[ARCHIVE] Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Previously approved . Resubmitting to have it recognized as an official fighting style. Not much information to add to the previously approved jutsus though.

Hebereke Seiyuuki Genkotsu| Drunken Monkey Fist
Type: Nintaijutsu
Background: Long ago there lived the Monkey King, ruler of the monkey race. The Monkey King was well renowned for his superior fighting style and cheerful, playful nature. People would come from all around the world just to see the Monkey King in his fights. The techniques were completely random and unexpected; agile yet powerful, and acrobatic and effective. To add the effectiveness, the Monkey King would often drink large amounts of liquor, increasing his power in the art he created.

Upon drinking liquor, the user becomes so intoxicated that at times, even he himself has trouble predicting his next move. This also directly effects his strength, with him becoming slightly stronger due to no inhibitions and all restraint thrown out the window due to his drunkenness.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Simply put, once a user of the style has become intoxicated enough, their movements become unpredictable to the point that to accurate predict or see what exactly is coming towards them, the enemy would need a 3 Tomoe Sharingan active. Their blows will become wildly thrown, seemingly to miss yet land at the last moments.

Example Techniques: (already approved in above link)

Drunken Monkey Style: Captain Morgan’s Uprising|Hebereke Seiyuuki Youshiki: Teichou Morgan's Boudou
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 60 (-15)
Description: The user, after drinking very strong alcohol, becomes very drunk and charges large amounts of chakra to his arms, strengthening them, which he holds out in front of him in the Drunken Monkey starting position. The user will then suddenly fall backwards, swinging his arms behind him to catch himself and swinging his legs upwards, kicking the enemy in his chin, and then quickly boosting himself in the air from his arms, landing with one foot in front of the other. He then immediately stumbles forward, and uppercuts the enemy several times in the chest and face as he/she rise from the “upper-kick”. As the drunken punches are thrown, the user continues to stumble forward, causing them to rise even further. The user then strikes the enemy with a powerful, uppercut sending them several feet into the air. The user then falls forward, but catching himself by his forearms and using the momentum from falling to flip himself over his head into the air, upside-down. He then catches the enemy almost as if by accident, wraps his legs around the enemy's upper body, catching them. The user then drunkenly and, once more if as by accident, twists over in the air, and lands with one of his arm across the throat of the enemy, causing great damage to his neck and the other shielding his face as they hit the ground hard. The user is left slightly disorientated from hitting the earth and vision is extremely blurry, making it hard to make out incoming projectiles and attacks further than mid range from him during the next turn.
*Can only be done once*
*After using, the user’s balance will be thrown off on a level that the user can’t focus and/or stand straight enough to perform jutsus higher than A rank for three turns*
*Can only be used in Drunken Monkey Mode*

Drunken Monkey Style: Monkey’s Feigning Uppercut| Hebereke Seiyuuki Youshiki: Seiyuuki's Gishi Appa-katto
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user, after standing in the Drunken Fist position (with the hands held in front of the user, slightly bent and palms facing to the user), drunkenly throws a punch, narrowly missing the enemy’s head. He then loops it behind the target’s head, and pull forward while seeming to stumble drunkenly backwards, falling. As he falls backwards and the target’s head get’s pulled forward, the user extends his leg quickly, hitting the target in the chin with great force.
*Can only be used twice*
*Can only be used in Drunken Monkey Mode*

Drunken Monkey Style: Idiot’s Stupor| Hebereke Seiyuuki Youshiki: Hakuchi Soushin
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 30(+10 to user)
Description: The user drunkenly swings his left leg slightly in front of him (he swings it to his right) while throwing a punch towards the face of the enemy, losing his balance whilst doing so, causing him to fall forward. As he falls to his left, he head butts the enemy in the stomach, causing them to double over. The user, who by then would have hit the ground, then raises very quickly, once more head butting the enemy, this time in the chin with great force, causing him to fall backwards. The user is then left with a small headache from the drunken, accidental head butting.
*Can only be used in Drunken Monkey Mode*

Drunken Monkey Style: Vodka’s Miscreant| Hebereke Seiyuuki Youshiki: Uxokka Hitodenashi
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user uppercuts the enemy while leaning backwards and extending his right leg, kicking him in the groins as well. He then turns his right hand over (palm facing outwards) and punch the enemy in the stomach as he leans back forward, head butting the target at the same time, busting both their foreheads from the impact. As this happens, the user stumbles to his forward and slightly to the left of the enemy, ending up behind him and to his right by a few inches. He then falls forward, swinging his right leg backwards as he does so, hitting the enemy in the crouch once more. As the user hit’s the ground, he rolls forward and drunkenly rises and turns facing the target once more.
*Can only be used three times*
*Can only be used in Drunken Monkey Mode*

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Masters of Drunken Monkey will have increased Agility, Reflexes, and Speed when compared to the average Strong Fist user.
-Due to the unpredictability of the Drunken Monkey, it requires at least a 3-tomoe Sharingan to effectively predict movements. Taijutsu masters can also predict the movements, and the attacks can still be effectively reacted to by taijutsu specialists. People without any specialty in taijutsu will have moderate difficulty reacting to each attack.
-Upon activation, the style lasts until the user is either struck without enough force to cause bodily harm or with enough force to draw blood as the sight of the user bleeding tends to snap one out of a stupor.
-After the style ends, the user is left with a slight headache and cannot use taijutsus over A rank for two turns.
P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

Lord of Kaos, our loyal member, gave on the a request for a Patent on custom fighting style Hebereke Seiyuuki Genkotsu| Drunken Monkey Fist. I, Riku.. of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me by Nexus, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;​

Hebereke Seiyuuki Genkotsu| Drunken Monkey Fist
Powered by Riku..
Copyright 2012, Lord of Kaos, NarutoBase.net

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~Check changes made in brass coloring~
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Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Haihin Kousotsu ~ Scrapyard-Armored Warrior
Type: Defensive & Supplementary Fūintaijutsu
Background: The style of the Scrapyard Warrior was invented by the desperate Shinobi of Amegakure during the Third Great Shinobi War. Where their invaders brought new equipment, technology and techniques to the battlefield, the small nation had nothing but ancient advice and dust to rely on. In a desperate attempt to form some sort of coherent military, a few idealists without honor set out to find a way to defend their nation against the invaders.
They returned with ink and junk.
They returned with enough of both to shape a victory.
While the style itself was never fully revealed, the concept certainly was: take what you can get and make the best of it.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: Haihin Kousotsu is, essentially, the ability to summon armor and use it for defensive and supplementary purposes.
All practitioners of Haihin Kousotsu are marked with many tattoos, all summoning seals and filled to the brim with armor. The summoning seals play an important part in the style, as all tattoos must be placed perfectly for the items they contain to be summoned to their correct positions.
The style of Haihin Kousotsu itself doesn’t have a particular philosophy or stance, it is simply the ability to summon armor and use it. Where other styles are restricted by their own rigid forms and methods, Haihin Kousotsu flows freely. Every practitioner has a preferred set of armor and a unique way of fighting with it.
A practitioner of Haihin Kousotsu is a deadly enemy, constantly shifting between different sets of armor, changing weight, shifting equilibrium, removing old weaknesses and gaining new strengths. Basically, the versatility of their armor is the key to success for all Haihin Kousotsu practitioners.

Naturally, it is required that one be adept at Fūinjutsu before one learns the secrets of Haihin Kousotsu. It’s simply not realistic for someone without the ability to re-seal their armor to use the fast-paced style. Haihin Kousotsu requires that one be able to adapt and survive. If one cannot even change his armor, then adapting is an impossibility. Furthermore; with the knowledge of Fūinjutsu comes the knowledge of how to prevent the poof-smoke normally associated with an unsealing to appear.

(Haihin Kousotsu: Kacchuu) Scrapyard-Armored Warrior: Armor and Helmet
Rank: B
Type: Defensive
Range: Self
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user focuses chakra through the numerous summoning tattoos on his body, causing a complete set of medieval armor to appear, already being worn by the user upon appearing. The appearance of the armor varies from user to user.
(This is merely an example, of course)

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-To learn Haihin Kousotsu one must have completed the rudimentary Fūinjutsu training regime.
-Haihin Kousotsu cannot be used to unseal or seal unrealistic items, (following the Narutoverse) nor can it be used to seal an opponent’s techniques.
-The typical Haihin Kousotsu Practitioner has much better reflexes than the standard Strong Fist Master.
The idea is certainly interesting, but I don't think that it fits as a CFS. It has nothing to do with actually fighting. I mean, you're just sealing random items to use as armor. Rather, this should be submitted as a set of Fuuinjutsu customs. It simply isn't a fighting style.
Haihin Kousotsu ~ Scrapyard-Armored Warrior
Type: Supplementary Fūintaijutsu
Background: The style of the Scrapyard Warrior was invented by the desperate Shinobi of Amegakure during the Third Great Shinobi War. Where their invaders brought new equipment, technology and techniques to the battlefield, the small nation had nothing but ancient advice and dust to rely on. In a desperate attempt to form some sort of coherent military, a few idealists without honor set out to find a way to defend their nation against the invaders.
They returned with ink and junk.
They returned with enough of both to shape a victory.
While the style itself was never fully revealed, the concept certainly was: take what you can get and make the best of it.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: Haihin Kousotsu is, essentially, the ability to summon armor and use it for supplementary purposes.
All practitioners of Haihin Kousotsu are marked with many tattoos, all summoning seals and filled to the brim with armor. The summoning seals play an important part in the style, as all tattoos must be placed perfectly for the items they contain to be summoned to their correct positions.
The style of Haihin Kousotsu itself doesn’t have a particular philosophy or stance, it is simply the ability to summon armor and use it alongside other Kenjutsu and Taijutsu styles in order to increase the offensive or defensive properties of individual attacks. Where other styles are restricted by their own rigid forms and methods, Haihin Kousotsu flows freely, in the sense that it's easily adaptable to other styles.
A practitioner of Haihin Kousotsu is a deadly enemy, constantly shifting between different sets of armor, changing weight, shifting equilibrium, removing old weaknesses and gaining new strengths. Basically, the versatility of their armor is the key to success for all Haihin Kousotsu practitioners. With every style the practitioner knows, Haihin Kousotsu grows deadlier as the armor gains a new use for every new way of fighting it's used with.

Naturally, it is required that one be adept at Fūinjutsu before one learns the secrets of Haihin Kousotsu. It’s simply not realistic for someone without the ability to re-seal their armor to use the fast-paced style. Haihin Kousotsu requires that one be able to adapt and survive. If one cannot even change his armor, then adapting is an impossibility. Furthermore; with the knowledge of Fūinjutsu comes the knowledge of how to prevent the poof-smoke normally associated with an unsealing to appear.

Within the role-play, Haihin Kousotsu is a set of 'secondary techniques' designed to be used right before, or during, the execution of a Taijutsu or Kenjutsu attack. The techniques of Haihin Kousotsu are, therefore, designed not as attacks by themselves, but as supportive elements for other attacks. An example could be the summoning of a heavy gauntlet in the middle of a punch. Haihin Kousotsu is its own style, constantly adapting to other styles and, in itself, having the defensive properties that allows a Taijutsu user to execute high-risk manoeuvres.

(Haihin Kousotsu: Kacchuu) Scrapyard-Armored Warrior: Armor and Helmet
Rank: B
Type: Defensive
Range: Self
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user focuses chakra through the numerous summoning tattoos on his body, causing a complete set of medieval armor to appear, already being worn by the user upon appearing. The appearance of the armor varies from user to user.
(This is merely an example, of course)

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-To learn Haihin Kousotsu one must have completed the rudimentary Fūinjutsu training regime.
-Haihin Kousotsu cannot be used to unseal or seal unrealistic items, (following the Narutoverse) nor can it be used to seal an opponent’s techniques.
-The typical Haihin Kousotsu Practitioner has much better reflexes than the standard Strong Fist Master.
"You need to wait 15 days from the date your CFS was checked to resubmit."
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Sterling Malory Archer

Active member
Jun 8, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Doki Sono Kamigami Wrath of the Gods
Type: Kenjutsu

A very fierce man once lived in this world. He was ruthless, a one man army. He did have however followers, scared or loyal. They would defeat armies in small side-wars. Defeat foes even when outnumbered. Kratos they called him, weilding two blades. However in one night, during a seige, Kratos blided by his bloodthirst, murdered his wife and child.

Overtaken by Grief and sorrow, Kratos burned his himself when he was alone, his blades by his side. Soon, Kratos was nothing but a pile of ashes. However the ashes merged in to the Blades themselves. It was believed that Kratos possessed the blades himself, as the blades were being passed on as blood was shed. Turmoil and despair awaited those who dared to weild the Blade of Exile...Until someone, could withold it's power. That someone, would weild the Godly strength of Kratos.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

This kenjutsu style relies on flowing and powerful movements. The twin blades have chains coming from the handle which the user can hang on to and swing for momentum or reach. When the swords are held in the user's hands, the user muscle strength increases (Believed to be the life force from inside the Blades), allowing the user to deal more physical damage and quicker. The power and strength, normally relies on emotions and natural chakra (Similar to the Kyuubi). Mainly fueled by Rage. The Blades of Exile are indestructible and can smash slabs of earth with just one swing (Size must be put in to consideration).


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Gekido of Sparta Rage of Sparta
Type: Supplementry
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Close
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user releases all inner emotions and the power of the sword, fueling the blade, creating an even stronger bloodthirst like aura. The release of the chakra causes the user's muscle strength to increase even furthur, and also increases (Sakki) - Killing Intent, allowing the user's bloodthirst have more depth and potency allowing them to "stun" users of the same rank and below.


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Maedate of Prometheus Plume of Prometheus
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user extends both blades straight forward (One after the Other), then the user quickly makes a 360 degree rotation swinging the blades slashing the target horizontally, then finishing off by swinging the two blades backwards and over the user's head to smash the blades causing an explosion of chakra where the blades land.


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Teikiatsu of Ranmyaku Cyclone of Chaos
Type: Offense/Defense
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user musters sufficient strength and swings his blades around their head with tremendous force multiple times attacking multiple targets. Cyclone of Chaos can be used to defend against Medium-Sized earth techniques.

Ideas for future usage (Just Pictures):
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Additional effects and Restrictions:

+ The user will be physically more stronger then the average person
+ User awareness and and reflexes are increased
+ User is more flexible and agile.
+ The user's footwork speed is increased (Does not refer to Running speed)
- The User's handseals speed is decreased.
- Must have 3 training sessions to master it.
The general idea is solid. However, since you state that these blades have special properties that make them indestructible, you need to make these into a CW, and this CFS will be extension replace your CW. If you don't want this, then you need to make them into two normal blades with chains at the end of them. Also, you need to cut back on the side effects. Increased reactions, strength, flexibility, and footwork speed are too many bonuses even despite the decreased hand seal speed. I'll allow bonuses so long as you provide an adequate explanation as to why you get these. Increased strength and flexibility may be ok considering what you're doing with this style, but footwork speed and reactions aren't as of now. And just remove everything about emotions, it's just irrelevant.
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Active member
Sep 16, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Type: Taijutsu
Background: Silambam (Tamil: சிலம்பம்) or silambattam (Tamil: சிலம்பாட்டம்) is a weapon-based Dravidian martial art from Tamil Nadu in south India but also practised by the Tamil community of Sri Lanka and Malaysia. In Tamil, the word silambam refers to the bamboo staff which is the main weapon used in this style. Other weapons are also used such as the short staff , deer horn , knife , sword, stick, dagger, knuckle duster, and whips with several flexible and metallic blades. Unarmed silambam, called kuttu varisai, utilizes stances and routines based on animal movements such as the snake, tiger, elephant and eagle forms.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Beginners are taught footwork (kaaladi) which they must master before learning spinning techniques and patterns, and methods to change the spins without stopping the motion of the stick. Footwork patterns are the key aspects of silambam and kuttu varisai (empty hands form). Traditionally, the masters first teach kaaladi for a long time before proceeding to kuttu varisai. Training in kuttu varisai allows the practitioner to get a feel of silambam stick movements using their bare hands, that is, fighters have a preliminary training with bare hands before going to the stick.

