contructive critsisim for writing


Active member
Aug 15, 2012
Trait Points
Something i wrote, its kinda long, i dont usually write so I was wondering if anyone could give me some constructive criticism, not interms of content, but grammar and what not.

My faith isn't in a religion or god. There's no long story to hear or picture to paint. I just have faith. I have faith that an object has a height before being measured. I have faith that good does exist. I have faith that this existence follows a pattern.

I also have faith that this existence yearns for good.
You see, there's this feeling I get, I get it when admiring nature, or when I try to squeeze all of this universes complexities into perspective. Its similar to the feeling you get when your with family. I identify this feeling as good. And, well, If this existence leans towards the side of good, why cant I have faith that this existences is leading us towards something good?

Sometimes I think all we need to do is identify which side we intend to lean towards, and than try our absolute best to live up to that intent, while having faith that we can achieve it. I know up until recently, I lived my life without considering where on the scale my daily actions fell. I mean what group of kids finds discussing that exciting?
But at least now I live my life committing actions that match the good person I desire to be.

I mean, why cant I live my life aiming to be my ideal self? Achieving it by being my ideal self. .Not later, but now.
I feel like I can do this because I have faith, not only in my intentions, but also in the intention of this existence and every other human being who desires good and chooses to be happy. I believe the majority intent is good, it seems like the only thing lacking is guidance.

But who am I? I only know what Ive observed threw out my 22 years, so tell me, why are there all these problems? Half of them seem to be problems about how were going to help ease a different problem. Well, since this isn't instant message, il just tell you what Ive observed and it seem to me most people no longer live life seeking a purpose, but instead they live life while seeking appeasements.

Its all about which life choices will keep me content the longest, which choice will make me most comfortable..Its no wonder to me why we neglect the effect our words and actions have on others. But what does confuse me is why we unintentionally promote such behavior threw constant contradictions. Telling children to be nice to others when dropping them off at school and then yelling at the mother who blocked your car in two seconds later.

We live in a world of half sincerity, one where a single word can convince a person to do something regretful, And to see people so easily harmed makes me wish I had believed in my self earlier. It might seem impractical but even one person can help. I now know we have the ability to chose happiness. We have the ability to help those who have wronged us, not because we think they deserve it, but because we want to be good, because we value being good. We can chose what we let offend us.

I truly believe we can live in a world of sincerity, where we relate with one another instead of competing for appeasements. A world where we chose to not instigate each other, because we know the value of peace without having to experience conflict. A place where we focus on helping, simply because it feels good to be helped. And we avoid hate, because it hurts to be hated.

I know I am not alone, and that's the source of my faith, there are millions of people out there who have faith that good will come and its about time we come together and create that awe inspiring good for everyone.

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