Type: Defensive, Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: D - S Rank (A)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 10 - 40 (- 10 to Sustain) (30)
Damage Points: 20 - 80 (60)
Description: Menagerie of Thunder is rather a simplistic technique, designed to for the user in order to create chakra born familiars made of black lightning. These familiars can range from rather bland and basic designs such as animals to more unique designed ones such as mythical creatures such as dragons and the likes. The possibilities are endless, only limited by one’s own imagination. These familiars behave based on their designs respectively – as such humanoids are capable of walking and running, winged beasts can fly etc though of course a familiar of mixed anatomy can achieve multiple features as wells. They are sentient beings, though are incapable of human speech pattern, only able to act on their own outside of their creators control but can easily react to situations, exhibiting a rather limited but heighted thought process. They are capable of utilizing Black Lightning and Lightning Release up to their initial rank though in the case of multiple familiars being made at once, the each is only capable of using the rank they have after splitting (i.e S rank split into four makes 4 B ranks, meaning each familiar can only use up to B rank). They are also capable of dealing damage to an opponent based on their rank thought this comes at the cost of a move. This attack is a shocking physically striking blow depending on the anatomy of the familiar such as humanoid kicking or punching etc. They are capable of being summoned in various sizes, from D to C reaching up to five meters, B to A up to 10 meters while S rank reaches up to fifteen meters. Capella’s C to B Rank versions can be used an unlimited times per battle, while A rank can only be used thrice and S rank twice. B Rank requires one hand seal, A rank requires two while S rank requires 3. S Rank usage prevents the user from being able to use above A rank Black Lightning Techniques in the same and following next turn after its initial use, while a cool down of two turns. These familiars can be formed anywhere within mid range of the terrain but must be formed at least five meters away from the target, they however can operate long distances away while a familiar regardless of rank can only persist for three turns in total. The user is capable of interacting with these familiars without taking any damage.