Gradually, fighters study footwork to move precisely in conjunction with the stick movements. The ultimate goal of the training is to defend against multiple armed opponents. In silambam as well as kuttu varisai, kaaladi is the key in deriving power for the blows. It teaches how to advance and retreat, to get in range of the opponent without lowering one's defence, aids in hitting and blocking, and it strengthens the body immensely enabling the person to receive non-lethal blows and still continue the battle. The whole body is used to create power.

The silambam staff is said to have "one head", meaning that only one end is primarily used for attacking. When the student reaches the final stage, the staff gets sharpened at one end. In real combat the tips may be poisoned. The ultimate goal of the training is to defend against multiple armed opponents. The length of the staff depends on the height of the practitioner. It should just touch the forehead about three fingers from the head, although different lengths are used in different situations. It usually measures roughly 1.68 metres (five and a half feet). The 3 feet stick called sedikutchi can be easily concealed. Separate practice is needed for staffs of different lengths. The usual stance includes holding the staff at one end, right hand close to the back, left hand about 40 centimetres (16 inches) away. This position allows a wide array of stick and body movements, including complex attacks and blocks.

Silambam prefers the hammer grip with main hand facing down behind the weak hand which faces up. The strong hand grips the stick about a distance hand's width and thumb's length from the end of the stick and the weak hand is a thumb's length away from the strong hand. The weak hand only touches the stick and to guide its movement. Silambam stresses ambidexterity and besides the preferred hammer grip there are other ways of gripping the staff. Because of the way the stick is held and its relatively thin diameter, blows to the groin are very frequent and difficult to block. Besides the hammer grip, sliambam uses the poker grip and ice pick grip as well. Some blocks and hits are performed using the poker grip. The ice pick grip is used in single hand attacks. The staff is held like a walking stick and just hand gets inverted using the wrist.

In battle, a fighter holds the stick in front of their body stretching the arms three quarters full. From there, they can initiate all attacks with only a movement of the wrist. In fact, most silambam moves are derived from wrist movement, making it a key component of the style. The blow gets speed from the wrist and power from the body through kaaladi. Since the stick is held in front, strikes are telegraphic, that is, the fighter does not hide their intentions from the opponent. They attack with sheer speed, overwhelming the adversary with a continuous non-stop rain of blows. In silambam, one blow leads to and aids another. Bluffs may also be used by disguising one attack as another.

In addition to the strikes, silambam also has a variety of locks called poottu. A fighter must always be careful while wielding the stick or they will be grappled and lose the fight. Locks can be used to disable the enemy or simply capture their weapon. Techniques called thirappu are used to counter the locks but these must be executed before being caught in a lock. Silambam also has many different types of avoiding an attack like blocking, parrying, enduring, rotary parrying, hammering (with the stick), kolluvuthal (attacking and blocking simultaneously) and evasive moves such as sitting or kneeling, moving out, jumping high, etc.
Against multiple attackers, silambam exponents do not hold out their sticks as they do in single combat. Instead they assume one of the numerous animal stances which makes it difficult for opponents to predict the next attack.


Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Must be a Kage rank to learn Silambam.
- Must be taught by -Jiraiya-
- Must have 3 training sessions to master it.
Note: The respective techniques will be submitted in CJ thread after approval.
First off, as far as I can see at least 70% of this (probably more but I didn't feel like checking every word) was copied straight from wikipedia, which is pretty evident without even going onto wikipedia. At least make an effort to put it in your own words. Not only to actually show that you understand a single word of what you submitted, but also because wikipedia often includes a bunch of superfluous information that can be easily simplified. That aside, all that you really submitted here is the art of wielding a staff, which isn't enough to be a CFS on its own anyway.
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Mar 17, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Dance of the rampaging Gunbai || Abare gunbai no dansu || 暴れ軍配置のダンス

Type: Gunbai arts | Gun no haichi gigei

Background: Long ago the war fan was the favourite weapon of a man who himself was later recalled as a legend in the shinobi world itself. This weapon was wielded with a blood lust not seen since the clash of the uchiha and senju by the man whose name itself spelt POWER. Although the gunbai fighting style was lost with the downfall of this extra-ordinary shinobi, sometime later in a small non-allied village there rose to prominance a shinobi known to have acquired the same fighting style. The style which was known as "The dance of the rampaging gunbai".

This shinobi then went on to alter this fighting style to fit his own personal preferences. The Gunbai used to be made of wood, but he used a specific metal to make it. This increased the weight of the Gunbai. This makes it heavier to weild but also makes it a lot more powerful in defense and offense. The shinobi also went on to make his chakra flow through the gunabai making it a deadly weapon of war. But the shinobi also noticed a shortcoming of the gunbai, since he had to hold the gunabai with both his hands it made him difficult to perform ninjutsu. As such the shinobi travelled far and wide until he discovered a long forgotten clan. This clan was known for it's ability to perform all the handseals using only one hand and still being able to do ninjutsu.

After long hours of negotiation he was able to persuade them to teach him this ability. Along with this ability he practiced extremely hard and finally succeeded in being able to wield the Gunbai with just one hand keeping his other hand free for seals.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The gunbai is a non-folding fan, usually made of wood or Iron. The weapon itself consists of four stages. The first stage encompasses the frontal part which is broad and of round shape. This is pretty different from most of the other weapons which tend to be pointed and more deadly. It also indicates that the main purpose of this weapon may be defense. The second stage is the front part of the handle which is the solid rod like part which is used by its wielder to hold the gunbai in his hand. The third stage is the chain that connects the gunbai to the users waist. The fourth part is the Kama or more perfectly the Kusarigama. The kusarigama is a sickle connected to a chain.

This fighting style revolves around using the versatility of this unique weapon. The wielder of this weapon can use the broad frontal portion to protect against a taijutsu or any weapon based attack at the same time he can also use this same portion to create a blunt force attack against the enemy. Then there is the chain which is used by it's weilder to extend the range of his attack. The other end of the gunbai is the Kusarigama a deadly scythe like weapon that can inflict great damage in close and mid range. The user always has chakra channeled through his weapon but unlike other weapons the chakra in this case is used to create a blunt force attack, where the user uses the chakra in the weapon to increase the power of the impact.


Gun no haichi gigei: Kānēshon no sākuru || Gunbai Arts: Circle of Carnation
Type: Offense/Defense
Rank: A
Range: Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The weilder of this jutsu gets hold of his gunbai with its chain. After catching the chain in his hand the wielder then begins to move the gunbai around his head in a circular motion at a very high speed that creates gusts of wind around him like a chopper while it is taking of. This creates a circle of the area around the user, which is completely under his attack radius and if the opponent is foolish enough to step into it, he will loose a limb or 2 from being hit. Not just that the legendary user of this weapon are able to move one step ahead and perform a combo where they will attack with the Kusarigama immediately after the adversary is hit the first time resulting into a killing move.

-Only Gunbai arts master and legends are able to do this jutsu.
-It is necessary that the gunbai carries momentum (movement of at least 2 cirlces) before it hits the opponent for it's full impact. If it hits the opponent prematurely it will have less impact comparatively

Additional effects and Restrictions:
Gunbai being a very heavy weapon, the training done with it makes the arms of the wielder extremely strong which in turn enhances their power in comparison to a normal shinobi in hand to hand combat. Also fighting with an extremely heavy weapon makes them extremely quick without it.
There are three stages of mastering the use of Gunbai,

Apprentice: These are people who have just begun learning this fighting style. They need to use both hands to wield the weapon. They cannot use the chain nor the Kusarigama at the other end of the weapon in fights. Though their arm strength is pretty developed. Also they can charge chakra through the Gunbai which allows him to get the gunbai back into his hand in case he drops it anywhere upto mid range in battle.

Master: These are warriors who have completed the learning of the use of gunbai. They weild a gunbai made of iron. They are able to wield the gunbai using the chain attached to it's bottom part. They can wield the gunbai using one hand. They can use either the left or the right hand to wield the weapon. He is able to charge chakra through his gunbai which allows him to get the gunbai back into his hand in case he drops it anywhere upto mid range in battle.

Legend: Only gifted warriors are able to reach this stage. It's the ultimate stage in the mastery of this weapon. The weilder uses a gunbai made up of a special material. The wielder is able to operate all the 4 stages of the weapon including the Kusarigama. Although the Kusarigama is not connected to the other end of the chain (which is connected to the users hip). The warrior is able to do this in the blink of an eye. They can weild the gunbai using one hand. They can use either the left or the right hand to wield the weapon. He is able to charge chakra through his gunbai which allows him to get the gunbai back into his hand in case he drops it anywhere upto mid range in battle. Also the user at this stage is able to perform all the seals with only one hand that allows him to do ninjutsu without dropping his weapon creating a fierce fighting machine.

-User needs to have completed his basic Taijutsu and Kenjutsu training.
-Must be a Kage ranked user.
-High levels of chakra and good chakra control.
I'm simply not approving this as of now on the grounds that Madara clearly uses the fan for special purposes or attacks on account of what we saw when Obito returned the fan to him. That said, this could end up being a rip off of a cannon style. In a sense, since this is essentially just submitting techniques based off of what we have already seen Madara do, it already is.
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Apr 15, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Genkotsu Kamakiri | The Mantis Fist

Type: Nin-Taijutsu
Background: The Mantis fist was developed long ago by a man who constantly found that in fights his movements were too easy to read, and became predictable and easy to dodge since he often swung too wide or in a pattern, also he found that upon dodging he would often lose his footing or simply leave himself open for a quick follow up due to the fact that his movements were not controlled enough, they were to bodacious, too outgoing, they were overreactions. After learning this and trying to learn from several great teachers whom he all failed, the man turned to nature, hoping that it would provide the answers he needed. Indeed it did, the man soon came across a Mantis, and upon seeing its rigid jerky movements, movements that were precise and were always in for the kill. Seeing how controlled and meaningful each of the Mantises movements were, the man started to study the Mantis, mimicking its movements. This birthed a new Taijutsu, the Mantis fist, however it still was not complete, although it granted the user the means of great physical control, being able to dodge attacks taking the easiest least time consuming route possible. Only making the movements that were absolutely needed, leaving very little room for openings and allowing quick controlled yet rigid and inhumane like counterstrikes, that were so bizarre that it usually forced for the opponent to block through the use of reactions or dodge through the use of instinct rather than dodging by predicting the path of trajectory. Also the fact that its prowess was equal to that of a adept strong fist punch if not greater, but due to the force being applied to a smaller area than a punch its effects were more devastating. Eventually after several years of wandering, passing down this way of fighting to many students, he came across a certain teenager, after learning the Mantis Fist, the man was able to identify with it, and soon added the use of chakra to the Mantis Fist, completing the art, or so he thought...

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The Mantis Fist is a taijutsu style that involves the user striking the enemy with one or more of their fingers in rapid succession and specific places alternating between hands for each strike, the speed of hand movements rivaling that of the gentle fist. While striking the enemy, the user focuses a large amount of Raiton or Katon chakra on the tops of their fingers, when they strike the enemy they allow the chakra to penetrate into the enemy's body, however even though it is a very pinpoint strike done with the fingertips, its effects are devastating as when the user makes contact with the opponent, the chakra ripples outwards and in the direction of the original strike, much like when a pebble is dropped into a shallow pond and the water around it is disturbed and ripples outwards, this ripple effect does not require contact to be successful, as the ripple of chakra is able to travel up to 5 inches forward through mediums of air, water or earth. The area covered having a diameter of 6 inches for every one inch away from the source, becoming wider and less potent as it reaches away from the original release point. The effects of the Mantis Fist can be increased further by targeting certain spots on the body, such as pressure points or nerve endings.

When a raiton chakra charge is used, the chakra will ripple outwards on impact, which may affect motor and sensory neurons with its static charges, this can cause various effects which include, paralysation in the surrounding area due to forced muscle contraction (The same way Nagashi works), and loss of feeling and pain the the affected area due to the raiton chakra charges countering the opponents sensory neuron static charges, this proves disadvantageous to the enemy as they will be oblivious to any damage done upon the affected area.
When a Katon chakra charge is used, the chakra will ripple outwards on impact, heating and evaporating water, and causing the burning of the affected area. This is done by heating water present in bodies or the atmosphere and proves effective due to the body being made up of large sums of water.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

-The Mantis fist contains stances that are strange and unusual,and usually unprecedented to the enemy,making a mantis fist users movements hard to read.
-Due to the Mantis Fist involving mimicking the actual movements of a Mantis, a Mantis Fist User moves unlike any mammal with extreme precision and speed, and unlike that of a average human a mantis fist users reactions are not fueled by fear or instinct leading them to overreact and make unnecessary movements but the mantis style involves the slightest movements so as to avoid things and thus avoid unnecessary reflexes making Mantis Fist users extremely efficient at dodging, and giving them room for a swift counterattack.
-This style of fighting is called mantis fist,since it mostly involves striking your opponent with the tip of your finger(s) in rapid succession,and since mantis have scythe like fingers instead of hands and move in rapid rigid jerky like motions i thought the name was befitting.
~Anyone other than -Scaze- must be taught to use the mantis fist justus
~Precise chakra control is needed to benefit from the full offense of the mantis fist. (Sannin Rank or Above)
~Requires the user to have mastered Taijutsu/strong fist and started Raiton and Fire training
~Someone who has learned the foundation of The Mantis Fist (Basically this description thingy), is capable of preforming free-form Mantis fist, the effects however are much weaker being able to only evaporate all of the water within a water balloon the size of a lychee berry, while its electrical effect can only damage a area the size of a kiwi fruit. The chakra ripple is also 1/3 of the normal size.
(If this last bolded bit makes it unprovable please by all means remove it.)

-I rewrote a lot of things to try and condense it and make it more user friendly.
-It wasn’t my intention to mimic the Raikage in any way or form, its not what I want the Mantis arts to be. (Just clarifying)
I'm hoping these are the changes that you wanted o_o

±± Declined ±±
Give me some example techniques as its now required. I have a doubt you can make techniques for the raiton part that don't collide with the 3rd raikages technique or that its somehow different enough from Gentle fist. You need to find a way to explain not only how its similar but also how its different. It somewhat grey in that area. Also, the ripple effect is somewhat similar to other approved taijutsu techniques and CFS. Perhaps a different description of the same effect may wield the same results.

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Genkotsu Kamakiri | The Mantis Fist

Type: Nin-Taijutsu
Background: The Mantis fist was developed long ago by a man who constantly found that in fights his movements were too easy to read, and became predictable and easy to dodge since he often swung too wide or in a pattern, also he found that upon dodging he would often lose his footing or simply leave himself open for a quick follow up due to the fact that his movements were not controlled enough, they were to bodacious, too outgoing, they were overreactions. After learning this and trying to learn from several great teachers whom he all failed, the man turned to nature, hoping that it would provide the answers he needed. Indeed it did, the man soon came across a Mantis, and upon seeing its rigid jerky movements, movements that were precise and were always in for the kill. Seeing how controlled and meaningful each of the Mantises movements were, the man started to study the Mantis, mimicking its movements. This birthed a new Taijutsu, the Mantis fist, however it still was not complete, although it granted the user the means of great physical control, being able to dodge attacks taking the easiest least time consuming route possible. Only making the movements that were absolutely needed, leaving very little room for openings and allowing quick controlled yet rigid and inhumane like counterstrikes, that were so bizarre that it usually forced for the opponent to block through the use of reactions or dodge through the use of instinct rather than dodging by predicting the path of trajectory. Also the fact that its prowess was equal to that of a adept strong fist punch if not greater, but due to the force being applied to a smaller area than a punch its effects were more devastating. Eventually after several years of wandering, passing down this way of fighting to many students, he came across a certain teenager, after learning the Mantis Fist, the man was able to identify with it, and soon added the use of chakra to the Mantis Fist, completing the art, or so he thought...

