed promptly; if left in the skin, further problems may occur, depending on the urchin (summoning or technique). Sea Urchins can be summoned with their own water source, said water source is commonly a box shaped one, and the urchin itself uses chakra in order to maintain the shape of the water source, releasing passive chakra through it's pores. This isn't a ability for every Urchin however, each summoning must state the Urchin has this ability, and must also state the size of said water source.

Sea Urchins from Gouben no Hasu can last a prolonged amount of time in the field without a water source, this is because their land known as the Pool of the Bloody Lotus has harmful waters and reveals the looks of a desolated swamp, black in color waters. As such, due to the fear of staying within these waters for too long, they developed the ability to remain outside water for prolonged amounts of time. However within a water source, their speed and agility is equal to that of the summoner's base speed. Urchins have the ability to extend and reduce the size without much effort. Sea urchins are sensitive to touch, light, and chemicals. Although they do not have eyes or eye spots, their entire bodies function as a compound eye. Sea urchins may use the whole surface of their bodies as a compound eye, and the animals' spines may shield their bodies from light coming from wide angles to enable them to pick out relatively fine visual detail. Many Gouben no Hasu Urchins have the ability to shoot their spines from their body, and almost instantly replace them with new ones, a trait which which is considered to be that of the future Urchin Boss, as explained by the current boss of Gouben no Hasu.

Sea Urchin Arts
(Chame: Gogyou Meha ) - Urchin Arts: Torrent of Guhul
Type: Offensive/Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Through the application of the Urchins, the user can extend their palms or open their mouth. Releasing a torrent of sharp edged urchin spines to the target. Although regular spines cause nothing by concentrated pain; the effects and pain levels vary according to the species of the Urchin from which the spines originate. For example, the Fire Urchin's (actual urchin name) venom tipped spines, with distinctive globular swellings below the tip, can inflict a painful sting if handled; the pain lasts as long as three turns, after which if not treated properly, the victim feels slight nausea. Depending on which type of urchin spine the user whishes to shoot, the spines will have diferent effects, be it health problems or simple pain. Urchins which are not mentioned below, but that are still in the contract, have regular spines which have the same effect as regular needles used by shinobi.

Black urchin: Cause no more than mild pain and swollen skin.
Red urchin: This type of spine causes nothing but tingling sensations on the effected body part.
White urchin: These spines alter the opponents sense of vision, in other words. If not removed 1 turn after being shot by these, they will percieve movement slower than it actually is.
Pencil urchin: These spines have a limb numbing effect upon strike, and muscle spasms in the next turn if the spines are not removed.
Shingle urchin: Shingle spines cause muscle paralysis, preventing the effect body part from being moved for 1 turn.

*The user can only shoot 1 specific type of Urchin spine with each use of the technique.
*Instant stings won't directly lead to health problems depending on the spines.
*Usable x4 per battle and must have signed the Sea Urchin contract.
*White and Shingle spines can only be used x2 per battle.
*Technique can be used by both humans & urchins.
*Effects last three turns. Unless removed in which they last only one turn
(Watatsumi Chame: Dekitate Chishio ) ✽ Sea Urchin Arts: Propagation of Lazarus
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short/Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description The user will release a significant number of small (1 inch sized urchins) at high speeds from their sleeve into their palm (atleast 1 and up to 10). After which they throw them at a desired location at whichever formation or chain of throwing them they want then with the performance of a one handed handseal, the tiny urchins expand greatly in size including their needles which expand so fast they can stab into their victim's even as they keep growing. A sea urchin used through this technique cannot grow any bigger than the user themselves, they can however if used in a group, create a barricade after expanding to stop techniques up to B rank within reason (dispersing afterwards). The urchins can be hidden on target's clothing or thrown around their area, and expandedafterwards, being perfect for secret assaults or defense as well. These urchins carry no poison, and are deep blue in color with cyan spines.

*Can only be used four times per battle.
*Must be a signer of the Sea Urchin contract.
*Requires a break of at least 1 turn in between usages.
*These remain for two turns unless expanded, in which case they end once the turn is over.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
A young and lovely tabi hair colored female shows up on the shores of the Gouben no Hasu. Nanazai's eyes where directed by the black lagoon like water, the chills of having to live in such water made her slightly shiver. As she walked around the shore line of the pool, she sits and waits for her fellow village mate to show up.


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Oct 24, 2011
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"Greetings, it seems you've been fortune enough to find the path to this pool of poison. That you've come here means only one thing, so tell me what you know about the Sea Urchins, don't leave out anything."


Aug 17, 2011
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Nanazai took a pencil out of her ninja pouch, along with some paper and sat down as she began to write on the paper. She spoke the words as she wrote them for some reason.

