Battle between Naruto and Kakashi

Jul 2, 2008
Trait Points
Here's my little story made by me in my brain... Ill let you see what imagination i have.
The Battle is in a forest with a river.

(clone)Naruto: Kakashi-sensei common... don't hide... you tried this jutsu on sakura and sasuke... your gonna fai

*Kakashi puts him in the ground and kicked him in the face*

Naruto: good try sensei! it was a clone! you cant make a difference between my clones!

Kakashi: really? now lets try a little test in the forest. If you win ill buy you ramen for 1 week. If you loose you have to buy me ramen for 1 week.

Naruto: Ok cool! get ur money ready!

Kakashi: yeah yeah..:)eek:)

Naruto: Kage bunshin no Jutsu x 100. start attacking kakashi sensei!

Kakashi: Ah, TaiJutsu, easy for a master like me.

Naruto: yeah yeah... keep on bragging you old man... you'll see what i can do!

Kakashi: yeah yeah... stop bragging... your just a genin remember?

Naruto: oh yea...:confused: and the others are chunin and jounin!U_U

Kakashi: your really a pest... you remind me of your father...ops

Naruto: father? who is my father?

Kakashi: nothing... nothing... i was just saying something...

Naruto: ye ye... now tell me who is my father...?

Kakashi: I wont tell you. lets raise the bet? if you win ill tell you everything, if you loose u have to buy me ramen for 3 weeks. deal?

Naruto: deal!!! your so owned!

Kakashi: ok... on my go come and try to take my mask off. thats how youll win

Naruto: piece of cake... ill finish you in 2 hours.

kakashi: ready!.... set... go...!

Naruto combines all the clones to make a double rasengan.

kakashi runs in the forest trying to escape from naruto

Naruto: kakashi nice hiding place... is the bush a good place to hide?

Kakashi: if you see me come and attack me!


Kakashi: makes a water clone and lets the clone fight instead of him.

Naruto defeats the clone and heads for kakashi.

Kakashi was waiting him on the river with the Grand fireball Jutsu prepared.

Naruto saw kakashi and threw a kunai with a bomb placed on it. Kakashi grabbed the kunai and then the bomb explode.

Naruto: hey sensei! are you up for more?

Kakashi: yeah... *forming Water Dragon Missles Jutsu and put it to attack Naruto*

Naruto: good try old man! you cant defeat me... I'm more powerfull!

Kakashi: that was just a decoy so that you think about my jutsu.. not about me!*hits naruto in the chest making him skip on the water*

Naruto: nice! you almost impressed me..




Kakashi, Naruto: your finished!

Kakashi wakes up seeing Naruto hand him his wounded hand, saying that he lost

This is just part 1... part 2 ill do later... im like tired :p
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