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

The Mantis Fist is a taijutsu style that involves the user striking the enemy with one or more of their fingers in rapid succession and specific places alternating between hands for each strike, the speed of hand movements rivaling that of the gentle fist . While striking the enemy, the user focuses a large amount of Suiton or Katon or possibly Raiton chakra on the tops of their fingers, when they strike the enemy they allow the chakra to penetrate into the enemy's body. However even though it is a very pinpoint strike done with the fingertips, its effects are devastating as when the user makes contact with the opponent, the chakra diffuses outwards in a sort of "V" shape or "Cone" shaped pattern, granting it a wider horizontal and vertical spread range as it travels further from the source of release, yet also growing less potent while being further from the source of release. The user doesn't actually have to strike the target for the attack to be successful but rather just give consent of "Release" as the chakra diffusion affect allows the Chakra Aspect of Mantis Fist to travel up to 3 inches forward through mediums of air, water or earth. It does travel further, but after the 3 inch mark its potency drops so exponentially that it has very little effect in most cases. The area covered gaining a diameter of 1.5 inches for every one inch away from the source, becoming wider and less potent as it reaches away from the original release point. The effects of the Mantis Fist can be increased further by targeting certain spots on the body, such as pressure points or nerve endings.

One of the two core foundations of elemental Mantis Fist. When a Katon chakra charge is used, the chakra will diffuse outwards on release, passing through objects or in this case the opponents body, and heating and evaporating water as it does so, while also causing burning of the affected area. This works as when the heat enters into a opponent, it quickly begins to heat up the water within cells within a afflicted area, this causes the cells to shrivel up and malfunction. This can be particularly dangerous and possibly lethal if the user can strike a vital spot cleanly, or if the user can manage to land a large amount of strikes on the opponent in a short period of time. Needless to say the process would cause a immense amount of pain. This also allows the user to target other water reliant objects, eg plants; animals and even evaporate logical quantities of water.

One of the two core foundations of elemental Mantis Fist. When a Suiton chakra charge is used, the chakra will diffuse outwards on release, passing into solid objects and materializing moisture that expands. If the user were to strike the opponents body, then they would be capable of causing water to materialize within their body. It wouldn't be a immense amount of water but it would be enough to carry out the job of causing cells in the afflicted area to fill with water, expand and then possibly burst. Then the water will go through osmosis, traveling through the opponents bloodstream, and eventually if enough strikes are delivered the opponent will suffer intense water intoxication. Resulting in cranial pain, dulling of senses, drowsiness and possibly even death. Needless to say, the process of cells rupturing within the body will cause a large amount of pain. This can also be used to destroy things such as rocks, as when the water passes through small gaps and porous holes within the rocks, water will fill the holes and expand, causing the rocks internal structure to weaken.

Raiton could be seen as the one and only Pseudo element charge of Mantis Fist.
Used to try and incapacitate the opponent and make them a easier target to prey on. When a raiton chakra charge is used, the chakra will diffuse outwards, entering into the opponents body and affecting nerves within the afflicted area; which may affect motor and sensory neurons with its static charges, this can cause various effects which include, paralysation in the surrounding area due to forced muscle contraction (The same way Nagashi works), and loss of feeling and pain the the affected area due to the raiton chakra charges countering the opponents sensory neuron static charges, this proves disadvantageous to the enemy as they will be oblivious to any damage done upon the affected area.

The Mantis Fist physical part however isn't so easily overshadowed by the chakra half. The Mantis fist itself contains stances that are strange and unusual, and usually unprecedented to the enemy. Making a mantis fist users movements hard to read. Due to the Mantis Fist involving mimicking the actual movements of a Mantis, a Mantis Fist User moves unlike any mammal with extreme precision and speed. Also unlike a average human a mantis fist users reactions are not fueled by fear or instinct leading them to overreact and make unnecessary movements but the mantis style involves the slightest movements so as to evade and thus avoid unnecessary reflexes making Mantis Fist users extremely proficient at dodging. While also giving them room for a swift counterattack. Furthermore unlike a normal ninja, the Mantis Fist allows the user to reduce their traceability by simply not giving off signs of their next movements. Eg, if a person right shoulder were to twitch, even in the slightest, a adept taijutsu user would possibly notice this, or a doujutsu user would under most circumstances definitely notice this and use it to predict the opponents next action. However by having a stance in which allows the muscles to constantly contract and relax, in such a way that it simply looks like the users body is constantly rippling, not only does it allow for unusual and immensely swift movements to be launched but also allows the user a high level of unpredictability. This is where the Mantis Fists inhumane movements stem from, Stances that allow the user to incorporate their great muscle and bodily control that they have built up through the years by simply being as still as a Mantis and waiting, taking up the stance of a Mantis, or attempting to strike at the speed of a Mantis or practicing explosive circular whip like motions. In effect a Mantis fist stances and movements are usually rigged; swift; patient; precise; inhumane and in their own unique and bizarre way; gracefully fluid.

In effect, the Elemental attacks of Mantis Fist are similar to Gentle fist in the aspect that they have both a physical attribute; the strike itself, and a chakra attribute; the release of either water; fire; or lightning chakra. However there are a few things that separate the gentle fist from the Mantis Fist. The first being the reliant use of elemental chakra and not normal chakra, possibly the most obvious differentiation. The second aspect in which they differ, is that while Gentle Fist relies on striking specific places on the chakra pathway system, the tenketsu; with such precision that without a doujutsu it wouldn't be possible as the target itself is invisible to the naked eye, and presumably different for each person, the Mantis Fist however works by striking a pinpoint area, but allowing margin of error, or there simply being no margin of error due to the diffusion effect of the chakra release. It isn't necessarily that Mantis Fist users don't have great precision, as they do, but rather as long as they strike within the vicinity of a vital spot, which is always in the same place and usually takes up a fair space, the user will always gain the desired effect, eg striking the left part of the chest to target the heart. Whereas if a Gentle Fist user were even a inch off of the mark, the effects they desire may not be achieved. Not only that, but there's the difference in target itself. The Gentle Fist does damage by sealing or overflowing the opponents chakra pathway system that is said to be closely intertwined with organs, causing them to suffer as well. While the Mantis Fist directly targets cells within a vicinity, resulting in large bodily damage. Another difference is the stance itself. While a Gentle Fist user usually has a more loose stance, a stance of a Mantis Fist user is more rugged and "stiff" in a sense. Regardless of the physical or chakra attributes, this style follows under the ruburic to Add something, or remove something. Eg dodging or deflecting so as to remove something and create space, and adding a strike so as to inflict a blow. Or using Katon chakra to remove chakra from the body, or using Suiton chakra to add water to the body. The last and final difference is that while gentle fist needs contact to deliver damage to the chakra circularity system in most cases, a Mantis Fist user simply needs to get their striking finger or palm close enough to the opponents body so that the Diffusion can reach penetrate into their flesh.

Example of Techniques:

Genkotsu Kamakiri | Mantis Fist : Mizuchi's Uprising
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Self
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points:
Description: The user courses their chakra throughout their body, the chakra serves to simply augment their muscles allowing for more finessed muscle control. It isn't necessarily a forceful enhancement however, rather a more steady and natural one and thus doesn't leave the opponent in a negative condition once the technique ends. The stance is commonly referred to as the "Tiger Head Stance". This stance has the full body weight on the back leg, with the forward leg weightless and resting on the heel. The toe is pointed upwards in preparation for attack. Hands are held ready in the protecting hands form while allowing the user to initiate swift palm thrusts. This stance focuses on muscle control to augment offensive capability, and as such as long as the user remains within this stance their body will constantly ripple has they passively contract and relax their muscles all over their body. The stance itself focuses more on offense than defense, and as such is more slanted to the "Adding" part of Mantis Fist. Thus the users offensive capabilities are heightened while the Water Attribute effects of Mantis Fist are increased by 25% along with the damage of water attribute Mantis Fist techniques. The user also gains a +20 overall taijutsu bonus. The user doesn't actually have to hold the position of the stance to benefit from its augmentation, rather this is a activation technique of sorts, though switching to another stance means losing the benefits of this stance.

Genkotsu Kamakiri | Mantis Fist : Kagutsuchi's Wrath
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Self
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points:
Description: The user courses their chakra throughout their body, the chakra serves to simply augment their muscles allowing for more finessed muscle control. It isn't necessarily a forceful enhancement however, rather a more steady and natural one and thus doesn't leave the opponent in a negative condition once the stance ends. The stance is commonly referred to as the "Boulder Falling Stance, or Star Falling Stance". This unique and highly adaptable stance drops the entire body into an extremely low position useful for evading attack or following through with swift counter-attacks. The right hook-hand extends away from the body, while the left closely guards the throat. This stance focuses on muscle control to augment dodging and blocking capability, and as such as long as the effects of this stance remain active the body will constantly ripple has they passively contract and relax their muscles all over their body. The stance itself focuses more on defense than offense, and as such is more slanted to the "Subtraction" part of Mantis Fist. Thus the users dodging capabilities are heightened while the Fire Attribute effects of Mantis Fist are increased by 25% along with the damage of Fire attribute Mantis Fist techniques. The user gains immense dodging capabilities that completely overshadow the evasion capabilities interpreted from knowing the Mantis Fist, focusing the majority of their concentration on avoiding with as little movement as possible so as to swiftly counterattack once space has been opened by "Removing" the opponents limb from the equation to prevent him from counterattacking or blocking. This stance focuses heavily on patience and reading the opponent through the slightest muscle twitch or movement and thus discern their attacking pattern before they even begin their assault. The user prevents themselves from being fueled by fear and calmly analyses the situation. While in this state the user is capable of dodging and counterattacking with immense accuracy, and even keeping track of opponents that they usually wouldn't be able to. Even if the user can't track the opponents actual movements, by examining the movement that they make before they travel at a speed that the user can't follow, the user in most cases should be able to discern what the opponent will do, even if only in the slightest. The user is also capable of dodging focused jutsu such as Chidori Sharp Spear, Water Shark Bomb and it's other "Roughly no larger than double Human sized" variants and multiple mud-shot ect. The user doesn't actually have to hold the position of the stance to benefit from its augmentation, rather this is a activation technique of sorts, though switching to another stance means losing the benefits of this stance.

Genkotsu Kamakiri: ... | Mantis Fist: ...
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user release a barrage of strikes aimed towards the opponents torso; the user can either choose to infuse the barrage strikes with either Katon, Raiton, or Suiton chakra. The diffusion effect of chakra will have its standard range, and the user will be capable of evaporating 20mls of water, or adding 30mls of water or slight paralysis and numbing. The strikes all have the inherent speed and unpredictability of Mantis Fist allowing the user to bypass the guard of a unsuspecting opponent with ease. The effects achieved vary depending on the type of chakra used, and the amount of strikes that land on or near to the target, if the user manages to land six or more strikes, the opponent will begin to experience mild dizziness, and will have various burns on the afflicted area as well as slightly mummified skin and extreme pain or swelling in the afflicted area with immense coursing pain with internal damage being dealt with both. A maximum of Ten strikes can be dealt, if all manage to hit on or near their target, severe headaches will ensue as well as increased burns/swelling ect, as well as the target area experiencing severe damage.

Genkotsu Kamakiri: ... | Mantis Fist: Moving Circles
Rank: A
Type: Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user in preparation for the technique brings their hands up towards their chest, extended outwards with palms facing inwards towards the torso, elbows bent while the arm is hung rather loosely. Taking up a Chu Gar like stance while either moving or being at a stand still. The user then flips their palms outwards towards a incoming Lightning/Water/Fire technique, motioning both of their hands outwards and upwards from the center forming a circle like pattern as they come in contact with the technique. As they do this they focus either their Lightning/Water or Fire chakra towards their hands depending on the element of the opposing technique. They then use the Mantis Fist's Diffusion capabilities, however rather than focusing it at the finger tips they release the chakra from their palms steadily. The chakra acts like the flour on floured hands against dough, the user using the diffusion to act as a barrier against the technique that keeps it at bay for a short while, while granting the user the ability to "mould it" allowing the user to effectively part the technique and bunch the parted area up towards the center where their hands begun. This encompasses the "removing" aspect of Mantis Fist, the user having removed (part of) the technique from their way allowing them to pass through unharmed. At which point the user will deliver a double handed Palm Thrust like motion to the element that has been grasped towards the center of the "Circle", sending it flying towards a desired direction. This encompasses the "Adding" part of the Mantis Fist. Much like how a Chu Gar stance user, or any Mantis Fist user would be capable of blowing open a hole in a opponents guard by sweeping their arms away to the sides in a whip-like circular motion, this technique is able to open up a circular hole in a opposing B rank or bellow jutsu allowing the user to pass through unscathed while also bunching it towards the center and returning a focus blast that is a rank lower than the jutsu parted. This technique is one of the few "Neutral" techniques and doesn't fall under either a defensive or offensive category as it encompasses both "Removing" and "Adding". If the user is a Northern Praying Mantis, the users removing effect will be marginally stronger while the "adding" effect of returning a jutsu will be slightly weaker, and the opposite goes for a Southern Praying Mantis , which results in them taking slight damage when "Removing" a B ranked jutsu, however for both, the element used plays no role in power; likewise for if the user is in a Attribute specific boosting stance.


Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Although the above effects are the core of the Mantis Fist Elemental Style, in the techniques themselves shape manipulation can be applied to the diffusion to produce varying effects similar to how the Gentle Fist can do the same. (Will be explained in later submitted jutsu)
- This style of fighting is called mantis fist,since it mostly involves striking your opponent with the tip of your finger(s) in rapid succession,and since mantis have scythe like fingers instead of hands and move in rapid rigid jerky like motions i thought the name was befitting.
- Anyone other than -Scaze- must be taught to use the mantis fist justus
- Precise chakra control is needed to benefit from the full offense of the mantis fist. (Sannin Rank or Above)
~Requires the user to have mastered Taijutsu/strong fist and started Raiton, Suiton and Fire training
~Someone who has learned the foundation of The Mantis Fist (Basically this description thingy), is capable of preforming free-form Mantis fist, the effects however are much weaker being able to only evaporate/add to the volume of water within a water balloon the size of a grape to cause it to shrivel or expand and pop, while its electrical effect can only damage a area the size of a "taw" marble. The chakra diffusion is also 1/3 of the normal size.

Users of this Style are also ranked, the rankings go as followed:

Apprentice: People who have are still relatively knew to the style; they've just begun learning and gain very few of the inherit benefits of Mantis Fist. All techniques that they do know suffer a -10 damage deficit. The range of their chakra diffusion's is also only 2/3 of what it should be. They know some of the techniques and gain a few of the inherent bonuses.

Southern Praying Mantis:
Someone who has undergone intense training in the style, they've been a student of the style for more than two months, and have shown great promise. They have however slanted towards the offensive "adding" side of Mantis Fist. They're raw power exceeds that of a "Northern Praying Mantis" and they excel in the use of Water Attribute Mantis Fist; gaining a +5 damage bonus to Water Attribute techniques and a 1/3 increase of range. However as a result they lack in the "Removing" aspect of Mantis Fist, although their speed is almost as fast as a "Northern Praying Mantis" their dodging capabilities pale in comparison. They also suffer a -5 Damage deficit of the Fire attribute of Mantis Fist, and have only 2/3 of the range that they should have in the Fire attribute diffusion as well. They know quite a lot of the techniques of Mantis Fist. and gain most of the inherent bonuses.