Hmm these little balls of joy are very useful. Sea Urchins are a round shaped ocean dwelling individuals. Their bodies are hard and covered with spines, though this doesn’t count to all species of the contract. They move around in the water using tube feet, and using some fancy water circulation they can slowly roll around the ocean floor.

They leave here in this dark place seemingly known as the Pool of the Bloody Lotus. The smallest size they can be is that of a baseball, while some grow up to the size of 100 meters tall. Those types most be realllly deep in this lagoon @.@. Their spines are quite useful as well, due to some species carrying venom in the tips of the spines. Even though some don’t, it is a pain in the ass to get dug by one still.

They have also learned to adapt to staying above the water for longer periods of time due to the fear of there own home. Such a thing makes me wonder how they survive without the water, even though they fear it. Oh well not my concern.

The girl said and taking the paper and burning it after with her fire chakra. She simply wanted to look cool in front of the fellow village mate, despite her natural hate for men, she always made and exception for a fellow village mate.


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Oct 24, 2011
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Nanazai took a pencil out of her ninja pouch, along with some paper and sat down as she began to write on the paper. She spoke the words as she wrote them for some reason.

Hmm these little balls of joy are very useful. Sea Urchins are a round shaped ocean dwelling individuals. Their bodies are hard and covered with spines, though this doesn’t count to all species of the contract. They move around in the water using tube feet, and using some fancy water circulation they can slowly roll around the ocean floor.

They leave here in this dark place seemingly known as the Pool of the Bloody Lotus. The smallest size they can be is that of a baseball, while some grow up to the size of 100 meters tall. Those types most be realllly deep in this lagoon @.@. Their spines are quite useful as well, due to some species carrying venom in the tips of the spines. Even though some don’t, it is a pain in the ass to get dug by one still.

They have also learned to adapt to staying above the water for longer periods of time due to the fear of there own home. Such a thing makes me wonder how they survive without the water, even though they fear it. Oh well not my concern.

The girl said and taking the paper and burning it after with her fire chakra. She simply wanted to look cool in front of the fellow village mate, despite her natural hate for men, she always made and exception for a fellow village mate.

Fetching a large scroll from a summon seal, I roll it over before you. With only a single other name being signed.

"Once you sign here with your blood, we can get started on your technique ability."


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Oct 24, 2011
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*Nanazai bites her right handed thumb and the writes her name in crimson on the paper*

Good enough. *rolls it back up*

Now that that's over, you have officially agreed to share and use chakra with the Sea Urchins of this contract. So read up on these scrolls, each contains 1 technique. After you've read, to make sure you understood, perform each technique.

I toss two smaller scrolls at you.

(Chame: Gogyou Meha ) - Urchin Arts: Torrent of Guhul
Type: Offensive/Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Through the application of the Urchins, the user can extend their palms or open their mouth. Releasing a torrent of sharp edged urchin spines to the target. Although regular spines cause nothing by concentrated pain; the effects and pain levels vary according to the species of the Urchin from which the spines originate. For example, the Fire Urchin's (actual urchin name) venom tipped spines, with distinctive globular swellings below the tip, can inflict a painful sting if handled; the pain lasts as long as three turns, after which if not treated properly, the victim feels slight nausea. Depending on which type of urchin spine the user whishes to shoot, the spines will have diferent effects, be it health problems or simple pain. Urchins which are not mentioned below, but that are still in the contract, have regular spines which have the same effect as regular needles used by shinobi.

Black urchin: Cause no more than mild pain and swollen skin.
Red urchin: This type of spine causes nothing but tingling sensations on the effected body part.
White urchin: These spines alter the opponents sense of vision, in other words. If not removed 1 turn after being shot by these, they will percieve movement slower than it actually is.
Pencil urchin: These spines have a limb numbing effect upon strike, and muscle spasms in the next turn if the spines are not removed.
Shingle urchin: Shingle spines cause muscle paralysis, preventing the effect body part from being moved for 1 turn.

