Bleach Movie 2-Diamond Dust Rebellion download


Apr 25, 2008
Trait Points
Bleach Movie 2-Diamond Dust Rebellion download

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OK so the new movie has been added to megaupload2 and megaupload.I wasnt able to added right now but for those who would like to have it for your anime archives or collection feel free to download it.The movie takes place after Ichigo gets his hollow training completed by the Visords.Not to spoil the movie for those who havent seen but but lets just say that this is the most action packed Bleach movie or ova out right now.

To download click one of the colored links below and fill in the info thats requested in the textbox.Writie the letters/numbers that appear to the left of the text box.Wait for the download and then click download.

* NOTE this is 700 MB`s and is a huge file so it will take about 30 minutes to finish and you`ll need 700 MB`s of hard drive to store it on your computer.

On another note announcements on the latest movie release...

Bleach: Fade to Black, I Call Your Name (BLEACH Fade to Black 君の名を呼ぶ, Bleach: Fade to Black - Kimi no Na o Yobu?)

the series third film, is scheduled to be released in Japan on December 13, 2008. The film's screenplay was written by Natsuko Takahashi, who is a screenwriter for the anime series. The official film website gives the tagline of "Sayonara, Rukia", but little else is known about the film's intended plot line. On the official Bleach movie website, however, the story outline has been released in Japanese.

~EX-MOD pein87
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I am Pein

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