Northern Praying Mantis:
Someone who has undergone intense training in the style, they've been a student of the style for more than two months, and have shown great promise. They have however slanted towards the evasive and defensive "removing" side of Mantis Fist thus gaining exceptional foot work and being able to dodge or remove a opponents limb to the side while using the velocity to launch a continuous barrage of counterattacks. They're raw speed exceeds that of a "Southern Praying Mantis" and they excel in the use of Fire Attribute Mantis Fist; gaining a +5 damage bonus to Fire Attribute techniques and a 1/3 increase of diffusion range. However as a result they lack in the "Adding" aspect of Mantis Fist, although their offensive capabilities is almost as great as a "Southern Praying Mantis" their raw power pales in comparison. They also suffer a -5 Damage deficit of the Water attribute of Mantis Fist, and have only 2/3 of the range that they should have in the Water attribute diffusion as well. They know quite a lot of the techniques of Mantis Fist and gain most of the inherent bonuses.

Legendary Praying Mantis:
As the name indicates, a practitioner of this level is truly a thing of legends. Their footwork and movement reading capabilities are immense, while their power also lives up to expectations. Unlike the Northern Praying Mantis or Southern Praying Mantis, practitioners of this level are balanced in both the Fire and Water attribute, and gain a +5 damage bonus to both Fire and Water attribute techniques. A Legendary Praying Mantis knows most of the techniques of the style, and having been versed in intense training and been a either a Southern or Northern Practioner of the style for 4 months they've reached the highest level that they can attain. They gain almost all of the inherent bonuses of Mantis Fist.

The founder is on a slightly higher level than a Legendary Praying Mantis, they know all of the techniques and also gain a bonus to the lightning attribute part of Mantis Fist. They also gain all of the inherent bonuses of Mantis Fist.

Ok, so after discussing it with Scorps here's what we decided. You can resubmit this once more but with ONLY lightning diffusion. Reason being fire and water are simply not completely... plausible. Also, being able to use your fire chakra to evaporate water in your opponent's body is too closely in line with Scorch release while the water part is a bit close to the Gyojin abilities (but the main problem with directly diffusing water is the concept itself). Being able to diffuse pure chakra is too close to the Gentle Fist. Lightning, however, is energy so directly diffusing that should be fine, and it's really not at all an infringement on the Raikage techniques since they don't actually insert lightning chakra into their opponents; he just uses them to increase speed and power. So you can recreate this but only lightning diffusion would be allowed.
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Sep 10, 2008
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Shuurai Tekken Do [Way of the Lightning Strike Fist]
Type: Nintaijutsu
Background: Believed in the Country of Lightning to be one of the oldest taijutsu styles still in practice, Shuurai Tekken Do was originally developed by the monks that helped to create the first incarnation of the Hidden Village of Cloud long before there were even inklings of such a drastic change. Honed over hundreds of years, this style has been given an essential definition that is rooted in the paradox of the practice of the style itself: "What you cannot see can indeed hurt you."

The paradoxical nature of this style is the fact that despite being called the 'Way of the Lightning Strike Fist,' practitioners of Shuurai Tekken Do are known for their meticulously, almost languidly slow pace during practice. A simple movement bringing a fist across the chest from left to right may take up to a full minute or more in practice, but therein lies the difficulty itself. During all movements, muscles are constantly tensed and released without exerting much outward motion, thus making the slowness of the style the way in which it tones the body. Many practitioners choose to hold large buckets filled to the very brim with water while practicing, hoping to attain a sort of rigid fluidity, a statement that highlights the paradox present in the style's practice.

In combat, however, the practitioner demonstrates exactly what this type of practice does for his or her close combat ability. As the practitioner progresses, the laboriously slow practice tones the muscles in such a way that muscle reaction times are increased exponentially with every level of the style achieved. Thus, in a combat situation, the practitioner spends the fight attacking with extremely quick single hits and flurries and then backing off, rapidly responding to any counter-attacks made, and then repeating the process ad lib. When mastery of this style is attained, some users have been known to appear to stand still while their opponent is mysteriously ravaged and bloodied when coming near to them. Despite the general lack in strength exhibited even by masters of this style, it is still a wholly destructive art.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Mastering the Lightning Strike Fist is no easy task and takes even the most skilled ninja years to obtain full control and mastery over thier bodies in order to preform the style. Over the course of the training the user will gradually get faster and faster and will exhibit increased reaction speed as well as body control and physical speed. The style contains 5 stages of mastery that begin at the genin level and progress as the ninja grows and becomes a full fledged shinobi.

Shokidankai: Arashinomaenoshizukesa [Initial Stage: The Calm Before the Storm]
In the first stage of learning Shuurai Tekken Do, the practitioner focuses in training on slow, fluid motion while flexing and releasing different areas of muscle in combintaion with thier lightning chakra in order to learn to use the lightning to control the muscle. No aids are yet used to provide extra resistance to the training, only strict guidance from a good teacher with a judgemental hand. In battle, the practitioner focuses on blocking with sweeping motions and striking with fast single strikes, taking advantage of the forms learned in practice. After mastering this stage the ninja will show a increased amount of speed in movement and shows an increased reaction speed.

Nidankai: An'unteimei [Second Stage: The Gathering Stormclouds]
After a suitable duration of undertaking the first style to build on the basics, the teacher will add a tool to the practitioner's repetoire - small cups filled to the brim with a liquid. The goal of this addition is to work on the fluidity of the movements while still maintaining rigid muscle control. In battle, the practitioner's speed is noticably faster than the average ninja, and while the sweeping blocks are now accompanied by extremely fast forearm and shin blocks, the single fast strike policy still stands for attacking only now it is coupled with quick burst of lightning to stun the area of impact.

Sandankai: Yorunotobari [Third Stage: The Veil of Darkness]
The third stage of learning Shuurai Tekken Do is a grueling one, as whole days are sometimes spent a single position, the two cups of the previous stage being accompanied now by cups positioned on the head, shoulders, tops of the hands and feet, and on the knees. The user spends long durations in a sitting position with arms level at the shoulders, but without a chair to sit on. Sometimes, if the teacher is feeling particularly cruel, the student may be asked to try walking in a small circle while the cups are all still in place. In battle, the practitioner begins to use striking flurries in addition to the quick single strikes, as well as learning to add counters behind the now extremely fast blocks. With the mastery of the last two stages, the user moves a rank faster then what he actually is and the added lightning with the attacks now produce super-heated air when it connects with the opponent as the discharge heats the layer of air trapped between the clothing and the body of the victim. This causes extreme discomfort and small electrical burns.

Yodankai: Haizename [Fourth Stage: The Torrential Rain]
Once the practitioner has attained what the instructor deems to be proper levels of fluidity and solidity, the cups in hand are traded in for medium-sized buckets of water with rough rope handles, which are still filled to the brim with a liquid. The rest of the cups of the previous stage are removed. This adds the extra aspect of maintaining fluidity while improving on muscle control due to the resistance of the added fluid weight. In battle, the practitioner approaches speeds that will baffle the human eye should they have anything less than the three-tomoe Sharingan and batter the human body, but due to intense training the user will be able to control every strike, counter, and dodge to a keen precision. Strong single strikes and the occasional flurry are still the mainstay of the practitioner's offense, though there is now a considerable increase in the power behind them. At this stage the lightning discharge stimulates reactions in the muscles causing them to work like pistons, and then get released in quick burst with each strike causing considerable stuns and burns much like the last stage except on a greater scale even at the point the super-heated air can actually rip clothing apart. At this stage the lightning strikes create an unsual phenomenon that resembles what happens when actual struck by lightning called "Litchtenberg figures" which are “arborescent” or fern-like injuries of the skin that spread across the area of impact and slow that area of movement for up to a full turn.

Saishuudankai: Tekken Tenrai no Raijin [Final Stage: The Divine Fist of Raijin]
In the final stage of Shuurai Tekken Do, the teacher acknowledges the student's abilites by leaving the last training up to him, as the learning is now essentially complete. A complete emphasis on speed should be the focus of the training in the Final Stage; some training methods used in the past include weighted training underwater, deep squats carrying livestock on the shoulders while standing under a waterfall, and other such extremes. In combat, the practitioner is now the stuff of the legends surrounding this style, seeming to be able to attack without physically moving the body from a standstill. Striking and countering become so fluid and fast that some say the blocks are almost up before the opponent's strike begins and the counter is made before the strike is retracting the lightning released can ravage opponent's bodies giving them almost no-time to react and any metal in place on the victim's body get heated and can cause third degree burns. While finctioning within the muscles it stimulates the muscles to wrok faster and more effectively giving reactions and speed of a person at least two ranks higher.

Usage Examples:

Shuurai Tekken Do | Riptide
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 50
Description: The user focuses on the the first four stages of Lightning Strike Fist and generates a mass of chakra into his muscles to stimualte them and have them work much more effectively. With three quick strikes, the user targets the opponents chest and shoulders discharging a decent amount of lightning into them as the strikes connect. The force behind this attack sends the opponent back afew feet while causing numbing and a few burn marks from impact. The strikes happen so fast that only those with training in the style or Sharingan eye can see the attack coming, although without certain training they may be unable to react.

Shuurai Tekken Do | Raijin's Block
Rank: B
Type: Attack/Defense
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 30
Description: Focusing on the practices learned in the third stage of Lightning Strike Fist, the user will quickly parry the opponents attack at the last possible instance to throw them off guard, then by doing so he strikes the appendage(s) that were attacking and discharges lightning into them rendering it useless for the next turn.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
~Since the style focuses on speed the user loses a vast amount of power in striking making the techniques slightly weaker in terms of damage.
~To use this style you must have a bio that orignates with Kumogakure or be a member of the Hidden Cloud Village.
~Must have mastery of Lightning Element
~Must have mastered Taijutsu.
This has been submitted before. On re-submissions you need to quote the original submission and bold or clarify changes.
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Aug 9, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Hurricane Skater Martial Arts - Shippuusuka Tatakai no Jutsu

Type: Wind element, weaponery and Taijutsu


Inspired by Onoki's flying technique, Temari's unknown huge fan technique that made her able to fly above it while fighting Tenten and Black Cat's Leon Elliott ability. Wind element users such as danzo used it to redirect his flight, In NB, RP-ers used the Hurricane Fist technique to send themselves flying to else where by directing their fist toward the ground as they form the punch. Using the mastery of wind element and taijutsu creating a fighting style build on speed and midair battling.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

By manipulating the wind, the user could increase the speed of his skate's wheels speed, make himself fly above the skate by creating a wind blast that keeps it flying and moving it, do multiple movements at midair and combine that with taijutsu to increase its strength and speed. By using this fighting style, the user would be able to combine his wind element with a special type of taijutsu with the usage of the skate as a weapon kick and lunch at midair making it cycle to attack the enemy and as such of skate movements.

The essence of this fighting style is to attack while moving, giving the enemy less chances to fight back and confuse them. Its also supplementary, as it makes the user able through specific techniques able to dodge, repel or block some attacks.

This fighting style can be used along with weapon, by making them fly as the user wish, not directly toward the enemy at it usually goes. The user could replace the skate with other weapons such as a heavy sword, huge fan or a war fan, however this might not work for some of the techniques made for this martial art.

Example techniques:

Hurricane Skater Martial Arts: The Twister Skater - Shippuusuka Tatakai no Jutsu: Shipuu Suka-Ta

Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Close
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: -
Description: The user channels his wind element chakra beneath his skate and manipulate the wind creating a strong balanced wind that makes your skate fly currying the user with it. This technique can also be used to move around at the same speed level of the user's rank. This technique can get the user up to 4 meters above the ground.
-Can only be used three times per battle.
-Stays for up to 3 turns per use, and cost 15 chakra points for each turn it is in use.

Hurricane Skater Martial Arts: The Twister Beneath the Cracker - Shippuusuka Tatakai no Jutsu: Shipuu Shita kanpan

Type: Attack/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Close
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: As the user gets close to the enemy, the user channels his chakra through the wind used to blast the skate up and manipulate it to make it side flip in the mid air as he jumps for it, letting it twist with wind elemental effect of cutting at its edges to cut his legs as he channels his earth chakra through his foot as he directs a kick toward the enemy's chest to break his/her bones confusing him/her with two attacks out of the sudden making them pretty hard to dodge. After using this technique, the user stand back over the skate and balance it, continuing to fly above the ground.
-Can only be used once per battle

Additional effects and Restrictions:

-Must be a S-Class at least to use this fighting style.
-The user of this fighting style must be a master of wind element, taijutsu and Kaito's taijutsu.​
Actually a pretty good idea, just two things. First it needs to be clarified that, since you must continually run chakra through your skateboard in order to keep flying, no other techniques would be able to used while in the air. Second, remove entirely the last paragraph under abilities where it allows you to use this through pretty much any weapon. That paragraph alone makes the technique a partial rip-off of Temari's fan and the Levitating Blade technique. Make it so that the user has to have a board to use this style.
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Hurricane Skater Martial Arts - Shippuusuka Tatakai no Jutsu

Type: Wind element, weaponery and Taijutsu


Inspired by Onoki's flying technique, Temari's unknown huge fan technique that made her able to fly above it while fighting Tenten and Black Cat's Leon Elliott ability. Wind element users such as danzo used it to redirect his flight, In NB, RP-ers used the Hurricane Fist technique to send themselves flying to else where by directing their fist toward the ground as they form the punch. Using the mastery of wind element and taijutsu creating a fighting style build on speed and midair battling.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

By manipulating the wind, the user could increase the speed of his skate's wheels speed, make himself fly above the skate by creating a wind blast that keeps it flying and moving it, do multiple movements at midair and combine that with taijutsu to increase its strength and speed. By using this fighting style, the user would be able to combine his wind element with a special type of taijutsu with the usage of the skate as a weapon kick and lunch at midair making it cycle to attack the enemy and as such of skate movements.

The essence of this fighting style is to attack while moving, giving the enemy less chances to fight back and confuse them. Its also supplementary, as it makes the user able through specific techniques able to dodge, repel or block some attacks.

Example techniques:

Hurricane Skater Martial Arts: The Twister Skater - Shippuusuka Tatakai no Jutsu: Shipuu Suka-Ta

Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Close
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: -
Description: The user channels his wind element chakra beneath his skate and manipulate the wind creating a strong balanced wind that makes your skate fly currying the user with it. This technique can also be used to move around at the same speed level of the user's rank. This technique can get the user up to 4 meters above the ground.
-Can only be used three times per battle.
-Stays for up to 3 turns per use, and cost 15 chakra points for each turn it is in use.
-No other jutsu can be used while using this technique.