*The user can only shoot 1 specific type of Urchin spine with each use of the technique.
*Instant stings won't directly lead to health problems depending on the spines.
*Usable x4 per battle and must have signed the Sea Urchin contract.
*White and Shingle spines can only be used x2 per battle.
*Technique can be used by both humans & urchins.
*Effects last three turns. Unless removed in which they last only one turn

(Watatsumi Chame: Dekitate Chishio ) ✽ Sea Urchin Arts: Propagation of Lazarus
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short/Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description The user will release a significant number of small (1 inch sized urchins) at high speeds from their sleeve into their palm (atleast 1 and up to 10). After which they throw them at a desired location at whichever formation or chain of throwing them they want then with the performance of a one handed handseal, the tiny urchins expand greatly in size including their needles which expand so fast they can stab into their victim's even as they keep growing. A sea urchin used through this technique cannot grow any bigger than the user themselves, they can however if used in a group, create a barricade after expanding to stop techniques up to B rank within reason (dispersing afterwards). The urchins can be hidden on target's clothing or thrown around their area, and expandedafterwards, being perfect for secret assaults or defense as well. These urchins carry no poison, and are deep blue in color with cyan spines.

*Can only be used four times per battle.
*Must be a signer of the Sea Urchin contract.
*Requires a break of at least 1 turn in between usages.
*These remain for two turns unless expanded, in which case they end once the turn is over.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
As she read through the scrolls and visual performed them in her head. Nanazai shock her head and performed the cross seal. This created three shadow clones that all jump to the opposite side of where she stood. As she was read, Nanazai ran towards the clones as she channeled chakra into her right arm. As this happens, she unleashes a torrent of sharp urchin spines from her palm. The spines flew across the ground and stabbed into the first test clone. The spine in particular was the black urchin spine. The pain that clone felt as it was stabbed into its arm was mild pain including from the penetration of the skin, as well as its skin becoming swollen.

The second time, she unleashed a enough pair from her mouth this time coming from the shingles urchin. As the spine stabs into the clone, the venom is injected into their skin and is followed by the pain of being stabbed. Nanazai commanded it to stay still as it will take effect soon, to which it did and the venom made the clone unable to move.

The two clones dispersing away, leaving the last one standing. As the clone nods, it jumps backwards and unleashes a fire technique towards the real Nanazai. As it approached her, Nanazai quickly pick up to urchins near by who match the scrolls description. She then throws them towards the enemy jutsu, which she then performs a single hand seal causing them to expand wide and block the fire ball technique.


Active member
Oct 24, 2011
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Most impressive. With this said, you've signed the contract and learned the few techniques it has up to this point. Let us meet here again in the future.
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Oct 24, 2011
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(Watatsumi Chame: Nohara Kusabana) ✽ Sea Urchin Arts: Fields of Pileolus
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 (10+ optional)
Damage: 60
Description: The user will perform two handseals and place either palm against a surface beneath them, alternatively can do so with a stomp. Doing so will allow the user to summon underground/underwater numerous (or countless) and distinctively flower-like pedicellariae (wrench- or claw-shaped structure), which are usually pinkish-white to yellowish-white in color with a central purple dot - orginating from a Sea Urchin known as the Flower Urchin. They possesses short and blunt spines through the branches. These reach a height of up to two meters, and can be made to arise from beneath either in a single area or throughout the entire fields. Creating an essence, a field of flower-like Sea Urchin tentacle-like spines. These cling onto living things, wrapping and rubbing against any nearby targets. It's main threat comes from their venom, capable of delivering mildly painful stings when touched or brushed off against (such as moving through them). It's effects are mainly shortness of breath initially, prolonged contact such as remaining inside the field for a whole turn leads to muscle cramps in the legs and forearms; making it hard to move the arms and legs, although not to the extent of paralysis. Much like regular Urchin spines, these are highly durable and hard, thus regular (freeform) blade slashes won't be nearly enough to slice through them. Aside from the first turn, the user will need to pay +10 chakra per turn to keep the fields actively seeking targets and restricting them, otherwise they will have no movement. However it will still keep it's effects when contact is made with them, it simply won't seek out anyone if they're nearby. With a seal, the user can remove them from the field.

*Lasts a maximum of four turns
*Can only be used twice per battle
*Must wait two turns between uses
*Must be a signer of the Sea Urchin contract.

one more


Aug 17, 2011
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So from what I read, you create a giant field of Urchin Spines to come from the ground. These spines look like they come from the flower urchin, and as such the name. Once we summon them, they can operate similar to homing beacons and attack our enemies similar to tentacles, meaning the spines are hard but very malleable.

They also are very dangerous as prolong contact with the flower branch can be fatal. My question is how far apart of the flowers so to speak are formed near each other?


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Oct 24, 2011
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So from what I read, you create a giant field of Urchin Spines to come from the ground. These spines look like they come from the flower urchin, and as such the name. Once we summon them, they can operate similar to homing beacons and attack our enemies similar to tentacles, meaning the spines are hard but very malleable.

They also are very dangerous as prolong contact with the flower branch can be fatal. My question is how far apart of the flowers so to speak are formed near each other?
they create small forests, so they are just as close as a regular flower field.