Could sarada have more than one person's dna


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Aug 17, 2012
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The only way to have dna of three people is through the conception of threesome with 2 sperms and one egg, the result is disaster, the defected zoygo would not live. Any abnormal combination between 2 parents gene would lead to serious defects. If you add one extra person genes, the baby will surely die. If it doesn't die, it would grow up looking hideous.

If this is not the case, then the DNA simply happens to be identical, since DNA testing is through matching. The chances to match DNA with non parent is extremely low, so low that makes the test to be accurate

Mitochondrial donation is a specialized form of in vitro fertilization in which the future baby's mitochondrial DNA comes from a third party. Two of several possible techniques are cytoplasmic transfer and spindle transfer. Such treatment may result in human offspring with three genetic parents, the so-called three-parent babies. The procedure is intended to prevent mitochondrial diseases including diabetes mellitus and deafness and some heart and liver conditions.It is the subject of considerable controversy in the field of bioethics. The procedure is not currently approved for general use in any country aside from the United Kingdom, which legalised it in 2015.

The process of producing a three-parent baby, Three Parent In Vitro Fertilization (TPIVF), involves taking the nucleus of one egg and inserting it into the cytoplasm of another egg which has had its nucleus removed, but still contains mitochondrial DNA, and then fertilizing the hybrid egg with a sperm. The purpose of the procedure is to remove a nucleus from a cell with defective mitochondria and place it in a donor cell with healthy mitochondria, which after fertilization will contain a nucleus with genetic material from only the two parents. There is more than one method of TPIVF. The two main methods are pronuclear transfer and spindle transfer; Spindle transfer is a process where the spindle of chromosomes taken from the mother’s egg are placed into the donor egg and pronuclear transfer is the process described at the beginning of this paragraph.[14]

Although the donor egg is said to contribute only 1% to the genetic make up of the child, when examining the genetic material of these children there are still three identifiable genetic parents. This is due to the fact that the donor egg usually comes from a non-maternal relative. For a child having undergone this procedure to have only two identifiable genetic parents, the donor egg must have come from a maternal relative (this is because mitochondrial DNA mtDNA is inherited maternally; thus maternal relatives will have identical mitochondrial DNA, barring random mutations). Maternal relative egg donation is not commonly used, because if the female egg has a mitochondrial disease then it is highly likely that the maternal relatives inherited the disease as well.

basically take the DNA of another and input it in the developing egg/embryo and hopefully in the end comes out to look similar to the 3 parents.

sarada has uchiha capabilites, apparently karins facial features and sakuras forehead.

probably most likely this experimentation is why it is kept secret.

i mean this whole DNA thing has been represented before in Kabuto/sasuke, or Kurama's DNA or what not when kushina gave birth to naruto.