Hurricane Skater Martial Arts: The Twister Beneath the Cracker - Shippuusuka Tatakai no Jutsu: Shipuu Shita kanpan

Type: Attack/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Close
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: As the user gets close to the enemy, the user channels his chakra through the wind used to blast the skate up and manipulate it to make it side flip in the mid air as he jumps for it, letting it twist with wind elemental effect of cutting at its edges to cut his legs as he channels his earth chakra through his foot as he directs a kick toward the enemy's chest to break his/her bones confusing him/her with two attacks out of the sudden making them pretty hard to dodge. After using this technique, the user stand back over the skate and balance it, continuing to fly above the ground.
-Can only be used once per battle

Additional effects and Restrictions:

-Must be a S-Class at least to use this fighting style.
-The user of this fighting style must be a master of wind element, taijutsu and Kaito's taijutsu.
-While flying above it the user cannot use another technique at the same time.​
"You need to wait 15 days from the date your CFS was checked to resubmit."
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Active member
May 1, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Omori kobushi kata (Weighted Fist Style)
Type: NinTaijutsu
Background: Long ago, somewhere on Mt. Fuji. A few old monks got together for theyr'e usual training. Usual training consisted of multiple test, that test your endurance, strength and speed. Before they were about to start theyr'e training. The elder Sage of the monks appeared. With him he brought a wheel barrel full of assorted clay and stones. The sage then proceeded to take a stone and a strip of clay from the barrel. He held each of them in his hand for a moment then sat them down. He then walked over to a near bye foutain and filled a bowl up with water. Now he has a bowl filled with water , a strip of clay and a stone. He picks the clay and the stone up then calls the eldest monk over.
"Taketh the heavier object" Then feel the burden endured by this still life"
The monk took the sstone from the sage and held it in his palm. The old man then picked up the bowl of water and dumped it onto the strip of clay. The clay absorbed it. He then took the stone from the monk and wrapped the stone with the clay. Then applied a little chakra, he then turns to the monk and hands him the stone.
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The monk's hand collapses from the weight of the once light stone. The Sage then gave one last command before returning to his meditation. "Feel the Burden" (Do your Training with this rock in your hand)
The monk listened to his master command and went on with his training. Running up and down the mountain twice. Walking around the dojo one handed with the rock still in his hand. The finnally hand to hand combat. The sage reappeared before the monk. He took the stone from him then leveled it into 4 cuffs. 2 for each of his hands and 2 for each of his feet. The Sage left leaving his previosuly enstilled message. "Feel the Burden" The monk fought his opponent with the cuffs on and even though his movements were slower his hits were alot stronger. Over the years that very monk went on to perfect this new style of fighting and took over the dojo. To this day the style is called The Weighted Fist.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
This fighting style is basically fighting with rocks around your fists. By having the rocks around your ankles and wrists your attacks become stronger do to the weight and density of the rocks. Before engaging in using this fighting style. the user must first create the cuffs of earth. First by creating a slab of earth then melting that slab of earth so that it softens. Once soft apply water to that soft earth. Then find a stone (any stone) then wap the soft earth around the stone. Apply chakra then finnally level the stone out using shape manipulation and place the cuffs around your wrists and ankles. Then you are ready to start training. The training is unique because you don't train with the cuffs on you train with a stone in each hand. Sort of like a closed fist style. This way when you fight with the cuffs on your attacks will be more balanced or focused. Due to the stone having an irregular shape.

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Omori kobushi kata naifu hando Knife Hand
Type: Taijutsu
Range: Short
Chakra: none
Damage: 10
Description: The first technique of the weighted fist style. The user flattens their hand out the shape of a knife, then strikes with the edge of their palm as well as the cuff in a chopping motion.

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Omori kobushi kata rijji hando Ridge Hand
Type: Taijutsu
Range: Short
Chakra: none
Damage: 10
Description: The Second technique of the weighted fist style. The user flattens their hand out in to the shape of a knife once again, this time tucking in the their thumb. Then striking the opponent this time with their thumb side the hand as well as the cuff. Due to this, this technique is recognized as the reverse knife hand.

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Omori kobushi kata supea hando(Weighted Fist Style) Spear Hand
Type: Taijutsu
Range: Short
Chakra: none
Damage: 10
Description: The third technique of the weighted fist style. Just like the first two techniques the user flattens his hand out to the shape of a knife. But this time strikes the opponent with the finger tips in a stabbing/spearing motion. Due to the weight of the cuffs along with the power of the user's thrust. This technique requires major balance as well as the others.

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Omori kobushi kata hanma hando(Weighted Fist Style) Hammer Hand
Type: Taijutsu
Range: Short
Chakra: none
Damage: 10
Description: The fourth technique of the weighted fist style. The user clenches his fist the slightly loosens his middle finger.
Once the fists are properly formed the user strikes the oppoent in a jabbing type motion.

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Omori kobushi kata raundo hausu kikku Round house Kick
Type: Taijutsu
Range: Short
Chakra: none
Damage: 10
Description: The fifth technique of the weighted fist style. The user runs up to the opponent at full speed spins then kicks the opponent in the chin with the weights attached.

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Omori kobushi kata teikudaun Takedown
Type: Taijutsu
Range: Short-low mid
Chakra: 5
Damage: Damage Points: N/A (+5 due to fall)
Description: The sixth technique of the weighted fist style. The user charges at the opponent then takles him. Placing the weights on his neck areathen focusing chakra to his wrists to apply more pressure.

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Omori kobushi kata gurando pondo Ground Pound
Type: Taijutsu
Range: short
Chakra: 5
Damage: 15
Description: The seventh technique of the weighted fist style. after using the takedwon technique the user continues to focus his chakra towards his hands. Using his hands he continual smashes his fists into the opponents face and or chest are until he fills it is done. After pounding his hands into his opponents face multiple times he focuses chakra towards the cuffs and his feet and stomps his opponent out.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
Note: Requires basic knowledge of the fighting stlye and taijutsu in general
Note: In order to make the cuffs you need earth, fire, and water up to c rank
Note: Must be S class or higher
Note: Once you make your cuffs you can't take them off.
Note: The only way you won't have them on is unless they are destroyed.
Note: If your cuffs are destroyed you must make new cuffs then be retrained
Note: Can only be taught by The 4th Raikage
This really isn't a CFS. Rather, it's normal taijutsu with rocks around your fist. Everything here can be done with normal taijutsu, and putting rocks around your fist to augment your attacks can be accomplished with one simple custom jutsu.
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Oct 26, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Buraindo Shuhou: The Blind arts
Type: Taijutsu
Background Since the beginning of their rivalary so to say, the Uchiha clan were feared for the visual abilities by everyone. When the Uchiha and the Senju decided to make a treaty and create a village together some senju members feared that the uchiha would use their visual abilites aka their skilled abilities in genjutsu with their sharingan to control the senju and make them do their bidding. Hashirama also feared this, so he ordered his brother Tobirama to take several senju ninja and develop a fighting style that can be use to combat the uchiha clans sharingan abilities. This is how the Buraindo Shuhou started and has been passed down from shinobi to shinobi that live in konoha.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: In order to master Buraindo Shuhou one must stand still in the forest for 20 days and 20 nights, then take a break and keep it going for more nights. With their eyes closed meditating and doing yoga, and by the use of chakra the need to amplify their abilties in each of their 5 senses other then their sight.The reason to do Yoga is to increase their durablity and flexibility, this is done with extreme forms of yoga that only a skilled ninja can do, making them able to twist and turn their body immediately when they sense danger approaching. After they have stayed and meditated the senju shinobi went against tobirama in a taijutsu spar while they had their eyes closed. This kept continuing until the senju shinobi all could handle the future hokage in taijutsu with their eyes closed. The techniques of Buraindo Shuhou were then taught to Hashirama by Tobirama and it help them combat the Uchiha in any future altercations.

The abilites of a shinobi who has mastered the Buraindo shuhou are simple. A shinobi who has mastered Buraindo Shuhou has his all their senses strengthened except his sight. Meaning their sense of smell is as strong but not stronger then that of the Inuzuka Clan, the sense of feeling and touch is strengthed, so is their sense of taste, and their sense of hearing is so strong, they can hear almost anything in a fight.

Also Masters of Buraindo Shuhou have extreme flexibility and durability thanks to the extreme workouts in Yoga. Making them more resistent to regular kicks and punchs, and for example taijutsu kick to the arm, it would normally leave a person with a broken arm but a shinobi who has mastered Buraindo Shuhou it wouldn't break their arm, but they'd still feel the pain of the direct attack. Their Flexibilty is shown of how they can twist and turn their body as they see fit, but nothing too extreme. This helps with scouting and dodging taijutsu by for example bending your whole back till the top of your head is hovering over the ground.

The real trick of these arts is that when they don't face an Uchiha their senses are still heightned plus they have their sight which makes them a tougher opponent.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

This fighting style would essentially renders all visual genjutsu useless.

This fighting style once mastered can be used with eyes open and closed

This fighting style's durability only works with taijutsu attacks, or hand to hand combat attacks. Does Not work that way with Ninjutsu and other attacks.

Must of have a bio that has been to konoha at some point in the characters history.

Can only be taught by Better

±± Declined ±± although it does have potential, you went to far with it. a smell like the inuzuka just because of this style? Ridiculous. I wouldn't mind a type of movement and combat envolving not using your eyes and relying on hearing and such but never to this extent. If i approved this, what would be the point of making an Inuzuka bio?
Resubmitting with adjustments
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Buraindo Shuhou: The Blind arts
Type: Taijutsu
Background Since the beginning of their rivalary so to say, the Uchiha clan were feared for the visual abilities by everyone. When the Uchiha and the Senju decided to make a treaty and create a village together some senju members feared that the uchiha would use their visual abilites aka their skilled abilities in genjutsu with their sharingan to control the senju and make them do their bidding. Hashirama also feared this, so he ordered his brother Tobirama to take several senju ninja and develop a fighting style that can be use to combat the uchiha clans sharingan abilities. This is how the Buraindo Shuhou started and has been passed down from shinobi to shinobi that live in konoha.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: In order to master Buraindo Shuhou one must stand still in the forest for 20 days and 20 nights, then take a break and keep it going for more nights. With their eyes closed meditating and doing yoga, and by the use of chakra the need to amplify their abilties in each of their 5 senses other then their sight.The reason to do Yoga is to increase their durablity and flexibility, this is done with extreme forms of yoga that only a skilled ninja can do, making them able to twist and turn their body immediately when they sense danger approaching. After they have stayed and meditated the senju shinobi went against tobirama in a taijutsu spar while they had their eyes closed. This kept continuing until the senju shinobi all could handle the future hokage in taijutsu with their eyes closed. Then he added dodging and recognize different elements. They focused their hearing and smell of the crispiness of fire, the sound of gushing water, the sound of cracking lightning and the feeling and hearing of earth techniques. The practiced until it was perfect. The techniques of Buraindo Shuhou were then taught to Hashirama by Tobirama and it help them combat the Uchiha in any future altercations. These techniques were also one of the basic teaching that one clan decided to take a step further and perfect, that is the Inuzuka Clan.

The abilites of a shinobi who has mastered the Buraindo shuhou are simple. A shinobi who has mastered Buraindo Shuhou has his all their senses strengthened except his sight. Meaning, His sense of smell, touch, taste, hearing are much stronger then the average shinobi. Although, they aren't as develop as the Inuzuka Clan.

Also Masters of Buraindo Shuhou have extreme flexibility and durability thanks to the extreme workouts in Yoga. Making them more resistent to regular kicks and punchs, and for example taijutsu kick to the arm, it would normally leave a person with a broken arm but a shinobi who has mastered Buraindo Shuhou it wouldn't break their arm, but they'd still feel the pain of the direct attack. Their Flexibilty is shown of how they can twist and turn their body as they see fit, but nothing too extreme. This helps with scouting and dodging taijutsu by for example bending your whole back till the top of your head is hovering over the ground. Masters of Buraindo Shuhou are so adapt to fighting this way that, it seems they always walk around with their eyes closed.

The real trick of these arts is that when they don't face an Uchiha their senses are still heightned plus they have their sight which makes them a tougher opponent. Also, when put under a regular genjutsu, shinobi who have mastered these techniques find that its much easier to realize they have been put under a genjutsu. This is because of the training and becoming more aware of their inner self. This DOES NOT mean they are immune to genjutsu or that genjutsus don't work. It means they can realize that they are in a genjutsu much quicker then an average shinobi

Additional effects and Restrictions:

This fighting style would essentially renders all visual genjutsu useless.

This fighting style once mastered can be used with eyes open and closed

This fighting style's durability only works with taijutsu/Kenjutsu attacks, or hand to hand combat attacks. Does Not work that way with Ninjutsu and other attacks.

Because of the meditating and grueling training of these techniques, Masters of this become more aware of their body and their inner self. So when it comes to regular genjutsus that are cast on them, Masters of these arts can figure out they are in a genjutsu much more quickly then the average shinobi.

Must of have a bio that has been to konoha at some point in the characters history.

Can only be taught by Better
Everything else is ok but this won't be approved if it's just a set of passive abilities. You need to give example techniques to prove that this is more than just a bunch of passive abilities that assist you when your eyes are closed.
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Shade Dracova

Active member
Mar 27, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

I am reformatting my approved cfs posted
|Dracova no shinigami āto|Reaper Art Of Dracova

Type: Other (Scythe Arts/Taijutsu/Kenjutsu Mixed)
Background: The Reaper Art Of Dracova is based off the belief that one should always finish a opponent with his/her own hands. The art was created by a great blacksmith and scientist known as Dracova. Dracova lacked discipline as a child to the point where not one swordsman dojo would accept his ignorance. Dracova thus had never learned to wield a sword. Years past, Dracova was still searching for a school that would accept him. This was a long journey. Dracova had seen and taken samples of different types of metals while on his journey in hope of that someday he would be accepted to a swordsman dojo and create his very own sword. Dracova's one dream was to become a mighty warrior in the ninja world. Dracova knew that he would not live forever thus he wanted to be remembered forever. As years past and Dracova was 18 he had still not found a dojo that would accept him. One day, Dracova came across a dojo hidden in the mountains. This dojo was named Reaper Academy.

Reaper Academy was a dojo which concentrated purely on the use of the scythe. With nothing left to lose Dracova decided to give the scythe a chance. 1 year had past and Dracova had finally but quickly learned everything that dojo could teach him. Dracova loved how wild the scythe was and the empowerment it had given him. Dracova at that point was close to having a piece of every kind of metal in the world in his possession. Dracova had left his dojo to travel to an oasis in which he would continue his training there. During his jounrey Dracova met a white haired blacksmith who told him "When you have enemies that you must defeat, you must take them down with your own hands. That is the pride of a scythe wielder".

Once at the oasis Dracova had found that he was physically strong enough to wield his scythe with only one arm. This brought back the memory of the old ma's words. This led Dracova to create multiple techniques using his scythe one handed. Most of these technique's finishing blows were with Dracova's opposite hand because of his pride. Dracova continued to train becoming stronger and stronger. As Dracova trained his chakra reserved became larger and larger due to the mist given off by the sacred oasis he trained in. Soon, Dracova had mastered his one handed scythe art. Dracova named it The Reaper Art of Dracova. There was one problem, no scythe could withstand the force used with the art. This led to Dracova mixing many rare metal materials from all around the world to create a almost flawless scythe. Dracova named the scythe "The Forgotten Reaper" as the scythe was fit for the Devil himself. This scythe would help Dracova go toe to toe with some of histories strongest ninja. Before Dracova had died he had dedicated his life to creating more and more almost flawless scythes until the day he died and past it down to his son. His son would be known as the Grim Reaper.

Levels of Mastery:

Grim Reaper (Creator)= Use/Learned all techniques.
Master= Use Learned S-Rank and below techniques.
Warrior= Use/Learned A-Rank and below techniques.
Novice=Use/Learned B-Rank and below techniues.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: When using this art the body is very loose giving the user the ability to dodge incoming attack when trying to get close to the opponent. The user can add chakra to the scythe to increase it's size and shape in multiple ways. Depending on the level of mastery the user is allowed to store massive amounts of chakra into their hands without repercussion as long as they are at a certain level of mastery. While using this art chakra is constantly pulsing through your scythe, arms and hands. This is to keep the blood rushing to that particular area so that the user can wield his scythe one handed for a long period of time. While using this state the blood is flowing so rapidly throughout the user’s body they are in a state similar to an adrenaline rush meaning they can surpass there limit and ignore pain for a limited time. The user is causing great strain on his body by practicing this art. If not used carefully it could potentially kill the user.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-You must have mastered basic taijutsu.
-You must wield a custom scythe approved by the current “Grim Reaper”
-You have the ability to release and manipulate chakra through your hand and scythe
-You are very tolerant to pain such as non-lethal stabs and blows to the body.
-You are granted enhanced strength and reflexes though it is far from Tsunade's strength and Minato's reflexes.
-When engaging a opponent at short range the user can dodge almost any attack.
-You must be S-Class to begin training.
-You must have mastered basic kenjutsu.
-Can only be taught by Grim Reaper or a Master with the Grim Reaper's approval.

Example Techniques:

Dracova no shinigami āto: Shinigami no gurippu|Reaper Art Of Dracova: Reaper's Grip
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Description: The user will engage the opponent by quickly pouncing at him/her. While he/she is moving quickly they will use their scythe to knock dust/mud/rubble/water into the opponents face temporarily blinding them. Without hesitation the user grabs the opponent by the neck and releases a large concentrated mass of chakra into the opponents body. By doing this the user's chakra will interfere with the opponents chakra flow making it harder for the opponent to perform jutsu quickly. The user then jumps back before the opponent can retaliate.
-Must be taught by a Grim Reaper or Master
-The effect last for 3 turns.
-The speed of jutsu performance is greatly decreased.

Note: It is somewhat similar to the way Franken Stein used his scythe in his fight against Medusa. Though they are not the same.
The style is fine, but at least one of the additional effects need to be removed. Pain tolerance, enhanced strength, or enhanced reflexes. Your choice of the two that you want to keep. Also, completely remove the "can dodge almost any attack" part. Also note that the enhanced reflexes and strength will only be slightly above a taijutsu specialist's.
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Active member
Sep 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Fight or Flight

Fight or flight fighting style

Type: NinJutsu
Background: Long ago before konoha was formed and when the ninja world was still in its early days there lived a young shinobi scientist called potter, he was a timid man and unlike his friends was a coward and always flee from the face of danger. One day when he went to his local farm to study the earth soil and collect some particles to examine he saw a huge ferocious animal come out from the woods to attack him, as he did in an instance he noticed a huge burst of energy which went across his body which gave him added strength and courage to escape the beast, when he got home being a scientist he took note of this and placed it in his journal and after further years of work and research he came to the conclusion that this happens in everyone as a method to cope in stressful situations ,he said to himself if only I could have this courage and strength every time I would be the strongest among my pairs, so he kept on researching and after more than a decade of work and research he created a way utilizing his chakra in wish he would be able to forcefully make his body act that way to give him the added strength, he was successful though died of this 3 years later, but before he did he kept written journals for his family and friends on how this was accomplished and warned them of the risk too which he failed to take into mind.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

The fight or flight fighting style is a unique one and one that revolves around the basis and core of ninjutsu, the users of this fighting style have more control over their body activates than normal shinobi and are such are able to force or make their bodies do certain things which they normally cant . The user of this fighting styles irrespective of in danger or not is able to force his body to release adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol when this does the user gains additional strength, increased reflexes ,it increases the user life force and gives him an increased power to live and fight in times of danger or stress.

Example of Techniques:

(Mugen jutsu: chuuki no ear ginou) ‡ Fight or flight:Activation Mode
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost:40
The user channels their chakra across thier body and forcefully pushes the body brain to release adrenaline,cortizol and noradrenaline which when releases is activated in a single burst of energy across their user and give them a faster reaction speed, a stronger srtregnth and the shear will power to go on despite the user current situation.

Note:Last for three turns
Upon activation it is capable of releasing the opponent from genjutsu
Additional effects and Restrictions:
The user must have mastered Ninjutsu
The user must be sanin rank to use.
The fighting mode last for3 turns in the battle field
Only 2 jutsu can be used in the next 2 turns against the opponent due to weakness and fatigue

Do not resubmit. First, this isn't a CFS, it's merely enhanced taijutsu to increase your reactions, speed, strength, etc. Second, the aforementioned things are basically what the EIG do. Third, adrenaline release was submitted as a CE with basically this same concept. Even though it wasn't approved, this would still be labeled as a rip.
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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

(Buki Maisuta - Houto no Sou) - Weapon Meister - Way of the Priests

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Nin/Advanced Henge/Weapon-play

In far kingdom of shibusen, there exist a society of assasins that group themselves in twos, one aquiring a power to transform into weapon while the other wields it. Apparently, the wielder can also transform to his own weapon having lost his partner. Mist01 happens to enrol in this being a shinobi competent with freeform swordplay, but insearch of fun learns the weapon meister way.

In soul eater, weapon meister as a person, can transform into real weapons be it bladed or blunt. They transform part of their body or full transformation. However in naruto world, only enma(hiruzen's summon) is seen using an advanced transformation as such. This concepts prompted me in making this fighting style.

Skill levels of the style:

-+Creator (created the style)

-+Adept (Can transform into bladed and blunt weapons upto forbidden)

-+Master (Can transform into bladed and blunt weapons upto S-rank)

-+User (someone who knows basic techniques and can only tranform to bladed weapons)

-+Apprentice (is learning basic techniques)

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Unlike the normal henge where the user takes the image of what they are transforming to but not the properties, Weapon Meister style allows you to transform, be it partial or full(with a clone) into two types of weapon, bladed and blunt taking the exact hardness, sharpness and constituents of the weapon. The weapon being tranformed to is purely steel and can be broken by metals with harder/greater density which apparently harms the user.

Due to high level of chakra control, the time between transformation is only a split second. Any part of the body can be changed into weapon and the user can also change his whole body completely to weapon but his movement is restricted unless he uses a clone to change while he wields it. Due to electrical conductivity of steel, the user is prone to lightning techniques when transformed.


Gai no Gorotsuki - Scythe of the rogue
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Using weapon meister style, the user tranforms one of his arm to a scythe blade resembling a shark fin and performs several slashes on the target.
-usable only 3 times
-must be a weapon meister
-Last for 3 turns

Doragon tsume - Dragon's claw
Type: Attack/Sup
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user transforms both his hands into sharp steel claws and grabs his opponent with the left claw while slashing down the opponent's body with the right claw
-Must be a weapon meister
-Claws last for 3 turns or returns to normal at the user's will

Yuuretsu no Shibusen - Valor of Shibusen
Rank: S
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A (+60 for deep cut, +80 for decapitation)
Description: The user grabs his clone by the hand while transforming it to a long detachable scythe. The scythe has a will on its own which is also the user's will since it is made from the users clone. So at the user's will, the scythe blade can detach from its head which is connected with a long chain and travels up to mid range at a very fast speed. However the weapon poof away when it takes damage.
-+Must be a weapon meister
-+Last for 3 turns
-+Useable 3 times per battle

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-A person who knows this fighting style has faster reflexes, more fluid movement and is faster and more skilled in weapon-play than a normal ninja.

-Must be at least a Sannin to learn.

-It can be combined with elemental ninjutsus like normal weapons except lightning element.

-Weapon Meister Style can only be taught by the creator(me)
And how exactly is this possible without knowing steel release? If you knew steel release then it may have potential, but you can't just say that you take on all of the properties and qualities of steel and somehow pretend that steel release was never shown in the manga.
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Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Cards Manipulation || Karuto Soujū
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Background:Once Zanshin was traveling through a jungle and suddenly he noticed and heard a sound of humans screaming in addition to sounds of sharp weapons clashing,Zanshin trance and stand on his place for a while then he decided to go their to see if someone needs his help.Zanshin rushed towards the location where the sound came from he ran at great speed till he noticed human bodies,he standing in a distance and watched carefully he noticed a couple of youth boys attacking a girl which seems youth too.He saw the boys attacking the girl with kuanis and shurikens and swords and he saw the girl holding very unusual and weird kind of weapons it even didn't seem as weapon.He saw the girl defending against herself with the unusual weapons which looks like some pieces of papers however they had had the ability to cut like the kunais/shurikens as they were made of metal and it was very fast.He saw the girl throwing paper by paper till she throw all the weapons that the boys had had ,and at sudden time she took a paper from her bag it seemed like the others however it had had very effective and powerful attack Zanshin saw her throwing that card on the ground and suddenly a huge torrent of flame coming out of the card burning all of the boys.Zanshin became afraid and he was thinking about running away till the unknown girl noticed his movements and called him.Zanshin came to her and he was a little afraid but she talked to him normally and she seemed very funny girl and after long conversation between Ahmed and the girl he knew that her name is Akiza and she was a master of genjutsu and sharingan he also knew that that pieces of papers are called "Cards" and it's unusual and effective weapon.Akiza was the only one knowing the Cards Manipulation style however after a spar with Zanshin she knew that he worthy to hold and learn that style.After months of training Zanshin mastered Cards Manipulation style and he knew all the attacks and all the secrets of that style and before he leaves Akiza to go home she gave him a special deck of cards and she said "This was my father's and i want you to have it to remember me."after that Zanshin took the cards and continue his way to his home.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Magic Cards style is based on the hand's movements and the special cards and there are several abilities of that style :

Kenjutsu :

The user is able to use the cards as sharp weapons that is just like kunais and shurikens.

Ninjutsu :

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By infusing the user's elemental ninjutsu the user is able to turn the user's cards to one of the five based elements :

Fire : By infusing the user's fire chakra with the cards the user is able to turn the cards into very sharp and fast torrents of fire that is able to burn the opponent upon touching his skin.

Water : By infusing the user's water's chakra with the cardsthe user is abe to turn the cards into very fast torrents of water that is capable to soak the opponent and inflect damage to him

Wind :
By infusing the user's wind's chakra with the cards the user is able to turn the cards into very fast and slicing weapons that is able to cut to cut the opponent's skin and make very deep injured.

Lightning : By infusing the user's lightning chakra with the cards the use is able to turn the cards from normal cards to cards that is surrounds by electricity that is able to shock the opponent upon touching him.

Earth : By Infusing the user's earth chakra with the cards the user is able to turn the cards from normal paper to very hard and sharp pieces of earth.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

Ranks :

  • The Wizard || Mahoutsukai
    The Wizard is the person who masters all the effects and secrets of the way of cards style and he is able to use all techniques without any restrictions

  • The Joker || Odokemono
    The Joker is the person who is able to use all the effects of the way of cards style however he doesn't know the secrets of the way of cards style and he is second in command.

  • The Hunter || Karyuudo
    The Hunter is the person who have spent some time learning way of cards style and he can only infuse 2 type of chakra with his cards.
  • The Junior || Mmeshita
    The Junior is the beginner who have just began learning the effects and how to use and control thecards and he can only use Cards as a Custom weapon.

Example Techniques :

[Majikku Kādo : Tetsu karuto] - Way of Cards : Iron Cards
Type: Attack
Rank : A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After pulling two cards one on the user's right hand and one on the user's left hand , the user infuses his earth chakra with both of the cards through his hands giving it a really hard appearance and strong power just like steel and Iron.Afterwards the user sends the cards in and angle so that one of the cards attacks the user from the right side and one attacks the user from the left side crashing the user in between them.
- Can only be used three times per battle.
- Must learn The Way of Cards.

[Majikku Kādo : Bakuhatsuteki karuto] - The Way of Cards : Explosive Cards
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user pulls a lot of his cards some on his right hand and one on his left hand ,afterwards the user channels his fire chakra to the cards through his hands,just as the user puts his chakra on the cards he throws the cards all at sudden on a direction that causes the cards to fall on the opponent from above just like rain , and upon getting close to the opponent and as the cards reaches Short range from the opponent all the cards explode at the same time causing a great explosion that burns the opponent.
- Can only be used three times per battle.
- Must learn The Way of Cards.

- Must master :

  • [*]Kenjutsu.
    [*]All the five basic elements.
Removed Co-creator.
So first off, the background history needs to be proofread and edited, because a lot of it is rather messy to read through. Now, as for the CFS itself. The main problem is that there needs to be something that makes the cards special. What you're submitting here pretty much serves the same purpose as shuriken. You're just augmenting really sharp cards with different types of chakra before you throw them, and the same thing can be done with shuriken. I don't know what you want it to be, but something needs to be added to explicitly show that these cards are any more unique than normal shuriken, because currently they're not. Also, the type says that it's a mixture of ninjutsu, kenjutsu, and genjutsu, yet you didn't mention genjutsu anywhere throughout the style. So that needs to be fixed as well.
Cards Play || Karuto Soujū
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Background:Once Zanshin was traveling through a jungle and suddenly he noticed and heard a sound of humans screaming in addition to sounds of sharp weapons clashing,Zanshin trance and stand on his place for a while then he decided to go their to see if someone needs his help.Zanshin rushed towards the location where the sound came from he ran at great speed till he noticed human bodies,he standing in a distance and watched carefully he noticed a couple of youth boys attacking a girl which seems youth too.He saw the boys attacking the girl with kuanis and shurikens and swords and he saw the girl holding very unusual and weird kind of weapons it even didn't seem as weapon.He saw the girl defending against herself with the unusual weapons which looks like some pieces of papers however they had had the ability to cut like the kunais/shurikens as they were made of metal and it was very fast.He saw the girl throwing paper by paper till she throw all the weapons that the boys had had ,and at sudden time she took a paper from her bag it seemed like the others however it had had very effective and powerful attack Zanshin saw her throwing that card on the ground and suddenly a huge torrent of flame coming out of the card burning all of the boys.Zanshin became afraid and he was thinking about running away till the unknown girl noticed his movements and called him.Zanshin came to her and he was a little afraid but she talked to him normally and she seemed very funny girl and after long conversation between Ahmed and the girl he knew that her name is Akiza and she was a master of genjutsu and sharingan he also knew that that pieces of papers are called "Cards" and it's unusual and effective weapon.Akiza was the only one knowing the Cards Manipulation style however after a spar with Zanshin she knew that he worthy to hold and learn that style.After months of training Zanshin mastered Cards Manipulation style and he knew all the attacks and all the secrets of that style and before he leaves Akiza to go home she gave him a special deck of cards and she said "This was my father's and i want you to have it to remember me."after that Zanshin took the cards and continue his way to his home.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Magic Cards style is based on the hand's movements and the special cards and there are several abilities of that style :

Kenjutsu :

The user is able to use the cards as sharp weapons that is just like kunais and shurikens.

Ninjutsu :

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By infusing the user's elemental ninjutsu the user is able to turn the user's cards to one of the five based elements :

Fire : By infusing the user's fire chakra with the cards the user is able to turn the cards into very sharp and fast torrents of fire that is able to burn the opponent upon touching his skin.

Water : By infusing the user's water's chakra with the cardsthe user is abe to turn the cards into very fast torrents of water that is capable to soak the opponent and inflect damage to him

Wind :
By infusing the user's wind's chakra with the cards the user is able to turn the cards into very fast and slicing weapons that is able to cut to cut the opponent's skin and make very deep injured.

Lightning : By infusing the user's lightning chakra with the cards the use is able to turn the cards from normal cards to cards that is surrounds by electricity that is able to shock the opponent upon touching him.

Earth : By Infusing the user's earth chakra with the cards the user is able to turn the cards from normal paper to very hard and sharp pieces of earth.

Once it is infused with chakra,addition effects applies to the cards which depends on the chakra that is within it and it is as the following:

Earth : When it is infused with earth chakra,it does turn into a hard sharp card,however in addition of that the user manipulates the rest of the chakra,causing a small spikes to emerge out of it in different spots of it.

Fire : When infused with fire chakra,it has a skin of fire around it,in addition of that it has several small fireballs that flies around it while the card is rushing towards the opponent.

Wind : When infused with wind chakra,it gets a very sharp skin,and in addition of that it has several blades of wind which flies around the card from all sides while the card on it's way to the opponent.

Lightning : When infused with lightning chakra,it has electricity on it's skin and in addition to that it has several lightning bolts which surrounds the card from all directions while it is on it's way towards the victim.

Water : The user manipulates the rest of the chakra which is inside the card,creating several whips out of the card from different sides and directions on it,which reaches up to 2 meters from the card,capable of attacking the opponent once it reaches close enough to him or wrapping him,binding the opponent inside his place.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

Ranks :

  • The Wizard || Mahoutsukai
    The Wizard is the person who masters all the effects and secrets of the way of cards style and he is able to use all techniques without any restrictions

  • The Joker || Odokemono
    The Joker is the person who is able to use all the effects of the way of cards style however he doesn't know the secrets of the way of cards style and he is second in command.

  • The Hunter || Karyuudo
    The Hunter is the person who have spent some time learning way of cards style and he can only infuse 2 type of chakra with his cards.
  • The Junior || Mmeshita
    The Junior is the beginner who have just began learning the effects and how to use and control thecards and he can only use Cards as a Custom weapon.

Example Techniques :

[Majikku Kādo : Tetsu karuto] - Way of Cards : Iron Cards
Type: Attack
Rank : A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After pulling two cards one on the user's right hand and one on the user's left hand , the user infuses his earth chakra with both of the cards through his hands giving it a really hard appearance and strong power just like steel and Iron.Afterwards the user sends the cards in and angle so that one of the cards attacks the user from the right side and one attacks the user from the left side crashing the user in between them.
- Can only be used three times per battle.
- Must learn The Way of Cards.

[Majikku Kādo : Bakuhatsuteki karuto] - The Way of Cards : Explosive Cards
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user pulls a lot of his cards some on his right hand and one on his left hand ,afterwards the user channels his fire chakra to the cards through his hands,just as the user puts his chakra on the cards he throws the cards all at sudden on a direction that causes the cards to fall on the opponent from above just like rain , and upon getting close to the opponent and as the cards reaches Short range from the opponent all the cards explode at the same time causing a great explosion that burns the opponent.
- Can only be used three times per battle.
- Must learn The Way of Cards.

- Must master :

  • [*]Kenjutsu.
    [*]All the five basic elements.
You need to wait 15 days from the date your CFS was checked to resubmit
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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Karada omori gigei Body Weight Arts
Background: This taijutsu style was made by teno on his journey to become the earth prodigy. He studied the element of earth day In and day out. Once specific Jutsu that stood out was the Added/Light weight earth Styles. Studying those jutsus, he preform those jutsus on himself day in and day out. He then found a way to Add and Release weight to each of his body part increasing his speed, and strength in certain places thus creating: Body Weight Arts
Description of the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style.
This style involves the user spreading their earth chakra all throughout their body. If the user want to increase their weight, the earth chakra inside their body will increase the weight of the body part they want increased. Increasing the Strength.Can even be used to strengthen the stomach to take a blow. Or if the user wishes to decrease their weight, the earth chakra will decrease the weight of watever the user wishes to Decrease. In most cases it increase the speed... The weight can go back to normal, Increase, and Decrease at will. This arts is commonly used for taijutsu fights.

(Katai houmen)Leg Weight Release
Rank: D
Chakra Cost:10
Damage Points:N/a
Description: The User will decrease the weight of their legs. Making him/her slight faster..giving them a +1 Speed Bonus. (Example. Increasing my speed from 9 to 10)

(sobou mune)Hard Body
Rank: D
Chakra Cost:10
Damage Points:N/a
Description: The user will increase the weight in their chest/stomach area. Making it stronger. Not being Phased by D rank Taijutsu

Aditional effects and Restrictions
-Must have mastered Earth
-Cant use lightning in the same turn as this fighting style.
-Must have started Training in Tajutsu
-Only Taught by General Teno

(This is a very simple CFS. but i just wanna get the basics down and then i will develop it more)

±± Declined ±±
While the core idea has endless potential (I thought of it myself not long ago), your explanation of it leaves much to be desired. Increasing the weight behing a blow would serve to make the hit that much powerful yes. However, increasing or decreasing the weight doesn't make your body more resistant upon impacts. Example: You punch me from above and increase the weight of your fist to 100kgs. As you hit lets say the ground, your fist will shatter on its own weight. You fail to account for that. Also, from the CJs its clear you want this for speed alone which will never happen.

(Karada Omori Gigei)- Body Weight Arts

Type: Nintaijutsu

Background: This taijutsu style was made by Teno on his journey to become the earth prodigy. He studied the element of earth day In and day out. One specific techniques that stood out was the Added/Light Weight earth styles. Studying them, he performed the techniques on himself day in and day out. He then found a way to add or reduce weight to each of his body part increasing his speed, defense and strength in certain places, thus creating: Body Weight Arts.

Description of the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: This style involves the user spreading their earth chakra to specific areas throughout the body. If the user wants to increase their weight, the user will simply focus their chakra into the area desired. This can be used to increase the force and damage behind attacks. Even with increasing the weight of an attack, it doesn’t necessarily mean the user is susceptible for damage. For example, we have seen Choji unleash massive punches into Jirobo, without suffering side effects or recoil. Tsunade and Sakura also have been shown to punch through concrete, rocks, and leave large craters in the ground upon impact, without damage to themselves or recoil. The user is also capable of increasing/decreasing the weight of objects beside themselves. (Similar to the canon jutsu)

If the user wishes to decrease their weight, the user will use the chakra in order to lighten the tissues, bones and skin in that part.This can be used to increase the user’s body movement and decrease the amount of time it takes to respond to a threat. The weight can go back to normal, increase, or decrease at will.

Additionally, the effects of a technique can be transferred into the opponent’s body by maintaining a brief moment of physical contact. For example, if the user increases the weight of his arm and punches the opponent, the weight is transferred into the opponent’s body Making them heavier so their reaction time is slow or possibly petrify them due to the extreme weight that was transferred into them. Or they can reverse the affect. Example. The user Adds weight to his arm and makes physical contact with the opponent making them lighter by inserting their chakra into the opponents body and transferring their chakra into them.. Increasing the blow of the punch

Usage Examples:

Added Weight: Reverse Punch
Chakra Cost:30
Damage Points:40
Description: The User Will Insert Earth chakra to his dominant hands increasing the strength. The user will then land a punch anywhere on the opponent. If the punch is successful the user will transfer his chakra into the opponent (kinda like Light weight release) thus making the opponent fly back due to the hard punch and their light body

Light Weight: Quick Reflexes
Chakra Cost:15
Damage Points:N/a
Description: The user can only use this jutsu when needing to avoid a jutsu real fast. The user will Decrease a body part of their choosing. To dodge an incoming attack. Example: A chidori is coming from in front of the user, and due to very little reaction time. the user will decrease their upper body and lower down avoiding the chidori.

Aditional effects and Restrictions
-Must have mastered earth release
-Must have started training in Taijutsu
-To Transfer Chakra into the opponent. The user must keep physical contact with the opponent for at-least 2seconds
-Only Taught by General Teno
Resubmit when your ban has ended.
Resubmit when your custom system ban ends.
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Icy Fist[Tsumetai Genkotsu]
Type: Taijutsu/Ice Release
Background: Long ago a lone member of the Yuki clan was very obsessed with taijutsu, but his parents wanted him to study ice release and forbade him from learning taijutsu. Several years later in an inner village tourney the member dominated the finals of the tourney through the usage of taijutsu and ice technqiues combined together into one, he was then acknowledged by his parents.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The idea of the fighting style is quite basic yet very effective. It is simply based on incorprating ice release into taijutsu. For example a simple jab with the hand will have a spiked ice spike on it to increase lethality the usages of this art are only limited to the imagination of the user and their knowledge of taijutsu.

Icy Fist StyleSpiked Limbs[kasui shishi]
Type: Offensive
Rank: A rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will encase both of his arms with ice chakra, he will then manipulate the chakra into the form of spikes that look like shark fins the "fins" are slightly inclined so if a object is caught in one it will be as if it is caught in a hook. The "fins" also have smaller spikes in them the spikes are slightly visible but they are very sharp.
-Usable Three times per battle
-Lasts until they are destroyed.
-Must be member of the Yuki clan.
-Must have learned Icy Fist style.

Icy Fist Style: Blunt Force[rokotsu chikara]
Type: Attack
Rank: B rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user while delivering a attack(punch/Kick/Knee/other) will encase the limb in which he is attacking with ice chakra the ice forms a dome on the limb the dome will be of size as the user wants but not bigger than the limb the dome will cause more damage to the opponent and protect the limb from pain for example punching a wall the dome will take most of the damage of the attack although if the user does not pull back he will cause damage to himslef.
-Must be member of Yuki Clan.
-Usable three times per battle.
-Technique lasts until destroyed.
-Must have learned Icy Fist Style.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Must be member of Yuki Clan
-Must be Kage rank and above.
-Must have training in taijutsu.

You're going to have to describe this a bit more. As it is now, it's just coating different parts of your body with ice and then attacking with them, which doesn't qualify as a CFS.
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Active member
Apr 17, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Burīzudansu (Breeze Dance)
Type: Nintaijutsu
Background: Long ago, a Wind Style master found himself almost always caught in close-combat situations where he fell prey to his opponents superior taijutsu skills. After practicing to hone his skills, the fuuton master taught himself to utilize fuuton chakra to create hurricanes from his fist and feet to fight against taijutsu experts, but still he was too slow for them. In one particular battle, while the fuuton master was moulding chakra to attack, he was struck into the air, where he hung. Suspended in the air, the taijutsu expert was forced to jump into the air to try and strike, where the fuuton master had time to react and strike back. After that incident, the master of Wind Style tried on his own to replicate what had happened, and found that by exerting fuuton chakra from his entire body at all times, he was able to remain airborn, and could move in the air just as well as on land. Using this to his advantage, when he went back into battle with taijutsu masters, the creator of Breeze Dance ascended into the air, where he remained to strike his opponent from the sky with fuuton-enhanced strikes.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The user focuses fuuton chakra throughout their body as they fight, and when the jump into the air to strike they slowly emit fuuton chakra from their whole body, the pressure of wind pushing towards the ground large enough that the user remains airborn and the pressure pushing out everywhere else just small enough to stabalize the user within mid-air. From mid-air, the user can spin in 360 degree circles in every direction, using their momentum to carry their arms and legs and help increase the force of impact. The video in spoilers below has some good examples of the style in action.
">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always">

@0:16-0:19, 0:21-0:24, 1:32-1:46, etc. At various parts throughout the video
Example Techniques:
Sky Running (Jikkō-Chū no Sora)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20 (+10 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user, taking teachings from Burīzudansu, will jump into the air while exerting fuuton chakra from all points of their body, allowing them to be airborn and stabalized in the air. The user can then walk forwards on their fuuton chakra as if it were solid ground, and icnrease or decrease the amount of chakra they're using to move upwards or downwards, respectivly.

Skyward Pursuit (Sora Ni Mukatte Tsuikyū)
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20 (+10 per turn to keep active)
Damage: 40 (+10 for each additional time it's used in succession to itself, for the strike into the ground)
Description: The user hits the opponent into the air, and then jumps up after them to deliver a series of rapid strikes in mid-air. The user then gets above the target and smashes them back down towards the ground.
Note: ~By using Sky Runner, the user can repeat this jutsu while in mid air, sending the target higher
">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always">

Additional effects and Restrictions: ~The user must have mastered fuuton to use this style, as it requires specific use of fuuton chakra, creating small winds from the users body to remain airborn and to stabalize oneself
~As the style is mainly used with freeform taijutsu, the user must have only started taijutsu training
~While airborn, the user can only use fuuton and taijutsu
There are already techniques that allow users to walk or jump in mid-air, so the entire basis of this CFS would be considered a rip off of those techniques.
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Active member
Dec 2, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Rokushiki | Six Styles
Type: NinTaijutsu
Haris used to be ninja cop in a village, his duty was to arrest other ninjas or other people who break the laws, but soon Haris realized that normal ninjutsu or taijutsu is not enough to take down high skilled ninjas who committing crimes in the city and are big threat to people. Haris started to train himself, he tried to train his body in many manners, not only that he increased his chakra control and practiced many elemental ninjutsus.
As a result of his daily training which lasted 4 years, he finally mastered a new style and named it Rokushiki.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
As a result of hard training, his body become much much stronger and faster than the normal ninja, not to mention that his chakra control was increased allot, he can quickly channeled his chakra to desired body parts and cover them with strong chakra layer.

Haris developed 6 primary skills to use against his enemy:

The Kami-e literally meaning "Paper Drawing" makes the users' body go limp in order to avoid most of the physical attacks.

The Geppo, literally meaning "Moon Step" allows the users to actually jump off the air itself, allowing them to stay in the air for much longer than usual. Mastered Rokushiki can use this technique to cross great distances without ever touching the ground, or set themselves up for swift, aerial attacks. This is done by the help of wind chakra by contantly releasing the wind from feets and can jump for long distance and can shoot the wind burst to change his direction during jump.

The Rankyaku, literally meaning "Storm Leg" is a powerful projectile technique, in which the users start by kicking at very high speeds and strength, sending out a sharp compressed air blade that can slice objects and greatly damage a human body. This is done by manipulating wind chakra

The Shigan, literally meaning "Finger Gun") is a close-quarter combat technique, in which the user pushes their finger into a certain target at a very high speed, leaving a wound similar to a bullet wound. This is done by focusing chakra into the index finger and also covered it with layer of chakra to make it strong enough to make hole in humen body and objects.

The Soru, literally meaning "Shave" allows the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power. It was revealed that the principle of this move was to kick off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye. This is done by simply channeling large amount of chakra in legs and make them strong so user can rush towards another location with very high speed, cant be seen by ordinary eyes.

The Tekkai, literally meaning "Iron Mass" or "Iron Body" hardens the users' muscles to the level of iron, in order to reduce all the damage taken from attacks, This is done by quickly channeling the chakra to desired body parts and make them strong

Secondary Skills

The Rokuogan, literally meaning "Six King Gun" is the secret and ultimate attack of the Rokushiki style. Haris stated that only those who have absolute mastery of the other six skills can have access to secondary skills.
The user places both his/her fists right in front of the target and launches a devastating wind wave, which seems to have enormous power, and causing massive internal injuries.

Haris divided Skill levels of the style according to cop ranks:

Chief (C) > Can use secondary skills
Inspector (Insp) > Can learn/use all 6 primary skills
Sergent (sgt) > Can learn/use only 3 skills

Jutsu examples
Rokushiki Rankyaku: Leopard Leg
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: User creates a large, powerful Rankyaku in the shape of a swirl with the help of wind manipulation, which is launched at the enemy like a razor blade. When it hits the opponent, he/she is damaged and stunned, with an ability to send him/her flying if they get caught in mid-air by it.

Rokushiki Shigan: Gun Finger
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: User concentrate on his chakra and then channel his chakra into his dominant hand's index finger, after channel enough chakra, user release some chakra around his index finger to coat it and make the finger harder then rock, then user pushes his finger into a certain target at a very high speed, leaving a wound similar to a bullet wound.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
>> A person who knows Rokushiki has much stronger and faster body than a normal ninja.
>> Must have mastered all 5 elements and taijutsu.
>> Can only trained by Chiefs.
Do not resubmit. To go down the line. Alucard already has both Shigan and Tekkai. Geppou would be too similar to the sky walk technique that has already been created. Rankyaku is basically just a blast of wind, nothing special. And finally, Soru is basically the same as Body Flicker which is forbidden in our RP.
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Active member
Apr 29, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Giant Tortoise Style (Ogame Ryu)

Type: Kenjutsu/Nin-kenjutsu

Background: The Giant Tortoise Style was created in the Land of Iron by a swordsman who had observed a large shinobi battle. During the battle he made note of the different elements the ninja used and how those elements acted. After returning to the land of iron he began experimenting with both movements in order to recreate the nature of the elements he saw. Over the next decade he developed the Giant Tortoise Style as well as the Ogame Dojo, where it would be taught.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: This style revolved around five main forms, each representing a different element. The different forms have their own strengths and weaknesses and usually a person trained in this school will have certain styles which fit their persona. After several samurai in the Land of Iron learned to unlock their elemental chakra for short periods of time, some of these techniques were combined with their actual elements to increase their strength.

Ikazuchi Kata: The first form is Ikazuchi Kata (Form of the Thunder and Lightning God) in which the user relies on fast and direct movements to attack the opponent.

Form of Thunder and Lightning God | Purple Lightning Flash
(Ikazuchi Kata: Shidensen)
Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The form of thunder and lightning God is a style of the Ogame school which focuses on raw speed to attack the target. In this technique the swordsman will stand sideways and crouch down with their right shoulder tilted down. They will hold their sword with both hands vertically in front of the back shoulder and behind the head. They will then release their strength and throw their body towards the ground, appearing to fall. The hard fall will create speed which is then shot forward by using all of their strength to push off their back foot to create acceleration. This sudden burst of speed catches the opponent off guard as they're not expecting a lazy fall to turn into an extremely fast movement. The swordsman then finishes with and upward slash across the target's torso.
~Can only be used by a person trained in the Ogame school of kenjutsu.
~Can only be used thrice per battle.
~Can only be tracked by two tomoe sharingan and above.
Kagatsuchi Kata: The second form is Kagutsuchi Kata (Form of the Fire God) in which the swordsman utilizes their entire bodies to produce powerful attacks capable of breaking through steel.

Form of the Fire God | Pillar of Fire
(Kagatsuchi Kata: Hibashira)
Type: Attack
Rank: B/A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20/30
Damage: 40/60
Description: The form of the fire god is a stance of the Ogame school in which the swordsman focuses on raw power for their attacks. In this technique the swordsman holds the sword over their head in their right hand with the tip pointed down so the blade is vertical and splitting their face. Their left hand is held horizonatally over their head with the fist bisecting the right elbow. They then flick the sword up while at the same time flicking their left hand up so both the sword and their left hand are now pointing up, and then they will bring the sword down in a whipping motion putting the full force of the attack in the tip of the blade. They use their entire body by dropping to the ground and bringing the left arm down as well to create as much power as possible. This makes their attacks capable of breaking through standard weapons such as kunai, shuriken, and even other standard swords. This technique can be upgraded through the addition of fire chakra causing the blade to glow red and sear through its target.
-Can only be used by a person trained in the Ogame school of kenjutsu.
-Can only be used twice per battle.
Oboro Kata: The third form is Oboro Kata (Form of the Moon God; Form of the Void) where the swordsman uses specific body movements to simultaneously dodge an attack while also closing distance.

Form of the Void | Shadow Stitch
(Oboro Kata: Kagenui)
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The form of the void is a style of the Ogame school in which the swordsman makes quick movements to simultaneously dodge an attack and close the distance on their target. With this technique the swordsman rotates their body to narrowly avoid an incoming attack while simultaneously stepping forward to close the distance to their opponent. By doing this they move into extremely close range while the opponent over extends themselves, creating an opening for attack while the opponent is incapable of defending themselves. This can only be used to avoid certain techniques such as other kenjutsu or taijutsu, or even narrow elemental techniques. Larger techniques such as large fireballs would be too large to avoid.
~Can only be used by a person trained in the Ogame school of kenjutsu.
~Can only be used twice per battle.
Mizuchi Kata: The fourth form is Mizuchi Kata (Form of the Water God) where the user performs fluid movements by changing their grip mid attack. This causes the attacks to suddenly and fluidly change their course allowing them to slip past the defense of an enemy.

Form of the Water Dragon | Imperial Wrath
(Mizuchi Kata: Gekirin)
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: 40
Description: The form of the water dragon is a style of the Ogame school which focuses on bypassing an enemy's guard with a quick alteration of the attack. In this technique the swordsman stands with their left foot forward and knees slightly bent. They hold their sword over their right shoulder with their left forearm horizontal across their chest and their right forearm vertical at their side and their hands gripped on the sword just at their shoulder. The swordsman then steps forward and begins to swing the sword in a straight vertical motion. The obvious defense to this is to meet the sword high as it comes down. But as the swordsman swings down they quickly switch their hand position so the blade deviates to the left before continuing downward, creating an S-shaped attack. The quick movement allows the swordsman to move their blade around the target's defense and hit them.
~Can only be used by a person trained in the Ogame school of kenjutsu.
~Can only be used four times per battle.
Dokou Kata: The fifth form is the Dokou Kata (Form of the Earth God) where the user focuses on stout and powerful defenses to deflect, disarm or destroy an opponent's weapon while opening their defenses to attack.


Additional effects and Restrictions: This style involves an incredible knowledge and control over one's own body movements. Mastery of different forms give the swordsman advantages over others. A practitioner in this style is capable of mastering up to two of the five forms and gain the bonuses from those, the two forms they master must be stated in their biography (though they're still capable of using all five).
  • Fire: Increased Strength
  • Lightning: Increased Speed
  • Void: Increased Reaction Time
  • Water: Able to string attacks together quicker
  • Earth: Increased Durability
±± Pending ±± This is all ok except for one thing...is this samurai exclusive or can it be used by shinobi as well? Also, note that if i approve this, i can't decline some additional elemental NinKenjutsu that might be submitted because you are basically patenting all five which would be unfair. however, i'll be sure not to approve any that can collide with yours. So your own uniqueness is kept.

Giant Tortoise Style (Ogame Ryu)

Type: Kenjutsu/Nin-kenjutsu

Background: The Giant Tortoise Style was created in the Land of Iron by a swordsman who had observed a large shinobi battle. During the battle he made note of the different elements the ninja used and how those elements acted. After returning to the land of iron he began experimenting with both movements in order to recreate the nature of the elements he saw. Over the next decade he developed the Giant Tortoise Style as well as the Ogame Dojo, where it would be taught.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: This style revolved around five main forms, each representing a different element. The different forms have their own strengths and weaknesses and usually a person trained in this school will have certain styles which fit their persona. After several samurai in the Land of Iron learned to unlock their elemental chakra for short periods of time, some of these techniques were combined with their actual elements to increase their strength.

Ikazuchi Kata: The first form is Ikazuchi Kata (Form of the Thunder and Lightning God) in which the user relies on fast and direct movements to attack the opponent.

Form of Thunder and Lightning God | Purple Lightning Flash
(Ikazuchi Kata: Shidensen)
Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30 (+5)
Damage: 60 (+5)
Description: The form of thunder and lightning God is a style of the Ogame school which focuses on raw speed to attack the target. In this technique the swordsman will stand sideways and crouch down with their right shoulder tilted down. They will hold their sword with both hands vertically in front of the back shoulder and behind the head. They will then release their strength and throw their body towards the ground, appearing to fall. The hard fall will create speed which is then shot forward by using all of their strength to push off their back foot to create acceleration. This sudden burst of speed catches the opponent off guard as they're not expecting a lazy fall to turn into an extremely fast movement. The swordsman then finishes with and upward slash across the target's torso. If the swordsman is capable, they can add a lightning aspect to this attack by imbuing their blade with lightning, increasing its cutting ability slightly.
~Can only be used by a person trained in the Ogame school of kenjutsu.
~Can only be used thrice per battle.
~Can only be tracked by two tomoe sharingan and above.

Kagatsuchi Kata: The second form is Kagutsuchi Kata (Form of the Fire God) in which the swordsman utilizes their entire bodies to produce powerful attacks capable of breaking through steel.

Form of the Fire God | Pillar of Fire
(Kagatsuchi Kata: Hibashira)
Type: Attack
Rank: B/A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20/30
Damage: 40/60
Description: The form of the fire god is a stance of the Ogame school in which the swordsman focuses on raw power for their attacks. In this technique the swordsman holds the sword over their head in their right hand with the tip pointed down so the blade is vertical and splitting their face. Their left hand is held horizonatally over their head with the fist bisecting the right elbow. They then flick the sword up while at the same time flicking their left hand up so both the sword and their left hand are now pointing up, and then they will bring the sword down in a whipping motion putting the full force of the attack in the tip of the blade. They use their entire body by dropping to the ground and bringing the left arm down as well to create as much power as possible. This makes their attacks capable of breaking through standard weapons such as kunai, shuriken, and even other standard swords. This technique can be upgraded through the addition of fire chakra causing the blade to glow red and sear through its target.
-Can only be used by a person trained in the Ogame school of kenjutsu.
-Can only be used twice per battle.

Oboro Kata: The third form is Oboro Kata (Form of the Moon God; Form of the Void) where the swordsman uses specific body movements to simultaneously dodge an attack while also closing distance.

Form of the Void | Shadow Stitch
(Oboro Kata: Kagenui)
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The form of the void is a style of the Ogame school in which the swordsman makes quick movements to simultaneously dodge an attack and close the distance on their target. With this technique the swordsman rotates their body to narrowly avoid an incoming attack while simultaneously stepping forward to close the distance to their opponent. By doing this they move into extremely close range while the opponent over extends themselves, creating an opening for attack while the opponent is incapable of defending themselves. This can only be used to avoid certain techniques such as other kenjutsu or taijutsu, or even narrow elemental techniques. Larger techniques such as large fireballs would be too large to avoid.
~Can only be used by a person trained in the Ogame school of kenjutsu.
~Can only be used twice per battle.

Mizuchi Kata: The fourth form is Mizuchi Kata (Form of the Water God) where the user performs fluid movements by changing their grip mid attack. This causes the attacks to suddenly and fluidly change their course allowing them to slip past the defense of an enemy.

Form of the Water Dragon | Imperial Wrath
(Mizuchi Kata: Gekirin)
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: 40
Description: The form of the water dragon is a style of the Ogame school which focuses on bypassing an enemy's guard with a quick alteration of the attack. In this technique the swordsman stands with their left foot forward and knees slightly bent. They hold their sword over their right shoulder with their left forearm horizontal across their chest and their right forearm vertical at their side and their hands gripped on the sword just at their shoulder. The swordsman then steps forward and begins to swing the sword in a straight vertical motion. The obvious defense to this is to meet the sword high as it comes down. But as the swordsman swings down they quickly switch their hand position so the blade deviates to the left before continuing downward, creating an S-shaped attack. The quick movement allows the swordsman to move their blade around the target's defense and hit them.
~Can only be used by a person trained in the Ogame school of kenjutsu.
~Can only be used four times per battle.

Dokou Kata: The fifth form is the Dokou Kata (Form of the Earth God) where the user focuses on stout and powerful defenses to deflect, disarm or destroy an opponent's weapon while opening their defenses to attack.

(Dokou Kata: Igari) | Form of the Earth God: Boulder Eater
Type: Defense
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 (+5 for earth chakra)
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique is used to both block an incoming attack and open an enemy's defenses. When faced with an incoming attack the user will position their blade to completely stop the attack. Rather than deflecting it, its positioned so the blades/weapons reach a stalemate and become locked. At this point the user takes a step forward while twisting their blade, pushing their opponent off balance and to the ground while also disarming them of their weapon. This leaves them wide open to a follow up attack. The user, if capable, can channel earth chakra through their blade to increase its defensive capabilities. This technique is only useful against other physical attacks such as kenjutsu or taijutsu. Elemental techniques such as fire, lightning or wind would be un-blockable through this method, though earth and water techniques can be split in half.
-Can only be used by a person trained in the Ogame school of kenjutsu.
-Can be used three times per battle.
-Can defend against B-rank and below attacks physical attacks (A-rank if used with earth chakra).

Additional effects and Restrictions: This style involves an incredible knowledge and control over one's own body movements. Mastery of different forms give the swordsman advantages over others. A practitioner in this style is capable of mastering up to two of the five forms and gain the bonuses from those, the two forms they master must be stated in their biography (though they're still capable of using all five). This style is also usable by both Samurai and Shinobi, though Samurai are only able to take advantage of the elemental additions to the techniques if they possess the means to use elemental chakra (Zen's Harmony technique).
  • Fire: Increased Strength
  • Lightning: Increased Speed
  • Void: Increased Reaction Time
  • Water: Able to string attacks together quicker
  • Earth: Increased Durability
(Understood, in regards to the second part about not being able to decline other forms of Ken/Ninkenjutsu)
P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

Typon, our loyal member, gave on the a request for a Patent on custom fighting style Giant Tortoise Style (Ogame Ryu). I, Riku.. of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me by Nexus, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;​

Giant Tortoise Style (Ogame Ryu)
Powered by Riku..
Copyright 2012, Typhon, NarutoBase.net

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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Yakekoge Gigei | Fiery Arts
Fiery Scorch Arts was created by a simple Scorch KG user from Suna who originated to Konoha. He traveled all across the world with a book on his Scorch Clan, The source of where their power came from, How it originates, and how to further use that power. He then started practicing the art of his scorch KG to master it. As he mastered it he realize that his KG can be used as more than just whats wrote down in the history books about his clan. He then went fourth to learn how to utilize scorch chakra all throughout his body, Transfer his scorch chakra into objects, and even in some cases further the power of Wind/Fire combos thus making Fiery Arts.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Fiery Arts is a style of mainly Taijutsu but is used secondary for other uses. The user will channel scorch chakra to their hands and/or feet. Thus giving them a bright yellowish glow around the body part they channeled scorch chakra to. Due to the user mastering their Scorch KG they can withstand the heat and keep it active for as long as they please. The User main objective is to land blows on the opponent draining the water out of their body and causing burns to their body. The special thing about this is that it dont only affects the water in the opponents body But their Water chakra, draining that also. It dosent affect it much but getting punched several times with scorch infused hands will eventually disable you from using Water jutsus up to a certain rank. Seeing as the Scorch KG is pretty much heatwaves in physically form. The user can punch the air as their hands are enveloped in scorch sending heatwaves towards the opponent, severely heating up the air around them. Anoter other way to use Fiery Arts is to channel their Scorch chakra into an object. (Kunai, Shurkien, Shied, Sword,. Etc. Anything solid). The user will of course channel their scorch chakra onto the object making it spread around the object. Giving it a Scorch like quality not affecting the object itself but more so giving it a layer of armor. If I coat a sword with Scorch chakra, I could land an attack on the opponent. If the attack is landed, the scorch coated on the sword would of course not only deal a cut but give the opponent a massive burn on the cut. A Kunai/shuriken coated in scorch would increase the speed and the destructive property (due to the Wind and Fire). And the most basic, Wind/Fire Combos. Seeing As Scorch is Wind and Fire. It can be used to strengthen wind and fire as a combination by adding scorch chakra to the combo increasing the damage by the combo

Jutsu Examples

Fiery Envelope
Range:Short (Heatwaves are up to Mid range)
Description: The user will coat their arms/legs in Scorch chakra. This is not a jutsu but an activation. The user can then strike the opponent as many times as they want. With every strike to the opponents body the opponent water in their body and their water chakra will drain everytime .On top of giving them harsh burns. If the opponent gets hit more then 5 times the opponent will start to get drowsy also making them able to only use S rank water jutsus and below for two turns. If they get hit more then 7 times It will cause the opponent to suffer from slight Fatigue causing the opponent to only Use 2 Jutsus at a time for that one turn. More than 9 strikes They will only be able to use A Rank water and below... 11 strikes B rank and below. Etc. This is not a jutsu as i said before but an activation and can be activated at will and un activated at will. This can also be used if the user punches the air as their hands are coated, A heat wave will travel up to mid range heating the air up causing the oppenent to choke for a short period of time (about 3 seconds) due to sudden heat they breathe in (Its a fact people cant breathe well in heat) Only downfall about this technique is.. The user is not able to use any jutsus besides scorch jutsu while activated.

Fiery Coating
Type: Sup/Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short
Damage: N/a (Depending on the weapon)
Description: The user will infuse scorch onto an object. If the user coats a sword in scorch, The sword will get a more Hot and destructive edge to it. Causing massive burns upon impact. Coating a kunai/shuriken can be used to add more speed and power to it (Fire and Wind chakra). If i was to create a huge Shuriken (Like the one itachi made) and infuse it With Scorch it can be used to throw at Water jutsus (Up to A rank) and Evaporate the water jutsu and have the shuriken continue on its regular course

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-One Must Have Mastered Scorch KG
-One Must Have a scorch bio and held it for up to 3months
-One Must have Mastered Fire & Wind
-One Must have started in Taijutsu
Banned from the custom system.
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